rule auriga : apt { strings: $a = "%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x" $b = "auriga" $c = "McUpdate" $d = "download" $e = "upload" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule bouncer_dll : apt { strings: $a = "select" $b = "%s: %s" $c = "sa:%s" $d = ";PWD=" $e = "Computer Numbers: %d" condition: filesize < 350KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule bouncer_exe : apt { strings: $a = "*Qd9kdgba33*%Wkda0Qd3kvn$*&><(*&%$E#%$#1234asdgKNAg@!gy565dtfbasdg" $b = "dump" $c = "IDR_DATA%d" condition: filesize < 300KB and (3 of ($a,$b,$c)) } rule bouncer2_exe : apt { strings: $a = "asdfqwe123cxz" $b = "dump" $c = "loadlibrary kernel32 error %d" condition: filesize < 300KB and (3 of ($a,$b,$c)) } rule calendar : apt { strings: $a = "DownRun success" $b = "GoogleLogin auth=" $c = "" $d = "log command" $e = "%s: %s" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule combos : apt { strings: $a = "showthread.php?t=" $b = "Getfile" $c = "Putfile" $d = "file://" $e = "https://%s" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule cookiebag : apt { strings: $a = "?ID=" $b = ".asp" $c = "clientkey" $d = "GetCommand" $e = "Set-Cookie:" condition: filesize < 100KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule dairy : apt { strings: $a = "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c" $b = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0;)" $c = "dir %temp%" $d = "pklist" $e = "pkkill" condition: filesize < 100KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule gdocupload : apt { strings: $a = "CONOUT$" $b = "length=%d,time=%fsec,speed=%fk" $c = "%s%s%s" $d = "" $e = "x-fpp-command: 0" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule getmail : apt { strings: $a = "Lu's Zany Message Store" $b = "IP" $c = "%s%i %s%i" $d = "-c key too long(MAX=16)" $e = "-f file name too long" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule glooxmail : apt { strings: $a = "This is gloox" $b = "Getfile Abrot!" $c = "glooxtest" condition: filesize < 100KB and (3 of ($a,$b,$c)) } rule goggles : apt { strings: $a = "thequickbrownfxjmpsvalzydg" $b = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; %s.%s)" condition: filesize < 200KB and (2 of ($a,$b)) } rule greencat : apt { strings: $a = "computer name:" $b = "McUpdate" $c = "%s\\%d.bmp" $d = "version: %s v%d.%d build %d%s" $e = "Ca Incert" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule hacksfase : apt { strings: $a = "!@#%$^#@!" $b = "Cann't create remote process!" $c = "tthacksfas@#$" condition: filesize < 300KB and (3 of ($a,$b,$c)) } rule helauto : apt { strings: $a = "D-o-w-n-l-o-a-d-f-i-l-e%s******%d@@@@@@%d" $b = "%*s %d %s" $c = "cmd /c net stop RasAuto" condition: filesize < 100KB and (3 of ($a,$b,$c)) } rule kurton : apt { strings: $a = "HttpsUp||" $b = "!(*@)(!@PORT!(*@)(!@URL" $c = "root\\%s" $d = "HttpsFile||" $e = "Config service %s ok" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule lightbolt : apt { strings: $a = "bits.exe a all.jpg .\\ALL -hp%s" $b = "The %s store has been opened" $c = "Machine%d" $d = "Service%d" $e = "7z;ace;arj;bz2;cab;gz;jpeg;jpg;lha;lzh;mp3;rar;taz;tgz;z;zip" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule lightdart : apt { strings: $a = "0123456789ABCDEF" $b = "ErrCode=%ld" $c = "ret.log" $d = "Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0" $e = "szURL" condition: filesize < 200KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule longrun : apt { strings: $a = "%s\\%c%c%c%c%c%c%c" $b = "thequickbrownfxjmpsvalzydg" condition: filesize < 300KB and (2 of ($a,$b)) } rule macromail : apt { strings: $a = "get ok %d" $b = "put ok" $c = "GW-IP=" $d = "" $e = "" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule manitsme : apt { strings: $a = "rouji" $b = "Visual Studio" $c = "UglyGorilla" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c)) } rule mapiget : apt { strings: $a = "WNetCancelConnection2W" $b = "WNetAddConnection2W" $c = "%s -f:filename" $d = "CreateProcessWithLogonW" $e = "" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule miniasp : apt { strings: $a = ".asp?device_t=%s&key=%s&device_id=%s&cv=%s" $b = "result=%s" $c = "command=%s" $d = "wakeup=" condition: filesize < 300KB and (4 of ($a,$b,$c,$d)) } rule newsreels : apt { strings: $a = "name=%s&userid=%04d&other=%c%s" $b = "thequickbrownfxjmpsvalzydg" condition: filesize < 300KB and (2 of ($a,$b)) } rule seasalt : apt { strings: $a = "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" $b = "upfileok" $c = "upfileer" $d = "configserver" condition: filesize < 300KB and (4 of ($a,$b,$c,$d)) } rule starsypound : apt { strings: $a = "*(SY)# cmd" $b = "send = %d" $c = "cmd.exe" $d = "COMSPEC" condition: filesize < 100KB and (4 of ($a,$b,$c,$d)) } rule sword : apt { strings: $a = "Agent%ld" $b = "thequickbrownfxjmpsvalzydg" $c = "down:" $d = "exit" condition: filesize < 100KB and (4 of ($a,$b,$c,$d)) } rule tabmsgsql : apt { strings: $a = "accessip:%s" $b = "clientip:%s" $c = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; )" $d = "fromid:%s" condition: filesize < 300KB and (4 of ($a,$b,$c,$d)) } rule tarsip : apt { strings: $a = "%s/%s?%s" $b = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0;" $c = "Can not xo file!" $d = "cnnd" condition: filesize < 100KB and (4 of ($a,$b,$c,$d)) } rule tarsip_eclipse : apt { strings: $a = "Eclipse" $b = "PIGG" $c = "WAKPDT" $d = "show.asp?" $e = "flink?" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule warp : apt { strings: $a = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; )" $b = "%u.%u.%u.%u" $c = "System info for machine" $d = "%2.2d-%2.2d-%4.4d %2.2d:%2.2d" $e = "https" condition: filesize < 300KB and (5 of ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)) } rule webc2_adspace : apt { strings: $a = "ntshrui" $b = "Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System" condition: filesize < 100KB and (2 of ($a,$b)) } rule webc2_ausov : apt { strings: $a = "ntshrui" $b = "Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System" condition: filesize < 300KB and (2 of ($a,$b)) } rule webc2_bolid : apt { strings: $a = ".htmlEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsleep:" $b = "downloadcopy:" $c = "geturl:" $d = "Q3JlYXRlUHJvY2Vzc0E=" condition: filesize < 100KB and (4 of ($a,$b,$c,$d)) } rule webc2_clover : apt { strings: $a = "m i c r o s o f t" $b = "Default.asp" $c = "background=" $d = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)" condition: filesize < 100KB and (4 of ($a,$b,$c,$d)) } rule webc2_cson : apt { strings: $a = "/Default.aspx?INDEX=" $b = "/Default.aspx?ID=" $c = "Windows+NT+5.1" $d = "" $b = "CreateThread() failed: %d" $c = "class=" condition: filesize < 100KB and (3 of ($a,$b,$c)) } rule webc2_ugx : apt { strings: $a = "!@#dmc#@!" $b = "!@#tiuq#@!" $c = "!@#troppusnu#@!" condition: filesize < 100KB and (3 of ($a,$b,$c)) } rule webc2_y21k : apt { strings: $a = "c2xlZXA=" $b = "+Windows+NT+5.1" $c = "cXVpdA==" condition: filesize < 100KB and (3 of ($a,$b,$c)) } rule webc2_yahoo : apt { strings: $a = "