private rule APT3102Code : APT3102 Family { meta: description = "3102 code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-25" strings: $setupthread = { B9 02 07 00 00 BE ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B F8 6A 00 F3 A5 } condition: any of them } private rule APT3102Strings : APT3102 Family { meta: description = "3102 Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-25" strings: $ = "rundll32_exec.dll\x00Update" // this is in the encrypted code - shares with 9002 variant //$ = "POST http://%ls:%d/%x HTTP/1.1" condition: any of them } private rule APT9002Code : APT9002 Family { meta: description = "9002 code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-25" strings: // start code block $ = { B9 7A 21 00 00 BE ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B F8 ?? ?? ?? F3 A5 } // decryption from other variant with multiple start threads $ = { 8A 14 3E 8A 1C 01 32 DA 88 1C 01 8B 54 3E 04 40 3B C2 72 EC } condition: any of them } private rule APT9002Strings : APT9002 Family { meta: description = "9002 Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-25" strings: $ = "POST http://%ls:%d/%x HTTP/1.1" $ = "%%TEMP%%\\" wide ascii $ = "%TEMP%\\" wide ascii $ = "%%TEMP%%\\" wide ascii // also triggers on surtr $ = "mydll.dll\x00DoWork" $ = "sysinfo\x00sysbin01" $ = "\\FlashUpdate.exe" condition: any of them } rule APT_NGO_wuaclt { strings: $a = "%%APPDATA%%\\Microsoft\\wuauclt\\wuauclt.dat" $b = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)" $c = "/news/show.asp?id%d=%d" $d = "%%APPDATA%%\\Microsoft\\wuauclt\\" $e = "0l23kj@nboxu" $f = "%%s.asp?id=%%d&Sid=%%d" $g = "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SP Q%%d)" $h = "Cookies: UseID=KGIOODAOOK%%s" condition: ($a and $b and $c) or ($d and $e) or ($f and $g and $h) } rule APT_NGO_wuaclt_PDF { strings: $pdf = "%PDF" nocase $comment = {3C 21 2D 2D 0D 0A 63 57 4B 51 6D 5A 6C 61 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 63 77 53 64 63 6A 4B 7A 38 35 6D 37 4A 56 6D 37 4A 46 78 6B 5A 6D 5A 6D 52 44 63 5A 58 41 73 6D 5A 6D 5A 7A 42 4A 31 79 73 2F 4F 0D 0A} condition: $pdf at 0 and $comment in (0..200) } rule SNOWGLOBE_Babar_Malware { meta: description = "Detects the Babar Malware used in the SNOWGLOBE attacks - file babar.exe" author = "Florian Roth" reference = "" date = "2015/02/18" hash = "27a0a98053f3eed82a51cdefbdfec7bb948e1f36" score = 80 strings: $mz = { 4d 5a } $z0 = "admin\\Desktop\\Babar64\\Babar64\\obj\\DllWrapper" ascii fullword $z1 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSI 6.0;" ascii fullword $z2 = "ExecQueryFailled!" fullword ascii $z3 = "NBOT_COMMAND_LINE" fullword $z4 = "!!!EXTRACT ERROR!!!File Does Not Exists-->[%s]" fullword $s1 = "/s /n %s \"%s\"" fullword ascii $s2 = "%%WINDIR%%\\%s\\%s" fullword ascii $s3 = "/c start /wait " fullword ascii $s4 = "(D;OICI;FA;;;AN)(A;OICI;FA;;;BG)(A;OICI;FA;;;SY)(A;OICI;FA;;;LS)" ascii $x1 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System\\" fullword ascii $x2 = "%COMMON_APPDATA%" fullword ascii $x4 = "CONOUT$" fullword ascii $x5 = "cmd.exe" fullword ascii $x6 = "DLLPATH" fullword ascii condition: ( $mz at 0 ) and filesize < 1MB and (( 1 of ($z*) and 1 of ($x*) ) or( 3 of ($s*) and 4 of ($x*) )) } private rule BangatCode : Bangat Family { meta: description = "Bangat code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-10" strings: // dec [ebp + procname], push eax, push edx, call get procaddress $ = { FE 4D ?? 8D 4? ?? 50 5? FF } condition: any of them } private rule BangatStrings : Bangat Family { meta: description = "Bangat Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-10" strings: $lib1 = "DreatePipe" $lib2 = "HetSystemDirectoryA" $lib3 = "SeleaseMutex" $lib4 = "DloseWindowStation" $lib5 = "DontrolService" $file = "~hhC2F~.tmp" $mc = "~_MC_3~" condition: all of ($lib*) or $file or $mc } private rule BoousetCode : Boouset Family { meta: description = "Boouset code tricks" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: $boousetdat = { C6 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 62 C6 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 6F C6 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 6F C6 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 75 } condition: any of them } private rule BoousetStrings : Boouset Family { meta: description = "Boouset Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: //$s1 = "Q\x00\x00\x00\x00W\x00\x00\x00\x00E\x00\x00\x00\x00R\x00\x00\x00\x00T\x00\x00\x00\x00Y\x00\x00\x00\x00" //$s2 = "A\x00\x00\x00\x00S\x00\x00\x00\x00D\x00\x00\x00\x00F\x00\x00\x00\x00G\x00\x00\x00\x00H" //$s3 = "Z\x00\x00\x00\x00X\x00\x00\x00\x00C\x00\x00\x00\x00V\x00\x00\x00\x00B\x00\x00\x00\x00N\x00\x00\x00\x00" $s4 = "\\~Z8314.tmp" $s5 = "hulee midimap" wide ascii condition: any of them } private rule ComfooCode : Comfoo Family { meta: description = "Comfoo code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-20" strings: $resource = { 6A 6C 6A 59 55 E8 01 FA FF FF } condition: any of them } private rule ComfooStrings : Comfoo Family { meta: description = "Comfoo Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-20" strings: $ = "fefj90" $ = "iamwaitingforu653890" $ = "watchevent29021803" $ = "THIS324NEWGAME" $ = "ms0ert.temp" $ = "\\mstemp.temp" condition: any of them } private rule CookiesStrings : Cookies Family { meta: description = "Cookies Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-20" strings: $zip1 = "ntdll.exePK" $zip2 = "AcroRd32.exePK" $zip3 = "Setup=ntdll.exe\x0d\x0aSilent=1\x0d\x0a" $zip4 = "Setup=%temp%\\AcroRd32.exe\x0d\x0a" $exe1 = "Leave GetCommand!" $exe2 = "perform exe success!" $exe3 = "perform exe failure!" $exe4 = "Entry SendCommandReq!" $exe5 = "Reqfile not exist!" $exe6 = "LeaveDealUpfile!" $exe7 = "Entry PostData!" $exe8 = "Leave PostFile!" $exe9 = "Entry PostFile!" $exe10 = "\\" wide ascii $exe11 = "the url no respon!" condition: (2 of ($zip*)) or (2 of ($exe*)) } private rule cxpidCode : cxpid Family { meta: description = "cxpid code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-23" strings: $entryjunk = { 55 8B EC B9 38 04 00 00 6A 00 6A 00 49 75 F9 } condition: any of them } private rule cxpidStrings : cxpid Family { meta: description = "cxpid Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-23" strings: $ = "/cxpid/submit.php?SessionID=" $ = "/cxgid/" $ = "E21BC52BEA2FEF26D005CF" $ = "E21BC52BEA39E435C40CD8" $ = " -,L-,O+,Q-,R-,Y-,S-" condition: any of them } private rule EnfalCode : Enfal Family { meta: description = "Enfal code tricks" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: // mov al, 20h; sub al, bl; add [ebx+esi], al; push esi; inc ebx; call edi; cmp ebx, eax $decrypt = { B0 20 2A C3 00 04 33 56 43 FF D7 3B D8 } condition: any of them } private rule EnfalStrings : Enfal Family { meta: description = "Enfal Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: $ = "D:\\work\\\xe6\xba\x90\xe5\x93\xa5\xe5\x85\x8d\xe6\x9d\x80\\tmp\\Release\\ServiceDll.pdb" $ = "e:\\programs\\LuridDownLoader" $ = "LuridDownloader for Falcon" $ = "DllServiceTrojan" $ = "\\k\\\xe6\xa1\x8c\xe8\x9d\xa2\\" $ = "EtenFalcon\xef\xbc\x88\xe4\xbf\xae\xe6\x94\xb9\xef\xbc\x89" $ = "Madonna\x00Jesus" $ = "/iupw82/netstate" $ = "fuckNodAgain" $ = "iloudermao" $ = "Crpq2.cgi" $ = "Clnpp5.cgi" $ = "Dqpq3ll.cgi" $ = "dieosn83.cgi" $ = "Rwpq1.cgi" $ = "/Ccmwhite" $ = "/Cmwhite" $ = "/Crpwhite" $ = "/Dfwhite" $ = "/Query.txt" $ = "/Ufwhite" $ = "/cgl-bin/Clnpp5.cgi" $ = "/cgl-bin/Crpq2.cgi" $ = "/cgl-bin/Dwpq3ll.cgi" $ = "/cgl-bin/Owpq4.cgi" $ = "/cgl-bin/Rwpq1.cgi" $ = "/trandocs/mm/" $ = "/trandocs/netstat" $ = "NFal.exe" $ = "LINLINVMAN" $ = "7NFP4R9W" condition: any of them } private rule EzcobStrings : Ezcob Family { meta: description = "Ezcob Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-23" strings: $ = "\x12F\x12F\x129\x12E\x12A\x12E\x12B\x12A\x12-\x127\x127\x128\x123\x12" $ = "\x121\x12D\x128\x123\x12B\x122\x12E\x128\x12-\x12B\x122\x123\x12D\x12" $ = "Ezcob" wide ascii $ = "l\x12i\x12u\x122\x120\x121\x123\x120\x124\x121\x126" $ = "20110113144935" condition: any of them } rule ws_f0xy_downloader { meta: description = "f0xy malware downloader" author = "Nick Griffin (Websense)" strings: $mz="MZ" $string1="bitsadmin /transfer" $string2="del rm.bat" $string3="av_list=" condition: ($mz at 0) and (all of ($string*)) } private rule HTMLVariant : FakeM Family HTML Variant { meta: description = "Identifier for html variant of FAKEM" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "2014-05-20" strings: // decryption loop $s1 = { 8B 55 08 B9 00 50 00 00 8D 3D ?? ?? ?? 00 8B F7 AD 33 C2 AB 83 E9 04 85 C9 75 F5 } //mov byte ptr [ebp - x] y, x: 0x10-0x1 y: 0-9,A-F $s2 = { C6 45 F? (3?|4?) } condition: $s1 and #s2 == 16 } //todo: need rules for other variants rule FakeM : Family { meta: description = "FakeM" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "2014-07-03" condition: HTMLVariant } rule FAKEMhtml : Variant { meta: description = "Rule for just the HTML Variant" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "2014-07-10" condition: HTMLVariant } private rule FavoriteCode : Favorite Family { meta: description = "Favorite code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-24" strings: // standard string hiding $ = { C6 45 ?? 3B C6 45 ?? 27 C6 45 ?? 34 C6 45 ?? 75 C6 45 ?? 6B C6 45 ?? 6C C6 45 ?? 3B C6 45 ?? 2F } $ = { C6 45 ?? 6F C6 45 ?? 73 C6 45 ?? 73 C6 45 ?? 76 C6 45 ?? 63 C6 45 ?? 65 C6 45 ?? 78 C6 45 ?? 65 } condition: any of them } private rule FavoriteStrings : Favorite Family { meta: description = "Favorite Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-24" strings: $string1 = "!QAZ4rfv" $file1 = "msupdater.exe" $file2 = "FAVORITES.DAT" condition: any of ($string*) or all of ($file*) } rule GeorBotBinary { strings: $a = {63 72 ?? 5F 30 00 6B 65 72 6E 65 6C 33 32 2E 64 6C 6C} condition: all of them } rule GeorBotMemory { strings: $a = {53 4F 46 54 57 41 52 45 5C 00 4D 69 63 72 6F 73 6F 66 74 5C 00 57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73 5C 43 75 72 72 65 6E 74 56 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 5C 00 52 75 6E 00 55 53 42 53 45 52 56} $b = {73 79 73 74 65 6D 33 32 5C 75 73 62 73 65 72 76 2E 65 78 65} $c = {5C 75 73 62 73 65 72 76 2E 65 78 65} condition: $a and ($b or $c) } private rule GlassesCode : Glasses Family { meta: description = "Glasses code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-22" strings: $ = { B8 AB AA AA AA F7 E1 D1 EA 8D 04 52 2B C8 } $ = { B8 56 55 55 55 F7 E9 8B 4C 24 1C 8B C2 C1 E8 1F 03 D0 49 3B CA } condition: any of them } private rule GlassesStrings : Glasses Family { meta: description = "Strings used by Glasses" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-22" strings: $ = "thequickbrownfxjmpsvalzydg" $ = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Windows NT 5.1; MSIE 7.0; Trident/4.0; %s.%s)" $ = "\" target=\"NewRef\">" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_ron_babylon { strings: $a = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploaddir\"" $b1 = "MBVDFRESCT" $b2 = "EMSCBVDFRT" $b3 = "EMSFRTCBVD" $b4= "sendFile" $b5 = "BUGMAAL" $b6 = "sMAAL" $b7 = "SIMPLE" $b8 = "SPLIME" $b9 = "getkey.php" $b10 = "MBVDFRESCT" $b11 = "DSMBVCTFRE" $b12 = "MBESCVDFRT" $b13 = "TCBFRVDEMS" $b14 = "DEMOMAKE" $b15 = "DEMO" $b16 = "UPHTTP" $c1 = "F39D45E70395ABFB8D8D2BFFC8BBD152" $c2 = "90B452BFFF3F395ABDC878D8BEDBD152" $c3 = "FFF3F395A90B452BB8BEDC878DDBD152" $c4 = "5A9DCB8FFF3F02B8B45BE39D152" $c5 = "5A902B8B45BEDCB8FFF3F39D152" $c6 = "78DDB5A902BB8FFF3F398B45BEDCD152" $c7 = "905ABEB452BFFFBDC878D83F39DBD152" $c8 = "D2BFFC8BBD152F3B8D89D45E70395ABF" $c9 = "8765F3F395A90B452BB8BEDC878" $c10 = "90ABDC878D8BEDBB452BFFF3F395D152" $c11 = "F12BDC94490B452AA8AEDC878DCBD187" condition: $a and (1 of ($b*) or 1 of ($c*)) } rule Hangover_Fuddol { strings: $a = "\\Http downloader(fud)" $b = "Fileexists" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_UpdateEx { strings: $a1 = "UpdateEx" $a2 = "VBA6.DLL" $a3 = "MainEx" $a4 = "GetLogs" $a5 = "ProMan" $a6 = "RedMod" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_Tymtin_Degrab { strings: $a1 = "&dis=no&utp=op&mfol=" $a2 = "value1=1&value2=2" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_Smackdown_Downloader { strings: $a1 = "DownloadComplete" $a2 = "DownloadProgress" $a3 = "DownloadError" $a4 = "UserControl" $a5 = "MSVBVM60.DLL" $b1 = "syslide" $b2 = "frmMina" $b3 = "Soundsman" $b4 = "New_upl" $b5 = "MCircle" $b6 = "shells_DataArrival" condition: 3 of ($a*) and 1 of ($b*) } rule Hangover_Vacrhan_Downloader { strings: $a1 = "pranVacrhan" $a2 = "VBA6.DLL" $a3 = "Timer1" $a4 = "Timer2" $a5 = "IsNTAdmin" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_Smackdown_various { strings: $a1 = "pranVacrhan" $a2 = "NaramGaram" $a3 = "vampro" $a4 = "AngelPro" $b1 = "VBA6.DLL" $b2 = "advpack" $b3 = "IsNTAdmin" condition: 1 of ($a*) and all of ($b*) } rule Hangover_Foler { strings: $a1 = "\\MyHood" $a2 = "UsbP" $a3 = "ID_MON" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_Appinbot { strings: $a1 = "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" $a2 = "Process32First" $a3 = "Process32Next" $a4 = "FIDR/" $a5 = "SUBSCRIBE %d" $a6 = "CLOSE %d" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_Linog { strings: $a1 = "uploadedfile" $a2 = "Error in opening a file.." $a3 = "The file could not be opened" $a4 = "%sContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\";filename=\"%s\"" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_Iconfall { strings: $a1 = "iconfall" $a2 = "78DDB5A902BB8FFF3F398B45BEDCD152" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_Deksila { strings: $a1 = "WinInetGet/0.1" $a2 = "dekstop2007.ico" $a3 = "mozila20" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_Auspo { strings: $a1 = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV2)" $a2 = "POWERS" $a3 = "AUSTIN" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_Slidewin { strings: $a1 = "[NumLock]" $a2 = "[ScrlLock]" $a3 = "[LtCtrl]" $a4 = "[RtCtrl]" $a5 = "[LtAlt]" $a6 = "[RtAlt]" $a7 = "[HomePage]" $a8 = "[MuteOn/Off]" $a9 = "[VolDn]" $a10 = "[VolUp]" $a11 = "[Play/Pause]" $a12 = "[MailBox]" $a14 = "[Calc]" $a15 = "[Unknown]" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_Gimwlog { strings: $a1 = "file closed---------------------" $a2 = "new file------------------" $a3 = "md C:\\ApplicationData\\Prefetch\\" condition: all of them } rule Hangover_Gimwup { strings: $a1 = "=======inside while===========" $a2 = "scan finished" $a3 = "logFile.txt" condition: all of them } rule Hangover2_Downloader { strings: $a = "WinInetGet/0.1" wide ascii $b = "Excep while up" wide ascii $c = "&file=" wide ascii $d = "&str=" wide ascii $e = "?cn=" wide ascii condition: all of them } rule Hangover2_stealer { strings: $a = "MyWebClient" wide ascii $b = "Location: {[0-9]+}" wide ascii $c = "[%s]:[C-%s]:[A-%s]:[W-%s]:[S-%d]" wide ascii condition: all of them } rule Hangover2_backdoor_shell { strings: $a = "Shell started at: " wide ascii $b = "Shell closed at: " wide ascii $c = "Shell is already closed!" wide ascii $d = "Shell is not Running!" wide ascii condition: all of them } rule Hangover2_Keylogger { strings: $a = "iconfall" wide ascii $b = "/c ipconfig /all > " wide ascii $c = "Global\\{CHKAJESKRB9-35NA7-94Y436G37KGT}" wide ascii condition: all of them } private rule iexpl0reCode : iexpl0ree Family { meta: description = "iexpl0re code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-21" strings: $ = { 47 83 FF 64 0F 8C 6D FF FF FF 33 C0 5F 5E 5B C9 C3 } $ = { 80 74 0D A4 44 41 3B C8 7C F6 68 04 01 00 00 } $ = { 8A C1 B2 07 F6 EA 30 04 31 41 3B 4D 10 7C F1 } $ = { 47 83 FF 64 0F 8C 79 FF FF FF 33 C0 5F 5E 5B C9 C3 } // 88h decrypt $ = { 68 88 00 00 00 68 90 06 00 00 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? 89 3? E8 } $ = { BB 88 00 00 00 53 68 90 06 00 00 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? 89 3? E8 } condition: any of them } private rule iexpl0reStrings : iexpl0re Family { meta: description = "Strings used by iexpl0re" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-21" strings: $ = "%USERPROFILE%\\IEXPL0RE.EXE" $ = "\"<770j ((" $ = "\\Users\\%s\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\IEXPL0RE.LNK" $ = "\\Documents and Settings\\%s\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\IEXPL0RE.EXE" $ = "LoaderV5.dll" // stage 2 $ = "POST /index%0.9d.asp HTTP/1.1" $ = "GET /search?n=%0.9d&" $ = "DUDE_AM_I_SHARP-3.14159265358979x6.626176" $ = "WHO_A_R_E_YOU?2.99792458x1.25663706143592" $ = "BASTARD_&&_BITCHES_%0.8x" $ = "c:\\bbb\\eee.txt" condition: any of them } private rule IMulerCode : IMuler Family { meta: description = "IMuler code tricks" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-16" strings: // Load these function strings 4 characters at a time. These check the first two blocks: $L4_tmpSpotlight = { C7 ?? 2F 74 6D 70 C7 ?? 04 2F 53 70 6F } $L4_TMPAAABBB = { C7 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 54 4D 50 41 C7 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 41 42 42 } $L4_FILEAGENTVer = { C7 ?? 46 49 4C 45 C7 ?? 04 41 47 45 4E } $L4_TMP0M34JDF8 = { C7 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 54 4D 50 30 C7 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 4D 33 34 4A } $L4_tmpmdworker = { C7 ?? 2F 74 6D 70 C7 ?? 04 2F 2E 6D 64 } condition: any of ($L4*) } private rule IMulerStrings : IMuler Family { meta: description = "IMuler Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-16" strings: $ = "/cgi-mac/" $ = "xnocz1" $ = "checkvir.plist" $ = "/Users/apple/Documents/mac back" $ = "iMuler2" $ = "/Users/imac/Desktop/macback/" $ = "xntaskz.gz" $ = "2wmsetstatus.cgi" $ = "launch-0rp.dat" $ = "2wmupload.cgi" $ = "xntmpz" $ = "2wmrecvdata.cgi" $ = "xnorz6" $ = "2wmdelfile.cgi" $ = "/LanchAgents/checkvir" $ = "0PERA:%s" $ = "/tmp/Spotlight" $ = "/tmp/launch-ICS000" condition: any of them } private rule Insta11Code : Insta11 Family { meta: description = "Insta11 code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-23" strings: // jmp $+5; push 423h $jumpandpush = { E9 00 00 00 00 68 23 04 00 00 } condition: any of them } private rule Insta11Strings : Insta11 Family { meta: description = "Insta11 Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-23" strings: $ = "XTALKER7" $ = "Insta11 Microsoft" wide ascii $ = "wudMessage" $ = "ECD4FC4D-521C-11D0-B792-00A0C90312E1" $ = "B12AE898-D056-4378-A844-6D393FE37956" condition: any of them } rule KINS_dropper { meta: author = "AlienVault Labs" description = "Match protocol, process injects and windows exploit present in KINS dropper" strings: // Network protocol $n1 = "tid=%d&ta=%s-%x" fullword $n2 = "fid=%d" fullword $n3 = "%[^.].%[^(](%[^)])" fullword // Injects $i0 = "%s [%s %d] 77 %s" $i01 = "Global\\%s%x" $i1 = "Inject::InjectProcessByName()" $i2 = "Inject::CopyImageToProcess()" $i3 = "Inject::InjectProcess()" $i4 = "Inject::InjectImageToProcess()" $i5 = "Drop::InjectStartThread()" // UAC bypass $uac1 = "ExploitMS10_092" $uac2 = "\\globalroot\\systemroot\\system32\\tasks\\" ascii wide $uac3 = "HighestAvailable" ascii wide condition: 2 of ($n*) and 2 of ($i*) and 2 of ($uac*) } rule KINS_DLL_zeus { meta: author = "AlienVault Labs" description = "Match default bot in KINS leaked dropper, Zeus" strings: // Network protocol $n1 = "%BOTID%" fullword $n2 = "%opensocks%" fullword $n3 = "%openvnc%" fullword $n4 = /Global\\(s|v)_ev/ fullword // Crypted strings $s1 = "\x72\x6E\x6D\x2C\x36\x7D\x76\x77" $s2 = "\x18\x04\x0F\x12\x16\x0A\x1E\x08\x5B\x11\x0F\x13" $s3 = "\x39\x1F\x01\x07\x15\x19\x1A\x33\x19\x0D\x1F" $s4 = "\x62\x6F\x71\x78\x63\x61\x7F\x69\x2D\x67\x79\x65" $s5 = "\x6F\x69\x7F\x6B\x61\x53\x6A\x7C\x73\x6F\x71" condition: all of ($n*) and 1 of ($s*) } rule leverage_a { meta: author = "" version = "1.0" description = "OSX/Leverage.A" date = "2013/09" strings: $a1 = "ioreg -l | grep \"IOPlatformSerialNumber\" | awk -F" $a2 = "" $a3 = "rm '/Users/Shared/'" $script1 = "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to get the hidden of every login item'" $script2 = "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to get the name of every login item'" $script3 = "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to get the path of every login item'" $properties = "serverVisible \x00" condition: all of them } private rule LuckyCatCode : LuckyCat Family { meta: description = "LuckyCat code tricks" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: $xordecrypt = { BF 0F 00 00 00 F7 F7 ?? ?? ?? ?? 32 14 39 80 F2 7B } $dll = { C6 ?? ?? ?? 64 C6 ?? ?? ?? 6C C6 ?? ?? ?? 6C } $commonletters = { B? 63 B? 61 B? 73 B? 65 } condition: $xordecrypt or ($dll and $commonletters) } private rule LuckyCatStrings : LuckyCat Family { meta: description = "LuckyCat Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: $xorencrypted = { 77 76 75 7B 7A 79 78 7F 7E 7D 7C 73 72 71 70 } $tempvbs = "%s\\~temp.vbs" $countphp = "count.php\x00" $trojanname = "/WMILINK=.*TrojanName=/" $tmpfile = "d0908076343423d3456.tmp" $dirfile = "cmd /c dir /s /a C:\\\\ >'+tmpfolder+'\\\\C.tmp" $ipandmac = "objIP.DNSHostName+'_'+objIP.MACAddress.split(':').join('')+'_'+addinf+'@')" condition: any of them } private rule LURK0Header : Family LURK0 { meta: description = "5 char code for LURK0" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "07-21-2014" strings: $ = { C6 [5] 4C C6 [5] 55 C6 [5] 52 C6 [5] 4B C6 [5] 30 } condition: any of them } private rule CCTV0Header : Family CCTV0 { meta: description = "5 char code for LURK0" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "07-21-2014" strings: //if its just one char a time $ = { C6 [5] 43 C6 [5] 43 C6 [5] 54 C6 [5] 56 C6 [5] 30 } // bit hacky but for when samples dont just simply mov 1 char at a time $ = { B0 43 88 [3] 88 [3] C6 [3] 54 C6 [3] 56 [0-12] (B0 30 | C6 [3] 30) } condition: any of them } private rule SharedStrings : Family { meta: description = "Internal names found in LURK0/CCTV0 samples" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "07-22-2014" strings: // internal names $i1 = "Butterfly.dll" $i2 = /\\BT[0-9.]+\\ButterFlyDLL\\/ $i3 = "ETClientDLL" // dbx $d1 = "\\DbxUpdateET\\" wide $d2 = "\\DbxUpdateBT\\" wide $d3 = "\\DbxUpdate\\" wide // other folders $mc1 = "\\Micet\\" // embedded file names $n1 = "IconCacheEt.dat" wide $n2 = "IconConfigEt.dat" wide $m1 = "\x00\x00ERXXXXXXX\x00\x00" wide $m2 = "\x00\x00111\x00\x00" wide $m3 = "\x00\x00ETUN\x00\x00" wide $m4 = "\x00\x00ER\x00\x00" wide condition: any of them //todo: finetune this } private rule MacControlCode : MacControl Family { meta: description = "MacControl code tricks" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-17" strings: // Load these function strings 4 characters at a time. These check the first two blocks: $L4_Accept = { C7 ?? 41 63 63 65 C7 ?? 04 70 74 3A 20 } $L4_AcceptLang = { C7 ?? 41 63 63 65 C7 ?? 04 70 74 2D 4C } $L4_Pragma = { C7 ?? 50 72 61 67 C7 ?? 04 6D 61 3A 20 } $L4_Connection = { C7 ?? 43 6F 6E 6E C7 ?? 04 65 63 74 69 } $GEThgif = { C7 ?? 47 45 54 20 C7 ?? 04 2F 68 2E 67 } condition: all of ($L4*) or $GEThgif } private rule MacControlStrings : MacControl Family { meta: description = "MacControl Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-17" strings: $ = "HTTPHeadGet" $ = "/Library/launched" $ = "My connect error with no ip!" $ = "Send File is Failed" $ = "****************************You Have got it!****************************" condition: any of them } rule Careto { meta: author = "AlienVault (Alberto Ortega)" description = "TheMask / Careto generic malware signature" reference = "" strings: /* General */ $name1 = "Careto" ascii wide $s_1 = "GetSystemReport" ascii wide $s_2 = "SystemReport.txt" ascii wide $s_3 = /URL_AUX\w*=/ ascii wide $s_4 = /CaretoPruebas.+release/ /* Certificate */ $sign_0 = "Sofia" $sign_1 = "TecSystem Ltd" $sign_2 = "<<>>" wide /* Encryption keys */ $rc4_1 = "!$7be&.Kaw-12[}" ascii wide $rc4_2 = "Caguen1aMar" ascii wide /* */ $rc4_3 = {8d 85 86 8a 8f 80 88 83 8d 82 88 85 86 8f 8f 87 8d 82 83 82 8c 8e 83 8d 89 82 86 87 82 83 83 81} /* Decryption routine fragment */ $dec_1 = {8b 4d 08 0f be 04 59 0f be 4c 59 01 2b c7 c1 e0 04 2b cf 0b c1 50 8d 85 f0 fe ff ff} $dec_2 = {8b 4d f8 8b 16 88 04 11 8b 06 41 89 4d f8 c6 04 01 00 43 3b 5d fc} condition: $name1 and (any of ($s_*)) or all of ($sign_*) or any of ($rc4_*) or all of ($dec_*) } rule Careto_SGH { meta: author = "AlienVault (Alberto Ortega)" description = "TheMask / Careto SGH component signature" reference = "" strings: $m1 = "PGPsdkDriver" ascii wide fullword $m2 = "jpeg1x32" ascii wide fullword $m3 = "SkypeIE6Plugin" ascii wide fullword $m4 = "CDllUninstall" ascii wide fullword condition: 2 of them } rule Careto_OSX_SBD { meta: author = "AlienVault (Alberto Ortega)" description = "TheMask / Careto OSX component signature" reference = "" strings: /* XORed "/dev/null strdup() setuid(geteuid())" */ $1 = {FF 16 64 0A 7E 1A 63 4D 21 4D 3E 1E 60 0F 7C 1A 65 0F 74 0B 3E 1C 7F 12} condition: all of them } rule Careto_CnC { meta: author = "AlienVault (Alberto Ortega)" description = "TheMask / Careto CnC communication signature" reference = "" strings: $1 = "cgi-bin/commcgi.cgi" ascii wide $2 = "Group" ascii wide $3 = "Install" ascii wide $4 = "Bn" ascii wide condition: all of them } rule Careto_CnC_domains { meta: author = "AlienVault (Alberto Ortega)" description = "TheMask / Careto known command and control domains" reference = "" strings: $1 = "" ascii wide nocase $2 = "" ascii wide nocase $3 = "" ascii wide nocase condition: any of them } private rule MirageStrings : Mirage Family { meta: description = "Mirage Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-25" strings: $ = "Neo,welcome to the desert of real." wide ascii $ = "/result?hl=en&id=%s" condition: any of them } private rule MongalCode : Mongal Family { meta: description = "Mongal code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-15" strings: // gettickcount value checking $ = { 8B C8 B8 D3 4D 62 10 F7 E1 C1 EA 06 2B D6 83 FA 05 76 EB } condition: any of them } private rule MongalStrings : Mongal Family { meta: description = "Mongal Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-15" strings: $ = "NSCortr.dll" $ = "NSCortr1.dll" $ = "Sina.exe" condition: any of them } private rule NaikonCode : Naikon Family { meta: description = "Naikon code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-25" strings: // decryption $ = { 0F AF C1 C1 E0 1F } // imul eax, ecx; shl eah, 1fh $ = { 35 5A 01 00 00} // xor eax, 15ah $ = { 81 C2 7F 14 06 00 } // add edx, 6147fh condition: all of them } private rule NaikonStrings : Naikon Family { meta: description = "Naikon Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-25" strings: $ = "NOKIAN95/WEB" $ = "/tag=info&id=15" $ = "skg(3)=&3.2d_u1" $ = "\\Temp\\iExplorer.exe" $ = "\\Temp\\\"TSG\"" condition: any of them } private rule nAspyUpdateCode : nAspyUpdate Family { meta: description = "nAspyUpdate code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-14" strings: // decryption loop in dropper $ = { 8A 54 24 14 8A 01 32 C2 02 C2 88 01 41 4E 75 F4 } condition: any of them } private rule nAspyUpdateStrings : nAspyUpdate Family { meta: description = "nAspyUpdate Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-14" strings: $ = "\\httpclient.txt" $ = "password <=14" $ = "/%ldn.txt" $ = "Kill You\x00" condition: any of them } //will match both exe and dll components private rule NetTravExports : NetTraveler Family { meta: description = "Export names for dll component" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "2014-05-20" strings: //dll component exports $ = "?InjectDll@@YAHPAUHWND__@@K@Z" $ = "?UnmapDll@@YAHXZ" $ = "?g_bSubclassed@@3HA" condition: any of them } private rule NetTravStrings : NetTraveler Family { meta: description = "Identifiers for NetTraveler DLL" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "2014-05-20" strings: //network strings $ = "?action=updated&hostid=" $ = "travlerbackinfo" $ = "?action=getcmd&hostid=" $ = "%s?action=gotcmd&hostid=" $ = "%s?hostid=%s&hostname=%s&hostip=%s&filename=%s&filestart=%u&filetext=" //debugging strings $ = "\x00Method1 Fail!!!!!\x00" $ = "\x00Method3 Fail!!!!!\x00" $ = "\x00method currect:\x00" $ = /\x00\x00[\w\-]+ is Running!\x00\x00/ $ = "\x00OtherTwo\x00" condition: any of them } private rule NetpassStrings : NetPass Variant { meta: description = "Identifiers for netpass variant" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "2014-05-29" strings: $exif1 = "Device Protect ApplicatioN" wide $exif2 = "beep.sys" wide //embedded exe name $exif3 = "BEEP Driver" wide //embedded exe description $string1 = "\x00NetPass Update\x00" $string2 = "\x00%s:DOWNLOAD\x00" $string3 = "\x00%s:UPDATE\x00" $string4 = "\x00%s:uNINSTALL\x00" condition: all of ($exif*) or any of ($string*) } private rule NSFreeCode : NSFree Family { meta: description = "NSFree code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-24" strings: // push vars then look for MZ $ = { 53 56 57 66 81 38 4D 5A } // nops then look for PE\0\0 $ = { 90 90 90 90 81 3F 50 45 00 00 } condition: all of them } private rule NSFreeStrings : NSFree Family { meta: description = "NSFree Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-24" strings: $ = "\\MicNS\\" nocase $ = "NSFreeDll" wide ascii // xor 0x58 dos stub $ = { 0c 30 31 2b 78 28 2a 37 3f 2a 39 35 78 3b 39 36 36 37 } condition: any of them } private rule OlyxCode : Olyx Family { meta: description = "Olyx code tricks" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: $six = { C7 40 04 36 36 36 36 C7 40 08 36 36 36 36 } $slash = { C7 40 04 5C 5C 5C 5C C7 40 08 5C 5C 5C 5C } condition: any of them } private rule OlyxStrings : Olyx Family { meta: description = "Olyx Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: $ = "/Applications/" condition: any of them } private rule PlugXBootLDRCode : PlugX Family { meta: description = "PlugX boot.ldr code tricks" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-12" strings: //$callpop = { E8 00 00 00 00 58 } // Compares [eax+n] to GetProcAdd, one character at a time. This goes up to GetP: $GetProcAdd = { 80 38 47 75 36 80 78 01 65 75 30 80 78 02 74 75 2A 80 78 03 50 } // Load these function strings 4 characters at a time. These check the first two blocks: $L4_LoadLibraryA = { C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 4C 6F 61 64 C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 4C 69 62 72 } $L4_VirtualAlloc = { C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 56 69 72 74 C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 75 61 6C 41 } $L4_VirtualFree = { C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 56 69 72 74 C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 75 61 6C 46 } $L4_ExitThread = { C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 45 78 69 74 C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 54 68 72 65 } $L4_ntdll = { C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 6E 74 64 6C 66 C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) C6 00 } $L4_RtlDecompressBuffer = { C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 52 74 6C 44 C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 65 63 6F 6D } $L4_memcpy = { C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 6D 65 6D 63 66 C7 ( ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ) 70 79 } condition: /*($callpop at 0) or*/ $GetProcAdd or (all of ($L4_*)) } private rule PlugXStrings : PlugX Family { meta: description = "PlugX Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-12" strings: $BootLDR = "boot.ldr" wide ascii $Dwork = "d:\\work" nocase $Plug25 = "plug2.5" $Plug30 = "Plug3.0" $Shell6 = "Shell6" condition: $BootLDR or ($Dwork and ($Plug25 or $Plug30 or $Shell6)) } private rule PubSabCode : PubSab Family { meta: description = "PubSab code tricks" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: $decrypt = { 6B 45 E4 37 89 CA 29 C2 89 55 E4 } condition: any of them } private rule PubSabStrings : PubSab Family { meta: description = "PubSab Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: $ = "_deamon_init" $ = "" $ = "/tmp/screen.jpeg" condition: any of them } private rule QuarianCode : Quarian Family { meta: description = "Quarian code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-09" strings: // decrypt in intelnat.sys $ = { C1 E? 04 8B ?? F? C1 E? 05 33 C? } // decrypt in mswsocket.dll $ = { C1 EF 05 C1 E3 04 33 FB } $ = { 33 D8 81 EE 47 86 C8 61 } // loop in msupdate.dll $ = { FF 45 E8 81 45 EC CC 00 00 00 E9 95 FE FF FF } condition: any of them } private rule QuarianStrings : Quarian Family { meta: description = "Quarian Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-09" strings: $ = "s061779s061750" $ = "[OnUpLoadFile]" $ = "[OnDownLoadFile]" $ = "[FileTransfer]" $ = "---- Not connect the Manager, so start UnInstall ----" $ = "------- Enter CompressDownLoadDir ---------" $ = "------- Enter DownLoadDirectory ---------" $ = "[HandleAdditionalData]" $ = "[mswsocket.dll]" $ = "msupdate.dll........Enter ThreadCmd!" $ = "ok1-1" $ = "msupdate_tmp.dll" $ = "replace Rpcss.dll successfully!" $ = "f:\\loadhiddendriver-mdl\\objfre_win7_x86\\i386\\intelnat.pdb" $ = "\\drivercashe\\" wide ascii $ = "\\microsoft\\windwos\\" wide ascii $ = "\\DosDevices\\LOADHIDDENDRIVER" wide ascii $ = "\\Device\\LOADHIDDENDRIVER" wide ascii $ = "Global\\state_maping" wide ascii $ = "E:\\Code\\2.0\\2.0_multi-port\\2.0\\ServerInstall_New-2010-0913_sp3\\msupdataDll\\Release\\msupdate_tmp.pdb" $ = "Global\\unInstall_event_1554_Ower" wide ascii condition: any of them } private rule RegSubDatCode : RegSubDat Family { meta: description = "RegSubDat code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-14" strings: // decryption loop $ = { 80 34 3? 99 40 (3D FB 65 00 00 | 3B C6) 7? F? } // push then pop values $ = { 68 FF FF 7F 00 5? } $ = { 68 FF 7F 00 00 5? } condition: all of them } private rule RegSubDatStrings : RegSubDat Family { meta: description = "RegSubDat Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-14" strings: $avg1 = "Button" $avg2 = "Allow" $avg3 = "Identity Protection" $avg4 = "Allow for all" $avg5 = "AVG Firewall Asks For Confirmation" $mutex = "0x1A7B4C9F" condition: all of ($avg*) or $mutex } private rule RSharedStrings : Surtr Family { meta: description = "identifiers for remote and gmremote" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "07-21-2014" strings: $ = "nView_DiskLoydb" wide $ = "nView_KeyLoydb" wide $ = "nView_skins" wide $ = "UsbLoydb" wide $ = "%sBurn%s" wide $ = "soul" wide condition: any of them } private rule RemoteStrings : Remote Variant Surtr Family { meta: description = "indicators for remote.dll - surtr stage 2" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "07-21-2014" strings: $ = "\x00Remote.dll\x00" $ = "\x00CGm_PlugBase::" $ = "\x00ServiceMain\x00_K_H_K_UH\x00" $ = "\x00_Remote_\x00" wide condition: any of them } private rule GmRemoteStrings : GmRemote Variant Family Surtr { meta: description = "identifiers for gmremote: surtr stage 2" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "07-21-2014" strings: $ = "\x00x86_GmRemote.dll\x00" $ = "\x00D:\\Project\\GTProject\\Public\\List\\ListManager.cpp\x00" $ = "\x00GmShutPoint\x00" $ = "\x00GmRecvPoint\x00" $ = "\x00GmInitPoint\x00" $ = "\x00GmVerPoint\x00" $ = "\x00GmNumPoint\x00" $ = "_Gt_Remote_" wide $ = "%sBurn\\workdll.tmp" wide condition: any of them } /* * Check if File has shared identifiers among Surtr Stage 2's * Then look for unique identifiers to each variant */ rule GmRemote : Family Surtr Variant GmRemote { meta: description = "identifier for gmremote" author = "Katie Kleemola" last_updated = "07-25-2014" condition: RSharedStrings and GmRemoteStrings } private rule RookieCode : Rookie Family { meta: description = "Rookie code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-25" strings: // hidden AutoConfigURL $ = { C6 ?? ?? ?? 41 C6 ?? ?? ?? 75 [4] C6 ?? ?? ?? 6F C6 ?? ?? ?? 43 C6 ?? ?? ?? 6F C6 ?? ?? ?? 6E C6 ?? ?? ?? 66 } // hidden ProxyEnable $ = { C6 ?? ?? ?? 50 [4] C6 ?? ?? ?? 6F C6 ?? ?? ?? 78 C6 ?? ?? ?? 79 C6 ?? ?? ?? 45 C6 ?? ?? ?? 6E C6 ?? ?? ?? 61 } // xor on rand value? $ = { 8B 1D 10 A1 40 00 [18] FF D3 8A 16 32 D0 88 16 } condition: any of them } private rule RookieStrings : Rookie Family { meta: description = "Rookie Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-25" strings: $ = "RookIE/1.0" condition: any of them } private rule RooterCode : Rooter Family { meta: description = "Rooter code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-10" strings: // xor 0x30 decryption $ = { 80 B0 ?? ?? ?? ?? 30 40 3D 00 50 00 00 7C F1 } condition: any of them } private rule RooterStrings : Rooter Family { meta: description = "Rooter Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-10" strings: $group1 = "seed\x00" $group2 = "prot\x00" $group3 = "ownin\x00" $group4 = "feed0\x00" $group5 = "nown\x00" condition: 3 of ($group*) } private rule SafeNetCode : SafeNet Family { meta: description = "SafeNet code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-16" strings: // add edi, 14h; cmp edi, 50D0F8h $ = { 83 C7 14 81 FF F8 D0 40 00 } condition: any of them } private rule SafeNetStrings : SafeNet Family { meta: description = "Strings used by SafeNet" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-16" strings: $ = "6dNfg8Upn5fBzGgj8licQHblQvLnUY19z5zcNKNFdsDhUzuI8otEsBODrzFCqCKr" $ = "/safe/record.php" $ = "_Rm.bat" wide ascii $ = "try\x0d\x0a\x09\x09\x09\x09 del %s" wide ascii $ = "" wide ascii condition: any of them } private rule ScarhiknCode : Scarhikn Family { meta: description = "Scarhikn code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-25" strings: // decryption $ = { 8B 06 8A 8B ?? ?? ?? ?? 30 0C 38 03 C7 55 43 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 3B D8 59 72 E7 } $ = { 8B 02 8A 8D ?? ?? ?? ?? 30 0C 30 03 C6 8B FB 83 C9 FF 33 C0 45 F2 AE F7 D1 49 3B E9 72 E2 } condition: any of them } private rule ScarhiknStrings : Scarhikn Family { meta: description = "Scarhikn Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-25" strings: $ = "9887___skej3sd" $ = "haha123" condition: any of them } rule Scieron { meta: author = "Symantec Security Response" ref = "" date = "22.01.15" strings: // .text:10002069 66 83 F8 2C cmp ax, ',' // .text:1000206D 74 0C jz short loc_1000207B // .text:1000206F 66 83 F8 3B cmp ax, ';' // .text:10002073 74 06 jz short loc_1000207B // .text:10002075 66 83 F8 7C cmp ax, '|' // .text:10002079 75 05 jnz short loc_10002080 $code1 = {66 83 F? 2C 74 0C 66 83 F? 3B 74 06 66 83 F? 7C 75 05} // .text:10001D83 83 F8 09 cmp eax, 9 ; switch 10 cases // .text:10001D86 0F 87 DB 00 00 00 ja loc_10001E67 ; jumptable 10001D8C default case // .text:10001D8C FF 24 85 55 1F 00+ jmp ds:off_10001F55[eax*4] ; switch jump $code2 = {83 F? 09 0F 87 ?? 0? 00 00 FF 24} $str1 = "IP_PADDING_DATA" wide ascii $str2 = "PORT_NUM" wide ascii condition: all of them } rule TROJAN_Notepad { meta: Author = "RSA_IR" Date = "4Jun13" File = "notepad.exe v 1.1" MD5 = "106E63DBDA3A76BEEB53A8BBD8F98927" strings: $s1 = "75BAA77C842BE168B0F66C42C7885997" $s2 = "B523F63566F407F3834BCC54AAA32524" condition: $s1 or $s2 } rule Trojan_Derusbi { meta: Author = "RSA_IR" Date = "4Sept13" File = "derusbi_variants v 1.3" MD5 = " c0d4c5b669cc5b51862db37e972d31ec " strings: $b1 = {8b 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8b ce d3 ea 83 c6 ?? 30 90 ?? ?? ?? ?? 40 3b 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 72 ??} $b2 = {F3 5D 88 2E ?? ?? 00 00 BE 07 18 2E F0 5D 88 2E F7 5D 88 2E 0C A2 88 2E 4B 5D 88 2E F3 5D 88 2E} $b3 = {4E E6 40 BB} $b4 = {B1 19 BF 44} $b5 = {6A F5 44 3D ?? ?? 00 00 27 AF D4 3D 69 F5 44 3D 6E F5 44 3D 95 0A 44 3D D2 F5 44 3D 6A F5 44 3D} $b6 = {F3 5D 88 2E ?? ?? 00 00 BE 07 18 2E F0 5D 88 2E} $b7 = {D6 D5 A4 A3 ?? ?? 00 00 9B 8F 34 A3 D5 D5 A4 A3 D2 D5 A4 A3 29 2A A4 A3} $b8 = {C3 76 33 9F ?? ?? 00 00 8E 2C A3 9F C0 76 33 9F C7 76 33 9F 3C 89 33 9F} condition: 2 of ($b1, $b2, $b3, $b4) and 1 of ($b5, $b6, $b7, $b8) } private rule SurtrCode : Surtr Family { meta: author = "Katie Kleemola" description = "Code features for Surtr Stage1" last_updated = "2014-07-16" strings: //decrypt config $ = { 8A ?? ?? 84 ?? ?? 74 ?? 3C 01 74 ?? 34 01 88 41 3B ?? 72 ?? } //if Burn folder name is not in strings $ = { C6 [3] 42 C6 [3] 75 C6 [3] 72 C6 [3] 6E C6 [3] 5C } //mov char in _Fire $ = { C6 [3] 5F C6 [3] 46 C6 [3] 69 C6 [3] 72 C6 [3] 65 C6 [3] 2E C6 [3] 64 } condition: any of them } private rule SurtrStrings : Surtr Family { meta: author = "Katie Kleemola" description = "Strings for Surtr" last_updated = "2014-07-16" strings: $ = "\x00soul\x00" $ = "\x00InstallDll.dll\x00" $ = "\x00_One.dll\x00" $ = "_Fra.dll" $ = "CrtRunTime.log" $ = "Prod.t" $ = "Proe.t" $ = "Burn\\" $ = "LiveUpdata_Mem\\" condition: any of them } rule apt_c16_win_wateringhole { meta: author = "@dragonthreatlab " description = "Detects code from APT wateringhole" strings: $str1 = "function runmumaa()" $str2 = "Invoke-Expression $(New-Object IO.StreamReader ($(New-Object IO.Compression.DeflateStream ($(New-Object IO.MemoryStream (,$([Convert]::FromBase64String(" $str3 = "function MoSaklgEs7(k)" condition: any of ($str*) } rule apt_c16_win_swisyn { meta: author = "@dragonthreatlab" md5 = "a6a18c846e5179259eba9de238f67e41" description = "File matching the md5 above tends to only live in memory, hence the lack of MZ header check." strings: $mz = {4D 5A} $str1 = "/ShowWU" ascii $str2 = "IsWow64Process" $str3 = "regsvr32 " $str4 = {8A 11 2A 55 FC 8B 45 08 88 10 8B 4D 08 8A 11 32 55 FC 8B 45 08 88 10} condition: $mz at 0 and all of ($str*) } rule apt_c16_win32_dropper { meta: author = "@dragonthreatlab" md5 = "ad17eff26994df824be36db246c8fb6a" description = "APT malware used to drop PcClient RAT" strings: $mz = {4D 5A} $str1 = "clbcaiq.dll" ascii $str2 = "profapi_104" ascii $str3 = "/ShowWU" ascii $str4 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\" ascii $str5 = {8A 08 2A CA 32 CA 88 08 40 4E 75 F4 5E} condition: $mz at 0 and all of ($str*) } rule apt_c16_win64_dropper { meta: author = "@dragonthreatlab" md5 = "ad17eff26994df824be36db246c8fb6a" description = "APT malware used to drop PcClient RAT" strings: $mz = {4D 5A} $str1 = "clbcaiq.dll" ascii $str2 = "profapi_104" ascii $str3 = "\\Microsoft\\wuauclt\\wuauclt.dat" ascii $str4 = {0F B6 0A 48 FF C2 80 E9 03 80 F1 03 49 FF C8 88 4A FF 75 EC} condition: $mz at 0 and all of ($str*) } rule apt_c16_win_disk_pcclient { meta: author = "@dragonthreatlab " md5 = "55f84d88d84c221437cd23cdbc541d2e" description = "Encoded version of pcclient found on disk" strings: $header = {51 5C 96 06 03 06 06 06 0A 06 06 06 FF FF 06 06 BE 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 46 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 EE 06 06 06 10 1F BC 10 06 BA 0D D1 25 BE 05 52 D1 25 5A 6E 6D 73 26 76 74 6F 67 74 65 71 26 63 65 70 70 6F 7A 26 64 69 26 74 79 70 26 6D 70 26 4A 4F 53 26 71 6F 6A 69 30 11 11 0C 2A 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 73 43 96 1B 37 24 00 4E 37 24 00 4E 37 24 00 4E BA 40 F6 4E 39 24 00 4E 5E 41 FA 4E 33 24 00 4E 5E 41 FC 4E 39 24 00 4E 37 24 FF 4E 0D 24 00 4E FA 31 A3 4E 40 24 00 4E DF 41 F9 4E 36 24 00 4E F6 2A FE 4E 38 24 00 4E DF 41 FC 4E 38 24 00 4E 54 6D 63 6E 37 24 00 4E 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 56 49 06 06 52 05 09 06 5D 87 8C 5A 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 E6 06 10 25 0B 05 08 06 06 1C 06 06 06 1A 06 06 06 06 06 06 E5 27 06 06 06 16 06 06 06 36 06 06 06 06 06 16 06 16 06 06 06 04 06 06 0A 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 0A 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 76 06 06 06 0A 06 06 06 06 06 06 04 06 06 06 06 06 16 06 06 16 06 06} condition: $header at 0 } rule apt_c16_win_memory_pcclient { meta: author = "@dragonthreatlab " md5 = "ec532bbe9d0882d403473102e9724557" description = "File matching the md5 above tends to only live in memory, hence the lack of MZ header check." strings: $str1 = "Kill You" ascii $str2 = "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" ascii $str3 = "%4.2f KB" ascii $encodefunc = {8A 08 32 CA 02 CA 88 08 40 4E 75 F4} condition: all of them } private rule T5000Strings : T5000 Family { meta: description = "T5000 Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-26" strings: $ = "_tmpR.vbs" $ = "_tmpg.vbs" $ = "Dtl.dat" wide ascii $ = "3C6FB3CA-69B1-454f-8B2F-BD157762810E" $ = "EED5CA6C-9958-4611-B7A7-1238F2E1B17E" $ = "8A8FF8AD-D1DE-4cef-B87C-82627677662E" $ = "43EE34A9-9063-4d2c-AACD-F5C62B849089" $ = "A8859547-C62D-4e8b-A82D-BE1479C684C9" $ = "A59CF429-D0DD-4207-88A1-04090680F714" $ = "utd_CE31" wide ascii $ = "f:\\Project\\T5000\\Src\\Target\\1 KjetDll.pdb" $ = "l:\\MyProject\\Vc 7.1\\T5000\\T5000Ver1.28\\Target\\4 CaptureDLL.pdb" $ = "f:\\Project\\T5000\\Src\\Target\\4 CaptureDLL.pdb" $ = "E:\\VS2010\\xPlat2\\Release\\InstRes32.pdb" condition: any of them } rule urausy_skype_dat { meta: author = "AlienVault Labs" description = "Yara rule to match against memory of processes infected by Urausy skype.dat" strings: $a = "skype.dat" ascii wide $b = "skype.ini" ascii wide $win1 = "CreateWindow" $win2 = "YIWEFHIWQ" ascii wide $desk1 = "CreateDesktop" $desk2 = "MyDesktop" ascii wide condition: $a and $b and (all of ($win*) or all of ($desk*)) } private rule VidgrabCode : Vidgrab Family { meta: description = "Vidgrab code tricks" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-20" strings: $divbyzero = { B8 02 00 00 00 48 48 BA 02 00 00 00 83 F2 02 F7 F0 } // add eax, ecx; xor byte ptr [eax], ??h; inc ecx $xorloop = { 03 C1 80 30 (66 | 58) 41 } $junk = { 8B 4? ?? 8B 4? ?? 03 45 08 52 5A } condition: all of them } private rule VidgrabStrings : Vidgrab Family { meta: description = "Vidgrab Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-20" strings: $ = "IDI_ICON5" wide ascii $ = "starter.exe" $ = "wmifw.exe" $ = "Software\\rar" $ = "tmp092.tmp" $ = "temp1.exe" condition: 3 of them } private rule WarpCode : Warp Family { meta: description = "Warp code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-10" strings: // character replacement $ = { 80 38 2B 75 03 C6 00 2D 80 38 2F 75 03 C6 00 5F } condition: any of them } private rule WarpStrings : Warp Family { meta: description = "Warp Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-10" strings: $ = "/2011/n325423.shtml?" $ = "wyle" $ = "\\~ISUN32.EXE" condition: any of them } import "pe" rule WaterBug_wipbot_2013_core_PDF { meta: description = "Symantec Waterbug Attack - Trojan.Wipbot 2014 core PDF" author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "22.01.2015" reference = "" strings: $PDF = "%PDF-" $a = /\+[A-Za-z]{1}\. _ _ \$\+[A-Za-z]{1}\. _ \$ _ \+/ $b = /\+[A-Za-z]{1}\.\$\$\$ _ \+/ condition: ($PDF at 0) and #a > 150 and #b > 200 } rule WaterBug_wipbot_2013_dll { meta: description = "Symantec Waterbug Attack - Trojan.Wipbot 2014 Down.dll component" author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "22.01.2015" reference = "" strings: $string1 = "/%s?rank=%s" $string2 = "ModuleStart\x00ModuleStop\x00start" $string3 = "1156fd22-3443-4344-c4ffff" //read file... error.. $string4 = "read\x20file\x2E\x2E\x2E\x20error\x00\x00" condition: 2 of them } rule WaterBug_wipbot_2013_core { meta: description = "Symantec Waterbug Attack - Trojan.Wipbot core + core; garbage appended data (PDF Exploit leftovers) + wipbot dropper; fake AdobeRd32 Error" author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "22.01.2015" reference = "" strings: $mz = "MZ" $code1 = { 89 47 0C C7 47 10 90 C2 04 00 C7 47 14 90 C2 10 00 C7 47 18 90 90 60 68 89 4F 1C C7 47 20 90 90 90 B8 89 4F 24 C7 47 28 90 FF D0 61 C7 47 2C 90 C2 04 00} $code2 = { 85 C0 75 25 8B 0B BF ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 17 69 D7 0D 66 19 00 8D BA 5F F3 6E 3C 89 FE C1 EE 10 89 F2 30 14 01 40 3B 43 04 72 E4} $code3 = {90 90 90 ?? B9 00 4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 82 04} $code4 = {55 89 E5 5D C3 55 89 E5 83 EC 18 8B 45 08 85 C0} condition: $mz at 0 and (($code1 or $code2) or ($code3 and $code4)) } rule WaterBug_turla_dropper { meta: description = "Symantec Waterbug Attack - Trojan Turla Dropper" author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "22.01.2015" reference = "" strings: $a = {0F 31 14 31 20 31 3C 31 85 31 8C 31 A8 31 B1 31 D1 31 8B 32 91 32 B6 32 C4 32 6C 33 AC 33 10 34} $b = {48 41 4C 2E 64 6C 6C 00 6E 74 64 6C 6C 00 00 00 57 8B F9 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? C9 75 26 56 0F 20 C6 8B C6 25 FF FF FE FF 0F 22 C0 E8} condition: all of them } rule WaterBug_turla_dll { meta: description = "Symantec Waterbug Attack - Trojan Turla DLL" author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "22.01.2015" reference = "" strings: $a = /([A-Za-z0-9]{2,10}_){,2}Win32\.dll\x00/ condition: pe.exports("ee") and $a } rule WaterBug_fa_malware { meta: description = "Symantec Waterbug Attack - FA malware variant" author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "22.01.2015" reference = "" strings: $mz = "MZ" $string1 = "C:\\proj\\drivers\\fa _ 2009\\objfre\\i386\\atmarpd.pdb" $string2 = "d:\\proj\\cn\\fa64\\" $string3 = "sengoku_Win32.sys\x00" $string4 = "rk_ntsystem.c" $string5 = "\\uroboros\\" $string6 = "shell.{F21EDC09-85D3-4eb9-915F-1AFA2FF28153}" condition: ($mz at 0) and (any of ($string*)) } rule WaterBug_sav_dropper { meta: description = "Symantec Waterbug Attack - SAV Dropper" author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "22.01.2015" reference = "" strings: $mz = "MZ" $a = /[a-z]{,10}_x64.sys\x00hMZ\x00/ condition: ($mz at 0) and uint32(0x400) == 0x000000c3 and pe.number_of_sections == 6 and $a } rule WaterBug_sav { meta: description = "Symantec Waterbug Attack - SAV Malware" author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "22.01.2015" reference = "" strings: $mz = "MZ" $code1a = { 8B 75 18 31 34 81 40 3B C2 72 F5 33 F6 39 7D 14 76 1B 8A 04 0E 88 04 0F 6A 0F 33 D2 8B C7 5B F7 F3 85 D2 75 01 } $code1b = { 8B 45 F8 40 89 45 F8 8B 45 10 C1 E8 02 39 45 F8 73 17 8B 45 F8 8B 4D F4 8B 04 81 33 45 20 8B 4D F8 8B 55 F4 89 04 8A EB D7 83 65 F8 00 83 65 EC 00 EB 0E 8B 45 F8 40 89 45 F8 8B 45 EC 40 89 45 EC 8B 45 EC 3B 45 10 73 27 8B 45 F4 03 45 F8 8B 4D F4 03 4D EC 8A 09 88 08 8B 45 F8 33 D2 6A 0F 59 F7 F1 85 D2 75 07 } $code1c = { 8A 04 0F 88 04 0E 6A 0F 33 D2 8B C6 5B F7 F3 85 D2 75 01 47 8B 45 14 46 47 3B F8 72 E3 EB 04 C6 04 08 00 48 3B C6 73 F7 33 C0 C1 EE 02 74 0B 8B 55 18 31 14 81 40 3B C6 72 F5 } $code2 = { 29 5D 0C 8B D1 C1 EA 05 2B CA 8B 55 F4 2B C3 3D 00 00 00 01 89 0F 8B 4D 10 8D 94 91 00 03 00 00 73 17 8B 7D F8 8B 4D 0C 0F B6 3F C1 E1 08 0B CF C1 E0 08 FF 45 F8 89 4D 0C 8B 0A 8B F8 C1 EF 0B} condition: ($mz at 0) and (($code1a or $code1b or $code1c) and $code2) } rule WaterBug_ComRat { meta: description = "Symantec Waterbug Attack - ComRat Trojan" author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "22.01.2015" reference = "" strings: $mz = "MZ" $b = { C6 45 ?? ?? } $c = { C6 85 ?? FE FF FF ?? } //$d = { FF A0 ?? 0? 00 00 } $e = { 89 A8 ?? 00 00 00 68 ?? 00 00 00 56 FF D7 8B } $f = { 00 00 48 89 ?? ?? 03 00 00 48 8B } condition: ($mz at 0) and ((#c > 200 and #b > 200 ) or /*(#d > 40) and*/ (#e > 15 or #f > 30)) } private rule XtremeRATCode : XtremeRAT Family { meta: description = "XtremeRAT code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-09" strings: // call; fstp st $ = { E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? DD D8 } // hiding string $ = { C6 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4D C6 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 70 C6 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 64 C6 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 62 C6 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 6D } condition: all of them } private rule XtremeRATStrings : XtremeRAT Family { meta: description = "XtremeRAT Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-09" strings: $ = "dqsaazere" $ = "-GCCLIBCYGMING-EH-TDM1-SJLJ-GTHR-MINGW32" condition: any of them } private rule WimmieShellcode : Wimmie Family { meta: description = "Wimmie code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-17" strings: // decryption loop $ = { 49 30 24 39 83 F9 00 77 F7 8D 3D 4D 10 40 00 B9 0C 03 00 00 } $xordecrypt = {B9 B4 1D 00 00 [8] 49 30 24 39 83 F9 00 } condition: any of them } private rule WimmieStrings : Wimmie Family { meta: description = "Strings used by Wimmie" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-17" strings: $ = "\x00ScriptMan" $ = "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\sysprep\\cryptbase.dll" wide ascii $ = "ProbeScriptFint" wide ascii $ = "ProbeScriptKids" condition: any of them } rule YayihCode : Yayih Family { meta: description = "Yayih code features" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-11" strings: // encryption $ = { 80 04 08 7A 03 C1 8B 45 FC 80 34 08 19 03 C1 41 3B 0A 7C E9 } condition: any of them } rule YayihStrings : Yayih Family { meta: description = "Yayih Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-07-11" strings: $ = "/bbs/info.asp" $ = "\\msinfo.exe" $ = "%s\\%srcs.pdf" $ = "\\aumLib.ini" condition: any of them }