import { SignatureV4 } from "@smithy/signature-v4"; import { HttpRequest } from "@smithy/protocol-http"; import { EventStreamCodec } from "@smithy/eventstream-codec"; import { fromUtf8, toUtf8 } from "@smithy/util-utf8"; import { Sha256 } from "@aws-crypto/sha256-js"; import { getEnvironmentVariable } from "@langchain/core/utils/env"; import { GenerationChunk } from "@langchain/core/outputs"; import { LLM } from "@langchain/core/language_models/llms"; import { BedrockLLMInputOutputAdapter, } from "../../utils/bedrock/index.js"; const AWS_REGIONS = [ "us", "sa", "me", "il", "eu", "cn", "ca", "ap", "af", "us-gov", ]; const ALLOWED_MODEL_PROVIDERS = [ "ai21", "anthropic", "amazon", "cohere", "meta", "mistral", ]; const PRELUDE_TOTAL_LENGTH_BYTES = 4; /** * A type of Large Language Model (LLM) that interacts with the Bedrock * service. It extends the base `LLM` class and implements the * `BaseBedrockInput` interface. The class is designed to authenticate and * interact with the Bedrock service, which is a part of Amazon Web * Services (AWS). It uses AWS credentials for authentication and can be * configured with various parameters such as the model to use, the AWS * region, and the maximum number of tokens to generate. */ export class Bedrock extends LLM { get lc_aliases() { return { model: "model_id", region: "region_name", }; } get lc_secrets() { return { "credentials.accessKeyId": "BEDROCK_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "credentials.secretAccessKey": "BEDROCK_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", }; } get lc_attributes() { return { region: this.region }; } _llmType() { return "bedrock"; } static lc_name() { return "Bedrock"; } constructor(fields) { super(fields ?? {}); Object.defineProperty(this, "model", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: "amazon.titan-tg1-large" }); Object.defineProperty(this, "modelProvider", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "region", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "credentials", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "temperature", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: undefined }); Object.defineProperty(this, "maxTokens", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: undefined }); Object.defineProperty(this, "fetchFn", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "endpointHost", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); /** @deprecated */ Object.defineProperty(this, "stopSequences", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "modelKwargs", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "codec", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: new EventStreamCodec(toUtf8, fromUtf8) }); Object.defineProperty(this, "streaming", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: false }); Object.defineProperty(this, "lc_serializable", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: true }); this.model = fields?.model ?? this.model; this.modelProvider = getModelProvider(this.model); if (!ALLOWED_MODEL_PROVIDERS.includes(this.modelProvider)) { throw new Error(`Unknown model provider: '${this.modelProvider}', only these are supported: ${ALLOWED_MODEL_PROVIDERS}`); } const region = fields?.region ?? getEnvironmentVariable("AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"); if (!region) { throw new Error("Please set the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable or pass it to the constructor as the region field."); } this.region = region; const credentials = fields?.credentials; if (!credentials) { throw new Error("Please set the AWS credentials in the 'credentials' field."); } this.credentials = credentials; this.temperature = fields?.temperature ?? this.temperature; this.maxTokens = fields?.maxTokens ?? this.maxTokens; this.fetchFn = fields?.fetchFn ?? fetch.bind(globalThis); this.endpointHost = fields?.endpointHost ?? fields?.endpointUrl; this.stopSequences = fields?.stopSequences; this.modelKwargs = fields?.modelKwargs; this.streaming = fields?.streaming ?? this.streaming; } /** Call out to Bedrock service model. Arguments: prompt: The prompt to pass into the model. Returns: The string generated by the model. Example: response = model.invoke("Tell me a joke.") */ async _call(prompt, options, runManager) { const service = "bedrock-runtime"; const endpointHost = this.endpointHost ?? `${service}.${this.region}`; const provider = this.modelProvider; if (this.streaming) { const stream = this._streamResponseChunks(prompt, options, runManager); let finalResult; for await (const chunk of stream) { if (finalResult === undefined) { finalResult = chunk; } else { finalResult = finalResult.concat(chunk); } } return finalResult?.text ?? ""; } const response = await this._signedFetch(prompt, options, { bedrockMethod: "invoke", endpointHost, provider, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Error ${response.status}: ${json.message ?? JSON.stringify(json)}`); } const text = BedrockLLMInputOutputAdapter.prepareOutput(provider, json); return text; } async _signedFetch(prompt, options, fields) { const { bedrockMethod, endpointHost, provider } = fields; const inputBody = BedrockLLMInputOutputAdapter.prepareInput(provider, prompt, this.maxTokens, this.temperature, options.stop ?? this.stopSequences, this.modelKwargs, fields.bedrockMethod); const url = new URL(`https://${endpointHost}/model/${this.model}/${bedrockMethod}`); const request = new HttpRequest({ hostname: url.hostname, path: url.pathname, protocol: url.protocol, method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(inputBody), query: Object.fromEntries(url.searchParams.entries()), headers: { // host is required by AWS Signature V4: host:, accept: "application/json", "content-type": "application/json", }, }); const signer = new SignatureV4({ credentials: this.credentials, service: "bedrock", region: this.region, sha256: Sha256, }); const signedRequest = await signer.sign(request); // Send request to AWS using the low-level fetch API const response = await this.caller.callWithOptions({ signal: options.signal }, async () => this.fetchFn(url, { headers: signedRequest.headers, body: signedRequest.body, method: signedRequest.method, })); return response; } invocationParams(options) { return { model: this.model, region: this.region, temperature: this.temperature, maxTokens: this.maxTokens, stop: options?.stop ?? this.stopSequences, modelKwargs: this.modelKwargs, }; } async *_streamResponseChunks(prompt, options, runManager) { const provider = this.modelProvider; const bedrockMethod = provider === "anthropic" || provider === "cohere" || provider === "meta" || provider === "mistral" ? "invoke-with-response-stream" : "invoke"; const service = "bedrock-runtime"; const endpointHost = this.endpointHost ?? `${service}.${this.region}`; // Send request to AWS using the low-level fetch API const response = await this._signedFetch(prompt, options, { bedrockMethod, endpointHost, provider, }); if (response.status < 200 || response.status >= 300) { throw Error(`Failed to access underlying url '${endpointHost}': got ${response.status} ${response.statusText}: ${await response.text()}`); } if (provider === "anthropic" || provider === "cohere" || provider === "meta" || provider === "mistral") { const reader = response.body?.getReader(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); for await (const chunk of this._readChunks(reader)) { const event = this.codec.decode(chunk); if ((event.headers[":event-type"] !== undefined && event.headers[":event-type"].value !== "chunk") || event.headers[":content-type"].value !== "application/json") { throw Error(`Failed to get event chunk: got ${chunk}`); } const body = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(event.body)); if (body.message) { throw new Error(body.message); } if (body.bytes !== undefined) { const chunkResult = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(Uint8Array.from(atob(body.bytes), (m) => m.codePointAt(0) ?? 0))); const text = BedrockLLMInputOutputAdapter.prepareOutput(provider, chunkResult); yield new GenerationChunk({ text, generationInfo: {}, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-void void runManager?.handleLLMNewToken(text); } } } else { const json = await response.json(); const text = BedrockLLMInputOutputAdapter.prepareOutput(provider, json); yield new GenerationChunk({ text, generationInfo: {}, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-void void runManager?.handleLLMNewToken(text); } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any _readChunks(reader) { function _concatChunks(a, b) { const newBuffer = new Uint8Array(a.length + b.length); newBuffer.set(a); newBuffer.set(b, a.length); return newBuffer; } function getMessageLength(buffer) { if (buffer.byteLength < PRELUDE_TOTAL_LENGTH_BYTES) return 0; const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer, buffer.byteOffset, buffer.byteLength); return view.getUint32(0, false); } return { async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { let readResult = await; let buffer = new Uint8Array(0); while (!readResult.done) { const chunk = readResult.value; buffer = _concatChunks(buffer, chunk); let messageLength = getMessageLength(buffer); while (buffer.byteLength >= PRELUDE_TOTAL_LENGTH_BYTES && buffer.byteLength >= messageLength) { yield buffer.slice(0, messageLength); buffer = buffer.slice(messageLength); messageLength = getMessageLength(buffer); } readResult = await; } }, }; } } function isInferenceModel(modelId) { const parts = modelId.split("."); return AWS_REGIONS.some((region) => parts[0] === region); } function getModelProvider(modelId) { const parts = modelId.split("."); if (isInferenceModel(modelId)) { return parts[1]; } else { return parts[0]; } }