rule bookworm_dll_by_name : malware { meta: author = "@h3x2b " description = "Match ushata by the name" strings: $dll01 = "ushata.dll" $dll02 = "XecureIO_v20.dll" condition: any of them and filesize < 10000 } rule bookworm_dll_by_signature : malware { meta: author = "@h3x2b " description = "Detect bookworm.dll loader" strings: $a = { 80 34 18 58 } $b = { 80 34 18 78 } $c = { 80 34 18 D0 } condition: all of them } rule bookworm_payload_by_modules_names : malware { meta: description = "Detect ushata payload by usage of more than 2 modules" author = "@h3x2b " strings: $mod_01 = "Leader.dll" $mod_02 = "Coder.dll" $mod_03 = "Digest.dll" $mod_04 = "AES.dll" $mod_05 = "KBLogger.dll" $mod_06 = "Network.dll" $mod_07 = "Resolver.dll" $mod_08 = "HTTP.dll" $mod_09 = "WinINetwork.dll" $mod_10 = "ushata.dll" $mod_11 = "ProgramStartup" condition: 3 of them } rule bookworm_payload_match : malware { meta: description = "Detect bookworm payload by encrypted header" author = "@h3x2b " strings: $bookworm_payload_01 = { b0 78 58 d0 58 20 01 fd 0d 68 68 d0 5d 28 48 e0 58 28 3c 71 68 78 58 d0 } condition: 1 of them }