import "pe" rule Bannerjack { meta: author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "2015-07-01" description = "Butterfly BannerJack hacktool" reference = "" strings: $str_1 = "Usage: ./banner-jack [options]" $str_2 = "-f: file.csv" $str_3 = "-s: ip start" $str_4 = "-R: timeout read (optional, default %d secs)" condition: all of them } rule comrat { meta: author = "Symantec" malware = "COMRAT" Reference="" strings: $mz = "MZ" $b = {C645????} $c = {C685??FEFFFF??} //$d = {FFA0??0?0000} $e = {89A8??00000068??00000056FFD78B} $f = {00004889????030000488B} condition: ($mz at 0) and ((#c > 200 and #b > 200 ) /*or (#d > 40)*/ and (#e > 15 or #f > 30)) } rule Eventlog { meta: author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "2015-07-01" description = "Butterfly Eventlog hacktool" reference = "" strings: $str_1= "wevtsvc.dll" $str_2= "Stealing %S.evtx handle ..." $str_3= "ElfChnk" $str_4= "-Dr Dump all logs from a channel or .evtx file (raw" condition: all of them } rule fa { meta: author = "Symantec" reference = "" strings: $mz = "MZ" $string1 = "C:\\proj\\drivers\\fa _ 2009\\objfre\\i386\\atmarpd.pdb" $string2 = "d:\\proj\\cn\\fa64\\" $string3 = "sengoku _ Win32.sys\x00" $string4 = "rk _ ntsystem.c" $string5 = "\\uroboros\\" $string6 = "shell.{F21EDC09-85D3-4eb9-915F-1AFA2FF28153}" condition: ($mz at 0) and (any of ($string*)) } rule Hacktool { meta: author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "2015-07-01" description = "Butterfly hacktool" reference = "" strings: $str_1 = "\\\\.\\pipe\\winsession" wide $str_2 = "WsiSvc" wide $str_3 = "ConnectNamedPipe" $str_4 = "CreateNamedPipeW" $str_5 = "CreateProcessAsUserW" condition: all of them } private rule isPE { meta: Author = "Symantec" Reference = "" condition: uint16(0) == 0x5A4D and uint32(uint32(0x3c)) == 0x00004550 } rule jiripbot_ascii_str_decrypt { meta: author ="Symantec Security Response" date ="2015-07-01" description ="Butterfly Jiripbot hacktool" reference ="" strings: $decrypt_func = {85 FF 75 03 33 C0 C3 8B C7 8D 50 01 8A 08 40 84 C9 75 F9 2B C2 53 8B D8 80 7C 3B FF ?? 75 3E 83 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 56 BE ?? ?? ?? ?? 75 11 56 FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? C7 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 01 00 00 00 56 FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 33 C0 85 DB 74 09 80 34 38 ?? 40 3B C3 72 F7 56 FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 5E 8B C7 5B C3} condition: $decrypt_func } rule jiripbot_unicode_str_decrypt { meta: author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "2015-07-01" description = "Butterfly Jiripbot Unicode hacktool" reference ="" strings: $decrypt = {85 ?? 75 03 33 C0 C3 8B ?? 8D 50 02 66 8B 08 83 C0 02 66 85 C9 75 F5 2B C2 D1 F8 57 8B F8 B8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 66 39 44 7E FE 75 43 83 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 53 BB ?? ?? ?? ?? 75 11 53 FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? C7 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 01 00 00 00 53 FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 33 C0 85 FF 74 0E B9 ?? 00 00 00 66 31 0C 46 40 3B C7 72 F2 53 FF 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 5B 8B C6 5F C3 } condition: $decrypt } rule Trojan_Karagany { meta: alias = "Dreamloader" Author = "Symantec" Reference = "" strings: $s1 = "neosphere" wide ascii $s2 = "10000000000051200" wide ascii $v1 = "&fichier" wide ascii $v2 = "&identifiant" wide ascii $c1 = "xmonstart" wide ascii $c2 = "xmonstop" wide ascii $c3 = "xgetfile" wide ascii $c4 = "downadminexec" wide ascii $c5 = "xdiex" wide ascii $c6 = "xrebootx" wide ascii condition: isPE and (($s1 and $s2) or ($v1 and $v2) or (any of ($c*))) } rule Multipurpose { meta: author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "2015-07-01" description = "Butterfly Multipurpose hacktool" reference = "" strings: $str_1 = "dump %d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%s|%d" $str_2 = "kerberos%d.dll" $str_3 = "\\\\.\\pipe\\lsassp" $str_4 = "pth : change" condition: all of them } rule Proxy { meta: author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "2015-07-01" description = "Butterfly proxy hacktool" reference = "" strings: $str_1 = "-u user : proxy username" $str_2 = "--pleh : displays help" $str_3 = "-x ip/host : proxy ip or host" $str_4 = "-m : bypass mutex check" condition: all of them } rule sav_dropper { meta: author = "Symantec" malware = "SAV dropper" reference = "" strings: $mz = "MZ" $a = /[a-z]{,10} _ x64.sys\x00hMZ\x00/ condition: ($mz at 0) and uint32(0x400) == 0x000000c3 and pe.number_of_sections == 6 and $a } rule sav{ meta: author = "Symantec" malware = "SAV" reference = "" strings: $mz = "MZ" /* 8B 75 18 mov esi, [ebp+arg _ 10] 31 34 81 xor [ecx+eax*4], esi 40 inc eax 3B C2 cmp eax, edx 72 F5 jb short loc _ 9F342 33 F6 xor esi, esi 39 7D 14 cmp [ebp+arg _ C], edi 76 1B jbe short loc _ 9F36F 8A 04 0E mov al, [esi+ecx] 88 04 0F mov [edi+ecx], al 6A 0F push 0Fh 33 D2 xor edx, edx 8B C7 mov eax, edi 5B pop ebx F7 F3 div ebx 85 D2 test edx, edx 75 01 jnz short loc _ 9F368 */ $code1a = { 8B 75 18 31 34 81 40 3B C2 72 F5 33 F6 39 7D 14 76 1B 8A 04 0E 88 04 0F 6A 0F 33 D2 8B C7 5B F7 F3 85 D2 75 01 } /* 8B 45 F8 mov eax, [ebp+var _ 8] 40 inc eax 89 45 F8 mov [ebp+var _ 8], eax 8B 45 10 mov eax, [ebp+arg _ 8] C1 E8 02 shr eax, 2 39 45 F8 cmp [ebp+var _ 8], eax 73 17 jnb short loc _ 4013ED 8B 45 F8 mov eax, [ebp+var _ 8] 8B 4D F4 mov ecx, [ebp+var _ C] 8B 04 81 mov eax, [ecx+eax*4] 33 45 20 xor eax, [ebp+arg _ 18] 8B 4D F8 mov ecx, [ebp+var _ 8] 8B 55 F4 mov edx, [ebp+var _ C] 89 04 8A mov [edx+ecx*4], eax EB D7 jmp short loc _ 4013C4 83 65 F8 00 and [ebp+var _ 8], 0 83 65 EC 00 and [ebp+var _ 14], 0 EB 0E jmp short loc _ 401405 8B 45 F8 mov eax, [ebp+var _ 8] 40 inc eax 89 45 F8 mov [ebp+var _ 8], eax 8B 45 EC mov eax, [ebp+var _ 14] 40 inc eax 89 45 EC mov [ebp+var _ 14], eax 8B 45 EC mov eax, [ebp+var _ 14] 3B 45 10 cmp eax, [ebp+arg _ 8] 73 27 jnb short loc _ 401434 8B 45 F4 mov eax, [ebp+var _ C] 03 45 F8 add eax, [ebp+var _ 8] 8B 4D F4 mov ecx, [ebp+var _ C] 03 4D EC add ecx, [ebp+var _ 14] 8A 09 mov cl, [ecx] 88 08 mov [eax], cl 8B 45 F8 mov eax, [ebp+var _ 8] 33 D2 xor edx, edx 6A 0F push 0Fh 59 pop ecx F7 F1 div ecx 85 D2 test edx, edx 75 07 jnz short loc _ 401432 */ $code1b = { 8B 45 F8 40 89 45 F8 8B 45 10 C1 E8 02 39 45 F8 73 17 8B 45 F8 8B 4D F4 8B 04 81 33 45 20 8B 4D F8 8B 55 F4 89 04 8A EB D7 83 65 F8 00 83 65 EC 00 EB 0E 8B 45 F8 40 89 45 F8 8B 45 EC 40 89 45 EC 8B 45 EC 3B 45 10 73 27 8B 45 F4 03 45 F8 8B 4D F4 03 4D EC 8A 09 88 08 8B 45 F8 33 D2 6A 0F 59 F7 F1 85 D2 75 07 } /* 8A 04 0F mov al, [edi+ecx] 88 04 0E mov [esi+ecx], al 6A 0F push 0Fh 33 D2 xor edx, edx 8B C6 mov eax, esi 5B pop ebx F7 F3 div ebx 85 D2 test edx, edx 75 01 jnz short loc _ B12FC 47 inc edi 8B 45 14 mov eax, [ebp+arg _ C] 46 inc esi 47 inc edi 3B F8 cmp edi, eax 72 E3 jb short loc _ B12E8 EB 04 jmp short loc _ B130B C6 04 08 00 mov byte ptr [eax+ecx], 0 48 dec eax 3B C6 cmp eax, esi 73 F7 jnb short loc _ B1307 33 C0 xor eax, eax C1 EE 02 shr esi, 2 74 0B jz short loc _ B1322 8B 55 18 mov edx, [ebp+arg _ 10] 31 14 81 xor [ecx+eax*4], edx 40 inc eax 3B C6 cmp eax, esi 72 F5 jb short loc _ B1317 */ $code1c = { 8A 04 0F 88 04 0E 6A 0F 33 D2 8B C6 5B F7 F3 85 D2 75 01 47 8B 45 14 46 47 3B F8 72 E3 EB 04 C6 04 08 00 48 3B C6 73 F7 33 C0 C1 EE 02 74 0B 8B 55 18 31 14 81 40 3B C6 72 F5} /* 29 5D 0C sub [ebp+arg _ 4], ebx 8B D1 mov edx, ecx C1 EA 05 shr edx, 5 2B CA sub ecx, edx 8B 55 F4 mov edx, [ebp+var _ C] 2B C3 sub eax, ebx 3D 00 00 00 01 cmp eax, 1000000h 89 0F mov [edi], ecx 8B 4D 10 mov ecx, [ebp+arg _ 8] 8D 94 91 00 03 00 00 lea edx, [ecx+edx*4+300h] 73 17 jnb short loc _ 9FC44 8B 7D F8 mov edi, [ebp+var _ 8] 8B 4D 0C mov ecx, [ebp+arg _ 4] 0F B6 3F movzx edi, byte ptr [edi] C1 E1 08 shl ecx, 8 0B CF or ecx, edi C1 E0 08 shl eax, 8 FF 45 F8 inc [ebp+var _ 8] 89 4D 0C mov [ebp+arg _ 4], ecx 8B 0A mov ecx, [edx] 8B F8 mov edi, eax C1 EF 0B shr edi, 0Bh */ $code2 = { 29 5D 0C 8B D1 C1 EA 05 2B CA 8B 55 F4 2B C3 3D 00 00 00 01 89 0F 8B 4D 10 8D 94 91 00 03 00 00 73 17 8B 7D F8 8B 4D 0C 0F B6 3F C1 E1 08 0B CF C1 E0 08 FF 45 F8 89 4D 0C 8B 0A 8B F8 C1 EF 0B} condition: ($mz at 0) and (($code1a or $code1b or $code1c) and $code2) } rule Securetunnel { meta: author = "Symantec Security Response" date = "2015-07-01" description = "Butterfly Securetunnel hacktool" reference = "" strings: $str_1 = "KRB5CCNAME" $str_2 = "SSH _ AUTH _ SOCK" $str_3 = "f:l:u:cehR" $str_4 = ".o+=*BOX@%&#/^SE" condition: all of them } rule turla_dll { meta: Malware = "Trojan.Turla DLL" author = "Symantec" reference = "" strings: $a = /([A-Za-z0-9]{2,10} _ ){,2}Win32\.dll\x00/ condition: pe.exports("ee") and $a } rule turla_dropper { meta: Malware = "Trojan.Turla dropper" author = "Symantec" reference = "" strings: $a = {0F 31 14 31 20 31 3C 31 85 31 8C 31 A8 31 B1 31 D1 31 8B 32 91 32 B6 32 C4 32 6C 33 AC 33 10 34} $b = {48 41 4C 2E 64 6C 6C 00 6E 74 64 6C 6C 2E 64 6C 6C 00 00 00 57 8B F9 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? C9 75 26 56 0F 20 C6 8B C6 25 FF FF FE FF 0F 22 C0 E8} condition: all of them } rule wipbot_2013_core_PDF { meta: author = "Symantec" description = "Trojan.Wipbot 2014 core PDF" reference = "" strings: $PDF = "%PDF-" $a = /\+[A-Za-z]{1}\. _ _ \$\+[A-Za-z]{1}\. _ \$ _ \+/ $b = /\+[A-Za-z]{1}\.\$\$\$ _ \+/ condition: ($PDF at 0) and #a > 150 and #b > 200 } rule wipbot_2013_core { meta: description = "core + core; garbage appended data (PDF Exploit leftovers) + wipbot dropper; fake AdobeRd32 Error" Malware = "Trojan.Wipbot 2013 core component" author = "Symantec" reference = "" strings: $mz = "MZ" /* 8947 0C MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+C], EAX C747 10 90C20400 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+10], 4C290 C747 14 90C21000 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+14], 10C290 C747 18 90906068 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+18], 68609090 894F 1C MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+1C], ECX C747 20 909090B8 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+20], B8909090 894F 24 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+24], ECX C747 28 90FFD061 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+28], 61D0FF90 C747 2C 90C20400 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+2C], 4C290 */ $code1 = { 89 47 0C C7 47 10 90 C2 04 00 C7 47 14 90 C2 10 00 C7 47 18 90 90 60 68 89 4F 1C C7 47 20 90 90 90 B8 89 4F 24 C7 47 28 90 FF D0 61 C7 47 2C 90 C2 04 00} /* 85C0 TEST EAX, EAX 75 25 JNZ SHORT 64106327.00403AF1 8B0B MOV ECX, DWORD PTR DS:[EBX] BF ???????? MOV EDI, ???????? EB 17 JMP SHORT 64106327.00403AEC 69D7 0D661900 IMUL EDX, EDI, 19660D 8DBA 5FF36E3C LEA EDI, DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+3C6EF35F] 89FE MOV ESI, EDI C1EE 10 SHR ESI, 10 89F2 MOV EDX, ESI 301401 XOR BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+EAX], DL 40 INC EAX 3B43 04 CMP EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[EBX+4] 72 E4 JB SHORT 64106327.00403AD5 */ $code2 = { 85 C0 75 25 8B 0B BF ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 17 69 D7 0D 66 19 00 8D BA 5F F3 6E 3C 89 FE C1 EE 10 89 F2 30 14 01 40 3B 43 04 72 E4} $code3 = {90 90 90 ?? B9 00 4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 82 04} $code4 = {55 89 E5 5D C3 55 89 E5 83 EC 18 8B 45 08 85 C0} condition: $mz at 0 and (($code1 or $code2) or ($code3 and $code4)) } rule wipbot_2013_dll { meta: author = "Symantec" description = "Trojan.Wipbot 2013 DLL" reference = "" description = "Down.dll component" strings: $string1 = "/%s?rank=%s" $string2 = "ModuleStart\x00ModuleStop\x00start" $string3 = "1156fd22-3443-4344-c4ffff" //read file... error.. $string4 = "read\x20file\x2E\x2E\x2E\x20error\x00\x00" condition: 2 of them } rule remsec_executable_blob_32 { meta: copyright = "Symantec" strings: $code = /* 31 06 l0: xor [esi], eax 83 C6 04 add esi, 4 D1 E8 shr eax, 1 73 05 jnb short l1 35 01 00 00 D0 xor eax, 0D0000001h E2 F0 l1: loop l0 */ { 31 06 83 C6 04 D1 E8 73 05 35 01 00 00 D0 E2 F0 } condition: all of them } rule remsec_executable_blob_64 { meta: copyright = "Symantec" strings: $code = /* 31 06 l0: xor [rsi], eax 48 83 C6 04 add rsi, 4 D1 E8 shr eax, 1 73 05 jnb short l1 35 01 00 00 D0 xor eax, 0D00000 01h E2 EF l1: loop l0 */ { 31 06 48 83 C6 04 D1 E8 73 05 35 01 00 00 D0 E2 EF } condition: all of them } rule remsec_executable_blob_parser { meta: copyright = "Symantec" strings: $code = /* 0F 82 ?? ?? 00 00 jb l_0 80 7? 04 02 cmp byte ptr [r0+4], 2 0F 85 ?? ?? 00 00 jnz l_0 81 3? 02 AA 02 C1 cmp dword ptr [r0], 0C102AA02h 0F 85 ?? ?? 00 00 jnz l_0 8B ?? 06 mov r1, [r0+6] */ { ( 0F 82 ?? ?? 00 00 | 72 ?? ) ( 80 | 41 80 ) ( 7? | 7C 24 ) 04 02 ( 0F 85 ?? ?? 00 00 | 75 ?? ) ( 81 | 41 81 ) ( 3? | 3C 24 | 7D 00 ) 02 AA 02 C1 ( 0F 85 ?? ?? 00 00 | 75 ?? ) ( 8B | 41 8B | 44 8B | 45 8B ) ( 4? | 5? | 6? | 7? | ?4 24 | ?C 24 ) 06 } condition: all of them } rule remsec_encrypted_api { meta: copyright = "Symantec" strings: $open_process = /* "OpenProcess \ x00" in encrypted form */ { 91 9A 8F B0 9C 90 8D AF 8C 8C 9A FF } condition: all of them } rule remsec_packer_A { meta: copyright = "Symantec" strings: $code = /* 69 ?? AB 00 00 00 imul r0, 0ABh 81 C? CD 2B 00 00 add r0, 2BCDh F7 E? mul r0 C1 E? 0D shr r1, 0Dh 69 ?? 85 CF 00 00 imul r1, 0CF85h 2B sub r0, r1 */ { 69 ( C? | D? | E? | F? ) AB 00 00 00 ( 81 | 41 81 ) C? CD 2B 00 00 ( F7 | 41 F7 ) E? ( C1 | 41 C1 ) E? 0D ( 69 | 45 69 ) ( C? | D? | E? | F? ) 85 CF 00 00 ( 29 | 41 29 | 44 29 | 45 29 | 2B | 41 2B | 44 2B | 45 2B ) } condition: all of them } rule remsec_packer_B { meta: copyright = "Symantec" strings: $code = /* 48 8B 05 C4 2D 01 00 mov rax, cs:LoadLibraryA 48 89 44 24 48 mov qword ptr [rsp+1B8h+descriptor+18h], rax 48 8B 05 A 0 2D 01 00 mov rax, cs:GetProcAddress 48 8D 4C 24 30 lea rcx, [rsp+1B8h+descriptor] 48 89 44 2 4 50 mov qword ptr [rsp+1B8h+descriptor+20h], rax 48 8D 84 24 80 00 00 00 lea rax, [rsp+1B8h+var_138] C6 44 24 30 00 mov [rsp+1B8h+descriptor], 0 48 89 44 24 60 mov qword ptr [rsp+1B8h+descriptor+30h], rax 48 8D 84 24 80 00 00 00 lea rax, [rsp+1B8h+var_138] C7 44 24 34 03 00 00 00 mov dword ptr [rsp+1B8h+descriptor+4], 3 2B F8 sub edi, eax 48 89 5C 24 38 mov qword ptr [rsp+1B8h+descriptor+8], rbx 44 89 6C 24 40 mov dword ptr [rsp+1B8h+descriptor+10h], r13d 83 C7 08 add edi, 8 89 7C 24 68 mov dword ptr [rsp+1B8h+descriptor+38h], edi FF D5 call rbp 05 00 00 00 3A add eax, 3A000000h */ { 48 8B 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 89 44 24 ?? 48 8B 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 4C 24 ?? 48 89 44 24 ?? 48 8D ( 45 ?? | 84 24 ?? ?? 00 00 ) ( 44 88 6? 24 ?? | C6 44 24 ?? 00 ) 48 89 44 24 ?? 48 8D ( 45 ?? | 84 24 ?? ?? 00 00 ) C7 44 24 ?? 0? 00 00 00 2B ?8 48 89 ?C 24 ?? 44 89 6? 24 ?? 83 C? 08 89 ?C 24 ?? ( FF | 41 FF ) D? ( 05 | 8D 88 ) 00 00 00 3A } condition: all of them } rule Cadelle_1 { meta: author = "Symantec" reference = "" strings: $s1 = { 56 57 8B F8 8B F1 33 C0 3B F0 74 22 39 44 24 0C 74 18 0F B7 0F 66 3B C8 74 10 66 89 0A 42 42 47 47 4E FF 4C 24 0C 3B F0 75 E2 3B F0 75 07 4A 4A B8 7A 00 07 80 33 C9 5F 66 89 0A 5E C2 04 00} $s2 = "ntsvc32" $s3 = "ntbind32" condition: $s1 and ($s2 or $s3) } rule Cadelle_2 { meta: author = "Symantec" reference = "" strings: $s1 = "[EXECUTE]" wide ascii $s2 = "WebCamCapture" wide ascii $s3 = "" wide ascii $s4 ="" wide ascii $s5 = "" wide ascii $s6 = "" wide ascii $s7 = "Can't open file for reading :" wide ascii $s8 = "" wide ascii $s9 = "" wide ascii $s10 = "JpegFile :" wide ascii $s12 = "[SCROLL]" wide ascii $s13 = "" wide ascii $s14 = "CURRENT DATE" wide ascii $s15 = "" wide ascii $s16 = "" wide ascii $s17 = "" wide ascii $s18 = "" wide ascii $s19 = "" wide ascii $s20 = "" wide ascii $s21 = "FlashMemory" wide ascii condition: 12 of them } rule Cadelle_3 { meta: author = "Symantec" reference = "" strings: $s1 = "SOFTWARE\\ntsvc32\\HDD" wide ascii $s2 = "SOFTWARE\\ntsvc32\\ROU" wide ascii $s3 = "SOFTWARE\\ntsvc32\\HST" wide ascii $s4 = "SOFTWARE\\ntsvc32\\FLS" wide ascii $s5 = "ntsvc32" wide ascii $s6 = ".Win$py." wide ascii $s7 = "C:\\users\\" wide ascii $s8 = "%system32%" wide ascii $s9 = "\\Local Settings\\Temp" wide ascii $s10 = "SVWATAUAVAW" wide ascii $s11 = "\\AppData\\Local" wide ascii $s12 = "\\AppData" wide ascii condition: 6 of them } rule Cadelle_4 { meta: author = "Symantec" reference = "" strings: $s1 = "AppInit_DLLs" wide ascii $s2 = { 5C 00 62 00 61 00 63 00 6B 00 75 00 70 00 00 } $s3 = { 5C 00 75 00 70 00 64 00 61 00 74 00 65 00 00 } $s4 = "\\cmd.exe" wide ascii condition: all of them }