181 lines
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181 lines
8.6 KiB
import { Document } from "@langchain/core/documents";
import type { EmbeddingsInterface } from "@langchain/core/embeddings";
import { VectorStore } from "@langchain/core/vectorstores";
declare const IdColumnSymbol: unique symbol;
declare const ContentColumnSymbol: unique symbol;
type ColumnSymbol = typeof IdColumnSymbol | typeof ContentColumnSymbol;
declare type Value = unknown;
declare type RawValue = Value | Sql;
declare class Sql {
strings: string[];
constructor(rawStrings: ReadonlyArray<string>, rawValues: ReadonlyArray<RawValue>);
type PrismaNamespace = {
ModelName: Record<string, string>;
Sql: typeof Sql;
raw: (sql: string) => Sql;
join: (values: RawValue[], separator?: string, prefix?: string, suffix?: string) => Sql;
sql: (strings: ReadonlyArray<string>, ...values: RawValue[]) => Sql;
type PrismaClient = {
$queryRaw<T = unknown>(query: TemplateStringsArray | Sql, ...values: any[]): Promise<T>;
$executeRaw(query: TemplateStringsArray | Sql, ...values: any[]): Promise<any>;
$transaction<P extends Promise<any>[]>(arg: [...P]): Promise<any>;
type ObjectIntersect<A, B> = {
[P in keyof A & keyof B]: A[P] | B[P];
type ModelColumns<TModel extends Record<string, unknown>> = {
[K in keyof TModel]?: true | ColumnSymbol;
export type PrismaSqlFilter<TModel extends Record<string, unknown>> = {
[K in keyof TModel]?: {
equals?: TModel[K];
in?: TModel[K][];
notIn?: TModel[K][];
isNull?: TModel[K];
isNotNull?: TModel[K];
like?: TModel[K];
lt?: TModel[K];
lte?: TModel[K];
gt?: TModel[K];
gte?: TModel[K];
not?: TModel[K];
type SimilarityModel<TModel extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>, TColumns extends ModelColumns<TModel> = ModelColumns<TModel>> = Pick<TModel, keyof ObjectIntersect<TModel, TColumns>> & {
_distance: number | null;
type DefaultPrismaVectorStore = PrismaVectorStore<Record<string, unknown>, string, ModelColumns<Record<string, unknown>>, PrismaSqlFilter<Record<string, unknown>>>;
* A specific implementation of the VectorStore class that is designed to
* work with Prisma. It provides methods for adding models, documents, and
* vectors, as well as for performing similarity searches.
export declare class PrismaVectorStore<TModel extends Record<string, unknown>, TModelName extends string, TSelectModel extends ModelColumns<TModel>, TFilterModel extends PrismaSqlFilter<TModel>> extends VectorStore {
FilterType: TFilterModel;
protected tableName: string;
protected vectorColumnName: string;
protected selectColumns: string[];
filter?: TFilterModel;
idColumn: keyof TModel & string;
contentColumn: keyof TModel & string;
static IdColumn: typeof IdColumnSymbol;
static ContentColumn: typeof ContentColumnSymbol;
protected db: PrismaClient;
protected Prisma: PrismaNamespace;
_vectorstoreType(): string;
constructor(embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface, config: {
db: PrismaClient;
prisma: PrismaNamespace;
tableName: TModelName;
vectorColumnName: string;
columns: TSelectModel;
filter?: TFilterModel;
* Creates a new PrismaVectorStore with the specified model.
* @param db The PrismaClient instance.
* @returns An object with create, fromTexts, and fromDocuments methods.
static withModel<TModel extends Record<string, unknown>>(db: PrismaClient): {
create: <TPrisma extends PrismaNamespace, TColumns extends ModelColumns<TModel>, TFilters extends PrismaSqlFilter<TModel>>(embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface, config: {
prisma: TPrisma;
tableName: keyof TPrisma["ModelName"] & string;
vectorColumnName: string;
columns: TColumns;
filter?: TFilters | undefined;
}) => PrismaVectorStore<TModel, keyof TPrisma["ModelName"] & string, TColumns, TFilters>;
fromTexts: <TPrisma_1 extends PrismaNamespace, TColumns_1 extends ModelColumns<TModel>>(texts: string[], metadatas: TModel[], embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface, dbConfig: {
prisma: TPrisma_1;
tableName: keyof TPrisma_1["ModelName"] & string;
vectorColumnName: string;
columns: TColumns_1;
}) => Promise<DefaultPrismaVectorStore>;
fromDocuments: <TPrisma_2 extends PrismaNamespace, TColumns_2 extends ModelColumns<TModel>, TFilters_1 extends PrismaSqlFilter<TModel>>(docs: Document<TModel>[], embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface, dbConfig: {
prisma: TPrisma_2;
tableName: keyof TPrisma_2["ModelName"] & string;
vectorColumnName: string;
columns: TColumns_2;
}) => Promise<PrismaVectorStore<TModel, keyof TPrisma_2["ModelName"] & string, TColumns_2, TFilters_1>>;
* Adds the specified models to the store.
* @param models The models to add.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the models have been added.
addModels(models: TModel[]): Promise<void>;
* Adds the specified documents to the store.
* @param documents The documents to add.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the documents have been added.
addDocuments(documents: Document<TModel>[]): Promise<void>;
* Adds the specified vectors to the store.
* @param vectors The vectors to add.
* @param documents The documents associated with the vectors.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the vectors have been added.
addVectors(vectors: number[][], documents: Document<TModel>[]): Promise<void>;
* Performs a similarity search with the specified query.
* @param query The query to use for the similarity search.
* @param k The number of results to return.
* @param _filter The filter to apply to the results.
* @param _callbacks The callbacks to use during the search.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the search results.
similaritySearch(query: string, k?: number, filter?: this["FilterType"] | undefined): Promise<Document<SimilarityModel<TModel, TSelectModel>>[]>;
* Performs a similarity search with the specified query and returns the
* results along with their scores.
* @param query The query to use for the similarity search.
* @param k The number of results to return.
* @param filter The filter to apply to the results.
* @param _callbacks The callbacks to use during the search.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the search results and their scores.
similaritySearchWithScore(query: string, k?: number, filter?: this["FilterType"]): Promise<[import("@langchain/core/documents").DocumentInterface<Record<string, any>>, number][]>;
* Performs a similarity search with the specified vector and returns the
* results along with their scores.
* @param query The vector to use for the similarity search.
* @param k The number of results to return.
* @param filter The filter to apply to the results.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the search results and their scores.
similaritySearchVectorWithScore(query: number[], k: number, filter?: this["FilterType"]): Promise<[Document<SimilarityModel<TModel, TSelectModel>>, number][]>;
buildSqlFilterStr(filter?: this["FilterType"]): Sql | null;
* Creates a new PrismaVectorStore from the specified texts.
* @param texts The texts to use to create the store.
* @param metadatas The metadata for the texts.
* @param embeddings The embeddings to use.
* @param dbConfig The database configuration.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the new PrismaVectorStore.
static fromTexts(texts: string[], metadatas: object[], embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface, dbConfig: {
db: PrismaClient;
prisma: PrismaNamespace;
tableName: string;
vectorColumnName: string;
columns: ModelColumns<Record<string, unknown>>;
}): Promise<DefaultPrismaVectorStore>;
* Creates a new PrismaVectorStore from the specified documents.
* @param docs The documents to use to create the store.
* @param embeddings The embeddings to use.
* @param dbConfig The database configuration.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the new PrismaVectorStore.
static fromDocuments(docs: Document[], embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface, dbConfig: {
db: PrismaClient;
prisma: PrismaNamespace;
tableName: string;
vectorColumnName: string;
columns: ModelColumns<Record<string, unknown>>;
}): Promise<DefaultPrismaVectorStore>;
export {};