import { mapStoredMessagesToChatMessages } from "@langchain/core/messages"; import { Runnable, RunnableLambda, getCallbackManagerForConfig, } from "@langchain/core/runnables"; import { LangChainTracer } from "@langchain/core/tracers/tracer_langchain"; import { BaseTracer } from "@langchain/core/tracers/base"; import { AsyncCaller } from "@langchain/core/utils/async_caller"; import { Client, RunTree, } from "langsmith"; import { loadEvaluator } from "../evaluation/loader.js"; import { isOffTheShelfEvaluator, isCustomEvaluator, } from "./config.js"; import { randomName } from "./name_generation.js"; import { ProgressBar } from "./progress.js"; class SingleRunIdExtractor { constructor() { Object.defineProperty(this, "runIdPromiseResolver", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "runIdPromise", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "handleChainStart", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: (_chain, _inputs, runId) => { this.runIdPromiseResolver(runId); } }); this.runIdPromise = new Promise((extract) => { this.runIdPromiseResolver = extract; }); } async extract() { return this.runIdPromise; } } class SingleRunExtractor extends BaseTracer { constructor() { super(); Object.defineProperty(this, "runPromiseResolver", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "runPromise", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); /** The name of the callback handler. */ Object.defineProperty(this, "name", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: "single_run_extractor" }); this.runPromise = new Promise((extract) => { this.runPromiseResolver = extract; }); } async persistRun(run) { this.runPromiseResolver(run); } async extract() { return this.runPromise; } } /** * Wraps an evaluator function + implements the RunEvaluator interface. */ class DynamicRunEvaluator { constructor(evaluator) { Object.defineProperty(this, "evaluator", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); this.evaluator = new RunnableLambda({ func: evaluator }); } /** * Evaluates a run with an optional example and returns the evaluation result. * @param run The run to evaluate. * @param example The optional example to use for evaluation. * @returns A promise that extracts to the evaluation result. */ async evaluateRun(run, example) { const extractor = new SingleRunIdExtractor(); const tracer = new LangChainTracer({ projectName: "evaluators" }); const result = await this.evaluator.invoke({ run, example, input: run.inputs, prediction: run.outputs, reference: example?.outputs, }, { callbacks: [extractor, tracer], }); const runId = await extractor.extract(); return { sourceRunId: runId, ...result, }; } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function isLLMStringEvaluator(evaluator) { return evaluator && typeof evaluator.evaluateStrings === "function"; } /** * Internal implementation of RunTree, which uses the * provided callback manager instead of the internal LangSmith client. * * The goal of this class is to ensure seamless interop when intergrated * with other Runnables. */ class CallbackManagerRunTree extends RunTree { constructor(config, callbackManager) { super(config); Object.defineProperty(this, "callbackManager", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "activeCallbackManager", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: undefined }); this.callbackManager = callbackManager; } createChild(config) { const child = new CallbackManagerRunTree({ ...config, parent_run: this, project_name: this.project_name, client: this.client, }, this.activeCallbackManager?.getChild() ?? this.callbackManager); this.child_runs.push(child); return child; } async postRun() { // how it is translated in comparison to basic RunTree? this.activeCallbackManager = await this.callbackManager.handleChainStart(typeof this.serialized !== "object" && this.serialized != null && "lc" in this.serialized ? this.serialized : { id: ["langchain", "smith", "CallbackManagerRunTree"], lc: 1, type: "not_implemented", }, this.inputs,, this.run_type, undefined, undefined,; } async patchRun() { if (this.error) { await this.activeCallbackManager?.handleChainError(this.error,, this.parent_run?.id, undefined, undefined); } else { await this.activeCallbackManager?.handleChainEnd(this.outputs ?? {},, this.parent_run?.id, undefined, undefined); } } } class RunnableTraceable extends Runnable { constructor(fields) { super(fields); Object.defineProperty(this, "lc_serializable", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: false }); Object.defineProperty(this, "lc_namespace", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: ["langchain_core", "runnables"] }); Object.defineProperty(this, "func", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); if (!isLangsmithTraceableFunction(fields.func)) { throw new Error("RunnableTraceable requires a function that is wrapped in traceable higher-order function"); } this.func = fields.func; } async invoke(input, options) { const [config] = this._getOptionsList(options ?? {}, 1); const callbackManager = await getCallbackManagerForConfig(config); const partialConfig = "langsmith:traceable" in this.func ? this.func["langsmith:traceable"] : { name: "" }; if (!callbackManager) throw new Error("CallbackManager not found"); const runTree = new CallbackManagerRunTree({ ...partialConfig, parent_run: callbackManager?._parentRunId ? new RunTree({ name: "", id: callbackManager?._parentRunId }) : undefined, }, callbackManager); if (typeof input === "object" && input != null && Object.keys(input).length === 1) { if ("args" in input && Array.isArray(input)) { return (await this.func(runTree, ...input)); } if ("input" in input && !(typeof input === "object" && input != null && !Array.isArray(input) && // eslint-disable-next-line no-instanceof/no-instanceof !(input instanceof Date))) { try { return (await this.func(runTree, input.input)); } catch (err) { return (await this.func(runTree, input)); } } } return (await this.func(runTree, input)); } } /** * Wraps an off-the-shelf evaluator (loaded using loadEvaluator; of EvaluatorType[T]) * and composes with a prepareData function so the user can prepare the trace and * dataset data for the evaluator. */ class PreparedRunEvaluator { constructor(evaluator, evaluationName, formatEvaluatorInputs) { Object.defineProperty(this, "evaluator", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "formatEvaluatorInputs", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "isStringEvaluator", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "evaluationName", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); this.evaluator = evaluator; this.isStringEvaluator = typeof evaluator?.evaluateStrings === "function"; this.evaluationName = evaluationName; this.formatEvaluatorInputs = formatEvaluatorInputs; } static async fromEvalConfig(config) { const evaluatorType = typeof config === "string" ? config : config.evaluatorType; const evalConfig = typeof config === "string" ? {} : config; const evaluator = await loadEvaluator(evaluatorType, evalConfig); const feedbackKey = evalConfig?.feedbackKey ?? evaluator?.evaluationName; if (!isLLMStringEvaluator(evaluator)) { throw new Error(`Evaluator of type ${evaluatorType} not yet supported. ` + "Please use a string evaluator, or implement your " + "evaluation logic as a custom evaluator."); } if (!feedbackKey) { throw new Error(`Evaluator of type ${evaluatorType} must have an evaluationName` + ` or feedbackKey. Please manually provide a feedbackKey in the EvalConfig.`); } return new PreparedRunEvaluator(evaluator, feedbackKey, evalConfig?.formatEvaluatorInputs); } /** * Evaluates a run with an optional example and returns the evaluation result. * @param run The run to evaluate. * @param example The optional example to use for evaluation. * @returns A promise that extracts to the evaluation result. */ async evaluateRun(run, example) { const { prediction, input, reference } = this.formatEvaluatorInputs({ rawInput: run.inputs, rawPrediction: run.outputs, rawReferenceOutput: example?.outputs, run, }); const extractor = new SingleRunIdExtractor(); const tracer = new LangChainTracer({ projectName: "evaluators" }); if (this.isStringEvaluator) { const evalResult = await this.evaluator.evaluateStrings({ prediction: prediction, reference: reference, input: input, }, { callbacks: [extractor, tracer], }); const runId = await extractor.extract(); return { key: this.evaluationName, comment: evalResult?.reasoning, sourceRunId: runId, ...evalResult, }; } throw new Error("Evaluator not yet supported. " + "Please use a string evaluator, or implement your " + "evaluation logic as a custom evaluator."); } } class LoadedEvalConfig { constructor(evaluators) { Object.defineProperty(this, "evaluators", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: evaluators }); } static async fromRunEvalConfig(config) { // Custom evaluators are applied "as-is" const customEvaluators = (config?.customEvaluators ?? config.evaluators?.filter(isCustomEvaluator))?.map((evaluator) => { if (typeof evaluator === "function") { return new DynamicRunEvaluator(evaluator); } else { return evaluator; } }); const offTheShelfEvaluators = await Promise.all(config?.evaluators ?.filter(isOffTheShelfEvaluator) ?.map(async (evaluator) => await PreparedRunEvaluator.fromEvalConfig(evaluator)) ?? []); return new LoadedEvalConfig((customEvaluators ?? []).concat(offTheShelfEvaluators ?? [])); } } /** * Internals expect a constructor () -> Runnable. This function wraps/coerces * the provided LangChain object, custom function, or factory function into * a constructor of a runnable. * @param modelOrFactory The model or factory to create a wrapped model from. * @returns A function that returns the wrapped model. * @throws Error if the modelOrFactory is invalid. */ const createWrappedModel = async (modelOrFactory) => { if (Runnable.isRunnable(modelOrFactory)) { return () => modelOrFactory; } if (typeof modelOrFactory === "function") { if (isLangsmithTraceableFunction(modelOrFactory)) { const wrappedModel = new RunnableTraceable({ func: modelOrFactory }); return () => wrappedModel; } try { // If it works with no arguments, assume it's a factory let res = modelOrFactory(); if (res && typeof res.then === "function") { res = await res; } return modelOrFactory; } catch (err) { // Otherwise, it's a custom UDF, and we'll wrap // the function in a lambda const wrappedModel = new RunnableLambda({ func: modelOrFactory }); return () => wrappedModel; } } throw new Error("Invalid modelOrFactory"); }; const loadExamples = async ({ datasetName, client, projectName, }) => { const exampleIterator = client.listExamples({ datasetName }); const configs = []; const runExtractors = []; const examples = []; for await (const example of exampleIterator) { const runExtractor = new SingleRunExtractor(); configs.push({ callbacks: [ new LangChainTracer({ exampleId:, projectName }), runExtractor, ], }); examples.push(example); runExtractors.push(runExtractor); } return { configs, examples, runExtractors, }; }; const applyEvaluators = async ({ evaluation, runs, examples, client, maxConcurrency, }) => { // TODO: Parallelize and/or put in callbacks to speed up evals. const { evaluators } = evaluation; const progress = new ProgressBar({ total: examples.length, format: "Running Evaluators: {bar} {percentage}% | {value}/{total}\n", }); const caller = new AsyncCaller({ maxConcurrency, }); const requests = (run, i) => () => { const evaluatorResults = await Promise.allSettled( => client.evaluateRun(run, evaluator, { referenceExample: examples[i], loadChildRuns: false, }))); progress.increment(); return { execution_time: run?.end_time && run.start_time ? run.end_time - run.start_time : undefined, feedback: => evalResult.status === "fulfilled" ? evalResult.value : evalResult.reason), run_id:, }; })); const results = await Promise.all(requests); return results.reduce((acc, result, i) => ({ ...acc, [examples[i].id]: result, }), {}); }; const getExamplesInputs = (examples, chainOrFactory, dataType) => { if (dataType === "chat") { // For some batty reason, we store the chat dataset differently. // { type: "system", data: { content: inputs.input } }, // But we need to create AIMesage, SystemMessage, etc. return{ inputs }) => mapStoredMessagesToChatMessages(inputs.input)); } // If it's a language model and ALL example inputs have a single value, // then we can be friendly and flatten the inputs to a list of strings. const isLanguageModel = typeof chainOrFactory === "object" && typeof chainOrFactory._llmType === "function"; if (isLanguageModel && examples.every(({ inputs }) => Object.keys(inputs).length === 1)) { return{ inputs }) => Object.values(inputs)[0]); } return{ inputs }) => inputs); }; /** * Evaluates a given model or chain against a specified LangSmith dataset. * * This function fetches example records from the specified dataset, * runs the model or chain against each example, and returns the evaluation * results. * * @param chainOrFactory - A model or factory/constructor function to be evaluated. It can be a * Runnable instance, a factory function that returns a Runnable, or a user-defined * function or factory. * * @param datasetName - The name of the dataset against which the evaluation will be * performed. This dataset should already be defined and contain the relevant data * for evaluation. * * @param options - (Optional) Additional parameters for the evaluation process: * - `evaluators` (RunEvalType[]): Evaluators to apply to a dataset run. * - `formatEvaluatorInputs` (EvaluatorInputFormatter): Convert the evaluation data into formats that can be used by the evaluator. * - `projectName` (string): Name of the project for logging and tracking. * - `projectMetadata` (Record): Additional metadata for the project. * - `client` (Client): Client instance for LangSmith service interaction. * - `maxConcurrency` (number): Maximum concurrency level for dataset processing. * * @returns A promise that resolves to an `EvalResults` object. This object includes * detailed results of the evaluation, such as execution time, run IDs, and feedback * for each entry in the dataset. * * @example * ```typescript * // Example usage for evaluating a model on a dataset * async function evaluateModel() { * const chain = /* ...create your model or chain...*\// * const datasetName = 'example-dataset'; * const client = new Client(/* ...config... *\//); * * const results = await runOnDataset(chain, datasetName, { * evaluators: [/* ...evaluators... *\//], * client, * }); * * console.log('Evaluation Results:', results); * } * * evaluateModel(); * ``` * In this example, `runOnDataset` is used to evaluate a language model (or a chain of models) against * a dataset named 'example-dataset'. The evaluation process is configured using `RunOnDatasetParams["evaluators"]`, which can * include both standard and custom evaluators. The `Client` instance is used to interact with LangChain services. * The function returns the evaluation results, which can be logged or further processed as needed. */ export async function runOnDataset(chainOrFactory, datasetName, options) { const { projectName, projectMetadata, client, maxConcurrency, } = options ?? {}; const evaluationConfig = options?.evaluationConfig ?? (options?.evaluators != null ? { evaluators: options.evaluators, formatEvaluatorInputs: options.formatEvaluatorInputs, } : undefined); const wrappedModel = await createWrappedModel(chainOrFactory); const testClient = client ?? new Client(); const testProjectName = projectName ?? randomName(); const dataset = await testClient.readDataset({ datasetName }); const datasetId =; const testConcurrency = maxConcurrency ?? 5; const { configs, examples, runExtractors } = await loadExamples({ datasetName, client: testClient, projectName: testProjectName, maxConcurrency: testConcurrency, }); await testClient.createProject({ projectName: testProjectName, referenceDatasetId: datasetId, projectExtra: { metadata: { ...projectMetadata } }, }); const wrappedRunnable = new RunnableLambda({ func: wrappedModel, }).withConfig({ runName: "evaluationRun" }); const runInputs = getExamplesInputs(examples, chainOrFactory, dataset.data_type); const progress = new ProgressBar({ total: runInputs.length, format: "Predicting: {bar} {percentage}% | {value}/{total}", }); // TODO: Collect the runs as well. await wrappedRunnable .withListeners({ onEnd: () => progress.increment(), }) // TODO: Insert evaluation inline for immediate feedback. .batch(runInputs, configs, { maxConcurrency, returnExceptions: true, }); progress.complete(); const runs = []; for (let i = 0; i < examples.length; i += 1) { runs.push(await runExtractors[i].extract()); } let evalResults = {}; if (evaluationConfig) { const loadedEvalConfig = await LoadedEvalConfig.fromRunEvalConfig(evaluationConfig); evalResults = await applyEvaluators({ evaluation: loadedEvalConfig, runs, examples, client: testClient, maxConcurrency: testConcurrency, }); } const results = { projectName: testProjectName, results: evalResults ?? {}, }; return results; } function isLangsmithTraceableFunction(x) { return typeof x === "function" && "langsmith:traceable" in x; }