rule WEBSHELL_Csharp_Hash_String_Oct22 { meta: description = "C# webshell using specific hash check for the password." license = "Detection Rule License 1.1" author = "Nils Kuhnert (modified by Florian Roth)" hash = "29c187ad46d3059dc25d5f0958e0e8789fb2a51b9daaf90ea27f001b1a9a603c" date = "2022-10-27" score = 60 id = "c7d459be-5e61-57b7-b738-051c0cec62d2" strings: $gen1 = "void Page_Load" ascii $gen2 = "FromBase64String" ascii $gen3 = "CryptoServiceProvider" ascii $gen4 = "ComputeHash" ascii $hashing1 = "BitConverter.ToString(" ascii /* Webshell uses ToString from a string: BitConverter.ToString(ptqVQ) */ $hashing2 = ").Replace(\"-\", \"\") == \"" ascii $filter1 = "BitConverter.ToString((" ascii /* Usually it's something like: return ((BitConverter.ToString((new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider() */ condition: filesize < 10KB and all of ($gen*) and all of ($hashing*) and not 1 of ($filter*) }