/* Malware ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ rule TrojanDownloader { meta: description = "Trojan Downloader - Flash Exploit Feb15" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "http://goo.gl/wJ8V1I" date = "2015/02/11" hash = "5b8d4280ff6fc9c8e1b9593cbaeb04a29e64a81e" score = 60 id = "d61f59ef-31a3-5e52-9525-61910bb150db" strings: $x1 = "Hello World!" fullword ascii $x2 = "CONIN$" fullword ascii $s6 = "GetCommandLineA" fullword ascii $s7 = "ExitProcess" fullword ascii $s8 = "CreateFileA" fullword ascii $s5 = "SetConsoleMode" fullword ascii $s9 = "TerminateProcess" fullword ascii $s10 = "GetCurrentProcess" fullword ascii $s11 = "UnhandledExceptionFilter" fullword ascii $s3 = "user32.dll" fullword ascii $s16 = "GetEnvironmentStrings" fullword ascii $s2 = "GetLastActivePopup" fullword ascii $s17 = "GetFileType" fullword ascii $s19 = "HeapCreate" fullword ascii $s20 = "VirtualFree" fullword ascii $s21 = "WriteFile" fullword ascii $s22 = "GetOEMCP" fullword ascii $s23 = "VirtualAlloc" fullword ascii $s24 = "GetProcAddress" fullword ascii $s26 = "FlushFileBuffers" fullword ascii $s27 = "SetStdHandle" fullword ascii $s28 = "KERNEL32.dll" fullword ascii condition: $x1 and $x2 and ( all of ($s*) ) and filesize < 35000 } /* Yara Rule Set Author: Florian Roth Date: 2017-08-01 Identifier: IsmDoor Reference: https://twitter.com/Voulnet/status/892104753295110145 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ */ /* Rule Set ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ rule IsmDoor_Jul17_A2 { meta: description = "Detects IsmDoor Malware" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://twitter.com/Voulnet/status/892104753295110145" date = "2017-08-01" hash1 = "be72c89efef5e59c4f815d2fce0da5a6fac8c90b86ee0e424868d4ae5e550a59" hash2 = "ea1be14eb474c9f70e498c764aaafc8b34173c80cac9a8b89156e9390bd87ba8" id = "ea72a496-cbc8-56f6-a852-7af9761ea58e" strings: $s1 = "powershell -exec bypass -file \"" fullword ascii $s2 = "PAQlFcaWUaFkVICEx2CkNCUUpGcA" ascii $s3 = "\\Documents" ascii $s4 = "\\Libraries" ascii condition: ( uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 300KB and 3 of them ) } rule Unknown_Malware_Sample_Jul17_2 { meta: description = "Detects unknown malware sample with pastebin RAW URL" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "https://goo.gl/iqH8CK" date = "2017-08-01" hash1 = "3530d480db082af1823a7eb236203aca24dc3685f08c301466909f0794508a52" id = "ce82b9eb-a9cb-5122-85dc-22794174c2f8" strings: $s1 = "4System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol" fullword ascii $s2 = "https://pastebin.com/raw/" wide $s3 = "My.Computer" fullword ascii $s4 = "MyTemplate" fullword ascii condition: ( uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 200KB and all of them ) } rule MAL_unspecified_Jan18_1 { meta: description = "Detects unspecified malware sample" license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE" author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)" reference = "Internal Research" date = "2018-01-19" hash1 = "f87879b29ff83616e9c9044bd5fb847cf5d2efdd2f01fc284d1a6ce7d464a417" id = "f3187c60-8fff-54de-9918-2fb2301f2d92" strings: $s1 = "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" fullword ascii $s2 = "ping -n 1 -w %d >nul 2>&1" fullword ascii $s3 = "[Log Started] - [%.2d/%.2d/%d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d]" fullword ascii $s4 = "start /b \"\" cmd /c del \"%%~f0\"&exit /b" fullword ascii $s5 = "[%s] - [%.2d/%.2d/%d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d]" fullword ascii $s6 = "%s\\%s.bat" fullword ascii $s7 = "DEL /s \"%s\" >nul 2>&1" fullword ascii condition: filesize < 300KB and 2 of them }