51 lines
2.8 KiB
51 lines
2.8 KiB
import "pe"
rule APT_ME_BigBang_Gen_Jul18_1 {
description = "Detects malware from Big Bang campaign against Palestinian authorities"
license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE"
author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)"
reference = "https://research.checkpoint.com/apt-attack-middle-east-big-bang/"
date = "2018-07-09"
hash1 = "4db68522600f2d8aabd255e2da999a9d9c9f1f18491cfce9dadf2296269a172b"
hash2 = "ac6462e9e26362f711783b9874d46fefce198c4c3ca947a5d4df7842a6c51224"
hash3 = "e1f52ea30d25289f7a4a5c9d15be97c8a4dfe10eb68ac9d031edcc7275c23dbc"
id = "f1097998-9414-511c-b177-ff09154964a8"
$x2 = "%@W@%S@c@ri%@p@%t.S@%he@%l%@l" ascii
$x3 = "S%@h%@e%l%@l." ascii
$x4 = "(\"S@%t@%a%@rt%@up\")" ascii
$x5 = "aW5zdGFsbCBwcm9nOiBwcm9nIHdpbGwgZGVsZXRlIG9sZCB0bXAgZmlsZQ==" fullword ascii /* base64 encoded string 'install prog: prog will delete old tmp file' */
$x6 = "aW5zdGFsbCBwcm9nOiBUaGVyZSBpcyBubyBvbGQgZmlsZSBpbiB0ZW1wLg==" fullword ascii /* base64 encoded string 'install prog: There is no old file in temp.' */
$x7 = "VXBkYXRlIHByb2c6IFRoZXJlIGlzIG5vIG9sZCBmaWxlIGluIHRlbXAu" fullword ascii /* base64 encoded string 'Update prog: There is no old file in temp.' */
$x8 = "aW5zdGFsbCBwcm9nOiBDcmVhdGUgVGFzayBhZnRlciA1IG1pbiB0byBydW4gRmlsZSBmcm9tIHRtcA==" fullword ascii /* base64 encoded string 'install prog: Create Task after 5 min to run File from tmp' */
$x9 = "UnVuIEZpbGU6IE15IHByb2cgaXMgRXhpdC4=" fullword ascii /* base64 encoded string 'Run File: My prog is Exit.' */
$x10 = "li%@%@nk.W%@%@indo@%%@%@%wS%@%@tyle = 3" fullword ascii
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 3000KB and (
1 of them or
pe.imphash() == "0f09ea2a68d04f331df9a5d0f8641332"
rule APT_ME_BigBang_Mal_Jul18_1 {
description = "Detects malware from Big Bang report"
license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE"
author = "Florian Roth (Nextron Systems)"
reference = "https://research.checkpoint.com/apt-attack-middle-east-big-bang/"
date = "2018-07-09"
hash1 = "ac6462e9e26362f711783b9874d46fefce198c4c3ca947a5d4df7842a6c51224"
hash2 = "e1f52ea30d25289f7a4a5c9d15be97c8a4dfe10eb68ac9d031edcc7275c23dbc"
id = "f30b2e11-f90a-5068-8eaa-25f11218ec6c"
$s1 = "%Y%m%d-%I-%M-%S" fullword ascii
$s2 = "/api/serv/requests/%s/runfile/delete" fullword ascii
$s3 = "\\part.txt" ascii
$s4 = "\\ALL.txt" ascii
$s5 = "\\sat.txt" ascii
$s6 = "runfile.proccess_name" fullword ascii
$s7 = "%s%s%p%s%zd%s%d%s%s%s%s%s" fullword ascii
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 3000KB and 4 of them