private rule NSFreeCode : NSFree Family { meta: description = "NSFree code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-24" strings: // push vars then look for MZ $ = { 53 56 57 66 81 38 4D 5A } // nops then look for PE\0\0 $ = { 90 90 90 90 81 3F 50 45 00 00 } condition: all of them } private rule NSFreeStrings : NSFree Family { meta: description = "NSFree Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-24" strings: $ = "\\MicNS\\" nocase $ = "NSFreeDll" wide ascii // xor 0x58 dos stub $ = { 0c 30 31 2b 78 28 2a 37 3f 2a 39 35 78 3b 39 36 36 37 } condition: any of them } rule NSFree : Family { meta: description = "NSFree" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-24" condition: NSFreeCode or NSFreeStrings }