// yara sigs for detecting common suicide scripts rule SuicideScriptL1 { meta: copyright = "2015 Novetta Solutions" author = "Novetta Threat Research & Interdiction Group - trig@novetta.com" strings: $ = ":L1\ndel \"%s\"\nif exist \"%s\" goto L1\ndel \"%s\"\n" condition: any of them } rule SuicideScriptR1_Multi { meta: copyright = "2015 Novetta Solutions" author = "Novetta Threat Research & Interdiction Group - trig@novetta.com" strings: $ = "\" goto R1\ndel /a \"" $ = "\"\nif exist \"" $ = "@echo off\n:R1\ndel /a \"" condition: all of them } rule SuicideScriptR { // joanap, joanapCleaner meta: copyright = "2015 Novetta Solutions" author = "Novetta Threat Research & Interdiction Group - trig@novetta.com" strings: $ = ":R\nIF NOT EXIST %s GOTO E\ndel /a %s\nGOTO R\n:E\ndel /a d.bat" condition: all of them }