import * as parseley from 'parseley'; import { compareSpecificity } from 'parseley'; var Ast = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null }); var Types = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null }); const treeify = (nodes) => '▽\n' + treeifyArray(nodes, thinLines); const thinLines = [['├─', '│ '], ['└─', ' ']]; const heavyLines = [['┠─', '┃ '], ['┖─', ' ']]; const doubleLines = [['╟─', '║ '], ['╙─', ' ']]; function treeifyArray(nodes, tpl = heavyLines) { return prefixItems(tpl, => treeifyNode(n))); } function treeifyNode(node) { switch (node.type) { case 'terminal': { const vctr = node.valueContainer; return `◁ #${vctr.index} ${JSON.stringify(vctr.specificity)} ${vctr.value}`; } case 'tagName': return `◻ Tag name\n${treeifyArray(node.variants, doubleLines)}`; case 'attrValue': return `▣ Attr value: ${}\n${treeifyArray(node.matchers, doubleLines)}`; case 'attrPresence': return `◨ Attr presence: ${}\n${treeifyArray(node.cont)}`; case 'pushElement': return `◉ Push element: ${node.combinator}\n${treeifyArray(node.cont, thinLines)}`; case 'popElement': return `◌ Pop element\n${treeifyArray(node.cont, thinLines)}`; case 'variant': return `◇ = ${node.value}\n${treeifyArray(node.cont)}`; case 'matcher': return `◈ ${node.matcher} "${node.value}"${node.modifier || ''}\n${treeifyArray(node.cont)}`; } } function prefixItems(tpl, items) { return items .map((item, i, { length }) => prefixItem(tpl, item, i === length - 1)) .join('\n'); } function prefixItem(tpl, item, tail = true) { const tpl1 = tpl[tail ? 1 : 0]; return tpl1[0] + item.split('\n').join('\n' + tpl1[1]); } var TreeifyBuilder = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, treeify: treeify }); class DecisionTree { constructor(input) { this.branches = weave(toAstTerminalPairs(input)); } build(builder) { return builder(this.branches); } } function toAstTerminalPairs(array) { const len = array.length; const results = new Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const [selectorString, val] = array[i]; const ast = preprocess(parseley.parse1(selectorString)); results[i] = { ast: ast, terminal: { type: 'terminal', valueContainer: { index: i, value: val, specificity: ast.specificity } } }; } return results; } function preprocess(ast) { reduceSelectorVariants(ast); parseley.normalize(ast); return ast; } function reduceSelectorVariants(ast) { const newList = []; ast.list.forEach(sel => { switch (sel.type) { case 'class': newList.push({ matcher: '~=', modifier: null, name: 'class', namespace: null, specificity: sel.specificity, type: 'attrValue', value:, }); break; case 'id': newList.push({ matcher: '=', modifier: null, name: 'id', namespace: null, specificity: sel.specificity, type: 'attrValue', value:, }); break; case 'combinator': reduceSelectorVariants(sel.left); newList.push(sel); break; case 'universal': break; default: newList.push(sel); break; } }); ast.list = newList; } function weave(items) { const branches = []; while (items.length) { const topKind = findTopKey(items, (sel) => true, getSelectorKind); const { matches, nonmatches, empty } = breakByKind(items, topKind); items = nonmatches; if (matches.length) { branches.push(branchOfKind(topKind, matches)); } if (empty.length) { branches.push(...terminate(empty)); } } return branches; } function terminate(items) { const results = []; for (const item of items) { const terminal = item.terminal; if (terminal.type === 'terminal') { results.push(terminal); } else { const { matches, rest } = partition(terminal.cont, (node) => node.type === 'terminal'); matches.forEach((node) => results.push(node)); if (rest.length) { terminal.cont = rest; results.push(terminal); } } } return results; } function breakByKind(items, selectedKind) { const matches = []; const nonmatches = []; const empty = []; for (const item of items) { const simpsels = item.ast.list; if (simpsels.length) { const isMatch = simpsels.some(node => getSelectorKind(node) === selectedKind); (isMatch ? matches : nonmatches).push(item); } else { empty.push(item); } } return { matches, nonmatches, empty }; } function getSelectorKind(sel) { switch (sel.type) { case 'attrPresence': return `attrPresence ${}`; case 'attrValue': return `attrValue ${}`; case 'combinator': return `combinator ${sel.combinator}`; default: return sel.type; } } function branchOfKind(kind, items) { if (kind === 'tag') { return tagNameBranch(items); } if (kind.startsWith('attrValue ')) { return attrValueBranch(kind.substring(10), items); } if (kind.startsWith('attrPresence ')) { return attrPresenceBranch(kind.substring(13), items); } if (kind === 'combinator >') { return combinatorBranch('>', items); } if (kind === 'combinator +') { return combinatorBranch('+', items); } throw new Error(`Unsupported selector kind: ${kind}`); } function tagNameBranch(items) { const groups = spliceAndGroup(items, (x) => x.type === 'tag', (x) =>; const variants = Object.entries(groups).map(([name, group]) => ({ type: 'variant', value: name, cont: weave(group.items) })); return { type: 'tagName', variants: variants }; } function attrPresenceBranch(name, items) { for (const item of items) { spliceSimpleSelector(item, (x) => (x.type === 'attrPresence') && ( === name)); } return { type: 'attrPresence', name: name, cont: weave(items) }; } function attrValueBranch(name, items) { const groups = spliceAndGroup(items, (x) => (x.type === 'attrValue') && ( === name), (x) => `${x.matcher} ${x.modifier || ''} ${x.value}`); const matchers = []; for (const group of Object.values(groups)) { const sel = group.oneSimpleSelector; const predicate = getAttrPredicate(sel); const continuation = weave(group.items); matchers.push({ type: 'matcher', matcher: sel.matcher, modifier: sel.modifier, value: sel.value, predicate: predicate, cont: continuation }); } return { type: 'attrValue', name: name, matchers: matchers }; } function getAttrPredicate(sel) { if (sel.modifier === 'i') { const expected = sel.value.toLowerCase(); switch (sel.matcher) { case '=': return (actual) => expected === actual.toLowerCase(); case '~=': return (actual) => actual.toLowerCase().split(/[ \t]+/).includes(expected); case '^=': return (actual) => actual.toLowerCase().startsWith(expected); case '$=': return (actual) => actual.toLowerCase().endsWith(expected); case '*=': return (actual) => actual.toLowerCase().includes(expected); case '|=': return (actual) => { const lower = actual.toLowerCase(); return (expected === lower) || (lower.startsWith(expected) && lower[expected.length] === '-'); }; } } else { const expected = sel.value; switch (sel.matcher) { case '=': return (actual) => expected === actual; case '~=': return (actual) => actual.split(/[ \t]+/).includes(expected); case '^=': return (actual) => actual.startsWith(expected); case '$=': return (actual) => actual.endsWith(expected); case '*=': return (actual) => actual.includes(expected); case '|=': return (actual) => (expected === actual) || (actual.startsWith(expected) && actual[expected.length] === '-'); } } } function combinatorBranch(combinator, items) { const groups = spliceAndGroup(items, (x) => (x.type === 'combinator') && (x.combinator === combinator), (x) => parseley.serialize(x.left)); const leftItems = []; for (const group of Object.values(groups)) { const rightCont = weave(group.items); const leftAst = group.oneSimpleSelector.left; leftItems.push({ ast: leftAst, terminal: { type: 'popElement', cont: rightCont } }); } return { type: 'pushElement', combinator: combinator, cont: weave(leftItems) }; } function spliceAndGroup(items, predicate, keyCallback) { const groups = {}; while (items.length) { const bestKey = findTopKey(items, predicate, keyCallback); const bestKeyPredicate = (sel) => predicate(sel) && keyCallback(sel) === bestKey; const hasBestKeyPredicate = (item) => item.ast.list.some(bestKeyPredicate); const { matches, rest } = partition1(items, hasBestKeyPredicate); let oneSimpleSelector = null; for (const item of matches) { const splicedNode = spliceSimpleSelector(item, bestKeyPredicate); if (!oneSimpleSelector) { oneSimpleSelector = splicedNode; } } if (oneSimpleSelector == null) { throw new Error('No simple selector is found.'); } groups[bestKey] = { oneSimpleSelector: oneSimpleSelector, items: matches }; items = rest; } return groups; } function spliceSimpleSelector(item, predicate) { const simpsels = item.ast.list; const matches = new Array(simpsels.length); let firstIndex = -1; for (let i = simpsels.length; i-- > 0;) { if (predicate(simpsels[i])) { matches[i] = true; firstIndex = i; } } if (firstIndex == -1) { throw new Error(`Couldn't find the required simple selector.`); } const result = simpsels[firstIndex]; item.ast.list = simpsels.filter((sel, i) => !matches[i]); return result; } function findTopKey(items, predicate, keyCallback) { const candidates = {}; for (const item of items) { const candidates1 = {}; for (const node of item.ast.list.filter(predicate)) { candidates1[keyCallback(node)] = true; } for (const key of Object.keys(candidates1)) { if (candidates[key]) { candidates[key]++; } else { candidates[key] = 1; } } } let topKind = ''; let topCounter = 0; for (const entry of Object.entries(candidates)) { if (entry[1] > topCounter) { topKind = entry[0]; topCounter = entry[1]; } } return topKind; } function partition(src, predicate) { const matches = []; const rest = []; for (const x of src) { if (predicate(x)) { matches.push(x); } else { rest.push(x); } } return { matches, rest }; } function partition1(src, predicate) { const matches = []; const rest = []; for (const x of src) { if (predicate(x)) { matches.push(x); } else { rest.push(x); } } return { matches, rest }; } class Picker { constructor(f) { this.f = f; } pickAll(el) { return this.f(el); } pick1(el, preferFirst = false) { const results = this.f(el); const len = results.length; if (len === 0) { return null; } if (len === 1) { return results[0].value; } const comparator = (preferFirst) ? comparatorPreferFirst : comparatorPreferLast; let result = results[0]; for (let i = 1; i < len; i++) { const next = results[i]; if (comparator(result, next)) { result = next; } } return result.value; } } function comparatorPreferFirst(acc, next) { const diff = compareSpecificity(next.specificity, acc.specificity); return diff > 0 || (diff === 0 && next.index < acc.index); } function comparatorPreferLast(acc, next) { const diff = compareSpecificity(next.specificity, acc.specificity); return diff > 0 || (diff === 0 && next.index > acc.index); } export { Ast, DecisionTree, Picker, TreeifyBuilder as Treeify, Types };