import neo4j from "neo4j-driver"; import { insecureHash } from "@langchain/core/utils/hash"; export const BASE_ENTITY_LABEL = "__Entity__"; const DISTINCT_VALUE_LIMIT = 10; const LIST_LIMIT = 128; const EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH_LIMIT = 10000; const EXCLUDED_LABELS = ["Bloom_Perspective", "Bloom_Scene"]; const EXCLUDED_RELS = ["Bloom_HAS_SCENE"]; const INCLUDE_DOCS_QUERY = ` MERGE (d:Document {id:$}) SET d.text = $document.pageContent SET d += $document.metadata WITH d `; const NODE_PROPERTIES_QUERY = ` CALL YIELD label, other, elementType, type, property WHERE NOT type = "RELATIONSHIP" AND elementType = "node" AND NOT label IN $EXCLUDED_LABELS WITH label AS nodeLabels, collect({property:property, type:type}) AS properties RETURN {labels: nodeLabels, properties: properties} AS output `; const REL_PROPERTIES_QUERY = ` CALL YIELD label, other, elementType, type, property WHERE NOT type = "RELATIONSHIP" AND elementType = "relationship" AND NOT label in $EXCLUDED_LABELS WITH label AS nodeLabels, collect({property:property, type:type}) AS properties RETURN {type: nodeLabels, properties: properties} AS output `; const REL_QUERY = ` CALL YIELD label, other, elementType, type, property WHERE type = "RELATIONSHIP" AND elementType = "node" UNWIND other AS other_node WITH * WHERE NOT label IN $EXCLUDED_LABELS AND NOT other_node IN $EXCLUDED_LABELS RETURN {start: label, type: property, end: toString(other_node)} AS output `; function isDistinctMoreThanLimit(distinct_count = 11, limit = DISTINCT_VALUE_LIMIT) { return distinct_count !== undefined && distinct_count > limit; } function cleanStringValues(text) { return text.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " "); } function formatSchema(schema, isEnhanced) { let formattedNodeProps = []; let formattedRelProps = []; if (isEnhanced) { // Enhanced formatting for nodes for (const [nodeType, properties] of Object.entries(schema.nodeProps)) { formattedNodeProps.push(`- **${nodeType}**`); for (const prop of properties) { let example = ""; if (prop.type === "STRING") { if (prop.values.length > 0) { if (isDistinctMoreThanLimit(prop.distinct_count)) { example = `Example: ${cleanStringValues(prop.values[0])}`; } else { example = `Available options: ${prop.values .map(cleanStringValues) .join(", ")}`; } } } else if (["INTEGER", "FLOAT", "DATE", "DATE_TIME", "LOCAL_DATE_TIME"].includes(prop.type)) { if (prop.min !== undefined) { example = `Min: ${prop.min}, Max: ${prop.max}`; } else { if (prop.values.length > 0) { example = `Example: ${prop.values[0]}`; } } } else if (prop.type === "LIST") { if (!prop.min_size || prop.min_size > LIST_LIMIT) { continue; } example = `Min Size: ${prop.min_size}, Max Size: ${prop.max_size}`; } formattedNodeProps.push(` - \`${}\`: ${prop.type} ${example}`); } } // Enhanced formatting for relationships for (const [relType, properties] of Object.entries(schema.relProps)) { formattedRelProps.push(`- **${relType}**`); for (const prop of properties) { let example = ""; if (prop.type === "STRING") { if (prop.values.length > 0) { if (isDistinctMoreThanLimit(prop.distinct_count)) { example = `Example: ${cleanStringValues(prop.values[0])}`; } else { example = `Available options: ${prop.values .map(cleanStringValues) .join(", ")}`; } } } else if (["INTEGER", "FLOAT", "DATE", "DATE_TIME", "LOCAL_DATE_TIME"].includes(prop.type)) { if (prop.min) { example = `Min: ${prop.min}, Max: ${prop.max}`; } else { if (prop.values) { example = `Example: ${prop.values[0]}`; } } } else if (prop.type === "LIST") { if (prop.min_size > LIST_LIMIT) { continue; } example = `Min Size: ${prop.min_size}, Max Size: ${prop.max_size}`; } formattedRelProps.push(` - \`${}\`: ${prop.type} ${example}`); } } } else { // Format node properties formattedNodeProps = Object.entries(schema.nodeProps).map(([key, value]) => { const propsStr = value .map((prop) => `${}: ${prop.type}`) .join(", "); return `${key} {${propsStr}}`; }); // Format relationship properties formattedRelProps = Object.entries(schema.relProps).map(([key, value]) => { const propsStr = value .map((prop) => `${}: ${prop.type} `) .join(", "); return `${key} {${propsStr} } `; }); } // Format relationships const formattedRels = => `(: ${el.start}) - [: ${el.type}] -> (:${el.end})`); return [ "Node properties are the following:", formattedNodeProps?.join(", "), "Relationship properties are the following:", formattedRelProps?.join(", "), "The relationships are the following:", formattedRels?.join(", "), ].join("\n"); } /** * @security *Security note*: Make sure that the database connection uses credentials * that are narrowly-scoped to only include necessary permissions. * Failure to do so may result in data corruption or loss, since the calling * code may attempt commands that would result in deletion, mutation * of data if appropriately prompted or reading sensitive data if such * data is present in the database. * The best way to guard against such negative outcomes is to (as appropriate) * limit the permissions granted to the credentials used with this tool. * For example, creating read only users for the database is a good way to * ensure that the calling code cannot mutate or delete data. * * @link See for more information. */ export class Neo4jGraph { constructor({ url, username, password, database = "neo4j", timeoutMs, enhancedSchema = false, }) { Object.defineProperty(this, "driver", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "database", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "timeoutMs", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "enhancedSchema", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "schema", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: "" }); Object.defineProperty(this, "structuredSchema", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: { nodeProps: {}, relProps: {}, relationships: [], metadata: { constraint: {}, index: {}, }, } }); try { this.driver = neo4j.driver(url, neo4j.auth.basic(username, password)); this.database = database; this.timeoutMs = timeoutMs; this.enhancedSchema = enhancedSchema; } catch (error) { throw new Error("Could not create a Neo4j driver instance. Please check the connection details."); } } static async initialize(config) { const graph = new Neo4jGraph(config); await graph.verifyConnectivity(); try { await graph.refreshSchema(); } catch (error) { if (error.code === "Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureNotFound") { throw new Error("Could not use APOC procedures. Please ensure the APOC plugin is installed in Neo4j and that '' is allowed in Neo4j configuration."); } throw error; } finally { console.log("Schema refreshed successfully."); } return graph; } getSchema() { return this.schema; } getStructuredSchema() { return this.structuredSchema; } async query(query, params = {}, routing = neo4j.routing.WRITE) { const result = await this.driver.executeQuery(query, params, { database: this.database, routing, transactionConfig: { timeout: this.timeoutMs }, }); return toObjects(result.records); } async verifyConnectivity() { await this.driver.getServerInfo(); } async refreshSchema() { // Assuming query method is defined and returns a Promise const nodeProperties = (await this.query(NODE_PROPERTIES_QUERY, { EXCLUDED_LABELS: EXCLUDED_LABELS.concat([BASE_ENTITY_LABEL]), }))?.map((el) => el.output); const relationshipsProperties = (await this.query(REL_PROPERTIES_QUERY, { EXCLUDED_LABELS: EXCLUDED_RELS, }))?.map((el) => el.output); const relationships = (await this.query(REL_QUERY, { EXCLUDED_LABELS: EXCLUDED_LABELS.concat([BASE_ENTITY_LABEL]), }))?.map((el) => el.output); const constraint = await this.query("SHOW CONSTRAINTS"); const index = await this.query("SHOW INDEXES YIELD *"); // Structured schema similar to Python's dictionary comprehension this.structuredSchema = { nodeProps: Object.fromEntries(nodeProperties?.map((el) => [el.labels,]) || []), relProps: Object.fromEntries(relationshipsProperties?.map((el) => [el.type,]) || []), relationships: relationships || [], metadata: { constraint, index, }, }; if (this.enhancedSchema) { const schemaCounts = await this.query(`CALL apoc.meta.graphSample() YIELD nodes, relationships ` + `RETURN nodes, [rel in relationships | {name:, 'type'), count:, 'count')}] AS relationships`); // Update node info for (const node of schemaCounts[0].nodes) { // Skip bloom labels if (EXCLUDED_LABELS.includes( { continue; } const nodeProps = this.structuredSchema.nodeProps[]; if (!nodeProps) { // The node has no properties continue; } const enhancedCypher = await this.enhancedSchemaCypher(, nodeProps, node.count < EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH_LIMIT); const enhancedInfoPromise = await this.query(enhancedCypher); const enhancedInfo = enhancedInfoPromise[0].output; for (const prop of nodeProps) { if (enhancedInfo[]) { Object.assign(prop, enhancedInfo[]); } } } // Update rel info for (const rel of schemaCounts[0].relationships) { // Skip bloom labels if (EXCLUDED_RELS.includes( { continue; } const relProps = this.structuredSchema.relProps[]; if (!relProps) { // The rel has no properties continue; } const enhancedCypher = await this.enhancedSchemaCypher(, relProps, rel.count < EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH_LIMIT, true); const enhancedInfoPromise = await this.query(enhancedCypher); const enhancedInfo = enhancedInfoPromise[0].output; for (const prop of relProps) { if ( in enhancedInfo) { Object.assign(prop, enhancedInfo[]); } } } } // Combine all formatted elements into a single string this.schema = formatSchema(this.structuredSchema, this.enhancedSchema); } async enhancedSchemaCypher(labelOrType, properties, exhaustive, isRelationship = false) { let matchClause = isRelationship ? `MATCH ()-[n:\`${labelOrType}\`]->()` : `MATCH (n:\`${labelOrType}\`)`; const withClauses = []; const returnClauses = []; const outputDict = {}; if (exhaustive) { for (const prop of properties) { const propName =; const propType = prop.type; if (propType === "STRING") { withClauses.push(`collect(distinct substring(n.\`${propName}\`, 0, 50)) AS \`${propName}_values\``); returnClauses.push(`values: \`${propName}_values\`[..${DISTINCT_VALUE_LIMIT}], distinct_count: size(\`${propName}_values\`)`); } else if (["INTEGER", "FLOAT", "DATE", "DATE_TIME", "LOCAL_DATE_TIME"].includes(propType)) { withClauses.push(`min(n.\`${propName}\`) AS \`${propName}_min\``); withClauses.push(`max(n.\`${propName}\`) AS \`${propName}_max\``); withClauses.push(`count(distinct n.\`${propName}\`) AS \`${propName}_distinct\``); returnClauses.push(`min: toString(\`${propName}_min\`), max: toString(\`${propName}_max\`), distinct_count: \`${propName}_distinct\``); } else if (propType === "LIST") { withClauses.push(`min(size(n.\`${propName}\`)) AS \`${propName}_size_min\`, max(size(n.\`${propName}\`)) AS \`${propName}_size_max\``); returnClauses.push(`min_size: \`${propName}_size_min\`, max_size: \`${propName}_size_max\``); } else if (["BOOLEAN", "POINT", "DURATION"].includes(propType)) { continue; } outputDict[propName] = `{${returnClauses.pop()}}`; } } else { matchClause += ` WITH n LIMIT 5`; for (const prop of properties) { const propName =; const propType = prop.type; const propIndex = this.structuredSchema?.metadata?.index.filter((el) => el.label === labelOrType &&[0] === propName && el.type === "RANGE"); if (propType === "STRING") { if (propIndex.length > 0 && propIndex[0].size > 0 && propIndex[0].distinctValues <= DISTINCT_VALUE_LIMIT) { const distinctValuesPromise = await this.query(`CALL'${labelOrType}', '${propName}') YIELD value`); const distinctValues = distinctValuesPromise[0].value; returnClauses.push(`values: ${distinctValues}, distinct_count: ${distinctValues.length}`); } else { withClauses.push(`collect(distinct substring(n.\`${propName}\`, 0, 50)) AS \`${propName}_values\``); returnClauses.push(`values: ${propName}_values`); } } else if (["INTEGER", "FLOAT", "DATE", "DATE_TIME", "LOCAL_DATE_TIME"].includes(propType)) { if (!propIndex) { withClauses.push(`collect(distinct toString(n.\`${propName}\`)) AS \`${propName}_values\``); returnClauses.push(`values: ${propName}_values`); } else { withClauses.push(`min(n.\`${propName}\`) AS \`${propName}_min\``); withClauses.push(`max(n.\`${propName}\`) AS \`${propName}_max\``); withClauses.push(`count(distinct n.\`${propName}\`) AS \`${propName}_distinct\``); returnClauses.push(`min: toString(\`${propName}_min\`), max: toString(\`${propName}_max\`), distinct_count: \`${propName}_distinct\``); } } else if (propType === "LIST") { withClauses.push(`min(size(n.\`${propName}\`)) AS \`${propName}_size_min\`, max(size(n.\`${propName}\`)) AS \`${propName}_size_max\``); returnClauses.push(`min_size: \`${propName}_size_min\`, max_size: \`${propName}_size_max\``); } else if (["BOOLEAN", "POINT", "DURATION"].includes(propType)) { continue; } outputDict[propName] = `{${returnClauses.pop()}}`; } } const withClause = `WITH ${withClauses.join(", ")}`; const returnClause = `RETURN {${Object.entries(outputDict) .map(([k, v]) => `\`${k}\`: ${v}`) .join(", ")}} AS output`; const cypherQuery = [matchClause, withClause, returnClause].join("\n"); return cypherQuery; } async addGraphDocuments(graphDocuments, config = {}) { const { baseEntityLabel } = config; if (baseEntityLabel) { const constraintExists = this.structuredSchema?.metadata?.constraint?.some((el) => JSON.stringify(el.labelsOrTypes) === JSON.stringify([BASE_ENTITY_LABEL]) && JSON.stringify( === JSON.stringify(["id"])) ?? false; if (!constraintExists) { await this.query(` CREATE CONSTRAINT IF NOT EXISTS FOR (b:${BASE_ENTITY_LABEL}) REQUIRE IS UNIQUE; `); await this.refreshSchema(); } } const nodeImportQuery = getNodeImportQuery(config); const relImportQuery = getRelImportQuery(config); for (const document of graphDocuments) { if (! { = insecureHash(document.source.pageContent); } // Import nodes await this.query(nodeImportQuery, { data: => ({ ...el })), document: { ...document.source }, }); // Import relationships await this.query(relImportQuery, { data: => ({ source:, source_label: el.source.type, target:, target_label:, type: el.type.replace(/ /g, "_").toUpperCase(), properties:, })), }); } } async close() { await this.driver.close(); } } function getNodeImportQuery({ baseEntityLabel, includeSource, }) { if (baseEntityLabel) { return ` ${includeSource ? INCLUDE_DOCS_QUERY : ""} UNWIND $data AS row MERGE(source: \`${BASE_ENTITY_LABEL}\` {id:}) SET source += ${includeSource ? "MERGE (d)-[:MENTIONS]->(source)" : ""} WITH source, row CALL apoc.create.addLabels(source, [row.type]) YIELD node RETURN distinct 'done' AS result `; } else { return ` ${includeSource ? INCLUDE_DOCS_QUERY : ""} UNWIND $data AS row CALL apoc.merge.node([row.type], {id:},, {}) YIELD node ${includeSource ? "MERGE (d)-[:MENTIONS]->(node)" : ""} RETURN distinct 'done' AS result `; } } function getRelImportQuery({ baseEntityLabel, }) { if (baseEntityLabel) { return ` UNWIND $data AS row MERGE (source:\`${BASE_ENTITY_LABEL}\` {id: row.source}) MERGE (target:\`${BASE_ENTITY_LABEL}\` {id:}) WITH source, target, row CALL apoc.merge.relationship(source, row.type, {},, target) YIELD rel RETURN distinct 'done' `; } else { return ` UNWIND $data AS row CALL apoc.merge.node([row.source_label], {id: row.source}, {}, {}) YIELD node as source CALL apoc.merge.node([row.target_label], {id:}, {}, {}) YIELD node as target CALL apoc.merge.relationship(source, row.type, {},, target) YIELD rel RETURN distinct 'done' `; } } function toObjects(records) { return => { const rObj = record.toObject(); const out = {}; Object.keys(rObj).forEach((key) => { out[key] = itemIntToString(rObj[key]); }); return out; }); } function itemIntToString(item) { if (neo4j.isInt(item)) return item.toString(); if (Array.isArray(item)) return => itemIntToString(ii)); if (["number", "string", "boolean"].indexOf(typeof item) !== -1) return item; if (item === null) return item; if (typeof item === "object") return objIntToString(item); } function objIntToString(obj) { const entry = extractFromNeoObjects(obj); let newObj = null; if (Array.isArray(entry)) { newObj = => itemIntToString(item)); } else if (entry !== null && typeof entry === "object") { newObj = {}; Object.keys(entry).forEach((key) => { newObj[key] = itemIntToString(entry[key]); }); } return newObj; } function extractFromNeoObjects(obj) { if ( // eslint-disable-next-line obj instanceof neo4j.types.Node || // eslint-disable-next-line obj instanceof neo4j.types.Relationship) { return; // eslint-disable-next-line } else if (obj instanceof neo4j.types.Path) { // eslint-disable-next-line return [].concat.apply([], extractPathForRows(obj)); } return obj; } const extractPathForRows = (path) => { let { segments } = path; // Zero length path. No relationship, end === start if (!Array.isArray(path.segments) || path.segments.length < 1) { segments = [{ ...path, end: null }]; } return => [ objIntToString(segment.start), objIntToString(segment.relationship), objIntToString(segment.end), ].filter((part) => part !== null)); };