rule apt_c16_win_swisyn : Memory { meta: author = "@dragonthreatlab" md5 = "a6a18c846e5179259eba9de238f67e41" description = "File matching the md5 above tends to only live in memory, hence the lack of MZ header check." date = "2015/01/11" reference = "" strings: $mz = {4D 5A} $str1 = "/ShowWU" ascii $str2 = "IsWow64Process" $str3 = "regsvr32 " $str4 = {8A 11 2A 55 FC 8B 45 08 88 10 8B 4D 08 8A 11 32 55 FC 8B 45 08 88 10} condition: $mz at 0 and all of ($str*) }