//PlugX APT Malware rule PlugXXOR { meta: author = "@abhinavbom" maltype = "NA" version = "0.1" date = "21/09/2015" description = "rule for PlugX XOR Routine" ref1 = "7048add2873b08a9693a60135f978686" strings: $hex_string = { 05 ?? ?? 00 00 8A D8 2A DC 89 45 FC 32 5D FE 81 E9 ?? ?? 00 00 2A 5D FF 89 4D F8 32 D9 2A DD 32 5D FA 2A 5D FB 32 1C 37 88 1E 46 4A 75 D2 5F 5B } condition: all of them } //APT1-Group Rule for sample used during exercise rule BOUNCER_APT1 { meta: author = "@abhinavbom" maltype = "NA" version = "0.1" date = "21/09/2015" info = "CommentCrew-threat-apt1" strings: $s1 = "*Qd9kdgba33*%Wkda0Qd3kvn$*&><(*&%$E#%$#1234asdgKNAg@!gy565dtfbasdg" wide ascii $s2 = "IDR_DATA%d" wide ascii $s3 = "asdfqwe123cxz" wide ascii $s4 = "Mode must be 0(encrypt) or 1(decrypt)." wide ascii condition: ($s1 and $s2) or ($s3 and $s4) }