rule AcridRain { meta: description = "Rule to detect AcridRain malware" author = "Stormshield" reference = "" strings: $mz = { 4d 5a } // old sample $old_amigo = "_________________________________AMIGO_________________________________" ascii wide $old_google_chrome = "_________________________________GOOGLE CHROME_________________________________" ascii wide $old_vivaldi = "_________________________________Vivaldi_________________________________" ascii wide $old_orbitum = "_________________________________Orbitum_________________________________" ascii wide $old_epic = "_________________________________Epic Privacy Browser_________________________________" ascii wide $old_cyberfox = "_________________________________Cyberfox_________________________________" ascii wide // new sample $new_epic_3 = "%s\\\\Epic Privacy Browser\\\\User Data\\\\Profile 3" ascii wide $new_epic_2 = "%s\\\\Epic Privacy Browser\\\\User Data\\\\Profile 2" ascii wide $new_epic_1 = "%s\\\\Epic Privacy Browser\\\\User Data\\\\Profile 1" ascii wide $new_spotnik_CC = "Sputnik_CC.txt" ascii wide $new_coccoc_cookies = "CocCoc_Cookies.txt" ascii wide $new_rambler = "rambler.txt" ascii wide //zip $zip_32_zip = "" ascii wide $zip_opana_zip = "" ascii wide $zip_libs_zip = "" ascii wide //all $all_templogik = "templogik" ascii wide $all_templogim = "templogim" ascii wide $all_templogin = "templogin" ascii wide condition: ($mz at 0) and (3 of ($old_*) or 3 of ($new_*)) and (2 of ($zip_*)) and (2 of ($all_*)) }