import { Client } from "@opensearch-project/opensearch"; import type { EmbeddingsInterface } from "@langchain/core/embeddings"; import { VectorStore } from "@langchain/core/vectorstores"; import { Document } from "@langchain/core/documents"; type OpenSearchEngine = "nmslib" | "hnsw"; type OpenSearchSpaceType = "l2" | "cosinesimil" | "ip"; /** * Interface defining the options for vector search in OpenSearch. It * includes the engine type, space type, and parameters for the HNSW * algorithm. */ interface VectorSearchOptions { readonly engine?: OpenSearchEngine; readonly spaceType?: OpenSearchSpaceType; readonly m?: number; readonly efConstruction?: number; readonly efSearch?: number; readonly numberOfShards?: number; readonly numberOfReplicas?: number; } /** * Interface defining the arguments required to create an instance of the * OpenSearchVectorStore class. It includes the OpenSearch client, index * name, and vector search options. */ export interface OpenSearchClientArgs { readonly client: Client; readonly vectorFieldName?: string; readonly textFieldName?: string; readonly metadataFieldName?: string; readonly service?: "es" | "aoss"; readonly indexName?: string; readonly vectorSearchOptions?: VectorSearchOptions; } /** * Type alias for an object. It's used to define filters for OpenSearch * queries. */ type OpenSearchFilter = { [key: string]: FilterTypeValue | (string | number)[] | string | number; }; /** * FilterTypeValue for OpenSearch queries. */ interface FilterTypeValue { exists?: boolean; fuzzy?: string; ids?: string[]; prefix?: string; gte?: number; gt?: number; lte?: number; lt?: number; regexp?: string; terms_set?: Record; wildcard?: string; } /** * Class that provides a wrapper around the OpenSearch service for vector * search. It provides methods for adding documents and vectors to the * OpenSearch index, searching for similar vectors, and managing the * OpenSearch index. */ export declare class OpenSearchVectorStore extends VectorStore { FilterType: OpenSearchFilter; private readonly client; private readonly indexName; private readonly isAoss; private readonly engine; private readonly spaceType; private readonly efConstruction; private readonly efSearch; private readonly numberOfShards; private readonly numberOfReplicas; private readonly m; private readonly vectorFieldName; private readonly textFieldName; private readonly metadataFieldName; _vectorstoreType(): string; constructor(embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface, args: OpenSearchClientArgs); /** * Method to add documents to the OpenSearch index. It first converts the * documents to vectors using the embeddings, then adds the vectors to the * index. * @param documents The documents to be added to the OpenSearch index. * @returns Promise resolving to void. */ addDocuments(documents: Document[]): Promise; /** * Method to add vectors to the OpenSearch index. It ensures the index * exists, then adds the vectors and associated documents to the index. * @param vectors The vectors to be added to the OpenSearch index. * @param documents The documents associated with the vectors. * @param options Optional parameter that can contain the IDs for the documents. * @returns Promise resolving to void. */ addVectors(vectors: number[][], documents: Document[], options?: { ids?: string[]; }): Promise; /** * Method to perform a similarity search on the OpenSearch index using a * query vector. It returns the k most similar documents and their scores. * @param query The query vector. * @param k The number of similar documents to return. * @param filter Optional filter for the OpenSearch query. * @returns Promise resolving to an array of tuples, each containing a Document and its score. */ similaritySearchVectorWithScore(query: number[], k: number, filter?: OpenSearchFilter | undefined): Promise<[Document, number][]>; /** * Static method to create a new OpenSearchVectorStore from an array of * texts, their metadata, embeddings, and OpenSearch client arguments. * @param texts The texts to be converted into documents and added to the OpenSearch index. * @param metadatas The metadata associated with the texts. Can be an array of objects or a single object. * @param embeddings The embeddings used to convert the texts into vectors. * @param args The OpenSearch client arguments. * @returns Promise resolving to a new instance of OpenSearchVectorStore. */ static fromTexts(texts: string[], metadatas: object[] | object, embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface, args: OpenSearchClientArgs): Promise; /** * Static method to create a new OpenSearchVectorStore from an array of * Documents, embeddings, and OpenSearch client arguments. * @param docs The documents to be added to the OpenSearch index. * @param embeddings The embeddings used to convert the documents into vectors. * @param dbConfig The OpenSearch client arguments. * @returns Promise resolving to a new instance of OpenSearchVectorStore. */ static fromDocuments(docs: Document[], embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface, dbConfig: OpenSearchClientArgs): Promise; /** * Static method to create a new OpenSearchVectorStore from an existing * OpenSearch index, embeddings, and OpenSearch client arguments. * @param embeddings The embeddings used to convert the documents into vectors. * @param dbConfig The OpenSearch client arguments. * @returns Promise resolving to a new instance of OpenSearchVectorStore. */ static fromExistingIndex(embeddings: EmbeddingsInterface, dbConfig: OpenSearchClientArgs): Promise; private ensureIndexExists; /** * Builds metadata terms for OpenSearch queries. * * This function takes a filter object and constructs an array of query terms * compatible with OpenSearch 2.x. It supports a variety of query types including * term, terms, terms_set, ids, range, prefix, exists, fuzzy, wildcard, and regexp. * Reference: * * @param {Filter | null} filter - The filter object used to construct query terms. * Each key represents a field, and the value specifies the type of query and its parameters. * * @returns {Array>} An array of OpenSearch query terms. * * @example * // Example filter: * const filter = { * status: { "exists": true }, * age: { "gte": 30, "lte": 40 }, * tags: ["tag1", "tag2"], * description: { "wildcard": "*test*" }, * * }; * * // Resulting query terms: * const queryTerms = buildMetadataTerms(filter); * // queryTerms would be an array of OpenSearch query objects. */ buildMetadataTerms(filter: OpenSearchFilter | undefined): object; /** * Method to check if the OpenSearch index exists. * @returns Promise resolving to a boolean indicating whether the index exists. */ doesIndexExist(): Promise; /** * Method to delete the OpenSearch index if it exists. * @returns Promise resolving to void. */ deleteIfExists(): Promise; } export {};