"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.MemgraphGraph = void 0; const neo4j_graph_js_1 = require("./neo4j_graph.cjs"); const rawSchemaQuery = ` CALL llm_util.schema("raw") YIELD * RETURN * `; /** * @security *Security note*: Make sure that the database connection uses credentials * that are narrowly-scoped to only include necessary permissions. * Failure to do so may result in data corruption or loss, since the calling * code may attempt commands that would result in deletion, mutation * of data if appropriately prompted or reading sensitive data if such * data is present in the database. * The best way to guard against such negative outcomes is to (as appropriate) * limit the permissions granted to the credentials used with this tool. * For example, creating read only users for the database is a good way to * ensure that the calling code cannot mutate or delete data. * * @link See https://js.langchain.com/docs/security for more information. */ class MemgraphGraph extends neo4j_graph_js_1.Neo4jGraph { constructor({ url, username, password, database = "memgraph", }) { super({ url, username, password, database }); } static async initialize(config) { const graph = new MemgraphGraph(config); try { await graph.verifyConnectivity(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to verify connection."); } try { await graph.refreshSchema(); console.debug("Schema refreshed successfully."); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.message); } return graph; } async refreshSchema() { const rawSchemaQueryResult = await this.query(rawSchemaQuery); if (rawSchemaQueryResult?.[0]?.schema) { const rawSchema = rawSchemaQueryResult?.[0]?.schema; this.structuredSchema = { nodeProps: rawSchema.node_props, relProps: rawSchema.rel_props, relationships: rawSchema.relationships, }; // Format node properties const formattedNodeProps = Object.entries(rawSchema.node_props) .map(([nodeName, properties]) => { const propertiesStr = JSON.stringify(properties); return `Node name: '${nodeName}', Node properties: ${propertiesStr}`; }) .join("\n"); // Format relationship properties const formattedRelProps = Object.entries(rawSchema.rel_props) .map(([relationshipName, properties]) => { const propertiesStr = JSON.stringify(properties); return `Relationship name: '${relationshipName}', Relationship properties: ${propertiesStr}`; }) .join("\n"); // Format relationships const formattedRels = rawSchema.relationships ?.map((el) => `(:${el.start})-[:${el.type}]->(:${el.end})`) .join("\n"); // Combine all formatted elements into a single string this.schema = [ "Node properties are the following:", formattedNodeProps, "Relationship properties are the following:", formattedRelProps, "The relationships are the following:", formattedRels, ].join("\n"); } } } exports.MemgraphGraph = MemgraphGraph;