69 lines
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69 lines
2.9 KiB
"use strict";
* Adapted from
* https://github.com/FurkanToprak/OkapiBM25
* Inlined due to CJS import issues.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.BM25 = exports.getIDF = exports.getTermFrequency = exports.getWordCount = void 0;
/** Gets word count. */
const getWordCount = (corpus) => {
return ((corpus || "").match(/\w+/g) || []).length;
exports.getWordCount = getWordCount;
/** Number of occurences of a word in a string. */
const getTermFrequency = (term, corpus) => {
return ((corpus || "").match(new RegExp(term, "g")) || []).length;
exports.getTermFrequency = getTermFrequency;
/** Inverse document frequency. */
const getIDF = (term, documents) => {
// Number of relevant documents.
const relevantDocuments = documents.filter((document) => document.includes(term)).length;
return Math.log((documents.length - relevantDocuments + 0.5) / (relevantDocuments + 0.5) + 1);
exports.getIDF = getIDF;
/** Implementation of Okapi BM25 algorithm.
* @param documents: Collection of documents.
* @param keywords: query terms.
* @param constants: Contains free parameters k1 and b. b=0.75 and k1=1.2 by default.
* @param sort: A function that allows you to sort queries by a given rule. If not provided, returns results corresponding to the original order.
* If this option is provided, the return type will not be an array of scores but an array of documents with their scores.
function BM25(documents, keywords, constants, sorter) {
const b = constants && constants.b ? constants.b : 0.75;
const k1 = constants && constants.k1 ? constants.k1 : 1.2;
const documentLengths = documents.map((document) => (0, exports.getWordCount)(document));
const averageDocumentLength = documentLengths.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / documents.length;
const idfByKeyword = keywords.reduce((obj, keyword) => {
obj.set(keyword, (0, exports.getIDF)(keyword, documents));
return obj;
}, new Map());
const scores = documents.map((document, index) => {
const score = keywords
.map((keyword) => {
const inverseDocumentFrequency = idfByKeyword.get(keyword);
if (inverseDocumentFrequency === undefined) {
throw new Error("Missing keyword.");
const termFrequency = (0, exports.getTermFrequency)(keyword, document);
const documentLength = documentLengths[index];
return ((inverseDocumentFrequency * (termFrequency * (k1 + 1))) /
(termFrequency +
k1 * (1 - b + (b * documentLength) / averageDocumentLength)));
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
if (sorter) {
return { score, document };
return score;
// sort the results
if (sorter) {
return scores.sort(sorter);
return scores;
exports.BM25 = BM25;