rule exploit_Office_Badwinmail { meta: author = "David Cannings" description = "Specific rule to detect files containing SWF objects, e.g. Badwinmail" ref = "" strings: $header_tnef = { 78 9F 3E 22 } $header_docf = { D0 CF 11 E0 } // Reduce FPs on other DOCF documents by requiring Outlook specific properties // Could be improved by taking further items from MS-OXMSG specs. $msg_recip = "__recip_version1.0" wide $msg_attach = "__attach_version1.0" wide $msg_props = "__properties_version" wide // TODO: Is there any requirement to signature RFC822 emails? // SWF class identifiers, as embedded in the document $embedded_clsid_hex = "D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" nocase wide ascii $embedded_class = "objclass ShockwaveFlash." $embedded_clsid = { 6e db 7c d2 6d ae cf 11 96 b8 44 45 53 54 00 00 } condition: ( $header_tnef at 0 or ( $header_docf at 0 and 2 of ($msg_*) ) ) and 1 of ($embedded*) }