rule OSX_backdoor_EvilOSX { meta: description = "EvilOSX MacOS/OSX backdoor" author = "John Lambert @JohnLaTwC" reference = "," date = "2018-02-23" hash = "89e5b8208daf85f549d9b7df8e2a062e47f15a5b08462a4224f73c0a6223972a" strings: $h1 = /#!\/usr\/bin\/env\s+python/ $s0 = "import base64" fullword ascii $s1 = "b64decode" fullword ascii //strings present in decoded python script: $x0 = "EvilOSX" fullword ascii $x1 = "get_launch_agent_directory" fullword ascii //Base64 encoded versions of these strings //EvilOSX $enc_x0 = /(AHYAaQBsAE8AUwBYA|dmlsT1NY|RQB2AGkAbABPAFMAWA|RXZpbE9TW|UAdgBpAGwATwBTAFgA|V2aWxPU1)/ ascii //get_launch_agent_directory $enc_x1 = /(AGUAdABfAGwAYQB1AG4AYwBoAF8AYQBnAGUAbgB0AF8AZABpAHIAZQBjAHQAbwByAHkA|cAZQB0AF8AbABhAHUAbgBjAGgAXwBhAGcAZQBuAHQAXwBkAGkAcgBlAGMAdABvAHIAeQ|dldF9sYXVuY2hfYWdlbnRfZGlyZWN0b3J5|Z2V0X2xhdW5jaF9hZ2VudF9kaXJlY3Rvcn|ZwBlAHQAXwBsAGEAdQBuAGMAaABfAGEAZwBlAG4AdABfAGQAaQByAGUAYwB0AG8AcgB5A|ZXRfbGF1bmNoX2FnZW50X2RpcmVjdG9ye)/ ascii condition: $h1 at 0 and filesize < 30KB and all of ($s*) and 1 of ($x*) or 1 of ($enc_x*) } rule OSX_backdoor_Bella { meta: description = "Bella MacOS/OSX backdoor" author = "John Lambert @JohnLaTwC" reference = "" date = "2018-02-23" hash = "4288a81779a492b5b02bad6e90b2fa6212fa5f8ee87cc5ec9286ab523fc02446 cec7be2126d388707907b4f9d681121fd1e3ca9f828c029b02340ab1331a5524 e1cf136be50c4486ae8f5e408af80b90229f3027511b4beed69495a042af95be" strings: $h1 = /#!\/usr\/bin\/env\s+python/ //prereqs $s0 = "subprocess" fullword ascii $s1 = "import sys" fullword ascii $s2 = "shutil" fullword ascii $p0 = "create_bella_helpers" fullword ascii $p1 = "is_there_SUID_shell" fullword ascii $p2 = "BELLA IS NOW RUNNING" fullword ascii $p3 = "SELECT * FROM bella WHERE id" fullword ascii $subpart1_a = "inject_payloads" fullword ascii $subpart1_b = "check_if_payloads" fullword ascii $subpart1_c = "updateDB" fullword ascii $subpart2_a = "appleIDPhishHelp" fullword ascii $subpart2_b = "appleIDPhish" fullword ascii $subpart2_c = "iTunes" fullword ascii condition: $h1 at 0 and filesize < 120KB and @s0[1] < 100 and @s1[1] < 100 and @s2[1] < 100 and 1 of ($p*) or all of ($subpart1_*) or all of ($subpart2_*) } rule persistence_agent_macos { meta: hash = "4288a81779a492b5b02bad6e90b2fa6212fa5f8ee87cc5ec9286ab523fc02446 cec7be2126d388707907b4f9d681121fd1e3ca9f828c029b02340ab1331a5524 e1cf136be50c4486ae8f5e408af80b90229f3027511b4beed69495a042af95be" strings: $h1 = "#!/usr/bin/env python" $s_1= "