rule granite_coroner_dropper { meta: description = "Payload dropper for password theft or keylogging" strings: $mz = "MZ" // 5222D4EE744464B154505E68579EB896 - Resource names $granitea = "GRANITE" nocase $granitew = "GRANITE" nocase wide $jocastaeluviuma = "JOCASTAELUVIUM" nocase $jocastaeluviumw = "JOCASTAELUVIUM" nocase wide // FA620D788F4E9B22B603276EB020AA8C - Resource names $coronera = "CORONER" nocase $coronerw = "CORONER" nocase wide $bolshiecharitya = "BOLSHIECHARITY" nocase $bolshiecharityw = "BOLSHIECHARITY" nocase wide // Both $cypher_cryptor = "Cypher Cryptor" wide condition: $mz at 0 and ($granitea and $jocastaeluviuma) or ($granitew and $jocastaeluviumw) or ($coronera and $bolshiecharitya) or ($coronerw and $bolshiecharityw) or $cypher_cryptor } rule granite_jocasteluvium { strings: $mz = "MZ" // 8B805E07CCA42BE8FC98C8BCF8D0C7C2 $string1 = "JumpID(\"\",\"%s\")" $string2 = " - Clipboard - " $string3 = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" $string4 = "text=" $string5 = "[Num Lock]" $string6 = "[PrtScr]" $string7 = "msgss.exe" $string8 = "User Interface Manager" wide condition: $mz at 0 and 7 of ($string*) } rule coroner_bolshiecharity { meta: description = "Password extraction utility" strings: $mz = "MZ" // list of default passwords in 907B3FD96072ADCD08BB6ACA4BD07FC1 @ 0x4146b1 $passwords = "chelsea\x0055555\x00angel1\x00hardcore\x00dexter\x00saved\x00112233\x00hallo\x00" condition: $mz at 0 and $passwords }