
19076 lines
814 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-10-02 20:15:21 +00:00
"use strict";
/* eslint-disable */
var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
// dist/src/platform/node.js
var node_exports = {};
__export(node_exports, {
Actions: () => Actions_default,
AppendContinuationItemsAction: () => AppendContinuationItemsAction_default,
ClientType: () => ClientType,
Clients: () => clients_exports,
Constants: () => Constants_exports,
Continuation: () => Continuation,
ContinuationCommand: () => ContinuationCommand,
Endpoints: () => endpoints_exports,
EventEmitter: () => EventEmitterLike_default,
FormatUtils: () => FormatUtils_exports,
Generator: () => generator_exports,
GridContinuation: () => GridContinuation,
HTTPClient: () => HTTPClient_default,
Helpers: () => helpers_exports,
Innertube: () => Innertube_default,
ItemSectionContinuation: () => ItemSectionContinuation,
LiveChatContinuation: () => LiveChatContinuation,
Log: () => Log_default,
Managers: () => managers_exports,
Misc: () => misc_exports,
Mixins: () => mixins_exports,
MusicPlaylistShelfContinuation: () => MusicPlaylistShelfContinuation,
MusicShelfContinuation: () => MusicShelfContinuation,
NavigateAction: () => NavigateAction,
OAuth: () => OAuth_default,
Parser: () => parser_exports,
Platform: () => Platform,
Player: () => Player_default,
PlaylistPanelContinuation: () => PlaylistPanelContinuation,
Proto: () => proto_exports,
ReloadContinuationItemsCommand: () => ReloadContinuationItemsCommand,
SectionListContinuation: () => SectionListContinuation,
Session: () => Session_default,
ShowMiniplayerCommand: () => ShowMiniplayerCommand,
Types: () => types_exports,
UniversalCache: () => Cache_default,
Utils: () => Utils_exports,
YT: () => youtube_exports,
YTKids: () => ytkids_exports,
YTMusic: () => ytmusic_exports,
YTNodes: () => nodes_exports,
YTShorts: () => ytshorts_exports,
default: () => node_default
module.exports = __toCommonJS(node_exports);
var import_tslib68 = require("tslib");
var import_web = require("stream/web");
var import_undici = require("undici");
// dist/src/utils/Utils.js
var Utils_exports = {};
__export(Utils_exports, {
ChannelError: () => ChannelError,
InnertubeError: () => InnertubeError,
MissingParamError: () => MissingParamError,
OAuthError: () => OAuthError,
ParsingError: () => ParsingError,
Platform: () => Platform,
PlayerError: () => PlayerError,
SessionError: () => SessionError,
base64ToU8: () => base64ToU8,
concatMemos: () => concatMemos,
debugFetch: () => debugFetch,
deepCompare: () => deepCompare,
escapeStringRegexp: () => escapeStringRegexp,
generateRandomString: () => generateRandomString,
generateSidAuth: () => generateSidAuth,
getRandomUserAgent: () => getRandomUserAgent,
getStringBetweenStrings: () => getStringBetweenStrings,
hasKeys: () => hasKeys,
isTextRun: () => isTextRun,
streamToIterable: () => streamToIterable,
throwIfMissing: () => throwIfMissing,
timeToSeconds: () => timeToSeconds,
u8ToBase64: () => u8ToBase64
var import_tslib55 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/parser/helpers.js
var helpers_exports = {};
__export(helpers_exports, {
Maybe: () => Maybe,
Memo: () => Memo,
SuperParsedResult: () => SuperParsedResult,
YTNode: () => YTNode,
observe: () => observe
var import_tslib = require("tslib");
// dist/src/utils/Log.js
var _a;
var Log = class {
static doLog(level, tag, args) {
if (!this.log_map_[level] || !this.log_level_.includes(level))
const tags = [`[${this.YTJS_TAG}]`];
if (tag)
this.log_map_[level](`${tags.join("")}:`, ...args || []);
static setLevel(...args) {
this.log_level_ = args;
__name(Log, "Log");
_a = Log;
Log.Level = {
NONE: 0,
INFO: 3,
Log.log_map_ = {
[Log.Level.ERROR]: (...args) => console.error(...args),
[Log.Level.WARNING]: (...args) => console.warn(...args),
[Log.Level.INFO]: (...args) =>,
[Log.Level.DEBUG]: (...args) => console.debug(...args)
Log.log_level_ = [Log.Level.WARNING];
Log.one_time_warnings_issued_ = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
Log.warnOnce = (id, ...args) => {
if (_a.one_time_warnings_issued_.has(id))
_a.doLog(Log.Level.WARNING, id, args);
Log.warn = (tag, ...args) => _a.doLog(Log.Level.WARNING, tag, args);
Log.error = (tag, ...args) => _a.doLog(Log.Level.ERROR, tag, args); = (tag, ...args) => _a.doLog(Log.Level.INFO, tag, args);
Log.debug = (tag, ...args) => _a.doLog(Log.Level.DEBUG, tag, args);
var Log_default = Log;
// dist/src/parser/helpers.js
var _YTNode_instances;
var _YTNode_is;
var _Maybe_instances;
var _Maybe_TAG;
var _Maybe_value;
var _Maybe_checkPrimative;
var _Maybe_assertPrimative;
var _SuperParsedResult_result;
var isObserved = Symbol("ObservedArray.isObserved");
var YTNode = class {
constructor() {
this.type = this.constructor.type;
is(...types) {
return types.some((type) => (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _YTNode_instances, "m", _YTNode_is).call(this, type));
as(...types) {
if (! {
throw new ParsingError(`Cannot cast ${this.type} to one of ${ => t.type).join(", ")}`);
return this;
hasKey(key) {
return Reflect.has(this, key);
key(key) {
if (!this.hasKey(key)) {
throw new ParsingError(`Missing key ${key}`);
return new Maybe(this[key]);
__name(YTNode, "YTNode");
_YTNode_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _YTNode_is = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _YTNode_is2(type) {
return this.type === type.type;
}, "_YTNode_is");
YTNode.type = "YTNode";
var Maybe = class {
constructor(value) {
_Maybe_TAG.set(this, "Maybe");
_Maybe_value.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Maybe_value, value, "f");
get typeof() {
return typeof (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f");
string() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_assertPrimative).call(this, "string");
isString() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_checkPrimative).call(this, "string");
number() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_assertPrimative).call(this, "number");
isNumber() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_checkPrimative).call(this, "number");
bigint() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_assertPrimative).call(this, "bigint");
isBigint() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_checkPrimative).call(this, "bigint");
boolean() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_assertPrimative).call(this, "boolean");
isBoolean() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_checkPrimative).call(this, "boolean");
symbol() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_assertPrimative).call(this, "symbol");
isSymbol() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_checkPrimative).call(this, "symbol");
undefined() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_assertPrimative).call(this, "undefined");
isUndefined() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_checkPrimative).call(this, "undefined");
null() {
if ((0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f") !== null)
throw new TypeError(`Expected null, got ${typeof (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f")}`);
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f");
isNull() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f") === null;
object() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_assertPrimative).call(this, "object");
isObject() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_checkPrimative).call(this, "object");
function() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_assertPrimative).call(this, "function");
isFunction() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_checkPrimative).call(this, "function");
array() {
if (!Array.isArray((0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f"))) {
throw new TypeError(`Expected array, got ${typeof (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f")}`);
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f");
arrayOfMaybe() {
const arrayProps = [];
return new Proxy(this.array(), {
get(target, prop) {
if (Reflect.has(arrayProps, prop)) {
return Reflect.get(target, prop);
return new Maybe(Reflect.get(target, prop));
isArray() {
return Array.isArray((0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f"));
node() {
if (!((0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f") instanceof YTNode)) {
throw new TypeError(`Expected YTNode, got ${(0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f")}`);
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f");
isNode() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f") instanceof YTNode;
nodeOfType(...types) {
return this.node().as(...types);
isNodeOfType(...types) {
return this.isNode() && this.node().is(...types);
observed() {
if (!this.isObserved()) {
throw new TypeError(`Expected ObservedArray, got ${typeof (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f")}`);
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f");
isObserved() {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f")) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[isObserved];
parsed() {
if (!((0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f") instanceof SuperParsedResult)) {
throw new TypeError(`Expected SuperParsedResult, got ${typeof (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f")}`);
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f");
isParsed() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f") instanceof SuperParsedResult;
any() {
Log_default.warn((0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_TAG, "f"), "This call is not meant to be used outside of debugging. Please use the specific type getter instead.");
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f");
instanceof(type) {
if (!this.isInstanceof(type)) {
throw new TypeError(`Expected instance of ${}, got ${(0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f")}`);
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f");
isInstanceof(type) {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f") instanceof type;
__name(Maybe, "Maybe");
_Maybe_TAG = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Maybe_value = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Maybe_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _Maybe_checkPrimative = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Maybe_checkPrimative2(type) {
if (typeof (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f") !== type) {
return false;
return true;
}, "_Maybe_checkPrimative"), _Maybe_assertPrimative = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Maybe_assertPrimative2(type) {
if (!(0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_instances, "m", _Maybe_checkPrimative).call(this, type)) {
throw new TypeError(`Expected ${type}, got ${this.typeof}`);
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Maybe_value, "f");
}, "_Maybe_assertPrimative");
var SuperParsedResult = class {
constructor(result) {
_SuperParsedResult_result.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SuperParsedResult_result, result, "f");
get is_null() {
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SuperParsedResult_result, "f") === null;
get is_array() {
return !this.is_null && Array.isArray((0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SuperParsedResult_result, "f"));
get is_node() {
return !this.is_array;
array() {
if (!this.is_array) {
throw new TypeError("Expected an array, got a node");
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SuperParsedResult_result, "f");
item() {
if (!this.is_node) {
throw new TypeError("Expected a node, got an array");
return (0, import_tslib.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SuperParsedResult_result, "f");
__name(SuperParsedResult, "SuperParsedResult");
_SuperParsedResult_result = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
function observe(obj) {
return new Proxy(obj, {
get(target, prop) {
if (prop == "get") {
return (rule, del_item) => target.find((obj2, index) => {
const match = deepCompare(rule, obj2);
if (match && del_item) {
target.splice(index, 1);
return match;
if (prop == isObserved) {
return true;
if (prop == "getAll") {
return (rule, del_items) => target.filter((obj2, index) => {
const match = deepCompare(rule, obj2);
if (match && del_items) {
target.splice(index, 1);
return match;
if (prop == "matchCondition") {
return (condition) => target.find((obj2) => {
return condition(obj2);
if (prop == "filterType") {
return (...types) => {
return observe(target.filter((node) => {
if (
return true;
return false;
if (prop == "firstOfType") {
return (...types) => {
return target.find((node) => {
if (
return true;
return false;
if (prop == "first") {
return () => target[0];
if (prop == "as") {
return (...types) => {
return observe( => {
if (
return node;
throw new ParsingError(`Expected node of any type ${ => type.type).join(", ")}, got ${node.type}`);
if (prop == "remove") {
return (index) => target.splice(index, 1);
return Reflect.get(target, prop);
__name(observe, "observe");
var Memo = class extends Map {
getType(...types) {
types = types.flat();
return observe(types.flatMap((type) => this.get(type.type) || []));
__name(Memo, "Memo");
// dist/src/parser/misc.js
var misc_exports = {};
__export(misc_exports, {
Author: () => Author,
ChildElement: () => ChildElement_default,
EmojiRun: () => EmojiRun,
Format: () => Format_default,
Text: () => Text2,
TextRun: () => TextRun,
Thumbnail: () => Thumbnail,
VideoDetails: () => VideoDetails
// dist/src/utils/Constants.js
var Constants_exports = {};
__export(Constants_exports, {
URLS: () => URLS
var URLS = Object.freeze({
YT_BASE: "",
API: Object.freeze({
BASE: "",
TEST: "",
CAMI: "",
var OAUTH = Object.freeze({
SCOPE: "",
MODEL_NAME: "ytlr::",
HEADERS: Object.freeze({
"accept": "*/*",
"origin": "",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (ChromiumStylePlatform) Cobalt/Version",
"content-type": "application/json",
"referer": "",
"accept-language": "en-US"
REGEX: Object.freeze({
AUTH_SCRIPT: /<script id="base-js" src="(.*?)" nonce=".*?"><\/script>/,
CLIENT_IDENTITY: /var .+?={clientId:"(?<client_id>.+?)",.+?:"(?<client_secret>.+?)".+?}/
var CLIENTS = Object.freeze({
iOS: {
NAME_ID: "5",
NAME: "iOS",
VERSION: "18.06.35",
USER_AGENT: " (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_4 like Mac OS X; en_US)",
DEVICE_MODEL: "iPhone10,6"
WEB: {
NAME_ID: "1",
VERSION: "2.20240111.09.00",
API_KEY: "AIzaSyAO_FJ2SlqU8Q4STEHLGCilw_Y9_11qcW8",
NAME_ID: "76",
VERSION: "2.20230111.00.00"
NAME_ID: "67",
VERSION: "1.20211213.00.00"
NAME_ID: "3",
VERSION: "18.48.37",
USER_AGENT: "; U; Android 13; en_US; sdk_gphone64_x86_64 Build/UPB4.230623.005) gzip"
NAME_ID: "14",
VERSION: "22.43.101"
NAME_ID: "21",
VERSION: "5.34.51"
NAME_ID: "85",
VERSION: "2.0"
var STREAM_HEADERS = Object.freeze({
"accept": "*/*",
"origin": "",
"referer": "",
"DNT": "?1"
var INNERTUBE_HEADERS_BASE = Object.freeze({
"accept": "*/*",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
"content-type": "application/json"
// dist/src/parser/parser.js
var parser_exports = {};
__export(parser_exports, {
addRuntimeParser: () => addRuntimeParser,
applyCommentsMutations: () => applyCommentsMutations,
applyMutations: () => applyMutations,
getDynamicParsers: () => getDynamicParsers,
getParserByName: () => getParserByName,
hasParser: () => hasParser,
parse: () => parse,
parseActions: () => parseActions,
parseArray: () => parseArray,
parseC: () => parseC,
parseFormats: () => parseFormats,
parseItem: () => parseItem,
parseLC: () => parseLC,
parseRR: () => parseRR,
parseResponse: () => parseResponse,
sanitizeClassName: () => sanitizeClassName,
setParserErrorHandler: () => setParserErrorHandler,
shouldIgnore: () => shouldIgnore
var import_tslib18 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/parser/nodes.js
var nodes_exports = {};
__export(nodes_exports, {
AboutChannel: () => AboutChannel_default,
AboutChannelView: () => AboutChannelView_default,
AccountChannel: () => AccountChannel_default,
AccountItemSection: () => AccountItemSection_default,
AccountItemSectionHeader: () => AccountItemSectionHeader_default,
AccountSectionList: () => AccountSectionList_default,
AddBannerToLiveChatCommand: () => AddBannerToLiveChatCommand_default,
AddChatItemAction: () => AddChatItemAction_default,
AddLiveChatTickerItemAction: () => AddLiveChatTickerItemAction_default,
Alert: () => Alert_default,
AlertWithButton: () => AlertWithButton_default,
AnalyticsMainAppKeyMetrics: () => AnalyticsMainAppKeyMetrics_default,
AnalyticsRoot: () => AnalyticsRoot_default,
AnalyticsShortsCarouselCard: () => AnalyticsShortsCarouselCard_default,
AnalyticsVideo: () => AnalyticsVideo_default,
AnalyticsVodCarouselCard: () => AnalyticsVodCarouselCard_default,
AnchoredSection: () => AnchoredSection_default,
AppendContinuationItemsAction: () => AppendContinuationItemsAction_default,
AttributionView: () => AttributionView_default,
AudioOnlyPlayability: () => AudioOnlyPlayability_default,
AuthorCommentBadge: () => AuthorCommentBadge_default,
AutomixPreviewVideo: () => AutomixPreviewVideo_default,
AvatarView: () => AvatarView_default,
BackstageImage: () => BackstageImage_default,
BackstagePost: () => BackstagePost_default,
BackstagePostThread: () => BackstagePostThread_default,
BrowseFeedActions: () => BrowseFeedActions_default,
BrowserMediaSession: () => BrowserMediaSession_default,
Button: () => Button_default,
ButtonView: () => ButtonView_default,
C4TabbedHeader: () => C4TabbedHeader_default,
CallToActionButton: () => CallToActionButton_default,
Card: () => Card_default,
CardCollection: () => CardCollection_default,
CarouselHeader: () => CarouselHeader_default,
CarouselItem: () => CarouselItem_default,
CarouselLockup: () => CarouselLockup_default,
Channel: () => Channel_default,
ChannelAboutFullMetadata: () => ChannelAboutFullMetadata_default,
ChannelAgeGate: () => ChannelAgeGate_default,
ChannelExternalLinkView: () => ChannelExternalLinkView_default,
ChannelFeaturedContent: () => ChannelFeaturedContent_default,
ChannelHeaderLinks: () => ChannelHeaderLinks_default,
ChannelHeaderLinksView: () => ChannelHeaderLinksView_default,
ChannelMetadata: () => ChannelMetadata_default,
ChannelMobileHeader: () => ChannelMobileHeader_default,
ChannelOptions: () => ChannelOptions_default,
ChannelOwnerEmptyState: () => ChannelOwnerEmptyState_default,
ChannelSubMenu: () => ChannelSubMenu_default,
ChannelTagline: () => ChannelTagline_default,
ChannelThumbnailWithLink: () => ChannelThumbnailWithLink_default,
ChannelVideoPlayer: () => ChannelVideoPlayer_default,
Chapter: () => Chapter_default,
ChildVideo: () => ChildVideo_default,
ChipBarView: () => ChipBarView_default,
ChipCloud: () => ChipCloud_default,
ChipCloudChip: () => ChipCloudChip_default,
ChipView: () => ChipView_default,
ClipAdState: () => ClipAdState_default,
ClipCreation: () => ClipCreation_default,
ClipCreationScrubber: () => ClipCreationScrubber_default,
ClipCreationTextInput: () => ClipCreationTextInput_default,
ClipSection: () => ClipSection_default,
CollaboratorInfoCardContent: () => CollaboratorInfoCardContent_default,
CollageHeroImage: () => CollageHeroImage_default,
CollectionThumbnailView: () => CollectionThumbnailView_default,
Command: () => Command_default,
Comment: () => Comment_default,
CommentActionButtons: () => CommentActionButtons_default,
CommentDialog: () => CommentDialog_default,
CommentReplies: () => CommentReplies_default,
CommentReplyDialog: () => CommentReplyDialog_default,
CommentSimplebox: () => CommentSimplebox_default,
CommentThread: () => CommentThread_default,
CommentView: () => CommentView_default,
CommentsEntryPointHeader: () => CommentsEntryPointHeader_default,
CommentsEntryPointTeaser: () => CommentsEntryPointTeaser_default,
CommentsHeader: () => CommentsHeader_default,
CommentsSimplebox: () => CommentsSimplebox_default,
CompactChannel: () => CompactChannel_default,
CompactLink: () => CompactLink_default,
CompactMix: () => CompactMix_default,
CompactMovie: () => CompactMovie_default,
CompactPlaylist: () => CompactPlaylist_default,
CompactStation: () => CompactStation_default,
CompactVideo: () => CompactVideo_default,
ConfirmDialog: () => ConfirmDialog_default,
ContentMetadataView: () => ContentMetadataView_default,
ContentPreviewImageView: () => ContentPreviewImageView_default,
ContinuationItem: () => ContinuationItem_default,
ConversationBar: () => ConversationBar_default,
CopyLink: () => CopyLink_default,
CreatePlaylistDialog: () => CreatePlaylistDialog_default,
CreatorHeart: () => CreatorHeart_default,
CtaGoToCreatorStudio: () => CtaGoToCreatorStudio_default,
DataModelSection: () => DataModelSection_default,
DecoratedAvatarView: () => DecoratedAvatarView_default,
DecoratedPlayerBar: () => DecoratedPlayerBar_default,
DefaultPromoPanel: () => DefaultPromoPanel_default,
DescriptionPreviewView: () => DescriptionPreviewView_default,
DidYouMean: () => DidYouMean_default,
DimChatItemAction: () => DimChatItemAction_default,
DislikeButtonView: () => DislikeButtonView_default,
DownloadButton: () => DownloadButton_default,
Dropdown: () => Dropdown_default,
DropdownItem: () => DropdownItem_default,
DynamicTextView: () => DynamicTextView_default,
Element: () => Element_default,
EmergencyOnebox: () => EmergencyOnebox_default,
EmojiPicker: () => EmojiPicker_default,
EmojiPickerCategory: () => EmojiPickerCategory_default,
EmojiPickerCategoryButton: () => EmojiPickerCategoryButton_default,
EmojiPickerUpsellCategory: () => EmojiPickerUpsellCategory_default,
EndScreenPlaylist: () => EndScreenPlaylist_default,
EndScreenVideo: () => EndScreenVideo_default,
Endscreen: () => Endscreen_default,
EndscreenElement: () => EndscreenElement_default,
EngagementPanelSectionList: () => EngagementPanelSectionList_default,
EngagementPanelTitleHeader: () => EngagementPanelTitleHeader_default,
ExpandableMetadata: () => ExpandableMetadata_default,
ExpandableTab: () => ExpandableTab_default,
ExpandableVideoDescriptionBody: () => ExpandableVideoDescriptionBody_default,
ExpandedShelfContents: () => ExpandedShelfContents_default,
Factoid: () => Factoid_default,
FancyDismissibleDialog: () => FancyDismissibleDialog_default,
FeedFilterChipBar: () => FeedFilterChipBar_default,
FeedNudge: () => FeedNudge_default,
FeedTabbedHeader: () => FeedTabbedHeader_default,
FlexibleActionsView: () => FlexibleActionsView_default,
GameCard: () => GameCard_default,
GameDetails: () => GameDetails_default,
Grid: () => Grid_default,
GridChannel: () => GridChannel_default,
GridHeader: () => GridHeader_default,
GridMix: () => GridMix_default,
GridMovie: () => GridMovie_default,
GridPlaylist: () => GridPlaylist_default,
GridShow: () => GridShow_default,
GridVideo: () => GridVideo_default,
GuideCollapsibleEntry: () => GuideCollapsibleEntry_default,
GuideCollapsibleSectionEntry: () => GuideCollapsibleSectionEntry_default,
GuideDownloadsEntry: () => GuideDownloadsEntry_default,
GuideEntry: () => GuideEntry_default,
GuideSection: () => GuideSection_default,
GuideSubscriptionsSection: () => GuideSubscriptionsSection_default,
HashtagHeader: () => HashtagHeader_default,
HashtagTile: () => HashtagTile_default,
HeatMarker: () => HeatMarker_default,
Heatmap: () => Heatmap_default,
HeroPlaylistThumbnail: () => HeroPlaylistThumbnail_default,
HighlightsCarousel: () => HighlightsCarousel_default,
HistorySuggestion: () => HistorySuggestion_default,
HorizontalCardList: () => HorizontalCardList_default,
HorizontalList: () => HorizontalList_default,
HorizontalMovieList: () => HorizontalMovieList_default,
IconLink: () => IconLink_default,
ImageBannerView: () => ImageBannerView_default,
IncludingResultsFor: () => IncludingResultsFor_default,
InfoPanelContainer: () => InfoPanelContainer_default,
InfoPanelContent: () => InfoPanelContent_default,
InfoRow: () => InfoRow_default,
InteractiveTabbedHeader: () => InteractiveTabbedHeader_default,
ItemSection: () => ItemSection_default,
ItemSectionHeader: () => ItemSectionHeader_default,
ItemSectionTab: () => ItemSectionTab_default,
ItemSectionTabbedHeader: () => ItemSectionTabbedHeader_default,
KidsBlocklistPicker: () => KidsBlocklistPicker_default,
KidsBlocklistPickerItem: () => KidsBlocklistPickerItem_default,
KidsCategoriesHeader: () => KidsCategoriesHeader_default,
KidsCategoryTab: () => KidsCategoryTab_default,
KidsHomeScreen: () => KidsHomeScreen_default,
LikeButton: () => LikeButton_default,
LikeButtonView: () => LikeButtonView_default,
LiveChat: () => LiveChat_default,
LiveChatActionPanel: () => LiveChatActionPanel_default,
LiveChatAuthorBadge: () => LiveChatAuthorBadge_default,
LiveChatAutoModMessage: () => LiveChatAutoModMessage_default,
LiveChatBanner: () => LiveChatBanner_default,
LiveChatBannerHeader: () => LiveChatBannerHeader_default,
LiveChatBannerPoll: () => LiveChatBannerPoll_default,
LiveChatDialog: () => LiveChatDialog_default,
LiveChatHeader: () => LiveChatHeader_default,
LiveChatItemList: () => LiveChatItemList_default,
LiveChatMembershipItem: () => LiveChatMembershipItem_default,
LiveChatMessageInput: () => LiveChatMessageInput_default,
LiveChatPaidMessage: () => LiveChatPaidMessage_default,
LiveChatPaidSticker: () => LiveChatPaidSticker_default,
LiveChatParticipant: () => LiveChatParticipant_default,
LiveChatParticipantsList: () => LiveChatParticipantsList_default,
LiveChatPlaceholderItem: () => LiveChatPlaceholderItem_default,
LiveChatProductItem: () => LiveChatProductItem_default,
LiveChatRestrictedParticipation: () => LiveChatRestrictedParticipation_default,
LiveChatTextMessage: () => LiveChatTextMessage_default,
LiveChatTickerPaidMessageItem: () => LiveChatTickerPaidMessageItem_default,
LiveChatTickerPaidStickerItem: () => LiveChatTickerPaidStickerItem_default,
LiveChatTickerSponsorItem: () => LiveChatTickerSponsorItem_default,
LiveChatViewerEngagementMessage: () => LiveChatViewerEngagementMessage_default,
LockupMetadataView: () => LockupMetadataView_default,
LockupView: () => LockupView_default,
MacroMarkersInfoItem: () => MacroMarkersInfoItem_default,
MacroMarkersList: () => MacroMarkersList_default,
MacroMarkersListItem: () => MacroMarkersListItem_default,
MarkChatItemAsDeletedAction: () => MarkChatItemAsDeletedAction_default,
MarkChatItemsByAuthorAsDeletedAction: () => MarkChatItemsByAuthorAsDeletedAction_default,
Menu: () => Menu_default,
MenuNavigationItem: () => MenuNavigationItem_default,
MenuPopup: () => MenuPopup_default,
MenuServiceItem: () => MenuServiceItem_default,
MenuServiceItemDownload: () => MenuServiceItemDownload_default,
MerchandiseItem: () => MerchandiseItem_default,
MerchandiseShelf: () => MerchandiseShelf_default,
Message: () => Message_default,
MetadataBadge: () => MetadataBadge_default,
MetadataRow: () => MetadataRow_default,
MetadataRowContainer: () => MetadataRowContainer_default,
MetadataRowHeader: () => MetadataRowHeader_default,
MetadataScreen: () => MetadataScreen_default,
MicroformatData: () => MicroformatData_default,
Mix: () => Mix_default,
ModalWithTitleAndButton: () => ModalWithTitleAndButton_default,
Movie: () => Movie_default,
MovingThumbnail: () => MovingThumbnail_default,
MultiMarkersPlayerBar: () => MultiMarkersPlayerBar_default,
MultiPageMenu: () => MultiPageMenu_default,
MultiPageMenuNotificationSection: () => MultiPageMenuNotificationSection_default,
MusicCardShelf: () => MusicCardShelf_default,
MusicCardShelfHeaderBasic: () => MusicCardShelfHeaderBasic_default,
MusicCarouselShelf: () => MusicCarouselShelf_default,
MusicCarouselShelfBasicHeader: () => MusicCarouselShelfBasicHeader_default,
MusicDescriptionShelf: () => MusicDescriptionShelf_default,
MusicDetailHeader: () => MusicDetailHeader_default,
MusicDownloadStateBadge: () => MusicDownloadStateBadge_default,
MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader: () => MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader_default,
MusicElementHeader: () => MusicElementHeader_default,
MusicHeader: () => MusicHeader_default,
MusicImmersiveHeader: () => MusicImmersiveHeader_default,
MusicInlineBadge: () => MusicInlineBadge_default,
MusicItemThumbnailOverlay: () => MusicItemThumbnailOverlay_default,
MusicLargeCardItemCarousel: () => MusicLargeCardItemCarousel_default,
MusicMenuItemDivider: () => MusicMenuItemDivider_default,
MusicMultiRowListItem: () => MusicMultiRowListItem_default,
MusicMultiSelectMenu: () => MusicMultiSelectMenu_default,
MusicMultiSelectMenuItem: () => MusicMultiSelectMenuItem_default,
MusicNavigationButton: () => MusicNavigationButton_default,
MusicPlayButton: () => MusicPlayButton_default,
MusicPlaylistShelf: () => MusicPlaylistShelf_default,
MusicQueue: () => MusicQueue_default,
MusicResponsiveHeader: () => MusicResponsiveHeader_default,
MusicResponsiveListItem: () => MusicResponsiveListItem_default,
MusicResponsiveListItemFixedColumn: () => MusicResponsiveListItemFixedColumn_default,
MusicResponsiveListItemFlexColumn: () => MusicResponsiveListItemFlexColumn_default,
MusicShelf: () => MusicShelf_default,
MusicSideAlignedItem: () => MusicSideAlignedItem_default,
MusicSortFilterButton: () => MusicSortFilterButton_default,
MusicTastebuilderShelf: () => MusicTastebuilderShelf_default,
MusicTastebuilderShelfThumbnail: () => MusicTastebuilderShelfThumbnail_default,
MusicThumbnail: () => MusicThumbnail_default,
MusicTwoRowItem: () => MusicTwoRowItem_default,
MusicVisualHeader: () => MusicVisualHeader_default,
NavigationEndpoint: () => NavigationEndpoint_default,
Notification: () => Notification_default,
OpenPopupAction: () => OpenPopupAction_default,
PageHeader: () => PageHeader_default,
PageHeaderView: () => PageHeaderView_default,
PageIntroduction: () => PageIntroduction_default,
PdgCommentChip: () => PdgCommentChip_default,
PivotButton: () => PivotButton_default,
PlayerAnnotationsExpanded: () => PlayerAnnotationsExpanded_default,
PlayerCaptionsTracklist: () => PlayerCaptionsTracklist_default,
PlayerControlsOverlay: () => PlayerControlsOverlay_default,
PlayerErrorMessage: () => PlayerErrorMessage_default,
PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcOffer: () => PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcOffer_default,
PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailer: () => PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailer_default,
PlayerLiveStoryboardSpec: () => PlayerLiveStoryboardSpec_default,
PlayerMicroformat: () => PlayerMicroformat_default,
PlayerOverflow: () => PlayerOverflow_default,
PlayerOverlay: () => PlayerOverlay_default,
PlayerOverlayAutoplay: () => PlayerOverlayAutoplay_default,
PlayerStoryboardSpec: () => PlayerStoryboardSpec_default,
Playlist: () => Playlist_default,
PlaylistCustomThumbnail: () => PlaylistCustomThumbnail_default,
PlaylistHeader: () => PlaylistHeader_default,
PlaylistInfoCardContent: () => PlaylistInfoCardContent_default,
PlaylistMetadata: () => PlaylistMetadata_default,
PlaylistPanel: () => PlaylistPanel_default,
PlaylistPanelVideo: () => PlaylistPanelVideo_default,
PlaylistPanelVideoWrapper: () => PlaylistPanelVideoWrapper_default,
PlaylistSidebar: () => PlaylistSidebar_default,
PlaylistSidebarPrimaryInfo: () => PlaylistSidebarPrimaryInfo_default,
PlaylistSidebarSecondaryInfo: () => PlaylistSidebarSecondaryInfo_default,
PlaylistVideo: () => PlaylistVideo_default,
PlaylistVideoList: () => PlaylistVideoList_default,
PlaylistVideoThumbnail: () => PlaylistVideoThumbnail_default,
Poll: () => Poll_default,
PollHeader: () => PollHeader_default,
Post: () => Post_default,
PostMultiImage: () => PostMultiImage_default,
ProductList: () => ProductList_default,
ProductListHeader: () => ProductListHeader_default,
ProductListItem: () => ProductListItem_default,
ProfileColumn: () => ProfileColumn_default,
ProfileColumnStats: () => ProfileColumnStats_default,
ProfileColumnStatsEntry: () => ProfileColumnStatsEntry_default,
ProfileColumnUserInfo: () => ProfileColumnUserInfo_default,
Quiz: () => Quiz_default,
RecognitionShelf: () => RecognitionShelf_default,
ReelItem: () => ReelItem_default,
ReelPlayerHeader: () => ReelPlayerHeader_default,
ReelPlayerOverlay: () => ReelPlayerOverlay_default,
ReelShelf: () => ReelShelf_default,
RelatedChipCloud: () => RelatedChipCloud_default,
RemoveBannerForLiveChatCommand: () => RemoveBannerForLiveChatCommand_default,
RemoveChatItemAction: () => RemoveChatItemAction_default,
RemoveChatItemByAuthorAction: () => RemoveChatItemByAuthorAction_default,
ReplaceChatItemAction: () => ReplaceChatItemAction_default,
ReplayChatItemAction: () => ReplayChatItemAction_default,
RichGrid: () => RichGrid_default,
RichItem: () => RichItem_default,
RichListHeader: () => RichListHeader_default,
RichMetadata: () => RichMetadata_default,
RichMetadataRow: () => RichMetadataRow_default,
RichSection: () => RichSection_default,
RichShelf: () => RichShelf_default,
SearchBox: () => SearchBox_default,
SearchFilter: () => SearchFilter_default,
SearchFilterGroup: () => SearchFilterGroup_default,
SearchFilterOptionsDialog: () => SearchFilterOptionsDialog_default,
SearchHeader: () => SearchHeader_default,
SearchRefinementCard: () => SearchRefinementCard_default,
SearchSubMenu: () => SearchSubMenu_default,
SearchSuggestion: () => SearchSuggestion_default,
SearchSuggestionsSection: () => SearchSuggestionsSection_default,
SecondarySearchContainer: () => SecondarySearchContainer_default,
SectionList: () => SectionList_default,
SegmentedLikeDislikeButton: () => SegmentedLikeDislikeButton_default,
SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView: () => SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView_default,
SettingBoolean: () => SettingBoolean_default,
SettingsCheckbox: () => SettingsCheckbox_default,
SettingsOptions: () => SettingsOptions_default,
SettingsSidebar: () => SettingsSidebar_default,
SettingsSwitch: () => SettingsSwitch_default,
SharedPost: () => SharedPost_default,
Shelf: () => Shelf_default,
ShowCustomThumbnail: () => ShowCustomThumbnail_default,
ShowLiveChatActionPanelAction: () => ShowLiveChatActionPanelAction_default,
ShowLiveChatDialogAction: () => ShowLiveChatDialogAction_default,
ShowLiveChatTooltipCommand: () => ShowLiveChatTooltipCommand_default,
ShowingResultsFor: () => ShowingResultsFor_default,
SimpleCardContent: () => SimpleCardContent_default,
SimpleCardTeaser: () => SimpleCardTeaser_default,
SimpleMenuHeader: () => SimpleMenuHeader_default,
SimpleTextSection: () => SimpleTextSection_default,
SingleActionEmergencySupport: () => SingleActionEmergencySupport_default,
SingleColumnBrowseResults: () => SingleColumnBrowseResults_default,
SingleColumnMusicWatchNextResults: () => SingleColumnMusicWatchNextResults_default,
SingleHeroImage: () => SingleHeroImage_default,
SlimOwner: () => SlimOwner_default,
SlimVideoMetadata: () => SlimVideoMetadata_default,
SortFilterHeader: () => SortFilterHeader_default,
SortFilterSubMenu: () => SortFilterSubMenu_default,
SponsorCommentBadge: () => SponsorCommentBadge_default,
StatRow: () => StatRow_default,
StructuredDescriptionContent: () => StructuredDescriptionContent_default,
StructuredDescriptionPlaylistLockup: () => StructuredDescriptionPlaylistLockup_default,
SubFeedOption: () => SubFeedOption_default,
SubFeedSelector: () => SubFeedSelector_default,
SubscribeButton: () => SubscribeButton_default,
SubscriptionNotificationToggleButton: () => SubscriptionNotificationToggleButton_default,
Tab: () => Tab_default,
Tabbed: () => Tabbed_default,
TabbedSearchResults: () => TabbedSearchResults_default,
TextHeader: () => TextHeader_default,
ThumbnailBadgeView: () => ThumbnailBadgeView_default,
ThumbnailHoverOverlayView: () => ThumbnailHoverOverlayView_default,
ThumbnailLandscapePortrait: () => ThumbnailLandscapePortrait_default,
ThumbnailOverlayBadgeView: () => ThumbnailOverlayBadgeView_default,
ThumbnailOverlayBottomPanel: () => ThumbnailOverlayBottomPanel_default,
ThumbnailOverlayEndorsement: () => ThumbnailOverlayEndorsement_default,
ThumbnailOverlayHoverText: () => ThumbnailOverlayHoverText_default,
ThumbnailOverlayInlineUnplayable: () => ThumbnailOverlayInlineUnplayable_default,
ThumbnailOverlayLoadingPreview: () => ThumbnailOverlayLoadingPreview_default,
ThumbnailOverlayNowPlaying: () => ThumbnailOverlayNowPlaying_default,
ThumbnailOverlayPinking: () => ThumbnailOverlayPinking_default,
ThumbnailOverlayPlaybackStatus: () => ThumbnailOverlayPlaybackStatus_default,
ThumbnailOverlayResumePlayback: () => ThumbnailOverlayResumePlayback_default,
ThumbnailOverlaySidePanel: () => ThumbnailOverlaySidePanel_default,
ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus: () => ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus_default,
ThumbnailOverlayToggleButton: () => ThumbnailOverlayToggleButton_default,
ThumbnailView: () => ThumbnailView_default,
TimedMarkerDecoration: () => TimedMarkerDecoration_default,
TitleAndButtonListHeader: () => TitleAndButtonListHeader_default,
ToggleButton: () => ToggleButton_default,
ToggleButtonView: () => ToggleButtonView_default,
ToggleMenuServiceItem: () => ToggleMenuServiceItem_default,
Tooltip: () => Tooltip_default,
TopicChannelDetails: () => TopicChannelDetails_default,
Transcript: () => Transcript_default,
TranscriptFooter: () => TranscriptFooter_default,
TranscriptSearchBox: () => TranscriptSearchBox_default,
TranscriptSearchPanel: () => TranscriptSearchPanel_default,
TranscriptSectionHeader: () => TranscriptSectionHeader_default,
TranscriptSegment: () => TranscriptSegment_default,
TranscriptSegmentList: () => TranscriptSegmentList_default,
TwoColumnBrowseResults: () => TwoColumnBrowseResults_default,
TwoColumnSearchResults: () => TwoColumnSearchResults_default,
TwoColumnWatchNextResults: () => TwoColumnWatchNextResults_default,
UniversalWatchCard: () => UniversalWatchCard_default,
UpdateDateTextAction: () => UpdateDateTextAction_default,
UpdateDescriptionAction: () => UpdateDescriptionAction_default,
UpdateEngagementPanelAction: () => UpdateEngagementPanelAction_default,
UpdateLiveChatPollAction: () => UpdateLiveChatPollAction_default,
UpdateTitleAction: () => UpdateTitleAction_default,
UpdateToggleButtonTextAction: () => UpdateToggleButtonTextAction_default,
UpdateViewershipAction: () => UpdateViewershipAction_default,
UploadTimeFactoid: () => UploadTimeFactoid_default,
UpsellDialog: () => UpsellDialog_default,
VerticalList: () => VerticalList_default,
VerticalWatchCardList: () => VerticalWatchCardList_default,
Video: () => Video_default,
VideoAttributeView: () => VideoAttributeView_default,
VideoCard: () => VideoCard_default,
VideoDescriptionCourseSection: () => VideoDescriptionCourseSection_default,
VideoDescriptionHeader: () => VideoDescriptionHeader_default,
VideoDescriptionInfocardsSection: () => VideoDescriptionInfocardsSection_default,
VideoDescriptionMusicSection: () => VideoDescriptionMusicSection_default,
VideoDescriptionTranscriptSection: () => VideoDescriptionTranscriptSection_default,
VideoInfoCardContent: () => VideoInfoCardContent_default,
VideoOwner: () => VideoOwner_default,
VideoPrimaryInfo: () => VideoPrimaryInfo_default,
VideoSecondaryInfo: () => VideoSecondaryInfo_default,
ViewCountFactoid: () => ViewCountFactoid_default,
WatchCardCompactVideo: () => WatchCardCompactVideo_default,
WatchCardHeroVideo: () => WatchCardHeroVideo_default,
WatchCardRichHeader: () => WatchCardRichHeader_default,
WatchCardSectionSequence: () => WatchCardSectionSequence_default,
WatchNextEndScreen: () => WatchNextEndScreen_default,
WatchNextTabbedResults: () => WatchNextTabbedResults_default,
YpcTrailer: () => YpcTrailer_default
// dist/src/utils/Cache.js
var import_tslib2 = require("tslib");
var _UniversalCache_cache;
var UniversalCache = class {
constructor(persistent, persistent_directory) {
_UniversalCache_cache.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib2.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _UniversalCache_cache, new Platform.shim.Cache(persistent, persistent_directory), "f");
get cache_dir() {
return (0, import_tslib2.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _UniversalCache_cache, "f").cache_dir;
get(key) {
return (0, import_tslib2.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _UniversalCache_cache, "f").get(key);
set(key, value) {
return (0, import_tslib2.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _UniversalCache_cache, "f").set(key, value);
remove(key) {
return (0, import_tslib2.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _UniversalCache_cache, "f").remove(key);
__name(UniversalCache, "UniversalCache");
_UniversalCache_cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Cache_default = UniversalCache;
// dist/src/utils/EventEmitterLike.js
var import_tslib3 = require("tslib");
var _EventEmitterLike_legacy_listeners;
var EventEmitterLike = class extends EventTarget {
constructor() {
_EventEmitterLike_legacy_listeners.set(this, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
emit(type, ...args) {
const event = new Platform.shim.CustomEvent(type, { detail: args });
on(type, listener) {
const wrapper = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ev) => {
if (ev instanceof Platform.shim.CustomEvent) {
} else {
}, "wrapper");
(0, import_tslib3.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _EventEmitterLike_legacy_listeners, "f").set(listener, wrapper);
this.addEventListener(type, wrapper);
once(type, listener) {
const wrapper = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((ev) => {
if (ev instanceof Platform.shim.CustomEvent) {
} else {
}, listener);
}, "wrapper");
(0, import_tslib3.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _EventEmitterLike_legacy_listeners, "f").set(listener, wrapper);
this.addEventListener(type, wrapper);
off(type, listener) {
const wrapper = (0, import_tslib3.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _EventEmitterLike_legacy_listeners, "f").get(listener);
if (wrapper) {
this.removeEventListener(type, wrapper);
(0, import_tslib3.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _EventEmitterLike_legacy_listeners, "f").delete(listener);
__name(EventEmitterLike, "EventEmitterLike");
_EventEmitterLike_legacy_listeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var EventEmitterLike_default = EventEmitterLike;
// dist/src/utils/FormatUtils.js
var FormatUtils_exports = {};
__export(FormatUtils_exports, {
chooseFormat: () => chooseFormat,
download: () => download,
toDash: () => toDash
var import_tslib7 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/utils/DashManifest.js
var import_tslib6 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/utils/DashUtils.js
var import_tslib4 = require("tslib");
"&": "&amp;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&apos;",
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;"
function escapeXMLString(str) {
return str.replace(/([&"<>'])/g, (_, item) => {
return XML_CHARACTER_MAP[item];
__name(escapeXMLString, "escapeXMLString");
function normalizeTag(tag) {
if (tag === "mpd")
return "MPD";
if (tag === "base-url")
return "BaseURL";
const sections = tag.split("-");
return => section.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + section.slice(1)).join("");
__name(normalizeTag, "normalizeTag");
function createElement(tagNameOrFunction, props, ...children) {
const normalizedChildren = children.flat().map((child) => typeof child === "string" ? createTextElement(child) : child);
if (typeof tagNameOrFunction === "function") {
return tagNameOrFunction(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props), { children: normalizedChildren }));
return {
type: normalizeTag(tagNameOrFunction),
props: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, props), { children: normalizedChildren })
__name(createElement, "createElement");
function createTextElement(text) {
return {
props: { nodeValue: text }
__name(createTextElement, "createTextElement");
function renderElementToString(element) {
return (0, import_tslib4.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (element.type === "TEXT_ELEMENT")
return escapeXMLString(typeof element.props.nodeValue === "string" ? element.props.nodeValue : "");
let dom = `<${element.type}`;
if (element.props) {
const properties = Object.keys(element.props).filter((key) => !["children", "nodeValue"].includes(key) && element.props[key] !== void 0).map((name) => `${name}="${escapeXMLString(`${element.props[name]}`)}"`);
if (properties.length > 0)
dom += ` ${properties.join(" ")}`;
if (element.props.children) {
const children = yield Promise.all((yield Promise.all(element.props.children.flat())).flat().filter((child) => !!child).map((child) => renderElementToString(child)));
if (children.length > 0) {
dom += `>${children.join("")}</${element.type}>`;
return dom;
return `${dom}/>`;
__name(renderElementToString, "renderElementToString");
function renderToString(root) {
return (0, import_tslib4.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const dom = yield renderElementToString(yield root);
return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>${dom}`;
__name(renderToString, "renderToString");
function Fragment(props) {
return props.children;
__name(Fragment, "Fragment");
// dist/src/utils/StreamingInfo.js
var import_tslib5 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerStoryboardSpec.js
var PlayerStoryboardSpec = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
const parts = data.spec.split("|");
const url = new URL(parts.shift());
this.boards =, i) => {
const [thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, thumbnail_count, columns, rows, interval, name, sigh] = part.split("#");
url.searchParams.set("sigh", sigh);
const storyboard_count = Math.ceil(parseInt(thumbnail_count, 10) / (parseInt(columns, 10) * parseInt(rows, 10)));
return {
type: "vod",
template_url: url.toString().replace("$L", i).replace("$N", name),
thumbnail_width: parseInt(thumbnail_width, 10),
thumbnail_height: parseInt(thumbnail_height, 10),
thumbnail_count: parseInt(thumbnail_count, 10),
interval: parseInt(interval, 10),
columns: parseInt(columns, 10),
rows: parseInt(rows, 10),
__name(PlayerStoryboardSpec, "PlayerStoryboardSpec");
PlayerStoryboardSpec.type = "PlayerStoryboardSpec";
var PlayerStoryboardSpec_default = PlayerStoryboardSpec;
// dist/src/utils/StreamingInfo.js
var TAG_ = "StreamingInfo";
function getFormatGroupings(formats, is_post_live_dvr) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
const group_info = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const has_multiple_audio_tracks = formats.some((fmt) => !!fmt.audio_track);
for (const format of formats) {
if ((!format.index_range || !format.init_range) && !format.is_type_otf && !is_post_live_dvr) {
const mime_type = format.mime_type.split(";")[0];
const just_codec = (_a4 = getStringBetweenStrings(format.mime_type, 'codecs="', '"')) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.split(".")[0];
const color_info = format.color_info ? Object.values(format.color_info).join("-") : "";
const audio_track_id = ((_b = format.audio_track) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : || "";
const group_id = `${mime_type}-${just_codec}-${color_info}-${audio_track_id}`;
if (!group_info.has(group_id)) {
group_info.set(group_id, []);
(_c = group_info.get(group_id)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.push(format);
return {
groups: Array.from(group_info.values()),
__name(getFormatGroupings, "getFormatGroupings");
function hoistCodecsIfPossible(formats, hoisted) {
if (formats.length > 1 && new Set( => getStringBetweenStrings(format.mime_type, 'codecs="', '"'))).size === 1) {
return getStringBetweenStrings(formats[0].mime_type, 'codecs="', '"');
__name(hoistCodecsIfPossible, "hoistCodecsIfPossible");
function hoistNumberAttributeIfPossible(formats, property, hoisted) {
if (formats.length > 1 && new Set( => format.fps)).size === 1) {
return Number(formats[0][property]);
__name(hoistNumberAttributeIfPossible, "hoistNumberAttributeIfPossible");
function hoistAudioChannelsIfPossible(formats, hoisted) {
if (formats.length > 1 && new Set( => format.audio_channels || 2)).size === 1) {
return formats[0].audio_channels;
__name(hoistAudioChannelsIfPossible, "hoistAudioChannelsIfPossible");
function getOTFSegmentTemplate(url, actions) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib5.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield actions.session.http.fetch_function(`${url}&rn=0&sq=0`, {
method: "GET",
redirect: "follow"
const resolved_url = response.url.replace("&rn=0", "").replace("&sq=0", "");
const response_text = yield response.text();
const segment_duration_strings = (_a4 = getStringBetweenStrings(response_text, "Segment-Durations-Ms:", "\r\n")) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.split(",");
if (!segment_duration_strings) {
throw new InnertubeError("Failed to extract the segment durations from this OTF stream", { url });
const segment_durations = [];
for (const segment_duration_string of segment_duration_strings) {
const trimmed_segment_duration = segment_duration_string.trim();
if (trimmed_segment_duration.length === 0) {
let repeat_count;
const repeat_count_string = getStringBetweenStrings(trimmed_segment_duration, "(r=", ")");
if (repeat_count_string) {
repeat_count = parseInt(repeat_count_string);
duration: parseInt(trimmed_segment_duration),
return {
init_url: `${resolved_url}&sq=0`,
media_url: `${resolved_url}&sq=$Number$`,
timeline: segment_durations
__name(getOTFSegmentTemplate, "getOTFSegmentTemplate");
function getPostLiveDvrInfo(transformed_url, actions) {
return (0, import_tslib5.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield actions.session.http.fetch_function(`${transformed_url}&rn=0&sq=0`, {
method: "HEAD",
redirect: "follow"
const duration_ms = parseInt(response.headers.get("X-Head-Time-Millis") || "");
const segment_count = parseInt(response.headers.get("X-Head-Seqnum") || "");
if (isNaN(duration_ms) || isNaN(segment_count)) {
throw new InnertubeError("Failed to extract the duration or segment count for this Post Live DVR video");
return {
duration: duration_ms / 1e3,
__name(getPostLiveDvrInfo, "getPostLiveDvrInfo");
function getPostLiveDvrDuration(shared_post_live_dvr_info, format, url_transformer, actions, player, cpn) {
return (0, import_tslib5.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!shared_post_live_dvr_info.item) {
const url = new URL(format.decipher(player));
url.searchParams.set("cpn", cpn || "");
const transformed_url = url_transformer(url).toString();
shared_post_live_dvr_info.item = yield getPostLiveDvrInfo(transformed_url, actions);
return shared_post_live_dvr_info.item.duration;
__name(getPostLiveDvrDuration, "getPostLiveDvrDuration");
function getSegmentInfo(format, url_transformer, actions, player, cpn, shared_post_live_dvr_info) {
const url = new URL(format.decipher(player));
url.searchParams.set("cpn", cpn || "");
const transformed_url = url_transformer(url).toString();
if (format.is_type_otf) {
if (!actions)
throw new InnertubeError("Unable to get segment durations for this OTF stream without an Actions instance", { format });
const info2 = {
is_oft: true,
is_post_live_dvr: false,
getSegmentTemplate() {
return getOTFSegmentTemplate(transformed_url, actions);
return info2;
if (shared_post_live_dvr_info) {
if (!actions) {
throw new InnertubeError("Unable to get segment count for this Post Live DVR video without an Actions instance", { format });
const target_duration_dec = format.target_duration_dec;
if (typeof target_duration_dec !== "number") {
throw new InnertubeError("Format is missing target_duration_dec", { format });
const info2 = {
is_oft: false,
is_post_live_dvr: true,
getSegmentTemplate() {
return (0, import_tslib5.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!shared_post_live_dvr_info.item) {
shared_post_live_dvr_info.item = yield getPostLiveDvrInfo(transformed_url, actions);
return {
media_url: `${transformed_url}&sq=$Number$`,
timeline: [
duration: target_duration_dec * 1e3,
repeat_count: shared_post_live_dvr_info.item.segment_count
return info2;
if (!format.index_range || !format.init_range)
throw new InnertubeError("Index and init ranges not available", { format });
const info = {
is_oft: false,
is_post_live_dvr: false,
base_url: transformed_url,
index_range: format.index_range,
init_range: format.init_range
return info;
__name(getSegmentInfo, "getSegmentInfo");
function getAudioRepresentation(format, hoisted, url_transformer, actions, player, cpn, shared_post_live_dvr_info) {
const url = new URL(format.decipher(player));
url.searchParams.set("cpn", cpn || "");
const rep = {
uid: format.audio_track ? `${format.itag}-${}` : format.itag.toString(),
bitrate: format.bitrate,
codecs: !hoisted.includes("codecs") ? getStringBetweenStrings(format.mime_type, 'codecs="', '"') : void 0,
audio_sample_rate: !hoisted.includes("audio_sample_rate") ? format.audio_sample_rate : void 0,
channels: !hoisted.includes("AudioChannelConfiguration") ? format.audio_channels || 2 : void 0,
segment_info: getSegmentInfo(format, url_transformer, actions, player, cpn, shared_post_live_dvr_info)
return rep;
__name(getAudioRepresentation, "getAudioRepresentation");
function getTrackRole(format) {
const { audio_track } = format;
if (!audio_track)
if (audio_track.audio_is_default)
return "main";
if (format.is_dubbed)
return "dub";
if (format.is_descriptive)
return "description";
return "alternate";
__name(getTrackRole, "getTrackRole");
function getAudioSet(formats, url_transformer, actions, player, cpn, shared_post_live_dvr_info) {
var _a4;
const first_format = formats[0];
const { audio_track } = first_format;
const hoisted = [];
const set = {
mime_type: first_format.mime_type.split(";")[0],
language: (_a4 = first_format.language) !== null && _a4 !== void 0 ? _a4 : void 0,
codecs: hoistCodecsIfPossible(formats, hoisted),
audio_sample_rate: hoistNumberAttributeIfPossible(formats, "audio_sample_rate", hoisted),
track_name: audio_track === null || audio_track === void 0 ? void 0 : audio_track.display_name,
track_role: getTrackRole(first_format),
channels: hoistAudioChannelsIfPossible(formats, hoisted),
representations: => getAudioRepresentation(format, hoisted, url_transformer, actions, player, cpn, shared_post_live_dvr_info))
return set;
__name(getAudioSet, "getAudioSet");
BT709: "1",
BT2020: "9"
BT709: "1",
BT2020_10: "14",
SMPTEST2084: "16",
ARIB_STD_B67: "18"
BT709: "1",
BT2020_NCL: "14"
function getColorInfo(format) {
var _a4;
const color_info = format.color_info;
let primaries;
let transfer_characteristics;
let matrix_coefficients;
if (color_info) {
if (color_info.primaries) {
primaries = COLOR_PRIMARIES[color_info.primaries];
if (color_info.transfer_characteristics) {
transfer_characteristics = COLOR_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS[color_info.transfer_characteristics];
if (color_info.matrix_coefficients) {
matrix_coefficients = COLOR_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS[color_info.matrix_coefficients];
if (!matrix_coefficients) {
const url = new URL(format.url);
const anonymisedFormat = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(format));
anonymisedFormat.url = "REDACTED";
anonymisedFormat.signature_cipher = "REDACTED";
anonymisedFormat.cipher = "REDACTED";
Log_default.warn(TAG_, `Unknown matrix coefficients "${color_info.matrix_coefficients}", the DASH manifest is still usuable without this.
Please report it at ${} so we can add support for it.
InnerTube client: ${url.searchParams.get("c")}
format:`, anonymisedFormat);
} else if ((_a4 = getStringBetweenStrings(format.mime_type, 'codecs="', '"')) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.startsWith("avc1")) {
transfer_characteristics = COLOR_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS.BT709;
const info = {
return info;
__name(getColorInfo, "getColorInfo");
function getVideoRepresentation(format, url_transformer, hoisted, player, actions, cpn, shared_post_live_dvr_info) {
const rep = {
uid: format.itag.toString(),
bitrate: format.bitrate,
width: format.width,
height: format.height,
codecs: !hoisted.includes("codecs") ? getStringBetweenStrings(format.mime_type, 'codecs="', '"') : void 0,
fps: !hoisted.includes("fps") ? format.fps : void 0,
segment_info: getSegmentInfo(format, url_transformer, actions, player, cpn, shared_post_live_dvr_info)
return rep;
__name(getVideoRepresentation, "getVideoRepresentation");
function getVideoSet(formats, url_transformer, player, actions, cpn, shared_post_live_dvr_info) {
const first_format = formats[0];
const color_info = getColorInfo(first_format);
const hoisted = [];
const set = {
mime_type: first_format.mime_type.split(";")[0],
codecs: hoistCodecsIfPossible(formats, hoisted),
fps: hoistNumberAttributeIfPossible(formats, "fps", hoisted),
representations: => getVideoRepresentation(format, url_transformer, hoisted, player, actions, cpn, shared_post_live_dvr_info))
return set;
__name(getVideoSet, "getVideoSet");
function getStoryboardInfo(storyboards) {
var _a4;
const mime_info = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const boards = ? storyboards.boards : [storyboards.board];
for (const storyboard of boards) {
const extension = new URL(storyboard.template_url).pathname.split(".").pop();
const mime_type = `image/${extension === "jpg" ? "jpeg" : extension}`;
if (!mime_info.has(mime_type)) {
mime_info.set(mime_type, []);
(_a4 = mime_info.get(mime_type)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.push(storyboard);
return mime_info;
__name(getStoryboardInfo, "getStoryboardInfo");
function getStoryboardMimeType(actions, board, transform_url, probable_mime_type, shared_response) {
return (0, import_tslib5.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const url = board.template_url;
const req_url = transform_url(new URL(url.replace("$M", "0")));
const res_promise = shared_response.response ? shared_response.response : actions.session.http.fetch_function(req_url, {
method: "HEAD",
shared_response.response = res_promise;
const res = yield res_promise;
return res.headers.get("Content-Type") || probable_mime_type;
__name(getStoryboardMimeType, "getStoryboardMimeType");
function getStoryboardBitrate(actions, board, shared_response) {
return (0, import_tslib5.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const url = board.template_url;
const response_promises = [];
const request_limit = Math.min(board.type === "vod" ? board.storyboard_count : 5, 10);
for (let i = 0; i < request_limit; i++) {
const req_url = new URL(url.replace("$M", i.toString()));
const response_promise = i === 0 && shared_response.response ? shared_response.response : actions.session.http.fetch_function(req_url, {
method: "HEAD",
if (i === 0)
shared_response.response = response_promise;
const responses = yield Promise.all(response_promises);
const content_lengths = [];
for (const response of responses) {
content_lengths.push(parseInt(response.headers.get("Content-Length") || "0"));
const bandwidth = Math.ceil(Math.max(...content_lengths) / (board.rows * board.columns) * 8);
return bandwidth;
__name(getStoryboardBitrate, "getStoryboardBitrate");
function getImageRepresentation(duration, actions, board, transform_url, shared_response) {
const url = board.template_url;
const template_url = new URL(url.replace("$M", "$Number$"));
let template_duration;
if (board.type === "vod") {
template_duration = duration / board.storyboard_count;
} else {
template_duration = duration * board.columns * board.rows;
const rep = {
uid: `thumbnails_${board.thumbnail_width}x${board.thumbnail_height}`,
getBitrate() {
return getStoryboardBitrate(actions, board, shared_response);
sheet_width: board.thumbnail_width * board.columns,
sheet_height: board.thumbnail_height * board.rows,
thumbnail_height: board.thumbnail_height,
thumbnail_width: board.thumbnail_width,
rows: board.rows,
columns: board.columns,
template_url: transform_url(template_url).toString(),
getURL(n) {
return template_url.toString().replace("$Number$", n.toString());
return rep;
__name(getImageRepresentation, "getImageRepresentation");
function getImageSets(duration, actions, storyboards, transform_url) {
const mime_info = getStoryboardInfo(storyboards);
const shared_response = {};
return Array.from(mime_info.entries()).map(([type, boards]) => ({
probable_mime_type: type,
getMimeType() {
return getStoryboardMimeType(actions, boards[0], transform_url, type, shared_response);
representations: => getImageRepresentation(duration, actions, board, transform_url, shared_response))
__name(getImageSets, "getImageSets");
function getStreamingInfo(streaming_data, is_post_live_dvr = false, url_transformer = (url) => url, format_filter, cpn, player, actions, storyboards) {
if (!streaming_data)
throw new InnertubeError("Streaming data not available");
const formats = format_filter ? streaming_data.adaptive_formats.filter((fmt) => !format_filter(fmt)) : streaming_data.adaptive_formats;
let getDuration;
let shared_post_live_dvr_info;
if (is_post_live_dvr) {
shared_post_live_dvr_info = {};
if (!actions) {
throw new InnertubeError("Unable to get duration or segment count for this Post Live DVR video without an Actions instance");
getDuration = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
if (!shared_post_live_dvr_info) {
return Promise.resolve(0);
return getPostLiveDvrDuration(shared_post_live_dvr_info, formats[0], url_transformer, actions, player, cpn);
}, "getDuration");
} else {
const duration = formats[0].approx_duration_ms / 1e3;
getDuration = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => Promise.resolve(duration), "getDuration");
const { groups, has_multiple_audio_tracks } = getFormatGroupings(formats, is_post_live_dvr);
const { video_groups, audio_groups } = groups.reduce((acc, formats2) => {
if (formats2[0].has_audio) {
if (has_multiple_audio_tracks && !formats2[0].audio_track)
return acc;
return acc;
return acc;
}, {
video_groups: [],
audio_groups: []
const audio_sets = => getAudioSet(formats2, url_transformer, actions, player, cpn, shared_post_live_dvr_info));
const video_sets = => getVideoSet(formats2, url_transformer, player, actions, cpn, shared_post_live_dvr_info));
let image_sets = [];
if (storyboards && actions) {
let duration;
if ( {
duration = formats[0].approx_duration_ms / 1e3;
} else {
const target_duration_dec = formats[0].target_duration_dec;
if (typeof target_duration_dec !== "number") {
throw new InnertubeError("Format is missing target_duration_dec", { format: formats[0] });
duration = target_duration_dec;
image_sets = getImageSets(duration, actions, storyboards, url_transformer);
const info = {
return info;
__name(getStreamingInfo, "getStreamingInfo");
// dist/src/utils/DashManifest.js
function OTFPostLiveDvrSegmentInfo({ info }) {
return (0, import_tslib6.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!info.is_oft && !info.is_post_live_dvr)
return null;
const template = yield info.getSegmentTemplate();
return createElement(
{ startNumber: template.init_url ? "1" : "0", timescale: "1000", initialization: template.init_url, media: template.media_url },
createElement("segment-timeline", null, => createElement("s", { d: segment_duration.duration, r: segment_duration.repeat_count })))
__name(OTFPostLiveDvrSegmentInfo, "OTFPostLiveDvrSegmentInfo");
function SegmentInfo({ info }) {
if (info.is_oft || info.is_post_live_dvr) {
return createElement(OTFPostLiveDvrSegmentInfo, { info });
return createElement(
createElement("base-url", null, info.base_url),
{ indexRange: `${info.index_range.start}-${info.index_range.end}` },
createElement("initialization", { range: `${info.init_range.start}-${info.init_range.end}` })
__name(SegmentInfo, "SegmentInfo");
function DashManifest({ streamingData, isPostLiveDvr, transformURL, rejectFormat, cpn, player, actions, storyboards }) {
return (0, import_tslib6.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const { getDuration, audio_sets, video_sets, image_sets } = getStreamingInfo(streamingData, isPostLiveDvr, transformURL, rejectFormat, cpn, player, actions, storyboards);
return createElement(
{ xmlns: "urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011", minBufferTime: "PT1.500S", profiles: "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-main:2011", type: "static", mediaPresentationDuration: `PT${yield getDuration()}S`, "xmlns:xsi": "", "xsi:schemaLocation": "urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011" },
null,, index) => createElement(
{ id: index, mimeType: set.mime_type, startWithSAP: "1", subsegmentAlignment: "true", lang: set.language, codecs: set.codecs, audioSamplingRate: set.audio_sample_rate, contentType: "audio" },
set.track_role && createElement("role", { schemeIdUri: "urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011", value: set.track_role }),
set.track_name && createElement("label", { id: index }, set.track_name),
set.channels && createElement("audio-channel-configuration", { schemeIdUri: "urn:mpeg:dash:23003:3:audio_channel_configuration:2011", value: set.channels }), => createElement(
{ id: rep.uid, bandwidth: rep.bitrate, codecs: rep.codecs, audioSamplingRate: rep.audio_sample_rate },
rep.channels && createElement("audio-channel-configuration", { schemeIdUri: "urn:mpeg:dash:23003:3:audio_channel_configuration:2011", value: rep.channels }),
createElement(SegmentInfo, { info: rep.segment_info })
)),, index) => createElement(
{ id: index + audio_sets.length, mimeType: set.mime_type, startWithSAP: "1", subsegmentAlignment: "true", codecs: set.codecs, maxPlayoutRate: "1", frameRate: set.fps, contentType: "video" },
set.color_info.primaries && createElement("essential-property", { schemeIdUri: "urn:mpeg:mpegB:cicp:ColourPrimaries", value: set.color_info.primaries }),
set.color_info.transfer_characteristics && createElement("essential-property", { schemeIdUri: "urn:mpeg:mpegB:cicp:TransferCharacteristics", value: set.color_info.transfer_characteristics }),
set.color_info.matrix_coefficients && createElement("essential-property", { schemeIdUri: "urn:mpeg:mpegB:cicp:MatrixCoefficients", value: set.color_info.matrix_coefficients }), => createElement(
{ id: rep.uid, bandwidth: rep.bitrate, width: rep.width, height: rep.height, codecs: rep.codecs, frameRate: rep.fps },
createElement(SegmentInfo, { info: rep.segment_info })
)),, index) => (0, import_tslib6.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return createElement("adaptation-set", { id: index + audio_sets.length + video_sets.length, mimeType: yield set.getMimeType(), contentType: "image" }, => (0, import_tslib6.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return createElement(
{ id: `thumbnails_${rep.thumbnail_width}x${rep.thumbnail_height}`, bandwidth: yield rep.getBitrate(), width: rep.sheet_width, height: rep.sheet_height },
createElement("essential-property", { schemeIdUri: "", value: `${rep.columns}x${rep.rows}` }),
createElement("segment-template", { media: rep.template_url, duration: rep.template_duration, startNumber: "0" })
__name(DashManifest, "DashManifest");
function toDash(streaming_data, is_post_live_dvr = false, url_transformer = (url) => url, format_filter, cpn, player, actions, storyboards) {
if (!streaming_data)
throw new InnertubeError("Streaming data not available");
return renderToString(createElement(DashManifest, { streamingData: streaming_data, isPostLiveDvr: is_post_live_dvr, transformURL: url_transformer, rejectFormat: format_filter, cpn, player, actions, storyboards }));
__name(toDash, "toDash");
// dist/src/utils/FormatUtils.js
function download(options, actions, playability_status, streaming_data, player, cpn) {
return (0, import_tslib7.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if ((playability_status === null || playability_status === void 0 ? void 0 : playability_status.status) === "UNPLAYABLE")
throw new InnertubeError("Video is unplayable", { error_type: "UNPLAYABLE" });
if ((playability_status === null || playability_status === void 0 ? void 0 : playability_status.status) === "LOGIN_REQUIRED")
throw new InnertubeError("Video is login required", { error_type: "LOGIN_REQUIRED" });
if (!streaming_data)
throw new InnertubeError("Streaming data not available.", { error_type: "NO_STREAMING_DATA" });
const opts = Object.assign({ quality: "360p", type: "video+audio", format: "mp4", range: void 0 }, options);
const format = chooseFormat(opts, streaming_data);
const format_url = format.decipher(player);
if (opts.type === "video+audio" && !options.range) {
const response = yield actions.session.http.fetch_function(`${format_url}&cpn=${cpn}`, {
method: "GET",
redirect: "follow"
if (!response.ok)
throw new InnertubeError("The server responded with a non 2xx status code", { error_type: "FETCH_FAILED", response });
const body = response.body;
if (!body)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not get ReadableStream from fetch Response.", { error_type: "FETCH_FAILED", response });
return body;
const chunk_size = 1048576 * 10;
let chunk_start = options.range ? options.range.start : 0;
let chunk_end = options.range ? options.range.end : chunk_size;
let must_end = false;
let cancel;
const readable_stream = new Platform.shim.ReadableStream({
start() {
pull: (controller) => (0, import_tslib7.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (must_end) {
if (chunk_end >= (format.content_length ? format.content_length : 0) || options.range) {
must_end = true;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => (0, import_tslib7.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
var _a4, e_1, _b, _c;
try {
cancel = new AbortController();
const response = yield actions.session.http.fetch_function(`${format_url}&cpn=${cpn}&range=${chunk_start}-${chunk_end || ""}`, {
method: "GET",
headers: Object.assign(
signal: cancel.signal
const body = response.body;
if (!body)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not get ReadableStream from fetch Response.", { error_type: "FETCH_FAILED", response });
try {
for (var _d = true, _e = (0, import_tslib7.__asyncValues)(streamToIterable(body)), _f; _f = yield, _a4 = _f.done, !_a4; _d = true) {
_c = _f.value;
_d = false;
const chunk = _c;
} catch (e_1_1) {
e_1 = { error: e_1_1 };
} finally {
try {
if (!_d && !_a4 && (_b = _e.return))
} finally {
if (e_1)
throw e_1.error;
chunk_start = chunk_end + 1;
chunk_end += chunk_size;
} catch (e) {
cancel(reason) {
return (0, import_tslib7.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
}, {
highWaterMark: 1,
size(chunk) {
return chunk.byteLength;
return readable_stream;
__name(download, "download");
function chooseFormat(options, streaming_data) {
if (!streaming_data)
throw new InnertubeError("Streaming data not available");
const formats = [
...streaming_data.formats || [],
...streaming_data.adaptive_formats || []
const requires_audio = options.type ? options.type.includes("audio") : true;
const requires_video = options.type ? options.type.includes("video") : true;
const language = options.language || "original";
const quality = options.quality || "best";
let best_width = -1;
const is_best = ["best", "bestefficiency"].includes(quality);
const use_most_efficient = quality !== "best";
let candidates = formats.filter((format) => {
if (requires_audio && !format.has_audio)
return false;
if (requires_video && !format.has_video)
return false;
if (options.format !== "any" && !format.mime_type.includes(options.format || "mp4"))
return false;
if (!is_best && format.quality_label !== quality)
return false;
if (best_width < format.width)
best_width = format.width;
return true;
if (!candidates.length)
throw new InnertubeError("No matching formats found", { options });
if (is_best && requires_video)
candidates = candidates.filter((format) => format.width === best_width);
if (requires_audio && !requires_video) {
const audio_only = candidates.filter((format) => {
if (language !== "original") {
return !format.has_video && !format.has_text && format.language === language;
return !format.has_video && !format.has_text && format.is_original;
if (audio_only.length > 0) {
candidates = audio_only;
if (use_most_efficient) {
candidates.sort((a, b) => a.bitrate - b.bitrate);
} else {
candidates.sort((a, b) => b.bitrate - a.bitrate);
return candidates[0];
__name(chooseFormat, "chooseFormat");
// dist/src/utils/HTTPClient.js
var import_tslib8 = require("tslib");
var _HTTPClient_instances;
var _HTTPClient_session;
var _HTTPClient_cookie;
var _HTTPClient_fetch;
var _HTTPClient_adjustContext;
var HTTPClient = class {
constructor(session, cookie, fetch) {
_HTTPClient_session.set(this, void 0);
_HTTPClient_cookie.set(this, void 0);
_HTTPClient_fetch.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _HTTPClient_session, session, "f");
(0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _HTTPClient_cookie, cookie, "f");
(0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _HTTPClient_fetch, fetch || Platform.shim.fetch, "f");
get fetch_function() {
return (0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_fetch, "f");
fetch(input, init) {
return (0, import_tslib8.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const innertube_url = URLS.API.PRODUCTION_1 + (0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_session, "f").api_version;
const baseURL = (init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.baseURL) || innertube_url;
const request_url = typeof input === "string" ? !baseURL.endsWith("/") && !input.startsWith("/") ? new URL(`${baseURL}/${input}`) : new URL(baseURL + input) : input instanceof URL ? input : new URL(input.url, baseURL);
const headers = (init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.headers) || (input instanceof Platform.shim.Request ? input.headers : new Platform.shim.Headers()) || new Platform.shim.Headers();
const body = (init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.body) || (input instanceof Platform.shim.Request ? input.body : void 0);
const request_headers = new Platform.shim.Headers(headers);
request_headers.set("Accept", "*/*");
request_headers.set("Accept-Language", "*");
request_headers.set("X-Goog-Visitor-Id", (0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_session, "f").context.client.visitorData || "");
request_headers.set("X-Youtube-Client-Version", (0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_session, "f").context.client.clientVersion || "");
const client_constant = Object.values(CLIENTS).find((client) => {
return client.NAME === (0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_session, "f").context.client.clientName;
if (client_constant) {
request_headers.set("X-Youtube-Client-Name", client_constant.NAME_ID);
if (Platform.shim.server) {
request_headers.set("User-Agent", getRandomUserAgent("desktop"));
request_headers.set("origin", request_url.origin);
request_url.searchParams.set("prettyPrint", "false");
request_url.searchParams.set("alt", "json");
const content_type = request_headers.get("Content-Type");
let request_body = body;
let is_web_kids = false;
const is_innertube_req = baseURL === innertube_url || baseURL === URLS.YT_UPLOAD;
if (content_type === "application/json" && is_innertube_req && typeof body === "string") {
const json = JSON.parse(body);
const n_body = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, json), {
context: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify((0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_session, "f").context))
(0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_instances, "m", _HTTPClient_adjustContext).call(this, n_body.context, n_body.client);
request_headers.set("x-youtube-client-version", n_body.context.client.clientVersion);
const client_constant2 = Object.values(CLIENTS).find((client) => {
return client.NAME === n_body.context.client.clientName;
if (client_constant2) {
request_headers.set("X-Youtube-Client-Name", client_constant2.NAME_ID);
delete n_body.client;
if (Platform.shim.server) {
if (n_body.context.client.clientName === "ANDROID" || n_body.context.client.clientName === "ANDROID_MUSIC") {
request_headers.set("User-Agent", CLIENTS.ANDROID.USER_AGENT);
request_headers.set("X-GOOG-API-FORMAT-VERSION", "2");
} else if (n_body.context.client.clientName === "iOS") {
request_headers.set("User-Agent", CLIENTS.iOS.USER_AGENT);
is_web_kids = n_body.context.client.clientName === "WEB_KIDS";
request_body = JSON.stringify(n_body);
} else if (content_type === "application/x-protobuf") {
if (Platform.shim.server) {
request_headers.set("User-Agent", CLIENTS.ANDROID.USER_AGENT);
request_headers.set("X-GOOG-API-FORMAT-VERSION", "2");
if ((0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_session, "f").logged_in && is_innertube_req && !is_web_kids) {
const oauth = (0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_session, "f").oauth;
if (oauth.validateCredentials()) {
yield oauth.refreshIfRequired();
request_headers.set("authorization", `Bearer ${oauth.credentials.access_token}`);
if ((0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_cookie, "f")) {
const papisid = getStringBetweenStrings((0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_cookie, "f"), "PAPISID=", ";");
if (papisid) {
request_headers.set("authorization", yield generateSidAuth(papisid));
request_headers.set("x-goog-authuser", (0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_session, "f").account_index.toString());
request_headers.set("cookie", (0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_cookie, "f"));
const request = new Platform.shim.Request(request_url, input instanceof Platform.shim.Request ? input : init);
const response = yield (0, import_tslib8.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HTTPClient_fetch, "f").call(this, request, Object.assign({ body: request_body, headers: request_headers, redirect: input instanceof Platform.shim.Request ? input.redirect : (init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.redirect) || "follow" }, Platform.shim.runtime !== "cf-worker" ? { credentials: "include" } : {}));
if (response.ok) {
return response;
throw new InnertubeError(`Request to ${response.url} failed with status ${response.status}`, yield response.text());
__name(HTTPClient, "HTTPClient");
_HTTPClient_session = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _HTTPClient_cookie = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _HTTPClient_fetch = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _HTTPClient_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _HTTPClient_adjustContext = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _HTTPClient_adjustContext2(ctx, client) {
if (client === "ANDROID" || client === "YTMUSIC_ANDROID" || client === "YTMUSIC_ANDROID" || client === "YTSTUDIO_ANDROID") {
ctx.client.androidSdkVersion = CLIENTS.ANDROID.SDK_VERSION;
ctx.client.userAgent = CLIENTS.ANDROID.USER_AGENT;
ctx.client.osName = "Android";
ctx.client.osVersion = "13";
ctx.client.platform = "MOBILE";
switch (client) {
case "iOS":
ctx.client.deviceModel = CLIENTS.iOS.DEVICE_MODEL;
ctx.client.clientVersion = CLIENTS.iOS.VERSION;
ctx.client.clientName = CLIENTS.iOS.NAME;
ctx.client.platform = "MOBILE";
case "YTMUSIC":
ctx.client.clientVersion = CLIENTS.YTMUSIC.VERSION;
ctx.client.clientName = CLIENTS.YTMUSIC.NAME;
case "ANDROID":
ctx.client.clientVersion = CLIENTS.ANDROID.VERSION;
ctx.client.clientFormFactor = "SMALL_FORM_FACTOR";
ctx.client.clientName = CLIENTS.ANDROID.NAME;
ctx.client.clientVersion = CLIENTS.YTMUSIC_ANDROID.VERSION;
ctx.client.clientFormFactor = "SMALL_FORM_FACTOR";
ctx.client.clientName = CLIENTS.YTMUSIC_ANDROID.NAME;
ctx.client.clientVersion = CLIENTS.YTSTUDIO_ANDROID.VERSION;
ctx.client.clientFormFactor = "SMALL_FORM_FACTOR";
ctx.client.clientName = CLIENTS.YTSTUDIO_ANDROID.NAME;
ctx.client.clientName = CLIENTS.TV_EMBEDDED.NAME;
ctx.client.clientVersion = CLIENTS.TV_EMBEDDED.VERSION;
ctx.client.clientScreen = "EMBED";
ctx.thirdParty = { embedUrl: URLS.YT_BASE };
case "YTKIDS":
ctx.client.clientVersion = CLIENTS.WEB_KIDS.VERSION;
ctx.client.clientName = CLIENTS.WEB_KIDS.NAME;
ctx.client.kidsAppInfo = {
categorySettings: {
enabledCategories: [
contentSettings: {
}, "_HTTPClient_adjustContext");
var HTTPClient_default = HTTPClient;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Button.js
var Button = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "text"))
this.text = new Text2(data.text).toString();
if (Reflect.has(data, "accessibility") && Reflect.has(data.accessibility, "label"))
this.label = data.accessibility.label;
if (Reflect.has(data, "tooltip"))
this.tooltip = data.tooltip;
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon") && Reflect.has(data.icon, "iconType"))
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
if (Reflect.has(data, "isDisabled"))
this.is_disabled = data.isDisabled;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint || data.serviceEndpoint || data.command);
__name(Button, "Button");
Button.type = "Button";
var Button_default = Button;
// dist/src/parser/classes/DropdownItem.js
var DropdownItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
this.label = new Text2(data.label).toString();
this.selected = !!data.isSelected;
if (Reflect.has(data, "int32Value")) {
this.value = data.int32Value;
} else if (data.stringValue) {
this.value = data.stringValue;
if (Reflect.has(data, "onSelectCommand")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onSelectCommand);
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon")) {
this.icon_type = (_a4 = data.icon) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.iconType;
if (Reflect.has(data, "descriptionText")) {
this.description = new Text2(data.descriptionText);
__name(DropdownItem, "DropdownItem");
DropdownItem.type = "DropdownItem";
var DropdownItem_default = DropdownItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Dropdown.js
var Dropdown = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.label = data.label || "";
this.entries = parser_exports.parseArray(data.entries, DropdownItem_default);
__name(Dropdown, "Dropdown");
Dropdown.type = "Dropdown";
var Dropdown_default = Dropdown;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CreatePlaylistDialog.js
var CreatePlaylistDialog = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.dialogTitle).toString();
this.title_placeholder = data.titlePlaceholder || "";
this.privacy_option = parser_exports.parseItem(data.privacyOption, Dropdown_default);
this.create_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.cancelButton, Button_default);
this.cancel_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.cancelButton, Button_default);
__name(CreatePlaylistDialog, "CreatePlaylistDialog");
CreatePlaylistDialog.type = "CreatePlaylistDialog";
var CreatePlaylistDialog_default = CreatePlaylistDialog;
// dist/src/parser/classes/actions/OpenPopupAction.js
var OpenPopupAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.popup = parser_exports.parseItem(data.popup);
this.popup_type = data.popupType;
__name(OpenPopupAction, "OpenPopupAction");
OpenPopupAction.type = "OpenPopupAction";
var OpenPopupAction_default = OpenPopupAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/NavigationEndpoint.js
var NavigationEndpoint = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
if (Reflect.has(data || {}, "innertubeCommand"))
data = data.innertubeCommand;
if (Reflect.has(data || {}, "openPopupAction"))
this.open_popup = new OpenPopupAction_default(data.openPopupAction);
const name = Object.keys(data || {}).find((item) => item.endsWith("Endpoint") || item.endsWith("Command"));
this.payload = name ? Reflect.get(data, name) : {};
if (Reflect.has(this.payload, "dialog") || Reflect.has(this.payload, "content")) {
this.dialog = parser_exports.parseItem(this.payload.dialog || this.payload.content);
if (Reflect.has(this.payload, "modal")) {
this.modal = parser_exports.parseItem(this.payload.modal);
if (Reflect.has(this.payload, "nextEndpoint")) {
this.next_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint(this.payload.nextEndpoint);
if (data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.serviceEndpoint) {
data = data.serviceEndpoint;
this.metadata = {};
if ((_b = (_a4 = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.commandMetadata) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.webCommandMetadata) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.url) {
this.metadata.url = data.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.url;
if ((_d = (_c = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.commandMetadata) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.webCommandMetadata) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.webPageType) {
this.metadata.page_type = data.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.webPageType;
if ((_f = (_e = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.commandMetadata) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.webCommandMetadata) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.apiUrl) {
this.metadata.api_url = data.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.apiUrl.replace("/youtubei/v1/", "");
} else if (name) {
this.metadata.api_url = this.getEndpoint(name);
if ((_h = (_g = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.commandMetadata) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.webCommandMetadata) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.sendPost) {
this.metadata.send_post = data.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.sendPost;
if (data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.createPlaylistEndpoint) {
if (data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.createPlaylistEndpoint.createPlaylistDialog) {
this.dialog = parser_exports.parseItem(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.createPlaylistEndpoint.createPlaylistDialog, CreatePlaylistDialog_default);
getEndpoint(name) {
switch (name) {
case "browseEndpoint":
return "/browse";
case "watchEndpoint":
return "/player";
case "searchEndpoint":
return "/search";
case "watchPlaylistEndpoint":
return "/next";
case "liveChatItemContextMenuEndpoint":
return "live_chat/get_item_context_menu";
call(actions, args) {
if (!actions)
throw new Error("An active caller must be provided");
if (!this.metadata.api_url)
throw new Error("Expected an api_url, but none was found, this is a bug.");
return actions.execute(this.metadata.api_url, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.payload), args));
toURL() {
if (!this.metadata.url)
return void 0;
if (!this.metadata.page_type)
return void 0;
return this.metadata.page_type === "WEB_PAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN" ? this.metadata.url : `${this.metadata.url}`;
__name(NavigationEndpoint, "NavigationEndpoint");
NavigationEndpoint.type = "NavigationEndpoint";
var NavigationEndpoint_default = NavigationEndpoint;
// dist/src/parser/classes/misc/Thumbnail.js
var Thumbnail = class {
constructor(data) {
this.url = data.url;
this.width = data.width;
this.height = data.height;
static fromResponse(data) {
if (!data)
return [];
let thumbnail_data;
if (data.thumbnails) {
thumbnail_data = data.thumbnails;
} else if (data.sources) {
thumbnail_data = data.sources;
if (thumbnail_data) {
return => new Thumbnail(x)).sort((a, b) => b.width - a.width);
return [];
__name(Thumbnail, "Thumbnail");
// dist/src/parser/classes/misc/EmojiRun.js
var EmojiRun = class {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
this.text = ((_a4 = data.emoji) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.emojiId) || ((_c = (_b = data.emoji) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.shortcuts) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[0]) || data.text || "";
this.emoji = {
emoji_id: data.emoji.emojiId,
shortcuts: ((_d = data.emoji) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.shortcuts) || [],
search_terms: ((_e = data.emoji) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.searchTerms) || [],
image: Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.emoji.image),
is_custom: !!((_f = data.emoji) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.isCustomEmoji)
toString() {
return this.text;
toHTML() {
const escaped_text = escape(this.text);
return `<img src="${this.emoji.image[0].url}" alt="${escaped_text}" title="${escaped_text}" style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: text-top; height: var(--yt-emoji-size, 1rem); width: var(--yt-emoji-size, 1rem);" loading="lazy" crossorigin="anonymous" />`;
__name(EmojiRun, "EmojiRun");
// dist/src/parser/classes/misc/TextRun.js
var TextRun = class {
constructor(data) {
this.text = data.text;
this.bold = Boolean(data.bold);
this.italics = Boolean(data.italics);
this.strikethrough = Boolean(data.strikethrough);
if (Reflect.has(data, "navigationEndpoint")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.attachment = data.attachment;
toString() {
return this.text;
toHTML() {
const tags = [];
if (this.bold)
if (this.italics)
if (this.strikethrough)
const escaped_text = escape(this.text);
const styled_text = => `<${tag}>`).join("") + escaped_text + => `</${tag}>`).join("");
const wrapped_text = `<span style="white-space: pre-wrap;">${styled_text}</span>`;
if (this.attachment) {
if (this.attachment.element.type.imageType.image.sources.length) {
const { url } = this.attachment.element.type.imageType.image.sources[0];
if (this.endpoint) {
const nav_url = this.endpoint.toURL();
if (nav_url)
return `<a href="${nav_url}" class="yt-ch-link" display: block; width: fit-content; font-size: small;><img src="${url}" style="vertical-align: middle; height: ${}px; width: ${}px;">${wrapped_text}</a>`;
if (this.endpoint) {
const url = this.endpoint.toURL();
if (url)
return `<a href="${url}">${wrapped_text}</a>`;
return wrapped_text;
__name(TextRun, "TextRun");
// dist/src/parser/classes/misc/Text.js
function escape(text) {
return text.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
__name(escape, "escape");
var TAG = "Text";
var Text2 = class {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
if (typeof data === "object" && data !== null && Reflect.has(data, "runs") && Array.isArray(data.runs)) {
this.runs = => run.emoji ? new EmojiRun(run) : new TextRun(run));
this.text = => run.text).join("");
} else {
this.text = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.simpleText;
if (typeof data === "object" && data !== null && Reflect.has(data, "navigationEndpoint")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
if (typeof data === "object" && data !== null && Reflect.has(data, "titleNavigationEndpoint")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.titleNavigationEndpoint);
if (!this.endpoint) {
if ((_b = (_a4 = this.runs) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.endpoint) {
this.endpoint = (_d = (_c = this.runs) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[0]) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.endpoint;
static fromAttributed(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
const { content, styleRuns: style_runs, commandRuns: command_runs, attachmentRuns: attachment_runs } = data;
const runs = [
text: content,
startIndex: 0
if (style_runs || command_runs || attachment_runs) {
if (style_runs) {
for (const style_run of style_runs) {
if (style_run.italic || style_run.strikethrough === "LINE_STYLE_SINGLE" || style_run.weightLabel === "FONT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM" || style_run.weightLabel === "FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD") {
const matching_run = findMatchingRun(runs, style_run);
if (!matching_run) {
Log_default.warn(TAG, "Unable to find matching run for style run. Skipping...", {
input_data: data,
parsed_runs: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(runs))
insertSubRun(runs, matching_run, style_run, {
bold: style_run.weightLabel === "FONT_WEIGHT_MEDIUM" || style_run.weightLabel === "FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD",
italics: style_run.italic,
strikethrough: style_run.strikethrough === "LINE_STYLE_SINGLE"
} else {
Log_default.debug(TAG, "Skipping style run as it is doesn't have any information that we parse.", {
input_data: data
if (command_runs) {
for (const command_run of command_runs) {
if (command_run.onTap) {
const matching_run = findMatchingRun(runs, command_run);
if (!matching_run) {
Log_default.warn(TAG, "Unable to find matching run for command run. Skipping...", {
input_data: data,
parsed_runs: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(runs))
insertSubRun(runs, matching_run, command_run, {
navigationEndpoint: command_run.onTap
} else {
Log_default.debug(TAG, 'Skipping command run as it is missing the "doTap" property.', {
input_data: data
if (attachment_runs) {
for (const attachment_run of attachment_runs) {
const matching_run = findMatchingRun(runs, attachment_run);
if (!matching_run) {
Log_default.warn(TAG, "Unable to find matching run for attachment run. Skipping...", {
input_data: data,
parsed_runs: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(runs))
if (attachment_run.length === 0) {
matching_run.attachment = attachment_run;
} else {
const offset_start_index = attachment_run.startIndex - matching_run.startIndex;
const text = matching_run.text.substring(offset_start_index, offset_start_index + attachment_run.length);
const is_custom_emoji = /^:[^:]+:$/.test(text);
if (((_c = (_b = (_a4 = attachment_run.element) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.type) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.imageType) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.image) && (is_custom_emoji || /^(?:\p{Emoji}|\u200d)+$/u.test(text))) {
const emoji = {
image: attachment_run.element.type.imageType.image,
isCustomEmoji: is_custom_emoji,
shortcuts: is_custom_emoji ? [text] : void 0
insertSubRun(runs, matching_run, attachment_run, { emoji });
} else {
insertSubRun(runs, matching_run, attachment_run, {
attachment: attachment_run
return new Text2({ runs });
toHTML() {
return this.runs ? => run.toHTML()).join("") : this.text;
isEmpty() {
return this.text === void 0;
toString() {
return this.text || "N/A";
__name(Text2, "Text");
function findMatchingRun(runs, response_run) {
return runs.find((run) => {
return run.startIndex <= response_run.startIndex && response_run.startIndex + response_run.length <= run.startIndex + run.text.length;
__name(findMatchingRun, "findMatchingRun");
function insertSubRun(runs, original_run, response_run, properties_to_add) {
const replace_index = runs.indexOf(original_run);
const replacement_runs = [];
const offset_start_index = response_run.startIndex - original_run.startIndex;
if (response_run.startIndex > original_run.startIndex) {
replacement_runs.push(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, original_run), { text: original_run.text.substring(0, offset_start_index) }));
replacement_runs.push(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, original_run), { text: original_run.text.substring(offset_start_index, offset_start_index + response_run.length), startIndex: response_run.startIndex }), properties_to_add));
if (response_run.startIndex + response_run.length < original_run.startIndex + original_run.text.length) {
replacement_runs.push(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, original_run), { text: original_run.text.substring(offset_start_index + response_run.length), startIndex: response_run.startIndex + response_run.length }));
runs.splice(replace_index, 1, ...replacement_runs);
__name(insertSubRun, "insertSubRun");
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelExternalLinkView.js
var ChannelExternalLinkView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = Text2.fromAttributed(data.title); = Text2.fromAttributed(;
this.favicon = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.favicon);
__name(ChannelExternalLinkView, "ChannelExternalLinkView");
ChannelExternalLinkView.type = "ChannelExternalLinkView";
var ChannelExternalLinkView_default = ChannelExternalLinkView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/AboutChannelView.js
var AboutChannelView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "description")) {
this.description = data.description;
if (Reflect.has(data, "descriptionLabel")) {
this.description_label = Text2.fromAttributed(data.descriptionLabel);
if (Reflect.has(data, "country")) { =;
if (Reflect.has(data, "customLinksLabel")) {
this.custom_links_label = Text2.fromAttributed(data.customLinksLabel);
if (Reflect.has(data, "subscriberCountText")) {
this.subscriber_count = data.subscriberCountText;
if (Reflect.has(data, "viewCountText")) {
this.view_count = data.viewCountText;
if (Reflect.has(data, "joinedDateText")) {
this.joined_date = Text2.fromAttributed(data.joinedDateText);
if (Reflect.has(data, "canonicalChannelUrl")) {
this.canonical_channel_url = data.canonicalChannelUrl;
if (Reflect.has(data, "channelId")) {
this.channel_id = data.channelId;
if (Reflect.has(data, "additionalInfoLabel")) {
this.additional_info_label = Text2.fromAttributed(data.additionalInfoLabel);
if (Reflect.has(data, "customUrlOnTap")) {
this.custom_url_on_tap = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.customUrlOnTap);
if (Reflect.has(data, "videoCountText")) {
this.video_count = data.videoCountText;
if (Reflect.has(data, "signInForBusinessEmail")) {
this.sign_in_for_business_email = Text2.fromAttributed(data.signInForBusinessEmail);
if (Reflect.has(data, "links")) {
this.links = parser_exports.parseArray(data.links, ChannelExternalLinkView_default);
} else {
this.links = [];
__name(AboutChannelView, "AboutChannelView");
AboutChannelView.type = "AboutChannelView";
var AboutChannelView_default = AboutChannelView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/AboutChannel.js
var AboutChannel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.metadata = parser_exports.parseItem(data.metadata, AboutChannelView_default);
this.share_channel = parser_exports.parseItem(data.shareChannel, Button_default);
__name(AboutChannel, "AboutChannel");
AboutChannel.type = "AboutChannel";
var AboutChannel_default = AboutChannel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/AccountChannel.js
var AccountChannel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
__name(AccountChannel, "AccountChannel");
AccountChannel.type = "AccountChannel";
var AccountChannel_default = AccountChannel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/AccountItemSectionHeader.js
var AccountItemSectionHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
__name(AccountItemSectionHeader, "AccountItemSectionHeader");
AccountItemSectionHeader.type = "AccountItemSectionHeader";
var AccountItemSectionHeader_default = AccountItemSectionHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/AccountItemSection.js
var AccountItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.account_name = new Text2(data.accountName);
this.account_photo = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.accountPhoto);
this.is_selected = !!data.isSelected;
this.is_disabled = !!data.isDisabled;
this.has_channel = !!data.hasChannel;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.serviceEndpoint);
this.account_byline = new Text2(data.accountByline);
__name(AccountItem, "AccountItem");
AccountItem.type = "AccountItem";
var AccountItemSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = observe( => new AccountItem(ac.accountItem)));
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header, AccountItemSectionHeader_default);
__name(AccountItemSection, "AccountItemSection");
AccountItemSection.type = "AccountItemSection";
var AccountItemSection_default = AccountItemSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/AccountSectionList.js
var AccountSectionList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseItem(data.contents[0], AccountItemSection_default);
this.footers = parser_exports.parseItem(data.footers[0], AccountChannel_default);
__name(AccountSectionList, "AccountSectionList");
AccountSectionList.type = "AccountSectionList";
var AccountSectionList_default = AccountSectionList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/actions/AppendContinuationItemsAction.js
var AppendContinuationItemsAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.continuationItems); =;
__name(AppendContinuationItemsAction, "AppendContinuationItemsAction");
AppendContinuationItemsAction.type = "AppendContinuationItemsAction";
var AppendContinuationItemsAction_default = AppendContinuationItemsAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SortFilterSubMenu.js
var SortFilterSubMenu = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "title")) {
this.title = data.title;
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
if (Reflect.has(data, "accessibility")) {
this.label = data.accessibility.accessibilityData.label;
if (Reflect.has(data, "tooltip")) {
this.tooltip = data.tooltip;
if (Reflect.has(data, "subMenuItems")) {
this.sub_menu_items = => {
var _a4, _b;
return {
title: item.title,
selected: item.selected,
continuation: (_b = (_a4 = item.continuation) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.reloadContinuationData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.continuation,
endpoint: new NavigationEndpoint_default(item.serviceEndpoint || item.navigationEndpoint),
subtitle: item.subtitle || null
__name(SortFilterSubMenu, "SortFilterSubMenu");
SortFilterSubMenu.type = "SortFilterSubMenu";
var SortFilterSubMenu_default = SortFilterSubMenu;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TranscriptFooter.js
var TranscriptFooter = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.language_menu = parser_exports.parseItem(data.languageMenu, SortFilterSubMenu_default);
__name(TranscriptFooter, "TranscriptFooter");
TranscriptFooter.type = "TranscriptFooter";
var TranscriptFooter_default = TranscriptFooter;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TranscriptSearchBox.js
var TranscriptSearchBox = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.formatted_placeholder = new Text2(data.formattedPlaceholder);
this.clear_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.clearButton, Button_default);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onTextChangeCommand);
this.search_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.searchButton, Button_default);
__name(TranscriptSearchBox, "TranscriptSearchBox");
TranscriptSearchBox.type = "TranscriptSearchBox";
var TranscriptSearchBox_default = TranscriptSearchBox;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TranscriptSectionHeader.js
var TranscriptSectionHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.start_ms = data.startMs;
this.end_ms = data.endMs;
this.snippet = new Text2(data.snippet);
__name(TranscriptSectionHeader, "TranscriptSectionHeader");
TranscriptSectionHeader.type = "TranscriptSectionHeader";
var TranscriptSectionHeader_default = TranscriptSectionHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TranscriptSegment.js
var TranscriptSegment = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.start_ms = data.startMs;
this.end_ms = data.endMs;
this.snippet = new Text2(data.snippet);
this.start_time_text = new Text2(data.startTimeText);
this.target_id = data.targetId;
__name(TranscriptSegment, "TranscriptSegment");
TranscriptSegment.type = "TranscriptSegment";
var TranscriptSegment_default = TranscriptSegment;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TranscriptSegmentList.js
var TranscriptSegmentList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.initial_segments = parser_exports.parseArray(data.initialSegments, [TranscriptSegment_default, TranscriptSectionHeader_default]);
this.no_result_label = new Text2(data.noResultLabel);
this.retry_label = new Text2(data.retryLabel);
this.touch_captions_enabled = data.touchCaptionsEnabled;
__name(TranscriptSegmentList, "TranscriptSegmentList");
TranscriptSegmentList.type = "TranscriptSegmentList";
var TranscriptSegmentList_default = TranscriptSegmentList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TranscriptSearchPanel.js
var TranscriptSearchPanel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header, TranscriptSearchBox_default);
this.body = parser_exports.parseItem(data.body, TranscriptSegmentList_default);
this.footer = parser_exports.parseItem(data.footer, TranscriptFooter_default);
this.target_id = data.targetId;
__name(TranscriptSearchPanel, "TranscriptSearchPanel");
TranscriptSearchPanel.type = "TranscriptSearchPanel";
var TranscriptSearchPanel_default = TranscriptSearchPanel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Transcript.js
var Transcript = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content, TranscriptSearchPanel_default);
__name(Transcript, "Transcript");
Transcript.type = "Transcript";
var Transcript_default = Transcript;
// dist/src/parser/classes/actions/UpdateEngagementPanelAction.js
var UpdateEngagementPanelAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.target_id = data.targetId;
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content, Transcript_default);
__name(UpdateEngagementPanelAction, "UpdateEngagementPanelAction");
UpdateEngagementPanelAction.type = "UpdateEngagementPanelAction";
var UpdateEngagementPanelAction_default = UpdateEngagementPanelAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Alert.js
var Alert = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text);
this.alert_type = data.type;
__name(Alert, "Alert");
Alert.type = "Alert";
var Alert_default = Alert;
// dist/src/parser/classes/AlertWithButton.js
var AlertWithButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text);
this.alert_type = data.type;
this.dismiss_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.dismissButton, Button_default);
__name(AlertWithButton, "AlertWithButton");
AlertWithButton.type = "AlertWithButton";
var AlertWithButton_default = AlertWithButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/analytics/DataModelSection.js
var DataModelSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.title;
this.subtitle = data.subtitle;
this.metric_value = data.metricValue;
this.comparison_indicator = data.comparisonIndicator;
const line_series = data.seriesConfiguration.lineSeries;
this.series_configuration = {
line_series: {
lines_data: {
x: line_series.linesData[0].x,
y: line_series.linesData[0].y,
style: {
line_width: line_series.linesData[0].style.lineWidth,
line_color: line_series.linesData[0].style.lineColor
domain_axis: {
tick_values: line_series.domainAxis.tickValues,
custom_formatter: line_series.domainAxis.customFormatter
measure_axis: {
tick_values: line_series.measureAxis.tickValues,
custom_formatter: line_series.measureAxis.customFormatter
__name(DataModelSection, "DataModelSection");
DataModelSection.type = "DataModelSection";
var DataModelSection_default = DataModelSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/analytics/AnalyticsMainAppKeyMetrics.js
var AnalyticsMainAppKeyMetrics = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.period = data.cardData.periodLabel;
const metrics_data = data.cardData.sections[0].analyticsKeyMetricsData;
this.sections = => new DataModelSection_default(section));
__name(AnalyticsMainAppKeyMetrics, "AnalyticsMainAppKeyMetrics");
AnalyticsMainAppKeyMetrics.type = "AnalyticsMainAppKeyMetrics";
var AnalyticsMainAppKeyMetrics_default = AnalyticsMainAppKeyMetrics;
// dist/src/parser/classes/analytics/AnalyticsRoot.js
var AnalyticsRoot = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
const cards =;
this.title = data.analyticsTableCarouselData.carouselTitle;
this.selected_card_index_key = data.analyticsTableCarouselData.selectedCardIndexKey;
this.table_cards = => ({
title: card.cardData.title,
rows: => ({
label: row.label,
display_value: row.displayValue,
display_value_a11y: row.displayValueA11y,
bar_ratio: row.barRatio,
bar_color: row.barColor,
bar_opacity: row.barOpacity
this.use_main_app_specs = data.analyticsTableCarouselData.useMainAppSpecs;
__name(AnalyticsRoot, "AnalyticsRoot");
AnalyticsRoot.type = "AnalyticsRoot";
var AnalyticsRoot_default = AnalyticsRoot;
// dist/src/parser/classes/analytics/AnalyticsShortsCarouselCard.js
var AnalyticsShortsCarouselCard = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.title;
this.shorts = => ({
description: short.shortsDescription,
thumbnail_url: short.thumbnailUrl,
endpoint: new NavigationEndpoint_default(short.videoEndpoint)
__name(AnalyticsShortsCarouselCard, "AnalyticsShortsCarouselCard");
AnalyticsShortsCarouselCard.type = "AnalyticsShortsCarouselCard";
var AnalyticsShortsCarouselCard_default = AnalyticsShortsCarouselCard;
// dist/src/parser/classes/analytics/AnalyticsVideo.js
var AnalyticsVideo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.videoTitle;
this.metadata = {
views: data.videoDescription.split("\xB7")[0].trim(),
published: data.videoDescription.split("\xB7")[1].trim(),
thumbnails: Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnailDetails),
duration: data.formattedLength,
is_short: data.isShort
__name(AnalyticsVideo, "AnalyticsVideo");
AnalyticsVideo.type = "AnalyticsVideo";
var AnalyticsVideo_default = AnalyticsVideo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/analytics/AnalyticsVodCarouselCard.js
var AnalyticsVodCarouselCard = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.title;
if (Reflect.has(data, "noDataMessage")) {
this.no_data_message = data.noDataMessage;
if (Reflect.has(data, "videoCarouselData") && Reflect.has(data.videoCarouselData, "videos")) {
this.videos = => new AnalyticsVideo_default(video));
__name(AnalyticsVodCarouselCard, "AnalyticsVodCarouselCard");
AnalyticsVodCarouselCard.type = "AnalyticsVodCarouselCard";
var AnalyticsVodCarouselCard_default = AnalyticsVodCarouselCard;
// dist/src/parser/classes/analytics/CtaGoToCreatorStudio.js
var CtaGoToCreatorStudio = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.buttonLabel;
this.use_new_specs = data.useNewSpecs;
__name(CtaGoToCreatorStudio, "CtaGoToCreatorStudio");
CtaGoToCreatorStudio.type = "CtaGoToCreatorStudio";
var CtaGoToCreatorStudio_default = CtaGoToCreatorStudio;
// dist/src/parser/classes/analytics/StatRow.js
var StatRow = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.contents = new Text2(data.contents);
__name(StatRow, "StatRow");
StatRow.type = "StatRow";
var StatRow_default = StatRow;
// dist/src/parser/classes/AttributionView.js
var AttributionView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = Text2.fromAttributed(data.text);
this.suffix = Text2.fromAttributed(data.suffix);
__name(AttributionView, "AttributionView");
AttributionView.type = "AttributionView";
var AttributionView_default = AttributionView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/AudioOnlyPlayability.js
var AudioOnlyPlayability = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.audio_only_availability = data.audioOnlyAvailability;
__name(AudioOnlyPlayability, "AudioOnlyPlayability");
AudioOnlyPlayability.type = "AudioOnlyPlayability";
var AudioOnlyPlayability_default = AudioOnlyPlayability;
// dist/src/parser/classes/AutomixPreviewVideo.js
var AutomixPreviewVideo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
if ((_b = (_a4 = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.content) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.automixPlaylistVideoRenderer) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.navigationEndpoint) {
this.playlist_video = {
endpoint: new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.content.automixPlaylistVideoRenderer.navigationEndpoint)
__name(AutomixPreviewVideo, "AutomixPreviewVideo");
AutomixPreviewVideo.type = "AutomixPreviewVideo";
var AutomixPreviewVideo_default = AutomixPreviewVideo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/AvatarView.js
var AvatarView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.image = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.image);
this.image_processor = {
border_image_processor: {
circular: data.image.processor.borderImageProcessor.circular
this.avatar_image_size = data.avatarImageSize;
__name(AvatarView, "AvatarView");
AvatarView.type = "AvatarView";
var AvatarView_default = AvatarView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/BackstageImage.js
var BackstageImage = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.image = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.image);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.command);
__name(BackstageImage, "BackstageImage");
BackstageImage.type = "BackstageImage";
var BackstageImage_default = BackstageImage;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ToggleButton.js
var ToggleButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j;
this.text = new Text2(data.defaultText);
this.toggled_text = new Text2(data.toggledText);
this.tooltip = data.defaultTooltip;
this.toggled_tooltip = data.toggledTooltip;
this.is_toggled = data.isToggled;
this.is_disabled = data.isDisabled;
this.icon_type = (_a4 = data.defaultIcon) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.iconType;
const acc_label = ((_d = (_c = (_b = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.defaultText) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.accessibility) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.accessibilityData) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.label) || ((_f = (_e = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.accessibilityData) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.accessibilityData) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.label) || ((_g = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.accessibility) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.label);
if (this.icon_type == "LIKE") {
this.like_count = parseInt(acc_label.replace(/\D/g, ""));
this.short_like_count = new Text2(data.defaultText).toString();
this.endpoint = ((_j = (_h = data.defaultServiceEndpoint) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.commandExecutorCommand) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.commands) ? new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.defaultServiceEndpoint.commandExecutorCommand.commands.pop()) : new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.defaultServiceEndpoint);
this.toggled_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.toggledServiceEndpoint);
if (Reflect.has(data, "toggleButtonSupportedData") && Reflect.has(data.toggleButtonSupportedData, "toggleButtonIdData")) {
this.button_id =;
if (Reflect.has(data, "targetId")) {
this.target_id = data.targetId;
__name(ToggleButton, "ToggleButton");
ToggleButton.type = "ToggleButton";
var ToggleButton_default = ToggleButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CreatorHeart.js
var CreatorHeart = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.creator_thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.creatorThumbnail);
if (Reflect.has(data, "heartIcon") && Reflect.has(data.heartIcon, "iconType")) {
this.heart_icon_type = data.heartIcon.iconType;
this.heart_color = {
basic_color_palette_data: {
foreground_title_color: (_b = (_a4 = data.heartColor) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.basicColorPaletteData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.foregroundTitleColor
this.hearted_tooltip = data.heartedTooltip;
this.is_hearted = data.isHearted;
this.is_enabled = data.isEnabled;
this.kennedy_heart_color_string = data.kennedyHeartColorString;
__name(CreatorHeart, "CreatorHeart");
CreatorHeart.type = "CreatorHeart";
var CreatorHeart_default = CreatorHeart;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentActionButtons.js
var CommentActionButtons = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.like_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.likeButton, ToggleButton_default);
this.dislike_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.dislikeButton, ToggleButton_default);
this.reply_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.replyButton, Button_default);
this.creator_heart = parser_exports.parseItem(data.creatorHeart, CreatorHeart_default);
__name(CommentActionButtons, "CommentActionButtons");
CommentActionButtons.type = "CommentActionButtons";
var CommentActionButtons_default = CommentActionButtons;
// dist/src/parser/classes/menus/Menu.js
var Menu = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
this.top_level_buttons = parser_exports.parseArray(data.topLevelButtons);
if (Reflect.has(data, "accessibility") && Reflect.has(data.accessibility, "accessibilityData")) {
this.label = data.accessibility.accessibilityData.label;
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(Menu, "Menu");
Menu.type = "Menu";
var Menu_default = Menu;
// dist/src/parser/classes/BackstagePost.js
var BackstagePost = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.postId; = new Author(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, data.authorText), { navigationEndpoint: data.authorEndpoint }), null, data.authorThumbnail);
this.content = new Text2(data.contentText);
this.published = new Text2(data.publishedTimeText);
if (Reflect.has(data, "pollStatus")) {
this.poll_status = data.pollStatus;
if (Reflect.has(data, "voteStatus")) {
this.vote_status = data.voteStatus;
if (Reflect.has(data, "voteCount")) {
this.vote_count = new Text2(data.voteCount);
if (Reflect.has(data, "actionMenu")) { = parser_exports.parseItem(data.actionMenu, Menu_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "actionButtons")) {
this.action_buttons = parser_exports.parseItem(data.actionButtons, CommentActionButtons_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "voteButton")) {
this.vote_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.voteButton, Button_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "navigationEndpoint")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
if (Reflect.has(data, "backstageAttachment")) {
this.attachment = parser_exports.parseItem(data.backstageAttachment);
this.surface = data.surface;
__name(BackstagePost, "BackstagePost");
BackstagePost.type = "BackstagePost";
var BackstagePost_default = BackstagePost;
// dist/src/parser/classes/BackstagePostThread.js
var BackstagePostThread = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = parser_exports.parseItem(;
__name(BackstagePostThread, "BackstagePostThread");
BackstagePostThread.type = "BackstagePostThread";
var BackstagePostThread_default = BackstagePostThread;
// dist/src/parser/classes/BrowseFeedActions.js
var BrowseFeedActions = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
__name(BrowseFeedActions, "BrowseFeedActions");
BrowseFeedActions.type = "BrowseFeedActions";
var BrowseFeedActions_default = BrowseFeedActions;
// dist/src/parser/classes/BrowserMediaSession.js
var BrowserMediaSession = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.album = new Text2(data.album);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnailDetails);
__name(BrowserMediaSession, "BrowserMediaSession");
BrowserMediaSession.type = "BrowserMediaSession";
var BrowserMediaSession_default = BrowserMediaSession;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ButtonView.js
var ButtonView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.icon_name = data.iconName;
this.title = data.title;
this.accessibility_text = data.accessibilityText; =;
this.is_full_width = data.isFullWidth;
this.type = data.type;
this.button_size = data.buttonSize;
this.on_tap = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onTap);
__name(ButtonView, "ButtonView");
ButtonView.type = "ButtonView";
var ButtonView_default = ButtonView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelHeaderLinks.js
var HeaderLink = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.icon = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.icon);
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
__name(HeaderLink, "HeaderLink");
HeaderLink.type = "HeaderLink";
var ChannelHeaderLinks = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.primary = observe(((_a4 = data.primaryLinks) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => new HeaderLink(link))) || []);
this.secondary = observe(((_b = data.secondaryLinks) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : => new HeaderLink(link))) || []);
__name(ChannelHeaderLinks, "ChannelHeaderLinks");
ChannelHeaderLinks.type = "ChannelHeaderLinks";
var ChannelHeaderLinks_default = ChannelHeaderLinks;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelHeaderLinksView.js
var ChannelHeaderLinksView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "firstLink")) {
this.first_link = Text2.fromAttributed(data.firstLink);
if (Reflect.has(data, "more")) {
this.more = Text2.fromAttributed(data.more);
__name(ChannelHeaderLinksView, "ChannelHeaderLinksView");
ChannelHeaderLinksView.type = "ChannelHeaderLinksView";
var ChannelHeaderLinksView_default = ChannelHeaderLinksView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ClipCreationTextInput.js
var ClipCreationTextInput = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.placeholder_text = new Text2(data.placeholderText);
this.max_character_limit = data.maxCharacterLimit;
__name(ClipCreationTextInput, "ClipCreationTextInput");
ClipCreationTextInput.type = "ClipCreationTextInput";
var ClipCreationTextInput_default = ClipCreationTextInput;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ClipCreationScrubber.js
var ClipCreationScrubber = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
this.length_template = data.lengthTemplate;
this.max_length_ms = data.maxLengthMs;
this.min_length_ms = data.minLengthMs;
this.default_length_ms = data.defaultLengthMs;
this.window_size_ms = data.windowSizeMs;
this.start_label = (_b = (_a4 = data.startAccessibility) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.accessibilityData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.label;
this.end_label = (_d = (_c = data.endAccessibility) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.accessibilityData) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.label;
this.duration_label = (_f = (_e = data.durationAccessibility) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.accessibilityData) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.label;
__name(ClipCreationScrubber, "ClipCreationScrubber");
ClipCreationScrubber.type = "ClipCreationScrubber";
var ClipCreationScrubber_default = ClipCreationScrubber;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ClipAdState.js
var ClipAdState = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.body = new Text2(data.body);
__name(ClipAdState, "ClipAdState");
ClipAdState.type = "ClipAdState";
var ClipAdState_default = ClipAdState;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ClipCreation.js
var ClipCreation = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.user_avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.userAvatar);
this.title_input = parser_exports.parseItem(data.titleInput, [ClipCreationTextInput_default]);
this.scrubber = parser_exports.parseItem(data.scrubber, [ClipCreationScrubber_default]);
this.save_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.saveButton, [Button_default]);
this.display_name = new Text2(data.displayName);
this.publicity_label = data.publicityLabel;
this.cancel_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.cancelButton, [Button_default]);
this.ad_state_overlay = parser_exports.parseItem(data.adStateOverlay, [ClipAdState_default]);
this.external_video_id = data.externalVideoId;
this.publicity_label_icon = data.publicityLabelIcon;
__name(ClipCreation, "ClipCreation");
ClipCreation.type = "ClipCreation";
var ClipCreation_default = ClipCreation;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ClipSection.js
var ClipSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parse(data.contents, true, [ClipCreation_default]);
__name(ClipSection, "ClipSection");
ClipSection.type = "ClipSection";
var ClipSection_default = ClipSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ContinuationItem.js
var ContinuationItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.trigger = data.trigger;
if (Reflect.has(data, "button")) {
this.button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.button, Button_default);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.continuationEndpoint);
__name(ContinuationItem, "ContinuationItem");
ContinuationItem.type = "ContinuationItem";
var ContinuationItem_default = ContinuationItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/EngagementPanelTitleHeader.js
var EngagementPanelTitleHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.visibility_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.visibilityButton, Button_default);
__name(EngagementPanelTitleHeader, "EngagementPanelTitleHeader");
EngagementPanelTitleHeader.type = "EngagementPanelTitleHeader";
var EngagementPanelTitleHeader_default = EngagementPanelTitleHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MacroMarkersInfoItem.js
var MacroMarkersInfoItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.info_text = new Text2(data.infoText); = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
__name(MacroMarkersInfoItem, "MacroMarkersInfoItem");
MacroMarkersInfoItem.type = "MacroMarkersInfoItem";
var MacroMarkersInfoItem_default = MacroMarkersInfoItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MacroMarkersListItem.js
var MacroMarkersListItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.time_description = new Text2(data.timeDescription);
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.on_tap_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onTap);
this.layout = data.layout;
this.is_highlighted = !!data.isHighlighted;
__name(MacroMarkersListItem, "MacroMarkersListItem");
MacroMarkersListItem.type = "MacroMarkersListItem";
var MacroMarkersListItem_default = MacroMarkersListItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MacroMarkersList.js
var MacroMarkersList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents, [MacroMarkersInfoItem_default, MacroMarkersListItem_default]);
this.sync_button_label = new Text2(data.syncButtonLabel);
__name(MacroMarkersList, "MacroMarkersList");
MacroMarkersList.type = "MacroMarkersList";
var MacroMarkersList_default = MacroMarkersList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ProductList.js
var ProductList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
__name(ProductList, "ProductList");
ProductList.type = "ProductList";
var ProductList_default = ProductList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SectionList.js
var SectionList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
if (Reflect.has(data, "targetId")) {
this.target_id = data.targetId;
if (Reflect.has(data, "continuations")) {
if (Reflect.has(data.continuations[0], "nextContinuationData")) {
this.continuation = data.continuations[0].nextContinuationData.continuation;
} else if (Reflect.has(data.continuations[0], "reloadContinuationData")) {
this.continuation = data.continuations[0].reloadContinuationData.continuation;
if (Reflect.has(data, "header")) {
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header);
if (Reflect.has(data, "subMenu")) {
this.sub_menu = parser_exports.parseItem(data.subMenu);
__name(SectionList, "SectionList");
SectionList.type = "SectionList";
var SectionList_default = SectionList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ExpandableVideoDescriptionBody.js
var ExpandableVideoDescriptionBody = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
this.show_more_text = new Text2(data.showMoreText);
this.show_less_text = new Text2(data.showLessText);
if (Reflect.has(data, "attributedDescriptionBodyText")) {
this.attributed_description_body_text = (_a4 = data.attributedDescriptionBodyText) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.content;
__name(ExpandableVideoDescriptionBody, "ExpandableVideoDescriptionBody");
ExpandableVideoDescriptionBody.type = "ExpandableVideoDescriptionBody";
var ExpandableVideoDescriptionBody_default = ExpandableVideoDescriptionBody;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SearchRefinementCard.js
var SearchRefinementCard = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.searchEndpoint);
this.query = new Text2(data.query).toString();
__name(SearchRefinementCard, "SearchRefinementCard");
SearchRefinementCard.type = "SearchRefinementCard";
var SearchRefinementCard_default = SearchRefinementCard;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GameCard.js
var GameCard = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = parser_exports.parseItem(;
__name(GameCard, "GameCard");
GameCard.type = "GameCard";
var GameCard_default = GameCard;
// dist/src/parser/classes/HorizontalList.js
var HorizontalList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.visible_item_count = data.visibleItemCount;
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(HorizontalList, "HorizontalList");
HorizontalList.type = "HorizontalList";
var HorizontalList_default = HorizontalList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ExpandableMetadata.js
var ExpandableMetadata = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "header")) {
this.header = {
collapsed_title: new Text2(data.header.collapsedTitle),
collapsed_thumbnail: Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.header.collapsedThumbnail),
collapsed_label: new Text2(data.header.collapsedLabel),
expanded_title: new Text2(data.header.expandedTitle)
this.expanded_content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.expandedContent, [HorizontalCardList_default, HorizontalList_default]);
this.expand_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.expandButton, Button_default);
this.collapse_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.collapseButton, Button_default);
__name(ExpandableMetadata, "ExpandableMetadata");
ExpandableMetadata.type = "ExpandableMetadata";
var ExpandableMetadata_default = ExpandableMetadata;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MetadataBadge.js
var MetadataBadge = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
if (Reflect.has(data, "style")) { =;
if (Reflect.has(data, "label")) {
this.label = data.label;
if (Reflect.has(data, "tooltip") || Reflect.has(data, "iconTooltip")) {
this.tooltip = data.tooltip || data.iconTooltip;
__name(MetadataBadge, "MetadataBadge");
MetadataBadge.type = "MetadataBadge";
var MetadataBadge_default = MetadataBadge;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus.js
var ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text).toString(); =;
__name(ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus, "ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus");
ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus.type = "ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus";
var ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus_default = ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Video.js
var Video = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
const overlay_time_status = ((_a4 = data.thumbnailOverlays.find((overlay) => overlay.thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.text) || "N/A"; = data.videoId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
if (Reflect.has(data, "descriptionSnippet")) {
this.description_snippet = new Text2(data.descriptionSnippet);
if (Reflect.has(data, "detailedMetadataSnippets")) {
this.snippets = => ({
text: new Text2(snippet.snippetText),
hover_text: new Text2(snippet.snippetHoverText)
this.expandable_metadata = parser_exports.parseItem(data.expandableMetadata, ExpandableMetadata_default);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays);
if (Reflect.has(data, "richThumbnail")) {
this.rich_thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.richThumbnail);
} = new Author(data.ownerText, data.ownerBadges, (_c = (_b = data.channelThumbnailSupportedRenderers) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.channelThumbnailWithLinkRenderer) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.thumbnail);
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.badges, MetadataBadge_default);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.published = new Text2(data.publishedTimeText);
this.view_count = new Text2(data.viewCountText);
this.short_view_count = new Text2(data.shortViewCountText);
if (Reflect.has(data, "upcomingEventData")) {
this.upcoming = new Date(Number(`${data.upcomingEventData.startTime}000`));
this.duration = {
text: data.lengthText ? new Text2(data.lengthText).toString() : new Text2(overlay_time_status).toString(),
seconds: timeToSeconds(data.lengthText ? new Text2(data.lengthText).toString() : new Text2(overlay_time_status).toString())
this.show_action_menu = !!data.showActionMenu;
this.is_watched = !!data.isWatched; = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "searchVideoResultEntityKey")) {
this.search_video_result_entity_key = data.searchVideoResultEntityKey;
get description() {
var _a4;
if (this.snippets) {
return => snip.text.toString()).join("");
return ((_a4 = this.description_snippet) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.toString()) || "";
get is_live() {
var _a4;
return this.badges.some((badge) => {
if ( === "BADGE_STYLE_TYPE_LIVE_NOW" || badge.label === "LIVE")
return true;
}) || ((_a4 = this.thumbnail_overlays.firstOfType(ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus_default)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : === "LIVE";
get is_upcoming() {
return this.upcoming && this.upcoming > new Date();
get is_premiere() {
return this.badges.some((badge) => badge.label === "PREMIERE");
get is_4k() {
return this.badges.some((badge) => badge.label === "4K");
get has_captions() {
return this.badges.some((badge) => badge.label === "CC");
get best_thumbnail() {
return this.thumbnails[0];
__name(Video, "Video");
Video.type = "Video";
var Video_default = Video;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VideoCard.js
var VideoCard = class extends Video_default {
constructor(data) {
__name(VideoCard, "VideoCard");
VideoCard.type = "VideoCard";
var VideoCard_default = VideoCard;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ContentPreviewImageView.js
var ContentPreviewImageView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.image = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.image); =;
__name(ContentPreviewImageView, "ContentPreviewImageView");
ContentPreviewImageView.type = "ContentPreviewImageView";
var ContentPreviewImageView_default = ContentPreviewImageView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VideoAttributeView.js
var VideoAttributeView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
if ((_a4 = data.image) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.sources) {
this.image = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.image);
} else {
this.image = parser_exports.parseItem(data.image, ContentPreviewImageView_default);
this.image_style = data.imageStyle;
this.title = data.title;
this.subtitle = data.subtitle;
this.secondary_subtitle = {
content: data.secondarySubtitle.content
this.orientation = data.orientation;
this.sizing_rule = data.sizingRule;
this.overflow_menu_on_tap = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.overflowMenuOnTap);
this.overflow_menu_a11y_label = data.overflowMenuA11yLabel;
__name(VideoAttributeView, "VideoAttributeView");
VideoAttributeView.type = "VideoAttributeView";
var VideoAttributeView_default = VideoAttributeView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/HorizontalCardList.js
var HorizontalCardList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = parser_exports.parseArray(, [VideoAttributeView_default, SearchRefinementCard_default, MacroMarkersListItem_default, GameCard_default, VideoCard_default]);
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header);
this.previous_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.previousButton, Button_default);
this.next_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.nextButton, Button_default);
__name(HorizontalCardList, "HorizontalCardList");
HorizontalCardList.type = "HorizontalCardList";
var HorizontalCardList_default = HorizontalCardList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Factoid.js
var Factoid = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.label = new Text2(data.label);
this.value = new Text2(data.value);
this.accessibility_text = data.accessibilityText;
__name(Factoid, "Factoid");
Factoid.type = "Factoid";
var Factoid_default = Factoid;
// dist/src/parser/classes/UploadTimeFactoid.js
var UploadTimeFactoid = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.factoid = parser_exports.parseItem(data.factoid, Factoid_default);
__name(UploadTimeFactoid, "UploadTimeFactoid");
UploadTimeFactoid.type = "UploadTimeFactoid";
var UploadTimeFactoid_default = UploadTimeFactoid;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ViewCountFactoid.js
var ViewCountFactoid = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.view_count_entity_key = data.viewCountEntityKey;
this.factoid = parser_exports.parseItem(data.factoid, [Factoid_default]);
this.view_count_type = data.viewCountType;
__name(ViewCountFactoid, "ViewCountFactoid");
ViewCountFactoid.type = "ViewCountFactoid";
var ViewCountFactoid_default = ViewCountFactoid;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VideoDescriptionHeader.js
var VideoDescriptionHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title); = new Text2(;
this.channel_navigation_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.channelNavigationEndpoint);
this.channel_thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.channelThumbnail);
this.publish_date = new Text2(data.publishDate);
this.views = new Text2(data.views);
this.factoids = parser_exports.parseArray(data.factoid, [Factoid_default, ViewCountFactoid_default, UploadTimeFactoid_default]);
__name(VideoDescriptionHeader, "VideoDescriptionHeader");
VideoDescriptionHeader.type = "VideoDescriptionHeader";
var VideoDescriptionHeader_default = VideoDescriptionHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VideoDescriptionInfocardsSection.js
var VideoDescriptionInfocardsSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.section_title = new Text2(data.sectionTitle);
this.creator_videos_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.creatorVideosButton, Button_default);
this.creator_about_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.creatorAboutButton, Button_default);
this.section_subtitle = new Text2(data.sectionSubtitle);
this.channel_avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.channelAvatar);
this.channel_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.channelEndpoint);
__name(VideoDescriptionInfocardsSection, "VideoDescriptionInfocardsSection");
VideoDescriptionInfocardsSection.type = "VideoDescriptionInfocardsSection";
var VideoDescriptionInfocardsSection_default = VideoDescriptionInfocardsSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/InfoRow.js
var InfoRow = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
if (Reflect.has(data, "defaultMetadata")) {
this.default_metadata = new Text2(data.defaultMetadata);
if (Reflect.has(data, "expandedMetadata")) {
this.expanded_metadata = new Text2(data.expandedMetadata);
if (Reflect.has(data, "infoRowExpandStatusKey")) {
this.info_row_expand_status_key = data.infoRowExpandStatusKey;
__name(InfoRow, "InfoRow");
InfoRow.type = "InfoRow";
var InfoRow_default = InfoRow;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CompactVideo.js
var CompactVideo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.videoId;
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail) || null;
if (Reflect.has(data, "richThumbnail")) {
this.rich_thumbnail = parser_exports.parse(data.richThumbnail);
this.title = new Text2(data.title); = new Author(data.longBylineText, data.ownerBadges, data.channelThumbnail);
this.view_count = new Text2(data.viewCountText);
this.short_view_count = new Text2(data.shortViewCountText);
this.published = new Text2(data.publishedTimeText);
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.badges, MetadataBadge_default);
this.duration = {
text: new Text2(data.lengthText).toString(),
seconds: timeToSeconds(new Text2(data.lengthText).toString())
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint); = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
get best_thumbnail() {
return this.thumbnails[0];
get is_fundraiser() {
return this.badges.some((badge) => badge.label === "Fundraiser");
get is_live() {
return this.badges.some((badge) => {
if ( === "BADGE_STYLE_TYPE_LIVE_NOW" || badge.label === "LIVE")
return true;
get is_new() {
return this.badges.some((badge) => badge.label === "New");
get is_premiere() {
return this.badges.some((badge) => === "PREMIERE");
__name(CompactVideo, "CompactVideo");
CompactVideo.type = "CompactVideo";
var CompactVideo_default = CompactVideo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CarouselLockup.js
var CarouselLockup = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.info_rows = parser_exports.parseArray(data.infoRows, InfoRow_default);
this.video_lockup = parser_exports.parseItem(data.videoLockup, CompactVideo_default);
__name(CarouselLockup, "CarouselLockup");
CarouselLockup.type = "CarouselLockup";
var CarouselLockup_default = CarouselLockup;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VideoDescriptionMusicSection.js
var VideoDescriptionMusicSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.carousel_lockups = parser_exports.parseArray(data.carouselLockups, CarouselLockup_default);
this.section_title = new Text2(data.sectionTitle);
__name(VideoDescriptionMusicSection, "VideoDescriptionMusicSection");
VideoDescriptionMusicSection.type = "VideoDescriptionMusicSection";
var VideoDescriptionMusicSection_default = VideoDescriptionMusicSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VideoDescriptionTranscriptSection.js
var VideoDescriptionTranscriptSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.section_title = new Text2(data.sectionTitle);
this.sub_header_text = new Text2(data.subHeaderText);
this.primary_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.primaryButton, Button_default);
__name(VideoDescriptionTranscriptSection, "VideoDescriptionTranscriptSection");
VideoDescriptionTranscriptSection.type = "VideoDescriptionTranscriptSection";
var VideoDescriptionTranscriptSection_default = VideoDescriptionTranscriptSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/StructuredDescriptionPlaylistLockup.js
var StructuredDescriptionPlaylistLockup = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.short_byline_text = new Text2(data.shortBylineText);
this.video_count_short_text = new Text2(data.videoCountShortText);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.thumbnail_width = data.thumbnailWidth;
this.aspect_ratio = data.aspectRatio;
this.max_lines_title = data.maxLinesTitle;
this.max_lines_short_byline_text = data.maxLinesShortBylineText;
this.overlay_position = data.overlayPosition;
__name(StructuredDescriptionPlaylistLockup, "StructuredDescriptionPlaylistLockup");
StructuredDescriptionPlaylistLockup.type = "StructuredDescriptionPlaylistLockup";
var StructuredDescriptionPlaylistLockup_default = StructuredDescriptionPlaylistLockup;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VideoDescriptionCourseSection.js
var VideoDescriptionCourseSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.section_title = new Text2(data.sectionTitle);
this.media_lockups = parser_exports.parseArray(data.mediaLockups, [StructuredDescriptionPlaylistLockup_default]);
__name(VideoDescriptionCourseSection, "VideoDescriptionCourseSection");
VideoDescriptionCourseSection.type = "VideoDescriptionCourseSection";
var VideoDescriptionCourseSection_default = VideoDescriptionCourseSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ReelShelf.js
var ReelShelf = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
if (Reflect.has(data, "endpoint")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(ReelShelf, "ReelShelf");
ReelShelf.type = "ReelShelf";
var ReelShelf_default = ReelShelf;
// dist/src/parser/classes/StructuredDescriptionContent.js
var StructuredDescriptionContent = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items, [
__name(StructuredDescriptionContent, "StructuredDescriptionContent");
StructuredDescriptionContent.type = "StructuredDescriptionContent";
var StructuredDescriptionContent_default = StructuredDescriptionContent;
// dist/src/parser/classes/EngagementPanelSectionList.js
var EngagementPanelSectionList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header, EngagementPanelTitleHeader_default);
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content, [VideoAttributeView_default, SectionList_default, ContinuationItem_default, ClipSection_default, StructuredDescriptionContent_default, MacroMarkersList_default, ProductList_default]);
this.panel_identifier = data.panelIdentifier;
this.identifier = data.identifier ? {
surface: data.identifier.surface,
tag: data.identifier.tag
} : void 0;
this.target_id = data.targetId;
this.visibility = data.visibility;
__name(EngagementPanelSectionList, "EngagementPanelSectionList");
EngagementPanelSectionList.type = "EngagementPanelSectionList";
var EngagementPanelSectionList_default = EngagementPanelSectionList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelTagline.js
var ChannelTagline = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.content = data.content;
this.max_lines = data.maxLines;
this.more_endpoint = data.moreEndpoint.showEngagementPanelEndpoint ? {
show_engagement_panel_endpoint: {
engagement_panel: parser_exports.parseItem(data.moreEndpoint.showEngagementPanelEndpoint.engagementPanel, EngagementPanelSectionList_default),
engagement_panel_popup_type: data.moreEndpoint.showEngagementPanelEndpoint.engagementPanelPresentationConfigs.engagementPanelPopupPresentationConfig.popupType,
identifier: {
surface: data.moreEndpoint.showEngagementPanelEndpoint.identifier.surface,
tag: data.moreEndpoint.showEngagementPanelEndpoint.identifier.tag
} : new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.moreEndpoint);
this.more_icon_type = data.moreIcon.iconType;
this.more_label = data.moreLabel;
this.target_id = data.targetId;
__name(ChannelTagline, "ChannelTagline");
ChannelTagline.type = "ChannelTagline";
var ChannelTagline_default = ChannelTagline;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SubscriptionNotificationToggleButton.js
var SubscriptionNotificationToggleButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.states = => ({
id: data2.stateId,
next_id: data2.nextStateId,
state: parser_exports.parse(data2.state)
this.current_state_id = data.currentStateId;
this.target_id = data.targetId;
__name(SubscriptionNotificationToggleButton, "SubscriptionNotificationToggleButton");
SubscriptionNotificationToggleButton.type = "SubscriptionNotificationToggleButton";
var SubscriptionNotificationToggleButton_default = SubscriptionNotificationToggleButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SubscribeButton.js
var SubscribeButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.title = new Text2(data.buttonText);
this.subscribed = data.subscribed;
this.enabled = data.enabled;
this.item_type = data.type;
this.channel_id = data.channelId;
this.show_preferences = data.showPreferences;
this.subscribed_text = new Text2(data.subscribedButtonText);
this.unsubscribed_text = new Text2(data.unsubscribedButtonText);
this.notification_preference_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.notificationPreferenceButton, SubscriptionNotificationToggleButton_default);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(((_a4 = data.serviceEndpoints) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0]) || ((_b = data.onSubscribeEndpoints) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[0]));
__name(SubscribeButton, "SubscribeButton");
SubscribeButton.type = "SubscribeButton";
var SubscribeButton_default = SubscribeButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/C4TabbedHeader.js
var C4TabbedHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = new Author({
simpleText: data.title,
navigationEndpoint: data.navigationEndpoint
}, data.badges, data.avatar);
if (Reflect.has(data, "banner")) {
this.banner = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.banner);
if (Reflect.has(data, "tv_banner")) {
this.tv_banner = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.tvBanner);
if (Reflect.has(data, "mobile_banner")) {
this.mobile_banner = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.mobileBanner);
if (Reflect.has(data, "subscriberCountText")) {
this.subscribers = new Text2(data.subscriberCountText);
if (Reflect.has(data, "videosCountText")) {
this.videos_count = new Text2(data.videosCountText);
if (Reflect.has(data, "sponsorButton")) {
this.sponsor_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.sponsorButton, Button_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "subscribeButton")) {
this.subscribe_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.subscribeButton, [SubscribeButton_default, Button_default]);
if (Reflect.has(data, "headerLinks")) {
this.header_links = parser_exports.parseItem(data.headerLinks, [ChannelHeaderLinks_default, ChannelHeaderLinksView_default]);
if (Reflect.has(data, "channelHandleText")) {
this.channel_handle = new Text2(data.channelHandleText);
if (Reflect.has(data, "channelId")) {
this.channel_id = data.channelId;
if (Reflect.has(data, "tagline")) {
this.tagline = parser_exports.parseItem(data.tagline, ChannelTagline_default);
__name(C4TabbedHeader, "C4TabbedHeader");
C4TabbedHeader.type = "C4TabbedHeader";
var C4TabbedHeader_default = C4TabbedHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CallToActionButton.js
var CallToActionButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.label = new Text2(data.label);
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType; =;
__name(CallToActionButton, "CallToActionButton");
CallToActionButton.type = "CallToActionButton";
var CallToActionButton_default = CallToActionButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Card.js
var Card = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.teaser = parser_exports.parseItem(data.teaser);
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content);
if (Reflect.has(data, "cardId")) {
this.card_id = data.cardId;
if (Reflect.has(data, "feature")) {
this.feature = data.feature;
this.cue_ranges = => ({
start_card_active_ms: cr.startCardActiveMs,
end_card_active_ms: cr.endCardActiveMs,
teaser_duration_ms: cr.teaserDurationMs,
icon_after_teaser_ms: cr.iconAfterTeaserMs
__name(Card, "Card");
Card.type = "Card";
var Card_default = Card;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CardCollection.js
var CardCollection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = parser_exports.parseArray(;
this.header = new Text2(data.headerText);
this.allow_teaser_dismiss = data.allowTeaserDismiss;
__name(CardCollection, "CardCollection");
CardCollection.type = "CardCollection";
var CardCollection_default = CardCollection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CarouselHeader.js
var CarouselHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
__name(CarouselHeader, "CarouselHeader");
CarouselHeader.type = "CarouselHeader";
var CarouselHeader_default = CarouselHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CarouselItem.js
var CarouselItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.carouselItems);
this.background_color = data.backgroundColor;
this.layout_style = data.layoutStyle;
this.pagination_thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.paginationThumbnails);
this.paginator_alignment = data.paginatorAlignment;
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(CarouselItem, "CarouselItem");
CarouselItem.type = "CarouselItem";
var CarouselItem_default = CarouselItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Channel.js
var Channel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.channelId; = new Author(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, data.title), { navigationEndpoint: data.navigationEndpoint }), data.ownerBadges, data.thumbnail);
this.subscriber_count = new Text2(data.subscriberCountText);
this.video_count = new Text2(data.videoCountText);
this.long_byline = new Text2(data.longBylineText);
this.short_byline = new Text2(data.shortBylineText);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.subscribe_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.subscribeButton, [SubscribeButton_default, Button_default]);
this.description_snippet = new Text2(data.descriptionSnippet);
get subscribers() {
Log_default.warnOnce(Channel.type, "Channel#subscribers is deprecated. Please use Channel#subscriber_count instead.");
return this.subscriber_count;
get videos() {
Log_default.warnOnce(Channel.type, "Channel#videos is deprecated. Please use Channel#video_count instead.");
return this.video_count;
__name(Channel, "Channel");
Channel.type = "Channel";
var Channel_default = Channel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelAboutFullMetadata.js
var ChannelAboutFullMetadata = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
super(); = data.channelId; = new Text2(data.title);
this.avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.avatar);
this.canonical_channel_url = data.canonicalChannelUrl;
this.primary_links = (_b = (_a4 = data.primaryLinks) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => ({
endpoint: new NavigationEndpoint_default(link.navigationEndpoint),
icon: Thumbnail.fromResponse(link.icon),
title: new Text2(link.title)
}))) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
this.view_count = new Text2(data.viewCountText);
this.joined_date = new Text2(data.joinedDateText);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
this.email_reveal = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onBusinessEmailRevealClickCommand);
this.can_reveal_email = !data.signInForBusinessEmail; = new Text2(;
this.buttons = parser_exports.parseArray(data.actionButtons, Button_default);
get views() {
Log_default.warnOnce(ChannelAboutFullMetadata.type, "ChannelAboutFullMetadata#views is deprecated. Please use ChannelAboutFullMetadata#view_count instead.");
return this.view_count;
get joined() {
Log_default.warnOnce(ChannelAboutFullMetadata.type, "ChannelAboutFullMetadata#joined is deprecated. Please use ChannelAboutFullMetadata#joined_date instead.");
return this.joined_date;
__name(ChannelAboutFullMetadata, "ChannelAboutFullMetadata");
ChannelAboutFullMetadata.type = "ChannelAboutFullMetadata";
var ChannelAboutFullMetadata_default = ChannelAboutFullMetadata;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelAgeGate.js
var ChannelAgeGate = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.channel_title = data.channelTitle;
this.avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.avatar);
this.header = new Text2(data.header);
this.main_text = new Text2(data.mainText);
this.sign_in_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.signInButton, Button_default);
this.secondary_text = new Text2(data.secondaryText);
__name(ChannelAgeGate, "ChannelAgeGate");
ChannelAgeGate.type = "ChannelAgeGate";
var ChannelAgeGate_default = ChannelAgeGate;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelFeaturedContent.js
var ChannelFeaturedContent = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
__name(ChannelFeaturedContent, "ChannelFeaturedContent");
ChannelFeaturedContent.type = "ChannelFeaturedContent";
var ChannelFeaturedContent_default = ChannelFeaturedContent;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelMetadata.js
var ChannelMetadata = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.title;
this.description = data.description;
this.url = data.channelUrl;
this.rss_url = data.rssUrl;
this.vanity_channel_url = data.vanityChannelUrl;
this.external_id = data.externalId;
this.is_family_safe = data.isFamilySafe;
this.keywords = data.keywords;
this.avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.avatar);
this.music_artist_name = typeof data.musicArtistName === "string" && data.musicArtistName.length > 0 ? data.musicArtistName : void 0;
this.available_countries = data.availableCountryCodes;
this.android_deep_link = data.androidDeepLink;
this.android_appindexing_link = data.androidAppindexingLink;
this.ios_appindexing_link = data.iosAppindexingLink;
__name(ChannelMetadata, "ChannelMetadata");
ChannelMetadata.type = "ChannelMetadata";
var ChannelMetadata_default = ChannelMetadata;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelMobileHeader.js
var ChannelMobileHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
__name(ChannelMobileHeader, "ChannelMobileHeader");
ChannelMobileHeader.type = "ChannelMobileHeader";
var ChannelMobileHeader_default = ChannelMobileHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelOptions.js
var ChannelOptions = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.avatar);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.avatarEndpoint); =;
this.links = => new Text2(link));
__name(ChannelOptions, "ChannelOptions");
ChannelOptions.type = "ChannelOptions";
var ChannelOptions_default = ChannelOptions;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelOwnerEmptyState.js
var ChannelOwnerEmptyState = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.illustration = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.illustration);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
__name(ChannelOwnerEmptyState, "ChannelOwnerEmptyState");
ChannelOwnerEmptyState.type = "ChannelOwnerEmptyState";
var ChannelOwnerEmptyState_default = ChannelOwnerEmptyState;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelSubMenu.js
var ChannelSubMenu = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.content_type_sub_menu_items = => ({
endpoint: new NavigationEndpoint_default(item.navigationEndpoint || item.endpoint),
selected: item.selected,
title: item.title
this.sort_setting = parser_exports.parseItem(data.sortSetting);
__name(ChannelSubMenu, "ChannelSubMenu");
ChannelSubMenu.type = "ChannelSubMenu";
var ChannelSubMenu_default = ChannelSubMenu;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelThumbnailWithLink.js
var ChannelThumbnailWithLink = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.label = (_b = (_a4 = data.accessibility) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.accessibilityData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.label;
__name(ChannelThumbnailWithLink, "ChannelThumbnailWithLink");
ChannelThumbnailWithLink.type = "ChannelThumbnailWithLink";
var ChannelThumbnailWithLink_default = ChannelThumbnailWithLink;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChannelVideoPlayer.js
var ChannelVideoPlayer = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.videoId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
this.view_count = new Text2(data.viewCountText);
this.published_time = new Text2(data.publishedTimeText);
get views() {
Log_default.warnOnce(ChannelVideoPlayer.type, "ChannelVideoPlayer#views is deprecated. Please use ChannelVideoPlayer#view_count instead.");
return this.view_count;
get published() {
Log_default.warnOnce(ChannelVideoPlayer.type, "ChannelVideoPlayer#published is deprecated. Please use ChannelVideoPlayer#published_time instead.");
return this.published_time;
__name(ChannelVideoPlayer, "ChannelVideoPlayer");
ChannelVideoPlayer.type = "ChannelVideoPlayer";
var ChannelVideoPlayer_default = ChannelVideoPlayer;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Chapter.js
var Chapter = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.time_range_start_millis = data.timeRangeStartMillis;
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
__name(Chapter, "Chapter");
Chapter.type = "Chapter";
var Chapter_default = Chapter;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChildVideo.js
var ChildVideo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.videoId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.duration = {
text: data.lengthText.simpleText,
seconds: timeToSeconds(data.lengthText.simpleText)
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
__name(ChildVideo, "ChildVideo");
ChildVideo.type = "ChildVideo";
var ChildVideo_default = ChildVideo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChipView.js
var ChipView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = data.text;
this.display_type = data.displayType;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.tapCommand);
this.chip_entity_key = data.chipEntityKey;
__name(ChipView, "ChipView");
ChipView.type = "ChipView";
var ChipView_default = ChipView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChipBarView.js
var ChipBarView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.chips = parser_exports.parseArray(data.chips, ChipView_default);
__name(ChipBarView, "ChipBarView");
ChipBarView.type = "ChipBarView";
var ChipBarView_default = ChipBarView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChipCloudChip.js
var ChipCloudChip = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.is_selected = data.isSelected;
if (Reflect.has(data, "navigationEndpoint")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.text = new Text2(data.text).toString();
__name(ChipCloudChip, "ChipCloudChip");
ChipCloudChip.type = "ChipCloudChip";
var ChipCloudChip_default = ChipCloudChip;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ChipCloud.js
var ChipCloud = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.chips = parser_exports.parseArray(data.chips, ChipCloudChip_default);
this.next_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.nextButton, Button_default);
this.previous_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.previousButton, Button_default);
this.horizontal_scrollable = data.horizontalScrollable;
__name(ChipCloud, "ChipCloud");
ChipCloud.type = "ChipCloud";
var ChipCloud_default = ChipCloud;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CollaboratorInfoCardContent.js
var CollaboratorInfoCardContent = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.channel_avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.channelAvatar);
this.custom_text = new Text2(data.customText);
this.channel_name = new Text2(data.channelName);
this.subscriber_count = new Text2(data.subscriberCountText);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
__name(CollaboratorInfoCardContent, "CollaboratorInfoCardContent");
CollaboratorInfoCardContent.type = "CollaboratorInfoCardContent";
var CollaboratorInfoCardContent_default = CollaboratorInfoCardContent;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CollageHeroImage.js
var CollageHeroImage = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.left = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.leftThumbnail);
this.top_right = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.topRightThumbnail);
this.bottom_right = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.bottomRightThumbnail);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
__name(CollageHeroImage, "CollageHeroImage");
CollageHeroImage.type = "CollageHeroImage";
var CollageHeroImage_default = CollageHeroImage;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailHoverOverlayView.js
var ThumbnailHoverOverlayView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.icon_name = data.icon.sources[0].clientResource.imageName;
this.text = Text2.fromAttributed(data.text); =;
__name(ThumbnailHoverOverlayView, "ThumbnailHoverOverlayView");
ThumbnailHoverOverlayView.type = "ThumbnailHoverOverlayView";
var ThumbnailHoverOverlayView_default = ThumbnailHoverOverlayView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailBadgeView.js
var ThumbnailBadgeView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.icon_name = data.icon.sources[0].clientResource.imageName;
this.text = data.text;
this.badge_style = data.badgeStyle;
this.background_color = {
light_theme: data.backgroundColor.lightTheme,
dark_theme: data.backgroundColor.darkTheme
__name(ThumbnailBadgeView, "ThumbnailBadgeView");
ThumbnailBadgeView.type = "ThumbnailBadgeView";
var ThumbnailBadgeView_default = ThumbnailBadgeView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayBadgeView.js
var ThumbnailOverlayBadgeView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailBadges, ThumbnailBadgeView_default);
this.position = data.position;
__name(ThumbnailOverlayBadgeView, "ThumbnailOverlayBadgeView");
ThumbnailOverlayBadgeView.type = "ThumbnailOverlayBadgeView";
var ThumbnailOverlayBadgeView_default = ThumbnailOverlayBadgeView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailView.js
var ThumbnailView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.image = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.image);
this.overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.overlays, [ThumbnailOverlayBadgeView_default, ThumbnailHoverOverlayView_default]);
this.background_color = {
light_theme: data.backgroundColor.lightTheme,
dark_theme: data.backgroundColor.darkTheme
__name(ThumbnailView, "ThumbnailView");
ThumbnailView.type = "ThumbnailView";
var ThumbnailView_default = ThumbnailView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CollectionThumbnailView.js
var CollectionThumbnailView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.primary_thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.primaryThumbnail, ThumbnailView_default);
this.stack_color = {
light_theme: data.stackColor.lightTheme,
dark_theme: data.stackColor.darkTheme
__name(CollectionThumbnailView, "CollectionThumbnailView");
CollectionThumbnailView.type = "CollectionThumbnailView";
var CollectionThumbnailView_default = CollectionThumbnailView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Command.js
var Command = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data);
__name(Command, "Command");
Command.type = "Command";
var Command_default = Command;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/AuthorCommentBadge.js
var import_tslib9 = require("tslib");
var _AuthorCommentBadge_data;
var AuthorCommentBadge = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
_AuthorCommentBadge_data.set(this, void 0);
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon") && Reflect.has(data.icon, "iconType")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
this.tooltip = data.iconTooltip;
this.tooltip === "Verified" && ( = "BADGE_STYLE_TYPE_VERIFIED") && ( = "BADGE_STYLE_TYPE_VERIFIED");
(0, import_tslib9.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _AuthorCommentBadge_data, data, "f");
get orig_badge() {
return (0, import_tslib9.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AuthorCommentBadge_data, "f");
__name(AuthorCommentBadge, "AuthorCommentBadge");
_AuthorCommentBadge_data = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
AuthorCommentBadge.type = "AuthorCommentBadge";
var AuthorCommentBadge_default = AuthorCommentBadge;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/Comment.js
var import_tslib10 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentReplyDialog.js
var CommentReplyDialog = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.reply_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.replyButton, Button_default);
this.cancel_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.cancelButton, Button_default);
this.author_thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.authorThumbnail);
this.placeholder = new Text2(data.placeholderText);
this.error_message = new Text2(data.errorMessage);
__name(CommentReplyDialog, "CommentReplyDialog");
CommentReplyDialog.type = "CommentReplyDialog";
var CommentReplyDialog_default = CommentReplyDialog;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/PdgCommentChip.js
var PdgCommentChip = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.text = new Text2(data.chipText);
this.color_pallette = {
background_color: (_a4 = data.chipColorPalette) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.backgroundColor,
foreground_title_color: (_b = data.chipColorPalette) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.foregroundTitleColor
if (Reflect.has(data, "chipIcon") && Reflect.has(data.chipIcon, "iconType")) {
this.icon_type = data.chipIcon.iconType;
__name(PdgCommentChip, "PdgCommentChip");
PdgCommentChip.type = "PdgCommentChip";
var PdgCommentChip_default = PdgCommentChip;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/SponsorCommentBadge.js
var SponsorCommentBadge = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.custom_badge = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.customBadge);
this.tooltip = data.tooltip;
__name(SponsorCommentBadge, "SponsorCommentBadge");
SponsorCommentBadge.type = "SponsorCommentBadge";
var SponsorCommentBadge_default = SponsorCommentBadge;
// dist/src/proto/index.js
var proto_exports = {};
__export(proto_exports, {
decodeVisitorData: () => decodeVisitorData,
encodeChannelAnalyticsParams: () => encodeChannelAnalyticsParams,
encodeCommentActionParams: () => encodeCommentActionParams,
encodeCommentParams: () => encodeCommentParams,
encodeCommentsSectionParams: () => encodeCommentsSectionParams,
encodeCustomThumbnailPayload: () => encodeCustomThumbnailPayload,
encodeHashtag: () => encodeHashtag,
encodeMessageParams: () => encodeMessageParams,
encodeMusicSearchFilters: () => encodeMusicSearchFilters,
encodeNotificationPref: () => encodeNotificationPref,
encodeReelSequence: () => encodeReelSequence,
encodeSearchFilters: () => encodeSearchFilters,
encodeShortsParam: () => encodeShortsParam,
encodeVideoMetadataPayload: () => encodeVideoMetadataPayload,
encodeVisitorData: () => encodeVisitorData
// dist/src/proto/generated/runtime/wire/index.js
var WireType;
(function(WireType2) {
WireType2[WireType2["Varint"] = 0] = "Varint";
WireType2[WireType2["Fixed64"] = 1] = "Fixed64";
WireType2[WireType2["LengthDelimited"] = 2] = "LengthDelimited";
WireType2[WireType2["StartGroup"] = 3] = "StartGroup";
WireType2[WireType2["EndGroup"] = 4] = "EndGroup";
WireType2[WireType2["Fixed32"] = 5] = "Fixed32";
})(WireType || (WireType = {}));
// dist/src/proto/generated/runtime/Long.js
var UINT16_MAX = 65535;
var UINT32_MAX = 4294967295;
var Long = class extends Uint32Array {
constructor(lo = 0, hi = 0) {
super([lo, hi]);
toString(signed = true) {
const [lo, hi] = this;
if (lo === 0 && hi === 0)
return "0";
if (signed && hi > 2147483647) {
return "-" + add(negate(this), one).toString(false);
const result = [];
let tmp = new Long(lo, hi);
while (compare(tmp, zero)) {
const [next, remainder] = divByTen(tmp);
tmp = next;
return result.reverse().join("");
static parse(text) {
const parsedValue = parseInt(text, 10);
const sign = parsedValue < 0;
if (Number.isNaN(parsedValue))
return new Long(0);
if (text.length < 10) {
if (parsedValue < 0)
return add(negate(new Long(-parsedValue)), one);
return new Long(parsedValue);
let result = new Long();
let powerTen = one;
for (const digit of text.split("").reverse()) {
if (parseInt(digit)) {
result = add(result, mul(new Long(parseInt(digit)), powerTen));
powerTen = mul(powerTen, new Long(10));
if (!sign)
return result;
return add(negate(result), one);
__name(Long, "Long");
var zero = new Long(0);
var one = new Long(1);
function makeChunk(value) {
const [lo, hi] = value;
return [lo & UINT16_MAX, lo >>> 16, hi & UINT16_MAX, hi >>> 16];
__name(makeChunk, "makeChunk");
function add(a, b) {
const [a00, a16, a32, a48] = makeChunk(a);
const [b00, b16, b32, b48] = makeChunk(b);
let c48 = 0, c32 = 0, c16 = 0, c00 = 0;
c00 += a00 + b00;
c16 += c00 >>> 16;
c00 &= UINT16_MAX;
c16 += a16 + b16;
c32 += c16 >>> 16;
c16 &= UINT16_MAX;
c32 += a32 + b32;
c48 += c32 >>> 16;
c32 &= UINT16_MAX;
c48 += a48 + b48;
c48 &= UINT16_MAX;
return new Long(c16 << 16 | c00, c48 << 16 | c32);
__name(add, "add");
function mul(a, b) {
const [a00, a16, a32, a48] = makeChunk(a);
const [b00, b16, b32, b48] = makeChunk(b);
let c48 = 0, c32 = 0, c16 = 0, c00 = 0;
c00 += a00 * b00;
c16 += c00 >>> 16;
c00 &= UINT16_MAX;
c16 += a00 * b16 + a16 * b00;
c32 += c16 >>> 16;
c16 &= UINT16_MAX;
c32 += a00 * b32 + a32 * b00 + a16 * b16;
c48 += c32 >>> 16;
c32 &= UINT16_MAX;
c48 += a00 * b48 + a16 * b32 + a32 * b16 + a48 * b00;
c48 &= UINT16_MAX;
return new Long(c16 << 16 | c00, c48 << 16 | c32);
__name(mul, "mul");
function divByTen(value) {
const [lo, hi] = value;
return [
new Long((hi % 10 * (UINT32_MAX + 1) + lo) / 10 | 0, hi / 10 | 0),
(hi % 10 * (UINT32_MAX + 1) + lo) % 10
__name(divByTen, "divByTen");
function compare(a, b) {
const [l1, h1] = a;
const [l2, h2] = b;
if (h1 !== h2)
return h1 - h2;
return l1 - l2;
__name(compare, "compare");
function negate(value) {
const [lo, hi] = value;
return new Long(~lo, ~hi);
__name(negate, "negate");
// dist/src/proto/generated/runtime/wire/varint.js
function encode2(value) {
const result = [];
const mask = 127;
const head = 1 << 7;
let long = typeof value === "number" ? new Long(value) : value;
while (long[0] || long[1]) {
const [lo, hi] = long;
const chunk = lo & mask;
const nextHi = hi >>> 7;
const nextLo = lo >>> 7 | (hi & mask) << 32 - 7;
long = new Long(nextLo, nextHi);
const resultChunk = !(long[0] || long[1]) ? chunk : chunk | head;
if (result.length < 1)
return new Uint8Array(1);
return Uint8Array.from(result);
__name(encode2, "encode");
function decode2(dataview) {
let result = new Long(0);
let i = 0;
while (true) {
const curr = dataview.getUint8(i);
result = or(result, leftshift(new Long(curr & 127), i * 7));
if (curr >>> 7)
return [i, result];
__name(decode2, "decode");
function or(a, b) {
return new Long(a[0] | b[0], a[1] | b[1]);
__name(or, "or");
function leftshift(a, count) {
if (count === 0)
return a;
if (count >= 32)
return new Long(0, a[0] << count - 32);
return new Long(a[0] << count, a[1] << count | a[0] >>> 32 - count);
__name(leftshift, "leftshift");
// dist/src/proto/generated/runtime/wire/serialize.js
function serialize(wireMessage) {
const result = [];
wireMessage.forEach(([fieldNumber, field]) => {
result.push(encode2(fieldNumber << 3 | field.type));
switch (field.type) {
case WireType.Varint:
case WireType.Fixed64: {
const arr = new Uint8Array(8);
const dataview = new DataView(arr.buffer);
dataview.setUint32(0, field.value[0], true);
dataview.setUint32(4, field.value[1], true);
case WireType.LengthDelimited:
case WireType.Fixed32: {
const arr = new Uint8Array(4);
const dataview = new DataView(arr.buffer);
dataview.setUint32(0, field.value, true);
return concat(result);
__name(serialize, "serialize");
function concat(arrays) {
const totalLength = arrays.reduce((acc, value) => {
return acc + value.byteLength;
}, 0);
const result = new Uint8Array(totalLength);
arrays.reduce((acc, array) => {
result.set(array, acc);
return acc + array.byteLength;
}, 0);
return result;
__name(concat, "concat");
// dist/src/proto/generated/runtime/wire/zigzag.js
function encode3(value) {
if (value instanceof Long) {
const l = new Long(value[0] << 1, value[1] << 1 | value[0] >>> 31);
const r = value[1] >>> 31 ? new Long(4294967295, 4294967295) : new Long();
return new Long(l[0] ^ r[0], l[1] ^ r[1]);
return (value * 2 ^ value >> 31) >>> 0;
__name(encode3, "encode");
function decode3(value) {
if (value instanceof Long) {
const l = new Long(value[0] >>> 1 | value[1] << 31, value[1] >>> 1);
const r = value[0] & 1 ? new Long(4294967295, 4294967295) : new Long();
return new Long(l[0] ^ r[0], l[1] ^ r[1]);
return value >>> 1 ^ -(value & 1);
__name(decode3, "decode");
// dist/src/proto/generated/runtime/wire/scalar.js
var decodeVarintFns = {
int32: (long) => long[0] | 0,
int64: (long) => long.toString(true),
uint32: (long) => long[0] >>> 0,
uint64: (long) => long.toString(false),
sint32: (long) => decode3(long[0]),
sint64: (long) => decode3(long).toString(true),
bool: (long) => long[0] !== 0
var encodeVarintFns = {
int32: (tsValue) => new Long(tsValue),
int64: (tsValue) => Long.parse(tsValue),
uint32: (tsValue) => new Long(tsValue),
uint64: (tsValue) => Long.parse(tsValue),
sint32: (tsValue) => encode3(new Long(tsValue)),
sint64: (tsValue) => encode3(Long.parse(tsValue)),
bool: (tsValue) => new Long(+tsValue)
var varintFieldToTsValueFns = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(decodeVarintFns).map(([type, fn]) => [
(wireValue) => {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Varint)
return fn(wireValue.value);
var tsValueToVarintFieldFns = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(encodeVarintFns).map(([type, fn]) => [
(tsValue) => ({
type: WireType.Varint,
value: fn(tsValue)
var wireValueToTsValueFns = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, varintFieldToTsValueFns), { double: (wireValue) => {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed64)
const dataview = new DataView(wireValue.value.buffer);
return dataview.getFloat64(0, true);
}, float: (wireValue) => {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed32)
const dataview = new DataView(new Uint32Array([wireValue.value]).buffer);
return dataview.getFloat32(0, true);
}, fixed32: (wireValue) => {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed32)
return wireValue.value >>> 0;
}, fixed64: (wireValue) => {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed64)
return wireValue.value.toString(false);
}, sfixed32: (wireValue) => {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed32)
return wireValue.value | 0;
}, sfixed64: (wireValue) => {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed64)
return wireValue.value.toString(true);
}, string: (wireValue) => {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited)
const textDecoder = new TextDecoder();
return textDecoder.decode(wireValue.value);
}, bytes: (wireValue) => {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited)
return wireValue.value;
} });
var tsValueToWireValueFns = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, tsValueToVarintFieldFns), { double: (tsValue) => {
const long = new Long();
const dataview = new DataView(long.buffer);
dataview.setFloat64(0, tsValue, true);
return { type: WireType.Fixed64, value: long };
}, float: (tsValue) => {
const u32 = new Uint32Array(1);
const dataview = new DataView(u32.buffer);
dataview.setFloat32(0, tsValue, true);
return { type: WireType.Fixed32, value: dataview.getUint32(0, true) };
}, fixed32: (tsValue) => ({ type: WireType.Fixed32, value: tsValue >>> 0 }), fixed64: (tsValue) => ({
type: WireType.Fixed64,
value: Long.parse(tsValue)
}), sfixed32: (tsValue) => ({ type: WireType.Fixed32, value: tsValue | 0 }), sfixed64: (tsValue) => ({
type: WireType.Fixed64,
value: Long.parse(tsValue)
}), string: (tsValue) => {
const textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
return {
type: WireType.LengthDelimited,
value: textEncoder.encode(tsValue)
}, bytes: (tsValue) => ({ type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: tsValue }) });
var unpackVarintFns = Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(decodeVarintFns).map((type) => [
function* (wireValues) {
for (const wireValue of wireValues) {
const value = wireValueToTsValueFns[type](wireValue);
if (value != null)
yield value;
else {
for (const long of unpackVarint(wireValue)) {
yield decodeVarintFns[type](long);
var unpackFns = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, unpackVarintFns), {
*double(wireValues) {
for (const wireValue of wireValues) {
const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.double(wireValue);
if (value != null)
yield value;
yield* unpackDouble(wireValue);
*float(wireValues) {
for (const wireValue of wireValues) {
const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.float(wireValue);
if (value != null)
yield value;
yield* unpackFloat(wireValue);
*fixed32(wireValues) {
for (const wireValue of wireValues) {
const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.fixed32(wireValue);
if (value != null)
yield value;
for (const value2 of unpackFixed32(wireValue))
yield value2 >>> 0;
*fixed64(wireValues) {
for (const wireValue of wireValues) {
const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.fixed64(wireValue);
if (value != null)
yield value;
else {
for (const value2 of unpackFixed64(wireValue)) {
yield value2.toString(false);
*sfixed32(wireValues) {
for (const wireValue of wireValues) {
const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.sfixed32(wireValue);
if (value != null)
yield value;
for (const value2 of unpackFixed32(wireValue))
yield value2 | 0;
*sfixed64(wireValues) {
for (const wireValue of wireValues) {
const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.sfixed64(wireValue);
if (value != null)
yield value;
else {
for (const value2 of unpackFixed64(wireValue)) {
yield value2.toString(true);
var packVarintFns = Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(encodeVarintFns).map((type) => [
function(tsValues) {
return {
type: WireType.LengthDelimited,
value: concat( => {
const value = encodeVarintFns[type](tsValue);
return encode2(value);
function getFixedPackFn(size, setFn) {
return /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function pack(values) {
const value = new Uint8Array(values.length * size);
const dataview = new DataView(value.buffer);
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
setFn(dataview, i * size, values[i]);
return { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value };
}, "pack");
__name(getFixedPackFn, "getFixedPackFn");
var packFns = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, packVarintFns), { double: getFixedPackFn(8, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => {
dataView.setFloat64(byteOffset, value, true);
}), float: getFixedPackFn(4, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => {
dataView.setFloat32(byteOffset, value, true);
}), fixed32: getFixedPackFn(4, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => {
dataView.setUint32(byteOffset, value, true);
}), fixed64: getFixedPackFn(8, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => {
const long = Long.parse(value);
dataView.setUint32(byteOffset, long[0], true);
dataView.setUint32(byteOffset + 4, long[1], true);
}), sfixed32: getFixedPackFn(4, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => {
dataView.setInt32(byteOffset, value, true);
}), sfixed64: getFixedPackFn(8, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => {
const long = Long.parse(value);
dataView.setUint32(byteOffset, long[0], true);
dataView.setUint32(byteOffset + 4, long[1], true);
}) });
function* unpackDouble(wireValue) {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited)
const { value } = wireValue;
let idx = 0;
const dataview = new DataView(value.buffer, value.byteOffset);
while (idx < value.length) {
const double = dataview.getFloat64(idx, true);
idx += 4;
yield double;
__name(unpackDouble, "unpackDouble");
function* unpackFloat(wireValue) {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited)
const { value } = wireValue;
let idx = 0;
const dataview = new DataView(value.buffer, value.byteOffset);
while (idx < value.length) {
const float = dataview.getFloat32(idx, true);
idx += 4;
yield float;
__name(unpackFloat, "unpackFloat");
function* unpackVarint(wireValue) {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited)
const { value } = wireValue;
let idx = 0;
const offset = value.byteOffset;
while (idx < value.length) {
const decodeResult = decode2(new DataView(value.buffer, offset + idx));
idx += decodeResult[0];
yield decodeResult[1];
__name(unpackVarint, "unpackVarint");
function* unpackFixed32(wireValue) {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited)
const { value } = wireValue;
let idx = 0;
const dataview = new DataView(value.buffer, value.byteOffset);
while (idx < value.length) {
const fixed32 = dataview.getUint32(idx, true);
idx += 4;
yield fixed32;
__name(unpackFixed32, "unpackFixed32");
function* unpackFixed64(wireValue) {
if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited)
const { value } = wireValue;
let idx = 0;
const dataview = new DataView(value.buffer, value.byteOffset);
while (idx < value.length) {
const lo = dataview.getUint32(idx, true);
idx += 4;
const hi = dataview.getUint32(idx, true);
idx += 4;
yield new Long(lo, hi);
__name(unpackFixed64, "unpackFixed64");
// dist/src/proto/generated/runtime/wire/deserialize.js
function deserialize(uint8array) {
let idx = 0;
const offset = uint8array.byteOffset;
const result = [];
const dataview = new DataView(uint8array.buffer, offset);
while (idx < uint8array.length) {
const decodeResult = decode2(new DataView(uint8array.buffer, offset + idx));
const key = decodeResult[1][0];
idx += decodeResult[0];
const type = key & 7;
const fieldNumber = key >>> 3;
switch (type) {
throw new Error(`Unknown wire type ${type}`);
case WireType.Varint: {
const [len, value] = decode2(new DataView(uint8array.buffer, offset + idx));
result.push([fieldNumber, { type, value }]);
idx += len;
case WireType.Fixed64:
const lo = dataview.getUint32(idx, true);
const hi = dataview.getUint32(idx += 4, true);
idx += 4;
result.push([fieldNumber, {
value: new Long(lo, hi)
case WireType.LengthDelimited: {
const [len, value] = decode2(new DataView(uint8array.buffer, offset + idx));
result.push([fieldNumber, {
value: uint8array.subarray(idx += len, idx += value[0])
case WireType.StartGroup:
case WireType.EndGroup:
result.push([fieldNumber, { type }]);
case WireType.Fixed32:
result.push([fieldNumber, {
value: dataview.getUint32(idx, true)
idx += 4;
return result;
__name(deserialize, "deserialize");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/VisitorData.js
function getDefaultValue() {
return {
id: "",
timestamp: 0
__name(getDefaultValue, "getDefaultValue");
function encodeBinary(value) {
const result = [];
if ( !== void 0) {
const tsValue =;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.timestamp !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.timestamp;
result.push([5, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary, "encodeBinary");
function decodeBinary(binary) {
const result = getDefaultValue();
const wireMessage = deserialize(binary);
const wireFields = new Map(wireMessage);
field: {
const wireValue = wireFields.get(1);
if (wireValue === void 0)
break field;
const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.string(wireValue);
if (value === void 0)
break field; = value;
field: {
const wireValue = wireFields.get(5);
if (wireValue === void 0)
break field;
const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.int32(wireValue);
if (value === void 0)
break field;
result.timestamp = value;
return result;
__name(decodeBinary, "decodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(ChannelAnalytics)/Params.js
function encodeBinary2(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.channelId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.channelId;
result.push([1001, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary2, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/ChannelAnalytics.js
function encodeBinary3(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.params !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.params;
result.push([32, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary2(tsValue) }]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary3, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(SearchFilter)/Filters.js
function encodeBinary4(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.uploadDate !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.uploadDate;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.type !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.type;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.duration !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.duration;
result.push([3, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.featuresHd !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.featuresHd;
result.push([4, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.featuresSubtitles !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.featuresSubtitles;
result.push([5, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.featuresCreativeCommons !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.featuresCreativeCommons;
result.push([6, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.features3d !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.features3d;
result.push([7, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.featuresLive !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.featuresLive;
result.push([8, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.featuresPurchased !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.featuresPurchased;
result.push([9, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.features4k !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.features4k;
result.push([14, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.features360 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.features360;
result.push([15, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.featuresLocation !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.featuresLocation;
result.push([23, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.featuresHdr !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.featuresHdr;
result.push([25, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.featuresVr180 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.featuresVr180;
result.push([26, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary4, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/SearchFilter.js
function encodeBinary5(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.sortBy !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.sortBy;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.filters !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.filters;
result.push([2, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary4(tsValue) }]);
if (value.noFilter !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.noFilter;
result.push([19, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary5, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(MusicSearchFilter)/(Filters)/Type.js
function encodeBinary6(value) {
const result = [];
if ( !== void 0) {
const tsValue =;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if ( !== void 0) {
const tsValue =;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.album !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.album;
result.push([3, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.artist !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.artist;
result.push([4, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.playlist !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.playlist;
result.push([5, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary6, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(MusicSearchFilter)/Filters.js
function encodeBinary7(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.type !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.type;
result.push([17, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary6(tsValue) }]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary7, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/MusicSearchFilter.js
function encodeBinary8(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.filters !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.filters;
result.push([2, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary7(tsValue) }]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary8, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(LiveMessageParams)/(Params)/Ids.js
function encodeBinary9(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.channelId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.channelId;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.videoId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.videoId;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary9, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(LiveMessageParams)/Params.js
function encodeBinary10(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.ids !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.ids;
result.push([5, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary9(tsValue) }]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary10, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/LiveMessageParams.js
function encodeBinary11(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.params !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.params;
result.push([1, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary10(tsValue) }]);
if (value.number0 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.number0;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.number1 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.number1;
result.push([3, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary11, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(GetCommentsSectionParams)/Context.js
function encodeBinary12(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.videoId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.videoId;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary12, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(GetCommentsSectionParams)/(Params)/(RepliesOptions)/UnkOpts.js
function encodeBinary13(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.unkParam !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.unkParam;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary13, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(GetCommentsSectionParams)/(Params)/RepliesOptions.js
function encodeBinary14(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.commentId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.commentId;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.unkopts !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.unkopts;
result.push([4, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary13(tsValue) }]);
if (value.channelId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.channelId;
result.push([5, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.videoId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.videoId;
result.push([6, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.unkParam1 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.unkParam1;
result.push([8, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.unkParam2 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.unkParam2;
result.push([9, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary14, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(GetCommentsSectionParams)/(Params)/Options.js
function encodeBinary15(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.videoId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.videoId;
result.push([4, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.sortBy !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.sortBy;
result.push([6, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.type !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.type;
result.push([15, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary15, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(GetCommentsSectionParams)/Params.js
function encodeBinary16(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.unkToken !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.unkToken;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.repliesOpts !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.repliesOpts;
result.push([3, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary14(tsValue) }]);
if (value.opts !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.opts;
result.push([4, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary15(tsValue) }]);
if ( !== void 0) {
const tsValue =;
result.push([5, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if ( !== void 0) {
const tsValue =;
result.push([8, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary16, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/GetCommentsSectionParams.js
function encodeBinary17(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.ctx !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.ctx;
result.push([2, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary12(tsValue) }]);
if (value.unkParam !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.unkParam;
result.push([3, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.params !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.params;
result.push([6, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary16(tsValue) }]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary17, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(CreateCommentParams)/Params.js
function encodeBinary18(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.index !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.index;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary18, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/CreateCommentParams.js
function encodeBinary19(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.videoId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.videoId;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.params !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.params;
result.push([5, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary18(tsValue) }]);
if (value.number !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.number;
result.push([10, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary19, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(PeformCommentActionParams)/(TranslateCommentParams)/(Params)/Comment.js
function encodeBinary20(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.text !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.text;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary20, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(PeformCommentActionParams)/(TranslateCommentParams)/Params.js
function encodeBinary21(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.comment !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.comment;
result.push([1, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary20(tsValue) }]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary21, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(PeformCommentActionParams)/TranslateCommentParams.js
function encodeBinary22(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.commentId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.commentId;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.params !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.params;
result.push([3, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary21(tsValue) }]);
if (value.targetLanguage !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.targetLanguage;
result.push([4, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary22, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/PeformCommentActionParams.js
function encodeBinary23(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.type !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.type;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.unkNum !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.unkNum;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.commentId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.commentId;
result.push([3, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.videoId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.videoId;
result.push([5, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.channelId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.channelId;
result.push([23, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.translateCommentParams !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.translateCommentParams;
result.push([31, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary22(tsValue) }]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary23, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(NotificationPreferences)/Preference.js
function encodeBinary24(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.index !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.index;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary24, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/NotificationPreferences.js
function encodeBinary25(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.channelId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.channelId;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.prefId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.prefId;
result.push([2, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary24(tsValue) }]);
if (value.number0 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.number0;
result.push([3, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.number1 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.number1;
result.push([4, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary25, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/(Context)/Client.js
function encodeBinary26(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.unkparam !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.unkparam;
result.push([16, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.clientVersion !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.clientVersion;
result.push([17, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.clientName !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.clientName;
result.push([18, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary26, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/Context.js
function encodeBinary27(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.client !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.client;
result.push([1, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary26(tsValue) }]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary27, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/Title.js
function encodeBinary28(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.text !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.text;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary28, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/Description.js
function encodeBinary29(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.text !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.text;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary29, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/Tags.js
function encodeBinary30(value) {
const result = [];
for (const tsValue of value.list) {
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary30, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/Category.js
function encodeBinary31(value) {
const result = [];
if ( !== void 0) {
const tsValue =;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary31, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/License.js
function encodeBinary32(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.type !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.type;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary32, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/(VideoThumbnail)/Thumbnail.js
function encodeBinary33(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.imageData !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.imageData;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.bytes(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary33, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/VideoThumbnail.js
function encodeBinary34(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.type !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.type;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.thumbnail !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.thumbnail;
result.push([3, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary33(tsValue) }]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary34, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/Privacy.js
function encodeBinary35(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.type !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.type;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary35, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/MadeForKids.js
function encodeBinary36(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.unkparam !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.unkparam;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.choice !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.choice;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary36, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(InnertubePayload)/AgeRestricted.js
function encodeBinary37(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.unkparam !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.unkparam;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.choice !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.choice;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary37, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/InnertubePayload.js
function encodeBinary38(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.context !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.context;
result.push([1, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary27(tsValue) }]);
if ( !== void 0) {
const tsValue =;
result.push([2, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.title !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.title;
result.push([3, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary28(tsValue) }]);
if (value.description !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.description;
result.push([4, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary29(tsValue) }]);
if (value.tags !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.tags;
result.push([6, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary30(tsValue) }]);
if (value.category !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.category;
result.push([7, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary31(tsValue) }]);
if (value.license !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.license;
result.push([8, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary32(tsValue) }]);
if (value.videoThumbnail !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.videoThumbnail;
result.push([20, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary34(tsValue) }]);
if (value.privacy !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.privacy;
result.push([38, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary35(tsValue) }]);
if (value.madeForKids !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.madeForKids;
result.push([68, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary36(tsValue) }]);
if (value.ageRestricted !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.ageRestricted;
result.push([69, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary37(tsValue) }]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary38, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(Hashtag)/Params.js
function encodeBinary39(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.hashtag !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.hashtag;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.type !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.type;
result.push([3, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary39, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/Hashtag.js
function encodeBinary40(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.params !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.params;
result.push([93, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary39(tsValue) }]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary40, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(ReelSequence)/Params.js
function encodeBinary41(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.number !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.number;
result.push([3, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary41, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/ReelSequence.js
function encodeBinary42(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.shortId !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.shortId;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.string(tsValue)]);
if (value.params !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.params;
result.push([5, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary41(tsValue) }]);
if (value.feature2 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.feature2;
result.push([10, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
if (value.feature3 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.feature3;
result.push([13, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary42, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/(ShortsParam)/Field1.js
function encodeBinary43(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.p1 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.p1;
result.push([1, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary43, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/generated/messages/youtube/ShortsParam.js
function encodeBinary44(value) {
const result = [];
if (value.f1 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.f1;
result.push([1, { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: encodeBinary43(tsValue) }]);
if (value.p59 !== void 0) {
const tsValue = value.p59;
result.push([59, tsValueToWireValueFns.int32(tsValue)]);
return serialize(result);
__name(encodeBinary44, "encodeBinary");
// dist/src/proto/index.js
function encodeVisitorData(id, timestamp) {
const buf = encodeBinary({ id, timestamp });
return encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf).replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_"));
__name(encodeVisitorData, "encodeVisitorData");
function decodeVisitorData(visitor_data) {
const data = decodeBinary(base64ToU8(decodeURIComponent(visitor_data).replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/")));
return data;
__name(decodeVisitorData, "decodeVisitorData");
function encodeChannelAnalyticsParams(channel_id) {
const buf = encodeBinary3({
params: {
channelId: channel_id
return encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf));
__name(encodeChannelAnalyticsParams, "encodeChannelAnalyticsParams");
function encodeSearchFilters(filters) {
const upload_date = {
all: void 0,
hour: 1,
today: 2,
week: 3,
month: 4,
year: 5
const type = {
all: void 0,
video: 1,
channel: 2,
playlist: 3,
movie: 4
const duration = {
all: void 0,
short: 1,
long: 2,
medium: 3
const order = {
relevance: void 0,
rating: 1,
upload_date: 2,
view_count: 3
const features = {
hd: "featuresHd",
subtitles: "featuresSubtitles",
creative_commons: "featuresCreativeCommons",
"3d": "features3D",
live: "featuresLive",
purchased: "featuresPurchased",
"4k": "features4K",
"360": "features360",
location: "featuresLocation",
hdr: "featuresHdr",
vr180: "featuresVr180"
const data = {};
if (filters)
data.filters = {};
data.noFilter = 0;
if (data.filters) {
if (filters.upload_date) {
data.filters.uploadDate = upload_date[filters.upload_date];
if (filters.type) {
data.filters.type = type[filters.type];
if (filters.duration) {
data.filters.duration = duration[filters.duration];
if (filters.sort_by && filters.sort_by !== "relevance") {
data.sortBy = order[filters.sort_by];
if (filters.features) {
for (const feature of filters.features) {
data.filters[features[feature]] = 1;
const buf = encodeBinary5(data);
return encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf));
__name(encodeSearchFilters, "encodeSearchFilters");
function encodeMusicSearchFilters(filters) {
var _a4;
const data = {
filters: {
type: {}
if (filters.type && filters.type !== "all" && ((_a4 = data.filters) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.type))
data.filters.type[filters.type] = 1;
const buf = encodeBinary8(data);
return encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf));
__name(encodeMusicSearchFilters, "encodeMusicSearchFilters");
function encodeMessageParams(channel_id, video_id) {
const buf = encodeBinary11({
params: {
ids: {
channelId: channel_id,
videoId: video_id
number0: 1,
number1: 4
return btoa(encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf)));
__name(encodeMessageParams, "encodeMessageParams");
function encodeCommentsSectionParams(video_id, options = {}) {
const sort_options = {
const buf = encodeBinary17({
ctx: {
videoId: video_id
unkParam: 6,
params: {
opts: {
videoId: video_id,
sortBy: sort_options[options.sort_by || "TOP_COMMENTS"],
type: options.type || 2
target: "comments-section"
return encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf));
__name(encodeCommentsSectionParams, "encodeCommentsSectionParams");
function encodeCommentParams(video_id) {
const buf = encodeBinary19({
videoId: video_id,
params: {
index: 0
number: 7
return encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf));
__name(encodeCommentParams, "encodeCommentParams");
function encodeCommentActionParams(type, args = {}) {
const data = {
commentId: args.comment_id || " ",
videoId: args.video_id || " ",
channelId: " ",
unkNum: 2
if (args.hasOwnProperty("text")) {
if (typeof args.target_language !== "string")
throw new Error("target_language must be a string");
args.comment_id && delete data.unkNum;
data.translateCommentParams = {
params: {
comment: {
text: args.text
commentId: args.comment_id || " ",
targetLanguage: args.target_language
const buf = encodeBinary23(data);
return encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf));
__name(encodeCommentActionParams, "encodeCommentActionParams");
function encodeNotificationPref(channel_id, index) {
const buf = encodeBinary25({
channelId: channel_id,
prefId: {
number0: 0,
number1: 4
return encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf));
__name(encodeNotificationPref, "encodeNotificationPref");
function encodeVideoMetadataPayload(video_id, metadata) {
const data = {
context: {
client: {
unkparam: 14,
target: video_id
if (Reflect.has(metadata, "title"))
data.title = { text: metadata.title || "" };
if (Reflect.has(metadata, "description"))
data.description = { text: metadata.description || "" };
if (Reflect.has(metadata, "license"))
data.license = { type: metadata.license || "" };
if (Reflect.has(metadata, "tags"))
data.tags = { list: metadata.tags || [] };
if (Reflect.has(metadata, "category"))
data.category = { id: metadata.category || 0 };
if (Reflect.has(metadata, "privacy")) {
switch (metadata.privacy) {
case "PUBLIC":
data.privacy = { type: 1 };
case "UNLISTED":
data.privacy = { type: 2 };
case "PRIVATE":
data.privacy = { type: 3 };
throw new Error("Invalid visibility option");
if (Reflect.has(metadata, "made_for_kids")) {
data.madeForKids = {
unkparam: 1,
choice: metadata.made_for_kids ? 1 : 2
if (Reflect.has(metadata, "age_restricted")) {
data.ageRestricted = {
unkparam: 1,
choice: metadata.age_restricted ? 1 : 2
const buf = encodeBinary38(data);
return buf;
__name(encodeVideoMetadataPayload, "encodeVideoMetadataPayload");
function encodeCustomThumbnailPayload(video_id, bytes) {
const data = {
context: {
client: {
unkparam: 14,
target: video_id,
videoThumbnail: {
type: 3,
thumbnail: {
imageData: bytes
const buf = encodeBinary38(data);
return buf;
__name(encodeCustomThumbnailPayload, "encodeCustomThumbnailPayload");
function encodeHashtag(hashtag) {
const buf = encodeBinary40({
params: {
type: 1
return encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf));
__name(encodeHashtag, "encodeHashtag");
function encodeReelSequence(short_id) {
const buf = encodeBinary42({
shortId: short_id,
params: {
number: 5
feature2: 25,
feature3: 0
return encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf));
__name(encodeReelSequence, "encodeReelSequence");
function encodeShortsParam() {
const buf = encodeBinary44({
f1: {
p1: 1
p59: 1
return encodeURIComponent(u8ToBase64(buf));
__name(encodeShortsParam, "encodeShortsParam");
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/Comment.js
var _Comment_actions;
var Comment = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
_Comment_actions.set(this, void 0);
this.content = new Text2(data.contentText);
this.published = new Text2(data.publishedTimeText);
this.author_is_channel_owner = data.authorIsChannelOwner;
this.current_user_reply_thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.currentUserReplyThumbnail);
this.sponsor_comment_badge = parser_exports.parseItem(data.sponsorCommentBadge, SponsorCommentBadge_default);
this.paid_comment_chip = parser_exports.parseItem(data.paidCommentChipRenderer, PdgCommentChip_default);
this.author_badge = parser_exports.parseItem(data.authorCommentBadge, AuthorCommentBadge_default); = new Author(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, data.authorText), { navigationEndpoint: data.authorEndpoint }), this.author_badge ? [{
metadataBadgeRenderer: (_a4 = this.author_badge) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.orig_badge
}] : null, data.authorThumbnail);
this.action_menu = parser_exports.parseItem(data.actionMenu, Menu_default);
this.action_buttons = parser_exports.parseItem(data.actionButtons, CommentActionButtons_default);
this.comment_id = data.commentId;
this.vote_status = data.voteStatus;
this.vote_count = data.voteCount ? new Text2(data.voteCount).toString() : "0";
this.reply_count = data.replyCount || 0;
this.is_liked = !!((_c = (_b = this.action_buttons) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.like_button) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.is_toggled);
this.is_disliked = !!((_e = (_d = this.action_buttons) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.dislike_button) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.is_toggled);
this.is_hearted = !!((_g = (_f = this.action_buttons) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.creator_heart) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.is_hearted);
this.is_pinned = !!data.pinnedCommentBadge;
this.is_member = !!data.sponsorCommentBadge;
like() {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib10.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib10.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comment_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("An active caller must be provide to perform this operation.");
const button = (_a4 = this.action_buttons) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.like_button;
if (!button)
throw new InnertubeError("Like button was not found.", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
if (button.is_toggled)
throw new InnertubeError("This comment is already liked", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
const response = yield, import_tslib10.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comment_actions, "f"), { parse: false });
return response;
dislike() {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib10.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib10.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comment_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("An active caller must be provide to perform this operation.");
const button = (_a4 = this.action_buttons) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.dislike_button;
if (!button)
throw new InnertubeError("Dislike button was not found.", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
if (button.is_toggled)
throw new InnertubeError("This comment is already disliked", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
const response = yield, import_tslib10.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comment_actions, "f"), { parse: false });
return response;
reply(text) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
return (0, import_tslib10.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib10.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comment_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("An active caller must be provide to perform this operation.");
if (!((_a4 = this.action_buttons) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.reply_button))
throw new InnertubeError("Cannot reply to another reply. Try mentioning the user instead.", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
const button = (_b = this.action_buttons) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.reply_button;
if (!((_c = button.endpoint) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.dialog))
throw new InnertubeError("Reply button endpoint did not have a dialog.");
const dialog =;
const dialog_button = dialog.reply_button;
if (!dialog_button)
throw new InnertubeError("Reply button was not found in the dialog.", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
if (!dialog_button.endpoint)
throw new InnertubeError("Reply button endpoint was not found.", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
const response = yield, import_tslib10.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comment_actions, "f"), { commentText: text });
return response;
translate(target_language) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
return (0, import_tslib10.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib10.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comment_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("An active caller must be provide to perform this operation.");
const text = this.content.toString().replace(/[^\p{L}\p{N}\p{P}\p{Z}]/gu, "");
const payload = {
comment_id: this.comment_id
const action = encodeCommentActionParams(22, payload);
const response = yield (0, import_tslib10.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comment_actions, "f").execute("comment/perform_comment_action", { action, client: "ANDROID" });
const mutations = (_b = (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.entityBatchUpdate) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.mutations;
const content = (_f = (_e = (_d = (_c = mutations === null || mutations === void 0 ? void 0 : mutations[0]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.payload) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.commentEntityPayload) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.translatedContent) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.content;
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { content });
setActions(actions) {
(0, import_tslib10.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Comment_actions, actions, "f");
__name(Comment, "Comment");
_Comment_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
Comment.type = "Comment";
var Comment_default = Comment;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/EmojiPicker.js
var EmojiPicker = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); =;
this.categories = parser_exports.parseArray(data.categories);
this.category_buttons = parser_exports.parseArray(data.categoryButtons);
this.search_placeholder = new Text2(data.searchPlaceholderText);
this.search_no_results = new Text2(data.searchNoResultsText);
this.pick_skin_tone = new Text2(data.pickSkinToneText);
this.clear_search_label = data.clearSearchLabel;
this.skin_tone_generic_label = data.skinToneGenericLabel;
this.skin_tone_light_label = data.skinToneLightLabel;
this.skin_tone_medium_light_label = data.skinToneMediumLightLabel;
this.skin_tone_medium_label = data.skinToneMediumLabel;
this.skin_tone_medium_dark_label = data.skinToneMediumDarkLabel;
this.skin_tone_dark_label = data.skinToneDarkLabel;
__name(EmojiPicker, "EmojiPicker");
EmojiPicker.type = "EmojiPicker";
var EmojiPicker_default = EmojiPicker;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentDialog.js
var CommentDialog = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.editable_text = new Text2(data.editableText);
this.author_thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.authorThumbnail);
this.submit_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.submitButton, Button_default);
this.cancel_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.cancelButton, Button_default);
this.placeholder = new Text2(data.placeholderText);
this.emoji_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.emojiButton, Button_default);
this.emoji_picker = parser_exports.parseItem(data.emojiPicker, EmojiPicker_default);
__name(CommentDialog, "CommentDialog");
CommentDialog.type = "CommentDialog";
var CommentDialog_default = CommentDialog;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentReplies.js
var CommentReplies = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
this.view_replies = parser_exports.parseItem(data.viewReplies, Button_default);
this.hide_replies = parser_exports.parseItem(data.hideReplies, Button_default);
this.view_replies_creator_thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.viewRepliesCreatorThumbnail);
this.has_channel_owner_replied = !!data.viewRepliesCreatorThumbnail;
__name(CommentReplies, "CommentReplies");
CommentReplies.type = "CommentReplies";
var CommentReplies_default = CommentReplies;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentsSimplebox.js
var CommentsSimplebox = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.simplebox_avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.simpleboxAvatar);
this.simplebox_placeholder = new Text2(data.simpleboxPlaceholder);
__name(CommentsSimplebox, "CommentsSimplebox");
CommentsSimplebox.type = "CommentsSimplebox";
var CommentsSimplebox_default = CommentsSimplebox;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentsEntryPointTeaser.js
var CommentsEntryPointTeaser = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "teaserAvatar")) {
this.teaser_avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.teaserAvatar);
if (Reflect.has(data, "teaserContent")) {
this.teaser_content = new Text2(data.teaserContent);
__name(CommentsEntryPointTeaser, "CommentsEntryPointTeaser");
CommentsEntryPointTeaser.type = "CommentsEntryPointTeaser";
var CommentsEntryPointTeaser_default = CommentsEntryPointTeaser;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentsEntryPointHeader.js
var CommentsEntryPointHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "headerText")) {
this.header = new Text2(data.headerText);
if (Reflect.has(data, "commentCount")) {
this.comment_count = new Text2(data.commentCount);
if (Reflect.has(data, "teaserAvatar") || Reflect.has(data, "simpleboxAvatar")) {
this.teaser_avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.teaserAvatar || data.simpleboxAvatar);
if (Reflect.has(data, "teaserContent")) {
this.teaser_content = new Text2(data.teaserContent);
if (Reflect.has(data, "contentRenderer")) {
this.content_renderer = parser_exports.parseItem(data.contentRenderer, [CommentsEntryPointTeaser_default, CommentsSimplebox_default]);
if (Reflect.has(data, "simpleboxPlaceholder")) {
this.simplebox_placeholder = new Text2(data.simpleboxPlaceholder);
__name(CommentsEntryPointHeader, "CommentsEntryPointHeader");
CommentsEntryPointHeader.type = "CommentsEntryPointHeader";
var CommentsEntryPointHeader_default = CommentsEntryPointHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentsHeader.js
var CommentsHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.titleText);
this.count = new Text2(data.countText);
this.comments_count = new Text2(data.commentsCount);
this.create_renderer = parser_exports.parseItem(data.createRenderer);
this.sort_menu = parser_exports.parseItem(data.sortMenu, SortFilterSubMenu_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "customEmojis")) {
this.custom_emojis = => {
return {
emoji_id: emoji.emojiId,
shortcuts: emoji.shortcuts,
search_terms: emoji.searchTerms,
image: Thumbnail.fromResponse(emoji.image),
is_custom_emoji: emoji.isCustomEmoji
__name(CommentsHeader, "CommentsHeader");
CommentsHeader.type = "CommentsHeader";
var CommentsHeader_default = CommentsHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentSimplebox.js
var CommentSimplebox = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.submit_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.submitButton, Button_default);
this.cancel_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.cancelButton, Button_default);
this.author_thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.authorThumbnail);
this.placeholder = new Text2(data.placeholderText);
this.avatar_size = data.avatarSize;
__name(CommentSimplebox, "CommentSimplebox");
CommentSimplebox.type = "CommentSimplebox";
var CommentSimplebox_default = CommentSimplebox;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentThread.js
var import_tslib12 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentView.js
var import_tslib11 = require("tslib");
var _CommentView_actions;
var CommentView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
_CommentView_actions.set(this, void 0);
this.comment_id = data.commentId;
this.is_pinned = !!data.pinnedText;
this.keys = {
comment: data.commentKey,
comment_surface: data.commentSurfaceKey,
toolbar_state: data.toolbarStateKey,
toolbar_surface: data.toolbarSurfaceKey,
shared: data.sharedKey
applyMutations(comment, toolbar_state, toolbar_surface) {
if (comment) {
this.content = Text2.fromAttributed(;
this.published_time =;
this.author_is_channel_owner = !!;
this.like_count = comment.toolbar.likeCountNotliked ? comment.toolbar.likeCountNotliked : "0";
this.reply_count = comment.toolbar.replyCount ? comment.toolbar.replyCount : "0";
this.is_member = !!;
if (Reflect.has(, "sponsorBadgeUrl")) {
this.member_badge = {
} = new Author({
navigationEndpoint: comment.avatar.endpoint
},, comment.avatar.image,;
if (toolbar_state) {
this.is_hearted = toolbar_state.heartState === "TOOLBAR_HEART_STATE_HEARTED";
this.is_liked = toolbar_state.likeState === "TOOLBAR_LIKE_STATE_LIKED";
this.is_disliked = toolbar_state.likeState === "TOOLBAR_LIKE_STATE_DISLIKED";
if (toolbar_surface && !Reflect.has(toolbar_surface, "prepareAccountCommand")) {
this.like_command = new NavigationEndpoint_default(toolbar_surface.likeCommand);
this.dislike_command = new NavigationEndpoint_default(toolbar_surface.dislikeCommand);
this.unlike_command = new NavigationEndpoint_default(toolbar_surface.unlikeCommand);
this.undislike_command = new NavigationEndpoint_default(toolbar_surface.undislikeCommand);
this.reply_command = new NavigationEndpoint_default(toolbar_surface.replyCommand);
like() {
return (0, import_tslib11.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Actions instance not set for this comment.");
if (!this.like_command)
throw new InnertubeError("Like command not found.");
if (this.is_liked)
throw new InnertubeError("This comment is already liked.", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
return, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f"));
dislike() {
return (0, import_tslib11.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Actions instance not set for this comment.");
if (!this.dislike_command)
throw new InnertubeError("Dislike command not found.");
if (this.is_disliked)
throw new InnertubeError("This comment is already disliked.", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
return, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f"));
unlike() {
return (0, import_tslib11.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Actions instance not set for this comment.");
if (!this.unlike_command)
throw new InnertubeError("Unlike command not found.");
if (!this.is_liked)
throw new InnertubeError("This comment is not liked.", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
return, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f"));
undislike() {
return (0, import_tslib11.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Actions instance not set for this comment.");
if (!this.undislike_command)
throw new InnertubeError("Undislike command not found.");
if (!this.is_disliked)
throw new InnertubeError("This comment is not disliked.", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
return, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f"));
reply(comment_text) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib11.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Actions instance not set for this comment.");
if (!this.reply_command)
throw new InnertubeError("Reply command not found.");
const dialog = (_a4 = this.reply_command.dialog) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (!dialog)
throw new InnertubeError("Reply dialog not found.");
const reply_button = dialog.reply_button;
if (!reply_button)
throw new InnertubeError("Reply button not found in the dialog.");
if (!reply_button.endpoint)
throw new InnertubeError("Reply button endpoint not found.");
return, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f"), { commentText: comment_text });
translate(target_language) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
return (0, import_tslib11.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Actions instance not set for this comment.");
if (!this.content)
throw new InnertubeError("Comment content not found.", { comment_id: this.comment_id });
const text = this.content.toString().replace(/[^\p{L}\p{N}\p{P}\p{Z}]/gu, "");
const payload = {
const action = encodeCommentActionParams(22, payload);
const response = yield (0, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentView_actions, "f").execute("comment/perform_comment_action", { action, client: "ANDROID" });
const mutations = (_b = (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.entityBatchUpdate) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.mutations;
const content = (_f = (_e = (_d = (_c = mutations === null || mutations === void 0 ? void 0 : mutations[0]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.payload) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.commentEntityPayload) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.translatedContent) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.content;
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { content });
setActions(actions) {
(0, import_tslib11.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _CommentView_actions, actions, "f");
__name(CommentView, "CommentView");
_CommentView_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
CommentView.type = "CommentView";
var CommentView_default = CommentView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/comments/CommentThread.js
var _CommentThread_actions;
var _CommentThread_continuation;
var CommentThread = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
_CommentThread_actions.set(this, void 0);
_CommentThread_continuation.set(this, void 0);
if (Reflect.has(data, "commentViewModel")) {
this.comment = parser_exports.parseItem(data.commentViewModel, CommentView_default);
} else {
this.comment = parser_exports.parseItem(data.comment, Comment_default);
this.comment_replies_data = parser_exports.parseItem(data.replies, CommentReplies_default);
this.is_moderated_elq_comment = data.isModeratedElqComment;
this.has_replies = !!this.comment_replies_data;
getReplies() {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib12.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentThread_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Actions instance not set for this thread.");
if (!this.comment_replies_data)
throw new InnertubeError("This comment has no replies.", this);
const continuation = (_a4 = this.comment_replies_data.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.firstOfType(ContinuationItem_default);
if (!continuation)
throw new InnertubeError("Replies continuation not found.");
const response = yield, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentThread_actions, "f"), { parse: true });
if (!response.on_response_received_endpoints_memo)
throw new InnertubeError("Unexpected response.", response);
this.replies = observe(response.on_response_received_endpoints_memo.getType(Comment_default, CommentView_default).map((comment) => {
comment.setActions((0, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentThread_actions, "f"));
return comment;
(0, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _CommentThread_continuation, response === null || response === void 0 ? void 0 : response.on_response_received_endpoints_memo.getType(ContinuationItem_default).first(), "f");
return this;
getContinuation() {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib12.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this.replies)
throw new InnertubeError("Cannot retrieve continuation because this thread's replies have not been loaded.");
if (!(0, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentThread_continuation, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Continuation not found.");
if (!(0, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentThread_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Actions instance not set for this thread.");
const load_more_button = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentThread_continuation, "f").button) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (!load_more_button)
throw new InnertubeError('"Load more" button not found.');
const response = yield, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentThread_actions, "f"), { parse: true });
if (!response.on_response_received_endpoints_memo)
throw new InnertubeError("Unexpected response.", response);
this.replies = observe(response.on_response_received_endpoints_memo.getType(Comment_default, CommentView_default).map((comment) => {
comment.setActions((0, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentThread_actions, "f"));
return comment;
(0, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _CommentThread_continuation, response.on_response_received_endpoints_memo.getType(ContinuationItem_default).first(), "f");
return this;
get has_continuation() {
if (!this.replies)
throw new InnertubeError("Cannot determine if there is a continuation because this thread's replies have not been loaded.");
return !!(0, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CommentThread_continuation, "f");
setActions(actions) {
(0, import_tslib12.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _CommentThread_actions, actions, "f");
__name(CommentThread, "CommentThread");
_CommentThread_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _CommentThread_continuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
CommentThread.type = "CommentThread";
var CommentThread_default = CommentThread;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CompactChannel.js
var CompactChannel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.channel_id = data.channelId;
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.display_name = new Text2(data.displayName);
this.video_count = new Text2(data.videoCountText);
this.subscriber_count = new Text2(data.subscriberCountText);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.tv_banner = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.tvBanner); = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
__name(CompactChannel, "CompactChannel");
CompactChannel.type = "CompactChannel";
var CompactChannel_default = CompactChannel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CompactLink.js
var CompactLink = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title).toString();
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint); =;
__name(CompactLink, "CompactLink");
CompactLink.type = "CompactLink";
var CompactLink_default = CompactLink;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistCustomThumbnail.js
var PlaylistCustomThumbnail = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
__name(PlaylistCustomThumbnail, "PlaylistCustomThumbnail");
PlaylistCustomThumbnail.type = "PlaylistCustomThumbnail";
var PlaylistCustomThumbnail_default = PlaylistCustomThumbnail;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistVideoThumbnail.js
var PlaylistVideoThumbnail = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
__name(PlaylistVideoThumbnail, "PlaylistVideoThumbnail");
PlaylistVideoThumbnail.type = "PlaylistVideoThumbnail";
var PlaylistVideoThumbnail_default = PlaylistVideoThumbnail;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Playlist.js
var Playlist = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
super(); = data.playlistId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title); = ((_a4 = data.shortBylineText) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.simpleText) ? new Text2(data.shortBylineText) : new Author(data.longBylineText, data.ownerBadges, null);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail || { thumbnails: => th.thumbnails).flat(1) });
this.video_count = new Text2(data.thumbnailText);
this.video_count_short = new Text2(data.videoCountShortText);
this.first_videos = parser_exports.parseArray(data.videos);
this.share_url = data.shareUrl || null; = parser_exports.parseItem(;
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.ownerBadges);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays);
if (Reflect.has(data, "thumbnailRenderer")) {
this.thumbnail_renderer = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnailRenderer, [PlaylistVideoThumbnail_default, PlaylistCustomThumbnail_default]) || void 0;
if (Reflect.has(data, "viewPlaylistText")) {
this.view_playlist = new Text2(data.viewPlaylistText);
__name(Playlist, "Playlist");
Playlist.type = "Playlist";
var Playlist_default = Playlist;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CompactMix.js
var CompactMix = class extends Playlist_default {
constructor(data) {
__name(CompactMix, "CompactMix");
CompactMix.type = "CompactMix";
var CompactMix_default = CompactMix;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CompactMovie.js
var CompactMovie = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
const overlay_time_status = ((_a4 = data.thumbnailOverlays.find((overlay) => overlay.thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.text) || "N/A"; = data.videoId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.top_metadata_items = new Text2(data.topMetadataItems);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays); = new Author(data.shortBylineText);
const durationText = data.lengthText ? new Text2(data.lengthText).toString() : new Text2(overlay_time_status).toString();
this.duration = {
text: durationText,
seconds: timeToSeconds(durationText)
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.badges);
this.use_vertical_poster = data.useVerticalPoster; = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
__name(CompactMovie, "CompactMovie");
CompactMovie.type = "CompactMovie";
var CompactMovie_default = CompactMovie;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CompactPlaylist.js
var CompactPlaylist = class extends Playlist_default {
constructor(data) {
__name(CompactPlaylist, "CompactPlaylist");
CompactPlaylist.type = "CompactPlaylist";
var CompactPlaylist_default = CompactPlaylist;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CompactStation.js
var CompactStation = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
this.video_count = new Text2(data.videoCountText);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
__name(CompactStation, "CompactStation");
CompactStation.type = "CompactStation";
var CompactStation_default = CompactStation;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ConfirmDialog.js
var ConfirmDialog = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.confirm_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.confirmButton, Button_default);
this.cancel_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.cancelButton, Button_default);
this.dialog_messages = => new Text2(txt));
__name(ConfirmDialog, "ConfirmDialog");
ConfirmDialog.type = "ConfirmDialog";
var ConfirmDialog_default = ConfirmDialog;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ContentMetadataView.js
var ContentMetadataView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.metadata_rows = => {
var _a4;
return {
metadata_parts: (_a4 = row.metadataParts) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => ({
text: Text2.fromAttributed(part.text)
this.delimiter = data.delimiter;
__name(ContentMetadataView, "ContentMetadataView");
ContentMetadataView.type = "ContentMetadataView";
var ContentMetadataView_default = ContentMetadataView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Message.js
var Message = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text);
__name(Message, "Message");
Message.type = "Message";
var Message_default = Message;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ConversationBar.js
var ConversationBar = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.availability_message = parser_exports.parseItem(data.availabilityMessage, Message_default);
__name(ConversationBar, "ConversationBar");
ConversationBar.type = "ConversationBar";
var ConversationBar_default = ConversationBar;
// dist/src/parser/classes/CopyLink.js
var CopyLink = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.copy_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.copyButton, Button_default);
this.short_url = data.shortUrl; =;
__name(CopyLink, "CopyLink");
CopyLink.type = "CopyLink";
var CopyLink_default = CopyLink;
// dist/src/parser/classes/DecoratedAvatarView.js
var DecoratedAvatarView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.avatar = parser_exports.parseItem(data.avatar, AvatarView_default);
this.a11y_label = data.a11yLabel;
if ((_b = (_a4 = data.rendererContext) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.commandContext) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.onTap) {
this.on_tap_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.rendererContext.commandContext.onTap);
__name(DecoratedAvatarView, "DecoratedAvatarView");
DecoratedAvatarView.type = "DecoratedAvatarView";
var DecoratedAvatarView_default = DecoratedAvatarView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/HeatMarker.js
var HeatMarker = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.time_range_start_millis = data.timeRangeStartMillis;
this.marker_duration_millis = data.markerDurationMillis;
this.heat_marker_intensity_score_normalized = data.heatMarkerIntensityScoreNormalized;
__name(HeatMarker, "HeatMarker");
HeatMarker.type = "HeatMarker";
var HeatMarker_default = HeatMarker;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Heatmap.js
var Heatmap = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.max_height_dp = data.maxHeightDp;
this.min_height_dp = data.minHeightDp;
this.show_hide_animation_duration_millis = data.showHideAnimationDurationMillis;
this.heat_markers = parser_exports.parseArray(data.heatMarkers, HeatMarker_default);
this.heat_markers_decorations = parser_exports.parseArray(data.heatMarkersDecorations);
__name(Heatmap, "Heatmap");
Heatmap.type = "Heatmap";
var Heatmap_default = Heatmap;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MultiMarkersPlayerBar.js
var Marker = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.marker_key = data.key;
this.value = {};
if (Reflect.has(data, "value")) {
if (Reflect.has(data.value, "heatmap")) {
this.value.heatmap = parser_exports.parseItem(data.value.heatmap, Heatmap_default);
if (Reflect.has(data.value, "chapters")) {
this.value.chapters = parser_exports.parseArray(data.value.chapters, Chapter_default);
__name(Marker, "Marker");
Marker.type = "Marker";
var MultiMarkersPlayerBar = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
this.markers_map = observe(((_a4 = data.markersMap) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => new Marker(marker))) || []);
__name(MultiMarkersPlayerBar, "MultiMarkersPlayerBar");
MultiMarkersPlayerBar.type = "MultiMarkersPlayerBar";
var MultiMarkersPlayerBar_default = MultiMarkersPlayerBar;
// dist/src/parser/classes/DecoratedPlayerBar.js
var DecoratedPlayerBar = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.player_bar = parser_exports.parseItem(data.playerBar, MultiMarkersPlayerBar_default);
this.player_bar_action_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.playerBarActionButton, Button_default);
__name(DecoratedPlayerBar, "DecoratedPlayerBar");
DecoratedPlayerBar.type = "DecoratedPlayerBar";
var DecoratedPlayerBar_default = DecoratedPlayerBar;
// dist/src/parser/classes/DefaultPromoPanel.js
var DefaultPromoPanel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.large_form_factor_background_thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.largeFormFactorBackgroundThumbnail);
this.small_form_factor_background_thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.smallFormFactorBackgroundThumbnail);
this.scrim_color_values = data.scrimColorValues;
this.min_panel_display_duration_ms = data.minPanelDisplayDurationMs;
this.min_video_play_duration_ms = data.minVideoPlayDurationMs;
this.scrim_duration = data.scrimDuration;
this.metadata_order = data.metadataOrder;
this.panel_layout = data.panelLayout;
__name(DefaultPromoPanel, "DefaultPromoPanel");
DefaultPromoPanel.type = "DefaultPromoPanel";
var DefaultPromoPanel_default = DefaultPromoPanel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/DescriptionPreviewView.js
var DescriptionPreviewView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
this.description = Text2.fromAttributed(data.description);
this.max_lines = parseInt(data.maxLines);
this.truncation_text = Text2.fromAttributed(data.truncationText);
this.always_show_truncation_text = !!data.alwaysShowTruncationText;
if ((_c = (_b = (_a4 = data.rendererContext.commandContext) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.onTap) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.innertubeCommand) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.showEngagementPanelEndpoint) {
const endpoint = (_f = (_e = (_d = data.rendererContext.commandContext) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.onTap) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.innertubeCommand) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.showEngagementPanelEndpoint;
this.more_endpoint = {
show_engagement_panel_endpoint: {
engagement_panel: parser_exports.parseItem(endpoint.engagementPanel, EngagementPanelSectionList_default),
engagement_panel_popup_type: endpoint.engagementPanelPresentationConfigs.engagementPanelPopupPresentationConfig.popupType,
identifier: {
surface: endpoint.identifier.surface,
tag: endpoint.identifier.tag
__name(DescriptionPreviewView, "DescriptionPreviewView");
DescriptionPreviewView.type = "DescriptionPreviewView";
var DescriptionPreviewView_default = DescriptionPreviewView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/DidYouMean.js
var DidYouMean = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.didYouMean).toString();
this.corrected_query = new Text2(data.correctedQuery);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint || data.correctedQueryEndpoint);
__name(DidYouMean, "DidYouMean");
DidYouMean.type = "DidYouMean";
var DidYouMean_default = DidYouMean;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ToggleButtonView.js
var ToggleButtonView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.default_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.defaultButtonViewModel, ButtonView_default);
this.toggled_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.toggledButtonViewModel, ButtonView_default);
this.identifier = data.identifier;
this.is_toggling_disabled = data.isTogglingDisabled;
__name(ToggleButtonView, "ToggleButtonView");
ToggleButtonView.type = "ToggleButtonView";
var ToggleButtonView_default = ToggleButtonView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/DislikeButtonView.js
var DislikeButtonView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.toggle_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.toggleButtonViewModel, ToggleButtonView_default);
this.dislike_entity_key = data.dislikeEntityKey;
__name(DislikeButtonView, "DislikeButtonView");
DislikeButtonView.type = "DislikeButtonView";
var DislikeButtonView_default = DislikeButtonView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/DownloadButton.js
var DownloadButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); =;
this.size = data.size;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.command);
this.target_id = data.targetId;
__name(DownloadButton, "DownloadButton");
DownloadButton.type = "DownloadButton";
var DownloadButton_default = DownloadButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/DynamicTextView.js
var DynamicTextView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = Text2.fromAttributed(data.text);
this.max_lines = parseInt(data.maxLines);
__name(DynamicTextView, "DynamicTextView");
DynamicTextView.type = "DynamicTextView";
var DynamicTextView_default = DynamicTextView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/misc/ChildElement.js
var ChildElement = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
if (Reflect.has(data, "type") && Reflect.has(data.type, "textType")) {
this.text = (_a4 = data.type.textType.text) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.content;
} =;
if (Reflect.has(data, "childElements")) {
this.child_elements = => new ChildElement(el));
__name(ChildElement, "ChildElement");
ChildElement.type = "ChildElement";
var ChildElement_default = ChildElement;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Element.js
var Element = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
if (Reflect.has(data, "elementRenderer")) {
return parser_exports.parseItem(data, Element);
const type = data.newElement.type.componentType;
this.model = parser_exports.parseItem(type === null || type === void 0 ? void 0 : type.model);
if (Reflect.has(data, "newElement") && Reflect.has(data.newElement, "childElements")) {
this.child_elements = observe(((_a4 = data.newElement.childElements) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => new ChildElement_default(el))) || []);
__name(Element, "Element");
Element.type = "Element";
var Element_default = Element;
// dist/src/parser/classes/EmergencyOnebox.js
var EmergencyOnebox = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.first_option = parser_exports.parseItem(data.firstOption); = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
__name(EmergencyOnebox, "EmergencyOnebox");
EmergencyOnebox.type = "EmergencyOnebox";
var EmergencyOnebox_default = EmergencyOnebox;
// dist/src/parser/classes/EmojiPickerCategory.js
var EmojiPickerCategory = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.category_id = data.categoryId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.emoji_ids = data.emojiIds;
this.image_loading_lazy = !!data.imageLoadingLazy;
this.category_type = data.categoryType;
__name(EmojiPickerCategory, "EmojiPickerCategory");
EmojiPickerCategory.type = "EmojiPickerCategory";
var EmojiPickerCategory_default = EmojiPickerCategory;
// dist/src/parser/classes/EmojiPickerCategoryButton.js
var EmojiPickerCategoryButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
this.category_id = data.categoryId;
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon")) {
this.icon_type = (_a4 = data.icon) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.iconType;
this.tooltip = data.tooltip;
__name(EmojiPickerCategoryButton, "EmojiPickerCategoryButton");
EmojiPickerCategoryButton.type = "EmojiPickerCategoryButton";
var EmojiPickerCategoryButton_default = EmojiPickerCategoryButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/EmojiPickerUpsellCategory.js
var EmojiPickerUpsellCategory = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.category_id = data.categoryId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.upsell = new Text2(data.upsell);
this.emoji_tooltip = data.emojiTooltip;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.command);
this.emoji_ids = data.emojiIds;
__name(EmojiPickerUpsellCategory, "EmojiPickerUpsellCategory");
EmojiPickerUpsellCategory.type = "EmojiPickerUpsellCategory";
var EmojiPickerUpsellCategory_default = EmojiPickerUpsellCategory;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Endscreen.js
var Endscreen = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.elements = parser_exports.parseArray(data.elements);
this.start_ms = data.startMs;
__name(Endscreen, "Endscreen");
Endscreen.type = "Endscreen";
var Endscreen_default = Endscreen;
// dist/src/parser/classes/EndscreenElement.js
var EndscreenElement = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); =;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
if (Reflect.has(data, "image")) {
this.image = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.image);
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon")) {
this.icon = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.icon);
if (Reflect.has(data, "metadata")) {
this.metadata = new Text2(data.metadata);
if (Reflect.has(data, "callToAction")) {
this.call_to_action = new Text2(data.callToAction);
if (Reflect.has(data, "hovercardButton")) {
this.hovercard_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.hovercardButton);
if (Reflect.has(data, "isSubscribe")) {
this.is_subscribe = !!data.isSubscribe;
if (Reflect.has(data, "playlistLength")) {
this.playlist_length = new Text2(data.playlistLength);
if (Reflect.has(data, "thumbnailOverlays")) {
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays);
this.left = parseFloat(data.left);
this.width = parseFloat(data.width); = parseFloat(;
this.aspect_ratio = parseFloat(data.aspectRatio);
this.start_ms = parseFloat(data.startMs);
this.end_ms = parseFloat(data.endMs); =;
__name(EndscreenElement, "EndscreenElement");
EndscreenElement.type = "EndscreenElement";
var EndscreenElement_default = EndscreenElement;
// dist/src/parser/classes/EndScreenPlaylist.js
var EndScreenPlaylist = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.playlistId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title); = new Text2(data.longBylineText);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.video_count = new Text2(data.videoCountText);
__name(EndScreenPlaylist, "EndScreenPlaylist");
EndScreenPlaylist.type = "EndScreenPlaylist";
var EndScreenPlaylist_default = EndScreenPlaylist;
// dist/src/parser/classes/EndScreenVideo.js
var EndScreenVideo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.videoId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays); = new Author(data.shortBylineText, data.ownerBadges);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.short_view_count = new Text2(data.shortViewCountText);
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.badges);
this.duration = {
text: new Text2(data.lengthText).toString(),
seconds: data.lengthInSeconds
__name(EndScreenVideo, "EndScreenVideo");
EndScreenVideo.type = "EndScreenVideo";
var EndScreenVideo_default = EndScreenVideo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ExpandableTab.js
var ExpandableTab = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.title;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
this.selected = data.selected;
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content);
__name(ExpandableTab, "ExpandableTab");
ExpandableTab.type = "ExpandableTab";
var ExpandableTab_default = ExpandableTab;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ExpandedShelfContents.js
var ExpandedShelfContents = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(ExpandedShelfContents, "ExpandedShelfContents");
ExpandedShelfContents.type = "ExpandedShelfContents";
var ExpandedShelfContents_default = ExpandedShelfContents;
// dist/src/parser/classes/FancyDismissibleDialog.js
var FancyDismissibleDialog = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.dialog_message = new Text2(data.dialogMessage);
this.confirm_label = new Text2(data.confirmLabel);
__name(FancyDismissibleDialog, "FancyDismissibleDialog");
FancyDismissibleDialog.type = "FancyDismissibleDialog";
var FancyDismissibleDialog_default = FancyDismissibleDialog;
// dist/src/parser/classes/FeedFilterChipBar.js
var FeedFilterChipBar = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents, ChipCloudChip_default);
__name(FeedFilterChipBar, "FeedFilterChipBar");
FeedFilterChipBar.type = "FeedFilterChipBar";
var FeedFilterChipBar_default = FeedFilterChipBar;
// dist/src/parser/classes/FeedNudge.js
var FeedNudge = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.impressionEndpoint);
this.apply_modernized_style = data.applyModernizedStyle;
this.trim_style = data.trimStyle;
this.background_style = data.backgroundStyle;
__name(FeedNudge, "FeedNudge");
FeedNudge.type = "FeedNudge";
var FeedNudge_default = FeedNudge;
// dist/src/parser/classes/FeedTabbedHeader.js
var FeedTabbedHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
__name(FeedTabbedHeader, "FeedTabbedHeader");
FeedTabbedHeader.type = "FeedTabbedHeader";
var FeedTabbedHeader_default = FeedTabbedHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/FlexibleActionsView.js
var FlexibleActionsView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.actions_rows = => ({
actions: parser_exports.parseArray(row.actions, ButtonView_default)
})); =;
__name(FlexibleActionsView, "FlexibleActionsView");
FlexibleActionsView.type = "FlexibleActionsView";
var FlexibleActionsView_default = FlexibleActionsView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GameDetails.js
var GameDetails = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.box_art = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.boxArt);
this.box_art_overlay_text = new Text2(data.boxArtOverlayText);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
this.is_official_box_art = !!data.isOfficialBoxArt;
__name(GameDetails, "GameDetails");
GameDetails.type = "GameDetails";
var GameDetails_default = GameDetails;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Grid.js
var Grid = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
if (Reflect.has(data, "header")) {
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header);
if (Reflect.has(data, "isCollapsible")) {
this.is_collapsible = data.isCollapsible;
if (Reflect.has(data, "visibleRowCount")) {
this.visible_row_count = data.visibleRowCount;
if (Reflect.has(data, "targetId")) {
this.target_id = data.targetId;
this.continuation = ((_c = (_b = (_a4 = data.continuations) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.nextContinuationData) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.continuation) || null;
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(Grid, "Grid");
Grid.type = "Grid";
var Grid_default = Grid;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GridChannel.js
var GridChannel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.channelId; = new Author(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, data.title), { navigationEndpoint: data.navigationEndpoint }), data.ownerBadges, data.thumbnail);
this.subscribers = new Text2(data.subscriberCountText);
this.video_count = new Text2(data.videoCountText);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.subscribe_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.subscribeButton);
__name(GridChannel, "GridChannel");
GridChannel.type = "GridChannel";
var GridChannel_default = GridChannel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GridHeader.js
var GridHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
__name(GridHeader, "GridHeader");
GridHeader.type = "GridHeader";
var GridHeader_default = GridHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GridMix.js
var GridMix = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
super(); = data.playlistId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title); = ((_a4 = data.shortBylineText) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.simpleText) ? new Text2(data.shortBylineText) : ((_b = data.longBylineText) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.simpleText) ? new Text2(data.longBylineText) : null;
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.video_count = new Text2(data.videoCountText);
this.video_count_short = new Text2(data.videoCountShortText);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.secondary_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.secondaryNavigationEndpoint);
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays);
__name(GridMix, "GridMix");
GridMix.type = "GridMix";
var GridMix_default = GridMix;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GridMovie.js
var GridMovie = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
const length_alt = (_a4 = data.thumbnailOverlays.find((overlay) => overlay.hasOwnProperty("thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer"))) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer; = data.videoId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.duration = data.lengthText ? new Text2(data.lengthText) : (length_alt === null || length_alt === void 0 ? void 0 : length_alt.text) ? new Text2(length_alt.text) : null;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.badges, MetadataBadge_default);
this.metadata = new Text2(data.metadata);
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays);
__name(GridMovie, "GridMovie");
GridMovie.type = "GridMovie";
var GridMovie_default = GridMovie;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GridPlaylist.js
var GridPlaylist = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
super(); = data.playlistId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
if (Reflect.has(data, "shortBylineText")) { = new Author(data.shortBylineText, data.ownerBadges);
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.ownerBadges);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.view_playlist = new Text2(data.viewPlaylistText);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.thumbnail_renderer = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnailRenderer);
this.sidebar_thumbnails = [].concat(...((_a4 = data.sidebarThumbnails) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => Thumbnail.fromResponse(thumbnail))) || []) || null;
this.video_count = new Text2(data.thumbnailText);
this.video_count_short = new Text2(data.videoCountShortText);
__name(GridPlaylist, "GridPlaylist");
GridPlaylist.type = "GridPlaylist";
var GridPlaylist_default = GridPlaylist;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ShowCustomThumbnail.js
var ShowCustomThumbnail = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
__name(ShowCustomThumbnail, "ShowCustomThumbnail");
ShowCustomThumbnail.type = "ShowCustomThumbnail";
var ShowCustomThumbnail_default = ShowCustomThumbnail;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayBottomPanel.js
var ThumbnailOverlayBottomPanel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "text")) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text);
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon") && Reflect.has(data.icon, "iconType")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
__name(ThumbnailOverlayBottomPanel, "ThumbnailOverlayBottomPanel");
ThumbnailOverlayBottomPanel.type = "ThumbnailOverlayBottomPanel";
var ThumbnailOverlayBottomPanel_default = ThumbnailOverlayBottomPanel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GridShow.js
var GridShow = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.thumbnail_renderer = parseItem(data.thumbnailRenderer, ShowCustomThumbnail_default);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.long_byline_text = new Text2(data.longBylineText);
this.thumbnail_overlays = parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays, ThumbnailOverlayBottomPanel_default); = new Author(data.shortBylineText, void 0);
__name(GridShow, "GridShow");
GridShow.type = "GridShow";
var GridShow_default = GridShow;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GridVideo.js
var GridVideo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
const length_alt = (_a4 = data.thumbnailOverlays.find((overlay) => overlay.hasOwnProperty("thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer"))) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer; = data.videoId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays);
this.rich_thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.richThumbnail);
this.published = new Text2(data.publishedTimeText);
this.duration = data.lengthText ? new Text2(data.lengthText) : (length_alt === null || length_alt === void 0 ? void 0 : length_alt.text) ? new Text2(length_alt.text) : null; = data.shortBylineText && new Author(data.shortBylineText, data.ownerBadges);
this.views = new Text2(data.viewCountText);
this.short_view_count = new Text2(data.shortViewCountText);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint); = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "buttons")) {
this.buttons = parser_exports.parseArray(data.buttons);
if (Reflect.has(data, "upcomingEventData")) {
this.upcoming = new Date(Number(`${data.upcomingEventData.startTime}000`));
this.upcoming_text = new Text2(data.upcomingEventData.upcomingEventText);
this.is_reminder_set = !!((_b = data.upcomingEventData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.isReminderSet);
get is_upcoming() {
return Boolean(this.upcoming && this.upcoming > new Date());
__name(GridVideo, "GridVideo");
GridVideo.type = "GridVideo";
var GridVideo_default = GridVideo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GuideEntry.js
var GuideEntry = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.formattedTitle);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint || data.serviceEndpoint);
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon") && Reflect.has(data.icon, "iconType")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
if (Reflect.has(data, "thumbnail")) {
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
if (Reflect.has(data, "badges")) {
this.badges = data.badges;
this.is_primary = !!data.isPrimary;
__name(GuideEntry, "GuideEntry");
GuideEntry.type = "GuideEntry";
var GuideEntry_default = GuideEntry;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GuideCollapsibleEntry.js
var GuideCollapsibleEntry = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.expander_item = parseItem(data.expanderItem, GuideEntry_default);
this.collapser_item = parseItem(data.collapserItem, GuideEntry_default);
this.expandable_items = parseArray(data.expandableItems);
__name(GuideCollapsibleEntry, "GuideCollapsibleEntry");
GuideCollapsibleEntry.type = "GuideCollapsibleEntry";
var GuideCollapsibleEntry_default = GuideCollapsibleEntry;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GuideCollapsibleSectionEntry.js
var GuideCollapsibleSectionEntry = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header_entry = parseItem(data.headerEntry);
this.expander_icon = data.expanderIcon.iconType;
this.collapser_icon = data.collapserIcon.iconType;
this.section_items = parseArray(data.sectionItems);
__name(GuideCollapsibleSectionEntry, "GuideCollapsibleSectionEntry");
GuideCollapsibleSectionEntry.type = "GuideCollapsibleSectionEntry";
var GuideCollapsibleSectionEntry_default = GuideCollapsibleSectionEntry;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GuideDownloadsEntry.js
var GuideDownloadsEntry = class extends GuideEntry_default {
constructor(data) {
this.always_show = !!data.alwaysShow;
__name(GuideDownloadsEntry, "GuideDownloadsEntry");
GuideDownloadsEntry.type = "GuideDownloadsEntry";
var GuideDownloadsEntry_default = GuideDownloadsEntry;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GuideSection.js
var GuideSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "formattedTitle")) {
this.title = new Text2(data.formattedTitle);
this.items = parseArray(data.items);
__name(GuideSection, "GuideSection");
GuideSection.type = "GuideSection";
var GuideSection_default = GuideSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/GuideSubscriptionsSection.js
var GuideSubscriptionsSection = class extends GuideSection_default {
__name(GuideSubscriptionsSection, "GuideSubscriptionsSection");
GuideSubscriptionsSection.type = "GuideSubscriptionsSection";
var GuideSubscriptionsSection_default = GuideSubscriptionsSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/HashtagHeader.js
var HashtagHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.hashtag = new Text2(data.hashtag);
this.hashtag_info = new Text2(data.hashtagInfoText);
__name(HashtagHeader, "HashtagHeader");
HashtagHeader.type = "HashtagHeader";
var HashtagHeader_default = HashtagHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/HashtagTile.js
var HashtagTile = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.hashtag = new Text2(data.hashtag);
this.hashtag_info_text = new Text2(data.hashtagInfoText);
this.hashtag_thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.hashtagThumbnail);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onTapCommand);
this.hashtag_background_color = data.hashtagBackgroundColor;
this.hashtag_video_count = new Text2(data.hashtagVideoCount);
this.hashtag_channel_count = new Text2(data.hashtagChannelCount);
__name(HashtagTile, "HashtagTile");
HashtagTile.type = "HashtagTile";
var HashtagTile_default = HashtagTile;
// dist/src/parser/classes/HeroPlaylistThumbnail.js
var HeroPlaylistThumbnail = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.on_tap_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onTap);
__name(HeroPlaylistThumbnail, "HeroPlaylistThumbnail");
HeroPlaylistThumbnail.type = "HeroPlaylistThumbnail";
var HeroPlaylistThumbnail_default = HeroPlaylistThumbnail;
// dist/src/parser/classes/HighlightsCarousel.js
var Panel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (data.thumbnail) {
this.thumbnail = {
image: Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail.image),
endpoint: new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.thumbnail.onTap),
on_long_press_endpoint: new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.thumbnail.onLongPress),
content_mode: data.thumbnail.contentMode,
crop_options: data.thumbnail.cropOptions
this.background_image = {
image: Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.backgroundImage.image),
gradient_image: Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.backgroundImage.gradientImage)
this.strapline = data.strapline;
this.title = data.title;
this.description = data.description;
this.cta = {
icon_name: data.cta.iconName,
title: data.cta.title,
endpoint: new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.cta.onTap),
accessibility_text: data.cta.accessibilityText,
state: data.cta.state
this.text_on_tap_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.textOnTap);
__name(Panel, "Panel");
Panel.type = "Panel";
var HighlightsCarousel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.panels = observe( => new Panel(el)));
__name(HighlightsCarousel, "HighlightsCarousel");
HighlightsCarousel.type = "HighlightsCarousel";
var HighlightsCarousel_default = HighlightsCarousel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SearchSuggestion.js
var SearchSuggestion = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.suggestion = new Text2(data.suggestion);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
if (Reflect.has(data, "serviceEndpoint")) {
this.service_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.serviceEndpoint);
__name(SearchSuggestion, "SearchSuggestion");
SearchSuggestion.type = "SearchSuggestion";
var SearchSuggestion_default = SearchSuggestion;
// dist/src/parser/classes/HistorySuggestion.js
var HistorySuggestion = class extends SearchSuggestion_default {
constructor(data) {
__name(HistorySuggestion, "HistorySuggestion");
HistorySuggestion.type = "HistorySuggestion";
var HistorySuggestion_default = HistorySuggestion;
// dist/src/parser/classes/HorizontalMovieList.js
var HorizontalMovieList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
this.previous_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.previousButton, Button_default);
this.next_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.nextButton, Button_default);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(HorizontalMovieList, "HorizontalMovieList");
HorizontalMovieList.type = "HorizontalMovieList";
var HorizontalMovieList_default = HorizontalMovieList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/IconLink.js
var IconLink = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
this.icon_type = (_a4 = data.icon) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.iconType;
if (Reflect.has(data, "tooltip")) {
this.tooltip = new Text2(data.tooltip).toString();
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
__name(IconLink, "IconLink");
IconLink.type = "IconLink";
var IconLink_default = IconLink;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ImageBannerView.js
var ImageBannerView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.image = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.image); =;
__name(ImageBannerView, "ImageBannerView");
ImageBannerView.type = "ImageBannerView";
var ImageBannerView_default = ImageBannerView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/IncludingResultsFor.js
var IncludingResultsFor = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.including_results_for = new Text2(data.includingResultsFor);
this.corrected_query = new Text2(data.correctedQuery);
this.corrected_query_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.correctedQueryEndpoint);
this.search_only_for = Reflect.has(data, "searchOnlyFor") ? new Text2(data.searchOnlyFor) : void 0;
this.original_query = Reflect.has(data, "originalQuery") ? new Text2(data.originalQuery) : void 0;
this.original_query_endpoint = Reflect.has(data, "originalQueryEndpoint") ? new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.originalQueryEndpoint) : void 0;
__name(IncludingResultsFor, "IncludingResultsFor");
IncludingResultsFor.type = "IncludingResultsFor";
var IncludingResultsFor_default = IncludingResultsFor;
// dist/src/parser/classes/InfoPanelContent.js
var InfoPanelContent = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.source = new Text2(data.source);
this.paragraphs = => new Text2(p));
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.source_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.sourceEndpoint);
this.truncate_paragraphs = !!data.truncateParagraphs;
this.background = data.background;
if (Reflect.has(data, "inlineLinkIcon") && Reflect.has(data.inlineLinkIcon, "iconType")) {
this.inline_link_icon_type = data.inlineLinkIcon.iconType;
__name(InfoPanelContent, "InfoPanelContent");
InfoPanelContent.type = "InfoPanelContent";
var InfoPanelContent_default = InfoPanelContent;
// dist/src/parser/classes/InfoPanelContainer.js
var InfoPanelContainer = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
this.title = new Text2(data.title); = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content, InfoPanelContent_default);
this.background = data.background;
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon")) {
this.icon_type = (_a4 = data.icon) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.iconType;
__name(InfoPanelContainer, "InfoPanelContainer");
InfoPanelContainer.type = "InfoPanelContainer";
var InfoPanelContainer_default = InfoPanelContainer;
// dist/src/parser/classes/InteractiveTabbedHeader.js
var InteractiveTabbedHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header_type = data.type;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
this.metadata = new Text2(data.metadata);
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.badges, MetadataBadge_default);
this.box_art = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.boxArt);
this.banner = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.banner);
this.buttons = parser_exports.parseArray(data.buttons, [SubscribeButton_default, Button_default]);
this.auto_generated = new Text2(data.autoGenerated);
__name(InteractiveTabbedHeader, "InteractiveTabbedHeader");
InteractiveTabbedHeader.type = "InteractiveTabbedHeader";
var InteractiveTabbedHeader_default = InteractiveTabbedHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ItemSectionHeader.js
var ItemSectionHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
__name(ItemSectionHeader, "ItemSectionHeader");
ItemSectionHeader.type = "ItemSectionHeader";
var ItemSectionHeader_default = ItemSectionHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ItemSectionTab.js
var ItemSectionTab = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.selected = !!data.selected;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
__name(ItemSectionTab, "ItemSectionTab");
ItemSectionTab.type = "Tab";
var ItemSectionTab_default = ItemSectionTab;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ItemSectionTabbedHeader.js
var ItemSectionTabbedHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.tabs = parser_exports.parseArray(data.tabs, ItemSectionTab_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "endItems")) {
this.end_items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.endItems);
__name(ItemSectionTabbedHeader, "ItemSectionTabbedHeader");
ItemSectionTabbedHeader.type = "ItemSectionTabbedHeader";
var ItemSectionTabbedHeader_default = ItemSectionTabbedHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SortFilterHeader.js
var SortFilterHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.filter_menu = parser_exports.parseItem(data.filterMenu, nodes_exports.SortFilterSubMenu);
__name(SortFilterHeader, "SortFilterHeader");
SortFilterHeader.type = "SortFilterHeader";
var SortFilterHeader_default = SortFilterHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ItemSection.js
var ItemSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header, [CommentsHeader_default, ItemSectionHeader_default, ItemSectionTabbedHeader_default, SortFilterHeader_default]);
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
if (data.targetId || data.sectionIdentifier) {
this.target_id = data.target_id || data.sectionIdentifier;
if (data.continuations) {
this.continuation = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = data.continuations) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.nextContinuationData) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.continuation;
__name(ItemSection, "ItemSection");
ItemSection.type = "ItemSection";
var ItemSection_default = ItemSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LikeButton.js
var LikeButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = {
this.like_status = data.likeStatus;
this.likes_allowed = data.likesAllowed;
if (Reflect.has(data, "serviceEndpoints")) {
this.endpoints = => new NavigationEndpoint_default(endpoint));
__name(LikeButton, "LikeButton");
LikeButton.type = "LikeButton";
var LikeButton_default = LikeButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LikeButtonView.js
var LikeButtonView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.toggle_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.toggleButtonViewModel, ToggleButtonView_default);
this.like_status_entity_key = data.likeStatusEntityKey;
this.like_status_entity = {
key: data.likeStatusEntity.key,
like_status: data.likeStatusEntity.likeStatus
__name(LikeButtonView, "LikeButtonView");
LikeButtonView.type = "LikeButtonView";
var LikeButtonView_default = LikeButtonView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LiveChat.js
var LiveChat = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header);
this.initial_display_state = data.initialDisplayState;
this.continuation = (_b = (_a4 = data.continuations[0]) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.reloadContinuationData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.continuation;
this.client_messages = {
reconnect_message: new Text2(data.clientMessages.reconnectMessage),
unable_to_reconnect_message: new Text2(data.clientMessages.unableToReconnectMessage),
fatal_error: new Text2(data.clientMessages.fatalError),
reconnected_message: new Text2(data.clientMessages.reconnectedMessage),
generic_error: new Text2(data.clientMessages.genericError)
this.is_replay = !!data.isReplay;
__name(LiveChat, "LiveChat");
LiveChat.type = "LiveChat";
var LiveChat_default = LiveChat;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatBannerHeader.js
var LiveChatBannerHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text);
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon") && Reflect.has(data.icon, "iconType")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
this.context_menu_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.contextMenuButton, Button_default);
__name(LiveChatBannerHeader, "LiveChatBannerHeader");
LiveChatBannerHeader.type = "LiveChatBannerHeader";
var LiveChatBannerHeader_default = LiveChatBannerHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatBanner.js
var LiveChatBanner = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header, LiveChatBannerHeader_default);
this.contents = parser_exports.parseItem(data.contents);
this.action_id = data.actionId;
this.viewer_is_creator = data.viewerIsCreator;
this.target_id = data.targetId;
this.is_stackable = data.isStackable;
this.background_type = data.backgroundType;
__name(LiveChatBanner, "LiveChatBanner");
LiveChatBanner.type = "LiveChatBanner";
var LiveChatBanner_default = LiveChatBanner;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/AddBannerToLiveChatCommand.js
var AddBannerToLiveChatCommand = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.banner = parser_exports.parseItem(data.bannerRenderer, LiveChatBanner_default);
__name(AddBannerToLiveChatCommand, "AddBannerToLiveChatCommand");
AddBannerToLiveChatCommand.type = "AddBannerToLiveChatCommand";
var AddBannerToLiveChatCommand_default = AddBannerToLiveChatCommand;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/AddChatItemAction.js
var AddChatItemAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.item = parser_exports.parseItem(data.item);
if (Reflect.has(data, "clientId")) {
this.client_id = data.clientId;
__name(AddChatItemAction, "AddChatItemAction");
AddChatItemAction.type = "AddChatItemAction";
var AddChatItemAction_default = AddChatItemAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/AddLiveChatTickerItemAction.js
var AddLiveChatTickerItemAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.item = parser_exports.parseItem(data.item);
this.duration_sec = data.durationSec;
__name(AddLiveChatTickerItemAction, "AddLiveChatTickerItemAction");
AddLiveChatTickerItemAction.type = "AddLiveChatTickerItemAction";
var AddLiveChatTickerItemAction_default = AddLiveChatTickerItemAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/DimChatItemAction.js
var DimChatItemAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.client_assigned_id = data.clientAssignedId;
__name(DimChatItemAction, "DimChatItemAction");
DimChatItemAction.type = "DimChatItemAction";
var DimChatItemAction_default = DimChatItemAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatAutoModMessage.js
var LiveChatAutoModMessage = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.menu_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.contextMenuEndpoint);
this.moderation_buttons = parser_exports.parseArray(data.moderationButtons, Button_default);
this.auto_moderated_item = parser_exports.parseItem(data.autoModeratedItem);
this.header_text = new Text2(data.headerText);
this.timestamp = Math.floor(parseInt(data.timestampUsec) / 1e3); =;
__name(LiveChatAutoModMessage, "LiveChatAutoModMessage");
LiveChatAutoModMessage.type = "LiveChatAutoModMessage";
var LiveChatAutoModMessage_default = LiveChatAutoModMessage;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatBannerPoll.js
var LiveChatBannerPoll = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.poll_question = new Text2(data.pollQuestion);
this.author_photo = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.authorPhoto);
this.choices = => ({
option_id: choice.pollOptionId,
text: new Text2(choice.text).toString()
this.collapsed_state_entity_key = data.collapsedStateEntityKey;
this.live_chat_poll_state_entity_key = data.liveChatPollStateEntityKey;
this.context_menu_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.contextMenuButton, Button_default);
__name(LiveChatBannerPoll, "LiveChatBannerPoll");
LiveChatBannerPoll.type = "LiveChatBannerPoll";
var LiveChatBannerPoll_default = LiveChatBannerPoll;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatMembershipItem.js
var LiveChatMembershipItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); =;
this.timestamp = Math.floor(parseInt(data.timestampUsec) / 1e3);
this.header_subtext = new Text2(data.headerSubtext); = new Author(data.authorName, data.authorBadges, data.authorPhoto, data.authorExternalChannelId);
this.menu_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.contextMenuEndpoint);
__name(LiveChatMembershipItem, "LiveChatMembershipItem");
LiveChatMembershipItem.type = "LiveChatMembershipItem";
var LiveChatMembershipItem_default = LiveChatMembershipItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatPaidMessage.js
var LiveChatPaidMessage = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.message = new Text2(data.message); = new Author(data.authorName, data.authorBadges, data.authorPhoto, data.authorExternalChannelId);
this.header_background_color = data.headerBackgroundColor;
this.header_text_color = data.headerTextColor;
this.body_background_color = data.bodyBackgroundColor;
this.body_text_color = data.bodyTextColor;
this.purchase_amount = new Text2(data.purchaseAmountText).toString();
this.menu_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.contextMenuEndpoint);
this.timestamp = Math.floor(parseInt(data.timestampUsec) / 1e3);
this.timestamp_text = new Text2(data.timestampText).toString(); =;
__name(LiveChatPaidMessage, "LiveChatPaidMessage");
LiveChatPaidMessage.type = "LiveChatPaidMessage";
var LiveChatPaidMessage_default = LiveChatPaidMessage;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatPaidSticker.js
var LiveChatPaidSticker = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); =; = new Author(data.authorName, data.authorBadges, data.authorPhoto, data.authorExternalChannelId);
this.money_chip_background_color = data.moneyChipBackgroundColor;
this.money_chip_text_color = data.moneyChipTextColor;
this.background_color = data.backgroundColor;
this.author_name_text_color = data.authorNameTextColor;
this.sticker = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.sticker);
this.purchase_amount = new Text2(data.purchaseAmountText).toString();
this.menu_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.contextMenuEndpoint);
this.context_menu = this.menu_endpoint;
this.timestamp = Math.floor(parseInt(data.timestampUsec) / 1e3);
__name(LiveChatPaidSticker, "LiveChatPaidSticker");
LiveChatPaidSticker.type = "LiveChatPaidSticker";
var LiveChatPaidSticker_default = LiveChatPaidSticker;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatPlaceholderItem.js
var LiveChatPlaceholderItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); =;
this.timestamp = Math.floor(parseInt(data.timestampUsec) / 1e3);
__name(LiveChatPlaceholderItem, "LiveChatPlaceholderItem");
LiveChatPlaceholderItem.type = "LiveChatPlaceholderItem";
var LiveChatPlaceholderItem_default = LiveChatPlaceholderItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatProductItem.js
var LiveChatProductItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.title;
this.accessibility_title = data.accessibilityTitle;
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.price = data.price;
this.vendor_name = data.vendorName;
this.from_vendor_text = data.fromVendorText;
this.information_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.informationButton);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onClickCommand);
this.creator_message = data.creatorMessage;
this.creator_name = data.creatorName;
this.author_photo = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.authorPhoto);
this.information_dialog = parser_exports.parseItem(data.informationDialog);
this.is_verified = data.isVerified;
this.creator_custom_message = new Text2(data.creatorCustomMessage);
__name(LiveChatProductItem, "LiveChatProductItem");
LiveChatProductItem.type = "LiveChatProductItem";
var LiveChatProductItem_default = LiveChatProductItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatRestrictedParticipation.js
var LiveChatRestrictedParticipation = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.message = new Text2(data.message);
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon") && Reflect.has(data.icon, "iconType")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
__name(LiveChatRestrictedParticipation, "LiveChatRestrictedParticipation");
LiveChatRestrictedParticipation.type = "LiveChatRestrictedParticipation";
var LiveChatRestrictedParticipation_default = LiveChatRestrictedParticipation;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatTextMessage.js
var LiveChatMessageBase = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.message = new Text2(data.message);
this.inline_action_buttons = parser_exports.parseArray(data.inlineActionButtons, Button_default);
this.timestamp = Math.floor(parseInt(data.timestampUsec) / 1e3); =;
__name(LiveChatMessageBase, "LiveChatMessageBase");
LiveChatMessageBase.type = "LiveChatMessageBase";
var LiveChatTextMessage = class extends LiveChatMessageBase {
constructor(data) {
super(data); = new Author(data.authorName, data.authorBadges, data.authorPhoto, data.authorExternalChannelId);
this.menu_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.contextMenuEndpoint);
__name(LiveChatTextMessage, "LiveChatTextMessage");
LiveChatTextMessage.type = "LiveChatTextMessage";
var LiveChatTextMessage_default = LiveChatTextMessage;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatTickerPaidMessageItem.js
var LiveChatTickerPaidMessageItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
super(); = new Author(data.authorName, data.authorBadges, data.authorPhoto, data.authorExternalChannelId);
this.amount = new Text2(data.amount);
this.duration_sec = data.durationSec;
this.full_duration_sec = data.fullDurationSec;
this.show_item = parser_exports.parseItem((_b = (_a4 = data.showItemEndpoint) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.showLiveChatItemEndpoint) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.renderer);
this.show_item_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.showItemEndpoint); =;
__name(LiveChatTickerPaidMessageItem, "LiveChatTickerPaidMessageItem");
LiveChatTickerPaidMessageItem.type = "LiveChatTickerPaidMessageItem";
var LiveChatTickerPaidMessageItem_default = LiveChatTickerPaidMessageItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatTickerPaidStickerItem.js
var LiveChatTickerPaidStickerItem = class extends LiveChatTickerPaidMessageItem_default {
__name(LiveChatTickerPaidStickerItem, "LiveChatTickerPaidStickerItem");
LiveChatTickerPaidStickerItem.type = "LiveChatTickerPaidStickerItem";
var LiveChatTickerPaidStickerItem_default = LiveChatTickerPaidStickerItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatTickerSponsorItem.js
var LiveChatTickerSponsorItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); =;
this.detail = new Text2(data.detailText); = new Author(data.authorName, data.authorBadges, data.sponsorPhoto, data.authorExternalChannelId);
this.duration_sec = data.durationSec;
__name(LiveChatTickerSponsorItem, "LiveChatTickerSponsorItem");
LiveChatTickerSponsorItem.type = "LiveChatTickerSponsorItem";
var LiveChatTickerSponsorItem_default = LiveChatTickerSponsorItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/LiveChatViewerEngagementMessage.js
var LiveChatViewerEngagementMessage = class extends LiveChatMessageBase {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon") && Reflect.has(data.icon, "iconType")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
this.action_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.actionButton);
__name(LiveChatViewerEngagementMessage, "LiveChatViewerEngagementMessage");
LiveChatViewerEngagementMessage.type = "LiveChatViewerEngagementMessage";
var LiveChatViewerEngagementMessage_default = LiveChatViewerEngagementMessage;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/items/PollHeader.js
var PollHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.poll_question = new Text2(data.pollQuestion);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.metadata = new Text2(data.metadataText);
this.live_chat_poll_type = data.liveChatPollType;
this.context_menu_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.contextMenuButton, Button_default);
__name(PollHeader, "PollHeader");
PollHeader.type = "PollHeader";
var PollHeader_default = PollHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/LiveChatActionPanel.js
var LiveChatActionPanel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); =;
this.contents = parser_exports.parse(data.contents);
this.target_id = data.targetId;
__name(LiveChatActionPanel, "LiveChatActionPanel");
LiveChatActionPanel.type = "LiveChatActionPanel";
var LiveChatActionPanel_default = LiveChatActionPanel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/MarkChatItemAsDeletedAction.js
var MarkChatItemAsDeletedAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.deleted_state_message = new Text2(data.deletedStateMessage);
this.target_item_id = data.targetItemId;
__name(MarkChatItemAsDeletedAction, "MarkChatItemAsDeletedAction");
MarkChatItemAsDeletedAction.type = "MarkChatItemAsDeletedAction";
var MarkChatItemAsDeletedAction_default = MarkChatItemAsDeletedAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/MarkChatItemsByAuthorAsDeletedAction.js
var MarkChatItemsByAuthorAsDeletedAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.deleted_state_message = new Text2(data.deletedStateMessage);
this.external_channel_id = data.externalChannelId;
__name(MarkChatItemsByAuthorAsDeletedAction, "MarkChatItemsByAuthorAsDeletedAction");
MarkChatItemsByAuthorAsDeletedAction.type = "MarkChatItemsByAuthorAsDeletedAction";
var MarkChatItemsByAuthorAsDeletedAction_default = MarkChatItemsByAuthorAsDeletedAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/RemoveBannerForLiveChatCommand.js
var RemoveBannerForLiveChatCommand = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.target_action_id = data.targetActionId;
__name(RemoveBannerForLiveChatCommand, "RemoveBannerForLiveChatCommand");
RemoveBannerForLiveChatCommand.type = "RemoveBannerForLiveChatCommand";
var RemoveBannerForLiveChatCommand_default = RemoveBannerForLiveChatCommand;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/RemoveChatItemAction.js
var RemoveChatItemAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.target_item_id = data.targetItemId;
__name(RemoveChatItemAction, "RemoveChatItemAction");
RemoveChatItemAction.type = "RemoveChatItemAction";
var RemoveChatItemAction_default = RemoveChatItemAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/RemoveChatItemByAuthorAction.js
var RemoveChatItemByAuthorAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.external_channel_id = data.externalChannelId;
__name(RemoveChatItemByAuthorAction, "RemoveChatItemByAuthorAction");
RemoveChatItemByAuthorAction.type = "RemoveChatItemByAuthorAction";
var RemoveChatItemByAuthorAction_default = RemoveChatItemByAuthorAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/ReplaceChatItemAction.js
var ReplaceChatItemAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.target_item_id = data.targetItemId;
this.replacement_item = parser_exports.parseItem(data.replacementItem);
__name(ReplaceChatItemAction, "ReplaceChatItemAction");
ReplaceChatItemAction.type = "ReplaceChatItemAction";
var ReplaceChatItemAction_default = ReplaceChatItemAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/ReplayChatItemAction.js
var ReplayChatItemAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
this.actions = parser_exports.parseArray((_a4 = data.actions) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => {
delete action.clickTrackingParams;
return action;
this.video_offset_time_msec = data.videoOffsetTimeMsec;
__name(ReplayChatItemAction, "ReplayChatItemAction");
ReplayChatItemAction.type = "ReplayChatItemAction";
var ReplayChatItemAction_default = ReplayChatItemAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/ShowLiveChatActionPanelAction.js
var ShowLiveChatActionPanelAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.panel_to_show = parser_exports.parseItem(data.panelToShow, LiveChatActionPanel_default);
__name(ShowLiveChatActionPanelAction, "ShowLiveChatActionPanelAction");
ShowLiveChatActionPanelAction.type = "ShowLiveChatActionPanelAction";
var ShowLiveChatActionPanelAction_default = ShowLiveChatActionPanelAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/ShowLiveChatDialogAction.js
var ShowLiveChatDialogAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.dialog = parser_exports.parseItem(data.dialog);
__name(ShowLiveChatDialogAction, "ShowLiveChatDialogAction");
ShowLiveChatDialogAction.type = "ShowLiveChatDialogAction";
var ShowLiveChatDialogAction_default = ShowLiveChatDialogAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/ShowLiveChatTooltipCommand.js
var ShowLiveChatTooltipCommand = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.tooltip = parser_exports.parseItem(data.tooltip);
__name(ShowLiveChatTooltipCommand, "ShowLiveChatTooltipCommand");
ShowLiveChatTooltipCommand.type = "ShowLiveChatTooltipCommand";
var ShowLiveChatTooltipCommand_default = ShowLiveChatTooltipCommand;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/UpdateDateTextAction.js
var UpdateDateTextAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.date_text = new Text2(data.dateText).toString();
__name(UpdateDateTextAction, "UpdateDateTextAction");
UpdateDateTextAction.type = "UpdateDateTextAction";
var UpdateDateTextAction_default = UpdateDateTextAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/UpdateDescriptionAction.js
var UpdateDescriptionAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
__name(UpdateDescriptionAction, "UpdateDescriptionAction");
UpdateDescriptionAction.type = "UpdateDescriptionAction";
var UpdateDescriptionAction_default = UpdateDescriptionAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/UpdateLiveChatPollAction.js
var UpdateLiveChatPollAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.poll_to_update = parser_exports.parseItem(data.pollToUpdate);
__name(UpdateLiveChatPollAction, "UpdateLiveChatPollAction");
UpdateLiveChatPollAction.type = "UpdateLiveChatPollAction";
var UpdateLiveChatPollAction_default = UpdateLiveChatPollAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/UpdateTitleAction.js
var UpdateTitleAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
__name(UpdateTitleAction, "UpdateTitleAction");
UpdateTitleAction.type = "UpdateTitleAction";
var UpdateTitleAction_default = UpdateTitleAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/UpdateToggleButtonTextAction.js
var UpdateToggleButtonTextAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.default_text = new Text2(data.defaultText).toString();
this.toggled_text = new Text2(data.toggledText).toString();
this.button_id = data.buttonId;
__name(UpdateToggleButtonTextAction, "UpdateToggleButtonTextAction");
UpdateToggleButtonTextAction.type = "UpdateToggleButtonTextAction";
var UpdateToggleButtonTextAction_default = UpdateToggleButtonTextAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/livechat/UpdateViewershipAction.js
var UpdateViewershipAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
const view_count_renderer = data.viewCount.videoViewCountRenderer;
this.view_count = new Text2(view_count_renderer.viewCount);
this.extra_short_view_count = new Text2(view_count_renderer.extraShortViewCount);
this.original_view_count = parseInt(view_count_renderer.originalViewCount);
this.unlabeled_view_count_value = new Text2(view_count_renderer.unlabeledViewCountValue);
this.is_live = view_count_renderer.isLive;
__name(UpdateViewershipAction, "UpdateViewershipAction");
UpdateViewershipAction.type = "UpdateViewershipAction";
var UpdateViewershipAction_default = UpdateViewershipAction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LiveChatAuthorBadge.js
var LiveChatAuthorBadge = class extends MetadataBadge_default {
constructor(data) {
this.custom_thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.customThumbnail);
__name(LiveChatAuthorBadge, "LiveChatAuthorBadge");
LiveChatAuthorBadge.type = "LiveChatAuthorBadge";
var LiveChatAuthorBadge_default = LiveChatAuthorBadge;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LiveChatDialog.js
var LiveChatDialog = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.confirm_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.confirmButton, Button_default);
this.dialog_messages = => new Text2(el));
__name(LiveChatDialog, "LiveChatDialog");
LiveChatDialog.type = "LiveChatDialog";
var LiveChatDialog_default = LiveChatDialog;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LiveChatHeader.js
var LiveChatHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.overflow_menu = parser_exports.parseItem(data.overflowMenu, Menu_default);
this.collapse_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.collapseButton, Button_default);
this.view_selector = parser_exports.parseItem(data.viewSelector, SortFilterSubMenu_default);
__name(LiveChatHeader, "LiveChatHeader");
LiveChatHeader.type = "LiveChatHeader";
var LiveChatHeader_default = LiveChatHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LiveChatItemList.js
var LiveChatItemList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.max_items_to_display = data.maxItemsToDisplay;
this.more_comments_below_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.moreCommentsBelowButton, Button_default);
__name(LiveChatItemList, "LiveChatItemList");
LiveChatItemList.type = "LiveChatItemList";
var LiveChatItemList_default = LiveChatItemList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LiveChatMessageInput.js
var LiveChatMessageInput = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.author_name = new Text2(data.authorName);
this.author_photo = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.authorPhoto);
this.send_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.sendButton, Button_default);
this.target_id = data.targetId;
__name(LiveChatMessageInput, "LiveChatMessageInput");
LiveChatMessageInput.type = "LiveChatMessageInput";
var LiveChatMessageInput_default = LiveChatMessageInput;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LiveChatParticipant.js
var LiveChatParticipant = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = new Text2(data.authorName); = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.authorPhoto);
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.authorBadges);
__name(LiveChatParticipant, "LiveChatParticipant");
LiveChatParticipant.type = "LiveChatParticipant";
var LiveChatParticipant_default = LiveChatParticipant;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LiveChatParticipantsList.js
var LiveChatParticipantsList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.participants = parser_exports.parseArray(data.participants, LiveChatParticipant_default);
__name(LiveChatParticipantsList, "LiveChatParticipantsList");
LiveChatParticipantsList.type = "LiveChatParticipantsList";
var LiveChatParticipantsList_default = LiveChatParticipantsList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LockupMetadataView.js
var LockupMetadataView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = Text2.fromAttributed(data.title);
this.metadata = parser_exports.parseItem(data.metadata, ContentMetadataView_default);
__name(LockupMetadataView, "LockupMetadataView");
LockupMetadataView.type = "LockupMetadataView";
var LockupMetadataView_default = LockupMetadataView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/LockupView.js
var LockupView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.content_image = parser_exports.parseItem(data.contentImage, CollectionThumbnailView_default);
this.metadata = parser_exports.parseItem(data.metadata, LockupMetadataView_default);
this.content_id = data.contentId;
this.content_type = data.contentType.replace("LOCKUP_CONTENT_TYPE_", "");
this.on_tap_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.rendererContext.commandContext.onTap);
__name(LockupView, "LockupView");
LockupView.type = "LockupView";
var LockupView_default = LockupView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/menus/MenuNavigationItem.js
var MenuNavigationItem = class extends Button_default {
constructor(data) {
__name(MenuNavigationItem, "MenuNavigationItem");
MenuNavigationItem.type = "MenuNavigationItem";
var MenuNavigationItem_default = MenuNavigationItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/menus/MenuServiceItem.js
var MenuServiceItem = class extends Button_default {
constructor(data) {
__name(MenuServiceItem, "MenuServiceItem");
MenuServiceItem.type = "MenuServiceItem";
var MenuServiceItem_default = MenuServiceItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/menus/MenuPopup.js
var MenuPopup = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items, [MenuNavigationItem_default, MenuServiceItem_default]);
__name(MenuPopup, "MenuPopup");
MenuPopup.type = "MenuPopup";
var MenuPopup_default = MenuPopup;
// dist/src/parser/classes/menus/MenuServiceItemDownload.js
var MenuServiceItemDownload = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.has_separator = !!data.hasSeparator;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint || data.serviceEndpoint);
__name(MenuServiceItemDownload, "MenuServiceItemDownload");
MenuServiceItemDownload.type = "MenuServiceItemDownload";
var MenuServiceItemDownload_default = MenuServiceItemDownload;
// dist/src/parser/classes/menus/MultiPageMenu.js
var MultiPageMenu = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header = parser_exports.parse(data.header);
this.sections = parser_exports.parse(data.sections); =;
__name(MultiPageMenu, "MultiPageMenu");
MultiPageMenu.type = "MultiPageMenu";
var MultiPageMenu_default = MultiPageMenu;
// dist/src/parser/classes/menus/MultiPageMenuNotificationSection.js
var MultiPageMenuNotificationSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parse(data.items);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(MultiPageMenuNotificationSection, "MultiPageMenuNotificationSection");
MultiPageMenuNotificationSection.type = "MultiPageMenuNotificationSection";
var MultiPageMenuNotificationSection_default = MultiPageMenuNotificationSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/menus/MusicMenuItemDivider.js
var MusicMenuItemDivider = class extends YTNode {
constructor(_data) {
__name(MusicMenuItemDivider, "MusicMenuItemDivider");
MusicMenuItemDivider.type = "MusicMenuItemDivider";
var MusicMenuItemDivider_default = MusicMenuItemDivider;
// dist/src/parser/classes/menus/MusicMultiSelectMenuItem.js
var MusicMultiSelectMenuItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title).toString();
this.form_item_entity_key = data.formItemEntityKey;
if (Reflect.has(data, "selectedIcon")) {
this.selected_icon_type = data.selectedIcon.iconType;
if (Reflect.has(data, "selectedCommand")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.selectedCommand);
this.selected = !!this.endpoint;
__name(MusicMultiSelectMenuItem, "MusicMultiSelectMenuItem");
MusicMultiSelectMenuItem.type = "MusicMultiSelectMenuItem";
var MusicMultiSelectMenuItem_default = MusicMultiSelectMenuItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/menus/MusicMultiSelectMenu.js
var MusicMultiSelectMenu = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
if (Reflect.has(data, "title") && Reflect.has(data.title, "musicMenuTitleRenderer")) {
this.title = new Text2((_a4 = data.title.musicMenuTitleRenderer) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.primaryText);
this.options = parser_exports.parseArray(data.options, [MusicMultiSelectMenuItem_default, MusicMenuItemDivider_default]);
__name(MusicMultiSelectMenu, "MusicMultiSelectMenu");
MusicMultiSelectMenu.type = "MusicMultiSelectMenu";
var MusicMultiSelectMenu_default = MusicMultiSelectMenu;
// dist/src/parser/classes/menus/SimpleMenuHeader.js
var SimpleMenuHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.buttons = parser_exports.parse(data.buttons);
__name(SimpleMenuHeader, "SimpleMenuHeader");
SimpleMenuHeader.type = "SimpleMenuHeader";
var SimpleMenuHeader_default = SimpleMenuHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MerchandiseItem.js
var MerchandiseItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.title;
this.description = data.description;
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.price = data.price;
this.vendor_name = data.vendorName;
this.button_text = data.buttonText;
this.button_accessibility_text = data.buttonAccessibilityText;
this.from_vendor_text = data.fromVendorText;
this.additional_fees_text = data.additionalFeesText;
this.region_format = data.regionFormat;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.buttonCommand);
__name(MerchandiseItem, "MerchandiseItem");
MerchandiseItem.type = "MerchandiseItem";
var MerchandiseItem_default = MerchandiseItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MerchandiseShelf.js
var MerchandiseShelf = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.title; = parser_exports.parseItem(data.actionButton);
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(MerchandiseShelf, "MerchandiseShelf");
MerchandiseShelf.type = "MerchandiseShelf";
var MerchandiseShelf_default = MerchandiseShelf;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MetadataRow.js
var MetadataRow = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.contents = => new Text2(content));
__name(MetadataRow, "MetadataRow");
MetadataRow.type = "MetadataRow";
var MetadataRow_default = MetadataRow;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MetadataRowContainer.js
var MetadataRowContainer = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.rows = parser_exports.parseArray(data.rows);
this.collapsed_item_count = data.collapsedItemCount;
__name(MetadataRowContainer, "MetadataRowContainer");
MetadataRowContainer.type = "MetadataRowContainer";
var MetadataRowContainer_default = MetadataRowContainer;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MetadataRowHeader.js
var MetadataRowHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.content = new Text2(data.content);
this.has_divider_line = data.hasDividerLine;
__name(MetadataRowHeader, "MetadataRowHeader");
MetadataRowHeader.type = "MetadataRowHeader";
var MetadataRowHeader_default = MetadataRowHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MetadataScreen.js
var MetadataScreen = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.section_list = parser_exports.parseItem(data);
__name(MetadataScreen, "MetadataScreen");
MetadataScreen.type = "MetadataScreen";
var MetadataScreen_default = MetadataScreen;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MicroformatData.js
var MicroformatData = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.url_canonical = data.urlCanonical;
this.title = data.title;
this.description = data.description;
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.site_name = data.siteName;
this.app_name = data.appName;
this.android_package = data.androidPackage;
this.ios_app_store_id = data.iosAppStoreId;
this.ios_app_arguments = data.iosAppArguments;
this.og_type = data.ogType;
this.url_applinks_web = data.urlApplinksWeb;
this.url_applinks_ios = data.urlApplinksIos;
this.url_applinks_android = data.urlApplinksAndroid;
this.url_twitter_ios = data.urlTwitterIos;
this.url_twitter_android = data.urlTwitterAndroid;
this.twitter_card_type = data.twitterCardType;
this.twitter_site_handle = data.twitterSiteHandle;
this.schema_dot_org_type = data.schemaDotOrgType;
this.noindex = data.noindex;
this.is_unlisted = data.unlisted;
this.is_family_safe = data.familySafe;
this.tags = data.tags;
this.available_countries = data.availableCountries;
__name(MicroformatData, "MicroformatData");
MicroformatData.type = "MicroformatData";
var MicroformatData_default = MicroformatData;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Mix.js
var Mix = class extends Playlist_default {
constructor(data) {
__name(Mix, "Mix");
Mix.type = "Mix";
var Mix_default = Mix;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ModalWithTitleAndButton.js
var ModalWithTitleAndButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.content = new Text2(data.content);
this.button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.button, Button_default);
__name(ModalWithTitleAndButton, "ModalWithTitleAndButton");
ModalWithTitleAndButton.type = "ModalWithTitleAndButton";
var ModalWithTitleAndButton_default = ModalWithTitleAndButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Movie.js
var Movie = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
const overlay_time_status = ((_a4 = data.thumbnailOverlays.find((overlay) => overlay.thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.thumbnailOverlayTimeStatusRenderer.text) || "N/A"; = data.videoId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
if (Reflect.has(data, "descriptionSnippet")) {
this.description_snippet = new Text2(data.descriptionSnippet);
this.top_metadata_items = new Text2(data.topMetadataItems);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays); = new Author(data.longBylineText, data.ownerBadges, (_c = (_b = data.channelThumbnailSupportedRenderers) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.channelThumbnailWithLinkRenderer) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.thumbnail);
this.duration = {
text: data.lengthText ? new Text2(data.lengthText).toString() : new Text2(overlay_time_status).toString(),
seconds: timeToSeconds(data.lengthText ? new Text2(data.lengthText).toString() : new Text2(overlay_time_status).toString())
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.badges);
this.use_vertical_poster = data.useVerticalPoster;
this.show_action_menu = data.showActionMenu; = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
__name(Movie, "Movie");
Movie.type = "Movie";
var Movie_default = Movie;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MovingThumbnail.js
var MovingThumbnail = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = data.movingThumbnailDetails) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => new Thumbnail(thumbnail)).sort((a, b) => b.width - a.width);
__name(MovingThumbnail, "MovingThumbnail");
MovingThumbnail.type = "MovingThumbnail";
var MovingThumbnail_default = MovingThumbnail;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicCardShelfHeaderBasic.js
var MusicCardShelfHeaderBasic = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
__name(MusicCardShelfHeaderBasic, "MusicCardShelfHeaderBasic");
MusicCardShelfHeaderBasic.type = "MusicCardShelfHeaderBasic";
var MusicCardShelfHeaderBasic_default = MusicCardShelfHeaderBasic;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicInlineBadge.js
var MusicInlineBadge = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
this.label = data.accessibilityData.accessibilityData.label;
__name(MusicInlineBadge, "MusicInlineBadge");
MusicInlineBadge.type = "MusicInlineBadge";
var MusicInlineBadge_default = MusicInlineBadge;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicPlayButton.js
var MusicPlayButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.playNavigationEndpoint);
this.play_icon_type = data.playIcon.iconType;
this.pause_icon_type = data.pauseIcon.iconType;
if (Reflect.has(data, "accessibilityPlayData")) {
this.play_label = (_a4 = data.accessibilityPlayData.accessibilityData) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.label;
if (Reflect.has(data, "accessibilityPauseData")) {
this.pause_label = (_b = data.accessibilityPauseData.accessibilityData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.label;
this.icon_color = data.iconColor;
__name(MusicPlayButton, "MusicPlayButton");
MusicPlayButton.type = "MusicPlayButton";
var MusicPlayButton_default = MusicPlayButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicItemThumbnailOverlay.js
var MusicItemThumbnailOverlay = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content, MusicPlayButton_default);
this.content_position = data.contentPosition;
this.display_style = data.displayStyle;
__name(MusicItemThumbnailOverlay, "MusicItemThumbnailOverlay");
MusicItemThumbnailOverlay.type = "MusicItemThumbnailOverlay";
var MusicItemThumbnailOverlay_default = MusicItemThumbnailOverlay;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicThumbnail.js
var MusicThumbnail = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
__name(MusicThumbnail, "MusicThumbnail");
MusicThumbnail.type = "MusicThumbnail";
var MusicThumbnail_default = MusicThumbnail;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicCardShelf.js
var MusicCardShelf = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnail, MusicThumbnail_default);
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle);
this.buttons = parser_exports.parseArray(data.buttons, Button_default); = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
this.on_tap = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onTap);
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header, MusicCardShelfHeaderBasic_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "endIcon") && Reflect.has(data.endIcon, "iconType")) {
this.end_icon_type = data.endIcon.iconType;
this.subtitle_badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.subtitleBadges, MusicInlineBadge_default);
this.thumbnail_overlay = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnailOverlay, MusicItemThumbnailOverlay_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "contents")) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
__name(MusicCardShelf, "MusicCardShelf");
MusicCardShelf.type = "MusicCardShelf";
var MusicCardShelf_default = MusicCardShelf;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicCarouselShelfBasicHeader.js
var MusicCarouselShelfBasicHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
if (Reflect.has(data, "strapline")) {
this.strapline = new Text2(data.strapline);
if (Reflect.has(data, "thumbnail")) {
this.thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnail, MusicThumbnail_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "moreContentButton")) {
this.more_content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.moreContentButton, Button_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "endIcons")) {
this.end_icons = parser_exports.parseArray(data.endIcons, IconLink_default);
__name(MusicCarouselShelfBasicHeader, "MusicCarouselShelfBasicHeader");
MusicCarouselShelfBasicHeader.type = "MusicCarouselShelfBasicHeader";
var MusicCarouselShelfBasicHeader_default = MusicCarouselShelfBasicHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicMultiRowListItem.js
var MusicMultiRowListItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnail, MusicThumbnail_default);
this.overlay = parser_exports.parseItem(data.overlay, MusicItemThumbnailOverlay_default);
this.on_tap = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onTap); = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle);
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
if (Reflect.has(data, "secondTitle")) {
this.second_title = new Text2(data.secondTitle);
if (Reflect.has(data, "description")) {
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
if (Reflect.has(data, "displayStyle")) {
this.display_style = data.displayStyle;
__name(MusicMultiRowListItem, "MusicMultiRowListItem");
MusicMultiRowListItem.type = "MusicMultiRowListItem";
var MusicMultiRowListItem_default = MusicMultiRowListItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicNavigationButton.js
var MusicNavigationButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.button_text = new Text2(data.buttonText).toString();
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.clickCommand);
__name(MusicNavigationButton, "MusicNavigationButton");
MusicNavigationButton.type = "MusicNavigationButton";
var MusicNavigationButton_default = MusicNavigationButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicResponsiveListItem.js
var import_tslib13 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicResponsiveListItemFixedColumn.js
var MusicResponsiveListItemFixedColumn = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.text);
this.display_priority = data.displayPriority;
__name(MusicResponsiveListItemFixedColumn, "MusicResponsiveListItemFixedColumn");
MusicResponsiveListItemFixedColumn.type = "musicResponsiveListItemFlexColumnRenderer";
var MusicResponsiveListItemFixedColumn_default = MusicResponsiveListItemFixedColumn;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicResponsiveListItemFlexColumn.js
var MusicResponsiveListItemFlexColumn = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.text);
this.display_priority = data.displayPriority;
__name(MusicResponsiveListItemFlexColumn, "MusicResponsiveListItemFlexColumn");
MusicResponsiveListItemFlexColumn.type = "MusicResponsiveListItemFlexColumn";
var MusicResponsiveListItemFlexColumn_default = MusicResponsiveListItemFlexColumn;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicResponsiveListItem.js
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances;
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_playlist_item_data;
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseOther;
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseVideoOrSong;
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseSong;
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseVideo;
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseArtist;
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseLibraryArtist;
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseNonMusicTrack;
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_parsePodcastShow;
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseAlbum;
var _MusicResponsiveListItem_parsePlaylist;
var MusicResponsiveListItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
_MusicResponsiveListItem_playlist_item_data.set(this, void 0);
this.flex_columns = parser_exports.parseArray(data.flexColumns, MusicResponsiveListItemFlexColumn_default);
this.fixed_columns = parser_exports.parseArray(data.fixedColumns, MusicResponsiveListItemFixedColumn_default);
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_playlist_item_data, {
video_id: ((_a4 = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.playlistItemData) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.videoId) || null,
playlist_set_video_id: ((_b = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.playlistItemData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.playlistSetVideoId) || null
}, "f");
if (Reflect.has(data, "navigationEndpoint")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
let page_type = (_f = (_e = (_d = (_c = this.endpoint) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.payload) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.browseEndpointContextSupportedConfigs) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.browseEndpointContextMusicConfig) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.pageType;
if (!page_type) {
const is_non_music_track = this.flex_columns.find((col) => {
var _a5, _b2, _c2, _d2;
return ((_d2 = (_c2 = (_b2 = (_a5 = col.title.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseEndpointContextSupportedConfigs) === null || _c2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _c2.browseEndpointContextMusicConfig) === null || _d2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _d2.pageType) === "MUSIC_PAGE_TYPE_NON_MUSIC_AUDIO_TRACK_PAGE";
if (is_non_music_track) {
switch (page_type) {
this.item_type = "album";
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances, "m", _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseAlbum).call(this);
this.item_type = "playlist";
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances, "m", _MusicResponsiveListItem_parsePlaylist).call(this);
this.item_type = "artist";
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances, "m", _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseArtist).call(this);
this.item_type = "library_artist";
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances, "m", _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseLibraryArtist).call(this);
this.item_type = "non_music_track";
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances, "m", _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseNonMusicTrack).call(this);
this.item_type = "podcast_show";
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances, "m", _MusicResponsiveListItem_parsePodcastShow).call(this);
if (this.flex_columns[1]) {
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances, "m", _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseVideoOrSong).call(this);
} else {
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances, "m", _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseOther).call(this);
if (Reflect.has(data, "index")) {
this.index = new Text2(data.index);
if (Reflect.has(data, "thumbnail")) {
this.thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnail, MusicThumbnail_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "badges")) {
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.badges);
if (Reflect.has(data, "menu")) { = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "overlay")) {
this.overlay = parser_exports.parseItem(data.overlay, MusicItemThumbnailOverlay_default);
get thumbnails() {
var _a4;
return ((_a4 = this.thumbnail) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.contents) || [];
__name(MusicResponsiveListItem, "MusicResponsiveListItem");
_MusicResponsiveListItem_playlist_item_data = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseOther = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseOther2() {
this.title = this.flex_columns.first().title.toString();
if (this.endpoint) {
this.item_type = "endpoint";
} else {
this.item_type = "unknown";
}, "_MusicResponsiveListItem_parseOther"), _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseVideoOrSong = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseVideoOrSong2() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
const music_video_type = (_g = (_f = (_e = (_d = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.title.runs) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.endpoint) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.payload) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.watchEndpointMusicSupportedConfigs) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.watchEndpointMusicConfig) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.musicVideoType;
switch (music_video_type) {
this.item_type = "video";
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances, "m", _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseVideo).call(this);
this.item_type = "song";
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances, "m", _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseSong).call(this);
(0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_instances, "m", _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseOther).call(this);
}, "_MusicResponsiveListItem_parseVideoOrSong"), _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseSong = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseSong2() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q; = (0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_playlist_item_data, "f").video_id || ((_b = (_a4 = this.endpoint) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.payload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.videoId);
this.title = this.flex_columns.first().title.toString();
const duration_text = ((_e = (_d = (_c = === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.title.runs) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.find((run) => /^\d+$/.test(run.text.replace(/:/g, "")))) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.text) || ((_g = (_f = this.fixed_columns.first()) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.title) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.toString());
if (duration_text) {
this.duration = {
text: duration_text,
seconds: timeToSeconds(duration_text)
const album_run = ((_j = (_h = === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.title.runs) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.find((run) => isTextRun(run) && run.endpoint && run.endpoint.payload.browseId.startsWith("MPR"))) || ((_l = (_k = === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.title.runs) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 : _l.find((run) => isTextRun(run) && run.endpoint && run.endpoint.payload.browseId.startsWith("MPR")));
if (album_run && isTextRun(album_run)) {
this.album = {
id: (_o = (_m = album_run.endpoint) === null || _m === void 0 ? void 0 : _m.payload) === null || _o === void 0 ? void 0 : _o.browseId,
name: album_run.text,
endpoint: album_run.endpoint
const artist_runs = (_q = (_p = === null || _p === void 0 ? void 0 : _p.title.runs) === null || _q === void 0 ? void 0 : _q.filter((run) => isTextRun(run) && run.endpoint && run.endpoint.payload.browseId.startsWith("UC"));
if (artist_runs) {
this.artists = => {
var _a5, _b2;
return {
name: run.text,
channel_id: isTextRun(run) ? (_b2 = (_a5 = run.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseId : void 0,
endpoint: isTextRun(run) ? run.endpoint : void 0
}, "_MusicResponsiveListItem_parseSong"), _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseVideo = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseVideo2() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k; = (0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_playlist_item_data, "f").video_id;
this.title = this.flex_columns.first().title.toString();
this.views = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.title.runs) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.find((run) => run.text.match(/(.*?) views/))) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.toString();
const author_runs = (_e = (_d = === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.title.runs) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.filter((run) => isTextRun(run) && run.endpoint && run.endpoint.payload.browseId.startsWith("UC"));
if (author_runs) {
this.authors = => {
var _a5, _b2;
return {
name: run.text,
channel_id: isTextRun(run) ? (_b2 = (_a5 = run.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseId : void 0,
endpoint: isTextRun(run) ? run.endpoint : void 0
const duration_text = ((_g = (_f = this.flex_columns[1].title.runs) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.find((run) => /^\d+$/.test(run.text.replace(/:/g, "")))) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.text) || ((_k = (_j = (_h = this.fixed_columns.first()) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.title.runs) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.find((run) => /^\d+$/.test(run.text.replace(/:/g, "")))) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.text);
if (duration_text) {
this.duration = {
text: duration_text,
seconds: timeToSeconds(duration_text)
}, "_MusicResponsiveListItem_parseVideo"), _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseArtist = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseArtist2() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; = (_b = (_a4 = this.endpoint) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.payload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.browseId; = this.flex_columns.first().title.toString();
this.subtitle = (_c = === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.title;
this.subscribers = ((_f = (_e = (_d = this.subtitle) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.runs) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.find((run) => /^(\d*\.)?\d+[M|K]? subscribers?$/i.test(run.text))) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.text) || "";
}, "_MusicResponsiveListItem_parseArtist"), _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseLibraryArtist = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseLibraryArtist2() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d; = this.flex_columns.first().title.toString();
this.subtitle = (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.title;
this.song_count = ((_d = (_c = (_b = this.subtitle) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.runs) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.find((run) => /^\d+(,\d+)? songs?$/i.test(run.text))) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.text) || "";
}, "_MusicResponsiveListItem_parseLibraryArtist"), _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseNonMusicTrack = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseNonMusicTrack2() {
var _a4, _b; = (0, import_tslib13.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MusicResponsiveListItem_playlist_item_data, "f").video_id || ((_b = (_a4 = this.endpoint) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.payload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.videoId);
this.title = this.flex_columns.first().title.toString();
}, "_MusicResponsiveListItem_parseNonMusicTrack"), _MusicResponsiveListItem_parsePodcastShow = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _MusicResponsiveListItem_parsePodcastShow2() {
var _a4, _b; = (_b = (_a4 = this.endpoint) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.payload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.browseId;
this.title = this.flex_columns.first().title.toString();
}, "_MusicResponsiveListItem_parsePodcastShow"), _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseAlbum = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _MusicResponsiveListItem_parseAlbum2() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j; = (_b = (_a4 = this.endpoint) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.payload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.browseId;
this.title = this.flex_columns.first().title.toString();
const author_run = (_d = (_c = === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.title.runs) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.find((run) => isTextRun(run) && run.endpoint && run.endpoint.payload.browseId.startsWith("UC"));
if (author_run && isTextRun(author_run)) { = {
name: author_run.text,
channel_id: (_f = (_e = author_run.endpoint) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.payload) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.browseId,
endpoint: author_run.endpoint
this.year = (_j = (_h = (_g = === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.title.runs) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.find((run) => /^[12][0-9]{3}$/.test(run.text))) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.text;
}, "_MusicResponsiveListItem_parseAlbum"), _MusicResponsiveListItem_parsePlaylist = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _MusicResponsiveListItem_parsePlaylist2() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h; = (_b = (_a4 = this.endpoint) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.payload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.browseId;
this.title = this.flex_columns.first().title.toString();
const item_count_run = (_d = (_c = === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.title.runs) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.find((run) => run.text.match(/\d+ (song|songs)/));
this.item_count = item_count_run ? item_count_run.text : void 0;
const author_run = (_f = (_e = === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.title.runs) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.find((run) => isTextRun(run) && run.endpoint && run.endpoint.payload.browseId.startsWith("UC"));
if (author_run && isTextRun(author_run)) { = {
name: author_run.text,
channel_id: (_h = (_g = author_run.endpoint) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.payload) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.browseId,
endpoint: author_run.endpoint
}, "_MusicResponsiveListItem_parsePlaylist");
MusicResponsiveListItem.type = "MusicResponsiveListItem";
var MusicResponsiveListItem_default = MusicResponsiveListItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicTwoRowItem.js
var MusicTwoRowItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q, _r, _s, _t, _u, _v, _w, _x;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint); = ((_b = (_a4 = this.endpoint) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.payload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.browseId) || ((_d = (_c = this.endpoint) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.payload) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.videoId);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle);
this.badges = parser_exports.parse(data.subtitleBadges);
const page_type = (_h = (_g = (_f = (_e = this.endpoint) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.payload) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.browseEndpointContextSupportedConfigs) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.browseEndpointContextMusicConfig) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.pageType;
switch (page_type) {
this.item_type = "artist";
this.item_type = "playlist";
this.item_type = "album";
if (((_k = (_j = this.endpoint) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.metadata) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.api_url) === "/next") {
this.item_type = "endpoint";
} else if ((_l = this.subtitle.runs) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 : _l[0]) {
if (this.subtitle.runs[0].text !== "Song") {
this.item_type = "video";
} else {
this.item_type = "song";
} else if (this.endpoint) {
this.item_type = "endpoint";
} else {
this.item_type = "unknown";
if (this.item_type == "artist") {
this.subscribers = ((_o = (_m = this.subtitle.runs) === null || _m === void 0 ? void 0 : _m.find((run) => /^(\d*\.)?\d+[M|K]? subscribers?$/i.test(run.text))) === null || _o === void 0 ? void 0 : _o.text) || "";
} else if (this.item_type == "playlist") {
const item_count_run = (_p = this.subtitle.runs) === null || _p === void 0 ? void 0 : _p.find((run) => run.text.match(/\d+ songs|song/));
this.item_count = item_count_run ? item_count_run.text : null;
} else if (this.item_type == "album") {
const artists = (_q = this.subtitle.runs) === null || _q === void 0 ? void 0 : _q.filter((run) => {
var _a5, _b2;
return (_b2 = (_a5 = run.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseId.startsWith("UC");
if (artists) {
this.artists = => {
var _a5, _b2;
return {
name: artist.text,
channel_id: (_b2 = (_a5 = artist.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseId,
endpoint: artist.endpoint
this.year = (_r = this.subtitle.runs) === null || _r === void 0 ? void 0 : _r.slice(-1)[0].text;
if (isNaN(Number(this.year)))
delete this.year;
} else if (this.item_type == "video") {
this.views = ((_t = (_s = this === null || this === void 0 ? void 0 : this.subtitle.runs) === null || _s === void 0 ? void 0 : _s.find((run) => run === null || run === void 0 ? void 0 : run.text.match(/(.*?) views/))) === null || _t === void 0 ? void 0 : _t.text) || "N/A";
const author = (_u = this.subtitle.runs) === null || _u === void 0 ? void 0 : _u.find((run) => {
var _a5, _b2, _c2;
return (_c2 = (_b2 = (_a5 = run.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseId) === null || _c2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _c2.startsWith("UC");
if (author) { = {
name: author === null || author === void 0 ? void 0 : author.text,
channel_id: (_w = (_v = author === null || author === void 0 ? void 0 : author.endpoint) === null || _v === void 0 ? void 0 : _v.payload) === null || _w === void 0 ? void 0 : _w.browseId,
endpoint: author === null || author === void 0 ? void 0 : author.endpoint
} else if (this.item_type == "song") {
const artists = (_x = this.subtitle.runs) === null || _x === void 0 ? void 0 : _x.filter((run) => {
var _a5, _b2;
return (_b2 = (_a5 = run.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseId.startsWith("UC");
if (artists) {
this.artists = => {
var _a5, _b2;
return {
name: artist === null || artist === void 0 ? void 0 : artist.text,
channel_id: (_b2 = (_a5 = artist === null || artist === void 0 ? void 0 : artist.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseId,
endpoint: artist === null || artist === void 0 ? void 0 : artist.endpoint
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnailRenderer.musicThumbnailRenderer.thumbnail);
this.thumbnail_overlay = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnailOverlay, MusicItemThumbnailOverlay_default); = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
__name(MusicTwoRowItem, "MusicTwoRowItem");
MusicTwoRowItem.type = "MusicTwoRowItem";
var MusicTwoRowItem_default = MusicTwoRowItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicCarouselShelf.js
var MusicCarouselShelf = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header, MusicCarouselShelfBasicHeader_default);
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents, [MusicTwoRowItem_default, MusicResponsiveListItem_default, MusicMultiRowListItem_default, MusicNavigationButton_default]);
if (Reflect.has(data, "numItemsPerColumn")) {
this.num_items_per_column = parseInt(data.numItemsPerColumn);
__name(MusicCarouselShelf, "MusicCarouselShelf");
MusicCarouselShelf.type = "MusicCarouselShelf";
var MusicCarouselShelf_default = MusicCarouselShelf;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicDescriptionShelf.js
var MusicDescriptionShelf = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
if (Reflect.has(data, "maxCollapsedLines")) {
this.max_collapsed_lines = data.maxCollapsedLines;
if (Reflect.has(data, "maxExpandedLines")) {
this.max_expanded_lines = data.maxExpandedLines;
this.footer = new Text2(data.footer);
__name(MusicDescriptionShelf, "MusicDescriptionShelf");
MusicDescriptionShelf.type = "MusicDescriptionShelf";
var MusicDescriptionShelf_default = MusicDescriptionShelf;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicDetailHeader.js
var MusicDetailHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle);
this.second_subtitle = new Text2(data.secondSubtitle);
this.year = ((_b = (_a4 = this.subtitle.runs) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.find((run) => /^[12][0-9]{3}$/.test(run.text))) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.text) || "";
this.song_count = ((_d = (_c = this.second_subtitle.runs) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[0]) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.text) || "";
this.total_duration = ((_f = (_e = this.second_subtitle.runs) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e[2]) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.text) || "";
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail.croppedSquareThumbnailRenderer.thumbnail);
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.subtitleBadges);
const author = (_g = this.subtitle.runs) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.find((run) => {
var _a5, _b2;
return (_b2 = (_a5 = run === null || run === void 0 ? void 0 : run.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseId.startsWith("UC");
if (author) { = {
name: author.text,
channel_id: (_j = (_h = author.endpoint) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.payload) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.browseId,
endpoint: author.endpoint
} = parser_exports.parseItem(;
__name(MusicDetailHeader, "MusicDetailHeader");
MusicDetailHeader.type = "MusicDetailHeader";
var MusicDetailHeader_default = MusicDetailHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicDownloadStateBadge.js
var MusicDownloadStateBadge = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.playlist_id = data.playlistId;
this.supported_download_states = data.supportedDownloadStates;
__name(MusicDownloadStateBadge, "MusicDownloadStateBadge");
MusicDownloadStateBadge.type = "MusicDownloadStateBadge";
var MusicDownloadStateBadge_default = MusicDownloadStateBadge;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader.js
var MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header);
__name(MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader, "MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader");
MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader.type = "MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader";
var MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader_default = MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicElementHeader.js
var MusicElementHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.element = Reflect.has(data, "elementRenderer") ? parser_exports.parseItem(data, Element_default) : null;
__name(MusicElementHeader, "MusicElementHeader");
MusicElementHeader.type = "MusicElementHeader";
var MusicElementHeader_default = MusicElementHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicHeader.js
var MusicHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "header")) {
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header);
if (Reflect.has(data, "title")) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
__name(MusicHeader, "MusicHeader");
MusicHeader.type = "MusicHeader";
var MusicHeader_default = MusicHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicImmersiveHeader.js
var MusicImmersiveHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
this.thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnail, MusicThumbnail_default);
__name(MusicImmersiveHeader, "MusicImmersiveHeader");
MusicImmersiveHeader.type = "MusicImmersiveHeader";
var MusicImmersiveHeader_default = MusicImmersiveHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicLargeCardItemCarousel.js
var ActionButton = class {
constructor(data) {
this.icon_name = data.iconName;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onTap);
this.a11y_text = data.a11yText; =;
__name(ActionButton, "ActionButton");
ActionButton.type = "ActionButton";
var Panel2 = class {
constructor(data) {
this.image = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.image.image);
this.content_mode = data.image.contentMode;
this.crop_options = data.image.cropOptions;
this.image_aspect_ratio = data.imageAspectRatio;
this.caption = data.caption;
this.action_buttons = => new ActionButton(el));
__name(Panel2, "Panel");
Panel2.type = "Panel";
var MusicLargeCardItemCarousel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header = data.shelf.header;
this.panels = => new Panel2(el));
__name(MusicLargeCardItemCarousel, "MusicLargeCardItemCarousel");
MusicLargeCardItemCarousel.type = "MusicLargeCardItemCarousel";
var MusicLargeCardItemCarousel_default = MusicLargeCardItemCarousel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicPlaylistShelf.js
var MusicPlaylistShelf = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
this.playlist_id = data.playlistId;
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents, MusicResponsiveListItem_default);
this.collapsed_item_count = data.collapsedItemCount;
this.continuation = ((_c = (_b = (_a4 = data.continuations) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.nextContinuationData) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.continuation) || null;
__name(MusicPlaylistShelf, "MusicPlaylistShelf");
MusicPlaylistShelf.type = "MusicPlaylistShelf";
var MusicPlaylistShelf_default = MusicPlaylistShelf;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistPanelVideo.js
var PlaylistPanelVideo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.selected = data.selected;
this.video_id = data.videoId;
this.duration = {
text: new Text2(data.lengthText).toString(),
seconds: timeToSeconds(new Text2(data.lengthText).toString())
const album = (_a4 = new Text2(data.longBylineText).runs) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.find((run) => {
var _a5, _b2, _c2;
return (_c2 = (_b2 = (_a5 = run.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseId) === null || _c2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _c2.startsWith("MPR");
const artists = (_b = new Text2(data.longBylineText).runs) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.filter((run) => {
var _a5, _b2, _c2;
return (_c2 = (_b2 = (_a5 = run.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseId) === null || _c2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _c2.startsWith("UC");
}); = new Text2(data.shortBylineText).toString();
if (album) {
this.album = {
id: (_d = (_c = album.endpoint) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.payload) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.browseId,
name: album.text,
year: (_e = new Text2(data.longBylineText).runs) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.slice(-1)[0].text,
endpoint: album.endpoint
if (artists) {
this.artists = => {
var _a5, _b2;
return {
name: artist.text,
channel_id: (_b2 = (_a5 = artist.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.payload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.browseId,
endpoint: artist.endpoint
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.badges); = parser_exports.parseItem(;
this.set_video_id = data.playlistSetVideoId;
__name(PlaylistPanelVideo, "PlaylistPanelVideo");
PlaylistPanelVideo.type = "PlaylistPanelVideo";
var PlaylistPanelVideo_default = PlaylistPanelVideo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistPanelVideoWrapper.js
var PlaylistPanelVideoWrapper = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.primary = parser_exports.parseItem(data.primaryRenderer, PlaylistPanelVideo_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "counterpart")) {
this.counterpart = observe( => parser_exports.parseItem(item.counterpartRenderer, PlaylistPanelVideo_default)) || []);
__name(PlaylistPanelVideoWrapper, "PlaylistPanelVideoWrapper");
PlaylistPanelVideoWrapper.type = "PlaylistPanelVideoWrapper";
var PlaylistPanelVideoWrapper_default = PlaylistPanelVideoWrapper;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistPanel.js
var PlaylistPanel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
this.title = data.title;
this.title_text = new Text2(data.titleText);
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents, [PlaylistPanelVideoWrapper_default, PlaylistPanelVideo_default, AutomixPreviewVideo_default]);
this.playlist_id = data.playlistId;
this.is_infinite = data.isInfinite;
this.continuation = ((_c = (_b = (_a4 = data.continuations) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.nextRadioContinuationData) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.continuation) || ((_f = (_e = (_d = data.continuations) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d[0]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.nextContinuationData) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.continuation);
this.is_editable = data.isEditable;
this.preview_description = data.previewDescription;
this.num_items_to_show = data.numItemsToShow;
__name(PlaylistPanel, "PlaylistPanel");
PlaylistPanel.type = "PlaylistPanel";
var PlaylistPanel_default = PlaylistPanel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicQueue.js
var MusicQueue = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content, PlaylistPanel_default);
__name(MusicQueue, "MusicQueue");
MusicQueue.type = "MusicQueue";
var MusicQueue_default = MusicQueue;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicResponsiveHeader.js
var MusicResponsiveHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnail, MusicThumbnail_default);
this.buttons = parser_exports.parseArray(data.buttons, [ToggleButton_default, MusicPlayButton_default, Menu_default]);
this.title = new Text(data.title);
this.subtitle = new Text(data.subtitle);
this.strapline_text_one = new Text(data.straplineTextOne);
this.strapline_thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.straplineThumbnail, MusicThumbnail_default);
this.second_subtitle = new Text(data.secondSubtitle);
if (Reflect.has(data, "subtitleBadge")) {
this.subtitle_badge = parser_exports.parseArray(data.subtitleBadge, MusicInlineBadge_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "description")) {
this.description = parser_exports.parseItem(data.description, MusicDescriptionShelf_default);
__name(MusicResponsiveHeader, "MusicResponsiveHeader");
MusicResponsiveHeader.type = "MusicResponsiveHeader";
var MusicResponsiveHeader_default = MusicResponsiveHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicShelf.js
var MusicShelf = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents, MusicResponsiveListItem_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "bottomEndpoint")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.bottomEndpoint);
if (Reflect.has(data, "continuations")) {
this.continuation = ((_b = (_a4 = data.continuations) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0].nextContinuationData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.continuation) || ((_d = (_c = data.continuations) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[0].reloadContinuationData) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.continuation);
if (Reflect.has(data, "bottomText")) {
this.bottom_text = new Text2(data.bottomText);
if (Reflect.has(data, "bottomButton")) {
this.bottom_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.bottomButton, Button_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "subheaders")) {
this.subheaders = parser_exports.parseArray(data.subheaders);
__name(MusicShelf, "MusicShelf");
MusicShelf.type = "MusicShelf";
var MusicShelf_default = MusicShelf;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicSideAlignedItem.js
var MusicSideAlignedItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "startItems")) {
this.start_items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.startItems);
if (Reflect.has(data, "endItems")) {
this.end_items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.endItems);
__name(MusicSideAlignedItem, "MusicSideAlignedItem");
MusicSideAlignedItem.type = "MusicSideAlignedItem";
var MusicSideAlignedItem_default = MusicSideAlignedItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicSortFilterButton.js
var MusicSortFilterButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title).toString();
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
} = parser_exports.parseItem(, MusicMultiSelectMenu_default);
__name(MusicSortFilterButton, "MusicSortFilterButton");
MusicSortFilterButton.type = "MusicSortFilterButton";
var MusicSortFilterButton_default = MusicSortFilterButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicTastebuilderShelfThumbnail.js
var MusicTastebuilderShelfThumbnail = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
__name(MusicTastebuilderShelfThumbnail, "MusicTastebuilderShelfThumbnail");
MusicTastebuilderShelfThumbnail.type = "MusicTastebuilderShelfThumbnail";
var MusicTastebuilderShelfThumbnail_default = MusicTastebuilderShelfThumbnail;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicTastebuilderShelf.js
var MusicTasteBuilderShelf = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnail, MusicTastebuilderShelfThumbnail_default);
this.primary_text = new Text2(data.primaryText);
this.secondary_text = new Text2(data.secondaryText);
this.action_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.actionButton, Button_default);
this.is_visible = data.isVisible;
__name(MusicTasteBuilderShelf, "MusicTasteBuilderShelf");
MusicTasteBuilderShelf.type = "MusicTasteBuilderShelf";
var MusicTastebuilderShelf_default = MusicTasteBuilderShelf;
// dist/src/parser/classes/MusicVisualHeader.js
var MusicVisualHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.thumbnail = data.thumbnail ? Thumbnail.fromResponse((_a4 = data.thumbnail.musicThumbnailRenderer) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.thumbnail) : []; = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
this.foreground_thumbnail = data.foregroundThumbnail ? Thumbnail.fromResponse((_b = data.foregroundThumbnail.musicThumbnailRenderer) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.thumbnail) : [];
__name(MusicVisualHeader, "MusicVisualHeader");
MusicVisualHeader.type = "MusicVisualHeader";
var MusicVisualHeader_default = MusicVisualHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Notification.js
var Notification = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.video_thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.videoThumbnail);
this.short_message = new Text2(data.shortMessage);
this.sent_time = new Text2(data.sentTimeText);
this.notification_id = data.notificationId;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.record_click_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.recordClickEndpoint); = parser_exports.parseItem(data.contextualMenu); =;
__name(Notification, "Notification");
Notification.type = "Notification";
var Notification_default = Notification;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PageHeaderView.js
var PageHeaderView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = parser_exports.parseItem(data.title, DynamicTextView_default);
this.image = parser_exports.parseItem(data.image, [ContentPreviewImageView_default, DecoratedAvatarView_default]);
this.metadata = parser_exports.parseItem(data.metadata, ContentMetadataView_default);
this.actions = parser_exports.parseItem(data.actions, FlexibleActionsView_default);
this.description = parser_exports.parseItem(data.description, DescriptionPreviewView_default);
this.attributation = parser_exports.parseItem(data.attributation, AttributionView_default);
this.banner = parser_exports.parseItem(data.banner, ImageBannerView_default);
__name(PageHeaderView, "PageHeaderView");
PageHeaderView.type = "PageHeaderView";
var PageHeaderView_default = PageHeaderView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PageHeader.js
var PageHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.page_title = data.pageTitle;
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content, PageHeaderView_default);
__name(PageHeader, "PageHeader");
PageHeader.type = "PageHeader";
var PageHeader_default = PageHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PageIntroduction.js
var PageIntroduction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header_text = new Text2(data.headerText).toString();
this.body_text = new Text2(data.bodyText).toString();
this.page_title = new Text2(data.pageTitle).toString();
this.header_icon_type = data.headerIcon.iconType;
__name(PageIntroduction, "PageIntroduction");
PageIntroduction.type = "PageIntroduction";
var PageIntroduction_default = PageIntroduction;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PivotButton.js
var PivotButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onClickCommand);
this.content_description = new Text2(data.contentDescription);
this.target_id = data.targetId;
this.sound_attribution_title = new Text2(data.soundAttributionTitle);
this.waveform_animation_style = data.waveformAnimationStyle;
this.background_animation_style = data.backgroundAnimationStyle;
__name(PivotButton, "PivotButton");
PivotButton.type = "PivotButton";
var PivotButton_default = PivotButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerAnnotationsExpanded.js
var PlayerAnnotationsExpanded = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "featuredChannel")) {
this.featured_channel = {
start_time_ms: data.featuredChannel.startTimeMs,
end_time_ms: data.featuredChannel.endTimeMs,
watermark: Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.featuredChannel.watermark),
channel_name: data.featuredChannel.channelName,
endpoint: new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.featuredChannel.navigationEndpoint),
subscribe_button: parser_exports.parseItem(data.featuredChannel.subscribeButton)
this.allow_swipe_dismiss = data.allowSwipeDismiss;
this.annotation_id = data.annotationId;
__name(PlayerAnnotationsExpanded, "PlayerAnnotationsExpanded");
PlayerAnnotationsExpanded.type = "PlayerAnnotationsExpanded";
var PlayerAnnotationsExpanded_default = PlayerAnnotationsExpanded;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerCaptionsTracklist.js
var PlayerCaptionsTracklist = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "captionTracks")) {
this.caption_tracks = => ({
base_url: ct.baseUrl,
name: new Text2(,
vss_id: ct.vssId,
language_code: ct.languageCode,
kind: ct.kind,
is_translatable: ct.isTranslatable
if (Reflect.has(data, "audioTracks")) {
this.audio_tracks = => ({
audio_track_id: at.audioTrackId,
captions_initial_state: at.captionsInitialState,
default_caption_track_index: at.defaultCaptionTrackIndex,
has_default_track: at.hasDefaultTrack,
visibility: at.visibility,
caption_track_indices: at.captionTrackIndices
if (Reflect.has(data, "defaultAudioTrackIndex")) {
this.default_audio_track_index = data.defaultAudioTrackIndex;
if (Reflect.has(data, "translationLanguages")) {
this.translation_languages = => ({
language_code: tl.languageCode,
language_name: new Text2(tl.languageName)
__name(PlayerCaptionsTracklist, "PlayerCaptionsTracklist");
PlayerCaptionsTracklist.type = "PlayerCaptionsTracklist";
var PlayerCaptionsTracklist_default = PlayerCaptionsTracklist;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerOverflow.js
var PlayerOverflow = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
this.enable_listen_first = data.enableListenFirst;
__name(PlayerOverflow, "PlayerOverflow");
PlayerOverflow.type = "PlayerOverflow";
var PlayerOverflow_default = PlayerOverflow;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerControlsOverlay.js
var PlayerControlsOverlay = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.overflow = parser_exports.parseItem(data.overflow, PlayerOverflow_default);
__name(PlayerControlsOverlay, "PlayerControlsOverlay");
PlayerControlsOverlay.type = "PlayerControlsOverlay";
var PlayerControlsOverlay_default = PlayerControlsOverlay;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerErrorMessage.js
var PlayerErrorMessage = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.subreason = new Text2(data.subreason);
this.reason = new Text2(data.reason);
this.proceed_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.proceedButton, Button_default);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
__name(PlayerErrorMessage, "PlayerErrorMessage");
PlayerErrorMessage.type = "PlayerErrorMessage";
var PlayerErrorMessage_default = PlayerErrorMessage;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcOffer.js
var PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcOffer = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.itemTitle;
this.thumbnail = data.itemThumbnail;
this.offer_description = data.offerDescription;
this.offer_id = data.offerId;
__name(PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcOffer, "PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcOffer");
PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcOffer.type = "PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcOffer";
var PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcOffer_default = PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcOffer;
// dist/src/parser/classes/YpcTrailer.js
var YpcTrailer = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.video_message = data.fullVideoMessage;
this.player_response = data.unserializedPlayerResponse;
__name(YpcTrailer, "YpcTrailer");
YpcTrailer.type = "YpcTrailer";
var YpcTrailer_default = YpcTrailer;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailer.js
var PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailer = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.video_id = data.trailerVideoId;
this.title = data.itemTitle;
this.thumbnail = data.itemThumbnail;
this.offer_headline = data.offerHeadline;
this.offer_description = data.offerDescription;
this.offer_id = data.offerId;
this.offer_button_text = data.offerButtonText;
this.video_message = data.fullVideoMessage;
this.trailer = parser_exports.parseItem(data.ypcTrailer, YpcTrailer_default);
__name(PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailer, "PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailer");
PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailer.type = "PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailer";
var PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailer_default = PlayerLegacyDesktopYpcTrailer;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerLiveStoryboardSpec.js
var PlayerLiveStoryboardSpec = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
const [template_url, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, columns, rows] = data.spec.split("#");
this.board = {
type: "live",
thumbnail_width: parseInt(thumbnail_width, 10),
thumbnail_height: parseInt(thumbnail_height, 10),
columns: parseInt(columns, 10),
rows: parseInt(rows, 10)
__name(PlayerLiveStoryboardSpec, "PlayerLiveStoryboardSpec");
PlayerLiveStoryboardSpec.type = "PlayerLiveStoryboardSpec";
var PlayerLiveStoryboardSpec_default = PlayerLiveStoryboardSpec;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerMicroformat.js
var PlayerMicroformat = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
if (Reflect.has(data, "embed")) {
this.embed = {
iframe_url: data.embed.iframeUrl,
flash_url: data.embed.flashUrl,
flash_secure_url: data.embed.flashSecureUrl,
width: data.embed.width,
height: data.embed.height
this.length_seconds = parseInt(data.lengthSeconds); = {
id: data.externalChannelId,
name: data.ownerChannelName,
url: data.ownerProfileUrl
this.is_family_safe = !!data.isFamilySafe;
this.is_unlisted = !!data.isUnlisted;
this.has_ypc_metadata = !!data.hasYpcMetadata;
this.view_count = parseInt(data.viewCount);
this.category = data.category;
this.publish_date = data.publishDate;
this.upload_date = data.uploadDate;
this.available_countries = data.availableCountries;
this.start_timestamp = ((_a4 = data.liveBroadcastDetails) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.startTimestamp) ? new Date(data.liveBroadcastDetails.startTimestamp) : null;
this.end_timestamp = ((_b = data.liveBroadcastDetails) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.endTimestamp) ? new Date(data.liveBroadcastDetails.endTimestamp) : null;
__name(PlayerMicroformat, "PlayerMicroformat");
PlayerMicroformat.type = "PlayerMicroformat";
var PlayerMicroformat_default = PlayerMicroformat;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerOverlayAutoplay.js
var PlayerOverlayAutoplay = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.video_id = data.videoId;
this.video_title = new Text2(data.videoTitle);
this.short_view_count = new Text2(data.shortViewCountText);
this.prefer_immediate_redirect = data.preferImmediateRedirect;
this.count_down_secs_for_fullscreen = data.countDownSecsForFullscreen;
this.published = new Text2(data.publishedTimeText);
this.background = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.background);
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays); = new Author(data.byline);
this.cancel_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.cancelButton, Button_default);
this.next_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.nextButton, Button_default);
this.close_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.closeButton, Button_default);
__name(PlayerOverlayAutoplay, "PlayerOverlayAutoplay");
PlayerOverlayAutoplay.type = "PlayerOverlayAutoplay";
var PlayerOverlayAutoplay_default = PlayerOverlayAutoplay;
// dist/src/parser/classes/WatchNextEndScreen.js
var WatchNextEndScreen = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.results = parser_exports.parseArray(data.results, [EndScreenVideo_default, EndScreenPlaylist_default]);
this.title = new Text2(data.title).toString();
__name(WatchNextEndScreen, "WatchNextEndScreen");
WatchNextEndScreen.type = "WatchNextEndScreen";
var WatchNextEndScreen_default = WatchNextEndScreen;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlayerOverlay.js
var PlayerOverlay = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.end_screen = parser_exports.parseItem(data.endScreen, WatchNextEndScreen_default);
this.autoplay = parser_exports.parseItem(data.autoplay, PlayerOverlayAutoplay_default);
this.share_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.shareButton, Button_default);
this.add_to_menu = parser_exports.parseItem(data.addToMenu, Menu_default);
this.fullscreen_engagement = parser_exports.parseItem(data.fullscreenEngagement);
this.actions = parser_exports.parseArray(data.actions);
this.browser_media_session = parser_exports.parseItem(data.browserMediaSession);
this.decorated_player_bar = parser_exports.parseItem(data.decoratedPlayerBarRenderer, DecoratedPlayerBar_default);
__name(PlayerOverlay, "PlayerOverlay");
PlayerOverlay.type = "PlayerOverlay";
var PlayerOverlay_default = PlayerOverlay;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistHeader.js
var PlaylistHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.playlistId;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.subtitle = data.subtitle ? new Text2(data.subtitle) : null;
this.stats = => new Text2(stat));
this.brief_stats = => new Text2(stat)); = data.ownerText || data.ownerEndpoint ? new Author(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, data.ownerText), { navigationEndpoint: data.ownerEndpoint }), data.ownerBadges, null) : null;
this.description = new Text2(data.descriptionText);
this.num_videos = new Text2(data.numVideosText);
this.view_count = new Text2(data.viewCountText);
this.can_share = data.shareData.canShare;
this.can_delete = data.editableDetails.canDelete;
this.is_editable = data.isEditable;
this.privacy = data.privacy;
this.save_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.saveButton);
this.shuffle_play_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.shufflePlayButton); = parser_exports.parseItem(data.moreActionsMenu);
this.banner = parser_exports.parseItem(data.playlistHeaderBanner);
__name(PlaylistHeader, "PlaylistHeader");
PlaylistHeader.type = "PlaylistHeader";
var PlaylistHeader_default = PlaylistHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistInfoCardContent.js
var PlaylistInfoCardContent = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.playlistTitle);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.video_count = new Text2(data.playlistVideoCount);
this.channel_name = new Text2(data.channelName);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.action);
__name(PlaylistInfoCardContent, "PlaylistInfoCardContent");
PlaylistInfoCardContent.type = "PlaylistInfoCardContent";
var PlaylistInfoCardContent_default = PlaylistInfoCardContent;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistMetadata.js
var PlaylistMetadata = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.title;
this.description = data.description || null;
__name(PlaylistMetadata, "PlaylistMetadata");
PlaylistMetadata.type = "PlaylistMetadata";
var PlaylistMetadata_default = PlaylistMetadata;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistSidebar.js
var PlaylistSidebar = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(PlaylistSidebar, "PlaylistSidebar");
PlaylistSidebar.type = "PlaylistSidebar";
var PlaylistSidebar_default = PlaylistSidebar;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistSidebarPrimaryInfo.js
var PlaylistSidebarPrimaryInfo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.stats = => new Text2(stat));
this.thumbnail_renderer = parser_exports.parseItem(data.thumbnailRenderer);
this.title = new Text2(data.title); = parser_exports.parseItem(;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
__name(PlaylistSidebarPrimaryInfo, "PlaylistSidebarPrimaryInfo");
PlaylistSidebarPrimaryInfo.type = "PlaylistSidebarPrimaryInfo";
var PlaylistSidebarPrimaryInfo_default = PlaylistSidebarPrimaryInfo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistSidebarSecondaryInfo.js
var PlaylistSidebarSecondaryInfo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.owner = parser_exports.parseItem(data.videoOwner);
this.button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.button);
__name(PlaylistSidebarSecondaryInfo, "PlaylistSidebarSecondaryInfo");
PlaylistSidebarSecondaryInfo.type = "PlaylistSidebarSecondaryInfo";
var PlaylistSidebarSecondaryInfo_default = PlaylistSidebarSecondaryInfo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistVideo.js
var PlaylistVideo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.videoId;
this.index = new Text2(data.index);
this.title = new Text2(data.title); = new Author(data.shortBylineText);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.thumbnail_overlays = parser_exports.parseArray(data.thumbnailOverlays);
this.set_video_id = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.setVideoId;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.is_playable = data.isPlayable; = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
this.video_info = new Text2(data.videoInfo);
this.accessibility_label = data.title.accessibility.accessibilityData.label;
if (Reflect.has(data, "style")) { =;
const upcoming = data.upcomingEventData && Number(`${data.upcomingEventData.startTime}000`);
if (upcoming) {
this.upcoming = new Date(upcoming);
this.duration = {
text: new Text2(data.lengthText).toString(),
seconds: parseInt(data.lengthSeconds)
get is_live() {
var _a4;
return ((_a4 = this.thumbnail_overlays.firstOfType(ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus_default)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : === "LIVE";
get is_upcoming() {
var _a4;
return ((_a4 = this.thumbnail_overlays.firstOfType(ThumbnailOverlayTimeStatus_default)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : === "UPCOMING";
__name(PlaylistVideo, "PlaylistVideo");
PlaylistVideo.type = "PlaylistVideo";
var PlaylistVideo_default = PlaylistVideo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PlaylistVideoList.js
var PlaylistVideoList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.playlistId;
this.is_editable = data.isEditable;
this.can_reorder = data.canReorder;
this.videos = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
__name(PlaylistVideoList, "PlaylistVideoList");
PlaylistVideoList.type = "PlaylistVideoList";
var PlaylistVideoList_default = PlaylistVideoList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Poll.js
var Poll = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.choices = => ({
text: new Text2(choice.text),
select_endpoint: choice.selectServiceEndpoint ? new NavigationEndpoint_default(choice.selectServiceEndpoint) : null,
deselect_endpoint: choice.deselectServiceEndpoint ? new NavigationEndpoint_default(choice.deselectServiceEndpoint) : null,
vote_ratio_if_selected: (choice === null || choice === void 0 ? void 0 : choice.voteRatioIfSelected) || null,
vote_percentage_if_selected: new Text2(choice.votePercentageIfSelected),
vote_ratio_if_not_selected: (choice === null || choice === void 0 ? void 0 : choice.voteRatioIfSelected) || null,
vote_percentage_if_not_selected: new Text2(choice.votePercentageIfSelected),
image: choice.image ? Thumbnail.fromResponse(choice.image) : null
if (Reflect.has(data, "type"))
this.poll_type = data.type;
if (Reflect.has(data, "totalVotes"))
this.total_votes = new Text2(data.totalVotes);
if (Reflect.has(data, "liveChatPollId"))
this.live_chat_poll_id = data.liveChatPollId;
__name(Poll, "Poll");
Poll.type = "Poll";
var Poll_default = Poll;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Post.js
var Post = class extends BackstagePost_default {
constructor(data) {
__name(Post, "Post");
Post.type = "Post";
var Post_default = Post;
// dist/src/parser/classes/PostMultiImage.js
var PostMultiImage = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.images = parser_exports.parseArray(data.images, BackstageImage_default);
__name(PostMultiImage, "PostMultiImage");
PostMultiImage.type = "PostMultiImage";
var PostMultiImage_default = PostMultiImage;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ProductListHeader.js
var ProductListHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.suppress_padding_disclaimer = !!data.suppressPaddingDisclaimer;
__name(ProductListHeader, "ProductListHeader");
ProductListHeader.type = "ProductListHeader";
var ProductListHeader_default = ProductListHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ProductListItem.js
var ProductListItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.accessibility_title = data.accessibilityTitle;
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.price = data.price;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.onClickCommand);
this.merchant_name = data.merchantName;
this.stay_in_app = !!data.stayInApp;
this.view_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.viewButton, Button_default);
__name(ProductListItem, "ProductListItem");
ProductListItem.type = "ProductListItem";
var ProductListItem_default = ProductListItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ProfileColumn.js
var ProfileColumn = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(ProfileColumn, "ProfileColumn");
ProfileColumn.type = "ProfileColumn";
var ProfileColumn_default = ProfileColumn;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ProfileColumnStats.js
var ProfileColumnStats = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(ProfileColumnStats, "ProfileColumnStats");
ProfileColumnStats.type = "ProfileColumnStats";
var ProfileColumnStats_default = ProfileColumnStats;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ProfileColumnStatsEntry.js
var ProfileColumnStatsEntry = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.label = new Text2(data.label);
this.value = new Text2(data.value);
__name(ProfileColumnStatsEntry, "ProfileColumnStatsEntry");
ProfileColumnStatsEntry.type = "ProfileColumnStatsEntry";
var ProfileColumnStatsEntry_default = ProfileColumnStatsEntry;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ProfileColumnUserInfo.js
var ProfileColumnUserInfo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
__name(ProfileColumnUserInfo, "ProfileColumnUserInfo");
ProfileColumnUserInfo.type = "ProfileColumnUserInfo";
var ProfileColumnUserInfo_default = ProfileColumnUserInfo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Quiz.js
var Quiz = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.choices = => ({
text: new Text2(choice.text),
is_correct: choice.isCorrect
this.total_votes = new Text2(data.totalVotes);
__name(Quiz, "Quiz");
Quiz.type = "Quiz";
var Quiz_default = Quiz;
// dist/src/parser/classes/RecognitionShelf.js
var RecognitionShelf = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle);
this.avatars = => new Thumbnail(avatar));
this.button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.button, Button_default);
this.surface = data.surface;
__name(RecognitionShelf, "RecognitionShelf");
RecognitionShelf.type = "RecognitionShelf";
var RecognitionShelf_default = RecognitionShelf;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ReelItem.js
var ReelItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = data.videoId;
this.title = new Text2(data.headline);
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.views = new Text2(data.viewCountText);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.accessibility_label = data.accessibility.accessibilityData.label;
__name(ReelItem, "ReelItem");
ReelItem.type = "ReelItem";
var ReelItem_default = ReelItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ReelPlayerHeader.js
var ReelPlayerHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.reel_title_text = new Text2(data.reelTitleText);
this.timestamp_text = new Text2(data.timestampText);
this.channel_title_text = new Text2(data.channelTitleText);
this.channel_thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.channelThumbnail); = new Author(data.channelNavigationEndpoint, void 0);
__name(ReelPlayerHeader, "ReelPlayerHeader");
ReelPlayerHeader.type = "ReelPlayerHeader";
var ReelPlayerHeader_default = ReelPlayerHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ReelPlayerOverlay.js
var ReelPlayerOverlay = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.like_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.likeButton, LikeButton_default);
this.reel_player_header_supported_renderers = parser_exports.parseItem(data.reelPlayerHeaderSupportedRenderers, ReelPlayerHeader_default); = parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default);
this.next_item_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.nextItemButton, Button_default);
this.prev_item_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.prevItemButton, Button_default);
this.subscribe_button_renderer = parser_exports.parseItem(data.subscribeButtonRenderer, Button_default); =;
this.view_comments_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.viewCommentsButton, Button_default);
this.share_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.shareButton, Button_default);
this.pivot_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.pivotButton, PivotButton_default);
this.info_panel = parser_exports.parseItem(data.infoPanel, InfoPanelContainer_default);
__name(ReelPlayerOverlay, "ReelPlayerOverlay");
ReelPlayerOverlay.type = "ReelPlayerOverlay";
var ReelPlayerOverlay_default = ReelPlayerOverlay;
// dist/src/parser/classes/RelatedChipCloud.js
var RelatedChipCloud = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content);
__name(RelatedChipCloud, "RelatedChipCloud");
RelatedChipCloud.type = "RelatedChipCloud";
var RelatedChipCloud_default = RelatedChipCloud;
// dist/src/parser/classes/RichGrid.js
var RichGrid = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header);
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
__name(RichGrid, "RichGrid");
RichGrid.type = "RichGrid";
var RichGrid_default = RichGrid;
// dist/src/parser/classes/RichItem.js
var RichItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content);
__name(RichItem, "RichItem");
RichItem.type = "RichItem";
var RichItem_default = RichItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/RichListHeader.js
var RichListHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle);
if (Reflect.has(data, "titleStyle")) {
this.title_style =;
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
__name(RichListHeader, "RichListHeader");
RichListHeader.type = "RichListHeader";
var RichListHeader_default = RichListHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/RichMetadata.js
var RichMetadata = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle);
this.call_to_action = new Text2(data.callToAction);
if (Reflect.has(data, "callToActionIcon")) {
this.icon_type = data.callToActionIcon.iconType;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
__name(RichMetadata, "RichMetadata");
RichMetadata.type = "RichMetadata";
var RichMetadata_default = RichMetadata;
// dist/src/parser/classes/RichMetadataRow.js
var RichMetadataRow = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
__name(RichMetadataRow, "RichMetadataRow");
RichMetadataRow.type = "RichMetadataRow";
var RichMetadataRow_default = RichMetadataRow;
// dist/src/parser/classes/RichSection.js
var RichSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content);
__name(RichSection, "RichSection");
RichSection.type = "RichSection";
var RichSection_default = RichSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/RichShelf.js
var RichShelf = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
if (Reflect.has(data, "endpoint")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
__name(RichShelf, "RichShelf");
RichShelf.type = "RichShelf";
var RichShelf_default = RichShelf;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SearchBox.js
var SearchBox = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
this.search_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.searchButton, Button_default);
this.clear_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.clearButton, Button_default);
this.placeholder_text = new Text2(data.placeholderText);
__name(SearchBox, "SearchBox");
SearchBox.type = "SearchBox";
var SearchBox_default = SearchBox;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SearchFilter.js
var SearchFilter = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.label = new Text2(data.label);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint || data.navigationEndpoint);
this.tooltip = data.tooltip;
if (Reflect.has(data, "status")) {
this.status = data.status;
get disabled() {
return this.status === "FILTER_STATUS_DISABLED";
get selected() {
return this.status === "FILTER_STATUS_SELECTED";
__name(SearchFilter, "SearchFilter");
SearchFilter.type = "SearchFilter";
var SearchFilter_default = SearchFilter;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SearchFilterGroup.js
var SearchFilterGroup = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.filters = parser_exports.parseArray(data.filters, SearchFilter_default);
__name(SearchFilterGroup, "SearchFilterGroup");
SearchFilterGroup.type = "SearchFilterGroup";
var SearchFilterGroup_default = SearchFilterGroup;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SearchFilterOptionsDialog.js
var SearchFilterOptionsDialog = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.groups = parser_exports.parseArray(data.groups, SearchFilterGroup_default);
__name(SearchFilterOptionsDialog, "SearchFilterOptionsDialog");
SearchFilterOptionsDialog.type = "SearchFilterOptionsDialog";
var SearchFilterOptionsDialog_default = SearchFilterOptionsDialog;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SearchHeader.js
var SearchHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.chip_bar = parser_exports.parseItem(data.chipBar, ChipCloud_default);
this.search_filter_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.searchFilterButton, Button_default);
__name(SearchHeader, "SearchHeader");
SearchHeader.type = "SearchHeader";
var SearchHeader_default = SearchHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SearchSubMenu.js
var SearchSubMenu = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "title"))
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
if (Reflect.has(data, "groups"))
this.groups = parser_exports.parseArray(data.groups, SearchFilterGroup_default);
if (Reflect.has(data, "button"))
this.button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.button, ToggleButton_default);
__name(SearchSubMenu, "SearchSubMenu");
SearchSubMenu.type = "SearchSubMenu";
var SearchSubMenu_default = SearchSubMenu;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SearchSuggestionsSection.js
var SearchSuggestionsSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
__name(SearchSuggestionsSection, "SearchSuggestionsSection");
SearchSuggestionsSection.type = "SearchSuggestionsSection";
var SearchSuggestionsSection_default = SearchSuggestionsSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SecondarySearchContainer.js
var SecondarySearchContainer = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parseArray(data.contents);
__name(SecondarySearchContainer, "SecondarySearchContainer");
SecondarySearchContainer.type = "SecondarySearchContainer";
var SecondarySearchContainer_default = SecondarySearchContainer;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SegmentedLikeDislikeButton.js
var SegmentedLikeDislikeButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.like_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.likeButton, [ToggleButton_default, Button_default]);
this.dislike_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.dislikeButton, [ToggleButton_default, Button_default]);
__name(SegmentedLikeDislikeButton, "SegmentedLikeDislikeButton");
SegmentedLikeDislikeButton.type = "SegmentedLikeDislikeButton";
var SegmentedLikeDislikeButton_default = SegmentedLikeDislikeButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView.js
var SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.like_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.likeButtonViewModel, LikeButtonView_default);
this.dislike_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.dislikeButtonViewModel, DislikeButtonView_default);
this.icon_type = data.iconType;
if (this.like_button && this.like_button.toggle_button) {
const toggle_button = this.like_button.toggle_button;
if (toggle_button.default_button) {
this.short_like_count = toggle_button.default_button.title;
this.like_count = parseInt(toggle_button.default_button.accessibility_text.replace(/\D/g, ""));
} else if (toggle_button.toggled_button) {
this.short_like_count = toggle_button.toggled_button.title;
this.like_count = parseInt(toggle_button.toggled_button.accessibility_text.replace(/\D/g, ""));
this.like_count_entity = {
key: data.likeCountEntity.key
this.dynamic_like_count_update_data = {
update_status_key: data.dynamicLikeCountUpdateData.updateStatusKey,
placeholder_like_count_values_key: data.dynamicLikeCountUpdateData.placeholderLikeCountValuesKey,
update_delay_loop_id: data.dynamicLikeCountUpdateData.updateDelayLoopId,
update_delay_sec: data.dynamicLikeCountUpdateData.updateDelaySec
__name(SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView, "SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView");
SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView.type = "SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView";
var SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView_default = SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SettingBoolean.js
var SettingBoolean = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "title")) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
if (Reflect.has(data, "summary")) {
this.summary = new Text2(data.summary);
if (Reflect.has(data, "enableServiceEndpoint")) {
this.enable_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.enableServiceEndpoint);
if (Reflect.has(data, "disableServiceEndpoint")) {
this.disable_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.disableServiceEndpoint);
this.item_id = data.itemId;
__name(SettingBoolean, "SettingBoolean");
SettingBoolean.type = "SettingBoolean";
var SettingBoolean_default = SettingBoolean;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SettingsCheckbox.js
var SettingsCheckbox = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.help_text = new Text2(data.helpText);
this.enabled = data.enabled;
this.disabled = data.disabled; =;
__name(SettingsCheckbox, "SettingsCheckbox");
SettingsCheckbox.type = "SettingsCheckbox";
var SettingsCheckbox_default = SettingsCheckbox;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SettingsSwitch.js
var SettingsSwitch = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle);
this.enabled = data.enabled;
this.enable_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.enableServiceEndpoint);
this.disable_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.disableServiceEndpoint);
__name(SettingsSwitch, "SettingsSwitch");
SettingsSwitch.type = "SettingsSwitch";
var SettingsSwitch_default = SettingsSwitch;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SettingsOptions.js
var SettingsOptions = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
if (Reflect.has(data, "text")) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text).toString();
if (Reflect.has(data, "options")) {
this.options = parser_exports.parseArray(data.options, [
__name(SettingsOptions, "SettingsOptions");
SettingsOptions.type = "SettingsOptions";
var SettingsOptions_default = SettingsOptions;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SettingsSidebar.js
var SettingsSidebar = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items, CompactLink_default);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(SettingsSidebar, "SettingsSidebar");
SettingsSidebar.type = "SettingsSidebar";
var SettingsSidebar_default = SettingsSidebar;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SharedPost.js
var SharedPost = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.content = new Text2(data.content);
this.published = new Text2(data.publishedTimeText); = parseItem(data.actionMenu, Menu_default);
this.original_post = parseItem(data.originalPost, BackstagePost_default); = data.postId;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.expand_button = parseItem(data.expandButton, Button_default); = new Author(data.displayName, void 0);
__name(SharedPost, "SharedPost");
SharedPost.type = "SharedPost";
var SharedPost_default = SharedPost;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Shelf.js
var Shelf = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
if (Reflect.has(data, "endpoint")) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content);
if (Reflect.has(data, "icon")) {
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
if (Reflect.has(data, "menu")) { = parser_exports.parseItem(;
if (Reflect.has(data, "playAllButton")) {
this.play_all_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.playAllButton, Button_default);
__name(Shelf, "Shelf");
Shelf.type = "Shelf";
var Shelf_default = Shelf;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ShowingResultsFor.js
var ShowingResultsFor = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.corrected_query = new Text2(data.correctedQuery);
this.original_query = new Text2(data.originalQuery);
this.corrected_query_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.correctedQueryEndpoint);
this.original_query_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.originalQueryEndpoint);
this.search_instead_for = new Text2(data.searchInsteadFor);
this.showing_results_for = new Text2(data.showingResultsFor);
__name(ShowingResultsFor, "ShowingResultsFor");
ShowingResultsFor.type = "ShowingResultsFor";
var ShowingResultsFor_default = ShowingResultsFor;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SimpleCardContent.js
var SimpleCardContent = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.image = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.image);
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.display_domain = new Text2(data.displayDomain);
this.show_link_icon = data.showLinkIcon;
this.call_to_action = new Text2(data.callToAction);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.command);
__name(SimpleCardContent, "SimpleCardContent");
SimpleCardContent.type = "SimpleCardContent";
var SimpleCardContent_default = SimpleCardContent;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SimpleCardTeaser.js
var SimpleCardTeaser = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.message = new Text2(data.message);
this.prominent = data.prominent;
__name(SimpleCardTeaser, "SimpleCardTeaser");
SimpleCardTeaser.type = "SimpleCardTeaser";
var SimpleCardTeaser_default = SimpleCardTeaser;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SimpleTextSection.js
var SimpleTextSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.lines = => new Text2(line)); = data.layoutStyle;
__name(SimpleTextSection, "SimpleTextSection");
SimpleTextSection.type = "SimpleTextSection";
var SimpleTextSection_default = SimpleTextSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SingleActionEmergencySupport.js
var SingleActionEmergencySupport = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.action_text = new Text2(data.actionText);
this.nav_text = new Text2(data.navigationText);
this.details = new Text2(data.detailsText);
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
__name(SingleActionEmergencySupport, "SingleActionEmergencySupport");
SingleActionEmergencySupport.type = "SingleActionEmergencySupport";
var SingleActionEmergencySupport_default = SingleActionEmergencySupport;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Tab.js
var Tab = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = data.title || "N/A";
this.selected = !!data.selected;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content, [SectionList_default, MusicQueue_default, RichGrid_default]);
__name(Tab, "Tab");
Tab.type = "Tab";
var Tab_default = Tab;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SingleColumnBrowseResults.js
var SingleColumnBrowseResults = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.tabs = parser_exports.parseArray(data.tabs, Tab_default);
__name(SingleColumnBrowseResults, "SingleColumnBrowseResults");
SingleColumnBrowseResults.type = "SingleColumnBrowseResults";
var SingleColumnBrowseResults_default = SingleColumnBrowseResults;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SingleColumnMusicWatchNextResults.js
var SingleColumnMusicWatchNextResults = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parse(data);
__name(SingleColumnMusicWatchNextResults, "SingleColumnMusicWatchNextResults");
SingleColumnMusicWatchNextResults.type = "SingleColumnMusicWatchNextResults";
var SingleColumnMusicWatchNextResults_default = SingleColumnMusicWatchNextResults;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SingleHeroImage.js
var SingleHeroImage = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail); =;
__name(SingleHeroImage, "SingleHeroImage");
SingleHeroImage.type = "SingleHeroImage";
var SingleHeroImage_default = SingleHeroImage;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SlimOwner.js
var SlimOwner = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.subscribe_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.subscribeButton, SubscribeButton_default);
__name(SlimOwner, "SlimOwner");
SlimOwner.type = "SlimOwner";
var SlimOwner_default = SlimOwner;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SlimVideoMetadata.js
var SlimVideoMetadata = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.collapsed_subtitle = new Text2(data.collapsedSubtitle);
this.expanded_subtitle = new Text2(data.expandedSubtitle);
this.owner = parser_exports.parseItem(data.owner);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
this.video_id = data.videoId; = new Text2(data.dateText);
__name(SlimVideoMetadata, "SlimVideoMetadata");
SlimVideoMetadata.type = "SlimVideoMetadata";
var SlimVideoMetadata_default = SlimVideoMetadata;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SubFeedOption.js
var SubFeedOption = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
super(); = new Text2(;
this.is_selected = data.isSelected;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
__name(SubFeedOption, "SubFeedOption");
SubFeedOption.type = "SubFeedOption";
var SubFeedOption_default = SubFeedOption;
// dist/src/parser/classes/SubFeedSelector.js
var SubFeedSelector = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.options = parser_exports.parseArray(data.options, SubFeedOption_default);
__name(SubFeedSelector, "SubFeedSelector");
SubFeedSelector.type = "SubFeedSelector";
var SubFeedSelector_default = SubFeedSelector;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Tabbed.js
var Tabbed = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.contents = parser_exports.parse(data);
__name(Tabbed, "Tabbed");
Tabbed.type = "Tabbed";
var Tabbed_default = Tabbed;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TabbedSearchResults.js
var TabbedSearchResults = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.tabs = parser_exports.parseArray(data.tabs, Tab_default);
__name(TabbedSearchResults, "TabbedSearchResults");
TabbedSearchResults.type = "TabbedSearchResults";
var TabbedSearchResults_default = TabbedSearchResults;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TextHeader.js
var TextHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title); =;
__name(TextHeader, "TextHeader");
TextHeader.type = "TextHeader";
var TextHeader_default = TextHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailLandscapePortrait.js
var ThumbnailLandscapePortrait = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.landscape = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.landscape);
this.portrait = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.portrait);
__name(ThumbnailLandscapePortrait, "ThumbnailLandscapePortrait");
ThumbnailLandscapePortrait.type = "ThumbnailLandscapePortrait";
var ThumbnailLandscapePortrait_default = ThumbnailLandscapePortrait;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayEndorsement.js
var ThumbnailOverlayEndorsement = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text).toString();
__name(ThumbnailOverlayEndorsement, "ThumbnailOverlayEndorsement");
ThumbnailOverlayEndorsement.type = "ThumbnailOverlayEndorsement";
var ThumbnailOverlayEndorsement_default = ThumbnailOverlayEndorsement;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayHoverText.js
var ThumbnailOverlayHoverText = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text);
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
__name(ThumbnailOverlayHoverText, "ThumbnailOverlayHoverText");
ThumbnailOverlayHoverText.type = "ThumbnailOverlayHoverText";
var ThumbnailOverlayHoverText_default = ThumbnailOverlayHoverText;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayInlineUnplayable.js
var ThumbnailOverlayInlineUnplayable = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text).toString();
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
__name(ThumbnailOverlayInlineUnplayable, "ThumbnailOverlayInlineUnplayable");
ThumbnailOverlayInlineUnplayable.type = "ThumbnailOverlayInlineUnplayable";
var ThumbnailOverlayInlineUnplayable_default = ThumbnailOverlayInlineUnplayable;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayLoadingPreview.js
var ThumbnailOverlayLoadingPreview = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text);
__name(ThumbnailOverlayLoadingPreview, "ThumbnailOverlayLoadingPreview");
ThumbnailOverlayLoadingPreview.type = "ThumbnailOverlayLoadingPreview";
var ThumbnailOverlayLoadingPreview_default = ThumbnailOverlayLoadingPreview;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayNowPlaying.js
var ThumbnailOverlayNowPlaying = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text).toString();
__name(ThumbnailOverlayNowPlaying, "ThumbnailOverlayNowPlaying");
ThumbnailOverlayNowPlaying.type = "ThumbnailOverlayNowPlaying";
var ThumbnailOverlayNowPlaying_default = ThumbnailOverlayNowPlaying;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayPinking.js
var ThumbnailOverlayPinking = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.hack = data.hack;
__name(ThumbnailOverlayPinking, "ThumbnailOverlayPinking");
ThumbnailOverlayPinking.type = "ThumbnailOverlayPinking";
var ThumbnailOverlayPinking_default = ThumbnailOverlayPinking;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayPlaybackStatus.js
var ThumbnailOverlayPlaybackStatus = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.texts = => new Text2(text));
__name(ThumbnailOverlayPlaybackStatus, "ThumbnailOverlayPlaybackStatus");
ThumbnailOverlayPlaybackStatus.type = "ThumbnailOverlayPlaybackStatus";
var ThumbnailOverlayPlaybackStatus_default = ThumbnailOverlayPlaybackStatus;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayResumePlayback.js
var ThumbnailOverlayResumePlayback = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.percent_duration_watched = data.percentDurationWatched;
__name(ThumbnailOverlayResumePlayback, "ThumbnailOverlayResumePlayback");
ThumbnailOverlayResumePlayback.type = "ThumbnailOverlayResumePlayback";
var ThumbnailOverlayResumePlayback_default = ThumbnailOverlayResumePlayback;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlaySidePanel.js
var ThumbnailOverlaySidePanel = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.text);
this.icon_type = data.icon.iconType;
__name(ThumbnailOverlaySidePanel, "ThumbnailOverlaySidePanel");
ThumbnailOverlaySidePanel.type = "ThumbnailOverlaySidePanel";
var ThumbnailOverlaySidePanel_default = ThumbnailOverlaySidePanel;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ThumbnailOverlayToggleButton.js
var ThumbnailOverlayToggleButton = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
if (Reflect.has(data, "isToggled")) {
this.is_toggled = data.isToggled;
this.icon_type = {
toggled: data.toggledIcon.iconType,
untoggled: data.untoggledIcon.iconType
this.tooltip = {
toggled: data.toggledTooltip,
untoggled: data.untoggledTooltip
this.toggled_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.toggledServiceEndpoint);
this.untoggled_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.untoggledServiceEndpoint);
__name(ThumbnailOverlayToggleButton, "ThumbnailOverlayToggleButton");
ThumbnailOverlayToggleButton.type = "ThumbnailOverlayToggleButton";
var ThumbnailOverlayToggleButton_default = ThumbnailOverlayToggleButton;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TimedMarkerDecoration.js
var TimedMarkerDecoration = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.visible_time_range_start_millis = data.visibleTimeRangeStartMillis;
this.visible_time_range_end_millis = data.visibleTimeRangeEndMillis;
this.decoration_time_millis = data.decorationTimeMillis;
this.label = new Text2(data.label);
this.icon = data.icon;
__name(TimedMarkerDecoration, "TimedMarkerDecoration");
TimedMarkerDecoration.type = "TimedMarkerDecoration";
var TimedMarkerDecoration_default = TimedMarkerDecoration;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TitleAndButtonListHeader.js
var TitleAndButtonListHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
__name(TitleAndButtonListHeader, "TitleAndButtonListHeader");
TitleAndButtonListHeader.type = "TitleAndButtonListHeader";
var TitleAndButtonListHeader_default = TitleAndButtonListHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ToggleMenuServiceItem.js
var ToggleMenuServiceItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.text = new Text2(data.defaultText);
this.toggled_text = new Text2(data.toggledText);
this.icon_type = data.defaultIcon.iconType;
this.toggled_icon_type = data.toggledIcon.iconType;
this.default_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.defaultServiceEndpoint);
this.toggled_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.toggledServiceEndpoint);
__name(ToggleMenuServiceItem, "ToggleMenuServiceItem");
ToggleMenuServiceItem.type = "ToggleMenuServiceItem";
var ToggleMenuServiceItem_default = ToggleMenuServiceItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/Tooltip.js
var Tooltip = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.promo_config = {
promo_id: data.promoConfig.promoId,
impression_endpoints: => new NavigationEndpoint_default(endpoint)),
accept: new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.promoConfig.acceptCommand),
dismiss: new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.promoConfig.dismissCommand)
this.target_id = data.targetId;
this.details = new Text2(data.detailsText);
this.suggested_position = data.suggestedPosition.type;
this.dismiss_stratedy = data.dismissStrategy.type;
this.dwell_time_ms = parseInt(data.dwellTimeMs);
__name(Tooltip, "Tooltip");
Tooltip.type = "Tooltip";
var Tooltip_default = Tooltip;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TopicChannelDetails.js
var TopicChannelDetails = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse((_a4 = data.thumbnail) !== null && _a4 !== void 0 ? _a4 : data.avatar);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle);
this.subscribe_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.subscribeButton, SubscribeButton_default);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
__name(TopicChannelDetails, "TopicChannelDetails");
TopicChannelDetails.type = "TopicChannelDetails";
var TopicChannelDetails_default = TopicChannelDetails;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TwoColumnBrowseResults.js
var TwoColumnBrowseResults = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.tabs = parser_exports.parse(data.tabs);
this.secondary_contents = parser_exports.parse(data.secondaryContents);
__name(TwoColumnBrowseResults, "TwoColumnBrowseResults");
TwoColumnBrowseResults.type = "TwoColumnBrowseResults";
var TwoColumnBrowseResults_default = TwoColumnBrowseResults;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TwoColumnSearchResults.js
var TwoColumnSearchResults = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.primary_contents = parser_exports.parse(data.primaryContents);
this.secondary_contents = parser_exports.parse(data.secondaryContents);
__name(TwoColumnSearchResults, "TwoColumnSearchResults");
TwoColumnSearchResults.type = "TwoColumnSearchResults";
var TwoColumnSearchResults_default = TwoColumnSearchResults;
// dist/src/parser/classes/TwoColumnWatchNextResults.js
var import_tslib14 = require("tslib");
var _TwoColumnWatchNextResults_instances;
var _TwoColumnWatchNextResults_parseAutoplaySet;
var TwoColumnWatchNextResults = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
this.results = parser_exports.parseArray((_a4 = data.results) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.results.contents);
this.secondary_results = parser_exports.parseArray((_b = data.secondaryResults) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.secondaryResults.results);
this.conversation_bar = parser_exports.parseItem(data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.conversationBar);
const playlistData = (_c = data.playlist) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.playlist;
if (playlistData) {
this.playlist = {
id: playlistData.playlistId,
title: playlistData.title,
author: ((_d = playlistData.shortBylineText) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.simpleText) ? new Text2(playlistData.shortBylineText) : new Author(playlistData.longBylineText),
contents: parser_exports.parseArray(playlistData.contents),
current_index: playlistData.currentIndex,
is_infinite: !!playlistData.isInfinite,
menu: parser_exports.parseItem(, Menu_default)
const autoplayData = (_e = data.autoplay) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.autoplay;
if (autoplayData) {
this.autoplay = {
sets: => (0, import_tslib14.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TwoColumnWatchNextResults_instances, "m", _TwoColumnWatchNextResults_parseAutoplaySet).call(this, set))
if (autoplayData.modifiedSets) {
this.autoplay.modified_sets = => (0, import_tslib14.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TwoColumnWatchNextResults_instances, "m", _TwoColumnWatchNextResults_parseAutoplaySet).call(this, set));
if (autoplayData.countDownSecs) {
this.autoplay.count_down_secs = autoplayData.countDownSecs;
__name(TwoColumnWatchNextResults, "TwoColumnWatchNextResults");
_TwoColumnWatchNextResults_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _TwoColumnWatchNextResults_parseAutoplaySet = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _TwoColumnWatchNextResults_parseAutoplaySet2(data) {
const result = {
autoplay_video: new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.autoplayVideo)
if (data.nextButtonVideo) {
result.next_button_video = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.nextButtonVideo);
return result;
}, "_TwoColumnWatchNextResults_parseAutoplaySet");
TwoColumnWatchNextResults.type = "TwoColumnWatchNextResults";
var TwoColumnWatchNextResults_default = TwoColumnWatchNextResults;
// dist/src/parser/classes/UniversalWatchCard.js
var UniversalWatchCard = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.header = parser_exports.parseItem(data.header);
this.call_to_action = parser_exports.parseItem(data.callToAction);
this.sections = parser_exports.parseArray(data.sections);
if (Reflect.has(data, "collapsedLabel")) {
this.collapsed_label = new Text2(data.collapsedLabel);
__name(UniversalWatchCard, "UniversalWatchCard");
UniversalWatchCard.type = "UniversalWatchCard";
var UniversalWatchCard_default = UniversalWatchCard;
// dist/src/parser/classes/UpsellDialog.js
var UpsellDialog = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.message_title = new Text2(data.dialogMessageTitle);
this.message_text = new Text2(data.dialogMessageText);
this.action_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.actionButton, Button_default);
this.dismiss_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.dismissButton, Button_default);
this.is_visible = data.isVisible;
__name(UpsellDialog, "UpsellDialog");
UpsellDialog.type = "UpsellDialog";
var UpsellDialog_default = UpsellDialog;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VerticalList.js
var VerticalList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
this.collapsed_item_count = data.collapsedItemCount;
this.collapsed_state_button_text = new Text2(data.collapsedStateButtonText);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(VerticalList, "VerticalList");
VerticalList.type = "VerticalList";
var VerticalList_default = VerticalList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VerticalWatchCardList.js
var VerticalWatchCardList = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.items = parser_exports.parseArray(data.items);
this.view_all_text = new Text2(data.viewAllText);
this.view_all_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.viewAllEndpoint);
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(VerticalWatchCardList, "VerticalWatchCardList");
VerticalWatchCardList.type = "VerticalWatchCardList";
var VerticalWatchCardList_default = VerticalWatchCardList;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VideoInfoCardContent.js
var VideoInfoCardContent = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.videoTitle);
this.channel_name = new Text2(data.channelName);
this.view_count = new Text2(data.viewCountText);
this.video_thumbnails = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.videoThumbnail);
this.duration = new Text2(data.lengthString);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.action);
__name(VideoInfoCardContent, "VideoInfoCardContent");
VideoInfoCardContent.type = "VideoInfoCardContent";
var VideoInfoCardContent_default = VideoInfoCardContent;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VideoOwner.js
var VideoOwner = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.subscription_button = data.subscriptionButton;
this.subscriber_count = new Text2(data.subscriberCountText); = new Author(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, data.title), { navigationEndpoint: data.navigationEndpoint }), data.badges, data.thumbnail);
__name(VideoOwner, "VideoOwner");
VideoOwner.type = "VideoOwner";
var VideoOwner_default = VideoOwner;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VideoPrimaryInfo.js
var VideoPrimaryInfo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
if (Reflect.has(data, "superTitleLink")) {
this.super_title_link = new Text2(data.superTitleLink);
this.view_count = new Text2((_b = (_a4 = data.viewCount) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.videoViewCountRenderer) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.viewCount);
this.short_view_count = new Text2((_d = (_c = data.viewCount) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.videoViewCountRenderer) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.shortViewCount);
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(data.badges, MetadataBadge_default);
this.published = new Text2(data.dateText);
this.relative_date = new Text2(data.relativeDateText); = parser_exports.parseItem(data.videoActions, Menu_default);
__name(VideoPrimaryInfo, "VideoPrimaryInfo");
VideoPrimaryInfo.type = "VideoPrimaryInfo";
var VideoPrimaryInfo_default = VideoPrimaryInfo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/VideoSecondaryInfo.js
var VideoSecondaryInfo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.owner = parser_exports.parseItem(data.owner, VideoOwner_default);
this.description = new Text2(data.description);
if (Reflect.has(data, "attributedDescription")) {
this.description = Text2.fromAttributed(data.attributedDescription);
this.subscribe_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.subscribeButton, [SubscribeButton_default, Button_default]);
this.metadata = parser_exports.parseItem(data.metadataRowContainer, MetadataRowContainer_default);
this.show_more_text = data.showMoreText;
this.show_less_text = data.showLessText;
this.default_expanded = data.defaultExpanded;
this.description_collapsed_lines = data.descriptionCollapsedLines;
__name(VideoSecondaryInfo, "VideoSecondaryInfo");
VideoSecondaryInfo.type = "VideoSecondaryInfo";
var VideoSecondaryInfo_default = VideoSecondaryInfo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/WatchCardCompactVideo.js
var WatchCardCompactVideo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle);
this.duration = {
text: new Text2(data.lengthText).toString(),
seconds: timeToSeconds(data.lengthText.simpleText)
}; =;
__name(WatchCardCompactVideo, "WatchCardCompactVideo");
WatchCardCompactVideo.type = "WatchCardCompactVideo";
var WatchCardCompactVideo_default = WatchCardCompactVideo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/WatchCardHeroVideo.js
var WatchCardHeroVideo = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.call_to_action_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.callToActionButton);
this.hero_image = parser_exports.parseItem(data.heroImage);
this.label = ((_a4 = data.lengthText) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.accessibility.accessibilityData.label) || "";
__name(WatchCardHeroVideo, "WatchCardHeroVideo");
WatchCardHeroVideo.type = "WatchCardHeroVideo";
var WatchCardHeroVideo_default = WatchCardHeroVideo;
// dist/src/parser/classes/WatchCardRichHeader.js
var WatchCardRichHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.title_endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.titleNavigationEndpoint);
this.subtitle = new Text2(data.subtitle); = new Author(data, data.titleBadge ? [data.titleBadge] : null, data.avatar); = this.title.toString(); =;
__name(WatchCardRichHeader, "WatchCardRichHeader");
WatchCardRichHeader.type = "WatchCardRichHeader";
var WatchCardRichHeader_default = WatchCardRichHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/WatchCardSectionSequence.js
var WatchCardSectionSequence = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.lists = parser_exports.parseArray(data.lists);
__name(WatchCardSectionSequence, "WatchCardSectionSequence");
WatchCardSectionSequence.type = "WatchCardSectionSequence";
var WatchCardSectionSequence_default = WatchCardSectionSequence;
// dist/src/parser/classes/WatchNextTabbedResults.js
var WatchNextTabbedResults = class extends TwoColumnBrowseResults_default {
constructor(data) {
__name(WatchNextTabbedResults, "WatchNextTabbedResults");
WatchNextTabbedResults.type = "WatchNextTabbedResults";
var WatchNextTabbedResults_default = WatchNextTabbedResults;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ytkids/AnchoredSection.js
var AnchoredSection = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.title = data.title;
this.content = parser_exports.parseItem(data.content, SectionList_default);
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.navigationEndpoint);
this.category_assets = {
asset_key: (_a4 = data.categoryAssets) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.assetKey,
background_color: (_b = data.categoryAssets) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.backgroundColor
this.category_type = data.categoryType;
__name(AnchoredSection, "AnchoredSection");
AnchoredSection.type = "AnchoredSection";
var AnchoredSection_default = AnchoredSection;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ytkids/KidsBlocklistPickerItem.js
var import_tslib15 = require("tslib");
var _KidsBlocklistPickerItem_actions;
var KidsBlocklistPickerItem = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
_KidsBlocklistPickerItem_actions.set(this, void 0);
this.child_display_name = new Text2(data.childDisplayName);
this.child_account_description = new Text2(data.childAccountDescription);
this.avatar = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.avatar);
this.block_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.blockButton, [ToggleButton_default]);
this.blocked_entity_key = data.blockedEntityKey;
blockChannel() {
return (0, import_tslib15.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib15.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _KidsBlocklistPickerItem_actions, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("An active caller must be provide to perform this operation.");
const button = this.block_button;
if (!button)
throw new InnertubeError("Block button was not found.", { child_display_name: this.child_display_name });
if (button.is_toggled)
throw new InnertubeError("This channel is already blocked.", { child_display_name: this.child_display_name });
const response = yield, import_tslib15.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _KidsBlocklistPickerItem_actions, "f"), { parse: false });
return response;
setActions(actions) {
(0, import_tslib15.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _KidsBlocklistPickerItem_actions, actions, "f");
__name(KidsBlocklistPickerItem, "KidsBlocklistPickerItem");
_KidsBlocklistPickerItem_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
KidsBlocklistPickerItem.type = "KidsBlocklistPickerItem";
var KidsBlocklistPickerItem_default = KidsBlocklistPickerItem;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ytkids/KidsBlocklistPicker.js
var KidsBlocklistPicker = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.child_rows = parser_exports.parse(data.childRows, true, [KidsBlocklistPickerItem_default]);
this.done_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.doneButton, [Button_default]);
this.successful_toast_action_message = new Text2(data.successfulToastActionMessage);
__name(KidsBlocklistPicker, "KidsBlocklistPicker");
KidsBlocklistPicker.type = "KidsBlocklistPicker";
var KidsBlocklistPicker_default = KidsBlocklistPicker;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ytkids/KidsCategoryTab.js
var KidsCategoryTab = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b;
this.title = new Text2(data.title);
this.category_assets = {
asset_key: (_a4 = data.categoryAssets) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.assetKey,
background_color: (_b = data.categoryAssets) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.backgroundColor
this.category_type = data.categoryType;
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
__name(KidsCategoryTab, "KidsCategoryTab");
KidsCategoryTab.type = "KidsCategoryTab";
var KidsCategoryTab_default = KidsCategoryTab;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ytkids/KidsCategoriesHeader.js
var KidsCategoriesHeader = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.category_tabs = parser_exports.parseArray(data.categoryTabs, KidsCategoryTab_default);
this.privacy_button = parser_exports.parseItem(data.privacyButtonRenderer, Button_default);
__name(KidsCategoriesHeader, "KidsCategoriesHeader");
KidsCategoriesHeader.type = "kidsCategoriesHeader";
var KidsCategoriesHeader_default = KidsCategoriesHeader;
// dist/src/parser/classes/ytkids/KidsHomeScreen.js
var KidsHomeScreen = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.anchors = parser_exports.parseArray(data.anchors, AnchoredSection_default);
__name(KidsHomeScreen, "KidsHomeScreen");
KidsHomeScreen.type = "kidsHomeScreen";
var KidsHomeScreen_default = KidsHomeScreen;
// dist/src/parser/generator.js
var generator_exports = {};
__export(generator_exports, {
camelToSnake: () => camelToSnake,
createRuntimeClass: () => createRuntimeClass,
generateRuntimeClass: () => generateRuntimeClass,
generateTypescriptClass: () => generateTypescriptClass,
inferType: () => inferType,
introspect: () => introspect,
isArrayType: () => isArrayType,
isIgnoredKey: () => isIgnoredKey,
isMiscType: () => isMiscType,
isRenderer: () => isRenderer,
isRendererList: () => isRendererList,
mergeKeyInfo: () => mergeKeyInfo,
parse: () => parse2,
toParser: () => toParser,
toTypeDeclaration: () => toTypeDeclaration
var import_tslib16 = require("tslib");
var IGNORED_KEYS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
function camelToSnake(str) {
return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (letter) => `_${letter.toLowerCase()}`);
__name(camelToSnake, "camelToSnake");
function inferType(key, value) {
let return_value = false;
if (typeof value === "object" && value != null) {
if (return_value = isRenderer(value)) {
RENDERER_EXAMPLES[return_value] = Reflect.get(value, Reflect.ownKeys(value)[0]);
return {
type: "renderer",
renderers: [return_value],
optional: false
if (return_value = isRendererList(value)) {
for (const [key2, value2] of Object.entries(return_value)) {
RENDERER_EXAMPLES[key2] = value2;
return {
type: "array",
array_type: "renderer",
renderers: Object.keys(return_value),
optional: false
if (return_value = isMiscType(key, value)) {
return return_value;
if (return_value = isArrayType(value)) {
return return_value;
const primative_type = typeof value;
if (primative_type === "object")
return {
type: "object",
keys: Object.entries(value).map(([key2, value2]) => [key2, inferType(key2, value2)]),
optional: false
return {
type: "primative",
typeof: [primative_type],
optional: false
__name(inferType, "inferType");
function isRendererList(value) {
const arr = Array.isArray(value);
if (arr && value.length === 0)
return false;
const is_list = arr && value.every((item) => isRenderer(item));
return is_list ? Object.fromEntries( => {
const key = Reflect.ownKeys(item)[0].toString();
return [sanitizeClassName(key), item[key]];
})) : false;
__name(isRendererList, "isRendererList");
function isMiscType(key, value) {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if (key.endsWith("Endpoint") || key.endsWith("Command") || key === "endpoint") {
return {
type: "misc",
endpoint: new NavigationEndpoint_default(value),
optional: false,
misc_type: "NavigationEndpoint"
if (Reflect.has(value, "simpleText") || Reflect.has(value, "runs")) {
const textNode = new Text2(value);
return {
type: "misc",
misc_type: "Text",
optional: false,
endpoint: textNode.endpoint,
text: textNode.toString()
if (Reflect.has(value, "thumbnails") && Array.isArray(Reflect.get(value, "thumbnails"))) {
return {
type: "misc",
misc_type: "Thumbnail",
optional: false
return false;
__name(isMiscType, "isMiscType");
function isRenderer(value) {
const is_object = typeof value === "object";
if (!is_object)
return false;
const keys = Reflect.ownKeys(value);
if (keys.length === 1) {
const first_key = keys[0].toString();
if (first_key.endsWith("Renderer") || first_key.endsWith("Model")) {
return sanitizeClassName(first_key);
return false;
__name(isRenderer, "isRenderer");
function isArrayType(value) {
if (!Array.isArray(value))
return false;
if (value.length === 0)
return {
type: "array",
array_type: "primitive",
items: {
type: "primative",
typeof: ["never"],
optional: false
optional: false
const array_entry_types = => typeof item);
const all_same_type = array_entry_types.every((type2) => type2 === array_entry_types[0]);
if (!all_same_type)
return {
type: "array",
array_type: "primitive",
items: {
type: "primative",
typeof: ["unknown"],
optional: false
optional: false
const type = array_entry_types[0];
if (type !== "object")
return {
type: "array",
array_type: "primitive",
items: {
type: "primative",
typeof: [type],
optional: false
optional: false
let key_type = [];
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
const current_keys = Object.entries(value[i]).map(([key, value2]) => [key, inferType(key, value2)]);
if (i === 0) {
key_type = current_keys;
key_type = mergeKeyInfo(key_type, current_keys).resolved_key_info;
return {
type: "array",
array_type: "object",
items: {
type: "object",
keys: key_type,
optional: false
optional: false
__name(isArrayType, "isArrayType");
function introspectKeysFirstPass(classdata) {
if (typeof classdata !== "object" || classdata === null) {
throw new InnertubeError("Generator: Cannot introspect non-object", {
const keys = Reflect.ownKeys(classdata).filter((key) => !isIgnoredKey(key)).filter((key) => typeof key === "string");
return => {
const value = Reflect.get(classdata, key);
const inferred_type = inferType(key, value);
return [key, inferred_type];
__name(introspectKeysFirstPass, "introspectKeysFirstPass");
function introspectKeysSecondPass(key_info) {
var _a4;
const channel_nav = key_info.filter(([, value]) => {
var _a5;
if (value.type !== "misc")
return false;
if (!(value.misc_type === "NavigationEndpoint" || value.misc_type === "Text"))
return false;
return ((_a5 = value.endpoint) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.metadata.page_type) === "WEB_PAGE_TYPE_CHANNEL";
const most_probable_match = channel_nav.sort(([, a], [, b]) => {
if (a.type !== "misc" || b.type !== "misc")
return 0;
if (a.misc_type !== "Text" || b.misc_type !== "Text")
return 0;
return b.text.length - a.text.length;
const excluded_keys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
const cannonical_channel_nav = most_probable_match[0];
let author;
if (cannonical_channel_nav) {
const keys =[key]) => key);
const badges = keys.filter((key) => key.endsWith("Badges") || key === "badges");
const likely_badges = badges.filter((key) => key.startsWith("owner") || key.startsWith("author"));
const cannonical_badges = (_a4 = likely_badges[0]) !== null && _a4 !== void 0 ? _a4 : badges[0];
const badge_key_info = key_info.find(([key]) => key === cannonical_badges);
const is_badges = badge_key_info ? badge_key_info[1].type === "array" && badge_key_info[1].array_type === "renderer" && Reflect.has(badge_key_info[1].renderers, "MetadataBadge") : false;
if (is_badges && cannonical_badges)
author = {
type: "misc",
misc_type: "Author",
optional: false,
params: [
is_badges ? cannonical_badges : void 0
if (author) {
key_info.push(["author", author]);
return key_info.filter(([key]) => !excluded_keys.has(key));
__name(introspectKeysSecondPass, "introspectKeysSecondPass");
function introspect2(classdata) {
const key_info = introspectKeysFirstPass(classdata);
return introspectKeysSecondPass(key_info);
__name(introspect2, "introspect2");
function introspect(classdata) {
const key_info = introspect2(classdata);
const dependencies = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const [, value] of key_info) {
if (value.type === "renderer" || value.type === "array" && value.array_type === "renderer")
for (const renderer of value.renderers) {
const example = RENDERER_EXAMPLES[renderer];
if (example)
dependencies.set(renderer, example);
const unimplemented_dependencies = Array.from(dependencies).filter(([classname]) => !hasParser(classname));
return {
__name(introspect, "introspect");
function isIgnoredKey(key) {
return typeof key === "string" && IGNORED_KEYS.has(key);
__name(isIgnoredKey, "isIgnoredKey");
function createRuntimeClass(classname, key_info, logger) {
var _a4, _key_info;
error_type: "class_not_found",
const node = (_a4 = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(class extends YTNode {
static set key_info(key_info2) {
(0, import_tslib16.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _a4, new Map(key_info2), "f", _key_info);
static get key_info() {
return [...(0, import_tslib16.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _a4, "f", _key_info).entries()];
constructor(data) {
const { key_info: key_info2, unimplemented_dependencies } = introspect(data);
const { resolved_key_info, changed_keys } = mergeKeyInfo(node.key_info, key_info2);
const did_change = changed_keys.length > 0;
if (did_change) {
node.key_info = resolved_key_info;
error_type: "class_changed",
key_info: node.key_info,
for (const [name, data2] of unimplemented_dependencies)
generateRuntimeClass(name, data2, logger);
for (const [key, value] of key_info2) {
let snake_key = camelToSnake(key);
if (value.type === "misc" && value.misc_type === "NavigationEndpoint")
snake_key = "endpoint";
Reflect.set(this, snake_key, parse2(key, value, data));
}, "_a"), (0, import_tslib16.__setFunctionName)(_a4, "node"), _a4.type = classname, _key_info = { value: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() }, _a4);
node.key_info = key_info;
Object.defineProperty(node, "name", { value: classname, writable: false });
return node;
__name(createRuntimeClass, "createRuntimeClass");
function generateRuntimeClass(classname, classdata, logger) {
const { key_info, unimplemented_dependencies } = introspect(classdata);
const JITNode = createRuntimeClass(classname, key_info, logger);
addRuntimeParser(classname, JITNode);
for (const [name, data] of unimplemented_dependencies)
generateRuntimeClass(name, data, logger);
return JITNode;
__name(generateRuntimeClass, "generateRuntimeClass");
function generateTypescriptClass(classname, key_info) {
const props = [];
const constructor_lines = [
for (const [key, value] of key_info) {
let snake_key = camelToSnake(key);
if (value.type === "misc" && value.misc_type === "NavigationEndpoint")
snake_key = "endpoint";
props.push(`${snake_key}${value.optional ? "?" : ""}: ${toTypeDeclaration(value)};`);
constructor_lines.push(`this.${snake_key} = ${toParser(key, value)};`);
return `class ${classname} extends YTNode {
static type = '${classname}';
${props.join("\n ")}
constructor(data: RawNode) {
${constructor_lines.join("\n ")}
__name(generateTypescriptClass, "generateTypescriptClass");
function toTypeDeclarationObject(indentation, keys) {
return `{
${[key, value]) => `${" ".repeat((indentation + 2) * 2)}${camelToSnake(key)}${value.optional ? "?" : ""}: ${toTypeDeclaration(value, indentation + 1)}`).join(",\n")}
${" ".repeat((indentation + 1) * 2)}}`;
__name(toTypeDeclarationObject, "toTypeDeclarationObject");
function toTypeDeclaration(inference_type, indentation = 0) {
switch (inference_type.type) {
case "renderer": {
return `${ => `YTNodes.${type}`).join(" | ")} | null`;
case "array": {
switch (inference_type.array_type) {
case "renderer":
return `ObservedArray<${ => `YTNodes.${type}`).join(" | ")}> | null`;
case "primitive": {
const items_list = inference_type.items.typeof;
if (inference_type.items.optional && !items_list.includes("undefined"))
const items = items_list.length === 1 ? `${items_list[0]}` : `(${items_list.join(" | ")})`;
return `${items}[]`;
case "object":
return `${toTypeDeclarationObject(indentation, inference_type.items.keys)}[]`;
throw new Error("Unreachable code reached! Switch missing case!");
case "object": {
return toTypeDeclarationObject(indentation, inference_type.keys);
case "misc":
switch (inference_type.misc_type) {
case "Thumbnail":
return "Thumbnail[]";
return inference_type.misc_type;
case "primative":
return inference_type.typeof.join(" | ");
__name(toTypeDeclaration, "toTypeDeclaration");
function toParserObject(indentation, keys, key_path, key) {
const new_keypath = [...key_path, key];
return `{
${[key2, value]) => `${" ".repeat((indentation + 2) * 2)}${camelToSnake(key2)}: ${toParser(key2, value, new_keypath, indentation + 1)}`).join(",\n")}
${" ".repeat((indentation + 1) * 2)}}`;
__name(toParserObject, "toParserObject");
function toParser(key, inference_type, key_path = ["data"], indentation = 1) {
let parser = "undefined";
switch (inference_type.type) {
case "renderer":
parser = `Parser.parseItem(${key_path.join(".")}.${key}, ${toParserValidTypes(inference_type.renderers)})`;
case "array":
switch (inference_type.array_type) {
case "renderer":
parser = `Parser.parse(${key_path.join(".")}.${key}, true, ${toParserValidTypes(inference_type.renderers)})`;
case "object":
parser = `${key_path.join(".")}.${key}.map((item: any) => (${toParserObject(indentation, inference_type.items.keys, [], "item")}))`;
case "primitive":
parser = `${key_path.join(".")}.${key}`;
throw new Error("Unreachable code reached! Switch missing case!");
case "object":
parser = toParserObject(indentation, inference_type.keys, key_path, key);
case "misc":
switch (inference_type.misc_type) {
case "Thumbnail":
parser = `Thumbnail.fromResponse(${key_path.join(".")}.${key})`;
case "Author": {
const author_parser = `new Author(${key_path.join(".")}.${inference_type.params[0]}, ${inference_type.params[1] ? `${key_path.join(".")}.${inference_type.params[1]}` : "undefined"})`;
if (inference_type.optional)
return `Reflect.has(${key_path.join(".")}, '${inference_type.params[0]}') ? ${author_parser} : undefined`;
return author_parser;
parser = `new ${inference_type.misc_type}(${key_path.join(".")}.${key})`;
if (parser === "undefined")
throw new Error("Unreachable code reached! Switch missing case!");
case "primative":
parser = `${key_path.join(".")}.${key}`;
if (inference_type.optional)
return `Reflect.has(${key_path.join(".")}, '${key}') ? ${parser} : undefined`;
return parser;
__name(toParser, "toParser");
function toParserValidTypes(types) {
if (types.length === 1) {
return `YTNodes.${types[0]}`;
return `[ ${ => `YTNodes.${type}`).join(", ")} ]`;
__name(toParserValidTypes, "toParserValidTypes");
function accessDataFromKeyPath(root, key_path) {
let data = root;
for (const key of key_path)
data = data[key];
return data;
__name(accessDataFromKeyPath, "accessDataFromKeyPath");
function hasDataFromKeyPath(root, key_path) {
let data = root;
for (const key of key_path)
if (!Reflect.has(data, key))
return false;
data = data[key];
return true;
__name(hasDataFromKeyPath, "hasDataFromKeyPath");
function parseObject(key, data, key_path, keys, should_optional) {
const obj = {};
const new_key_path = [...key_path, key];
for (const [key2, value] of keys) {
obj[key2] = should_optional ? parse2(key2, value, data, new_key_path) : void 0;
return obj;
__name(parseObject, "parseObject");
function parse2(key, inference_type, data, key_path = ["data"]) {
const should_optional = !inference_type.optional || hasDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, key]);
switch (inference_type.type) {
case "renderer": {
return should_optional ? parseItem(accessDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, key]), => getParserByName(type))) : void 0;
case "array": {
switch (inference_type.array_type) {
case "renderer":
return should_optional ? parse(accessDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, key]), true, => getParserByName(type))) : void 0;
case "object":
return should_optional ? accessDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, key]).map((_, idx) => {
return parseObject(`${idx}`, data, [...key_path, key], inference_type.items.keys, should_optional);
}) : void 0;
case "primitive":
return should_optional ? accessDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, key]) : void 0;
throw new Error("Unreachable code reached! Switch missing case!");
case "object": {
return parseObject(key, data, key_path, inference_type.keys, should_optional);
case "misc":
switch (inference_type.misc_type) {
case "NavigationEndpoint":
return should_optional ? new NavigationEndpoint_default(accessDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, key])) : void 0;
case "Text":
return should_optional ? new Text2(accessDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, key])) : void 0;
case "Thumbnail":
return should_optional ? Thumbnail.fromResponse(accessDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, key])) : void 0;
case "Author": {
const author_should_optional = !inference_type.optional || hasDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, inference_type.params[0]]);
return author_should_optional ? new Author(accessDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, inference_type.params[0]]), inference_type.params[1] ? accessDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, inference_type.params[1]]) : void 0) : void 0;
throw new Error("Unreachable code reached! Switch missing case!");
case "primative":
return accessDataFromKeyPath({ data }, [...key_path, key]);
__name(parse2, "parse");
function mergeKeyInfo(key_info, new_key_info) {
const changed_keys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const current_keys = new Set([key]) => key));
const new_keys = new Set([key]) => key));
const added_keys = new_key_info.filter(([key]) => !current_keys.has(key));
const removed_keys = key_info.filter(([key]) => !new_keys.has(key));
const common_keys = key_info.filter(([key]) => new_keys.has(key));
const new_key_map = new Map(new_key_info);
for (const [key, type] of common_keys) {
const new_type = new_key_map.get(key);
if (!new_type)
if (type.type !== new_type.type) {
changed_keys.set(key, {
type: "primative",
typeof: ["unknown"],
optional: true
switch (type.type) {
case "object":
if (new_type.type !== "object")
const { resolved_key_info: resolved_key_info2 } = mergeKeyInfo(type.keys, new_type.keys);
const resolved_key = {
type: "object",
keys: resolved_key_info2,
optional: type.optional || new_type.optional
const did_change = JSON.stringify(resolved_key) !== JSON.stringify(type);
if (did_change)
changed_keys.set(key, resolved_key);
case "renderer":
if (new_type.type !== "renderer")
const union_map = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, type.renderers), new_type.renderers);
const either_optional = type.optional || new_type.optional;
const resolved_key = {
type: "renderer",
renderers: union_map,
optional: either_optional
const did_change = JSON.stringify(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, resolved_key), { renderers: Object.keys(resolved_key.renderers) })) !== JSON.stringify(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, type), { renderers: Object.keys(type.renderers) }));
if (did_change)
changed_keys.set(key, resolved_key);
case "array":
if (new_type.type !== "array")
switch (type.array_type) {
case "renderer":
if (new_type.array_type !== "renderer") {
changed_keys.set(key, {
type: "array",
array_type: "primitive",
items: {
type: "primative",
typeof: ["unknown"],
optional: true
optional: true
const union_map = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, type.renderers), new_type.renderers);
const either_optional = type.optional || new_type.optional;
const resolved_key = {
type: "array",
array_type: "renderer",
renderers: union_map,
optional: either_optional
const did_change = JSON.stringify(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, resolved_key), { renderers: Object.keys(resolved_key.renderers) })) !== JSON.stringify(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, type), { renderers: Object.keys(type.renderers) }));
if (did_change)
changed_keys.set(key, resolved_key);
case "object":
if (new_type.array_type === "primitive" && new_type.items.typeof.length == 1 && new_type.items.typeof[0] === "never") {
if (new_type.array_type !== "object") {
changed_keys.set(key, {
type: "array",
array_type: "primitive",
items: {
type: "primative",
typeof: ["unknown"],
optional: true
optional: true
const { resolved_key_info: resolved_key_info2 } = mergeKeyInfo(type.items.keys, new_type.items.keys);
const resolved_key = {
type: "array",
array_type: "object",
items: {
type: "object",
keys: resolved_key_info2,
optional: type.items.optional || new_type.items.optional
optional: type.optional || new_type.optional
const did_change = JSON.stringify(resolved_key) !== JSON.stringify(type);
if (did_change)
changed_keys.set(key, resolved_key);
case "primitive":
if (type.items.typeof.includes("never") && new_type.array_type === "object") {
changed_keys.set(key, new_type);
if (new_type.array_type !== "primitive") {
changed_keys.set(key, {
type: "array",
array_type: "primitive",
items: {
type: "primative",
typeof: ["unknown"],
optional: true
optional: true
const key_types = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...new_type.items.typeof, ...type.items.typeof]);
if (key_types.size > 1 && key_types.has("never"))
const resolved_key = {
type: "array",
array_type: "primitive",
items: {
type: "primative",
typeof: Array.from(key_types),
optional: type.items.optional || new_type.items.optional
optional: type.optional || new_type.optional
const did_change = JSON.stringify(resolved_key) !== JSON.stringify(type);
if (did_change)
changed_keys.set(key, resolved_key);
throw new Error("Unreachable code reached! Switch missing case!");
case "misc":
if (new_type.type !== "misc")
if (type.misc_type !== new_type.misc_type) {
changed_keys.set(key, {
type: "primative",
typeof: ["unknown"],
optional: true
switch (type.misc_type) {
case "Author":
if (new_type.misc_type !== "Author")
const had_optional_param = type.params[1] || new_type.params[1];
const either_optional = type.optional || new_type.optional;
const resolved_key = {
type: "misc",
misc_type: "Author",
optional: either_optional,
params: [new_type.params[0], had_optional_param]
const did_change = JSON.stringify(resolved_key) !== JSON.stringify(type);
if (did_change)
changed_keys.set(key, resolved_key);
case "primative":
if (new_type.type !== "primative")
const resolved_key = {
type: "primative",
typeof: Array.from(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...new_type.typeof, ...type.typeof])),
optional: type.optional || new_type.optional
const did_change = JSON.stringify(resolved_key) !== JSON.stringify(type);
if (did_change)
changed_keys.set(key, resolved_key);
for (const [key, type] of added_keys) {
changed_keys.set(key, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, type), { optional: true }));
for (const [key, type] of removed_keys) {
changed_keys.set(key, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, type), { optional: true }));
const unchanged_keys = key_info.filter(([key]) => !changed_keys.has(key));
const resolved_key_info_map = new Map([...unchanged_keys, ...changed_keys]);
const resolved_key_info = [...resolved_key_info_map.entries()];
return {
changed_keys: [...changed_keys.entries()]
__name(mergeKeyInfo, "mergeKeyInfo");
// dist/src/parser/continuations.js
var ItemSectionContinuation = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
this.contents = parseArray(data.contents);
if (Array.isArray(data.continuations)) {
this.continuation = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = data.continuations) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.nextContinuationData) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.continuation;
__name(ItemSectionContinuation, "ItemSectionContinuation");
ItemSectionContinuation.type = "itemSectionContinuation";
var NavigateAction = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint);
__name(NavigateAction, "NavigateAction");
NavigateAction.type = "navigateAction";
var ShowMiniplayerCommand = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.miniplayer_command = new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.miniplayerCommand);
this.show_premium_branding = data.showPremiumBranding;
__name(ShowMiniplayerCommand, "ShowMiniplayerCommand");
ShowMiniplayerCommand.type = "showMiniplayerCommand";
var ReloadContinuationItemsCommand = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.target_id = data.targetId;
this.contents = parse(data.continuationItems, true);
this.slot = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.slot;
__name(ReloadContinuationItemsCommand, "ReloadContinuationItemsCommand");
ReloadContinuationItemsCommand.type = "reloadContinuationItemsCommand";
var SectionListContinuation = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
this.contents = parse(data.contents, true);
this.continuation = ((_c = (_b = (_a4 = data.continuations) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.nextContinuationData) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.continuation) || ((_f = (_e = (_d = data.continuations) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d[0]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.reloadContinuationData) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.continuation) || null;
__name(SectionListContinuation, "SectionListContinuation");
SectionListContinuation.type = "sectionListContinuation";
var MusicPlaylistShelfContinuation = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
this.contents = parse(data.contents, true);
this.continuation = ((_a4 = data.continuations) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0].nextContinuationData.continuation) || null;
__name(MusicPlaylistShelfContinuation, "MusicPlaylistShelfContinuation");
MusicPlaylistShelfContinuation.type = "musicPlaylistShelfContinuation";
var MusicShelfContinuation = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
this.contents = parseArray(data.contents);
this.continuation = ((_b = (_a4 = data.continuations) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0].nextContinuationData) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.continuation) || ((_d = (_c = data.continuations) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[0].reloadContinuationData) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.continuation) || null;
__name(MusicShelfContinuation, "MusicShelfContinuation");
MusicShelfContinuation.type = "musicShelfContinuation";
var GridContinuation = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4;
this.items = parse(data.items, true);
this.continuation = ((_a4 = data.continuations) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0].nextContinuationData.continuation) || null;
get contents() {
return this.items;
__name(GridContinuation, "GridContinuation");
GridContinuation.type = "gridContinuation";
var PlaylistPanelContinuation = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
this.contents = parseArray(data.contents);
this.continuation = ((_c = (_b = (_a4 = data.continuations) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.nextContinuationData) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.continuation) || ((_f = (_e = (_d = data.continuations) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d[0]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.nextRadioContinuationData) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.continuation) || null;
__name(PlaylistPanelContinuation, "PlaylistPanelContinuation");
PlaylistPanelContinuation.type = "playlistPanelContinuation";
var Continuation = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
this.continuation_type = data.type;
this.timeout_ms = (_a4 = data.continuation) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.timeoutMs;
this.time_until_last_message_ms = (_b = data.continuation) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.timeUntilLastMessageMsec;
this.token = (_c = data.continuation) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.continuation;
__name(Continuation, "Continuation");
Continuation.type = "continuation";
var LiveChatContinuation = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
this.actions = parse((_a4 = data.actions) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => {
delete action.clickTrackingParams;
return action;
}), true) || observe([]);
this.action_panel = parseItem(data.actionPanel);
this.item_list = parseItem(data.itemList, LiveChatItemList_default);
this.header = parseItem(data.header, LiveChatHeader_default);
this.participants_list = parseItem(data.participantsList, LiveChatParticipantsList_default);
this.popout_message = parseItem(data.popoutMessage, Message_default);
this.emojis = ((_b = data.emojis) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : => ({
emoji_id: emoji.emojiId,
shortcuts: emoji.shortcuts,
search_terms: emoji.searchTerms,
image: Thumbnail.fromResponse(emoji.image),
is_custom_emoji: emoji.isCustomEmoji
}))) || [];
let continuation, type;
if ((_c = data.continuations) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[0].timedContinuationData) {
type = "timed";
continuation = (_d = data.continuations) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d[0].timedContinuationData;
} else if ((_e = data.continuations) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e[0].invalidationContinuationData) {
type = "invalidation";
continuation = (_f = data.continuations) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f[0].invalidationContinuationData;
} else if ((_g = data.continuations) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g[0].liveChatReplayContinuationData) {
type = "replay";
continuation = (_h = data.continuations) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h[0].liveChatReplayContinuationData;
this.continuation = new Continuation({ continuation, type });
this.viewer_name = data.viewerName;
__name(LiveChatContinuation, "LiveChatContinuation");
LiveChatContinuation.type = "liveChatContinuation";
var ContinuationCommand = class extends YTNode {
constructor(data) {
this.request = data.request;
this.token = data.token;
__name(ContinuationCommand, "ContinuationCommand");
ContinuationCommand.type = "ContinuationCommand";
// dist/src/parser/classes/misc/Format.js
var import_tslib17 = require("tslib");
var _Format_this_response_nsig_cache;
var Format = class {
constructor(data, this_response_nsig_cache) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
_Format_this_response_nsig_cache.set(this, void 0);
if (this_response_nsig_cache) {
(0, import_tslib17.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Format_this_response_nsig_cache, this_response_nsig_cache, "f");
this.itag = data.itag;
this.mime_type = data.mimeType;
this.is_type_otf = data.type === "FORMAT_STREAM_TYPE_OTF";
this.bitrate = data.bitrate;
this.average_bitrate = data.averageBitrate;
this.width = data.width;
this.height = data.height;
this.projection_type = data.projectionType;
this.stereo_layout = (_a4 = data.stereoLayout) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.replace("STEREO_LAYOUT_", "");
this.init_range = data.initRange ? {
start: parseInt(data.initRange.start),
end: parseInt(data.initRange.end)
} : void 0;
this.index_range = data.indexRange ? {
start: parseInt(data.indexRange.start),
end: parseInt(data.indexRange.end)
} : void 0;
this.last_modified = new Date(Math.floor(parseInt(data.lastModified) / 1e3));
this.content_length = parseInt(data.contentLength);
this.quality = data.quality;
this.quality_label = data.qualityLabel;
this.fps = data.fps;
this.url = data.url;
this.cipher = data.cipher;
this.signature_cipher = data.signatureCipher;
this.audio_quality = data.audioQuality;
this.approx_duration_ms = parseInt(data.approxDurationMs);
this.audio_sample_rate = parseInt(data.audioSampleRate);
this.audio_channels = data.audioChannels;
this.loudness_db = data.loudnessDb;
this.spatial_audio_type = (_b = data.spatialAudioType) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.replace("SPATIAL_AUDIO_TYPE_", "");
this.max_dvr_duration_sec = data.maxDvrDurationSec;
this.target_duration_dec = data.targetDurationSec;
this.has_audio = !!data.audioBitrate || !!data.audioQuality;
this.has_video = !!data.qualityLabel;
this.has_text = !!data.captionTrack;
this.color_info = data.colorInfo ? {
primaries: (_c = data.colorInfo.primaries) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.replace("COLOR_PRIMARIES_", ""),
transfer_characteristics: (_d = data.colorInfo.transferCharacteristics) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.replace("COLOR_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS_", ""),
matrix_coefficients: (_e = data.colorInfo.matrixCoefficients) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.replace("COLOR_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_", "")
} : void 0;
if (Reflect.has(data, "audioTrack")) {
this.audio_track = {
audio_is_default: data.audioTrack.audioIsDefault,
display_name: data.audioTrack.displayName,
if (Reflect.has(data, "captionTrack")) {
this.caption_track = {
display_name: data.captionTrack.displayName,
vss_id: data.captionTrack.vssId,
language_code: data.captionTrack.languageCode,
kind: data.captionTrack.kind,
if (this.has_audio || this.has_text) {
const args = new URLSearchParams(this.cipher || this.signature_cipher);
const url_components = new URLSearchParams(args.get("url") || this.url);
const xtags = (_f = url_components.get("xtags")) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.split(":");
this.language = ((_g = xtags === null || xtags === void 0 ? void 0 : xtags.find((x) => x.startsWith("lang="))) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.split("=")[1]) || null;
if (this.has_audio) {
const audio_content = (_h = xtags === null || xtags === void 0 ? void 0 : xtags.find((x) => x.startsWith("acont="))) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.split("=")[1];
this.is_dubbed = audio_content === "dubbed";
this.is_descriptive = audio_content === "descriptive";
this.is_original = audio_content === "original" || !this.is_dubbed && !this.is_descriptive;
if (this.has_text && !this.language && this.caption_track) {
this.language = this.caption_track.language_code;
decipher(player) {
if (!player)
throw new InnertubeError("Cannot decipher format, this session appears to have no valid player.");
return player.decipher(this.url, this.signature_cipher, this.cipher, (0, import_tslib17.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Format_this_response_nsig_cache, "f"));
__name(Format, "Format");
_Format_this_response_nsig_cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Format_default = Format;
// dist/src/parser/classes/misc/VideoDetails.js
var VideoDetails = class {
constructor(data) { = data.videoId;
this.channel_id = data.channelId;
this.title = data.title;
this.duration = parseInt(data.lengthSeconds);
this.keywords = data.keywords;
this.is_owner_viewing = !!data.isOwnerViewing;
this.short_description = data.shortDescription;
this.thumbnail = Thumbnail.fromResponse(data.thumbnail);
this.allow_ratings = !!data.allowRatings;
this.view_count = parseInt(data.viewCount); =;
this.is_private = !!data.isPrivate;
this.is_live = !!data.isLive;
this.is_live_content = !!data.isLiveContent;
this.is_live_dvr_enabled = !!data.isLiveDvrEnabled;
this.is_low_latency_live_stream = !!data.isLowLatencyLiveStream;
this.is_upcoming = !!data.isUpcoming;
this.is_post_live_dvr = !!data.isPostLiveDvr;
this.is_crawlable = !!data.isCrawlable;
this.live_chunk_readahead = data.liveChunkReadahead;
__name(VideoDetails, "VideoDetails");
// dist/src/parser/parser.js
var TAG2 = "Parser";
var IGNORED_LIST = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
var RUNTIME_NODES = new Map(Object.entries(nodes_exports));
var DYNAMIC_NODES = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var MEMO = null;
var ERROR_HANDLER = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((_a4) => {
var { classname } = _a4, context = (0, import_tslib18.__rest)(_a4, ["classname"]);
switch (context.error_type) {
case "parse":
if (context.error instanceof Error) {
Log_default.warn(TAG2, new InnertubeError(`Something went wrong at ${classname}!
This is a bug, please report it at ${}`, {
stack: context.error.stack
case "typecheck":
Log_default.warn(TAG2, new ParsingError(`Type mismatch, got ${classname} expected ${Array.isArray(context.expected) ? context.expected.join(" | ") : context.expected}.`, context.classdata));
case "mutation_data_missing":
Log_default.warn(TAG2, new InnertubeError(`Mutation data required for processing ${classname}, but none found.
This is a bug, please report it at ${}`));
case "mutation_data_invalid":
Log_default.warn(TAG2, new InnertubeError(`Mutation data missing or invalid for ${context.failed} out of ${} MusicMultiSelectMenuItems. The titles of the failed items are: ${context.titles.join(", ")}.
This is a bug, please report it at ${}`));
case "class_not_found":
Log_default.warn(TAG2, new InnertubeError(`${classname} not found!
This is a bug, want to help us fix it? Follow the instructions at ${}/blob/main/docs/ or report it at ${}!
Introspected and JIT generated this class in the meantime:
${generateTypescriptClass(classname, context.key_info)}`));
case "class_changed":
Log_default.warn(TAG2, `${classname} changed!
The following keys where altered: ${[key]) => camelToSnake(key)).join(", ")}
The class has changed to:
${generateTypescriptClass(classname, context.key_info)}`);
Log_default.warn(TAG2, "Unreachable code reached at ParserErrorHandler");
function setParserErrorHandler(handler) {
ERROR_HANDLER = handler;
__name(setParserErrorHandler, "setParserErrorHandler");
function _clearMemo() {
MEMO = null;
__name(_clearMemo, "_clearMemo");
function _createMemo() {
MEMO = new Memo();
__name(_createMemo, "_createMemo");
function _addToMemo(classname, result) {
if (!MEMO)
const list = MEMO.get(classname);
if (!list)
return MEMO.set(classname, [result]);
__name(_addToMemo, "_addToMemo");
function _getMemo() {
if (!MEMO)
throw new Error("Parser#getMemo() called before Parser#createMemo()");
return MEMO;
__name(_getMemo, "_getMemo");
function shouldIgnore(classname) {
return IGNORED_LIST.has(classname);
__name(shouldIgnore, "shouldIgnore");
function sanitizeClassName(input) {
return (input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.slice(1)).replace(/Renderer|Model/g, "").replace(/Radio/g, "Mix").trim();
__name(sanitizeClassName, "sanitizeClassName");
function getParserByName(classname) {
const ParserConstructor = RUNTIME_NODES.get(classname);
if (!ParserConstructor) {
const error = new Error(`Module not found: ${classname}`);
error.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND";
throw error;
return ParserConstructor;
__name(getParserByName, "getParserByName");
function hasParser(classname) {
return RUNTIME_NODES.has(classname);
__name(hasParser, "hasParser");
function addRuntimeParser(classname, ParserConstructor) {
RUNTIME_NODES.set(classname, ParserConstructor);
DYNAMIC_NODES.set(classname, ParserConstructor);
__name(addRuntimeParser, "addRuntimeParser");
function getDynamicParsers() {
return Object.fromEntries(DYNAMIC_NODES);
__name(getDynamicParsers, "getDynamicParsers");
function parseResponse(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p;
const parsed_data = {};
const contents = parse(data.contents);
const contents_memo = _getMemo();
if (contents) {
parsed_data.contents = contents;
parsed_data.contents_memo = contents_memo;
const on_response_received_actions = data.onResponseReceivedActions ? parseRR(data.onResponseReceivedActions) : null;
const on_response_received_actions_memo = _getMemo();
if (on_response_received_actions) {
parsed_data.on_response_received_actions = on_response_received_actions;
parsed_data.on_response_received_actions_memo = on_response_received_actions_memo;
const on_response_received_endpoints = data.onResponseReceivedEndpoints ? parseRR(data.onResponseReceivedEndpoints) : null;
const on_response_received_endpoints_memo = _getMemo();
if (on_response_received_endpoints) {
parsed_data.on_response_received_endpoints = on_response_received_endpoints;
parsed_data.on_response_received_endpoints_memo = on_response_received_endpoints_memo;
const on_response_received_commands = data.onResponseReceivedCommands ? parseRR(data.onResponseReceivedCommands) : null;
const on_response_received_commands_memo = _getMemo();
if (on_response_received_commands) {
parsed_data.on_response_received_commands = on_response_received_commands;
parsed_data.on_response_received_commands_memo = on_response_received_commands_memo;
const continuation_contents = data.continuationContents ? parseLC(data.continuationContents) : null;
const continuation_contents_memo = _getMemo();
if (continuation_contents) {
parsed_data.continuation_contents = continuation_contents;
parsed_data.continuation_contents_memo = continuation_contents_memo;
const actions = data.actions ? parseActions(data.actions) : null;
const actions_memo = _getMemo();
if (actions) {
parsed_data.actions = actions;
parsed_data.actions_memo = actions_memo;
const live_chat_item_context_menu_supported_renderers = data.liveChatItemContextMenuSupportedRenderers ? parseItem(data.liveChatItemContextMenuSupportedRenderers) : null;
const live_chat_item_context_menu_supported_renderers_memo = _getMemo();
if (live_chat_item_context_menu_supported_renderers) {
parsed_data.live_chat_item_context_menu_supported_renderers = live_chat_item_context_menu_supported_renderers;
parsed_data.live_chat_item_context_menu_supported_renderers_memo = live_chat_item_context_menu_supported_renderers_memo;
const header = data.header ? parse(data.header) : null;
const header_memo = _getMemo();
if (header) {
parsed_data.header = header;
parsed_data.header_memo = header_memo;
const sidebar = data.sidebar ? parseItem(data.sidebar) : null;
const sidebar_memo = _getMemo();
if (sidebar) {
parsed_data.sidebar = sidebar;
parsed_data.sidebar_memo = sidebar_memo;
const items = parse(data.items);
if (items) {
parsed_data.items = items;
parsed_data.items_memo = _getMemo();
const entries = parse(data.entries);
if (entries) {
parsed_data.entries = entries;
parsed_data.entries_memo = _getMemo();
applyMutations(contents_memo, (_b = (_a4 = data.frameworkUpdates) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.entityBatchUpdate) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.mutations);
if (on_response_received_endpoints_memo) {
applyCommentsMutations(on_response_received_endpoints_memo, (_d = (_c = data.frameworkUpdates) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.entityBatchUpdate) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.mutations);
const continuation = data.continuation ? parseC(data.continuation) : null;
if (continuation) {
parsed_data.continuation = continuation;
const continuation_endpoint = data.continuationEndpoint ? parseLC(data.continuationEndpoint) : null;
if (continuation_endpoint) {
parsed_data.continuation_endpoint = continuation_endpoint;
const metadata = parse(data.metadata);
if (metadata) {
parsed_data.metadata = metadata;
const microformat = parseItem(data.microformat);
if (microformat) {
parsed_data.microformat = microformat;
const overlay = parseItem(data.overlay);
if (overlay) {
parsed_data.overlay = overlay;
const alerts = parseArray(data.alerts, [Alert_default, AlertWithButton_default]);
if (alerts.length) {
parsed_data.alerts = alerts;
const refinements = data.refinements;
if (refinements) {
parsed_data.refinements = refinements;
const estimated_results = data.estimatedResults ? parseInt(data.estimatedResults) : null;
if (estimated_results) {
parsed_data.estimated_results = estimated_results;
const player_overlays = parse(data.playerOverlays);
if (player_overlays) {
parsed_data.player_overlays = player_overlays;
const playback_tracking = data.playbackTracking ? {
videostats_watchtime_url: data.playbackTracking.videostatsWatchtimeUrl.baseUrl,
videostats_playback_url: data.playbackTracking.videostatsPlaybackUrl.baseUrl
} : null;
if (playback_tracking) {
parsed_data.playback_tracking = playback_tracking;
const playability_status = data.playabilityStatus ? {
status: data.playabilityStatus.status,
reason: data.playabilityStatus.reason || "",
embeddable: !!data.playabilityStatus.playableInEmbed || false,
audio_only_playablility: parseItem(data.playabilityStatus.audioOnlyPlayability, AudioOnlyPlayability_default),
error_screen: parseItem(data.playabilityStatus.errorScreen)
} : null;
if (playability_status) {
parsed_data.playability_status = playability_status;
if (data.streamingData) {
const this_response_nsig_cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const streaming_data = {
expires: new Date( + parseInt(data.streamingData.expiresInSeconds) * 1e3),
formats: parseFormats(data.streamingData.formats, this_response_nsig_cache),
adaptive_formats: parseFormats(data.streamingData.adaptiveFormats, this_response_nsig_cache),
dash_manifest_url: data.streamingData.dashManifestUrl || null,
hls_manifest_url: data.streamingData.hlsManifestUrl || null
parsed_data.streaming_data = streaming_data;
if (data.playerConfig) {
const player_config = {
audio_config: {
loudness_db: (_e = data.playerConfig.audioConfig) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.loudnessDb,
perceptual_loudness_db: (_f = data.playerConfig.audioConfig) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.perceptualLoudnessDb,
enable_per_format_loudness: (_g = data.playerConfig.audioConfig) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.enablePerFormatLoudness
stream_selection_config: {
max_bitrate: ((_h = data.playerConfig.streamSelectionConfig) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.maxBitrate) || "0"
media_common_config: {
dynamic_readahead_config: {
max_read_ahead_media_time_ms: ((_k = (_j = data.playerConfig.mediaCommonConfig) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.dynamicReadaheadConfig) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.maxReadAheadMediaTimeMs) || 0,
min_read_ahead_media_time_ms: ((_m = (_l = data.playerConfig.mediaCommonConfig) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 : _l.dynamicReadaheadConfig) === null || _m === void 0 ? void 0 : _m.minReadAheadMediaTimeMs) || 0,
read_ahead_growth_rate_ms: ((_p = (_o = data.playerConfig.mediaCommonConfig) === null || _o === void 0 ? void 0 : _o.dynamicReadaheadConfig) === null || _p === void 0 ? void 0 : _p.readAheadGrowthRateMs) || 0
parsed_data.player_config = player_config;
const current_video_endpoint = data.currentVideoEndpoint ? new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.currentVideoEndpoint) : null;
if (current_video_endpoint) {
parsed_data.current_video_endpoint = current_video_endpoint;
const endpoint = data.endpoint ? new NavigationEndpoint_default(data.endpoint) : null;
if (endpoint) {
parsed_data.endpoint = endpoint;
const captions = parseItem(data.captions, PlayerCaptionsTracklist_default);
if (captions) {
parsed_data.captions = captions;
const video_details = data.videoDetails ? new VideoDetails(data.videoDetails) : null;
if (video_details) {
parsed_data.video_details = video_details;
const annotations = parseArray(data.annotations, PlayerAnnotationsExpanded_default);
if (annotations.length) {
parsed_data.annotations = annotations;
const storyboards = parseItem(data.storyboards, [PlayerStoryboardSpec_default, PlayerLiveStoryboardSpec_default]);
if (storyboards) {
parsed_data.storyboards = storyboards;
const endscreen = parseItem(data.endscreen, Endscreen_default);
if (endscreen) {
parsed_data.endscreen = endscreen;
const cards = parseItem(, CardCollection_default);
if (cards) { = cards;
const engagement_panels = parseArray(data.engagementPanels, EngagementPanelSectionList_default);
if (engagement_panels.length) {
parsed_data.engagement_panels = engagement_panels;
return parsed_data;
__name(parseResponse, "parseResponse");
function parseItem(data, validTypes) {
if (!data)
return null;
const keys = Object.keys(data);
if (!keys.length)
return null;
const classname = sanitizeClassName(keys[0]);
if (!shouldIgnore(classname)) {
try {
const has_target_class = hasParser(classname);
const TargetClass = has_target_class ? getParserByName(classname) : generateRuntimeClass(classname, data[keys[0]], ERROR_HANDLER);
if (validTypes) {
if (Array.isArray(validTypes)) {
if (!validTypes.some((type) => type.type === TargetClass.type)) {
classdata: data[keys[0]],
error_type: "typecheck",
expected: => type.type)
return null;
} else if (TargetClass.type !== validTypes.type) {
classdata: data[keys[0]],
error_type: "typecheck",
expected: validTypes.type
return null;
const result = new TargetClass(data[keys[0]]);
_addToMemo(classname, result);
return result;
} catch (err) {
classdata: data[keys[0]],
error: err,
error_type: "parse"
return null;
return null;
__name(parseItem, "parseItem");
function parseArray(data, validTypes) {
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
const results = [];
for (const item of data) {
const result = parseItem(item, validTypes);
if (result) {
return observe(results);
} else if (!data) {
return observe([]);
throw new ParsingError("Expected array but got a single item");
__name(parseArray, "parseArray");
function parse(data, requireArray, validTypes) {
if (!data)
return null;
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
const results = [];
for (const item of data) {
const result = parseItem(item, validTypes);
if (result) {
const res = observe(results);
return requireArray ? res : new SuperParsedResult(res);
} else if (requireArray) {
throw new ParsingError("Expected array but got a single item");
return new SuperParsedResult(parseItem(data, validTypes));
__name(parse, "parse");
function parseC(data) {
if (data.timedContinuationData)
return new Continuation({ continuation: data.timedContinuationData, type: "timed" });
return null;
__name(parseC, "parseC");
function parseLC(data) {
if (data.itemSectionContinuation)
return new ItemSectionContinuation(data.itemSectionContinuation);
if (data.sectionListContinuation)
return new SectionListContinuation(data.sectionListContinuation);
if (data.liveChatContinuation)
return new LiveChatContinuation(data.liveChatContinuation);
if (data.musicPlaylistShelfContinuation)
return new MusicPlaylistShelfContinuation(data.musicPlaylistShelfContinuation);
if (data.musicShelfContinuation)
return new MusicShelfContinuation(data.musicShelfContinuation);
if (data.gridContinuation)
return new GridContinuation(data.gridContinuation);
if (data.playlistPanelContinuation)
return new PlaylistPanelContinuation(data.playlistPanelContinuation);
if (data.continuationCommand)
return new ContinuationCommand(data.continuationCommand);
return null;
__name(parseLC, "parseLC");
function parseRR(actions) {
return observe( => {
if (action.navigateAction)
return new NavigateAction(action.navigateAction);
if (action.showMiniplayerCommand)
return new ShowMiniplayerCommand(action.showMiniplayerCommand);
if (action.reloadContinuationItemsCommand)
return new ReloadContinuationItemsCommand(action.reloadContinuationItemsCommand);
if (action.appendContinuationItemsAction)
return new AppendContinuationItemsAction_default(action.appendContinuationItemsAction);
}).filter((item) => item));
__name(parseRR, "parseRR");
function parseActions(data) {
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
return parse( => {
delete action.clickTrackingParams;
return action;
return new SuperParsedResult(parseItem(data));
__name(parseActions, "parseActions");
function parseFormats(formats, this_response_nsig_cache) {
return (formats === null || formats === void 0 ? void 0 : => new Format_default(format, this_response_nsig_cache))) || [];
__name(parseFormats, "parseFormats");
function applyMutations(memo, mutations) {
const music_multi_select_menu_items = memo.getType(MusicMultiSelectMenuItem_default);
if (music_multi_select_menu_items.length > 0 && !mutations) {
error_type: "mutation_data_missing",
classname: "MusicMultiSelectMenuItem"
} else {
const missing_or_invalid_mutations = [];
for (const menu_item of music_multi_select_menu_items) {
const mutation = mutations.find((mutation2) => {
var _a4, _b;
return ((_b = (_a4 = mutation2.payload) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.musicFormBooleanChoice) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : === menu_item.form_item_entity_key;
const choice = mutation === null || mutation === void 0 ? void 0 : mutation.payload.musicFormBooleanChoice;
if ((choice === null || choice === void 0 ? void 0 : choice.selected) !== void 0 && (choice === null || choice === void 0 ? void 0 : choice.opaqueToken)) {
menu_item.selected = choice.selected;
} else {
if (missing_or_invalid_mutations.length > 0) {
error_type: "mutation_data_invalid",
classname: "MusicMultiSelectMenuItem",
total: music_multi_select_menu_items.length,
failed: missing_or_invalid_mutations.length,
titles: missing_or_invalid_mutations
__name(applyMutations, "applyMutations");
function applyCommentsMutations(memo, mutations) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
const comment_view_items = memo.getType(CommentView_default);
if (comment_view_items.length > 0) {
if (!mutations) {
error_type: "mutation_data_missing",
classname: "CommentView"
for (const comment_view of comment_view_items) {
const comment_mutation = (_b = (_a4 = mutations.find((mutation) => {
var _a5, _b2;
return ((_b2 = (_a5 = mutation.payload) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.commentEntityPayload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.key) === comment_view.keys.comment;
})) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.payload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.commentEntityPayload;
const toolbar_state_mutation = (_d = (_c = mutations.find((mutation) => {
var _a5, _b2;
return ((_b2 = (_a5 = mutation.payload) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.engagementToolbarStateEntityPayload) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.key) === comment_view.keys.toolbar_state;
})) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.payload) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.engagementToolbarStateEntityPayload;
const engagement_toolbar = (_f = (_e = mutations.find((mutation) => mutation.entityKey === comment_view.keys.toolbar_surface)) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.payload) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.engagementToolbarSurfaceEntityPayload;
comment_view.applyMutations(comment_mutation, toolbar_state_mutation, engagement_toolbar);
__name(applyCommentsMutations, "applyCommentsMutations");
// dist/src/parser/youtube/index.js
var youtube_exports = {};
__export(youtube_exports, {
AccountInfo: () => AccountInfo_default,
Analytics: () => Analytics_default,
Channel: () => Channel2,
ChannelListContinuation: () => ChannelListContinuation,
Comments: () => Comments_default,
FilteredChannelList: () => FilteredChannelList,
Guide: () => Guide_default,
HashtagFeed: () => HashtagFeed,
History: () => History_default,
HomeFeed: () => HomeFeed,
ItemMenu: () => ItemMenu_default,
Library: () => Library_default,
LiveChat: () => LiveChat_default2,
NotificationsMenu: () => NotificationsMenu_default,
Playlist: () => Playlist_default2,
Search: () => Search_default,
Settings: () => Settings_default,
SmoothedQueue: () => SmoothedQueue_default,
TimeWatched: () => TimeWatched_default,
TranscriptInfo: () => TranscriptInfo_default,
VideoInfo: () => VideoInfo_default
// dist/src/parser/youtube/AccountInfo.js
var import_tslib19 = require("tslib");
var _AccountInfo_page;
var AccountInfo = class {
constructor(response) {
_AccountInfo_page.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib19.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _AccountInfo_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
if (!(0, import_tslib19.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountInfo_page, "f").contents)
throw new InnertubeError("Page contents not found");
const account_section_list = (0, import_tslib19.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountInfo_page, "f").contents.array().as(AccountSectionList_default).first();
if (!account_section_list)
throw new InnertubeError("Account section list not found");
this.contents = account_section_list.contents;
this.footers = account_section_list.footers;
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib19.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountInfo_page, "f");
__name(AccountInfo, "AccountInfo");
_AccountInfo_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var AccountInfo_default = AccountInfo;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/Analytics.js
var import_tslib20 = require("tslib");
var _Analytics_page;
var Analytics = class {
constructor(response) {
var _a4;
_Analytics_page.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib20.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Analytics_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
this.sections = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib20.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Analytics_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(Element_default).map((el) => el.model).flatMap((el) => !el ? [] : el);
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib20.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Analytics_page, "f");
__name(Analytics, "Analytics");
_Analytics_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Analytics_default = Analytics;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/Channel.js
var import_tslib25 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/core/mixins/Feed.js
var import_tslib21 = require("tslib");
var _Feed_instances;
var _Feed_page;
var _Feed_continuation;
var _Feed_actions;
var _Feed_memo;
var _Feed_isParsed;
var _Feed_getBodyContinuations;
var Feed = class {
constructor(actions, response, already_parsed = false) {
_Feed_page.set(this, void 0);
_Feed_continuation.set(this, void 0);
_Feed_actions.set(this, void 0);
_Feed_memo.set(this, void 0);
if ((0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_instances, "m", _Feed_isParsed).call(this, response) || already_parsed) {
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Feed_page, response, "f");
} else {
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Feed_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
const memo = concatMemos(...[
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f").contents_memo,
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f").continuation_contents_memo,
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f").on_response_received_commands_memo,
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f").on_response_received_endpoints_memo,
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f").on_response_received_actions_memo,
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f").sidebar_memo,
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f").header_memo
if (!memo)
throw new InnertubeError("No memo found in feed");
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Feed_memo, memo, "f");
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Feed_actions, actions, "f");
static getVideosFromMemo(memo) {
return memo.getType(Video_default, GridVideo_default, ReelItem_default, CompactVideo_default, PlaylistVideo_default, PlaylistPanelVideo_default, WatchCardCompactVideo_default);
static getPlaylistsFromMemo(memo) {
const playlists = memo.getType(Playlist_default, GridPlaylist_default);
const lockup_views = memo.getType(LockupView_default).filter((lockup) => {
return ["PLAYLIST", "ALBUM", "PODCAST"].includes(lockup.content_type);
if (lockup_views.length > 0) {
return playlists;
get videos() {
return Feed.getVideosFromMemo((0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_memo, "f"));
get posts() {
return (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_memo, "f").getType(BackstagePost_default, Post_default, SharedPost_default);
get channels() {
return (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_memo, "f").getType(Channel_default, GridChannel_default);
get playlists() {
return Feed.getPlaylistsFromMemo((0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_memo, "f"));
get memo() {
return (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_memo, "f");
get page_contents() {
var _a4;
const tab_content = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_memo, "f").getType(Tab_default)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.first().content;
const reload_continuation_items = (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_memo, "f").getType(ReloadContinuationItemsCommand).first();
const append_continuation_items = (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_memo, "f").getType(AppendContinuationItemsAction_default).first();
return tab_content || reload_continuation_items || append_continuation_items;
get shelves() {
return (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_memo, "f").getType(Shelf_default, RichShelf_default, ReelShelf_default);
getShelf(title) {
return this.shelves.get({ title });
get secondary_contents() {
var _a4, _b;
if (!((_a4 = (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f").contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.is_node))
return void 0;
const node = (_b = (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f").contents) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.item();
if (!, TwoColumnSearchResults_default))
return void 0;
return node.secondary_contents;
get actions() {
return (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_actions, "f");
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f");
get has_continuation() {
return (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_instances, "m", _Feed_getBodyContinuations).call(this).length > 0;
getContinuationData() {
return (0, import_tslib21.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if ((0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_continuation, "f")) {
if ((0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_continuation, "f").length === 0)
throw new InnertubeError("There are no continuations.");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_continuation, "f")[0], import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_actions, "f"), { parse: true });
return response;
(0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Feed_continuation, (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_instances, "m", _Feed_getBodyContinuations).call(this), "f");
if ((0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_continuation, "f"))
return this.getContinuationData();
getContinuation() {
return (0, import_tslib21.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const continuation_data = yield this.getContinuationData();
if (!continuation_data)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not get continuation data");
return new Feed(this.actions, continuation_data, true);
__name(Feed, "Feed");
_Feed_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Feed_continuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Feed_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Feed_memo = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Feed_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _Feed_isParsed = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Feed_isParsed2(response) {
return !("data" in response);
}, "_Feed_isParsed"), _Feed_getBodyContinuations = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Feed_getBodyContinuations2() {
if ((0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f").header_memo) {
const header_continuations = (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_page, "f").header_memo.getType(ContinuationItem_default);
return (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_memo, "f").getType(ContinuationItem_default).filter((continuation) => !header_continuations.includes(continuation));
return (0, import_tslib21.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Feed_memo, "f").getType(ContinuationItem_default);
}, "_Feed_getBodyContinuations");
var Feed_default = Feed;
// dist/src/core/mixins/FilterableFeed.js
var import_tslib22 = require("tslib");
var _FilterableFeed_chips;
var FilterableFeed = class extends Feed_default {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
super(actions, data, already_parsed);
_FilterableFeed_chips.set(this, void 0);
get filter_chips() {
var _a4, _b;
if ((0, import_tslib22.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _FilterableFeed_chips, "f"))
return (0, import_tslib22.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _FilterableFeed_chips, "f") || [];
if (((_a4 = this.memo.getType(FeedFilterChipBar_default)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.length) > 1)
throw new InnertubeError("There are too many feed filter chipbars, you'll need to find the correct one yourself in");
if (((_b = this.memo.getType(FeedFilterChipBar_default)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) === 0)
throw new InnertubeError("There are no feed filter chipbars");
(0, import_tslib22.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _FilterableFeed_chips, this.memo.getType(ChipCloudChip_default), "f");
return (0, import_tslib22.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _FilterableFeed_chips, "f") || [];
get filters() {
return => chip.text.toString()) || [];
getFilteredFeed(filter) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib22.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let target_filter;
if (typeof filter === "string") {
if (!this.filters.includes(filter))
throw new InnertubeError("Filter not found", { available_filters: this.filters });
target_filter = this.filter_chips.find((chip) => chip.text.toString() === filter);
} else if (filter.type === "ChipCloudChip") {
target_filter = filter;
} else {
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid filter");
if (!target_filter)
throw new InnertubeError("Filter not found");
if (target_filter.is_selected)
return this;
const response = yield (_a4 = target_filter.endpoint) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :, { parse: true });
if (!response)
throw new InnertubeError("Failed to get filtered feed");
return new Feed_default(this.actions, response, true);
__name(FilterableFeed, "FilterableFeed");
_FilterableFeed_chips = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var FilterableFeed_default = FilterableFeed;
// dist/src/core/mixins/TabbedFeed.js
var import_tslib24 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/core/mixins/index.js
var mixins_exports = {};
__export(mixins_exports, {
Feed: () => Feed_default,
FilterableFeed: () => FilterableFeed_default,
MediaInfo: () => MediaInfo_default,
TabbedFeed: () => TabbedFeed_default
// dist/src/core/mixins/MediaInfo.js
var import_tslib23 = require("tslib");
var _MediaInfo_page;
var _MediaInfo_actions;
var _MediaInfo_cpn;
var _MediaInfo_playback_tracking;
var MediaInfo = class {
constructor(data, actions, cpn) {
var _a4, _b;
_MediaInfo_page.set(this, void 0);
_MediaInfo_actions.set(this, void 0);
_MediaInfo_cpn.set(this, void 0);
_MediaInfo_playback_tracking.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _MediaInfo_actions, actions, "f");
const info = parser_exports.parseResponse(data[0].data);
const next = ((_a4 = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data[1]) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : ? parser_exports.parseResponse(data[1].data) : void 0;
(0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _MediaInfo_page, [info, next], "f");
(0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _MediaInfo_cpn, cpn, "f");
if (((_b = info.playability_status) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.status) === "ERROR")
throw new InnertubeError("This video is unavailable", info.playability_status);
this.streaming_data = info.streaming_data;
this.playability_status = info.playability_status;
this.player_config = info.player_config;
(0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _MediaInfo_playback_tracking, info.playback_tracking, "f");
toDash(url_transformer, format_filter, options = { include_thumbnails: false }) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib23.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const player_response = (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_page, "f")[0];
if (player_response.video_details && player_response.video_details.is_live) {
throw new InnertubeError("Generating DASH manifests for live videos is not supported. Please use the DASH and HLS manifests provided by YouTube in `streaming_data.dash_manifest_url` and `streaming_data.hls_manifest_url` instead.");
let storyboards;
if (options.include_thumbnails && player_response.storyboards) {
storyboards = player_response.storyboards;
return FormatUtils_exports.toDash(this.streaming_data, (_a4 =[0].video_details) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.is_post_live_dvr, url_transformer, format_filter, (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_cpn, "f"), (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_actions, "f").session.player, (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_actions, "f"), storyboards);
getStreamingInfo(url_transformer, format_filter) {
var _a4;
return getStreamingInfo(this.streaming_data, (_a4 =[0].video_details) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.is_post_live_dvr, url_transformer, format_filter, this.cpn, (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_actions, "f").session.player, (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_actions, "f"), (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_page, "f")[0].storyboards ? (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_page, "f")[0].storyboards : void 0);
chooseFormat(options) {
return FormatUtils_exports.chooseFormat(options, this.streaming_data);
download(options = {}) {
return (0, import_tslib23.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const player_response = (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_page, "f")[0];
if (player_response.video_details && (player_response.video_details.is_live || player_response.video_details.is_post_live_dvr)) {
throw new InnertubeError("Downloading is not supported for live and Post-Live-DVR videos, as they are split up into 5 second segments that are individual files, which require using a tool such as ffmpeg to stitch them together, so they cannot be returned in a single stream.");
return, (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_actions, "f"), this.playability_status, this.streaming_data, (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_actions, "f").session.player, this.cpn);
getTranscript() {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib23.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const next_response =[1];
if (!next_response)
throw new InnertubeError("Cannot get transcript from basic video info.");
if (!next_response.engagement_panels)
throw new InnertubeError("Engagement panels not found. Video likely has no transcript.");
const transcript_panel = next_response.engagement_panels.get({
panel_identifier: "engagement-panel-searchable-transcript"
if (!transcript_panel)
throw new InnertubeError("Transcript panel not found. Video likely has no transcript.");
const transcript_continuation = (_a4 = transcript_panel.content) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (!transcript_continuation)
throw new InnertubeError("Transcript continuation not found.");
const response = yield;
return new TranscriptInfo_default(this.actions, response);
addToWatchHistory(client_name = Constants_exports.CLIENTS.WEB.NAME, client_version = Constants_exports.CLIENTS.WEB.VERSION, replacement = "https://www.") {
return (0, import_tslib23.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_playback_tracking, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Playback tracking not available");
const url_params = {
cpn: (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_cpn, "f"),
fmt: 251,
rtn: 0,
rt: 0
const url = (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_playback_tracking, "f").videostats_playback_url.replace("https://s.", replacement);
const response = yield (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_actions, "f").stats(url, {
}, url_params);
return response;
get actions() {
return (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_actions, "f");
get cpn() {
return (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_cpn, "f");
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib23.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _MediaInfo_page, "f");
__name(MediaInfo, "MediaInfo");
_MediaInfo_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _MediaInfo_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _MediaInfo_cpn = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _MediaInfo_playback_tracking = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var MediaInfo_default = MediaInfo;
// dist/src/core/mixins/TabbedFeed.js
var _TabbedFeed_tabs;
var _TabbedFeed_actions;
var TabbedFeed = class extends Feed_default {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
var _a4;
super(actions, data, already_parsed);
_TabbedFeed_tabs.set(this, void 0);
_TabbedFeed_actions.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib24.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _TabbedFeed_actions, actions, "f");
(0, import_tslib24.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _TabbedFeed_tabs, (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(Tab_default), "f");
get tabs() {
var _a4, _b;
return (_b = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib24.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TabbedFeed_tabs, "f")) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => tab.title.toString())) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : [];
getTabByName(title) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib24.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib24.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TabbedFeed_tabs, "f")) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.find((tab2) => tab2.title.toLowerCase() === title.toLowerCase());
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError(`Tab "${title}" not found`);
if (tab.selected)
return this;
const response = yield, import_tslib24.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TabbedFeed_actions, "f"));
return new TabbedFeed((0, import_tslib24.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TabbedFeed_actions, "f"), response, false);
getTabByURL(url) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib24.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib24.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TabbedFeed_tabs, "f")) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.find((tab2) => {
var _a5;
return ((_a5 = tab2.endpoint.metadata.url) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.split("/").pop()) === url;
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError(`Tab "${url}" not found`);
if (tab.selected)
return this;
const response = yield, import_tslib24.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TabbedFeed_actions, "f"));
return new TabbedFeed((0, import_tslib24.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TabbedFeed_actions, "f"), response, false);
hasTabWithURL(url) {
var _a4, _b;
return (_b = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib24.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TabbedFeed_tabs, "f")) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.some((tab) => {
var _a5;
return ((_a5 = tab.endpoint.metadata.url) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.split("/").pop()) === url;
})) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false;
get title() {
var _a4, _b, _c;
return (_c = (_b = (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(Tab_default)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.find((tab) => tab.selected)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.title.toString();
__name(TabbedFeed, "TabbedFeed");
_TabbedFeed_tabs = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _TabbedFeed_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var TabbedFeed_default = TabbedFeed;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/Channel.js
var Channel2 = class extends TabbedFeed_default {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
super(actions, data, already_parsed);
this.header = (_b = (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.item()) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :, CarouselHeader_default, InteractiveTabbedHeader_default, PageHeader_default);
const metadata = (_c = === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.item().as(ChannelMetadata_default);
const microformat = (_d = === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if ( {
const alert =;
if ((alert === null || alert === void 0 ? void 0 : alert.alert_type) === "ERROR") {
throw new ChannelError(alert.text.toString());
if (!metadata && !
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid channel", this);
this.metadata = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, metadata), microformat || {});
this.subscribe_button = (_e = === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.getType(SubscribeButton_default).first();
this.current_tab = (_f = === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.item().as(TwoColumnBrowseResults_default).tabs.array().filterType(Tab_default, ExpandableTab_default).get({ selected: true });
applyFilter(filter) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let target_filter;
const filter_chipbar = this.memo.getType(FeedFilterChipBar_default).first();
if (typeof filter === "string") {
target_filter = filter_chipbar === null || filter_chipbar === void 0 ? void 0 : filter_chipbar.contents.get({ text: filter });
if (!target_filter)
throw new InnertubeError(`Filter ${filter} not found`, { available_filters: this.filters });
} else if (filter instanceof ChipCloudChip_default) {
target_filter = filter;
if (!target_filter)
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid filter", filter);
const page = yield (_a4 = target_filter.endpoint) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :, { parse: true });
if (!page)
throw new InnertubeError("No page returned", { filter: target_filter });
return new FilteredChannelList(this.actions, page, true);
applySort(sort) {
var _a4, _b;
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const sort_filter_sub_menu = this.memo.getType(SortFilterSubMenu_default).first();
if (!sort_filter_sub_menu)
throw new InnertubeError("No sort filter sub menu found");
const target_sort = (_a4 = sort_filter_sub_menu === null || sort_filter_sub_menu === void 0 ? void 0 : sort_filter_sub_menu.sub_menu_items) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.find((item) => item.title === sort);
if (!target_sort)
throw new InnertubeError(`Sort filter ${sort} not found`, { available_sort_filters: this.sort_filters });
if (target_sort.selected)
return this;
const page = yield (_b = target_sort.endpoint) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :, { parse: true });
return new Channel2(this.actions, page, true);
applyContentTypeFilter(content_type_filter) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const sub_menu = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = this.current_tab) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.content) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (!sub_menu)
throw new InnertubeError("Sub menu not found");
const item = sub_menu.content_type_sub_menu_items.find((item2) => item2.title === content_type_filter);
if (!item)
throw new InnertubeError(`Sub menu item ${content_type_filter} not found`, { available_filters: this.content_type_filters });
if (item.selected)
return this;
const page = yield (_d = item.endpoint) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 :, { parse: true });
return new Channel2(this.actions, page, true);
get filters() {
var _a4, _b;
return ((_b = (_a4 = this.memo.getType(FeedFilterChipBar_default)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.contents.filterType(ChipCloudChip_default).map((chip) => chip.text)) || [];
get sort_filters() {
var _a4;
const sort_filter_sub_menu = this.memo.getType(SortFilterSubMenu_default).first();
return ((_a4 = sort_filter_sub_menu === null || sort_filter_sub_menu === void 0 ? void 0 : sort_filter_sub_menu.sub_menu_items) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => item.title)) || [];
get content_type_filters() {
var _a4, _b, _c;
const sub_menu = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = this.current_tab) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.content) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 :;
return (sub_menu === null || sub_menu === void 0 ? void 0 : => item.title)) || [];
getHome() {
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = yield this.getTabByURL("featured");
return new Channel2(this.actions,, true);
getVideos() {
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = yield this.getTabByURL("videos");
return new Channel2(this.actions,, true);
getShorts() {
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = yield this.getTabByURL("shorts");
return new Channel2(this.actions,, true);
getLiveStreams() {
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = yield this.getTabByURL("streams");
return new Channel2(this.actions,, true);
getReleases() {
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = yield this.getTabByURL("releases");
return new Channel2(this.actions,, true);
getPodcasts() {
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = yield this.getTabByURL("podcasts");
return new Channel2(this.actions,, true);
getPlaylists() {
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = yield this.getTabByURL("playlists");
return new Channel2(this.actions,, true);
getCommunity() {
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = yield this.getTabByURL("community");
return new Channel2(this.actions,, true);
getAbout() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (this.hasTabWithURL("about")) {
const tab = yield this.getTabByURL("about");
return tab.memo.getType(ChannelAboutFullMetadata_default)[0];
const tagline = ((_a4 = this.header) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : && this.header.tagline;
if (tagline || ((_b = this.header) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : && ((_c = this.header.content) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.description)) {
if (tagline && tagline.more_endpoint instanceof NavigationEndpoint_default) {
const response2 = yield;
const tab = new TabbedFeed_default(this.actions, response2, false);
return tab.memo.getType(ChannelAboutFullMetadata_default)[0];
const endpoint = (_e = (_d = === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.getType(ContinuationItem_default)[0]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.endpoint;
if (!endpoint) {
throw new InnertubeError("Failed to extract continuation to get channel about");
const response = yield, { parse: true });
if (!response.on_response_received_endpoints_memo) {
throw new InnertubeError("Unexpected response while fetching channel about", { response });
return response.on_response_received_endpoints_memo.getType(AboutChannel_default)[0];
throw new InnertubeError("About not found");
search(query) {
var _a4, _b;
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = (_a4 = this.memo.getType(ExpandableTab_default)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0];
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError("Search tab not found", this);
const page = yield (_b = tab.endpoint) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :, { query, parse: true });
return new Channel2(this.actions, page, true);
get has_home() {
return this.hasTabWithURL("featured");
get has_videos() {
return this.hasTabWithURL("videos");
get has_shorts() {
return this.hasTabWithURL("shorts");
get has_live_streams() {
return this.hasTabWithURL("streams");
get has_releases() {
return this.hasTabWithURL("releases");
get has_podcasts() {
return this.hasTabWithURL("podcasts");
get has_playlists() {
return this.hasTabWithURL("playlists");
get has_community() {
return this.hasTabWithURL("community");
get has_about() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
return this.hasTabWithURL("about") || !!(((_a4 = this.header) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : && ((_b = this.header.tagline) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.more_endpoint)) || !!(((_c = this.header) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : && ((_e = (_d = this.header.content) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.description) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.more_endpoint));
get has_search() {
var _a4;
return ((_a4 = this.memo.getType(ExpandableTab_default)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.length) > 0;
getContinuation() {
const _super = Object.create(null, {
getContinuationData: { get: () => super.getContinuationData }
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const page = yield;
if (!page)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not get continuation data");
return new ChannelListContinuation(this.actions, page, true);
__name(Channel2, "Channel");
var ChannelListContinuation = class extends Feed_default {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
var _a4, _b;
super(actions, data, already_parsed);
this.contents = ((_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.first()) || ((_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.first());
getContinuation() {
const _super = Object.create(null, {
getContinuationData: { get: () => super.getContinuationData }
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const page = yield;
if (!page)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not get continuation data");
return new ChannelListContinuation(this.actions, page, true);
__name(ChannelListContinuation, "ChannelListContinuation");
var FilteredChannelList = class extends FilterableFeed_default {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
super(actions, data, already_parsed);
this.applied_filter = this.memo.getType(ChipCloudChip_default).get({ is_selected: true });
if ( && > 1) {;
this.contents =;
applyFilter(filter) {
const _super = Object.create(null, {
getFilteredFeed: { get: () => super.getFilteredFeed }
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const feed = yield, filter);
return new FilteredChannelList(this.actions,, true);
getContinuation() {
const _super = Object.create(null, {
getContinuationData: { get: () => super.getContinuationData }
return (0, import_tslib25.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const page = yield;
if (!(page === null || page === void 0 ? void 0 : page.on_response_received_actions_memo))
throw new InnertubeError("Unexpected continuation data", page);
page.on_response_received_actions_memo.set("FeedFilterChipBar", this.memo.getType(FeedFilterChipBar_default));
page.on_response_received_actions_memo.set("ChipCloudChip", this.memo.getType(ChipCloudChip_default));
return new FilteredChannelList(this.actions, page, true);
__name(FilteredChannelList, "FilteredChannelList");
// dist/src/parser/youtube/Comments.js
var import_tslib26 = require("tslib");
var _Comments_page;
var _Comments_actions;
var _Comments_continuation;
var Comments = class {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
_Comments_page.set(this, void 0);
_Comments_actions.set(this, void 0);
_Comments_continuation.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Comments_page, already_parsed ? data : parser_exports.parseResponse(data), "f");
(0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Comments_actions, actions, "f");
const contents = (0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_page, "f").on_response_received_endpoints;
if (!contents)
throw new InnertubeError("Comments page did not have any content.");
const header_node =;
const body_node =;
this.header = (_a4 = header_node === null || header_node === void 0 ? void 0 : header_node.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.firstOfType(CommentsHeader_default);
const threads = ((_b = body_node === null || body_node === void 0 ? void 0 : body_node.contents) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.filterType(CommentThread_default)) || [];
this.contents = observe( => {
var _a5;
(_a5 = thread.comment) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.setActions((0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_actions, "f"));
thread.setActions((0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_actions, "f"));
return thread;
(0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Comments_continuation, (_c = body_node === null || body_node === void 0 ? void 0 : body_node.contents) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.firstOfType(ContinuationItem_default), "f");
applySort(sort) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
return (0, import_tslib26.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this.header)
throw new InnertubeError("Page header is missing. Cannot apply sort option.");
let button;
if (sort === "TOP_COMMENTS") {
button = (_b = (_a4 = this.header.sort_menu) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.sub_menu_items) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
} else if (sort === "NEWEST_FIRST") {
button = (_d = (_c = this.header.sort_menu) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.sub_menu_items) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (!button)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find target button.");
if (button.selected)
return this;
const response = yield, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_actions, "f"), { parse: true });
return new Comments((0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_actions, "f"), response, true);
createComment(text) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib26.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this.header)
throw new InnertubeError("Page header is missing. Cannot create comment.");
const button = (_a4 = this.header.create_renderer) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (!button)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find target button. You are probably not logged in.");
if (!button.endpoint)
throw new InnertubeError("Button does not have an endpoint.");
const response = yield, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_actions, "f"), { commentText: text });
return response;
getContinuation() {
return (0, import_tslib26.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_continuation, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Continuation not found");
const data = yield (0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_continuation, "f"), import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_actions, "f"), { parse: true });
const page = Object.assign({}, (0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_page, "f"));
if (!page.on_response_received_endpoints || !data.on_response_received_endpoints)
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid reponse format, missing on_response_received_endpoints.");
return new Comments((0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_actions, "f"), page, true);
get has_continuation() {
return !!(0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_continuation, "f");
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib26.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Comments_page, "f");
__name(Comments, "Comments");
_Comments_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Comments_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Comments_continuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Comments_default = Comments;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/Guide.js
var import_tslib27 = require("tslib");
var _Guide_page;
var Guide = class {
constructor(data) {
_Guide_page.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib27.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Guide_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(data), "f");
this.contents = (0, import_tslib27.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Guide_page, "f").items.array().as(GuideSection_default, GuideSubscriptionsSection_default);
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib27.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Guide_page, "f");
__name(Guide, "Guide");
_Guide_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Guide_default = Guide;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/History.js
var import_tslib28 = require("tslib");
var History = class extends Feed_default {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
super(actions, data, already_parsed);
this.sections = this.memo.getType(ItemSection_default);
this.feed_actions = this.memo.getType(BrowseFeedActions_default).first();
getContinuation() {
return (0, import_tslib28.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.getContinuationData();
if (!response)
throw new Error("No continuation data found");
return new History(this.actions, response, true);
__name(History, "History");
var History_default = History;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/HomeFeed.js
var import_tslib29 = require("tslib");
var HomeFeed = class extends FilterableFeed_default {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
super(actions, data, already_parsed);
this.header = this.memo.getType(FeedTabbedHeader_default).first();
this.contents = this.memo.getType(RichGrid_default).first() ||;
applyFilter(filter) {
const _super = Object.create(null, {
getFilteredFeed: { get: () => super.getFilteredFeed }
return (0, import_tslib29.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const feed = yield, filter);
return new HomeFeed(this.actions,, true);
getContinuation() {
const _super = Object.create(null, {
getContinuation: { get: () => super.getContinuation }
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib29.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const feed = yield; =;
(_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.set(this.header.type, [this.header]);
return new HomeFeed(this.actions,, true);
__name(HomeFeed, "HomeFeed");
// dist/src/parser/youtube/HashtagFeed.js
var import_tslib30 = require("tslib");
var HashtagFeed = class extends FilterableFeed_default {
constructor(actions, response) {
super(actions, response);
if (!
throw new InnertubeError("Unexpected response",;
const tab =;
if (!tab.content)
throw new InnertubeError("Content tab has no content", tab);
if ( {
this.header =, PageHeader_default);
this.contents =;
applyFilter(filter) {
const _super = Object.create(null, {
getFilteredFeed: { get: () => super.getFilteredFeed }
return (0, import_tslib30.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield, filter);
return new HashtagFeed(this.actions,;
__name(HashtagFeed, "HashtagFeed");
// dist/src/parser/youtube/ItemMenu.js
var import_tslib31 = require("tslib");
var _ItemMenu_page;
var _ItemMenu_actions;
var _ItemMenu_items;
var ItemMenu = class {
constructor(data, actions) {
_ItemMenu_page.set(this, void 0);
_ItemMenu_actions.set(this, void 0);
_ItemMenu_items.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib31.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _ItemMenu_page, data, "f");
(0, import_tslib31.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _ItemMenu_actions, actions, "f");
const menu = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.live_chat_item_context_menu_supported_renderers;
if (!menu || !
throw new InnertubeError('Response did not have a "live_chat_item_context_menu_supported_renderers" property. The call may have failed.');
(0, import_tslib31.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _ItemMenu_items,, "f");
selectItem(item) {
return (0, import_tslib31.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let endpoint;
if (item instanceof Button_default) {
if (!item.endpoint)
throw new InnertubeError("Item does not have an endpoint.");
endpoint = item.endpoint;
} else {
const button = (0, import_tslib31.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _ItemMenu_items, "f").find((button2) => {
if (! {
return false;
const menuServiceItem =;
return menuServiceItem.icon_type === item;
if (!button || !
throw new InnertubeError(`Button "${item}" not found.`);
endpoint = button.endpoint;
if (!endpoint)
throw new InnertubeError("Target button does not have an endpoint.");
const response = yield, import_tslib31.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _ItemMenu_actions, "f"), { parse: true });
return response;
items() {
return (0, import_tslib31.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _ItemMenu_items, "f");
page() {
return (0, import_tslib31.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _ItemMenu_page, "f");
__name(ItemMenu, "ItemMenu");
_ItemMenu_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _ItemMenu_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _ItemMenu_items = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var ItemMenu_default = ItemMenu;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/Library.js
var import_tslib33 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/parser/youtube/Playlist.js
var import_tslib32 = require("tslib");
var _Playlist_instances;
var _Playlist_getStat;
var Playlist2 = class extends Feed_default {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
super(actions, data, already_parsed);
const header = this.memo.getType(PlaylistHeader_default).first();
const primary_info = this.memo.getType(PlaylistSidebarPrimaryInfo_default).first();
const secondary_info = this.memo.getType(PlaylistSidebarSecondaryInfo_default).first();
const alert = (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.firstOfType(Alert_default);
if (alert && alert.alert_type === "ERROR")
throw new InnertubeError(alert.text.toString(), alert);
if (!primary_info && !secondary_info && Object.keys( === 0)
throw new InnertubeError("Got empty continuation response. This is likely the end of the playlist."); = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.item().as(PlaylistMetadata_default)), {
subtitle: header ? header.subtitle : null,
author: (_d = (_c = secondary_info === null || secondary_info === void 0 ? void 0 : secondary_info.owner) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : header === null || header === void 0 ? void 0 :,
thumbnails: (_e = primary_info === null || primary_info === void 0 ? void 0 : primary_info.thumbnail_renderer) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 :, PlaylistCustomThumbnail_default).thumbnail,
total_items: (0, import_tslib32.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_instances, "m", _Playlist_getStat).call(this, 0, primary_info),
views: (0, import_tslib32.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_instances, "m", _Playlist_getStat).call(this, 1, primary_info),
last_updated: (0, import_tslib32.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_instances, "m", _Playlist_getStat).call(this, 2, primary_info),
can_share: header === null || header === void 0 ? void 0 : header.can_share,
can_delete: header === null || header === void 0 ? void 0 : header.can_delete,
is_editable: header === null || header === void 0 ? void 0 : header.is_editable,
privacy: header === null || header === void 0 ? void 0 : header.privacy
}); = primary_info === null || primary_info === void 0 ? void 0 :;
this.endpoint = primary_info === null || primary_info === void 0 ? void 0 : primary_info.endpoint;
this.messages = this.memo.getType(Message_default);
get items() {
return observe(, ReelItem_default).filter((video) => !== "PLAYLIST_VIDEO_RENDERER_STYLE_RECOMMENDED_VIDEO"));
get has_continuation() {
const section_list = this.memo.getType(SectionList_default).first();
if (!section_list)
return super.has_continuation;
return !!this.memo.getType(ContinuationItem_default).find((node) => !section_list.contents.includes(node));
getContinuationData() {
const _super = Object.create(null, {
getContinuationData: { get: () => super.getContinuationData }
return (0, import_tslib32.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const section_list = this.memo.getType(SectionList_default).first();
if (!section_list)
return yield;
const playlist_contents_continuation = this.memo.getType(ContinuationItem_default).find((node) => !section_list.contents.includes(node));
if (!playlist_contents_continuation)
throw new InnertubeError("There are no continuations.");
const response = yield, { parse: true });
return response;
getContinuation() {
return (0, import_tslib32.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const page = yield this.getContinuationData();
if (!page)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not get continuation data");
return new Playlist2(this.actions, page, true);
__name(Playlist2, "Playlist");
_Playlist_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _Playlist_getStat = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Playlist_getStat2(index, primary_info) {
var _a4;
if (!primary_info || !primary_info.stats)
return "N/A";
return ((_a4 = primary_info.stats[index]) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.toString()) || "N/A";
}, "_Playlist_getStat");
var Playlist_default2 = Playlist2;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/Library.js
var _Library_instances;
var _Library_getAll;
var Library = class extends Feed_default {
constructor(actions, data) {
super(actions, data);
if (!
throw new InnertubeError("Page contents not found");
this.header = this.memo.getType(PageHeader_default).first();
const shelves =;
this.sections = => {
var _a4;
return {
type: shelf.icon_type,
title: shelf.title,
contents: ((_a4 = shelf.content) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.key("items").array()) || [],
getAll: () => (0, import_tslib33.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_instances, "m", _Library_getAll).call(this, shelf)
get history() {
return this.sections.find((section) => section.type === "WATCH_HISTORY");
get watch_later() {
return this.sections.find((section) => section.type === "WATCH_LATER");
get liked_videos() {
return this.sections.find((section) => section.type === "LIKE");
get playlists_section() {
return this.sections.find((section) => section.type === "PLAYLISTS");
get clips() {
return this.sections.find((section) => section.type === "CONTENT_CUT");
__name(Library, "Library");
_Library_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _Library_getAll = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Library_getAll2(shelf) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib33.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!((_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :"top_level_buttons")))
throw new InnertubeError(`The ${shelf.title.text} shelf doesn't have more items`);
const button =;
if (!button)
throw new InnertubeError("Did not find target button.");
const page = yield, { parse: true });
switch (shelf.icon_type) {
case "LIKE":
return new Playlist_default2(this.actions, page, true);
return new History_default(this.actions, page, true);
return new Feed_default(this.actions, page, true);
throw new InnertubeError("Target shelf not implemented.");
}, "_Library_getAll");
var Library_default = Library;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/LiveChat.js
var import_tslib35 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/parser/youtube/SmoothedQueue.js
var import_tslib34 = require("tslib");
var _SmoothedQueue_last_update_time;
var _SmoothedQueue_estimated_update_interval;
var _SmoothedQueue_callback;
var _SmoothedQueue_action_queue;
var _SmoothedQueue_next_update_id;
var _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue;
function flattenQueue(queue) {
const nodes = [];
for (const group of queue) {
if (Array.isArray(group)) {
for (const node of group) {
} else {
return nodes;
__name(flattenQueue, "flattenQueue");
var DelayQueue = class {
constructor() {
this.front = [];
this.back = [];
isEmpty() {
return !this.front.length && !this.back.length;
clear() {
this.front = [];
this.back = [];
getValues() {
return this.front.concat(this.back.reverse());
__name(DelayQueue, "DelayQueue");
var SmoothedQueue = class {
constructor() {
_SmoothedQueue_last_update_time.set(this, void 0);
_SmoothedQueue_estimated_update_interval.set(this, void 0);
_SmoothedQueue_callback.set(this, void 0);
_SmoothedQueue_action_queue.set(this, void 0);
_SmoothedQueue_next_update_id.set(this, void 0);
_SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_last_update_time, null, "f");
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_estimated_update_interval, null, "f");
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_callback, null, "f");
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_action_queue, [], "f");
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_next_update_id, null, "f");
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, new DelayQueue(), "f");
enqueueActionGroup(group) {
if ((0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_last_update_time, "f") !== null) {
const delay = - (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_last_update_time, "f");
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, "f").back.push(delay);
if (5 < (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, "f").front.length + (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, "f").back.length) {
if (!(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, "f").front.length) {
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, "f").front = (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, "f").back;
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, "f").front.reverse();
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, "f").back = [];
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, "f").front.pop();
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_estimated_update_interval, Math.max(...(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, "f").getValues()), "f");
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_last_update_time,, "f");
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_action_queue, "f").push(group);
if ((0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_next_update_id, "f") === null) {
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_next_update_id, setTimeout(this.emitSmoothedActions.bind(this)), "f");
emitSmoothedActions() {
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_next_update_id, null, "f");
if ((0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_action_queue, "f").length) {
let delay = 1e4;
if ((0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_estimated_update_interval, "f") !== null && (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_last_update_time, "f") !== null) {
delay = (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_estimated_update_interval, "f") - + (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_last_update_time, "f");
delay = (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_action_queue, "f").length < delay / 80 ? 1 : Math.ceil((0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_action_queue, "f").length / (delay / 80));
const actions = flattenQueue((0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_action_queue, "f").splice(0, delay));
if ((0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_callback, "f")) {
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_callback, "f").call(this, actions);
if ((0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_action_queue, "f") !== null) {
delay == 1 ? (delay = (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_estimated_update_interval, "f") / (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_action_queue, "f").length, delay *= Math.random() + 0.5, delay = Math.min(1e3, delay), delay = Math.max(80, delay)) : delay = 80;
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_next_update_id, setTimeout(this.emitSmoothedActions.bind(this), delay), "f");
clear() {
if ((0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_next_update_id, "f") !== null) {
clearTimeout((0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_next_update_id, "f"));
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_next_update_id, null, "f");
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_action_queue, [], "f");
set callback(cb) {
(0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_callback, cb, "f");
get callback() {
return (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_callback, "f");
get action_queue() {
return (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_action_queue, "f");
get estimated_update_interval() {
return (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_estimated_update_interval, "f");
get last_update_time() {
return (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_last_update_time, "f");
get next_update_id() {
return (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_next_update_id, "f");
get poll_response_delay_queue() {
return (0, import_tslib34.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue, "f");
__name(SmoothedQueue, "SmoothedQueue");
_SmoothedQueue_last_update_time = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _SmoothedQueue_estimated_update_interval = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _SmoothedQueue_callback = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _SmoothedQueue_action_queue = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _SmoothedQueue_next_update_id = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _SmoothedQueue_poll_response_delay_queue = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var SmoothedQueue_default = SmoothedQueue;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/LiveChat.js
var _LiveChat_instances;
var _LiveChat_actions;
var _LiveChat_video_id;
var _LiveChat_channel_id;
var _LiveChat_continuation;
var _LiveChat_mcontinuation;
var _LiveChat_retry_count;
var _LiveChat_pollLivechat;
var _LiveChat_emitSmoothedActions;
var _LiveChat_pollMetadata;
var _LiveChat_wait;
var LiveChat2 = class extends EventEmitterLike_default {
constructor(video_info) {
var _a4, _b;
_LiveChat_actions.set(this, void 0);
_LiveChat_video_id.set(this, void 0);
_LiveChat_channel_id.set(this, void 0);
_LiveChat_continuation.set(this, void 0);
_LiveChat_mcontinuation.set(this, void 0);
_LiveChat_retry_count.set(this, 0);
this.running = false;
this.is_replay = false;
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LiveChat_video_id,, "f");
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LiveChat_channel_id, video_info.basic_info.channel_id, "f");
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LiveChat_actions, video_info.actions, "f");
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LiveChat_continuation, (_a4 = video_info.livechat) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.continuation, "f");
this.is_replay = ((_b = video_info.livechat) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.is_replay) || false;
this.smoothed_queue = new SmoothedQueue_default();
this.smoothed_queue.callback = (actions) => (0, import_tslib35.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!actions.length) {
yield (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_wait).call(this, 2e3);
} else if (actions.length < 10) {
yield (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_emitSmoothedActions).call(this, actions);
} else if (this.is_replay) {
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_emitSmoothedActions).call(this, actions);
yield (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_wait).call(this, 2e3);
} else {
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_emitSmoothedActions).call(this, actions);
if (this.running) {
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_pollLivechat).call(this);
on(type, listener) {
super.on(type, listener);
once(type, listener) {
super.once(type, listener);
start() {
if (!this.running) {
this.running = true;
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_pollLivechat).call(this);
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_pollMetadata).call(this);
stop() {
this.running = false;
sendMessage(text) {
return (0, import_tslib35.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_actions, "f").execute("/live_chat/send_message", {
params: encodeMessageParams((0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_channel_id, "f"), (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_video_id, "f")),
richMessage: { textSegments: [{ text }] },
clientMessageId: Platform.shim.uuidv4(),
client: "ANDROID",
parse: true
if (!response.actions)
throw new InnertubeError("Unexpected response from send_message", response);
return response.actions.array().as(AddChatItemAction_default);
applyFilter(filter) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
if (!this.initial_info)
throw new InnertubeError("Cannot apply filter before initial info is retrieved.");
const menu_items = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = this.initial_info) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.header) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.view_selector) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.sub_menu_items;
if (filter === "TOP_CHAT") {
if ((_d = menu_items === null || menu_items === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.selected)
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LiveChat_continuation, (_e = menu_items === null || menu_items === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.continuation, "f");
} else {
if ((_f = menu_items === null || menu_items === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.selected)
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LiveChat_continuation, (_g = menu_items === null || menu_items === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.continuation, "f");
getItemMenu(item) {
return (0, import_tslib35.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!item.hasKey("menu_endpoint") || !item.key("menu_endpoint").isInstanceof(NavigationEndpoint_default))
throw new InnertubeError("This item does not have a menu.", item);
const response = yield item.key("menu_endpoint").instanceof(NavigationEndpoint_default).call((0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_actions, "f"), { parse: true });
if (!response)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not retrieve item menu.", item);
return new ItemMenu_default(response, (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_actions, "f"));
selectButton(button) {
return (0, import_tslib35.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_actions, "f"), { parse: true });
return response;
__name(LiveChat2, "LiveChat");
_LiveChat_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _LiveChat_video_id = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _LiveChat_channel_id = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _LiveChat_continuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _LiveChat_mcontinuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _LiveChat_retry_count = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _LiveChat_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _LiveChat_pollLivechat = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _LiveChat_pollLivechat2() {
(() => (0, import_tslib35.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
var _a4, _b;
try {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_actions, "f").execute(this.is_replay ? "live_chat/get_live_chat_replay" : "live_chat/get_live_chat", { continuation: (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_continuation, "f"), parse: true });
const contents = response.continuation_contents;
if (!contents) {
this.emit("error", new InnertubeError("Unexpected live chat incremental continuation response", response));
if (!(contents instanceof LiveChatContinuation)) {
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LiveChat_continuation, contents.continuation.token, "f");
if (contents.header) {
this.initial_info = contents;
this.emit("start", contents);
if (this.running)
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_pollLivechat2).call(this);
} else {
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LiveChat_retry_count, 0, "f");
} catch (err) {
this.emit("error", err);
if (((0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LiveChat_retry_count, (_b = (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_retry_count, "f"), _a4 = _b++, _b), "f"), _a4) < 10) {
yield (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_wait).call(this, 2e3);
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_pollLivechat2).call(this);
} else {
this.emit("error", new InnertubeError("Reached retry limit for incremental continuation requests", err));
}, "_LiveChat_pollLivechat"), _LiveChat_emitSmoothedActions = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _LiveChat_emitSmoothedActions2(action_queue) {
return (0, import_tslib35.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const base = 1e4;
let delay = action_queue.length < base / 80 ? 1 : Math.ceil(action_queue.length / (base / 80));
const emit_delay_ms = delay == 1 ? (delay = base / action_queue.length, delay *= Math.random() + 0.5, delay = Math.min(1e3, delay), delay = Math.max(80, delay)) : delay = 80;
for (const action of action_queue) {
yield (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_wait).call(this, emit_delay_ms);
this.emit("chat-update", action);
}, "_LiveChat_emitSmoothedActions"), _LiveChat_pollMetadata = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _LiveChat_pollMetadata2() {
(() => (0, import_tslib35.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l;
try {
const payload = { videoId: (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_video_id, "f") };
if ((0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_mcontinuation, "f")) {
payload.continuation = (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_mcontinuation, "f");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_actions, "f").execute("/updated_metadata", payload);
const data = parser_exports.parseResponse(;
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LiveChat_mcontinuation, (_a4 = data.continuation) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.token, "f");
this.metadata = {
title: ((_b = data.actions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.array().firstOfType(UpdateTitleAction_default)) || ((_c = this.metadata) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.title),
description: ((_d = data.actions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.array().firstOfType(UpdateDescriptionAction_default)) || ((_e = this.metadata) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.description),
views: ((_f = data.actions) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.array().firstOfType(UpdateViewershipAction_default)) || ((_g = this.metadata) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.views),
likes: ((_h = data.actions) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.array().firstOfType(UpdateToggleButtonTextAction_default)) || ((_j = this.metadata) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.likes),
date: ((_k = data.actions) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.array().firstOfType(UpdateDateTextAction_default)) || ((_l = this.metadata) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 :
this.emit("metadata-update", this.metadata);
yield (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_wait).call(this, 5e3);
if (this.running)
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_pollMetadata2).call(this);
} catch (err) {
yield (0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_wait).call(this, 2e3);
if (this.running)
(0, import_tslib35.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LiveChat_instances, "m", _LiveChat_pollMetadata2).call(this);
}, "_LiveChat_pollMetadata"), _LiveChat_wait = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _LiveChat_wait2(ms) {
return (0, import_tslib35.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms));
}, "_LiveChat_wait");
var LiveChat_default2 = LiveChat2;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/NotificationsMenu.js
var import_tslib36 = require("tslib");
var _NotificationsMenu_page;
var _NotificationsMenu_actions;
var NotificationsMenu = class {
constructor(actions, response) {
_NotificationsMenu_page.set(this, void 0);
_NotificationsMenu_actions.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib36.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _NotificationsMenu_actions, actions, "f");
(0, import_tslib36.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _NotificationsMenu_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
this.header = (0, import_tslib36.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _NotificationsMenu_page, "f").actions_memo.getType(SimpleMenuHeader_default).first();
this.contents = (0, import_tslib36.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _NotificationsMenu_page, "f").actions_memo.getType(Notification_default);
getContinuation() {
return (0, import_tslib36.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const continuation = (0, import_tslib36.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _NotificationsMenu_page, "f").actions_memo.getType(ContinuationItem_default).first();
if (!continuation)
throw new InnertubeError("Continuation not found");
const response = yield, import_tslib36.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _NotificationsMenu_actions, "f"), { parse: false });
return new NotificationsMenu((0, import_tslib36.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _NotificationsMenu_actions, "f"), response);
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib36.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _NotificationsMenu_page, "f");
__name(NotificationsMenu, "NotificationsMenu");
_NotificationsMenu_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _NotificationsMenu_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var NotificationsMenu_default = NotificationsMenu;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/Search.js
var import_tslib37 = require("tslib");
var Search = class extends Feed_default {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
super(actions, data, already_parsed);
const contents = ((_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(SectionList_default).first().contents) || ((_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.first().contents);
if (!contents)
throw new InnertubeError("No contents found in search response");
if (
this.header =;
this.results = (_c = contents.find((content) => && content.contents && content.contents.length > 0)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 :;
this.refinements = || [];
this.estimated_results =;
this.sub_menu = (_d = === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.getType(SearchSubMenu_default).first();
this.watch_card = (_e = === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.getType(UniversalWatchCard_default).first();
this.refinement_cards = (_f = this.results) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.firstOfType(HorizontalCardList_default);
selectRefinementCard(card) {
var _a4, _b;
return (0, import_tslib37.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let target_card;
if (typeof card === "string") {
if (!this.refinement_cards)
throw new InnertubeError("No refinement cards found.");
target_card = (_b = (_a4 = this.refinement_cards) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :{ query: card })) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (!target_card)
throw new InnertubeError(`Refinement card "${card}" not found`, { available_cards: this.refinement_card_queries });
} else if (card.type === "SearchRefinementCard") {
target_card = card;
} else {
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid refinement card!");
const page = yield, { parse: true });
return new Search(this.actions, page, true);
get refinement_card_queries() {
var _a4;
return ((_a4 = this.refinement_cards) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => card.query)) || [];
getContinuation() {
return (0, import_tslib37.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.getContinuationData();
if (!response)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not get continuation data");
return new Search(this.actions, response, true);
__name(Search, "Search");
var Search_default = Search;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/Settings.js
var import_tslib38 = require("tslib");
var _Settings_page;
var _Settings_actions;
var Settings = class {
constructor(actions, response) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
_Settings_page.set(this, void 0);
_Settings_actions.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib38.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Settings_actions, actions, "f");
(0, import_tslib38.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Settings_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
this.sidebar = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib38.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Settings_page, "f").sidebar) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (!(0, import_tslib38.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Settings_page, "f").contents)
throw new InnertubeError("Page contents not found");
const tab = (0, import_tslib38.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Settings_page, "f").contents.item().as(TwoColumnBrowseResults_default).tabs.array().as(Tab_default).get({ selected: true });
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError("Target tab not found");
const contents = (_b = tab.content) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
this.introduction = (_d = (_c = contents === null || contents === void 0 ? void 0 : contents.shift()) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.contents) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.firstOfType(PageIntroduction_default);
this.sections = contents === null || contents === void 0 ? void 0 : => {
var _a5;
return {
title: ((_a5 = el.header) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 :, ItemSectionHeader_default, ItemSectionTabbedHeader_default)) ? el.header.title.toString() : null,
contents: el.contents
selectSidebarItem(target_item) {
return (0, import_tslib38.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this.sidebar)
throw new InnertubeError("Sidebar not available");
let item;
if (typeof target_item === "string") {
item = this.sidebar.items.get({ title: target_item });
if (!item)
throw new InnertubeError(`Item "${target_item}" not found`, { available_items: this.sidebar_items });
} else if (target_item === null || target_item === void 0 ? void 0 : {
item = target_item;
} else {
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid item", { target_item });
const response = yield, import_tslib38.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Settings_actions, "f"), { parse: false });
return new Settings((0, import_tslib38.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Settings_actions, "f"), response);
getSettingOption(name) {
var _a4;
if (!this.sections)
throw new InnertubeError("Sections not available");
for (const section of this.sections) {
if (!section.contents)
for (const el of section.contents) {
const options =;
if (options) {
for (const option of options) {
if ( && ((_a4 = option.title) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.toString()) === name)
return option;
throw new InnertubeError(`Option "${name}" not found`, { available_options: this.setting_options });
get setting_options() {
if (!this.sections)
throw new InnertubeError("Sections not available");
let options = [];
for (const section of this.sections) {
if (!section.contents)
for (const el of section.contents) {
if (
options = options.concat(;
return => {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = opt.title) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.toString();
}).filter((el) => el);
get sidebar_items() {
if (!this.sidebar)
throw new InnertubeError("Sidebar not available");
return => item.title.toString());
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib38.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Settings_page, "f");
__name(Settings, "Settings");
_Settings_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Settings_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Settings_default = Settings;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/TimeWatched.js
var import_tslib39 = require("tslib");
var _TimeWatched_page;
var TimeWatched = class {
constructor(response) {
var _a4;
_TimeWatched_page.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib39.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _TimeWatched_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
if (!(0, import_tslib39.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TimeWatched_page, "f").contents)
throw new InnertubeError("Page contents not found");
const tab = (0, import_tslib39.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TimeWatched_page, "f").contents.item().as(SingleColumnBrowseResults_default).tabs.get({ selected: true });
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find target tab.");
this.contents = (_a4 = tab.content) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib39.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TimeWatched_page, "f");
__name(TimeWatched, "TimeWatched");
_TimeWatched_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var TimeWatched_default = TimeWatched;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/VideoInfo.js
var import_tslib40 = require("tslib");
var _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation;
var VideoInfo = class extends MediaInfo_default {
constructor(data, actions, cpn) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q, _r, _s, _t, _u, _v, _w, _x, _y, _z, _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _19, _20;
super(data, actions, cpn);
_VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation.set(this, void 0);
const [info, next] =;
if (info.microformat && !((_a4 = info.microformat) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :, MicroformatData_default)))
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid microformat", info.microformat);
this.basic_info = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, info.video_details), {
embed: ((_b = info.microformat) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : ? (_c = info.microformat) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.embed : null,
channel: ((_d = info.microformat) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : ? (_e = info.microformat) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : : null,
is_unlisted: (_f = info.microformat) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.is_unlisted,
is_family_safe: (_g = info.microformat) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.is_family_safe,
category: ((_h = info.microformat) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : ? (_j = info.microformat) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.category : null,
has_ypc_metadata: ((_k = info.microformat) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : ? (_l = info.microformat) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 : _l.has_ypc_metadata : null,
start_timestamp: ((_m = info.microformat) === null || _m === void 0 ? void 0 : ? info.microformat.start_timestamp : null,
end_timestamp: ((_o = info.microformat) === null || _o === void 0 ? void 0 : ? info.microformat.end_timestamp : null,
view_count: ((_p = info.microformat) === null || _p === void 0 ? void 0 : && isNaN((_q = info.video_details) === null || _q === void 0 ? void 0 : _q.view_count) ? info.microformat.view_count : (_r = info.video_details) === null || _r === void 0 ? void 0 : _r.view_count
}), { like_count: void 0, is_liked: void 0, is_disliked: void 0 });
this.annotations = info.annotations;
this.storyboards = info.storyboards;
this.endscreen = info.endscreen;
this.captions = info.captions; =;
if (this.streaming_data) {
const default_audio_track = this.streaming_data.adaptive_formats.find((format) => {
var _a5;
return (_a5 = format.audio_track) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.audio_is_default;
if (default_audio_track) {
this.streaming_data.formats.forEach((format) => format.language = default_audio_track.language);
} else if (((_s = this.captions) === null || _s === void 0 ? void 0 : _s.caption_tracks) && ((_t = this.captions) === null || _t === void 0 ? void 0 : _t.caption_tracks.length) > 0) {
const auto_generated_caption_track = this.captions.caption_tracks.find((caption) => caption.kind === "asr");
const language_code = auto_generated_caption_track === null || auto_generated_caption_track === void 0 ? void 0 : auto_generated_caption_track.language_code;
this.streaming_data.adaptive_formats.forEach((format) => {
if (format.has_audio) {
format.language = language_code;
this.streaming_data.formats.forEach((format) => format.language = language_code);
const two_col = (_u = next === null || next === void 0 ? void 0 : next.contents) === null || _u === void 0 ? void 0 : _u.item().as(TwoColumnWatchNextResults_default);
const results = two_col === null || two_col === void 0 ? void 0 : two_col.results;
const secondary_results = two_col === null || two_col === void 0 ? void 0 : two_col.secondary_results;
if (results && secondary_results) {
if (((_v = info.microformat) === null || _v === void 0 ? void 0 : && ((_w = info.microformat) === null || _w === void 0 ? void 0 : _w.category) === "Gaming") {
const row = (_z = (_y = (_x = results.firstOfType(VideoSecondaryInfo_default)) === null || _x === void 0 ? void 0 : _x.metadata) === null || _y === void 0 ? void 0 : _y.rows) === null || _z === void 0 ? void 0 : _z.firstOfType(RichMetadataRow_default);
if (row === null || row === void 0 ? void 0 : {
this.game_info = {
title: (_1 = (_0 = row === null || row === void 0 ? void 0 : row.contents) === null || _0 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0.firstOfType(RichMetadata_default)) === null || _1 === void 0 ? void 0 : _1.title,
release_year: (_3 = (_2 = row === null || row === void 0 ? void 0 : row.contents) === null || _2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _2.firstOfType(RichMetadata_default)) === null || _3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _3.subtitle
this.primary_info = results.firstOfType(VideoPrimaryInfo_default);
this.secondary_info = results.firstOfType(VideoSecondaryInfo_default);
this.merchandise = results.firstOfType(MerchandiseShelf_default);
this.related_chip_cloud = (_4 = secondary_results.firstOfType(RelatedChipCloud_default)) === null || _4 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (two_col === null || two_col === void 0 ? void 0 : two_col.playlist) {
this.playlist = two_col.playlist;
this.watch_next_feed = ((_5 = secondary_results.firstOfType(ItemSection_default)) === null || _5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _5.contents) || secondary_results;
if (this.watch_next_feed && Array.isArray(this.watch_next_feed) && ((_6 = === null || _6 === void 0 ? void 0 :
(0, import_tslib40.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation, (_7 = this.watch_next_feed.pop()) === null || _7 === void 0 ? void 0 :, "f");
this.player_overlays = (_8 = next === null || next === void 0 ? void 0 : next.player_overlays) === null || _8 === void 0 ? void 0 : _8.item().as(PlayerOverlay_default);
if (two_col === null || two_col === void 0 ? void 0 : two_col.autoplay) {
this.autoplay = two_col.autoplay;
const segmented_like_dislike_button = (_10 = (_9 = this.primary_info) === null || _9 === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _10 === void 0 ? void 0 : _10.top_level_buttons.firstOfType(SegmentedLikeDislikeButton_default);
if (((_11 = segmented_like_dislike_button === null || segmented_like_dislike_button === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button.like_button) === null || _11 === void 0 ? void 0 : && ((_12 = segmented_like_dislike_button === null || segmented_like_dislike_button === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button.dislike_button) === null || _12 === void 0 ? void 0 : {
this.basic_info.like_count = (_13 = segmented_like_dislike_button === null || segmented_like_dislike_button === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button.like_button) === null || _13 === void 0 ? void 0 : _13.like_count;
this.basic_info.is_liked = (_14 = segmented_like_dislike_button === null || segmented_like_dislike_button === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button.like_button) === null || _14 === void 0 ? void 0 : _14.is_toggled;
this.basic_info.is_disliked = (_15 = segmented_like_dislike_button === null || segmented_like_dislike_button === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button.dislike_button) === null || _15 === void 0 ? void 0 : _15.is_toggled;
const segmented_like_dislike_button_view = (_17 = (_16 = this.primary_info) === null || _16 === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _17 === void 0 ? void 0 : _17.top_level_buttons.firstOfType(SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView_default);
if (segmented_like_dislike_button_view) {
this.basic_info.like_count = segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_count;
if (segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_button) {
const like_status = segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_button.like_status_entity.like_status;
this.basic_info.is_liked = like_status === "LIKE";
this.basic_info.is_disliked = like_status === "DISLIKE";
const comments_entry_point = (_18 = results.get({ target_id: "comments-entry-point" })) === null || _18 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
this.comments_entry_point_header = (_19 = comments_entry_point === null || comments_entry_point === void 0 ? void 0 : comments_entry_point.contents) === null || _19 === void 0 ? void 0 : _19.firstOfType(CommentsEntryPointHeader_default);
this.livechat = (_20 = next === null || next === void 0 ? void 0 : next.contents_memo) === null || _20 === void 0 ? void 0 : _20.getType(LiveChat_default).first();
selectFilter(target_filter) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
return (0, import_tslib40.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this.related_chip_cloud)
throw new InnertubeError("Chip cloud not found, cannot apply filter");
let cloud_chip;
if (typeof target_filter === "string") {
const filter = (_b = (_a4 = this.related_chip_cloud) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.chips) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.get({ text: target_filter });
if (!filter)
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid filter", { available_filters: this.filters });
cloud_chip = filter;
} else if (target_filter === null || target_filter === void 0 ? void 0 : {
cloud_chip = target_filter;
} else {
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid cloud chip", target_filter);
if (cloud_chip.is_selected)
return this;
const response = yield (_c = cloud_chip.endpoint) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 :, { parse: true });
const data = (_d = response === null || response === void 0 ? void 0 : response.on_response_received_endpoints) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.get({ target_id: "watch-next-feed" });
this.watch_next_feed = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.contents;
return this;
addToWatchHistory() {
const _super = Object.create(null, {
addToWatchHistory: { get: () => super.addToWatchHistory }
return (0, import_tslib40.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
getWatchNextContinuation() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
return (0, import_tslib40.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib40.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Watch next feed continuation not found");
const response = yield (_a4 = (0, import_tslib40.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation, "f")) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :, { parse: true });
const data = (_b = response === null || response === void 0 ? void 0 : response.on_response_received_endpoints) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.get({ type: "AppendContinuationItemsAction" });
if (!data)
throw new InnertubeError("AppendContinuationItemsAction not found");
this.watch_next_feed = data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.contents;
if ((_d = (_c = this.watch_next_feed) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : {
(0, import_tslib40.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation, (_e = this.watch_next_feed.pop()) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 :, "f");
} else {
(0, import_tslib40.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation, void 0, "f");
return this;
like() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
return (0, import_tslib40.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const segmented_like_dislike_button_view = (_b = (_a4 = this.primary_info) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.top_level_buttons.firstOfType(SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView_default);
if (segmented_like_dislike_button_view) {
const button2 = (_c = segmented_like_dislike_button_view === null || segmented_like_dislike_button_view === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_button) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.toggle_button;
if (!button2 || !button2.default_button || !segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_button)
throw new InnertubeError("Like button not found", { video_id: });
const like_status = segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_button.like_status_entity.like_status;
if (like_status === "LIKE")
throw new InnertubeError("This video is already liked", { video_id: });
const endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(button2.default_button.on_tap.payload.commands.find((cmd) => cmd.innertubeCommand));
const response2 = yield;
return response2;
const segmented_like_dislike_button = (_e = (_d = this.primary_info) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.top_level_buttons.firstOfType(SegmentedLikeDislikeButton_default);
const button = segmented_like_dislike_button === null || segmented_like_dislike_button === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button.like_button;
if (!button)
throw new InnertubeError("Like button not found", { video_id: });
if (!
throw new InnertubeError("Like button is not a toggle button. This action is likely disabled for this video.", { video_id: });
if (button.is_toggled)
throw new InnertubeError("This video is already liked", { video_id: });
const response = yield;
return response;
dislike() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
return (0, import_tslib40.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const segmented_like_dislike_button_view = (_b = (_a4 = this.primary_info) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.top_level_buttons.firstOfType(SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView_default);
if (segmented_like_dislike_button_view) {
const button2 = (_c = segmented_like_dislike_button_view === null || segmented_like_dislike_button_view === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button_view.dislike_button) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.toggle_button;
if (!button2 || !button2.default_button || !segmented_like_dislike_button_view.dislike_button || !segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_button)
throw new InnertubeError("Dislike button not found", { video_id: });
const like_status = segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_button.like_status_entity.like_status;
if (like_status === "DISLIKE")
throw new InnertubeError("This video is already disliked", { video_id: });
const endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(button2.default_button.on_tap.payload.commands.find((cmd) => cmd.innertubeCommand));
const response2 = yield;
return response2;
const segmented_like_dislike_button = (_e = (_d = this.primary_info) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.top_level_buttons.firstOfType(SegmentedLikeDislikeButton_default);
const button = segmented_like_dislike_button === null || segmented_like_dislike_button === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button.dislike_button;
if (!button)
throw new InnertubeError("Dislike button not found", { video_id: });
if (!
throw new InnertubeError("Dislike button is not a toggle button. This action is likely disabled for this video.", { video_id: });
if (button.is_toggled)
throw new InnertubeError("This video is already disliked", { video_id: });
const response = yield;
return response;
removeRating() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
return (0, import_tslib40.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let button;
const segmented_like_dislike_button_view = (_b = (_a4 = this.primary_info) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.top_level_buttons.firstOfType(SegmentedLikeDislikeButtonView_default);
if (segmented_like_dislike_button_view) {
const toggle_button = (_c = segmented_like_dislike_button_view === null || segmented_like_dislike_button_view === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_button) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.toggle_button;
if (!toggle_button || !toggle_button.default_button || !segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_button)
throw new InnertubeError("Like button not found", { video_id: });
const like_status = segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_button.like_status_entity.like_status;
if (like_status === "LIKE") {
button = (_d = segmented_like_dislike_button_view === null || segmented_like_dislike_button_view === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button_view.like_button) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.toggle_button;
} else if (like_status === "DISLIKE") {
button = (_e = segmented_like_dislike_button_view === null || segmented_like_dislike_button_view === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button_view.dislike_button) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.toggle_button;
} else {
throw new InnertubeError("This video is not liked/disliked", { video_id: });
if (!button || !button.toggled_button)
throw new InnertubeError("Like/Dislike button not found", { video_id: });
const endpoint = new NavigationEndpoint_default(button.toggled_button.on_tap.payload.commands.find((cmd) => cmd.innertubeCommand));
const response2 = yield;
return response2;
const segmented_like_dislike_button = (_g = (_f = this.primary_info) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.top_level_buttons.firstOfType(SegmentedLikeDislikeButton_default);
const like_button = segmented_like_dislike_button === null || segmented_like_dislike_button === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button.like_button;
const dislike_button = segmented_like_dislike_button === null || segmented_like_dislike_button === void 0 ? void 0 : segmented_like_dislike_button.dislike_button;
if (!(like_button === null || like_button === void 0 ? void 0 : || !(dislike_button === null || dislike_button === void 0 ? void 0 :
throw new InnertubeError("Like/Dislike button is not a toggle button. This action is likely disabled for this video.", { video_id: });
if (like_button === null || like_button === void 0 ? void 0 : like_button.is_toggled) {
button = like_button;
} else if (dislike_button === null || dislike_button === void 0 ? void 0 : dislike_button.is_toggled) {
button = dislike_button;
if (!button)
throw new InnertubeError("This video is not liked/disliked", { video_id: });
const response = yield;
return response;
getLiveChat() {
if (!this.livechat)
throw new InnertubeError("Live Chat is not available", { video_id: });
return new LiveChat_default2(this);
getTrailerInfo() {
var _a4, _b;
if (this.has_trailer) {
const player_response = (_b = (_a4 = this.playability_status.error_screen) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.player_response;
if (player_response) {
return new VideoInfo([{ data: player_response }], this.actions, this.cpn);
return null;
get filters() {
var _a4, _b;
return ((_b = (_a4 = this.related_chip_cloud) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.chips) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : => {
var _a5;
return (_a5 = chip.text) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.toString();
})) || [];
get wn_has_continuation() {
return !!(0, import_tslib40.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation, "f");
get autoplay_video_endpoint() {
var _a4, _b, _c;
return ((_c = (_b = (_a4 = this.autoplay) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.sets) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[0]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.autoplay_video) || null;
get has_trailer() {
var _a4;
return !!((_a4 = this.playability_status.error_screen) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
get music_tracks() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
const description_content = (_b = (_a4 =[1]) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.engagement_panels) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.filter((panel) => {
var _a5;
return (_a5 = panel.content) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (description_content !== void 0 && description_content.length > 0) {
const music_section = (_e = (_d = (_c = description_content[0].content) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.items) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.filterType(VideoDescriptionMusicSection_default);
if (music_section !== void 0 && music_section.length > 0) {
return (_f = music_section[0].carousel_lockups) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : => {
var _a5, _b2, _c2, _d2, _e2, _f2, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q, _r, _s, _t, _u;
let song;
let artist;
let album;
let license;
let videoId;
let channelId;
song = (_b2 = (_a5 = lookup.video_lockup) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.title) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.toString();
videoId = (_c2 = lookup.video_lockup) === null || _c2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _c2.endpoint.payload.videoId;
for (let i = 0; i < lookup.info_rows.length; i++) {
const info_row = lookup.info_rows[i];
if (info_row.info_row_expand_status_key === void 0) {
if (song === void 0) {
song = ((_d2 = info_row.default_metadata) === null || _d2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _d2.toString()) || ((_e2 = info_row.expanded_metadata) === null || _e2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _e2.toString());
if (videoId === void 0) {
const endpoint = ((_f2 = info_row.default_metadata) === null || _f2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _f2.endpoint) || ((_g = info_row.expanded_metadata) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.endpoint);
videoId = (_h = endpoint === null || endpoint === void 0 ? void 0 : endpoint.payload) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.videoId;
} else {
album = ((_j = info_row.default_metadata) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.toString()) || ((_k = info_row.expanded_metadata) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.toString());
} else {
if (((_l = info_row.info_row_expand_status_key) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 : _l.indexOf("structured-description-music-section-artists-row-state-id")) !== -1) {
artist = ((_m = info_row.default_metadata) === null || _m === void 0 ? void 0 : _m.toString()) || ((_o = info_row.expanded_metadata) === null || _o === void 0 ? void 0 : _o.toString());
if (channelId === void 0) {
const endpoint = ((_p = info_row.default_metadata) === null || _p === void 0 ? void 0 : _p.endpoint) || ((_q = info_row.expanded_metadata) === null || _q === void 0 ? void 0 : _q.endpoint);
channelId = (_r = endpoint === null || endpoint === void 0 ? void 0 : endpoint.payload) === null || _r === void 0 ? void 0 : _r.browseId;
if (((_s = info_row.info_row_expand_status_key) === null || _s === void 0 ? void 0 : _s.indexOf("structured-description-music-section-licenses-row-state-id")) !== -1) {
license = ((_t = info_row.default_metadata) === null || _t === void 0 ? void 0 : _t.toString()) || ((_u = info_row.expanded_metadata) === null || _u === void 0 ? void 0 : _u.toString());
return { song, artist, album, license, videoId, channelId };
return [];
__name(VideoInfo, "VideoInfo");
_VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var VideoInfo_default = VideoInfo;
// dist/src/parser/youtube/TranscriptInfo.js
var import_tslib41 = require("tslib");
var _TranscriptInfo_page;
var _TranscriptInfo_actions;
var TranscriptInfo = class {
constructor(actions, response) {
_TranscriptInfo_page.set(this, void 0);
_TranscriptInfo_actions.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib41.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _TranscriptInfo_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
(0, import_tslib41.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _TranscriptInfo_actions, actions, "f");
this.transcript = (0, import_tslib41.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TranscriptInfo_page, "f").actions_memo.getType(Transcript_default).first();
selectLanguage(language) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
return (0, import_tslib41.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const target_menu_item = (_d = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = this.transcript.content) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.footer) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.language_menu) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.sub_menu_items) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.find((item) => item.title.toString() === language);
if (!target_menu_item)
throw new Error(`Language not found: ${language}`);
if (target_menu_item.selected)
return this;
const response = yield (0, import_tslib41.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TranscriptInfo_actions, "f").execute("/get_transcript", {
params: target_menu_item.continuation
return new TranscriptInfo((0, import_tslib41.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TranscriptInfo_actions, "f"), response);
get languages() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
return ((_d = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = this.transcript.content) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.footer) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.language_menu) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.sub_menu_items) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : => item.title.toString())) || [];
get selectedLanguage() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
return ((_e = (_d = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = this.transcript.content) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.footer) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.language_menu) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.sub_menu_items) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.find((item) => item.selected)) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.title.toString()) || "";
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib41.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _TranscriptInfo_page, "f");
__name(TranscriptInfo, "TranscriptInfo");
_TranscriptInfo_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _TranscriptInfo_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var TranscriptInfo_default = TranscriptInfo;
// dist/src/parser/ytmusic/index.js
var ytmusic_exports = {};
__export(ytmusic_exports, {
Album: () => Album_default,
Artist: () => Artist_default,
Explore: () => Explore_default,
HomeFeed: () => HomeFeed_default,
Library: () => Library_default2,
LibraryContinuation: () => LibraryContinuation,
Playlist: () => Playlist_default3,
Recap: () => Recap_default,
Search: () => Search_default2,
TrackInfo: () => TrackInfo_default
// dist/src/parser/ytmusic/Album.js
var import_tslib42 = require("tslib");
var _Album_page;
var Album = class {
constructor(response) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
_Album_page.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib42.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Album_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
this.header = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib42.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Album_page, "f").header) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.item().as(MusicDetailHeader_default);
this.url = ((_b = (0, import_tslib42.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Album_page, "f").microformat) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : || null;
if (!(0, import_tslib42.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Album_page, "f").contents_memo)
throw new Error("No contents found in the response");
this.contents = (_c = (0, import_tslib42.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Album_page, "f").contents_memo.getType(MusicShelf_default)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.first().contents;
this.sections = (0, import_tslib42.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Album_page, "f").contents_memo.getType(MusicCarouselShelf_default) || [];
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib42.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Album_page, "f");
__name(Album, "Album");
_Album_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Album_default = Album;
// dist/src/parser/ytmusic/Artist.js
var import_tslib43 = require("tslib");
var _Artist_page;
var _Artist_actions;
var Artist = class {
constructor(response, actions) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
_Artist_page.set(this, void 0);
_Artist_actions.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib43.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Artist_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
(0, import_tslib43.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Artist_actions, actions, "f");
this.header = (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.item().as(MusicImmersiveHeader_default, MusicVisualHeader_default, MusicHeader_default);
const music_shelf = ((_b = (0, import_tslib43.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Artist_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getType(MusicShelf_default)) || [];
const music_carousel_shelf = ((_c = (0, import_tslib43.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Artist_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.getType(MusicCarouselShelf_default)) || [];
this.sections = [...music_shelf, ...music_carousel_shelf];
getAllSongs() {
var _a4, _b;
return (0, import_tslib43.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const music_shelves = this.sections.filter((section) => section.type === "MusicShelf");
if (!music_shelves.length)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find any node of type MusicShelf.");
const shelf = music_shelves.find((shelf2) => shelf2.title.toString() === "Songs");
if (!shelf)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find target shelf (Songs).");
if (!shelf.endpoint)
throw new InnertubeError("Target shelf (Songs) did not have an endpoint.");
const page = yield, import_tslib43.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Artist_actions, "f"), { client: "YTMUSIC", parse: true });
const contents = (_b = (_a4 = page.contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(MusicPlaylistShelf_default)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.first();
return contents;
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib43.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Artist_page, "f");
__name(Artist, "Artist");
_Artist_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Artist_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Artist_default = Artist;
// dist/src/parser/ytmusic/Explore.js
var import_tslib44 = require("tslib");
var _Explore_page;
var Explore = class {
constructor(response) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
_Explore_page.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib44.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Explore_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
const tab = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib44.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Explore_page, "f").contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.item().as(SingleColumnBrowseResults_default).tabs.get({ selected: true });
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find target tab.");
const section_list = (_b = tab.content) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (!section_list)
throw new InnertubeError("Target tab did not have any content.");
this.top_buttons = ((_c = section_list.contents.firstOfType(Grid_default)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : || [];
this.sections = section_list.contents.filterType(MusicCarouselShelf_default);
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib44.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Explore_page, "f");
__name(Explore, "Explore");
_Explore_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Explore_default = Explore;
// dist/src/parser/ytmusic/HomeFeed.js
var import_tslib45 = require("tslib");
var _HomeFeed_page;
var _HomeFeed_actions;
var _HomeFeed_continuation;
var HomeFeed2 = class {
constructor(response, actions) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
_HomeFeed_page.set(this, void 0);
_HomeFeed_actions.set(this, void 0);
_HomeFeed_continuation.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _HomeFeed_actions, actions, "f");
(0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _HomeFeed_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
const tab = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_page, "f").contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.item().as(SingleColumnBrowseResults_default).tabs.get({ selected: true });
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find Home tab.");
if (tab.content === null) {
if (!(0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_page, "f").continuation_contents)
throw new InnertubeError("Continuation did not have any content.");
(0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _HomeFeed_continuation, (0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_page, "f"), "f");
this.sections = (_b = (0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_page, "f") === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
this.header = (_d = (_c = tab.content) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 :;
(0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _HomeFeed_continuation, (_e = tab.content) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 :, "f");
this.sections = (_f = tab.content) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 :, MusicTastebuilderShelf_default);
getContinuation() {
return (0, import_tslib45.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_continuation, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Continuation not found.");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_actions, "f").execute("/browse", {
client: "YTMUSIC",
continuation: (0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_continuation, "f")
return new HomeFeed2(response, (0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_actions, "f"));
applyFilter(target_filter) {
var _a4, _b;
return (0, import_tslib45.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let cloud_chip;
if (typeof target_filter === "string") {
cloud_chip = (_b = (_a4 = this.header) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.chips) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :{ text: target_filter });
if (!cloud_chip)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find filter with given name.", { available_filters: this.filters });
} else if (target_filter === null || target_filter === void 0 ? void 0 : {
cloud_chip = target_filter;
if (!cloud_chip)
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid filter", { available_filters: this.filters });
if (cloud_chip === null || cloud_chip === void 0 ? void 0 : cloud_chip.is_selected)
return this;
if (!cloud_chip.endpoint)
throw new InnertubeError("Selected filter does not have an endpoint.");
const response = yield, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_actions, "f"), { client: "YTMUSIC" });
return new HomeFeed2(response, (0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_actions, "f"));
get filters() {
var _a4, _b;
return ((_b = (_a4 = this.header) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.chips) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : => chip.text)) || [];
get has_continuation() {
return !!(0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_continuation, "f");
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib45.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _HomeFeed_page, "f");
__name(HomeFeed2, "HomeFeed");
_HomeFeed_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _HomeFeed_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _HomeFeed_continuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var HomeFeed_default = HomeFeed2;
// dist/src/parser/ytmusic/Library.js
var import_tslib46 = require("tslib");
var _Library_page;
var _Library_actions;
var _Library_continuation;
var _LibraryContinuation_page;
var _LibraryContinuation_actions;
var _LibraryContinuation_continuation;
var Library2 = class {
constructor(response, actions) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
_Library_page.set(this, void 0);
_Library_actions.set(this, void 0);
_Library_continuation.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Library_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
(0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Library_actions, actions, "f");
const section_list = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(SectionList_default).first();
this.header = (_b = section_list === null || section_list === void 0 ? void 0 : section_list.header) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
this.contents = (_c = section_list === null || section_list === void 0 ? void 0 : section_list.contents) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 :, MusicShelf_default);
(0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Library_continuation, (_e = (_d = this.contents) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.find((list) => list.continuation)) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.continuation, "f");
applySort(sort_by) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k;
return (0, import_tslib46.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let target_item;
if (typeof sort_by === "string") {
const button = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(MusicSortFilterButton_default).first();
const options = (_b = button === null || button === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.options.filter((item) => item instanceof MusicMultiSelectMenuItem_default);
target_item = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.find((item) => item.title === sort_by);
if (!target_item)
throw new InnertubeError(`Sort option "${sort_by}" not found`, { available_filters: => item.title) });
} else if (sort_by instanceof MusicMultiSelectMenuItem_default) {
target_item = sort_by;
if (!target_item)
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid sort option");
if (target_item.selected)
return this;
const cmd = (_f = (_e = (_d = (_c = target_item.endpoint) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.payload) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.commands) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.find((cmd2) => cmd2.browseSectionListReloadEndpoint)) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.browseSectionListReloadEndpoint;
if (!cmd)
throw new InnertubeError("Failed to find sort option command");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_actions, "f").execute("/browse", {
client: "YTMUSIC",
continuation: cmd.continuation.reloadContinuationData.continuation,
parse: true
const previously_selected_item = (_h = (_g = (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.getType(MusicMultiSelectMenuItem_default)) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.find((item) => item.selected);
if (previously_selected_item)
previously_selected_item.selected = false;
target_item.selected = true;
this.contents = (_k = (_j = response.continuation_contents) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 :, MusicShelf_default);
return this;
applyFilter(filter) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
return (0, import_tslib46.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let target_chip;
const chip_cloud = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(ChipCloud_default).first();
if (typeof filter === "string") {
target_chip = chip_cloud === null || chip_cloud === void 0 ? void 0 : chip_cloud.chips.get({ text: filter });
if (!target_chip)
throw new InnertubeError(`Filter "${filter}" not found`, { available_filters: this.filters });
} else if (filter instanceof ChipCloudChip_default) {
target_chip = filter;
if (!target_chip)
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid filter", filter);
const target_cmd = new NavigationEndpoint_default((_d = (_c = (_b = target_chip.endpoint) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.payload) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.commands) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d[0]);
const response = yield, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_actions, "f"), { client: "YTMUSIC" });
return new Library2(response, (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_actions, "f"));
getContinuation() {
return (0, import_tslib46.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_continuation, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("No continuation available");
const page = yield (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_actions, "f").execute("/browse", {
client: "YTMUSIC",
continuation: (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_continuation, "f")
return new LibraryContinuation(page, (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_actions, "f"));
get has_continuation() {
return !!(0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_continuation, "f");
get sort_options() {
var _a4, _b;
const button = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(MusicSortFilterButton_default).first();
const options = (_b = button === null || button === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.options.filter((item) => item instanceof MusicMultiSelectMenuItem_default);
return => item.title);
get filters() {
var _a4, _b;
return ((_b = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(ChipCloud_default)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.first() => chip.text)) || [];
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Library_page, "f");
__name(Library2, "Library");
_Library_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Library_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Library_continuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var LibraryContinuation = class {
constructor(response, actions) {
_LibraryContinuation_page.set(this, void 0);
_LibraryContinuation_actions.set(this, void 0);
_LibraryContinuation_continuation.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LibraryContinuation_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
(0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LibraryContinuation_actions, actions, "f");
if (!(0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LibraryContinuation_page, "f").continuation_contents)
throw new InnertubeError("No continuation contents found");
this.contents = (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LibraryContinuation_page, "f"), GridContinuation);
(0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _LibraryContinuation_continuation, this.contents.continuation || null, "f");
getContinuation() {
return (0, import_tslib46.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LibraryContinuation_continuation, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("No continuation available");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LibraryContinuation_actions, "f").execute("/browse", {
client: "YTMUSIC",
continuation: (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LibraryContinuation_continuation, "f")
return new LibraryContinuation(response, (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LibraryContinuation_actions, "f"));
get has_continuation() {
return !!(0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LibraryContinuation_continuation, "f");
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib46.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _LibraryContinuation_page, "f");
__name(LibraryContinuation, "LibraryContinuation");
_LibraryContinuation_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _LibraryContinuation_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _LibraryContinuation_continuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Library_default2 = Library2;
// dist/src/parser/ytmusic/Playlist.js
var import_tslib47 = require("tslib");
var _Playlist_instances2;
var _Playlist_page;
var _Playlist_actions;
var _Playlist_continuation;
var _Playlist_last_fetched_suggestions;
var _Playlist_suggestions_continuation;
var _Playlist_fetchSuggestions;
var Playlist3 = class {
constructor(response, actions) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
_Playlist_page.set(this, void 0);
_Playlist_actions.set(this, void 0);
_Playlist_continuation.set(this, void 0);
_Playlist_last_fetched_suggestions.set(this, void 0);
_Playlist_suggestions_continuation.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Playlist_actions, actions, "f");
(0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Playlist_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
(0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Playlist_last_fetched_suggestions, null, "f");
(0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Playlist_suggestions_continuation, null, "f");
if ((0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_page, "f").continuation_contents) {
const data = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_page, "f").continuation_contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
this.items = data.contents;
(0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Playlist_continuation, data.continuation, "f");
} else {
if (((_b = (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_page, "f").header) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.item().type) === "MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader") {
this.header = (_d = (_c = (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_page, "f").header) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.item().as(MusicEditablePlaylistDetailHeader_default).header) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 :;
} else {
this.header = (_e = (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_page, "f").header) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.item().as(MusicDetailHeader_default);
this.items = ((_f = (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.getType(MusicPlaylistShelf_default).first().contents) || null;
(0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Playlist_continuation, ((_g = (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.getType(MusicPlaylistShelf_default).first().continuation) || null, "f");
getContinuation() {
return (0, import_tslib47.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_continuation, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Continuation not found.");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_actions, "f").execute("/browse", {
client: "YTMUSIC",
continuation: (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_continuation, "f")
return new Playlist3(response, (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_actions, "f"));
getRelated() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
return (0, import_tslib47.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let section_continuation = (_b = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(SectionList_default)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[0].continuation;
while (section_continuation) {
const data = yield (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_actions, "f").execute("/browse", {
client: "YTMUSIC",
continuation: section_continuation,
parse: true
const section_list = (_c = data.continuation_contents) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 :;
const sections = (_d = section_list === null || section_list === void 0 ? void 0 : section_list.contents) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 :, MusicShelf_default);
const related = (_e = sections === null || sections === void 0 ? void 0 : sections.matchCondition((section) => === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (related)
return related;
section_continuation = section_list === null || section_list === void 0 ? void 0 : section_list.continuation;
throw new InnertubeError("Target section not found.");
getSuggestions(refresh = true) {
return (0, import_tslib47.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const require_fetch = refresh || !(0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_last_fetched_suggestions, "f");
const fetch_promise = require_fetch ? (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_instances2, "m", _Playlist_fetchSuggestions).call(this) : Promise.resolve(null);
const fetch_result = yield fetch_promise;
if (fetch_result) {
(0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Playlist_last_fetched_suggestions, fetch_result.items, "f");
(0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Playlist_suggestions_continuation, fetch_result.continuation, "f");
return (fetch_result === null || fetch_result === void 0 ? void 0 : fetch_result.items) || (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_last_fetched_suggestions, "f");
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_page, "f");
get has_continuation() {
return !!(0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_continuation, "f");
__name(Playlist3, "Playlist");
_Playlist_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Playlist_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Playlist_continuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Playlist_last_fetched_suggestions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Playlist_suggestions_continuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Playlist_instances2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _Playlist_fetchSuggestions = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Playlist_fetchSuggestions2() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
return (0, import_tslib47.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const continuation = (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_suggestions_continuation, "f") || ((_b = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.get("SectionList")) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[0].as(SectionList_default).continuation);
if (continuation) {
const page = yield (0, import_tslib47.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Playlist_actions, "f").execute("/browse", {
client: "YTMUSIC",
parse: true
const section_list = (_c = page.continuation_contents) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 :;
const sections = (_d = section_list === null || section_list === void 0 ? void 0 : section_list.contents) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 :, MusicShelf_default);
const suggestions = (_e = sections === null || sections === void 0 ? void 0 : sections.matchCondition((section) => === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 :;
return {
items: (suggestions === null || suggestions === void 0 ? void 0 : suggestions.contents) || [],
continuation: (suggestions === null || suggestions === void 0 ? void 0 : suggestions.continuation) || null
return {
items: [],
continuation: null
}, "_Playlist_fetchSuggestions");
var Playlist_default3 = Playlist3;
// dist/src/parser/ytmusic/Recap.js
var import_tslib48 = require("tslib");
var _Recap_page;
var _Recap_actions;
var Recap = class {
constructor(response, actions) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g;
_Recap_page.set(this, void 0);
_Recap_actions.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib48.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Recap_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
(0, import_tslib48.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Recap_actions, actions, "f");
const header = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib48.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Recap_page, "f").header) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.item();
this.header = (header === null || header === void 0 ? void 0 : ? (_d = (_c = (_b = (0, import_tslib48.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Recap_page, "f").header) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.item().as(MusicElementHeader_default).element) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.model) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : : (_e = (0, import_tslib48.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Recap_page, "f").header) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.item().as(MusicHeader_default);
const tab = (_f = (0, import_tslib48.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Recap_page, "f").contents) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.item().as(SingleColumnBrowseResults_default).tabs.firstOfType(Tab_default);
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError("Target tab not found");
this.sections = (_g = tab.content) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 :, MusicCarouselShelf_default, Message_default);
getPlaylist() {
return (0, import_tslib48.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this.header)
throw new InnertubeError("Header not found");
if (!
throw new InnertubeError("Recap playlist not available, check back later.");
const endpoint = this.header.panels[0].text_on_tap_endpoint;
const response = yield, import_tslib48.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Recap_actions, "f"), { client: "YTMUSIC" });
return new Playlist_default3(response, (0, import_tslib48.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Recap_actions, "f"));
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib48.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Recap_page, "f");
__name(Recap, "Recap");
_Recap_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Recap_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Recap_default = Recap;
// dist/src/parser/ytmusic/Search.js
var import_tslib49 = require("tslib");
var _Search_page;
var _Search_actions;
var _Search_continuation;
var _SearchContinuation_actions;
var _SearchContinuation_page;
var Search2 = class {
constructor(response, actions, is_filtered) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
_Search_page.set(this, void 0);
_Search_actions.set(this, void 0);
_Search_continuation.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Search_actions, actions, "f");
(0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Search_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
if (!(0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_page, "f").contents || !(0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_page, "f").contents_memo)
throw new InnertubeError("Response did not contain any contents.");
const tab = (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_page, "f").contents.item().as(TabbedSearchResults_default).tabs.get({ selected: true });
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find target tab.");
const tab_content = (_a4 = tab.content) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (!tab_content)
throw new InnertubeError("Target tab did not have any content.");
this.header = (_b = tab_content.header) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
this.contents =, MusicCardShelf_default, ItemSection_default);
if (is_filtered) {
(0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Search_continuation, (_c = this.contents.firstOfType(MusicShelf_default)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.continuation, "f");
getMore(shelf) {
return (0, import_tslib49.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!shelf || !shelf.endpoint)
throw new InnertubeError("Cannot retrieve more items for this shelf because it does not have an endpoint.");
const response = yield, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_actions, "f"), { client: "YTMUSIC" });
if (!response)
throw new InnertubeError("Endpoint did not return any data");
return new Search2(response, (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_actions, "f"), true);
getContinuation() {
return (0, import_tslib49.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_continuation, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Continuation not found.");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_actions, "f").execute("/search", {
continuation: (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_continuation, "f"),
client: "YTMUSIC"
return new SearchContinuation((0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_actions, "f"), response);
applyFilter(target_filter) {
var _a4, _b;
return (0, import_tslib49.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let cloud_chip;
if (typeof target_filter === "string") {
cloud_chip = (_b = (_a4 = this.header) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.chips) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :{ text: target_filter });
if (!cloud_chip)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find filter with given name.", { available_filters: this.filters });
} else if (target_filter === null || target_filter === void 0 ? void 0 : {
cloud_chip = target_filter;
if (!cloud_chip)
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid filter", { available_filters: this.filters });
if (cloud_chip === null || cloud_chip === void 0 ? void 0 : cloud_chip.is_selected)
return this;
if (!cloud_chip.endpoint)
throw new InnertubeError("Selected filter does not have an endpoint.");
const response = yield, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_actions, "f"), { client: "YTMUSIC" });
return new Search2(response, (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_actions, "f"), true);
get filters() {
var _a4, _b;
return ((_b = (_a4 = this.header) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.chips) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : => chip.text)) || [];
get has_continuation() {
return !!(0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_continuation, "f");
get did_you_mean() {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(DidYouMean_default).first();
get showing_results_for() {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(ShowingResultsFor_default).first();
get message() {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_page, "f").contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(Message_default).first();
get songs() {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = this.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.filterType(MusicShelf_default).find((section) => section.title.toString() === "Songs");
get videos() {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = this.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.filterType(MusicShelf_default).find((section) => section.title.toString() === "Videos");
get albums() {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = this.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.filterType(MusicShelf_default).find((section) => section.title.toString() === "Albums");
get artists() {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = this.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.filterType(MusicShelf_default).find((section) => section.title.toString() === "Artists");
get playlists() {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = this.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.filterType(MusicShelf_default).find((section) => section.title.toString() === "Community playlists");
get results() {
var _a4, _b;
return (_b = (_a4 = this.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.firstOfType(MusicShelf_default)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.contents;
get sections() {
var _a4;
return (_a4 = this.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.filterType(MusicShelf_default);
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Search_page, "f");
__name(Search2, "Search");
_Search_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Search_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Search_continuation = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Search_default2 = Search2;
var SearchContinuation = class {
constructor(actions, response) {
var _a4, _b;
_SearchContinuation_actions.set(this, void 0);
_SearchContinuation_page.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SearchContinuation_actions, actions, "f");
(0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _SearchContinuation_page, parser_exports.parseResponse(, "f");
this.header = (_a4 = (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SearchContinuation_page, "f").header) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.item().as(MusicHeader_default);
this.contents = (_b = (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SearchContinuation_page, "f").continuation_contents) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
getContinuation() {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib49.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!((_a4 = this.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.continuation))
throw new InnertubeError("Continuation not found.");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SearchContinuation_actions, "f").execute("/search", {
continuation: this.contents.continuation,
client: "YTMUSIC"
return new SearchContinuation((0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SearchContinuation_actions, "f"), response);
get has_continuation() {
var _a4;
return !!((_a4 = this.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.continuation);
get page() {
return (0, import_tslib49.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _SearchContinuation_page, "f");
__name(SearchContinuation, "SearchContinuation");
_SearchContinuation_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _SearchContinuation_page = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
// dist/src/parser/ytmusic/TrackInfo.js
var import_tslib50 = require("tslib");
var TrackInfo = class extends MediaInfo_default {
constructor(data, actions, cpn) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j;
super(data, actions, cpn);
const [info, next] =;
if (!((_a4 = info.microformat) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid microformat", info.microformat);
this.basic_info = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, info.video_details), {
description: (_b = info.microformat) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.description,
is_unlisted: (_c = info.microformat) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.is_unlisted,
is_family_safe: (_d = info.microformat) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.is_family_safe,
url_canonical: (_e = info.microformat) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.url_canonical,
tags: (_f = info.microformat) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.tags
this.storyboards = info.storyboards;
this.endscreen = info.endscreen;
if (next) {
const tabbed_results = (_h = (_g = next.contents_memo) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.getType(WatchNextTabbedResults_default)) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h[0];
this.tabs = tabbed_results === null || tabbed_results === void 0 ? void 0 : tabbed_results.tabs.array().as(Tab_default);
this.current_video_endpoint = next.current_video_endpoint;
this.player_overlays = (_j = next.player_overlays) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.item().as(PlayerOverlay_default);
getTab(title_or_page_type) {
var _a4, _b;
return (0, import_tslib50.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this.tabs)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find any tab");
const target_tab = this.tabs.get({ title: title_or_page_type }) || this.tabs.matchCondition((tab) => {
var _a5, _b2;
return ((_b2 = (_a5 = tab.endpoint.payload.browseEndpointContextSupportedConfigs) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.browseEndpointContextMusicConfig) === null || _b2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _b2.pageType) === title_or_page_type;
}) || ((_a4 = this.tabs) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0]);
if (!target_tab)
throw new InnertubeError(`Tab "${title_or_page_type}" not found`, { available_tabs: this.available_tabs });
if (target_tab.content)
return target_tab.content;
const page = yield, { client: "YTMUSIC", parse: true });
if (((_b = page.contents) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.item().type) === "Message")
return page.contents.item().as(Message_default);
if (!page.contents)
throw new InnertubeError("Page contents was empty", page);
return page.contents.item().as(SectionList_default).contents;
getUpNext(automix = true) {
var _a4, _b;
return (0, import_tslib50.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const music_queue = yield this.getTab("Up next");
if (!music_queue || !music_queue.content)
throw new InnertubeError("Music queue was empty, the video id is probably invalid.", music_queue);
const playlist_panel =;
if (!playlist_panel.playlist_id && automix) {
const automix_preview_video = playlist_panel.contents.firstOfType(AutomixPreviewVideo_default);
if (!automix_preview_video)
throw new InnertubeError("Automix item not found");
const page = yield (_a4 = automix_preview_video.playlist_video) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 :, {
client: "YTMUSIC",
parse: true
if (!page || !page.contents_memo)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not fetch automix");
return (_b = page.contents_memo.getType(PlaylistPanel_default)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[0];
return playlist_panel;
getRelated() {
return (0, import_tslib50.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = yield this.getTab("MUSIC_PAGE_TYPE_TRACK_RELATED");
return tab;
getLyrics() {
return (0, import_tslib50.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const tab = yield this.getTab("MUSIC_PAGE_TYPE_TRACK_LYRICS");
return tab.firstOfType(MusicDescriptionShelf_default);
addToWatchHistory() {
const _super = Object.create(null, {
addToWatchHistory: { get: () => super.addToWatchHistory }
return (0, import_tslib50.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return, Constants_exports.CLIENTS.YTMUSIC.NAME, Constants_exports.CLIENTS.YTMUSIC.VERSION, "https://music.");
get available_tabs() {
return this.tabs ? => tab.title) : [];
__name(TrackInfo, "TrackInfo");
var TrackInfo_default = TrackInfo;
// dist/src/parser/ytkids/index.js
var ytkids_exports = {};
__export(ytkids_exports, {
Channel: () => Channel_default2,
HomeFeed: () => HomeFeed_default2,
Search: () => Search_default3,
VideoInfo: () => VideoInfo_default2
// dist/src/parser/ytkids/Channel.js
var import_tslib51 = require("tslib");
var Channel3 = class extends Feed_default {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
var _a4, _b;
super(actions, data, already_parsed);
this.header = (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.item().as(C4TabbedHeader_default);
this.contents = this.memo.getType(ItemSection_default).first() || ((_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
getContinuation() {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib51.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute("/browse", {
continuation: (_a4 = this.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.continuation,
client: "YTKIDS"
return new Channel3(this.actions, response);
get has_continuation() {
var _a4;
return !!((_a4 = this.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.continuation);
__name(Channel3, "Channel");
var Channel_default2 = Channel3;
// dist/src/parser/ytkids/HomeFeed.js
var import_tslib52 = require("tslib");
var HomeFeed3 = class extends Feed_default {
constructor(actions, data, already_parsed = false) {
var _a4, _b;
super(actions, data, already_parsed);
this.header = (_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.item().as(KidsCategoriesHeader_default);
this.contents = (_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.item().as(KidsHomeScreen_default);
selectCategoryTab(tab) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib52.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let target_tab;
if (typeof tab === "string") {
target_tab = (_a4 = this.header) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.category_tabs.find((t) => t.title.toString() === tab);
} else if (tab === null || tab === void 0 ? void 0 : {
target_tab = tab;
if (!target_tab)
throw new InnertubeError(`Tab "${tab}" not found`);
const page = yield, { client: "YTKIDS", parse: true });
page.header =;
page.header_memo =;
return new HomeFeed3(this.actions, page, true);
get categories() {
var _a4;
return ((_a4 = this.header) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : => tab.title.toString())) || [];
__name(HomeFeed3, "HomeFeed");
var HomeFeed_default2 = HomeFeed3;
// dist/src/parser/ytkids/Search.js
var Search3 = class extends Feed_default {
constructor(actions, data) {
super(actions, data);
this.estimated_results =;
const item_section = this.memo.getType(ItemSection_default).first();
if (!item_section)
throw new InnertubeError("No item section found in search response.");
this.contents = item_section.contents;
__name(Search3, "Search");
var Search_default3 = Search3;
// dist/src/parser/ytkids/VideoInfo.js
var import_tslib53 = require("tslib");
var VideoInfo2 = class extends MediaInfo_default {
constructor(data, actions, cpn) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
super(data, actions, cpn);
const [info, next] =;
this.basic_info = info.video_details;
this.captions = info.captions;
const two_col = (_a4 = next === null || next === void 0 ? void 0 : next.contents) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.item().as(TwoColumnWatchNextResults_default);
const results = two_col === null || two_col === void 0 ? void 0 : two_col.results;
const secondary_results = two_col === null || two_col === void 0 ? void 0 : two_col.secondary_results;
if (results && secondary_results) {
this.slim_video_metadata = (_c = (_b = results.firstOfType(ItemSection_default)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.contents) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.firstOfType(SlimVideoMetadata_default);
this.watch_next_feed = ((_d = secondary_results.firstOfType(ItemSection_default)) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.contents) || secondary_results;
this.current_video_endpoint = next === null || next === void 0 ? void 0 : next.current_video_endpoint;
this.player_overlays = (_e = next === null || next === void 0 ? void 0 : next.player_overlays) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.item().as(PlayerOverlay_default);
addToWatchHistory() {
const _super = Object.create(null, {
addToWatchHistory: { get: () => super.addToWatchHistory }
return (0, import_tslib53.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
__name(VideoInfo2, "VideoInfo");
var VideoInfo_default2 = VideoInfo2;
// dist/src/parser/ytshorts/index.js
var ytshorts_exports = {};
__export(ytshorts_exports, {
VideoInfo: () => VideoInfo_default3
// dist/src/parser/ytshorts/VideoInfo.js
var import_tslib54 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/index.js
var endpoints_exports = {};
__export(endpoints_exports, {
Account: () => account_exports,
Browse: () => browse_exports,
BrowseEndpoint: () => BrowseEndpoint_exports,
Channel: () => channel_exports,
Comment: () => comment_exports,
GetNotificationMenuEndpoint: () => GetNotificationMenuEndpoint_exports,
GuideEndpoint: () => GuideEndpoint_exports,
Kids: () => kids_exports,
Like: () => like_exports,
Music: () => music_exports,
NextEndpoint: () => NextEndpoint_exports,
Notification: () => notification_exports,
PlayerEndpoint: () => PlayerEndpoint_exports,
Playlist: () => playlist_exports,
Reel: () => reel_exports,
ResolveURLEndpoint: () => ResolveURLEndpoint_exports,
SearchEndpoint: () => SearchEndpoint_exports,
Subscription: () => subscription_exports,
Upload: () => upload_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/BrowseEndpoint.js
var BrowseEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(BrowseEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH,
build: () => build
var PATH = "/browse";
function build(opts) {
return Object.assign({
browseId: opts.browse_id,
params: opts.params,
continuation: opts.continuation,
client: opts.client
__name(build, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/GetNotificationMenuEndpoint.js
var GetNotificationMenuEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(GetNotificationMenuEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH2,
build: () => build2
var PATH2 = "/notification/get_notification_menu";
function build2(opts) {
return Object.assign({
notificationsMenuRequestType: opts.notifications_menu_request_type
__name(build2, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/GuideEndpoint.js
var GuideEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(GuideEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH3
var PATH3 = "/guide";
// dist/src/core/endpoints/NextEndpoint.js
var NextEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(NextEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH4,
build: () => build3
var PATH4 = "/next";
function build3(opts) {
return Object.assign({
videoId: opts.video_id,
playlistId: opts.playlist_id,
params: opts.params,
playlistIndex: opts.playlist_index,
client: opts.client,
continuation: opts.continuation
__name(build3, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/PlayerEndpoint.js
var PlayerEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(PlayerEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH5,
build: () => build4
var PATH5 = "/player";
function build4(opts) {
return Object.assign({ playbackContext: {
contentPlaybackContext: Object.assign({ vis: 0, splay: false, referer: opts.playlist_id ? `${opts.video_id}&list=${opts.playlist_id}` : `${opts.video_id}`, currentUrl: opts.playlist_id ? `/watch?v=${opts.video_id}&list=${opts.playlist_id}` : `/watch?v=${opts.video_id}`, autonavState: "STATE_ON", autoCaptionsDefaultOn: false, html5Preference: "HTML5_PREF_WANTS", lactMilliseconds: "-1" }, {
signatureTimestamp: opts.sts
}, attestationRequest: {
omitBotguardData: true
}, racyCheckOk: true, contentCheckOk: true, videoId: opts.video_id }, {
client: opts.client,
playlistId: opts.playlist_id,
params: opts.params
__name(build4, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/ResolveURLEndpoint.js
var ResolveURLEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(ResolveURLEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH6,
build: () => build5
var PATH6 = "/navigation/resolve_url";
function build5(opts) {
return Object.assign({
url: opts.url
__name(build5, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/SearchEndpoint.js
var SearchEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(SearchEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH7,
build: () => build6
var PATH7 = "/search";
function build6(opts) {
return Object.assign({
query: opts.query,
params: opts.params,
continuation: opts.continuation,
client: opts.client
__name(build6, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/account/index.js
var account_exports = {};
__export(account_exports, {
AccountListEndpoint: () => AccountListEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/account/AccountListEndpoint.js
var AccountListEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(AccountListEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH8,
build: () => build7
var PATH8 = "/account/accounts_list";
function build7() {
return {
client: "ANDROID"
__name(build7, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/browse/index.js
var browse_exports = {};
__export(browse_exports, {
EditPlaylistEndpoint: () => EditPlaylistEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/browse/EditPlaylistEndpoint.js
var EditPlaylistEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(EditPlaylistEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH9,
build: () => build8
var PATH9 = "/browse/edit_playlist";
function build8(opts) {
return {
playlistId: opts.playlist_id,
actions: => Object.assign({ action: action.action }, {
addedVideoId: action.added_video_id,
setVideoId: action.set_video_id,
movedSetVideoIdPredecessor: action.moved_set_video_id_predecessor,
playlistDescription: action.playlist_description,
playlistName: action.playlist_name
__name(build8, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/channel/index.js
var channel_exports = {};
__export(channel_exports, {
EditDescriptionEndpoint: () => EditDescriptionEndpoint_exports,
EditNameEndpoint: () => EditNameEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/channel/EditNameEndpoint.js
var EditNameEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(EditNameEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH10,
build: () => build9
var PATH10 = "/channel/edit_name";
function build9(options) {
return {
givenName: options.given_name,
client: "ANDROID"
__name(build9, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/channel/EditDescriptionEndpoint.js
var EditDescriptionEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(EditDescriptionEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH11,
build: () => build10
var PATH11 = "/channel/edit_description";
function build10(options) {
return {
givenDescription: options.given_description,
client: "ANDROID"
__name(build10, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/comment/index.js
var comment_exports = {};
__export(comment_exports, {
CreateCommentEndpoint: () => CreateCommentEndpoint_exports,
PerformCommentActionEndpoint: () => PerformCommentActionEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/comment/PerformCommentActionEndpoint.js
var PerformCommentActionEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(PerformCommentActionEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH12,
build: () => build11
var PATH12 = "/comment/perform_comment_action";
function build11(options) {
return Object.assign({ actions: options.actions }, {
client: options.client
__name(build11, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/comment/CreateCommentEndpoint.js
var CreateCommentEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(CreateCommentEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH13,
build: () => build12
var PATH13 = "/comment/create_comment";
function build12(options) {
return Object.assign({ commentText: options.comment_text, createCommentParams: options.create_comment_params }, {
client: options.client
__name(build12, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/like/index.js
var like_exports = {};
__export(like_exports, {
DislikeEndpoint: () => DislikeEndpoint_exports,
LikeEndpoint: () => LikeEndpoint_exports,
RemoveLikeEndpoint: () => RemoveLikeEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/like/LikeEndpoint.js
var LikeEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(LikeEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH14,
build: () => build13
var PATH14 = "/like/like";
function build13(options) {
return Object.assign({ target: {
} }, {
client: options.client
__name(build13, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/like/DislikeEndpoint.js
var DislikeEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(DislikeEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH15,
build: () => build14
var PATH15 = "/like/dislike";
function build14(options) {
return Object.assign({ target: {
} }, {
client: options.client
__name(build14, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/like/RemoveLikeEndpoint.js
var RemoveLikeEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(RemoveLikeEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH16,
build: () => build15
var PATH16 = "/like/removelike";
function build15(options) {
return Object.assign({ target: {
} }, {
client: options.client
__name(build15, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/music/index.js
var music_exports = {};
__export(music_exports, {
GetSearchSuggestionsEndpoint: () => GetSearchSuggestionsEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/music/GetSearchSuggestionsEndpoint.js
var GetSearchSuggestionsEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(GetSearchSuggestionsEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH17,
build: () => build16
var PATH17 = "/music/get_search_suggestions";
function build16(opts) {
return {
input: opts.input,
client: "YTMUSIC"
__name(build16, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/notification/index.js
var notification_exports = {};
__export(notification_exports, {
GetUnseenCountEndpoint: () => GetUnseenCountEndpoint_exports,
ModifyChannelPreferenceEndpoint: () => ModifyChannelPreferenceEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/notification/GetUnseenCountEndpoint.js
var GetUnseenCountEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(GetUnseenCountEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH18
var PATH18 = "/notification/get_unseen_count";
// dist/src/core/endpoints/notification/ModifyChannelPreferenceEndpoint.js
var ModifyChannelPreferenceEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(ModifyChannelPreferenceEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH19,
build: () => build17
var PATH19 = "/notification/modify_channel_preference";
function build17(options) {
return Object.assign({ params: options.params }, {
client: options.client
__name(build17, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/playlist/index.js
var playlist_exports = {};
__export(playlist_exports, {
CreateEndpoint: () => CreateEndpoint_exports,
DeleteEndpoint: () => DeleteEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/playlist/CreateEndpoint.js
var CreateEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(CreateEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH20,
build: () => build18
var PATH20 = "/playlist/create";
function build18(opts) {
return {
title: opts.title,
ids: opts.ids
__name(build18, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/playlist/DeleteEndpoint.js
var DeleteEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(DeleteEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH21,
build: () => build19
var PATH21 = "/playlist/delete";
function build19(opts) {
return {
playlistId: opts.playlist_id
__name(build19, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/subscription/index.js
var subscription_exports = {};
__export(subscription_exports, {
SubscribeEndpoint: () => SubscribeEndpoint_exports,
UnsubscribeEndpoint: () => UnsubscribeEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/subscription/SubscribeEndpoint.js
var SubscribeEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(SubscribeEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH22,
build: () => build20
var PATH22 = "/subscription/subscribe";
function build20(options) {
return Object.assign({ channelIds: options.channel_ids }, {
client: options.client,
params: options.params
__name(build20, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/subscription/UnsubscribeEndpoint.js
var UnsubscribeEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(UnsubscribeEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH23,
build: () => build21
var PATH23 = "/subscription/unsubscribe";
function build21(options) {
return Object.assign({ channelIds: options.channel_ids }, {
client: options.client,
params: options.params
__name(build21, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/reel/index.js
var reel_exports = {};
__export(reel_exports, {
WatchEndpoint: () => WatchEndpoint_exports,
WatchSequenceEndpoint: () => WatchSequenceEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/reel/WatchEndpoint.js
var WatchEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(WatchEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH24,
build: () => build22
var PATH24 = "/reel/reel_item_watch";
function build22(opts) {
var _a4, _b;
return {
playerRequest: {
videoId: opts.short_id,
params: (_a4 = opts.params) !== null && _a4 !== void 0 ? _a4 : "CAUwAg%3D%3D"
params: (_b = opts.params) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "CAUwAg%3D%3D"
__name(build22, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/reel/WatchSequenceEndpoint.js
var WatchSequenceEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(WatchSequenceEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH25,
build: () => build23
var PATH25 = "/reel/reel_watch_sequence";
function build23(opts) {
return {
sequenceParams: opts.sequenceParams
__name(build23, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/upload/index.js
var upload_exports = {};
__export(upload_exports, {
CreateVideoEndpoint: () => CreateVideoEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/upload/CreateVideoEndpoint.js
var CreateVideoEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(CreateVideoEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH26,
build: () => build24
var PATH26 = "/upload/createvideo";
function build24(opts) {
return Object.assign({ resourceId: {
scottyResourceId: {
}, frontendUploadId: opts.frontend_upload_id, initialMetadata: {
title: {
newTitle: opts.initial_metadata.title.new_title
description: {
newDescription: opts.initial_metadata.description.new_description,
shouldSegment: opts.initial_metadata.description.should_segment
privacy: {
newPrivacy: opts.initial_metadata.privacy.new_privacy
draftState: {
isDraft: !!opts.initial_metadata.draft_state.is_draft
} }, {
client: opts.client
__name(build24, "build");
// dist/src/core/endpoints/kids/index.js
var kids_exports = {};
__export(kids_exports, {
BlocklistPickerEndpoint: () => BlocklistPickerEndpoint_exports
// dist/src/core/endpoints/kids/BlocklistPickerEndpoint.js
var BlocklistPickerEndpoint_exports = {};
__export(BlocklistPickerEndpoint_exports, {
PATH: () => PATH27,
build: () => build25
var PATH27 = "/kids/get_kids_blocklist_picker";
function build25(options) {
return { blockedForKidsContent: { external_channel_id: options.channel_id } };
__name(build25, "build");
// dist/src/parser/ytshorts/VideoInfo.js
var _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation2;
var _VideoInfo_actions;
var VideoInfo3 = class {
constructor(data, actions) {
var _a4, _b;
_VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation2.set(this, void 0);
_VideoInfo_actions.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib54.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _VideoInfo_actions, actions, "f");
const info = parser_exports.parseResponse(data[0].data);
const watch_next = parser_exports.parseResponse(data[1].data);
this.basic_info = info.video_details;
this.watch_next_feed = (_a4 = watch_next.entries) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.array();
(0, import_tslib54.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation2, (_b = watch_next.continuation_endpoint) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :, "f");
getWatchNextContinuation() {
var _a4, _b;
return (0, import_tslib54.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib54.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation2, "f"))
throw new InnertubeError("Watch next feed continuation not found");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib54.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _VideoInfo_actions, "f").execute(reel_exports.WatchSequenceEndpoint.PATH,{
sequenceParams: (0, import_tslib54.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation2, "f").token
if (!response.success) {
throw new InnertubeError("Continue failed ", response.status_code);
const parsed = parser_exports.parseResponse(;
this.watch_next_feed = (_a4 = parsed.entries) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.array();
(0, import_tslib54.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation2, (_b = parsed.continuation_endpoint) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :, "f");
return this;
__name(VideoInfo3, "VideoInfo");
_VideoInfo_watch_next_continuation2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _VideoInfo_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var VideoInfo_default3 = VideoInfo3;
// dist/src/parser/classes/misc/Author.js
var Author = class {
constructor(item, badges, thumbs, id) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q, _r, _s, _t, _u, _v, _w, _x, _y, _z, _0, _1, _2;
const nav_text = new Text2(item); = id || ((_d = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = nav_text === null || nav_text === void 0 ? void 0 : nav_text.runs) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.endpoint) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.payload) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.browseId) || ((_f = (_e = nav_text === null || nav_text === void 0 ? void 0 : nav_text.endpoint) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.payload) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.browseId) || "N/A"; = (nav_text === null || nav_text === void 0 ? void 0 : nav_text.text) || "N/A";
this.thumbnails = thumbs ? Thumbnail.fromResponse(thumbs) : [];
this.endpoint = ((_h = (_g = nav_text === null || nav_text === void 0 ? void 0 : nav_text.runs) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g[0]) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.endpoint) || (nav_text === null || nav_text === void 0 ? void 0 : nav_text.endpoint);
if (badges) {
if (Array.isArray(badges)) {
this.badges = parser_exports.parseArray(badges);
this.is_moderator = (_j = this.badges) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.some((badge) => badge.icon_type == "MODERATOR");
this.is_verified = (_k = this.badges) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.some((badge) => == "BADGE_STYLE_TYPE_VERIFIED");
this.is_verified_artist = (_l = this.badges) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 : _l.some((badge) => == "BADGE_STYLE_TYPE_VERIFIED_ARTIST");
} else {
this.badges = observe([]);
this.is_verified = !!badges.isVerified;
this.is_verified_artist = !!badges.isArtist;
} else {
this.badges = observe([]);
this.url = ((_q = (_p = (_o = (_m = nav_text === null || nav_text === void 0 ? void 0 : nav_text.runs) === null || _m === void 0 ? void 0 : _m[0]) === null || _o === void 0 ? void 0 : _o.endpoint) === null || _p === void 0 ? void 0 : _p.metadata) === null || _q === void 0 ? void 0 : _q.api_url) === "/browse" && `${URLS.YT_BASE}${((_u = (_t = (_s = (_r = nav_text === null || nav_text === void 0 ? void 0 : nav_text.runs) === null || _r === void 0 ? void 0 : _r[0]) === null || _s === void 0 ? void 0 : _s.endpoint) === null || _t === void 0 ? void 0 : _t.payload) === null || _u === void 0 ? void 0 : _u.canonicalBaseUrl) || `/u/${(_y = (_x = (_w = (_v = nav_text === null || nav_text === void 0 ? void 0 : nav_text.runs) === null || _v === void 0 ? void 0 : _v[0]) === null || _w === void 0 ? void 0 : _w.endpoint) === null || _x === void 0 ? void 0 : _x.payload) === null || _y === void 0 ? void 0 : _y.browseId}`}` || `${URLS.YT_BASE}${((_0 = (_z = nav_text === null || nav_text === void 0 ? void 0 : nav_text.endpoint) === null || _z === void 0 ? void 0 : _z.payload) === null || _0 === void 0 ? void 0 : _0.canonicalBaseUrl) || `/u/${(_2 = (_1 = nav_text === null || nav_text === void 0 ? void 0 : nav_text.endpoint) === null || _1 === void 0 ? void 0 : _1.payload) === null || _2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _2.browseId}`}`;
get best_thumbnail() {
return this.thumbnails[0];
__name(Author, "Author");
// dist/src/utils/user-agents.js
var user_agents_default = {
"desktop": [
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.3 Safari/605.1.15",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.61",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.2 Safari/605.1.15",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
"mobile": [
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/109.0.5414.83 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/109.0.5414.83 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/109.0.5414.83 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; SM-G990U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; SM-G998B) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) FxiOS/108.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/605.1.15",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/109.0.5414.83 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15G77 ChannelId(73) NebulaSDK/1.8.100112 Nebula PSDType(1) AlipayDefined(nt:4G,ws:320|504|2.0) AliApp(AP/ AlipayClient/ Alipay Language/zh-Hans",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.2 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; SM-N981U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; SM-A515F) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.2 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/109.0.5414.83 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/109.0.5414.83 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; M2010J19SG) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.5 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/109.0.5414.83 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/109.0.5414.83 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; M2102J20SG) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36",
"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.2 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"
// dist/src/utils/Utils.js
var _a2;
var _Platform_shim;
var TAG_2 = "Utils";
var Platform = class {
static load(platform) {
(0, import_tslib55.__classPrivateFieldSet)(Platform, _a2, platform, "f", _Platform_shim);
static get shim() {
if (!(0, import_tslib55.__classPrivateFieldGet)(Platform, _a2, "f", _Platform_shim)) {
throw new Error("Platform is not loaded");
return (0, import_tslib55.__classPrivateFieldGet)(Platform, _a2, "f", _Platform_shim);
__name(Platform, "Platform");
_a2 = Platform;
_Platform_shim = { value: void 0 };
var InnertubeError = class extends Error {
constructor(message, info) {
if (info) { = info;
} = new Date();
this.version =;
__name(InnertubeError, "InnertubeError");
var ParsingError = class extends InnertubeError {
__name(ParsingError, "ParsingError");
var MissingParamError = class extends InnertubeError {
__name(MissingParamError, "MissingParamError");
var OAuthError = class extends InnertubeError {
__name(OAuthError, "OAuthError");
var PlayerError = class extends Error {
__name(PlayerError, "PlayerError");
var SessionError = class extends Error {
__name(SessionError, "SessionError");
var ChannelError = class extends Error {
__name(ChannelError, "ChannelError");
function deepCompare(obj1, obj2) {
const keys = Reflect.ownKeys(obj1);
return keys.some((key) => {
const is_text = obj2[key] instanceof Text2;
if (!is_text && typeof obj2[key] === "object") {
return JSON.stringify(obj1[key]) === JSON.stringify(obj2[key]);
return obj1[key] === (is_text ? obj2[key].toString() : obj2[key]);
__name(deepCompare, "deepCompare");
function getStringBetweenStrings(data, start_string, end_string) {
const regex = new RegExp(`${escapeStringRegexp(start_string)}(.*?)${escapeStringRegexp(end_string)}`, "s");
const match = data.match(regex);
return match ? match[1] : void 0;
__name(getStringBetweenStrings, "getStringBetweenStrings");
function escapeStringRegexp(input) {
return input.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, "\\$&").replace(/-/g, "\\x2d");
__name(escapeStringRegexp, "escapeStringRegexp");
function getRandomUserAgent(type) {
const available_agents = user_agents_default[type];
const random_index = Math.floor(Math.random() * available_agents.length);
return available_agents[random_index];
__name(getRandomUserAgent, "getRandomUserAgent");
function generateSidAuth(sid) {
return (0, import_tslib55.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const youtube = "";
const timestamp = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1e3);
const input = [timestamp, sid, youtube].join(" ");
const gen_hash = yield Platform.shim.sha1Hash(input);
return ["SAPISIDHASH", [timestamp, gen_hash].join("_")].join(" ");
__name(generateSidAuth, "generateSidAuth");
function generateRandomString(length) {
const result = [];
const alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_";
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result.push(alphabet.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * alphabet.length)));
return result.join("");
__name(generateRandomString, "generateRandomString");
function timeToSeconds(time) {
const params = time.split(":").map((param) => parseInt(param.replace(/\D/g, "")));
switch (params.length) {
case 1:
return params[0];
case 2:
return params[0] * 60 + params[1];
case 3:
return params[0] * 3600 + params[1] * 60 + params[2];
throw new Error("Invalid time string");
__name(timeToSeconds, "timeToSeconds");
function concatMemos(...iterables) {
const memo = new Memo();
for (const iterable of iterables) {
if (!iterable)
for (const item of iterable) {
const memo_item = memo.get(item[0]);
if (memo_item) {
memo.set(item[0], [...memo_item, ...item[1]]);
return memo;
__name(concatMemos, "concatMemos");
function throwIfMissing(params) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) {
if (!value)
throw new MissingParamError(`${key} is missing`);
__name(throwIfMissing, "throwIfMissing");
function hasKeys(params, ...keys) {
for (const key of keys) {
if (!Reflect.has(params, key) || params[key] === void 0)
return false;
return true;
__name(hasKeys, "hasKeys");
function streamToIterable(stream) {
return (0, import_tslib55.__asyncGenerator)(this, arguments, /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function* streamToIterable_1() {
const reader = stream.getReader();
try {
while (true) {
const { done, value } = yield (0, import_tslib55.__await)(;
if (done) {
return yield (0, import_tslib55.__await)(void 0);
yield yield (0, import_tslib55.__await)(value);
} finally {
}, "streamToIterable_1"));
__name(streamToIterable, "streamToIterable");
var debugFetch = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((input, init) => {
const url = typeof input === "string" ? new URL(input) : input instanceof URL ? input : new URL(input.url);
const headers = (init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.headers) ? new Headers(init.headers) : input instanceof Request ? input.headers : new Headers();
const arr_headers = [...headers];
const body_contents = (init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.body) ? typeof init.body === "string" ? headers.get("content-type") === "application/json" ? JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(init.body), null, 2) : init.body : " <binary>" : " (none)";
const headers_serialized = arr_headers.length > 0 ? `${[key, value]) => ` ${key}: ${value}`).join("\n")}` : " (none)";
Log_default.warn(TAG_2, `Fetch:
url: ${url.toString()}
method: ${(init === null || init === void 0 ? void 0 : init.method) || "GET"}
' +
' body:
return Platform.shim.fetch(input, init);
}, "debugFetch");
function u8ToBase64(u8) {
return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, Array.from(u8)));
__name(u8ToBase64, "u8ToBase64");
function base64ToU8(base64) {
return new Uint8Array(atob(base64).split("").map((char) => char.charCodeAt(0)));
__name(base64ToU8, "base64ToU8");
function isTextRun(run) {
return !("emoji" in run);
__name(isTextRun, "isTextRun");
// dist/src/platform/node.js
var import_crypto = __toESM(require("crypto"), 1);
var import_path = __toESM(require("path"), 1);
var import_os = __toESM(require("os"), 1);
var import_promises = __toESM(require("fs/promises"), 1);
// dist/src/platform/polyfills/node-custom-event.js
var import_tslib56 = require("tslib");
var _CustomEvent_detail;
var CustomEvent = class extends Event {
constructor(type, options) {
var _a4;
super(type, options);
_CustomEvent_detail.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib56.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _CustomEvent_detail, (_a4 = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.detail) !== null && _a4 !== void 0 ? _a4 : null, "f");
get detail() {
return (0, import_tslib56.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _CustomEvent_detail, "f");
__name(CustomEvent, "CustomEvent");
_CustomEvent_detail = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var node_custom_event_default = CustomEvent;
// dist/src/platform/node.js
var import_url = require("url");
// dist/src/platform/jsruntime/jinter.js
var import_jintr = require("jintr");
// dist/src/Innertube.js
var import_tslib67 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/core/Session.js
var import_tslib60 = require("tslib");
// dist/src/core/OAuth.js
var import_tslib57 = require("tslib");
var _OAuth_instances;
var _OAuth_identity;
var _OAuth_session;
var _OAuth_credentials;
var _OAuth_polling_interval;
var _OAuth_loadCachedCredentials;
var _OAuth_getUserCode;
var _OAuth_startPolling;
var _OAuth_refreshAccessToken;
var _OAuth_getClientIdentity;
var OAuth = class {
constructor(session) {
_OAuth_identity.set(this, void 0);
_OAuth_session.set(this, void 0);
_OAuth_credentials.set(this, void 0);
_OAuth_polling_interval.set(this, 5);
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _OAuth_session, session, "f");
init(credentials) {
return (0, import_tslib57.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, credentials, "f");
if (this.validateCredentials()) {
if (!this.has_access_token_expired)
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").emit("auth", {
credentials: (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f"),
status: "SUCCESS"
} else if (!(yield (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_instances, "m", _OAuth_loadCachedCredentials).call(this))) {
yield (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_instances, "m", _OAuth_getUserCode).call(this);
cacheCredentials() {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib57.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const data = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify((0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f")));
yield (_a4 = (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").cache) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.set("youtubei_oauth_credentials", data.buffer);
removeCache() {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib57.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield (_a4 = (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").cache) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.remove("youtubei_oauth_credentials");
refreshIfRequired() {
return (0, import_tslib57.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (this.has_access_token_expired) {
yield (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_instances, "m", _OAuth_refreshAccessToken).call(this);
revokeCredentials() {
return (0, import_tslib57.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f"))
yield this.removeCache();
return (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").http.fetch_function(new URL(`/o/oauth2/revoke?token=${encodeURIComponent((0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f").access_token)}`, Constants_exports.URLS.YT_BASE), {
method: "post"
get credentials() {
return (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f");
get has_access_token_expired() {
const timestamp = (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f") ? new Date((0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f").expires).getTime() : -Infinity;
return new Date().getTime() > timestamp;
validateCredentials() {
return (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f") && Reflect.has((0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f"), "access_token") && Reflect.has((0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f"), "refresh_token") && Reflect.has((0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f"), "expires") || false;
__name(OAuth, "OAuth");
_OAuth_identity = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _OAuth_session = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _OAuth_credentials = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _OAuth_polling_interval = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _OAuth_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _OAuth_loadCachedCredentials = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _OAuth_loadCachedCredentials2() {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib57.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const data = yield (_a4 = (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").cache) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.get("youtubei_oauth_credentials");
if (!data)
return false;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const credentials = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(data));
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, {
access_token: credentials.access_token,
refresh_token: credentials.refresh_token,
client_id: credentials.client_id,
client_secret: credentials.client_secret,
expires: new Date(credentials.expires)
}, "f");
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").emit("auth", {
credentials: (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f"),
status: "SUCCESS"
return true;
}, "_OAuth_loadCachedCredentials"), _OAuth_getUserCode = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _OAuth_getUserCode2() {
return (0, import_tslib57.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _OAuth_identity, yield (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_instances, "m", _OAuth_getClientIdentity).call(this), "f");
const data = {
client_id: (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_identity, "f").client_id,
scope: Constants_exports.OAUTH.SCOPE,
device_id: Platform.shim.uuidv4(),
device_model: Constants_exports.OAUTH.MODEL_NAME
const response = yield (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").http.fetch_function(new URL("/o/oauth2/device/code", Constants_exports.URLS.YT_BASE), {
body: JSON.stringify(data),
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
const response_data = yield response.json();
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").emit("auth-pending", response_data);
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _OAuth_polling_interval, response_data.interval, "f");
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_instances, "m", _OAuth_startPolling).call(this, response_data.device_code);
}, "_OAuth_getUserCode"), _OAuth_startPolling = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _OAuth_startPolling2(device_code) {
const poller = setInterval(() => (0, import_tslib57.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
var _a4, _b;
const data = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_identity, "f")), { code: device_code, grant_type: Constants_exports.OAUTH.GRANT_TYPE });
try {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").http.fetch_function(new URL("/o/oauth2/token", Constants_exports.URLS.YT_BASE), {
body: JSON.stringify(data),
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
const response_data = yield response.json();
if (response_data.error) {
switch (response_data.error) {
case "access_denied":
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").emit("auth-error", new OAuthError("Access was denied.", { status: "ACCESS_DENIED" }));
case "expired_token":
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").emit("auth-error", new OAuthError("The device code has expired, restarting auth flow.", { status: "DEVICE_CODE_EXPIRED" }));
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_instances, "m", _OAuth_getUserCode).call(this);
const expiration_date = new Date(new Date().getTime() + response_data.expires_in * 1e3);
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, {
access_token: response_data.access_token,
refresh_token: response_data.refresh_token,
client_id: (_a4 = (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_identity, "f")) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.client_id,
client_secret: (_b = (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_identity, "f")) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.client_secret,
expires: expiration_date
}, "f");
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").emit("auth", {
credentials: (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f"),
status: "SUCCESS"
} catch (err) {
return (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").emit("auth-error", new OAuthError("Could not obtain user code.", { status: "FAILED", error: err }));
}), (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_polling_interval, "f") * 1e3);
}, "_OAuth_startPolling"), _OAuth_refreshAccessToken = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _OAuth_refreshAccessToken2() {
return (0, import_tslib57.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f"))
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _OAuth_identity, yield (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_instances, "m", _OAuth_getClientIdentity).call(this), "f");
const data = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_identity, "f")), { refresh_token: (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f").refresh_token, grant_type: "refresh_token" });
const response = yield (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").http.fetch_function(new URL("/o/oauth2/token", Constants_exports.URLS.YT_BASE), {
body: JSON.stringify(data),
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
const response_data = yield response.json();
const expiration_date = new Date(new Date().getTime() + response_data.expires_in * 1e3);
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, {
access_token: response_data.access_token,
refresh_token: response_data.refresh_token || (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f").refresh_token,
client_id: (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_identity, "f").client_id,
client_secret: (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_identity, "f").client_secret,
expires: expiration_date
}, "f");
(0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").emit("update-credentials", {
credentials: (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f"),
status: "SUCCESS"
}, "_OAuth_refreshAccessToken"), _OAuth_getClientIdentity = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _OAuth_getClientIdentity2() {
var _a4, _b, _c;
return (0, import_tslib57.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (((_a4 = (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f")) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.client_id) && ((_b = this.credentials) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.client_secret)) {, "Using custom OAuth2 credentials.\n");
return {
client_id: (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_credentials, "f").client_id,
client_secret: this.credentials.client_secret
const response = yield (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").http.fetch_function(new URL("/tv", Constants_exports.URLS.YT_BASE), { headers: Constants_exports.OAUTH.HEADERS });
const response_data = yield response.text();
const url_body = (_c = Constants_exports.OAUTH.REGEX.AUTH_SCRIPT.exec(response_data)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[1];
if (!url_body)
throw new OAuthError("Could not obtain script url.", { status: "FAILED" });, `Got YouTubeTV script URL (${url_body})`);
const script = yield (0, import_tslib57.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _OAuth_session, "f").http.fetch(url_body, { baseURL: Constants_exports.URLS.YT_BASE });
const client_identity = (yield script.text()).replace(/\n/g, "").match(Constants_exports.OAUTH.REGEX.CLIENT_IDENTITY);
const groups = client_identity === null || client_identity === void 0 ? void 0 : client_identity.groups;
if (!groups)
throw new OAuthError("Could not obtain client identity.", { status: "FAILED" });, "OAuth2 credentials retrieved.\n", groups);
return groups;
}, "_OAuth_getClientIdentity");
OAuth.TAG = "OAuth";
var OAuth_default = OAuth;
// dist/src/core/Actions.js
var import_tslib58 = require("tslib");
var _Actions_instances;
var _Actions_session;
var _Actions_wrap;
var _Actions_isBrowse;
var _Actions_needsLogin;
var Actions = class {
constructor(session) {
_Actions_session.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib58.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Actions_session, session, "f");
get session() {
return (0, import_tslib58.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Actions_session, "f");
stats(url, client, params) {
return (0, import_tslib58.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const s_url = new URL(url);
s_url.searchParams.set("ver", "2");
s_url.searchParams.set("c", client.client_name.toLowerCase());
s_url.searchParams.set("cbrver", client.client_version);
s_url.searchParams.set("cver", client.client_version);
for (const key of Object.keys(params)) {
s_url.searchParams.set(key, params[key]);
const response = yield (0, import_tslib58.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Actions_session, "f").http.fetch(s_url);
return response;
execute(endpoint, args) {
var _a4, _b;
return (0, import_tslib58.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let data;
if (args && !args.protobuf) {
data = Object.assign({}, args);
if (Reflect.has(data, "browseId")) {
if ((0, import_tslib58.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Actions_instances, "m", _Actions_needsLogin).call(this, data.browseId) && !(0, import_tslib58.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Actions_session, "f").logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
if (Reflect.has(data, "override_endpoint"))
delete data.override_endpoint;
if (Reflect.has(data, "parse"))
delete data.parse;
if (Reflect.has(data, "request"))
delete data.request;
if (Reflect.has(data, "clientActions"))
delete data.clientActions;
if (Reflect.has(data, "settingItemIdForClient"))
delete data.settingItemIdForClient;
if (Reflect.has(data, "action")) {
data.actions = [data.action];
delete data.action;
if (Reflect.has(data, "boolValue")) {
data.newValue = { boolValue: data.boolValue };
delete data.boolValue;
if (Reflect.has(data, "token")) {
data.continuation = data.token;
delete data.token;
if ((data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.client) === "YTMUSIC") {
data.isAudioOnly = true;
} else if (args) {
data = args.serialized_data;
const target_endpoint = Reflect.has(args || {}, "override_endpoint") ? args === null || args === void 0 ? void 0 : args.override_endpoint : endpoint;
const response = yield (0, import_tslib58.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Actions_session, "f").http.fetch(target_endpoint, {
method: "POST",
body: (args === null || args === void 0 ? void 0 : args.protobuf) ? data : JSON.stringify(data || {}),
headers: {
"Content-Type": (args === null || args === void 0 ? void 0 : args.protobuf) ? "application/x-protobuf" : "application/json"
if (args === null || args === void 0 ? void 0 : args.parse) {
let parsed_response = parser_exports.parseResponse(yield response.json());
if ((0, import_tslib58.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Actions_instances, "m", _Actions_isBrowse).call(this, parsed_response) && ((_b = (_a4 = parsed_response.on_response_received_actions) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.first()) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.type) === "navigateAction") {
const navigate_action = parsed_response.on_response_received_actions.firstOfType(NavigateAction);
if (navigate_action) {
parsed_response = yield, { parse: true });
return parsed_response;
return (0, import_tslib58.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Actions_instances, "m", _Actions_wrap).call(this, response);
__name(Actions, "Actions");
_Actions_session = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Actions_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _Actions_wrap = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Actions_wrap2(response) {
return (0, import_tslib58.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return {
success: response.ok,
status_code: response.status,
data: JSON.parse(yield response.text())
}, "_Actions_wrap"), _Actions_isBrowse = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Actions_isBrowse2(response) {
return "on_response_received_actions" in response;
}, "_Actions_isBrowse"), _Actions_needsLogin = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Actions_needsLogin2(id) {
return [
}, "_Actions_needsLogin");
var Actions_default = Actions;
// dist/src/core/Player.js
var import_tslib59 = require("tslib");
var _Player_nsig_sc;
var _Player_sig_sc;
var _Player_sig_sc_timestamp;
var _Player_player_id;
var Player = class {
constructor(signature_timestamp, sig_sc, nsig_sc, player_id) {
_Player_nsig_sc.set(this, void 0);
_Player_sig_sc.set(this, void 0);
_Player_sig_sc_timestamp.set(this, void 0);
_Player_player_id.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Player_nsig_sc, nsig_sc, "f");
(0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Player_sig_sc, sig_sc, "f");
(0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Player_sig_sc_timestamp, signature_timestamp, "f");
(0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Player_player_id, player_id, "f");
static create(cache, fetch = Platform.shim.fetch) {
return (0, import_tslib59.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const url = new URL("/iframe_api", Constants_exports.URLS.YT_BASE);
const res = yield fetch(url);
if (res.status !== 200)
throw new PlayerError("Failed to request player id");
const js = yield res.text();
const player_id = getStringBetweenStrings(js, "player\\/", "\\/");, `Got player id (${player_id}). Checking for cached players..`);
if (!player_id)
throw new PlayerError("Failed to get player id");
if (cache) {, "Found a cached player.");
const cached_player = yield Player.fromCache(cache, player_id);
if (cached_player)
return cached_player;
const player_url = new URL(`/s/player/${player_id}/player_ias.vflset/en_US/base.js`, Constants_exports.URLS.YT_BASE);, `Could not find any cached player. Will download a new player from ${player_url}.`);
const player_res = yield fetch(player_url, {
headers: {
"user-agent": getRandomUserAgent("desktop")
if (!player_res.ok) {
throw new PlayerError(`Failed to get player data: ${player_res.status}`);
const player_js = yield player_res.text();
const sig_timestamp = this.extractSigTimestamp(player_js);
const sig_sc = this.extractSigSourceCode(player_js);
const nsig_sc = this.extractNSigSourceCode(player_js);, `Got signature timestamp (${sig_timestamp}) and algorithms needed to decipher signatures.`);
return yield Player.fromSource(cache, sig_timestamp, sig_sc, nsig_sc, player_id);
decipher(url, signature_cipher, cipher, this_response_nsig_cache) {
url = url || signature_cipher || cipher;
if (!url)
throw new PlayerError("No valid URL to decipher");
const args = new URLSearchParams(url);
const url_components = new URL(args.get("url") || url);
if (signature_cipher || cipher) {
const signature = Platform.shim.eval((0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Player_sig_sc, "f"), {
sig: args.get("s")
});, `Transformed signature ${args.get("s")} to ${signature}.`);
if (typeof signature !== "string")
throw new PlayerError("Failed to decipher signature");
const sp = args.get("sp");
sp ? url_components.searchParams.set(sp, signature) : url_components.searchParams.set("signature", signature);
const n = url_components.searchParams.get("n");
if (n) {
let nsig;
if (this_response_nsig_cache && this_response_nsig_cache.has(n)) {
nsig = this_response_nsig_cache.get(n);
} else {
nsig = Platform.shim.eval((0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Player_nsig_sc, "f"), {
nsig: n
});, `Transformed nsig ${n} to ${nsig}.`);
if (typeof nsig !== "string")
throw new PlayerError("Failed to decipher nsig");
if (nsig.startsWith("enhanced_except_")) {
Log_default.warn(Player.TAG, 'Could not transform nsig, download may be throttled.\nChanging the InnerTube client to "ANDROID" might help!');
} else if (this_response_nsig_cache) {
this_response_nsig_cache.set(n, nsig);
url_components.searchParams.set("n", nsig);
const client = url_components.searchParams.get("c");
switch (client) {
case "WEB":
url_components.searchParams.set("cver", Constants_exports.CLIENTS.WEB.VERSION);
case "WEB_REMIX":
url_components.searchParams.set("cver", Constants_exports.CLIENTS.YTMUSIC.VERSION);
case "WEB_KIDS":
url_components.searchParams.set("cver", Constants_exports.CLIENTS.WEB_KIDS.VERSION);
case "ANDROID":
url_components.searchParams.set("cver", Constants_exports.CLIENTS.ANDROID.VERSION);
url_components.searchParams.set("cver", Constants_exports.CLIENTS.YTMUSIC_ANDROID.VERSION);
url_components.searchParams.set("cver", Constants_exports.CLIENTS.TV_EMBEDDED.VERSION);
const result = url_components.toString();, `Full deciphered URL: ${result}`);
return url_components.toString();
static fromCache(cache, player_id) {
return (0, import_tslib59.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const buffer = yield cache.get(player_id);
if (!buffer)
return null;
const view = new DataView(buffer);
const version2 = view.getUint32(0, true);
if (version2 !== Player.LIBRARY_VERSION)
return null;
const sig_timestamp = view.getUint32(4, true);
const sig_len = view.getUint32(8, true);
const sig_buf = buffer.slice(12, 12 + sig_len);
const nsig_buf = buffer.slice(12 + sig_len);
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const sig_sc = decoder.decode(sig_buf);
const nsig_sc = decoder.decode(nsig_buf);
return new Player(sig_timestamp, sig_sc, nsig_sc, player_id);
static fromSource(cache, sig_timestamp, sig_sc, nsig_sc, player_id) {
return (0, import_tslib59.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const player = new Player(sig_timestamp, sig_sc, nsig_sc, player_id);
yield player.cache(cache);
return player;
cache(cache) {
return (0, import_tslib59.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!cache)
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const sig_buf = encoder.encode((0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Player_sig_sc, "f"));
const nsig_buf = encoder.encode((0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Player_nsig_sc, "f"));
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(12 + sig_buf.byteLength + nsig_buf.byteLength);
const view = new DataView(buffer);
view.setUint32(0, Player.LIBRARY_VERSION, true);
view.setUint32(4, (0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Player_sig_sc_timestamp, "f"), true);
view.setUint32(8, sig_buf.byteLength, true);
new Uint8Array(buffer).set(sig_buf, 12);
new Uint8Array(buffer).set(nsig_buf, 12 + sig_buf.byteLength);
yield cache.set((0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Player_player_id, "f"), new Uint8Array(buffer));
static extractSigTimestamp(data) {
return parseInt(getStringBetweenStrings(data, "signatureTimestamp:", ",") || "0");
static extractSigSourceCode(data) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
const calls = getStringBetweenStrings(data, 'function(a){a=a.split("")', 'return a.join("")}');
const obj_name = (_c = (_b = (_a4 = calls === null || calls === void 0 ? void 0 : calls.split(/\.|\[/)) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.replace(";", "")) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.trim();
const functions = getStringBetweenStrings(data, `var ${obj_name}={`, "};");
if (!functions || !calls)
Log_default.warn(Player.TAG, "Failed to extract signature decipher algorithm.");
return `function descramble_sig(a) { a = a.split(""); let ${obj_name}={${functions}}${calls} return a.join("") } descramble_sig(sig);`;
static extractNSigSourceCode(data) {
const sc = `function descramble_nsig(a) { let b=a.split("")${getStringBetweenStrings(data, 'b=a.split("")', '}return b.join("")}')}} return b.join(""); } descramble_nsig(nsig)`;
if (!sc)
Log_default.warn(Player.TAG, "Failed to extract n-token decipher algorithm");
return sc;
get url() {
return new URL(`/s/player/${(0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Player_player_id, "f")}/player_ias.vflset/en_US/base.js`, Constants_exports.URLS.YT_BASE).toString();
get sts() {
return (0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Player_sig_sc_timestamp, "f");
get nsig_sc() {
return (0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Player_nsig_sc, "f");
get sig_sc() {
return (0, import_tslib59.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Player_sig_sc, "f");
static get LIBRARY_VERSION() {
return 2;
__name(Player, "Player");
_Player_nsig_sc = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Player_sig_sc = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Player_sig_sc_timestamp = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Player_player_id = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
Player.TAG = "Player";
var Player_default = Player;
// dist/src/core/Session.js
var _a3;
var _Session_api_version;
var _Session_key;
var _Session_context;
var _Session_account_index;
var _Session_player;
var _Session_getVisitorID;
var _Session_retrieveSessionData;
var _Session_generateSessionData;
var ClientType;
(function(ClientType2) {
ClientType2["WEB"] = "WEB";
ClientType2["KIDS"] = "WEB_KIDS";
ClientType2["MUSIC"] = "WEB_REMIX";
ClientType2["IOS"] = "iOS";
ClientType2["ANDROID"] = "ANDROID";
})(ClientType || (ClientType = {}));
var Session = class extends EventEmitterLike_default {
constructor(context, api_key, api_version, account_index, player, cookie, fetch, cache) {
_Session_api_version.set(this, void 0);
_Session_key.set(this, void 0);
_Session_context.set(this, void 0);
_Session_account_index.set(this, void 0);
_Session_player.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Session_context, context, "f");
(0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Session_account_index, account_index, "f");
(0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Session_key, api_key, "f");
(0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Session_api_version, api_version, "f");
(0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Session_player, player, "f");
this.http = new HTTPClient_default(this, cookie, fetch);
this.actions = new Actions_default(this);
this.oauth = new OAuth_default(this);
this.logged_in = !!cookie;
this.cache = cache;
on(type, listener) {
super.on(type, listener);
once(type, listener) {
super.once(type, listener);
static create(options = {}) {
return (0, import_tslib60.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const { context, api_key, api_version, account_index } = yield Session.getSessionData(options.lang, options.location, options.account_index, options.visitor_data, options.enable_safety_mode, options.generate_session_locally, options.device_category, options.client_type, options.timezone, options.fetch, options.on_behalf_of_user);
return new Session(context, api_key, api_version, account_index, options.retrieve_player === false ? void 0 : yield Player_default.create(options.cache, options.fetch), options.cookie, options.fetch, options.cache);
static getSessionData(lang = "", location = "", account_index = 0, visitor_data = "", enable_safety_mode = false, generate_session_locally = false, device_category = "desktop", client_name = ClientType.WEB, tz = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone, fetch = Platform.shim.fetch, on_behalf_of_user) {
return (0, import_tslib60.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
let session_data;
const session_args = { lang, location, time_zone: tz, device_category, client_name, enable_safety_mode, visitor_data, on_behalf_of_user };, "Retrieving InnerTube session.");
if (generate_session_locally) {
session_data = (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _a3, "m", _Session_generateSessionData).call(this, session_args);
} else {
try {
session_data = yield (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _a3, "m", _Session_retrieveSessionData).call(this, session_args, fetch);
} catch (err) {
Log_default.error(Session.TAG, "Failed to retrieve session data from server. Will try to generate it locally.");
session_data = (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _a3, "m", _Session_generateSessionData).call(this, session_args);
}, "Got session data.\n", session_data);
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, session_data), { account_index });
signIn(credentials) {
return (0, import_tslib60.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => (0, import_tslib60.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const error_handler = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((err) => reject(err), "error_handler");
this.once("auth", (data) => {"auth-error", error_handler);
if (data.status === "SUCCESS") {
this.logged_in = true;
this.once("auth-error", error_handler);
try {
yield this.oauth.init(credentials);
if (this.oauth.validateCredentials()) {
yield this.oauth.refreshIfRequired();
this.logged_in = true;
} catch (err) {
signOut() {
return (0, import_tslib60.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!this.logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const response = yield this.oauth.revokeCredentials();
this.logged_in = false;
return response;
get key() {
return (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Session_key, "f");
get api_version() {
return (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Session_api_version, "f");
get client_version() {
return (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Session_context, "f").client.clientVersion;
get client_name() {
return (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Session_context, "f").client.clientName;
get account_index() {
return (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Session_account_index, "f");
get context() {
return (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Session_context, "f");
get player() {
return (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Session_player, "f");
get lang() {
return (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Session_context, "f").client.hl;
__name(Session, "Session");
_a3 = Session, _Session_api_version = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Session_key = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Session_context = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Session_account_index = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Session_player = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Session_getVisitorID = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Session_getVisitorID2(visitor_data) {
const decoded_visitor_data = decodeVisitorData(visitor_data);, "Custom visitor data decoded successfully.\n", decoded_visitor_data);
}, "_Session_getVisitorID"), _Session_retrieveSessionData = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Session_retrieveSessionData2(options, fetch = Platform.shim.fetch) {
return (0, import_tslib60.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const url = new URL("/sw.js_data", URLS.YT_BASE);
let visitor_id = generateRandomString(11);
if (options.visitor_data) {
visitor_id = (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _a3, "m", _Session_getVisitorID).call(this, options.visitor_data);
const res = yield fetch(url, {
headers: {
"accept-language": options.lang || "en-US",
"user-agent": getRandomUserAgent("desktop"),
"accept": "*/*",
"referer": "",
"cookie": `PREF=tz=${options.time_zone.replace("/", ".")};VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=${visitor_id};`
if (!res.ok)
throw new SessionError(`Failed to retrieve session data: ${res.status}`);
const text = yield res.text();
const data = JSON.parse(text.replace(/^\)\]\}'/, ""));
const ytcfg = data[0][2];
const api_version = CLIENTS.WEB.API_VERSION;
const [[device_info], api_key] = ytcfg;
const context = {
client: {
hl: device_info[0],
gl: options.location || device_info[2],
remoteHost: device_info[3],
screenDensityFloat: 1,
screenHeightPoints: 1080,
screenPixelDensity: 1,
screenWidthPoints: 1920,
visitorData: device_info[13],
clientName: options.client_name,
clientVersion: device_info[16],
osName: device_info[17],
osVersion: device_info[18],
platform: options.device_category.toUpperCase(),
clientFormFactor: "UNKNOWN_FORM_FACTOR",
timeZone: device_info[79] || options.time_zone,
browserName: device_info[86],
browserVersion: device_info[87],
originalUrl: URLS.YT_BASE,
deviceMake: device_info[11],
deviceModel: device_info[12],
utcOffsetMinutes: -new Date().getTimezoneOffset()
user: {
enableSafetyMode: options.enable_safety_mode,
lockedSafetyMode: false
request: {
useSsl: true,
internalExperimentFlags: []
if (options.on_behalf_of_user)
context.user.onBehalfOfUser = options.on_behalf_of_user;
return { context, api_key, api_version };
}, "_Session_retrieveSessionData"), _Session_generateSessionData = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Session_generateSessionData2(options) {
let visitor_id = generateRandomString(11);
if (options.visitor_data) {
visitor_id = (0, import_tslib60.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _a3, "m", _Session_getVisitorID).call(this, options.visitor_data);
const context = {
client: {
hl: options.lang || "en",
gl: options.location || "US",
screenDensityFloat: 1,
screenHeightPoints: 1080,
screenPixelDensity: 1,
screenWidthPoints: 1920,
visitorData: encodeVisitorData(visitor_id, Math.floor( / 1e3)),
clientName: options.client_name,
osName: "Windows",
osVersion: "10.0",
platform: options.device_category.toUpperCase(),
clientFormFactor: "UNKNOWN_FORM_FACTOR",
timeZone: options.time_zone,
originalUrl: URLS.YT_BASE,
deviceMake: "",
deviceModel: "",
utcOffsetMinutes: -new Date().getTimezoneOffset()
user: {
enableSafetyMode: options.enable_safety_mode,
lockedSafetyMode: false
request: {
useSsl: true,
internalExperimentFlags: []
if (options.on_behalf_of_user)
context.user.onBehalfOfUser = options.on_behalf_of_user;
return { context, api_key: CLIENTS.WEB.API_KEY, api_version: CLIENTS.WEB.API_VERSION };
}, "_Session_generateSessionData");
Session.TAG = "Session";
var Session_default = Session;
// dist/src/core/clients/index.js
var clients_exports = {};
__export(clients_exports, {
Kids: () => Kids_default,
Music: () => Music_default,
Studio: () => Studio_default
// dist/src/core/clients/Kids.js
var import_tslib61 = require("tslib");
var _Kids_session;
var Kids = class {
constructor(session) {
_Kids_session.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Kids_session, session, "f");
search(query) {
return (0, import_tslib61.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").actions.execute(SearchEndpoint_exports.PATH,{ client: "YTKIDS", query }));
return new Search_default3((0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").actions, response);
getInfo(video_id) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib61.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const player_payload ={
sts: (_a4 = (0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").player) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.sts,
client: "YTKIDS",
const next_payload ={
client: "YTKIDS"
const player_response = (0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").actions.execute(PlayerEndpoint_exports.PATH, player_payload);
const next_response = (0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").actions.execute(NextEndpoint_exports.PATH, next_payload);
const response = yield Promise.all([player_response, next_response]);
const cpn = generateRandomString(16);
return new VideoInfo_default2(response, (0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").actions, cpn);
getChannel(channel_id) {
return (0, import_tslib61.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
browse_id: channel_id,
client: "YTKIDS"
return new Channel_default2((0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").actions, response);
getHomeFeed() {
return (0, import_tslib61.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
browse_id: "FEkids_home",
client: "YTKIDS"
return new HomeFeed_default2((0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").actions, response);
blockChannel(channel_id) {
var _a4, _b;
return (0, import_tslib61.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const blocklist_payload ={ channel_id });
const response = yield (0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").actions.execute(BlocklistPickerEndpoint_exports.PATH, blocklist_payload);
const popup =;
const popup_fragment = { contents: popup.content, engagementPanels: [] };
const kid_picker = parser_exports.parseResponse(popup_fragment);
const kids = (_a4 = kid_picker.contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(KidsBlocklistPickerItem_default);
if (!kids)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find any kids profiles or supervised accounts.");
const responses = [];
for (const kid of kids) {
if (!((_b = kid.block_button) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.is_toggled)) {
kid.setActions((0, import_tslib61.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Kids_session, "f").actions);
responses.push(yield kid.blockChannel());
return responses;
__name(Kids, "Kids");
_Kids_session = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Kids_default = Kids;
// dist/src/core/clients/Music.js
var import_tslib62 = require("tslib");
var _Music_instances;
var _Music_session;
var _Music_actions;
var _Music_fetchInfoFromVideoId;
var _Music_fetchInfoFromListItem;
var Music = class {
constructor(session) {
_Music_session.set(this, void 0);
_Music_actions.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Music_session, session, "f");
(0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Music_actions, session.actions, "f");
getInfo(target) {
if (target instanceof MusicTwoRowItem_default) {
return (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_instances, "m", _Music_fetchInfoFromListItem).call(this, target);
} else if (typeof target === "string") {
return (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_instances, "m", _Music_fetchInfoFromVideoId).call(this, target);
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid target, expected either a video id or a valid MusicTwoRowItem", target);
search(query, filters = {}) {
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ query });
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(SearchEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "YTMUSIC",
params: filters.type && filters.type !== "all" ? encodeMusicSearchFilters(filters) : void 0
return new Search_default2(response, (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"), Reflect.has(filters, "type") && filters.type !== "all");
getHomeFeed() {
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
browse_id: "FEmusic_home",
client: "YTMUSIC"
return new HomeFeed_default(response, (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"));
getExplore() {
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "YTMUSIC",
browse_id: "FEmusic_explore"
return new Explore_default(response);
getLibrary() {
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "YTMUSIC",
browse_id: "FEmusic_library_landing"
return new Library_default2(response, (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"));
getArtist(artist_id) {
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ artist_id });
if (!artist_id.startsWith("UC") && !artist_id.startsWith("FEmusic_library_privately_owned_artist"))
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid artist id", artist_id);
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "YTMUSIC",
browse_id: artist_id
return new Artist_default(response, (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"));
getAlbum(album_id) {
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ album_id });
if (!album_id.startsWith("MPR") && !album_id.startsWith("FEmusic_library_privately_owned_release"))
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid album id", album_id);
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "YTMUSIC",
browse_id: album_id
return new Album_default(response);
getPlaylist(playlist_id) {
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ playlist_id });
if (!playlist_id.startsWith("VL")) {
playlist_id = `VL${playlist_id}`;
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "YTMUSIC",
browse_id: playlist_id
return new Playlist_default3(response, (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"));
getUpNext(video_id, automix = true) {
var _a4, _b, _c;
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ video_id });
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(NextEndpoint_exports.PATH, Object.assign(Object.assign({},{ video_id, client: "YTMUSIC" })), { parse: true }));
const tabs = (_a4 = response.contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(Tab_default);
const tab = tabs === null || tabs === void 0 ? void 0 : tabs.first();
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find target tab.");
const music_queue = (_b = tab.content) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (!music_queue || !music_queue.content)
throw new InnertubeError("Music queue was empty, the given id is probably invalid.", music_queue);
const playlist_panel =;
if (!playlist_panel.playlist_id && automix) {
const automix_preview_video = playlist_panel.contents.firstOfType(AutomixPreviewVideo_default);
if (!automix_preview_video)
throw new InnertubeError("Automix item not found");
const page = yield (_c = automix_preview_video.playlist_video) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 :, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"), {
videoId: video_id,
client: "YTMUSIC",
parse: true
if (!page || !page.contents_memo)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not fetch automix");
return page.contents_memo.getType(PlaylistPanel_default).first();
return playlist_panel;
getRelated(video_id) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ video_id });
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(NextEndpoint_exports.PATH, Object.assign(Object.assign({},{ video_id, client: "YTMUSIC" })), { parse: true }));
const tabs = (_a4 = response.contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(Tab_default);
const tab = tabs === null || tabs === void 0 ? void 0 : tabs.matchCondition((tab2) => {
var _a5, _b;
return ((_b = (_a5 = tab2.endpoint.payload.browseEndpointContextSupportedConfigs) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.browseEndpointContextMusicConfig) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.pageType) === "MUSIC_PAGE_TYPE_TRACK_RELATED";
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find target tab.");
const page = yield, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"), { client: "YTMUSIC", parse: true });
if (!page.contents)
throw new InnertubeError("Unexpected response", page);
const contents = page.contents.item().as(SectionList_default, Message_default);
return contents;
getLyrics(video_id) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ video_id });
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(NextEndpoint_exports.PATH, Object.assign(Object.assign({},{ video_id, client: "YTMUSIC" })), { parse: true }));
const tabs = (_a4 = response.contents_memo) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.getType(Tab_default);
const tab = tabs === null || tabs === void 0 ? void 0 : tabs.matchCondition((tab2) => {
var _a5, _b;
return ((_b = (_a5 = tab2.endpoint.payload.browseEndpointContextSupportedConfigs) === null || _a5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a5.browseEndpointContextMusicConfig) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.pageType) === "MUSIC_PAGE_TYPE_TRACK_LYRICS";
if (!tab)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not find target tab.");
const page = yield, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"), { client: "YTMUSIC", parse: true });
if (!page.contents)
throw new InnertubeError("Unexpected response", page);
if (page.contents.item().type === "Message")
throw new InnertubeError(page.contents.item().as(Message_default).text.toString(), video_id);
const section_list = page.contents.item().as(SectionList_default).contents;
return section_list.firstOfType(MusicDescriptionShelf_default);
getRecap() {
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
browse_id: "FEmusic_listening_review"
return new Recap_default(response, (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"));
getSearchSuggestions(query) {
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(GetSearchSuggestionsEndpoint_exports.PATH, Object.assign(Object.assign({},{ input: query })), { parse: true }));
if (!response.contents_memo)
return [];
const search_suggestions_sections = response.contents_memo.getType(SearchSuggestionsSection_default);
return search_suggestions_sections;
__name(Music, "Music");
_Music_session = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Music_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Music_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _Music_fetchInfoFromVideoId = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Music_fetchInfoFromVideoId2(video_id) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const player_payload ={
sts: (_a4 = (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_session, "f").player) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.sts,
client: "YTMUSIC"
const next_payload ={
client: "YTMUSIC"
const player_response = (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(PlayerEndpoint_exports.PATH, player_payload);
const next_response = (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f").execute(NextEndpoint_exports.PATH, next_payload);
const response = yield Promise.all([player_response, next_response]);
const cpn = generateRandomString(16);
return new TrackInfo_default(response, (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"), cpn);
}, "_Music_fetchInfoFromVideoId"), _Music_fetchInfoFromListItem = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Music_fetchInfoFromListItem2(list_item) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib62.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!list_item)
throw new InnertubeError("List item cannot be undefined");
if (!list_item.endpoint)
throw new Error("This item does not have an endpoint.");
const player_response =, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"), {
client: "YTMUSIC",
playbackContext: {
contentPlaybackContext: Object.assign({
signatureTimestamp: (_a4 = (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_session, "f").player) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.sts
const next_response =, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"), {
client: "YTMUSIC",
enablePersistentPlaylistPanel: true,
override_endpoint: "/next"
const cpn = generateRandomString(16);
const response = yield Promise.all([player_response, next_response]);
return new TrackInfo_default(response, (0, import_tslib62.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Music_actions, "f"), cpn);
}, "_Music_fetchInfoFromListItem");
var Music_default = Music;
// dist/src/core/clients/Studio.js
var import_tslib63 = require("tslib");
var _Studio_instances;
var _Studio_session;
var _Studio_getInitialUploadData;
var _Studio_uploadVideo;
var _Studio_setVideoMetadata;
var Studio = class {
constructor(session) {
_Studio_session.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Studio_session, session, "f");
setThumbnail(video_id, buffer) {
return (0, import_tslib63.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Studio_session, "f").logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
if (!video_id || !buffer)
throw new MissingParamError("One or more parameters are missing.");
const payload = encodeCustomThumbnailPayload(video_id, buffer);
const response = yield (0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Studio_session, "f").actions.execute("/video_manager/metadata_update", {
protobuf: true,
serialized_data: payload
return response;
updateVideoMetadata(video_id, metadata) {
return (0, import_tslib63.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Studio_session, "f").logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const payload = encodeVideoMetadataPayload(video_id, metadata);
const response = yield (0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Studio_session, "f").actions.execute("/video_manager/metadata_update", {
protobuf: true,
serialized_data: payload
return response;
upload(file, metadata = {}) {
return (0, import_tslib63.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Studio_session, "f").logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const initial_data = yield (0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Studio_instances, "m", _Studio_getInitialUploadData).call(this);
const upload_result = yield (0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Studio_instances, "m", _Studio_uploadVideo).call(this, initial_data.upload_url, file);
if (upload_result.status !== "STATUS_SUCCESS")
throw new InnertubeError("Could not process video.");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Studio_instances, "m", _Studio_setVideoMetadata).call(this, initial_data, upload_result, metadata);
return response;
__name(Studio, "Studio");
_Studio_session = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Studio_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _Studio_getInitialUploadData = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Studio_getInitialUploadData2() {
return (0, import_tslib63.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const frontend_upload_id = `innertube_android:${Platform.shim.uuidv4()}:0:v=3,api=1,cf=3`;
const payload = {
frontendUploadId: frontend_upload_id,
deviceDisplayName: "Pixel 6 Pro",
fileId: `goog-edited-video://generated?videoFileUri=content://media/external/video/media/${Platform.shim.uuidv4()}`,
mp4MoovAtomRelocationStatus: "UNSUPPORTED",
transcodeResult: "DISABLED",
connectionType: "WIFI"
const response = yield (0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Studio_session, "f").http.fetch("/upload/youtubei", {
baseURL: Constants_exports.URLS.YT_UPLOAD,
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"x-goog-upload-command": "start",
"x-goog-upload-protocol": "resumable"
body: JSON.stringify(payload)
if (!response.ok)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not get initial upload data");
return {
upload_id: response.headers.get("x-guploader-uploadid"),
upload_url: response.headers.get("x-goog-upload-url"),
scotty_resource_id: response.headers.get("x-goog-upload-header-scotty-resource-id"),
chunk_granularity: response.headers.get("x-goog-upload-chunk-granularity")
}, "_Studio_getInitialUploadData"), _Studio_uploadVideo = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Studio_uploadVideo2(upload_url, file) {
return (0, import_tslib63.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Studio_session, "f").http.fetch_function(upload_url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"x-goog-upload-command": "upload, finalize",
"x-goog-upload-file-name": `file-${}`,
"x-goog-upload-offset": "0"
body: file
if (!response.ok)
throw new InnertubeError("Could not upload video");
const data = yield response.json();
return data;
}, "_Studio_uploadVideo"), _Studio_setVideoMetadata = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Studio_setVideoMetadata2(initial_data, upload_result, metadata) {
return (0, import_tslib63.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib63.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Studio_session, "f").actions.execute(CreateVideoEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
resource_id: {
scotty_resource_id: {
id: upload_result.scottyResourceId
frontend_upload_id: initial_data.frontend_upload_id,
initial_metadata: {
title: {
new_title: metadata.title || new Date().toDateString()
description: {
new_description: metadata.description || "",
should_segment: true
privacy: {
new_privacy: metadata.privacy || "PRIVATE"
draft_state: {
is_draft: metadata.is_draft
client: "ANDROID"
return response;
}, "_Studio_setVideoMetadata");
var Studio_default = Studio;
// dist/src/core/managers/index.js
var managers_exports = {};
__export(managers_exports, {
AccountManager: () => AccountManager_default,
InteractionManager: () => InteractionManager_default,
PlaylistManager: () => PlaylistManager_default
// dist/src/core/managers/AccountManager.js
var import_tslib64 = require("tslib");
var _AccountManager_actions;
var AccountManager = class {
constructor(actions) {
_AccountManager_actions.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib64.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _AccountManager_actions, actions, "f"); = {
editName: (new_name) => {
if (!(0, import_tslib64.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
return (0, import_tslib64.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountManager_actions, "f").execute(channel_exports.EditNameEndpoint.PATH,{
given_name: new_name
editDescription: (new_description) => {
if (!(0, import_tslib64.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
return (0, import_tslib64.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountManager_actions, "f").execute(channel_exports.EditDescriptionEndpoint.PATH,{
given_description: new_description
getBasicAnalytics: () => this.getAnalytics()
getInfo() {
return (0, import_tslib64.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (!(0, import_tslib64.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib64.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountManager_actions, "f").execute(account_exports.AccountListEndpoint.PATH,;
return new AccountInfo_default(response);
getTimeWatched() {
return (0, import_tslib64.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib64.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountManager_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
browse_id: "SPtime_watched",
client: "ANDROID"
return new TimeWatched_default(response);
getSettings() {
return (0, import_tslib64.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield (0, import_tslib64.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountManager_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
browse_id: "SPaccount_overview"
return new Settings_default((0, import_tslib64.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountManager_actions, "f"), response);
getAnalytics() {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib64.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const info = yield this.getInfo();
const response = yield (0, import_tslib64.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _AccountManager_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
browse_id: "FEanalytics_screen",
params: encodeChannelAnalyticsParams((_a4 = info.footers) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.endpoint.payload.browseId),
client: "ANDROID"
return new Analytics_default(response);
__name(AccountManager, "AccountManager");
_AccountManager_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var AccountManager_default = AccountManager;
// dist/src/core/managers/PlaylistManager.js
var import_tslib65 = require("tslib");
var _PlaylistManager_actions;
var PlaylistManager = class {
constructor(actions) {
_PlaylistManager_actions.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, actions, "f");
create(title, video_ids) {
return (0, import_tslib65.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ title, video_ids });
if (!(0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").execute(CreateEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
ids: video_ids,
return {
success: response.success,
status_code: response.status_code,
delete(playlist_id) {
return (0, import_tslib65.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ playlist_id });
if (!(0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").execute(DeleteEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
return {
success: response.success,
status_code: response.status_code,
addVideos(playlist_id, video_ids) {
return (0, import_tslib65.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ playlist_id, video_ids });
if (!(0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").execute(EditPlaylistEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
actions: => ({
added_video_id: id
return {
removeVideos(playlist_id, video_ids) {
return (0, import_tslib65.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ playlist_id, video_ids });
if (!(0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const info = yield (0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH, Object.assign(Object.assign({},{ browse_id: `VL${playlist_id}` })), { parse: true }));
const playlist = new Playlist_default2((0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f"), info, true);
if (!
throw new InnertubeError("This playlist cannot be edited.", playlist_id);
const payload = { playlist_id, actions: [] };
const getSetVideoIds = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((pl) => (0, import_tslib65.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const videos = pl.videos.filter((video) => video_ids.includes(video.key("id").string()));
videos.forEach((video) => payload.actions.push({
set_video_id: video.key("set_video_id").string()
if (payload.actions.length < video_ids.length) {
const next = yield pl.getContinuation();
return getSetVideoIds(next);
}), "getSetVideoIds");
yield getSetVideoIds(playlist);
if (!payload.actions.length)
throw new InnertubeError("Given video ids were not found in this playlist.", video_ids);
const response = yield (0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").execute(EditPlaylistEndpoint_exports.PATH,;
return {
moveVideo(playlist_id, moved_video_id, predecessor_video_id) {
return (0, import_tslib65.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ playlist_id, moved_video_id, predecessor_video_id });
if (!(0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const info = yield (0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH, Object.assign(Object.assign({},{ browse_id: `VL${playlist_id}` })), { parse: true }));
const playlist = new Playlist_default2((0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f"), info, true);
if (!
throw new InnertubeError("This playlist cannot be edited.", playlist_id);
const payload = { playlist_id, actions: [] };
let set_video_id_0, set_video_id_1;
const getSetVideoIds = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((pl) => (0, import_tslib65.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const video_0 = pl.videos.find((video) => moved_video_id === video.key("id").string());
const video_1 = pl.videos.find((video) => predecessor_video_id === video.key("id").string());
set_video_id_0 = set_video_id_0 || (video_0 === null || video_0 === void 0 ? void 0 : video_0.key("set_video_id").string());
set_video_id_1 = set_video_id_1 || (video_1 === null || video_1 === void 0 ? void 0 : video_1.key("set_video_id").string());
if (!set_video_id_0 || !set_video_id_1) {
const next = yield pl.getContinuation();
return getSetVideoIds(next);
}), "getSetVideoIds");
yield getSetVideoIds(playlist);
set_video_id: set_video_id_0,
moved_set_video_id_predecessor: set_video_id_1
const response = yield (0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").execute(EditPlaylistEndpoint_exports.PATH,;
return {
setName(playlist_id, name) {
return (0, import_tslib65.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ playlist_id, name });
if (!(0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const payload = { playlist_id, actions: [] };
playlist_name: name
const response = yield (0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").execute(EditPlaylistEndpoint_exports.PATH,;
return {
setDescription(playlist_id, description) {
return (0, import_tslib65.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ playlist_id, description });
if (!(0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new InnertubeError("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const payload = { playlist_id, actions: [] };
playlist_description: description
const response = yield (0, import_tslib65.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _PlaylistManager_actions, "f").execute(EditPlaylistEndpoint_exports.PATH,;
return {
__name(PlaylistManager, "PlaylistManager");
_PlaylistManager_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var PlaylistManager_default = PlaylistManager;
// dist/src/core/managers/InteractionManager.js
var import_tslib66 = require("tslib");
var _InteractionManager_actions;
var InteractionManager = class {
constructor(actions) {
_InteractionManager_actions.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, actions, "f");
like(video_id) {
return (0, import_tslib66.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ video_id });
if (!(0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new Error("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const action = yield (0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").execute(LikeEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "ANDROID",
target: { video_id }
return action;
dislike(video_id) {
return (0, import_tslib66.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ video_id });
if (!(0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new Error("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const action = yield (0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").execute(DislikeEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "ANDROID",
target: { video_id }
return action;
removeRating(video_id) {
return (0, import_tslib66.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ video_id });
if (!(0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new Error("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const action = yield (0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").execute(RemoveLikeEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "ANDROID",
target: { video_id }
return action;
subscribe(channel_id) {
return (0, import_tslib66.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ channel_id });
if (!(0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new Error("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const action = yield (0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").execute(SubscribeEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "ANDROID",
channel_ids: [channel_id],
params: "EgIIAhgA"
return action;
unsubscribe(channel_id) {
return (0, import_tslib66.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ channel_id });
if (!(0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new Error("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const action = yield (0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").execute(UnsubscribeEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "ANDROID",
channel_ids: [channel_id],
params: "CgIIAhgA"
return action;
comment(video_id, text) {
return (0, import_tslib66.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ video_id, text });
if (!(0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new Error("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const action = yield (0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").execute(CreateCommentEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
comment_text: text,
create_comment_params: encodeCommentParams(video_id),
client: "ANDROID"
return action;
translate(text, target_language, args = {}) {
return (0, import_tslib66.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ text, target_language });
const target_action = encodeCommentActionParams(22, Object.assign({ text, target_language }, args));
const response = yield (0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").execute(PerformCommentActionEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "ANDROID",
actions: [target_action]
const mutation =[0].payload.commentEntityPayload;
return {
success: response.success,
status_code: response.status_code,
translated_content: mutation.translatedContent.content,
setNotificationPreferences(channel_id, type) {
return (0, import_tslib66.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ channel_id, type });
if (!(0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").session.logged_in)
throw new Error("You must be signed in to perform this operation.");
const pref_types = {
ALL: 2,
if (!Object.keys(pref_types).includes(type.toUpperCase()))
throw new Error(`Invalid notification preference type: ${type}`);
const action = yield (0, import_tslib66.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _InteractionManager_actions, "f").execute(ModifyChannelPreferenceEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
client: "WEB",
params: encodeNotificationPref(channel_id, pref_types[type.toUpperCase()])
return action;
__name(InteractionManager, "InteractionManager");
_InteractionManager_actions = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var InteractionManager_default = InteractionManager;
// dist/src/Innertube.js
var _Innertube_session;
var Innertube = class {
constructor(session) {
_Innertube_session.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Innertube_session, session, "f");
static create(config = {}) {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return new Innertube(yield Session_default.create(config));
getInfo(target, client) {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d, _e;
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ target });
let next_payload;
if (target instanceof NavigationEndpoint_default) {
next_payload ={
video_id: (_a4 = target.payload) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.videoId,
playlist_id: (_b = target.payload) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.playlistId,
params: (_c = target.payload) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.params,
playlist_index: (_d = target.payload) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.index
} else if (typeof target === "string") {
next_payload ={
video_id: target
} else {
throw new InnertubeError("Invalid target, expected either a video id or a valid NavigationEndpoint", target);
if (!next_payload.videoId)
throw new InnertubeError("Video id cannot be empty", next_payload);
const player_payload ={
video_id: next_payload.videoId,
playlist_id: next_payload === null || next_payload === void 0 ? void 0 : next_payload.playlistId,
sts: (_e = (0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f").player) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.sts
const player_response = this.actions.execute(PlayerEndpoint_exports.PATH, player_payload);
const next_response = this.actions.execute(NextEndpoint_exports.PATH, next_payload);
const response = yield Promise.all([player_response, next_response]);
const cpn = generateRandomString(16);
return new VideoInfo_default(response, this.actions, cpn);
getBasicInfo(video_id, client) {
var _a4;
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ video_id });
const response = yield this.actions.execute(PlayerEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
sts: (_a4 = (0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f").player) === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.sts
const cpn = generateRandomString(16);
return new VideoInfo_default([response], this.actions, cpn);
getShortsWatchItem(short_id, client) {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ short_id });
const watchResponse = this.actions.execute(reel_exports.WatchEndpoint.PATH,{
const sequenceResponse = this.actions.execute(reel_exports.WatchSequenceEndpoint.PATH,{
sequenceParams: encodeReelSequence(short_id)
const response = yield Promise.all([watchResponse, sequenceResponse]);
return new VideoInfo_default3(response, this.actions);
search(query, filters = {}) {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ query });
const response = yield this.actions.execute(SearchEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
params: filters ? encodeSearchFilters(filters) : void 0
return new Search_default(this.actions, response);
getSearchSuggestions(query) {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ query });
const url = new URL(`${URLS.YT_SUGGESTIONS}search`);
url.searchParams.set("q", query);
url.searchParams.set("hl", (0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f").context.client.hl);
url.searchParams.set("gl", (0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f");
url.searchParams.set("ds", "yt");
url.searchParams.set("client", "youtube");
url.searchParams.set("xssi", "t");
url.searchParams.set("oe", "UTF");
const response = yield (0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f").http.fetch(url);
const response_data = yield response.text();
const data = JSON.parse(response_data.replace(")]}'", ""));
const suggestions = data[1].map((suggestion) => suggestion[0]);
return suggestions;
getComments(video_id, sort_by) {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ video_id });
const response = yield this.actions.execute(NextEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
continuation: encodeCommentsSectionParams(video_id, {
sort_by: sort_by || "TOP_COMMENTS"
return new Comments_default(this.actions,;
getHomeFeed() {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{ browse_id: "FEwhat_to_watch" }));
return new HomeFeed(this.actions, response);
getGuide() {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute(GuideEndpoint_exports.PATH);
return new Guide_default(;
getLibrary() {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{ browse_id: "FElibrary" }));
return new Library_default(this.actions, response);
getHistory() {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{ browse_id: "FEhistory" }));
return new History_default(this.actions, response);
getTrending() {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH, Object.assign(Object.assign({},{ browse_id: "FEtrending" })), { parse: true }));
return new TabbedFeed_default(this.actions, response);
getSubscriptionsFeed() {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH, Object.assign(Object.assign({},{ browse_id: "FEsubscriptions" })), { parse: true }));
return new Feed_default(this.actions, response);
getChannelsFeed() {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH, Object.assign(Object.assign({},{ browse_id: "FEchannels" })), { parse: true }));
return new Feed_default(this.actions, response);
getChannel(id) {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ id });
const response = yield this.actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{ browse_id: id }));
return new Channel2(this.actions, response);
getNotifications() {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute(GetNotificationMenuEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
notifications_menu_request_type: "NOTIFICATIONS_MENU_REQUEST_TYPE_INBOX"
return new NotificationsMenu_default(this.actions, response);
getUnseenNotificationsCount() {
var _a4, _b, _c, _d;
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute(notification_exports.GetUnseenCountEndpoint.PATH);
return ((_a4 = === null || _a4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _a4.unseenCount) || ((_d = (_c = (_b = === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.actions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[0].updateNotificationsUnseenCountAction) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.unseenCount) || 0;
getPlaylists() {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH, Object.assign(Object.assign({},{ browse_id: "FEplaylist_aggregation" })), { parse: true }));
const feed = new Feed_default(this.actions, response);
return feed.playlists;
getPlaylist(id) {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ id });
if (!id.startsWith("VL")) {
id = `VL${id}`;
const response = yield this.actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{ browse_id: id }));
return new Playlist_default2(this.actions, response);
getHashtag(hashtag) {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
throwIfMissing({ hashtag });
const response = yield this.actions.execute(BrowseEndpoint_exports.PATH,{
browse_id: "FEhashtag",
params: encodeHashtag(hashtag)
return new HashtagFeed(this.actions, response);
getStreamingData(video_id, options = {}) {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const info = yield this.getBasicInfo(video_id);
return info.chooseFormat(options);
download(video_id, options) {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const info = yield this.getBasicInfo(video_id, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.client);
resolveURL(url) {
return (0, import_tslib67.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const response = yield this.actions.execute(ResolveURLEndpoint_exports.PATH, Object.assign(Object.assign({},{ url })), { parse: true }));
return response.endpoint;
call(endpoint, args) {
return, args);
get music() {
return new Music_default((0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f"));
get studio() {
return new Studio_default((0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f"));
get kids() {
return new Kids_default((0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f"));
get account() {
return new AccountManager_default((0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f").actions);
get playlist() {
return new PlaylistManager_default((0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f").actions);
get interact() {
return new InteractionManager_default((0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f").actions);
get actions() {
return (0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f").actions;
get session() {
return (0, import_tslib67.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Innertube_session, "f");
__name(Innertube, "Innertube");
_Innertube_session = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var Innertube_default = Innertube;
// dist/src/types/index.js
var types_exports = {};
// dist/src/platform/lib.js
var lib_default = Innertube_default;
// dist/src/platform/jsruntime/jinter.js
var TAG3 = "JsRuntime";
function evaluate(code, env) {, "Evaluating JavaScript.\n", code);
const runtime = new import_jintr.Jinter(code);
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(env)) {
runtime.scope.set(key, value);
const result = runtime.interpret();, "Done. Result:", result);
return result;
__name(evaluate, "evaluate");
// dist/src/platform/node.js
var import_meta = {};
var _Cache_instances;
var _Cache_persistent_directory;
var _Cache_persistent;
var _Cache_createCache;
var meta_url = import_meta.url;
var is_cjs = !meta_url;
var __dirname__ = is_cjs ? __dirname : import_path.default.dirname((0, import_url.fileURLToPath)(meta_url));
var { homepage, version, bugs } = { "homepage": "", "version": "9.4.0", "bugs": { "url": "" } };
var repo_url = homepage === null || homepage === void 0 ? void 0 : homepage.split("#")[0];
var Cache = class {
constructor(persistent = false, persistent_directory) {
_Cache_persistent_directory.set(this, void 0);
_Cache_persistent.set(this, void 0);
(0, import_tslib68.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Cache_persistent_directory, persistent_directory || Cache.default_persistent_directory, "f");
(0, import_tslib68.__classPrivateFieldSet)(this, _Cache_persistent, persistent, "f");
static get temp_directory() {
return `${import_os.default.tmpdir()}/youtubei.js`;
static get default_persistent_directory() {
return import_path.default.resolve(__dirname__, "..", "..", ".cache", "youtubei.js");
get cache_dir() {
return (0, import_tslib68.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Cache_persistent, "f") ? (0, import_tslib68.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Cache_persistent_directory, "f") : Cache.temp_directory;
get(key) {
return (0, import_tslib68.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield (0, import_tslib68.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Cache_instances, "m", _Cache_createCache).call(this);
const file = import_path.default.resolve(this.cache_dir, key);
try {
const stat = yield import_promises.default.stat(file);
if (stat.isFile()) {
const data = yield import_promises.default.readFile(file);
return data.buffer;
throw new Error("An unexpected file was found in place of the cache key");
} catch (e) {
if ((e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.code) === "ENOENT")
return void 0;
throw e;
set(key, value) {
return (0, import_tslib68.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield (0, import_tslib68.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Cache_instances, "m", _Cache_createCache).call(this);
const file = import_path.default.resolve(this.cache_dir, key);
yield import_promises.default.writeFile(file, new Uint8Array(value));
remove(key) {
return (0, import_tslib68.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield (0, import_tslib68.__classPrivateFieldGet)(this, _Cache_instances, "m", _Cache_createCache).call(this);
const file = import_path.default.resolve(this.cache_dir, key);
try {
yield import_promises.default.unlink(file);
} catch (e) {
if ((e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.code) === "ENOENT")
throw e;
__name(Cache, "Cache");
_Cache_persistent_directory = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Cache_persistent = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _Cache_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _Cache_createCache = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(function _Cache_createCache2() {
return (0, import_tslib68.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const dir = this.cache_dir;
try {
const cwd = yield import_promises.default.stat(dir);
if (!cwd.isDirectory())
throw new Error("An unexpected file was found in place of the cache directory");
} catch (e) {
if ((e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.code) === "ENOENT")
yield import_promises.default.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true });
throw e;
}, "_Cache_createCache");
runtime: "node",
info: {
bugs_url: (bugs === null || bugs === void 0 ? void 0 : bugs.url) || `${repo_url}/issues`,
server: true,
sha1Hash: (data) => (0, import_tslib68.__awaiter)(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return import_crypto.default.createHash("sha1").update(data).digest("hex");
uuidv4() {
return import_crypto.default.randomUUID();
eval: evaluate,
fetch: import_undici.fetch,
Request: import_undici.Request,
Response: import_undici.Response,
Headers: import_undici.Headers,
FormData: import_undici.FormData,
File: import_undici.File,
ReadableStream: import_web.ReadableStream,
CustomEvent: node_custom_event_default
var node_default = lib_default;
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
0 && (module.exports = {