import { BufferMemory } from "../memory/buffer_memory.js"; import { ChatAgent } from "./chat/index.js"; import { ChatConversationalAgent } from "./chat_convo/index.js"; import { StructuredChatAgent } from "./structured_chat/index.js"; import { AgentExecutor } from "./executor.js"; import { ZeroShotAgent } from "./mrkl/index.js"; import { OpenAIAgent } from "./openai_functions/index.js"; import { XMLAgent } from "./xml/index.js"; /** * @deprecated See {@link | new agent creation docs}. */ export const initializeAgentExecutor = async (tools, llm, _agentType, _verbose, _callbackManager) => { const agentType = _agentType ?? "zero-shot-react-description"; const verbose = _verbose; const callbackManager = _callbackManager; switch (agentType) { case "zero-shot-react-description": return AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({ agent: ZeroShotAgent.fromLLMAndTools(llm, tools), tools, returnIntermediateSteps: true, verbose, callbackManager, }); case "chat-zero-shot-react-description": return AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({ agent: ChatAgent.fromLLMAndTools(llm, tools), tools, returnIntermediateSteps: true, verbose, callbackManager, }); case "chat-conversational-react-description": return AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({ agent: ChatConversationalAgent.fromLLMAndTools(llm, tools), tools, verbose, callbackManager, }); default: throw new Error("Unknown agent type"); } }; /** @deprecated See {@link | new agent creation docs}. */ export async function initializeAgentExecutorWithOptions(tools, llm, options = { agentType: llm._modelType() === "base_chat_model" ? "chat-zero-shot-react-description" : "zero-shot-react-description", }) { // Note this tools cast is safe as the overload signatures prevent // the function from being called with a StructuredTool[] when // the agentType is not in InitializeAgentExecutorOptionsStructured switch (options.agentType) { case "zero-shot-react-description": { const { agentArgs, tags, } = options; return AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({ tags: [...(tags ?? []), "zero-shot-react-description"], agent: ZeroShotAgent.fromLLMAndTools(llm, tools, agentArgs), tools,, }); } case "chat-zero-shot-react-description": { const { agentArgs, tags, } = options; return AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({ tags: [...(tags ?? []), "chat-zero-shot-react-description"], agent: ChatAgent.fromLLMAndTools(llm, tools, agentArgs), tools,, }); } case "chat-conversational-react-description": { const { agentArgs, memory, tags, } = options; const executor = AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({ tags: [...(tags ?? []), "chat-conversational-react-description"], agent: ChatConversationalAgent.fromLLMAndTools(llm, tools, agentArgs), tools, memory: memory ?? new BufferMemory({ returnMessages: true, memoryKey: "chat_history", inputKey: "input", outputKey: "output", }),, }); return executor; } case "xml": { const { agentArgs, tags, } = options; const executor = AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({ tags: [...(tags ?? []), "xml"], agent: XMLAgent.fromLLMAndTools(llm, tools, agentArgs), tools,, }); return executor; } case "structured-chat-zero-shot-react-description": { const { agentArgs, memory, tags, } = options; const executor = AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({ tags: [...(tags ?? []), "structured-chat-zero-shot-react-description"], agent: StructuredChatAgent.fromLLMAndTools(llm, tools, agentArgs), tools, memory,, }); return executor; } case "openai-functions": { const { agentArgs, memory, tags, } = options; const executor = AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({ tags: [...(tags ?? []), "openai-functions"], agent: OpenAIAgent.fromLLMAndTools(llm, tools, agentArgs), tools, memory: memory ?? new BufferMemory({ returnMessages: true, memoryKey: "chat_history", inputKey: "input", outputKey: "output", }),, }); return executor; } default: { throw new Error("Unknown agent type"); } } }