:: Trusted-CMD :: Made by Sneed Group with love. :: Licensed under the MIT license. @echo off :: Info and 1337 ha0xr colors title TrustedInstaller CMD color 0a echo TrustedInstaller CMD is made by Sneed Group. echo "Output stored at C:\ticmd-out.txt" :A :: Allow user input set /p bp="TI:\> " :: For sanity: Stop TrustedInstaller service before modifying it sc.exe stop TrustedInstaller :: Run user input as TrustedInstaller, output to plaintext file sc.exe config TrustedInstaller binpath= "cmd /c %bp% >> C:\ticmd-out.txt" :: Start TrustedInstaller with new configuration sc.exe start TrustedInstaller :: Stop to reconfigure to defaults sc.exe stop TrustedInstaller sc.exe config TrustedInstaller binpath= "%windir%\servicing\TrustedInstaller.exe" :: Restart loop goto A :: In case the user somehow exits the loop, reset the TrustedInstaller service back to default sc.exe stop TrustedInstaller sc.exe config TrustedInstaller binpath= "%windir%\servicing\TrustedInstaller.exe"