import { Document } from "@langchain/core/documents"; import { chunkArray } from "@langchain/core/utils/chunk_array"; import { CheerioWebBaseLoader } from "./cheerio.js"; const DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 300; export class SitemapLoader extends CheerioWebBaseLoader { constructor(webPath, params = {}) { const paramsWithDefaults = { chunkSize: DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, ...params }; let path = webPath.endsWith("/") ? webPath.slice(0, -1) : webPath; // Allow for custom sitemap paths to be passed in with the url. path = path.endsWith(".xml") ? path : `${path}/sitemap.xml`; super(path, paramsWithDefaults); Object.defineProperty(this, "webPath", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: webPath }); Object.defineProperty(this, "allowUrlPatterns", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "chunkSize", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); this.webPath = path; this.allowUrlPatterns = paramsWithDefaults.filterUrls; this.chunkSize = paramsWithDefaults.chunkSize; } _checkUrlPatterns(url) { if (!this.allowUrlPatterns) { return false; } return !this.allowUrlPatterns.some((pattern) => !new RegExp(pattern).test(url)); } async parseSitemap() { const $ = await CheerioWebBaseLoader._scrape(this.webPath, this.caller, this.timeout, this.textDecoder, { xmlMode: true, xml: true, }); const elements = []; $("url").each((_, element) => { const loc = $(element).find("loc").text(); if (!loc) { return; } if (this._checkUrlPatterns(loc)) { return; } const changefreq = $(element).find("changefreq").text(); const lastmod = $(element).find("lastmod").text(); const priority = $(element).find("priority").text(); elements.push({ loc, changefreq, lastmod, priority }); }); $("sitemap").each((_, element) => { const loc = $(element).find("loc").text(); if (!loc) { return; } const changefreq = $(element).find("changefreq").text(); const lastmod = $(element).find("lastmod").text(); const priority = $(element).find("priority").text(); elements.push({ loc, changefreq, lastmod, priority }); }); return elements; } async _loadSitemapUrls(elements) { const all = await CheerioWebBaseLoader.scrapeAll( => ele.loc), this.caller, this.timeout, this.textDecoder); const documents =$, i) => { if (!elements[i]) { throw new Error("Scraped docs and elements not in sync"); } const text = $(this.selector).text(); const { loc: source, ...metadata } = elements[i]; // extract page metadata const description = $("meta[name='description']").attr("content"); const title = $("meta[property='og:title']").attr("content"); const lang = $("meta[property='og:locale']").attr("content"); return new Document({ pageContent: text, metadata: { ...metadata, description, title, lang, source: source.trim(), }, }); }); return documents; } async load() { const elements = await this.parseSitemap(); const chunks = chunkArray(elements, this.chunkSize); const documents = []; for await (const chunk of chunks) { const chunkedDocuments = await this._loadSitemapUrls(chunk); documents.push(...chunkedDocuments); } return documents; } }