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import { createHash, createHmac } from "node:crypto";
import { getDate, service, signedHeaders } from "./common.js";
const sha256 = (data) => createHash("sha256").update(data).digest("hex");
const hmacSha256 = (data, key) => createHmac("sha256", key).update(data).digest();
const hmacSha256Hex = (data, key) => createHmac("sha256", key).update(data).digest("hex");
* Method that calculate Tencent Cloud API v3 signature
* for making requests to the Tencent Cloud API.
* See https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/1729/101843.
* @param host Tencent Cloud API host.
* @param payload HTTP request body.
* @param timestamp Sign timestamp in seconds.
* @param secretId Tencent Cloud Secret ID, which can be obtained from https://console.cloud.tencent.com/cam/capi.
* @param secretKey Tencent Cloud Secret Key, which can be obtained from https://console.cloud.tencent.com/cam/capi.
* @param headers HTTP request headers.
* @returns The signature for making requests to the Tencent API.
export const sign = (host, payload, timestamp, secretId, secretKey, headers) => {
const contentType = headers["Content-Type"];
const payloadHash = sha256(JSON.stringify(payload));
const canonicalRequest = `POST\n/\n\ncontent-type:${contentType}\nhost:${host}\n\n${signedHeaders}\n${payloadHash}`;
const date = getDate(timestamp);
const signature = hmacSha256Hex(`TC3-HMAC-SHA256\n${timestamp}\n${date}/${service}/tc3_request\n${sha256(canonicalRequest)}`, hmacSha256("tc3_request", hmacSha256(service, hmacSha256(date, `TC3${secretKey}`))));
return `TC3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=${secretId}/${date}/${service}/tc3_request, SignedHeaders=${signedHeaders}, Signature=${signature}`;