private rule LuckyCatCode : LuckyCat Family { meta: description = "LuckyCat code tricks" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: $xordecrypt = { BF 0F 00 00 00 F7 F7 ?? ?? ?? ?? 32 14 39 80 F2 7B } $dll = { C6 ?? ?? ?? 64 C6 ?? ?? ?? 6C C6 ?? ?? ?? 6C } $commonletters = { B? 63 B? 61 B? 73 B? 65 } condition: $xordecrypt or ($dll and $commonletters) } private rule LuckyCatStrings : LuckyCat Family { meta: description = "LuckyCat Identifying Strings" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" strings: $xorencrypted = { 77 76 75 7B 7A 79 78 7F 7E 7D 7C 73 72 71 70 } $tempvbs = "%s\\~temp.vbs" $countphp = "count.php\x00" $trojanname = "/WMILINK=.*TrojanName=/" $tmpfile = "d0908076343423d3456.tmp" $dirfile = "cmd /c dir /s /a C:\\\\ >'+tmpfolder+'\\\\C.tmp" $ipandmac = "objIP.DNSHostName+'_'+objIP.MACAddress.split(':').join('')+'_'+addinf+'@')" condition: any of them } rule LuckyCat : Family { meta: description = "LuckyCat" author = "Seth Hardy" last_modified = "2014-06-19" condition: LuckyCatCode or LuckyCatStrings }