import { Document } from "@langchain/core/documents"; /** * Splits a list of documents into sublists based on a maximum token limit. * * @param {Document[]} docs - The list of documents to be split. * @param {Function} lengthFunc - A function that calculates the number of tokens in a list of documents. * @param {number} tokenMax - The maximum number of tokens allowed in a sublist. * * @returns {Document[][]} - A list of document sublists, each sublist contains documents whose total number of tokens does not exceed the tokenMax. * * @throws {Error} - Throws an error if a single document has more tokens than the tokenMax. */ export declare function splitListOfDocs(docs: Document[], lengthFunc: (...args: any[]) => any, tokenMax: number): Document[][]; /** * Collapses a list of documents into a single document. * * This function takes a list of documents and a function to combine the content of these documents. * It combines the content of the documents using the provided function and merges the metadata of all documents. * If a metadata key is present in multiple documents, the values are concatenated with a comma separator. * * @param {Document[]} docs - The list of documents to be collapsed. * @param {Function} combineDocumentFunc - A function that combines the content of a list of documents into a single string. This function should return a promise that resolves to the combined string. * * @returns {Promise<Document>} - A promise that resolves to a single document with combined content and merged metadata. * * @throws {Error} - Throws an error if the combineDocumentFunc does not return a promise or if the promise does not resolve to a string. */ export declare function collapseDocs(docs: Document[], combineDocumentFunc: (docs: Document[]) => Promise<string>): Promise<Document>;