218 lines
12 KiB
218 lines
12 KiB
import "pe"
rule HvS_APT37_smb_scanner {
description = "Unknown smb login scanner used by APT37"
license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE"
author = "Marc Stroebel"
date = "2020-12-15"
reference1 = "https://www.hvs-consulting.de/media/downloads/ThreatReport-Lazarus.pdf"
reference2 = "https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/d16163526242508d6961f061aaffe3ae5321bd64d8ceb6b2788f1570757595fc?environmentId=2"
id = "89a5cc32-f151-583d-823d-692de2c2b084"
$s1 = "Scan.exe StartIP EndIP ThreadCount logfilePath [Username Password Deep]" fullword ascii
$s2 = "%s - %s:(Username - %s / Password - %s" fullword ascii
$s3 = "Load mpr.dll Error " fullword ascii
$s4 = "Load Netapi32.dll Error " fullword ascii
$s5 = "%s U/P not Correct! - %d" fullword ascii
$s6 = "GetNetWorkInfo Version 1.0" fullword wide
$s7 = "Hello World!" fullword wide
$s8 = "%s Error: %ld" fullword ascii
$s9 = "%s U/P Correct!" fullword ascii
$s10 = "%s --------" fullword ascii
$s11 = "%s%-30s%I64d" fullword ascii
$s12 = "%s%-30s(DIR)" fullword ascii
$s13 = "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d" fullword ascii
$s14 = "Share: Local Path: Uses: Descriptor:" fullword ascii
$s15 = "Share: Type: Remark:" fullword ascii
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 200KB and (10 of them)
rule HvS_APT37_cred_tool {
description = "Unknown cred tool used by APT37"
license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE"
author = "Markus Poelloth"
date = "2020-12-15"
reference = "https://www.hvs-consulting.de/media/downloads/ThreatReport-Lazarus.pdf"
id = "e830025a-f2ac-55b1-aca3-ded9dba83a67"
$s1 = " <requestedExecutionLevel level=\"asInvoker\" uiAccess=\"false\"></requestedExecutionLevel>" fullword ascii
$s2 = "Domain Login" fullword ascii
$s3 = "IEShims_GetOriginatingThreadContext" fullword ascii
$s4 = " Type Descriptor'" fullword ascii
$s5 = "User: %s" fullword ascii
$s6 = "Pass: %s" fullword ascii
$s7 = " <trustInfo xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3\">" fullword ascii
$s8 = "E@c:\\u" fullword ascii
filesize < 500KB and 7 of them
rule HvS_APT37_RAT_loader {
description = "BLINDINGCAN RAT loader named iconcash.db used by APT37"
license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE"
author = "Marc Stroebel"
date = "2020-12-15"
hash = "b70e66d387e42f5f04b69b9eb15306036702ab8a50b16f5403289b5388292db9"
reference1 = "https://www.hvs-consulting.de/media/downloads/ThreatReport-Lazarus.pdf"
reference2 = "https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/analysis-reports/ar20-232a"
id = "6c3e8465-d607-59bf-85fc-5abbef71fb1c"
(pe.version_info["OriginalFilename"] contains "MFC_DLL.dll") and
(pe.exports("SMain") and pe.exports("SMainW") )
rule HvS_APT37_webshell_img_thumbs_asp {
description = "Webshell named img.asp, thumbs.asp or thumb.asp used by APT37"
license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE"
author = "Moritz Oettle"
date = "2020-12-15"
reference = "https://www.hvs-consulting.de/media/downloads/ThreatReport-Lazarus.pdf"
hash = "94d2448d3794ae3f29678a7337473d259b5cfd1c7f703fe53ee6c84dd10a48ef"
id = "e45d4507-81de-5f72-9ce2-4f0e3e5c62b1"
$s1 = "strMsg = \"E : F\"" fullword ascii
$s2 = "strMsg = \"S : \" & Len(fileData)" fullword ascii
$s3 = "Left(workDir, InStrRev(workDir, \"/\")) & \"video\""
$a1 = "Server.CreateObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\")" fullword ascii
$a2 = "Dim tmpPath, workDir" fullword ascii
$a3 = "Dim objFSO, objTextStream" fullword ascii
$a4 = "workDir = Request.ServerVariables(\"URL\")" fullword ascii
$a5 = "InStrRev(workDir, \"/\")" ascii
$g1 = "WriteFile = 0" fullword ascii
$g2 = "fileData = Request.Form(\"fp\")" fullword ascii
$g3 = "fileName = Request.Form(\"fr\")" fullword ascii
$g4 = "Err.Clear()" fullword ascii
$g5 = "Option Explicit" fullword ascii
filesize < 2KB and (( 1 of ($s*) ) or (3 of ($a*)) or (5 of ($g*)))
rule HvS_APT37_webshell_template_query_asp {
description = "Webshell named template-query.aspimg.asp used by APT37"
license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE"
author = "Moritz Oettle"
date = "2020-12-15"
reference = "https://www.hvs-consulting.de/media/downloads/ThreatReport-Lazarus.pdf"
hash = "961a66d01c86fa5982e0538215b17fb9fae2991331dfea812b8c031e2ceb0d90"
id = "dc006b46-4c51-59cd-8b7d-adbfec86cd2e"
$g1 = "server.scripttimeout=600" fullword ascii
$g2 = "response.buffer=true" fullword ascii
$g3 = "response.expires=-1" fullword ascii
$g4 = "session.timeout=600" fullword ascii
$a1 = "redhat hacker" ascii
$a2 = "want_pre.asp" ascii
$a3 = "vgo=\"admin\"" ascii
$a4 = "ywc=false" ascii
$s1 = "public br,ygv,gbc,ydo,yka,wzd,sod,vmd" fullword ascii
filesize > 70KB and filesize < 200KB and (( 1 of ($s*) ) or (2 of ($a*)) or (3 of ($g*)))
/* Possibly prone to FPs
rule HvS_APT37_mimikatz_loader_DF012 {
description = "Loader for encrypted Mimikatz variant used by APT37"
license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE"
author = "Marc Stroebel"
date = "2020-12-15"
reference = "https://www.hvs-consulting.de/media/downloads/ThreatReport-Lazarus.pdf"
hash = "42e4a9aeff3744bbbc0e82fd5b93eb9b078460d8f40e0b61b27b699882f521be"
$s1 = ".?AVCEncryption@@" fullword ascii
$s2 = "afrfa"
uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 200KB and
(pe.imphash() == "fa0b87c7e07d21001355caf7b5027219") and (all of them)
rule HvS_APT37_webshell_controllers_asp {
description = "Webshell named controllers.asp or inc-basket-offer.asp used by APT37"
license = "Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE"
author = "Moritz Oettle"
date = "2020-12-15"
reference = "https://www.hvs-consulting.de/media/downloads/ThreatReport-Lazarus.pdf"
hash = "829462fc6d84aae04a962dfc919d0a392265fbf255eab399980d2b021e385517"
id = "82370415-30f4-514d-8806-e2daced96f07"
$s0 = "<%@Language=VBScript.Encode" ascii
// Case permutations of the word SeRvEr encoded with the Microsoft Script Encoder followed by .scriptrimeOut
$x1 = { 64 7F 44 2D 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x2 = { 64 7F 49 2D 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x3 = { 64 7F 49 2D 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x4 = { 64 7F 49 23 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x5 = { 64 7F 49 23 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x6 = { 64 7F 49 23 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x7 = { 64 7F 49 23 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x8 = { 64 41 44 2D 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x9 = { 64 41 44 2D 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x10 = { 64 41 44 2D 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x11 = { 64 41 44 2D 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x12 = { 64 7F 44 2D 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x13 = { 64 41 44 23 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x14 = { 64 41 44 23 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x15 = { 64 41 44 23 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x16 = { 64 41 44 23 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x17 = { 64 41 49 2D 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x18 = { 64 41 49 2D 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x19 = { 64 41 49 2D 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x20 = { 64 41 49 2D 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x21 = { 64 41 49 23 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x22 = { 64 41 49 23 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x23 = { 64 7F 44 2D 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x24 = { 64 41 49 23 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x25 = { 64 41 49 23 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x26 = { 6A 7F 44 2D 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x27 = { 6A 7F 44 2D 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x28 = { 6A 7F 44 2D 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x29 = { 6A 7F 44 2D 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x30 = { 6A 7F 44 23 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x31 = { 6A 7F 44 23 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x32 = { 6A 7F 44 23 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x33 = { 6A 7F 44 23 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x34 = { 64 7F 44 2D 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x35 = { 6A 7F 49 2D 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x36 = { 6A 7F 49 2D 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x37 = { 6A 7F 49 2D 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x38 = { 6A 7F 49 2D 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x39 = { 6A 7F 49 23 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x40 = { 6A 7F 49 23 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x41 = { 6A 7F 49 23 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x42 = { 6A 7F 49 23 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x43 = { 6A 41 44 2D 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x44 = { 6A 41 44 2D 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x45 = { 64 7F 44 23 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x46 = { 6A 41 44 2D 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x47 = { 6A 41 44 2D 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x48 = { 6A 41 44 23 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x49 = { 6A 41 44 23 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x50 = { 6A 41 44 23 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x51 = { 6A 41 44 23 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x52 = { 6A 41 49 2D 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x53 = { 6A 41 49 2D 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x54 = { 6A 41 49 2D 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x55 = { 6A 41 49 2D 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x56 = { 64 7F 44 23 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x57 = { 6A 41 49 23 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x58 = { 6A 41 49 23 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x59 = { 6A 41 49 23 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x60 = { 6A 41 49 23 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x61 = { 64 7F 44 23 41 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x62 = { 64 7F 44 23 41 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x63 = { 64 7F 49 2D 7F 44 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
$x64 = { 64 7F 49 2D 7F 49 63 2F 6D 4D 6B 61 4F 59 62 3A 6E 72 21 59 }
filesize > 50KB and filesize < 200KB and ( $s0 and 1 of ($x*) )
} |