/// /// import { Document } from "@langchain/core/documents"; import { BufferLoader } from "langchain/document_loaders/fs/buffer"; /** * A class that extends the `BufferLoader` class. It represents a document * loader that loads documents from PDF files. * @example * ```typescript * const loader = new PDFLoader("path/to/bitcoin.pdf"); * const docs = await loader.load(); * console.log({ docs }); * ``` */ export declare class PDFLoader extends BufferLoader { private splitPages; private pdfjs; protected parsedItemSeparator: string; constructor(filePathOrBlob: string | Blob, { splitPages, pdfjs, parsedItemSeparator, }?: { splitPages?: boolean | undefined; pdfjs?: typeof PDFLoaderImports | undefined; parsedItemSeparator?: string | undefined; }); /** * A method that takes a `raw` buffer and `metadata` as parameters and * returns a promise that resolves to an array of `Document` instances. It * uses the `getDocument` function from the PDF.js library to load the PDF * from the buffer. It then iterates over each page of the PDF, retrieves * the text content using the `getTextContent` method, and joins the text * items to form the page content. It creates a new `Document` instance * for each page with the extracted text content and metadata, and adds it * to the `documents` array. If `splitPages` is `true`, it returns the * array of `Document` instances. Otherwise, if there are no documents, it * returns an empty array. Otherwise, it concatenates the page content of * all documents and creates a single `Document` instance with the * concatenated content. * @param raw The buffer to be parsed. * @param metadata The metadata of the document. * @returns A promise that resolves to an array of `Document` instances. */ parse(raw: Buffer, metadata: Document["metadata"]): Promise; } declare function PDFLoaderImports(): Promise<{ getDocument: typeof import("pdf-parse/lib/pdf.js/v1.10.100/build/pdf.js").getDocument; version: string; }>; export {};