rule apt_CN_TwistedPanda_droppers { meta: author = "Check Point Research" description = "Detect droppers used by TwistedPanda" reference = "" date = "2022-04-14" hash = "59dea38da6e515af45d6df68f8959601e2bbf0302e35b7989e741e9aba2f0291" hash = "8b04479fdf22892cdfebd6e6fbed180701e036806ed0ddbe79f0b29f73449248" hash = "f29a0cda6e56fc0e26efa3b6628c6bcaa0819a3275a10e9da2a8517778152d66" strings: // 81 FA ?? ?? ?? ?? cmp edx, 4BED1896h // 75 ?? jnz short loc_140001829 // E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? call sub_1400019D0 // 48 89 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? mov cs:qword_14001ED38, rax // E? ?? ?? ?? ?? jmp loc_1400018DD $switch_control = { 81 FA [4] 75 ?? E8 [4] 48 89 05 [4] E? } // 41 0F ?? ?? movsx edx, byte ptr [r9] // 44 ?? ?? or r8d, edx // 41 ?? ?? 03 rol r8d, 3 // 41 81 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? xor r8d, 0EF112233h // 41 ?? ?? mov eax, r10d $byte_manipulation = { 41 0F [2] 44 [2] 41 [2] 03 41 81 [5] 41 } // %public% $stack_strings_1 = { 25 00 70 00 } $stack_strings_2 = { 75 00 62 00 } $stack_strings_3 = { 6C 00 69 00 } $stack_strings_4 = { 63 00 25 00 } condition: // MZ signature at offset 0 and ... uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and // ... PE signature at offset stored in MZ header at 0x3C uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550 and filesize < 3000KB and #switch_control > 8 and all of ($stack_strings_*) and $byte_manipulation }