
448 lines
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2024-10-02 15:15:21 -05:00
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var util = require('./util.cjs');
function emit(value) {
return (data, i) => ({
matched: true,
position: i,
value: value
function make(
f) {
return (data, i) => ({
matched: true,
position: i,
value: f(data, i)
function action(
f) {
return (data, i) => {
f(data, i);
return {
matched: true,
position: i,
value: null
function fail(
data, i) {
return { matched: false };
function error(message) {
return (data, i) => {
throw new Error((message instanceof Function) ? message(data, i) : message);
function token(
onEnd) {
return (data, i) => {
let position = i;
let value = undefined;
if (i < data.tokens.length) {
value = onToken(data.tokens[i], data, i);
if (value !== undefined) {
else {
onEnd?.(data, i);
return (value === undefined)
? { matched: false }
: {
matched: true,
position: position,
value: value
function any(data, i) {
return (i < data.tokens.length)
? {
matched: true,
position: i + 1,
value: data.tokens[i]
: { matched: false };
function satisfy(
test) {
return (data, i) => (i < data.tokens.length && test(data.tokens[i], data, i))
? {
matched: true,
position: i + 1,
value: data.tokens[i]
: { matched: false };
function mapInner(r, f) {
return (r.matched) ? ({
matched: true,
position: r.position,
value: f(r.value, r.position)
}) : r;
function mapOuter(r, f) {
return (r.matched) ? f(r) : r;
function map(p, mapper) {
return (data, i) => mapInner(p(data, i), (v, j) => mapper(v, data, i, j));
function map1(p,
mapper) {
return (data, i) => mapOuter(p(data, i), (m) => mapper(m, data, i));
function peek(p, f) {
return (data, i) => {
const r = p(data, i);
f(r, data, i);
return r;
function option(p, def) {
return (data, i) => {
const r = p(data, i);
return (r.matched)
? r
: {
matched: true,
position: i,
value: def
function not(p) {
return (data, i) => {
const r = p(data, i);
return (r.matched)
? { matched: false }
: {
matched: true,
position: i,
value: true
function choice( {
return (data, i) => {
for (const p of ps) {
const result = p(data, i);
if (result.matched) {
return result;
return { matched: false };
function otherwise(pa, pb) {
return (data, i) => {
const r1 = pa(data, i);
return (r1.matched)
? r1
: pb(data, i);
function longest( {
return (data, i) => {
let match = undefined;
for (const p of ps) {
const result = p(data, i);
if (result.matched && (!match || match.position < result.position)) {
match = result;
return match || { matched: false };
function takeWhile(p,
test) {
return (data, i) => {
const values = [];
let success = true;
do {
const r = p(data, i);
if (r.matched && test(r.value, values.length + 1, data, i, r.position)) {
i = r.position;
else {
success = false;
} while (success);
return {
matched: true,
position: i,
value: values
function takeUntil(p,
test) {
return takeWhile(p, (value, n, data, i, j) => !test(value, n, data, i, j));
function takeWhileP(pValue, pTest) {
return takeWhile(pValue, (value, n, data, i) => pTest(data, i).matched);
function takeUntilP(pValue, pTest) {
return takeWhile(pValue, (value, n, data, i) => !pTest(data, i).matched);
function many(p) {
return takeWhile(p, () => true);
function many1(p) {
return ab(p, many(p), (head, tail) => [head, ...tail]);
function ab(pa, pb, join) {
return (data, i) => mapOuter(pa(data, i), (ma) => mapInner(pb(data, ma.position), (vb, j) => join(ma.value, vb, data, i, j)));
function left(pa, pb) {
return ab(pa, pb, (va) => va);
function right(pa, pb) {
return ab(pa, pb, (va, vb) => vb);
function abc(pa, pb, pc, join) {
return (data, i) => mapOuter(pa(data, i), (ma) => mapOuter(pb(data, ma.position), (mb) => mapInner(pc(data, mb.position), (vc, j) => join(ma.value, mb.value, vc, data, i, j))));
function middle(pa, pb, pc) {
return abc(pa, pb, pc, (ra, rb) => rb);
function all( {
return (data, i) => {
const result = [];
let position = i;
for (const p of ps) {
const r1 = p(data, position);
if (r1.matched) {
position = r1.position;
else {
return { matched: false };
return {
matched: true,
position: position,
value: result
function skip( {
return map(all(, () => null);
function flatten( {
return flatten1(all(;
function flatten1(p) {
return map(p, (vs) => vs.flatMap((v) => v));
function sepBy1(pValue, pSep) {
return ab(pValue, many(right(pSep, pValue)), (head, tail) => [head, ...tail]);
function sepBy(pValue, pSep) {
return otherwise(sepBy1(pValue, pSep), emit([]));
function chainReduce(acc,
f) {
return (data, i) => {
let loop = true;
let acc1 = acc;
let pos = i;
do {
const r = f(acc1, data, pos)(data, pos);
if (r.matched) {
acc1 = r.value;
pos = r.position;
else {
loop = false;
} while (loop);
return {
matched: true,
position: pos,
value: acc1
function reduceLeft(acc, p,
reducer) {
return chainReduce(acc, (acc) => map(p, (v, data, i, j) => reducer(acc, v, data, i, j)));
function reduceRight(p, acc,
reducer) {
return map(many(p), (vs, data, i, j) => vs.reduceRight((acc, v) => reducer(v, acc, data, i, j), acc));
function leftAssoc1(pLeft, pOper) {
return chain(pLeft, (v0) => reduceLeft(v0, pOper, (acc, f) => f(acc)));
function rightAssoc1(pOper, pRight) {
return ab(reduceRight(pOper, (y) => y, (f, acc) => (y) => f(acc(y))), pRight, (f, v) => f(v));
function leftAssoc2(pLeft, pOper, pRight) {
return chain(pLeft, (v0) => reduceLeft(v0, ab(pOper, pRight, (f, y) => [f, y]), (acc, [f, y]) => f(acc, y)));
function rightAssoc2(pLeft, pOper, pRight) {
return ab(reduceRight(ab(pLeft, pOper, (x, f) => [x, f]), (y) => y, ([x, f], acc) => (y) => f(x, acc(y))), pRight, (f, v) => f(v));
function condition(cond, pTrue, pFalse) {
return (data, i) => (cond(data, i))
? pTrue(data, i)
: pFalse(data, i);
function decide(p) {
return (data, i) => mapOuter(p(data, i), (m1) => m1.value(data, m1.position));
function chain(p,
f) {
return (data, i) => mapOuter(p(data, i), (m1) => f(m1.value, data, i, m1.position)(data, m1.position));
function ahead(p) {
return (data, i) => mapOuter(p(data, i), (m1) => ({
matched: true,
position: i,
value: m1.value
function recursive(f) {
return function (data, i) {
return f()(data, i);
function start(data, i) {
return (i !== 0)
? { matched: false }
: {
matched: true,
position: i,
value: true
function end(data, i) {
return (i < data.tokens.length)
? { matched: false }
: {
matched: true,
position: i,
value: true
function remainingTokensNumber(data, i) {
return data.tokens.length - i;
function parserPosition(data, i, formatToken, contextTokens = 3) {
const len = data.tokens.length;
const lowIndex = util.clamp(0, i - contextTokens, len - contextTokens);
const highIndex = util.clamp(contextTokens, i + 1 + contextTokens, len);
const tokensSlice = data.tokens.slice(lowIndex, highIndex);
const lines = [];
const indexWidth = String(highIndex - 1).length + 1;
if (i < 0) {
lines.push(`${String(i).padStart(indexWidth)} >>`);
if (0 < lowIndex) {
lines.push('...'.padStart(indexWidth + 6));
for (let j = 0; j < tokensSlice.length; j++) {
const index = lowIndex + j;
lines.push(`${String(index).padStart(indexWidth)} ${(index === i ? '>' : ' ')} ${util.escapeWhitespace(formatToken(tokensSlice[j]))}`);
if (highIndex < len) {
lines.push('...'.padStart(indexWidth + 6));
if (len <= i) {
lines.push(`${String(i).padStart(indexWidth)} >>`);
return lines.join('\n');
function parse(parser, tokens, options, formatToken = JSON.stringify) {
const data = { tokens: tokens, options: options };
const result = parser(data, 0);
if (!result.matched) {
throw new Error('No match');
if (result.position < data.tokens.length) {
throw new Error(`Partial match. Parsing stopped at:\n${parserPosition(data, result.position, formatToken)}`);
return result.value;
function tryParse(parser, tokens, options) {
const result = parser({ tokens: tokens, options: options }, 0);
return (result.matched)
? result.value
: undefined;
function match(matcher, tokens, options) {
const result = matcher({ tokens: tokens, options: options }, 0);
return result.value;
exports.ab = ab; = abc;
exports.action = action;
exports.ahead = ahead;
exports.all = all;
exports.and = all;
exports.any = any;
exports.chain = chain;
exports.chainReduce = chainReduce;
exports.choice = choice;
exports.condition = condition;
exports.decide = decide;
exports.discard = skip;
exports.eitherOr = otherwise;
exports.emit = emit;
exports.end = end;
exports.eof = end;
exports.error = error; = fail;
exports.flatten = flatten;
exports.flatten1 = flatten1;
exports.left = left;
exports.leftAssoc1 = leftAssoc1;
exports.leftAssoc2 = leftAssoc2;
exports.longest = longest;
exports.lookAhead = ahead;
exports.make = make;
exports.many = many;
exports.many1 = many1; = map;
exports.map1 = map1;
exports.match = match;
exports.middle = middle;
exports.not = not;
exports.of = emit;
exports.option = option;
exports.or = choice;
exports.otherwise = otherwise;
exports.parse = parse;
exports.parserPosition = parserPosition;
exports.peek = peek;
exports.recursive = recursive;
exports.reduceLeft = reduceLeft;
exports.reduceRight = reduceRight;
exports.remainingTokensNumber = remainingTokensNumber;
exports.right = right;
exports.rightAssoc1 = rightAssoc1;
exports.rightAssoc2 = rightAssoc2;
exports.satisfy = satisfy;
exports.sepBy = sepBy;
exports.sepBy1 = sepBy1;
exports.skip = skip;
exports.some = many1;
exports.start = start;
exports.takeUntil = takeUntil;
exports.takeUntilP = takeUntilP;
exports.takeWhile = takeWhile;
exports.takeWhileP = takeWhileP;
exports.token = token;
exports.tryParse = tryParse;