import "pe" import "math" rule apt_ProjectSauron_pipe_backdoor { meta: copyright = "Kaspersky Lab" description = "Rule to detect ProjectSauron pipe backdoors" version = "1.0" reference = "" id = "5a1dd4b3-a03c-51bb-a7bc-25729b487f70" strings: $a1 = "CreateNamedPipeW" fullword ascii $a2 = "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl" fullword ascii $a3 = "GetOverlappedResult" fullword ascii $a4 = "TerminateThread" fullword ascii $a5 = "%s%s%X" fullword wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and (all of ($a*)) and filesize < 100000 } rule apt_ProjectSauron_encrypted_LSA { meta: copyright = "Kaspersky Lab" description = "Rule to detect ProjectSauron encrypted LSA samples" version = "1.0" reference = "" id = "f6fd8619-60f0-5c0d-aa66-cd0e154de63c" strings: $a1 = "EFEB0A9C6ABA4CF5958F41DB6A31929776C643DEDC65CC9B67AB8B0066FF2492" fullword ascii $a2 = "\\Device\\NdisRaw_" ascii $a3 = "\\\\.\\GLOBALROOT\\Device\\{8EDB44DC-86F0-4E0E-8068-BD2CABA4057A}" fullword wide $a4 = "Global\\{a07f6ba7-8383-4104-a154-e582e85a32eb}" fullword wide $a5 = "Missing function %S::#%d" fullword wide $a6 = {8945D08D8598FEFFFF2BD08945D88D45BC83C20450C745C0030000008975C48955DCFF55FC8BF88D8F0000003A83F90977305333DB53FF15} $a7 = {488D4C24304889442450488D452044886424304889442460488D4520C7442434030000002BD848897C243844896C244083C308895C246841FFD68D880000003A8BD883F909772DFF} condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and (any of ($a*) or ( pe.exports("InitializeChangeNotify") and pe.exports("PasswordChangeNotify") and math.entropy(0x400, filesize) >= 7.5 )) and filesize < 1000000 } rule apt_ProjectSauron_encrypted_SSPI { meta: copyright = "Kaspersky Lab" description = "Rule to detect encrypted ProjectSauron SSPI samples" version = "1.0" reference = "" id = "43c0e772-46d2-510e-bea1-6f505199f38c" condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and filesize < 1000000 and pe.exports("InitSecurityInterfaceA") and pe.characteristics & pe.DLL and (pe.machine == pe.MACHINE_AMD64 or pe.machine == pe.MACHINE_IA64) and math.entropy(0x400, filesize) >= 7.5 } rule apt_ProjectSauron_MyTrampoline { meta: copyright = "Kaspersky Lab" description = "Rule to detect ProjectSauron MyTrampoline module" version = "1.0" reference = "" id = "b4f2cabf-11da-5fa1-8c23-0a177f8a4741" strings: $a1 = ":\\System Volume Information\\{" wide $a2 = "\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive%d" wide $a3 = "DMWndClassX%d" $b1 = "{774476DF-C00F-4e3a-BF4A-6D8618CFA532}" ascii wide $b2 = "{820C02A4-578A-4750-A409-62C98F5E9237}" ascii wide condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and filesize < 5000000 and (all of ($a*) or any of ($b*)) } rule apt_ProjectSauron_encrypted_container { meta: copyright = "Kaspersky Lab" description = "Rule to detect ProjectSauron samples encrypted container" version = "1.0" reference = "" id = "4462ebd9-24eb-570a-94b8-6fa6bf2a5a63" strings: $vfs_header = {02 AA 02 C1 02 0?} $salt = {91 0A E0 CC 0D FE CE 36 78 48 9B 9C 97 F7 F5 55} condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and ((@vfs_header < 0x4000) or $salt) and math.entropy(0x400, filesize) >= 6.5 and (filesize > 0x400) and filesize < 10000000 } rule apt_ProjectSauron_encryption { meta: copyright = "Kaspersky Lab" description = "Rule to detect ProjectSauron string encryption" version = "1.0" reference = "" id = "b3139045-54f5-5d59-980b-8510faa9ad0e" strings: $a1 = {81??02AA02C175??8B??0685} $a2 = {918D9A94CDCC939A93939BD18B9AB8DE9C908DAF8D9B9BBE8C8C9AFF} $a3 = {803E225775??807E019F75??807E02BE75??807E0309} condition: filesize < 5000000 and any of ($a*) } rule apt_ProjectSauron_generic_pipe_backdoor { meta: copyright = "Kaspersky Lab" description = "Rule to detect ProjectSauron generic pipe backdoors" version = "1.0" reference = "" id = "77a82c67-7ee1-5d1f-ad75-28ce174e41bc" strings: $a = { C7 [2-3] 32 32 32 32 E8 } $b = { 42 12 67 6B } $c = { 25 31 5F 73 } $d = "rand" $e = "WS2_32" condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and (all of them) and filesize < 400000 }