import { ChatOpenAI } from "@langchain/openai"; import { ChatPromptTemplate, HumanMessagePromptTemplate, } from "@langchain/core/prompts"; import { OpenAPISpec } from "../../util/openapi.js"; import { BaseChain } from "../base.js"; import { LLMChain } from "../llm_chain.js"; import { SequentialChain } from "../sequential_chain.js"; import { JsonOutputFunctionsParser } from "../../output_parsers/openai_functions.js"; /** * Formats a URL by replacing path parameters with their corresponding * values. * @param url The URL to format. * @param pathParams The path parameters to replace in the URL. * @returns The formatted URL. */ function formatURL(url, pathParams) { const expectedPathParamNames = [...url.matchAll(/{(.*?)}/g)].map((match) => match[1]); const newParams = {}; for (const paramName of expectedPathParamNames) { const cleanParamName = paramName.replace(/^\.;/, "").replace(/\*$/, ""); const value = pathParams[cleanParamName]; let formattedValue; if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (paramName.startsWith(".")) { const separator = paramName.endsWith("*") ? "." : ","; formattedValue = `.${value.join(separator)}`; } else if (paramName.startsWith(",")) { const separator = paramName.endsWith("*") ? `${cleanParamName}=` : ","; formattedValue = `${cleanParamName}=${value.join(separator)}`; } else { formattedValue = value.join(","); } } else if (typeof value === "object") { const kvSeparator = paramName.endsWith("*") ? "=" : ","; const kvStrings = Object.entries(value).map(([k, v]) => k + kvSeparator + v); let entrySeparator; if (paramName.startsWith(".")) { entrySeparator = "."; formattedValue = "."; } else if (paramName.startsWith(";")) { entrySeparator = ";"; formattedValue = ";"; } else { entrySeparator = ","; formattedValue = ""; } formattedValue += kvStrings.join(entrySeparator); } else { if (paramName.startsWith(".")) { formattedValue = `.${value}`; } else if (paramName.startsWith(";")) { formattedValue = `;${cleanParamName}=${value}`; } else { formattedValue = value; } } newParams[paramName] = formattedValue; } let formattedUrl = url; for (const [key, newValue] of Object.entries(newParams)) { formattedUrl = formattedUrl.replace(`{${key}}`, newValue); } return formattedUrl; } /** * Converts OpenAPI parameters to JSON schema format. * @param params The OpenAPI parameters to convert. * @param spec The OpenAPI specification that contains the parameters. * @returns The JSON schema representation of the OpenAPI parameters. */ function convertOpenAPIParamsToJSONSchema(params, spec) { return params.reduce((jsonSchema, param) => { let schema; if (param.schema) { schema = spec.getSchema(param.schema); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign[] = convertOpenAPISchemaToJSONSchema(schema, spec); } else if (param.content) { const mediaTypeSchema = Object.values(param.content)[0].schema; if (mediaTypeSchema) { schema = spec.getSchema(mediaTypeSchema); } if (!schema) { return jsonSchema; } if (schema.description === undefined) { schema.description = param.description ?? ""; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign[] = convertOpenAPISchemaToJSONSchema(schema, spec); } else { return jsonSchema; } if (param.required && Array.isArray(jsonSchema.required)) { jsonSchema.required.push(; } return jsonSchema; }, { type: "object", properties: {}, required: [], additionalProperties: {}, }); } // OpenAI throws errors on extraneous schema properties, e.g. if "required" is set on individual ones /** * Converts OpenAPI schemas to JSON schema format. * @param schema The OpenAPI schema to convert. * @param spec The OpenAPI specification that contains the schema. * @returns The JSON schema representation of the OpenAPI schema. */ export function convertOpenAPISchemaToJSONSchema(schema, spec) { if (schema.type === "object") { return Object.keys( ?? {}).reduce((jsonSchema, propertyName) => { if (! { return jsonSchema; } const openAPIProperty = spec.getSchema([propertyName]); if (openAPIProperty.type === undefined) { return jsonSchema; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign[propertyName] = convertOpenAPISchemaToJSONSchema(openAPIProperty, spec); if ((openAPIProperty.required || schema.required?.includes(propertyName)) && jsonSchema.required !== undefined) { jsonSchema.required.push(propertyName); } return jsonSchema; }, { type: "object", properties: {}, required: [], additionalProperties: {}, }); } if (schema.type === "array") { return { type: "array", items: convertOpenAPISchemaToJSONSchema(schema.items ?? {}, spec), minItems: schema.minItems, maxItems: schema.maxItems, }; } return { type: schema.type ?? "string", }; } /** * Converts an OpenAPI specification to OpenAI functions. * @param spec The OpenAPI specification to convert. * @returns An object containing the OpenAI functions derived from the OpenAPI specification and a default execution method. */ function convertOpenAPISpecToOpenAIFunctions(spec) { if (!spec.document.paths) { return { openAIFunctions: [] }; } const openAIFunctions = []; const nameToCallMap = {}; for (const path of Object.keys(spec.document.paths)) { const pathParameters = spec.getParametersForPath(path); for (const method of spec.getMethodsForPath(path)) { const operation = spec.getOperation(path, method); if (!operation) { return { openAIFunctions: [] }; } const operationParametersByLocation = pathParameters .concat(spec.getParametersForOperation(operation)) .reduce((operationParams, param) => { if (!operationParams[]) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign operationParams[] = []; } operationParams[].push(param); return operationParams; }, {}); const paramLocationToRequestArgNameMap = { query: "params", header: "headers", cookie: "cookies", path: "path_params", }; const requestArgsSchema = {}; for (const paramLocation of Object.keys(paramLocationToRequestArgNameMap)) { if (operationParametersByLocation[paramLocation]) { requestArgsSchema[paramLocationToRequestArgNameMap[paramLocation]] = convertOpenAPIParamsToJSONSchema(operationParametersByLocation[paramLocation], spec); } } const requestBody = spec.getRequestBodyForOperation(operation); if (requestBody?.content !== undefined) { const requestBodySchemas = {}; for (const [mediaType, mediaTypeObject] of Object.entries(requestBody.content)) { if (mediaTypeObject.schema !== undefined) { const schema = spec.getSchema(mediaTypeObject.schema); requestBodySchemas[mediaType] = convertOpenAPISchemaToJSONSchema(schema, spec); } } const mediaTypes = Object.keys(requestBodySchemas); if (mediaTypes.length === 1) { = requestBodySchemas[mediaTypes[0]]; } else if (mediaTypes.length > 1) { = { anyOf: Object.values(requestBodySchemas), }; } } const openAIFunction = { name: OpenAPISpec.getCleanedOperationId(operation, path, method), description: operation.description ?? operation.summary ?? "", parameters: { type: "object", properties: requestArgsSchema, // All remaining top-level parameters are required required: Object.keys(requestArgsSchema), }, }; openAIFunctions.push(openAIFunction); const baseUrl = (spec.baseUrl ?? "").endsWith("/") ? (spec.baseUrl ?? "").slice(0, -1) : spec.baseUrl ?? ""; nameToCallMap[] = { method, url: baseUrl + path, }; } } return { openAIFunctions, defaultExecutionMethod: async (name, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any requestArgs, options) => { const { headers: customHeaders, params: customParams, } = options ?? {}; const { method, url } = nameToCallMap[name]; const requestParams = requestArgs.params ?? {}; const nonEmptyParams = Object.keys(requestParams).reduce( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any (filteredArgs, argName) => { if (requestParams[argName] !== "" && requestParams[argName] !== null && requestParams[argName] !== undefined) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign filteredArgs[argName] = requestParams[argName]; } return filteredArgs; }, {}); const queryString = new URLSearchParams({ ...nonEmptyParams, ...customParams, }).toString(); const pathParams = requestArgs.path_params; const formattedUrl = formatURL(url, pathParams) + (queryString.length ? `?${queryString}` : ""); const headers = {}; let body; if ( !== undefined) { let contentType = "text/plain"; if (typeof !== "string") { if (typeof === "object") { contentType = "application/json"; } body = JSON.stringify(; } else { body =; } headers["content-type"] = contentType; } const response = await fetch(formattedUrl, { ...requestArgs, method, headers: { ...headers, ...requestArgs.headers, ...customHeaders, }, body,, }); let output; if (response.status < 200 || response.status > 299) { output = `${response.status}: ${response.statusText} for ${name} called with ${JSON.stringify(queryString)}`; } else { output = await response.text(); } return output; }, }; } /** * A chain for making simple API requests. */ class SimpleRequestChain extends BaseChain { static lc_name() { return "SimpleRequestChain"; } constructor(config) { super(); Object.defineProperty(this, "requestMethod", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "inputKey", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: "function" }); Object.defineProperty(this, "outputKey", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: "response" }); this.requestMethod = config.requestMethod; } get inputKeys() { return [this.inputKey]; } get outputKeys() { return [this.outputKey]; } _chainType() { return "simple_request_chain"; } /** @ignore */ async _call(values, _runManager) { const inputKeyValue = values[this.inputKey]; const methodName =; const args = inputKeyValue.arguments; const response = await this.requestMethod(methodName, args); return { [this.outputKey]: response }; } } /** * Create a chain for querying an API from a OpenAPI spec. * @param spec OpenAPISpec or url/file/text string corresponding to one. * @param options Custom options passed into the chain * @returns OpenAPIChain */ export async function createOpenAPIChain(spec, options = {}) { let convertedSpec; if (typeof spec === "string") { try { convertedSpec = await OpenAPISpec.fromURL(spec); } catch (e) { try { convertedSpec = OpenAPISpec.fromString(spec); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`Unable to parse spec from source ${spec}.`); } } } else { convertedSpec = OpenAPISpec.fromObject(spec); } const { openAIFunctions, defaultExecutionMethod } = convertOpenAPISpecToOpenAIFunctions(convertedSpec); if (defaultExecutionMethod === undefined) { throw new Error(`Could not parse any valid operations from the provided spec.`); } const { llm = new ChatOpenAI({ modelName: "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613" }), prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.fromMessages([ HumanMessagePromptTemplate.fromTemplate("Use the provided API's to respond to this user query:\n\n{query}"), ]), requestChain = new SimpleRequestChain({ requestMethod: async (name, args) => defaultExecutionMethod(name, args, { headers: options.headers, params: options.params, }), }), llmChainInputs = {}, verbose, } = options; const formatChain = new LLMChain({ llm, prompt, outputParser: new JsonOutputFunctionsParser({ argsOnly: false }), outputKey: "function", llmKwargs: { functions: openAIFunctions }, ...llmChainInputs, }); return new SequentialChain({ chains: [formatChain, requestChain], outputVariables: ["response"], inputVariables: formatChain.inputKeys, verbose,, }); }