rule PoS_Malware_NewPOSThings2015 : newposthings2015 { meta: author = “Trend Micro, Inc.” date = “2015-03-10” description = “Used to detect NewPoSThings RAM scraper, including 2015 sample set” strings: $pdb1 = “C:\\Users\\Tom\\documents\\visual studio 2012\\Projects\\NewPosThings\\Release\\NewPosThings.pdb” nocase $pdb2 = “C:\\Final32\\Release\\Final.pdb” nocase $pdb3 = “C:\\Users\\Tom\\documents\\visual studio 2012\\Projects\\jsd_12.2\\Release\\jsd_12.2.pdb” nocase $pdb4 = “C:\\Users\\Tom\\documents\\visual studio 2012\\Projects\\jsd_12.2\\x64\\Release\\jsd_12.2.pdb” nocase $string0 = “Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run” wide $string1 = “Mozilla/4.0(compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 6.0)” wide $string2 = “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded” wide $string3 = “Use 64bit version.” wide $string4 = “SeDebugPrivilege” wide $string5 = “Java Update Manager” wide $string6 = “Java\\Javaj.exe” wide $string7 = “lsass.exe” wide $string8 = “aW5zZXJ0” condition: (any of ($pdb*)) or (all of ($str*)) }