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2024-10-02 20:15:21 +00:00
import { type StructuredToolInterface, type ToolInterface, ToolInputParsingException, Tool } from "@langchain/core/tools";
import { Runnable, type RunnableConfig } from "@langchain/core/runnables";
import { AgentAction, AgentFinish, AgentStep } from "@langchain/core/agents";
import { ChainValues } from "@langchain/core/utils/types";
import { CallbackManagerForChainRun, Callbacks } from "@langchain/core/callbacks/manager";
import { OutputParserException } from "@langchain/core/output_parsers";
import { Serializable } from "@langchain/core/load/serializable";
import { SerializedLLMChain } from "../chains/serde.js";
import { StoppingMethod } from "./types.js";
import { BaseMultiActionAgent, BaseSingleActionAgent } from "./agent.js";
import { BaseChain, ChainInputs } from "../chains/base.js";
interface AgentExecutorIteratorInput {
agentExecutor: AgentExecutor;
inputs: Record<string, string>;
config?: RunnableConfig;
/** @deprecated Use "config" */
callbacks?: Callbacks;
/** @deprecated Use "config" */
tags?: string[];
/** @deprecated Use "config" */
metadata?: Record<string, unknown>;
runName?: string;
runManager?: CallbackManagerForChainRun;
export declare class AgentExecutorIterator extends Serializable implements AgentExecutorIteratorInput {
lc_namespace: string[];
agentExecutor: AgentExecutor;
inputs: Record<string, string>;
config?: RunnableConfig;
/** @deprecated Use "config" */
callbacks?: Callbacks;
/** @deprecated Use "config" */
tags: string[] | undefined;
/** @deprecated Use "config" */
metadata: Record<string, unknown> | undefined;
/** @deprecated Use "config" */
runName: string | undefined;
private _finalOutputs;
get finalOutputs(): Record<string, unknown> | undefined;
/** Intended to be used as a setter method, needs to be async. */
setFinalOutputs(value: Record<string, unknown> | undefined): Promise<void>;
runManager: CallbackManagerForChainRun | undefined;
intermediateSteps: AgentStep[];
iterations: number;
get nameToToolMap(): Record<string, ToolInterface>;
constructor(fields: AgentExecutorIteratorInput);
* Reset the iterator to its initial state, clearing intermediate steps,
* iterations, and the final output.
reset(): void;
updateIterations(): void;
streamIterator(): AsyncGenerator<Record<string, unknown>, Record<string, unknown>, unknown>;
* Perform any necessary setup for the first step
* of the asynchronous iterator.
onFirstStep(): Promise<void>;
* Execute the next step in the chain using the
* AgentExecutor's _takeNextStep method.
_executeNextStep(runManager?: CallbackManagerForChainRun): Promise<AgentFinish | AgentStep[]>;
* Process the output of the next step,
* handling AgentFinish and tool return cases.
_processNextStepOutput(nextStepOutput: AgentFinish | AgentStep[], runManager?: CallbackManagerForChainRun): Promise<Record<string, string | AgentStep[]>>;
_stop(): Promise<Record<string, unknown>>;
_callNext(): Promise<Record<string, unknown>>;
type ExtractToolType<T> = T extends {
ToolType: infer ToolInterface;
} ? ToolInterface : StructuredToolInterface;
* Interface defining the structure of input data for creating an
* AgentExecutor. It extends ChainInputs and includes additional
* properties specific to agent execution.
export interface AgentExecutorInput extends ChainInputs {
agent: BaseSingleActionAgent | BaseMultiActionAgent | Runnable<ChainValues & {
steps?: AgentStep[];
}, AgentAction[] | AgentAction | AgentFinish>;
tools: ExtractToolType<this["agent"]>[];
returnIntermediateSteps?: boolean;
maxIterations?: number;
earlyStoppingMethod?: StoppingMethod;
handleParsingErrors?: boolean | string | ((e: OutputParserException | ToolInputParsingException) => string);
handleToolRuntimeErrors?: (e: Error) => string;
export type AgentExecutorOutput = ChainValues;
* Tool that just returns the query.
* Used for exception tracking.
export declare class ExceptionTool extends Tool {
name: string;
description: string;
_call(query: string): Promise<string>;
* A chain managing an agent using tools.
* @augments BaseChain
* @example
* ```typescript
* const executor = AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({
* agent: async () => loadAgentFromLangchainHub(),
* tools: [new SerpAPI(), new Calculator()],
* returnIntermediateSteps: true,
* });
* const result = await executor.invoke({
* input: `Who is Olivia Wilde's boyfriend? What is his current age raised to the 0.23 power?`,
* });
* ```
export declare class AgentExecutor extends BaseChain<ChainValues, AgentExecutorOutput> {
static lc_name(): string;
get lc_namespace(): string[];
agent: BaseSingleActionAgent | BaseMultiActionAgent;
tools: this["agent"]["ToolType"][];
returnIntermediateSteps: boolean;
maxIterations?: number;
earlyStoppingMethod: StoppingMethod;
returnOnlyOutputs: boolean;
* How to handle errors raised by the agent's output parser.
Defaults to `False`, which raises the error.
If `true`, the error will be sent back to the LLM as an observation.
If a string, the string itself will be sent to the LLM as an observation.
If a callable function, the function will be called with the exception
as an argument, and the result of that function will be passed to the agent
as an observation.
handleParsingErrors: boolean | string | ((e: OutputParserException | ToolInputParsingException) => string);
handleToolRuntimeErrors?: (e: Error) => string;
get inputKeys(): string[];
get outputKeys(): string[];
constructor(input: AgentExecutorInput);
/** Create from agent and a list of tools. */
static fromAgentAndTools(fields: AgentExecutorInput): AgentExecutor;
get shouldContinueGetter(): (iterations: number) => boolean;
* Method that checks if the agent execution should continue based on the
* number of iterations.
* @param iterations The current number of iterations.
* @returns A boolean indicating whether the agent execution should continue.
private shouldContinue;
/** @ignore */
_call(inputs: ChainValues, runManager?: CallbackManagerForChainRun, config?: RunnableConfig): Promise<AgentExecutorOutput>;
_takeNextStep(nameToolMap: Record<string, ToolInterface>, inputs: ChainValues, intermediateSteps: AgentStep[], runManager?: CallbackManagerForChainRun, config?: RunnableConfig): Promise<AgentFinish | AgentStep[]>;
_return(output: AgentFinish, intermediateSteps: AgentStep[], runManager?: CallbackManagerForChainRun): Promise<AgentExecutorOutput>;
_getToolReturn(nextStepOutput: AgentStep): Promise<AgentFinish | null>;
_returnStoppedResponse(earlyStoppingMethod: StoppingMethod): AgentFinish;
_streamIterator(inputs: Record<string, any>, options?: Partial<RunnableConfig>): AsyncGenerator<ChainValues>;
_chainType(): "agent_executor";
serialize(): SerializedLLMChain;
export {};