"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports._ExperimentManager = exports.evaluate = void 0; const index_js_1 = require("../index.cjs"); const traceable_js_1 = require("../traceable.cjs"); const _git_js_1 = require("../utils/_git.cjs"); const _uuid_js_1 = require("../utils/_uuid.cjs"); const async_caller_js_1 = require("../utils/async_caller.cjs"); const atee_js_1 = require("../utils/atee.cjs"); const env_js_1 = require("../utils/env.cjs"); const error_js_1 = require("../utils/error.cjs"); const _random_name_js_1 = require("./_random_name.cjs"); const evaluator_js_1 = require("./evaluator.cjs"); const uuid_1 = require("uuid"); function evaluate( /** * The target system or function to evaluate. */ target, options) { return _evaluate(target, options); } exports.evaluate = evaluate; /** * Manage the execution of experiments. * * Supports lazily running predictions and evaluations in parallel to facilitate * result streaming and early debugging. */ class _ExperimentManager { get experimentName() { if (this._experimentName) { return this._experimentName; } else { throw new Error("Experiment name not provided, and experiment not yet started."); } } async getExamples() { if (!this._examples) { if (!this._data) { throw new Error("Data not provided in this experiment."); } const unresolvedData = _resolveData(this._data, { client: this.client }); if (!this._examples) { this._examples = []; } const exs = []; for await (const example of unresolvedData) { exs.push(example); } if (this._numRepetitions && this._numRepetitions > 0) { const repeatedExamples = []; for (let i = 0; i < this._numRepetitions; i++) { repeatedExamples.push(...exs); } this.setExamples(repeatedExamples); } else { this.setExamples(exs); } } return this._examples; } setExamples(examples) { this._examples = examples; } get datasetId() { return this.getExamples().then((examples) => { if (examples.length === 0) { throw new Error("No examples found in the dataset."); } if (this._experiment && this._experiment.reference_dataset_id) { return this._experiment.reference_dataset_id; } return examples[0].dataset_id; }); } get evaluationResults() { if (this._evaluationResults === undefined) { return async function* () { for (const _ of await this.getExamples()) { yield { results: [] }; } }.call(this); } else { return this._evaluationResults; } } get runs() { if (this._runsArray && this._runsArray.length > 0) { throw new Error("Runs already provided as an array."); } if (this._runs === undefined) { throw new Error("Runs not provided in this experiment. Please predict first."); } else { return this._runs; } } constructor(args) { Object.defineProperty(this, "_data", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_runs", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_evaluationResults", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_summaryResults", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_examples", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_numRepetitions", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_runsArray", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "client", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_experiment", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_experimentName", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_metadata", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_description", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); this.client = args.client ?? new index_js_1.Client(); if (!args.experiment) { this._experimentName = (0, _random_name_js_1.randomName)(); } else if (typeof args.experiment === "string") { this._experimentName = `${args.experiment}-${(0, uuid_1.v4)().slice(0, 8)}`; } else { if (!args.experiment.name) { throw new Error("Experiment must have a name"); } this._experimentName = args.experiment.name; this._experiment = args.experiment; } let metadata = args.metadata || {}; if (!("revision_id" in metadata)) { metadata = { revision_id: (0, env_js_1.getLangChainEnvVarsMetadata)().revision_id, ...metadata, }; } this._metadata = metadata; if (args.examples && args.examples.length) { this.setExamples(args.examples); } this._data = args.data; if (args._runsArray && args._runsArray.length) { this._runsArray = args._runsArray; } this._runs = args.runs; this._evaluationResults = args.evaluationResults; this._summaryResults = args.summaryResults; this._numRepetitions = args.numRepetitions; } _getExperiment() { if (!this._experiment) { throw new Error("Experiment not yet started."); } return this._experiment; } async _getExperimentMetadata() { let projectMetadata = this._metadata ?? {}; const gitInfo = await (0, _git_js_1.getGitInfo)(); if (gitInfo) { projectMetadata = { ...projectMetadata, git: gitInfo, }; } if (this._experiment) { const experimentMetadata = this._experiment.extra && "metadata" in this._experiment.extra ? this._experiment.extra.metadata : {}; projectMetadata = { ...experimentMetadata, ...projectMetadata, }; } return projectMetadata; } async _createProject(firstExample, projectMetadata) { // Create the project, updating the experimentName until we find a unique one. let project; const originalExperimentName = this._experimentName; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try { project = await this.client.createProject({ projectName: this._experimentName, referenceDatasetId: firstExample.dataset_id, metadata: projectMetadata, description: this._description, }); return project; } catch (e) { // Naming collision if (e?.name === "LangSmithConflictError") { const ent = (0, uuid_1.v4)().slice(0, 6); this._experimentName = `${originalExperimentName}-${ent}`; } else { throw e; } } } throw new Error("Could not generate a unique experiment name within 10 attempts." + " Please try again with a different name."); } async _getProject(firstExample) { let project; if (!this._experiment) { const projectMetadata = await this._getExperimentMetadata(); project = await this._createProject(firstExample, projectMetadata); this._experiment = project; } return this._experiment; } async _printExperimentStart() { console.log(`Starting evaluation of experiment: ${this.experimentName}`); const firstExample = this._examples?.[0]; const datasetId = firstExample?.dataset_id; if (!datasetId || !this._experiment) return; const datasetUrl = await this.client.getDatasetUrl({ datasetId }); const compareUrl = `${datasetUrl}/compare?selectedSessions=${this._experiment.id}`; console.log(`View results at ${compareUrl}`); } async start() { const examples = await this.getExamples(); const firstExample = examples[0]; const project = await this._getProject(firstExample); await this._printExperimentStart(); this._metadata["num_repetitions"] = this._numRepetitions; return new _ExperimentManager({ examples, experiment: project, metadata: this._metadata, client: this.client, evaluationResults: this._evaluationResults, summaryResults: this._summaryResults, }); } async withPredictions(target, options) { const experimentResults = this._predict(target, options); return new _ExperimentManager({ examples: await this.getExamples(), experiment: this._experiment, metadata: this._metadata, client: this.client, runs: (async function* () { for await (const pred of experimentResults) { yield pred.run; } })(), }); } async withEvaluators(evaluators, options) { const resolvedEvaluators = _resolveEvaluators(evaluators); const experimentResults = this._score(resolvedEvaluators, options); const [r1, r2] = (0, atee_js_1.atee)(experimentResults); return new _ExperimentManager({ examples: await this.getExamples(), experiment: this._experiment, metadata: this._metadata, client: this.client, runs: (async function* () { for await (const result of r1) { yield result.run; } })(), evaluationResults: (async function* () { for await (const result of r2) { yield result.evaluationResults; } })(), summaryResults: this._summaryResults, }); } async withSummaryEvaluators(summaryEvaluators) { const aggregateFeedbackGen = this._applySummaryEvaluators(summaryEvaluators); return new _ExperimentManager({ examples: await this.getExamples(), experiment: this._experiment, metadata: this._metadata, client: this.client, runs: this.runs, _runsArray: this._runsArray, evaluationResults: this._evaluationResults, summaryResults: aggregateFeedbackGen, }); } async *getResults() { const examples = await this.getExamples(); const evaluationResults = []; if (!this._runsArray) { this._runsArray = []; for await (const run of this.runs) { this._runsArray.push(run); } } for await (const evaluationResult of this.evaluationResults) { evaluationResults.push(evaluationResult); } for (let i = 0; i < this._runsArray.length; i++) { yield { run: this._runsArray[i], example: examples[i], evaluationResults: evaluationResults[i], }; } } async getSummaryScores() { if (!this._summaryResults) { return { results: [] }; } const results = []; for await (const evaluationResultsGenerator of this._summaryResults) { if (typeof evaluationResultsGenerator === "function") { // This is because runs array is not available until after this generator // is set, so we need to pass it like so. for await (const evaluationResults of evaluationResultsGenerator(this._runsArray ?? [])) { results.push(...evaluationResults.results); } } } return { results }; } // Private methods /** * Run the target function or runnable on the examples. * @param {TargetT} target The target function or runnable to evaluate. * @param options * @returns {AsyncGenerator<_ForwardResults>} An async generator of the results. */ async *_predict(target, options) { const maxConcurrency = options?.maxConcurrency ?? 0; const examples = await this.getExamples(); if (maxConcurrency === 0) { for (const example of examples) { yield await _forward(target, example, this.experimentName, this._metadata, this.client); } } else { const caller = new async_caller_js_1.AsyncCaller({ maxConcurrency, }); const futures = []; for await (const example of examples) { futures.push(caller.call(_forward, target, example, this.experimentName, this._metadata, this.client)); } for await (const future of futures) { yield future; } } // Close out the project. await this._end(); } async _runEvaluators(evaluators, currentResults, fields) { const { run, example, evaluationResults } = currentResults; for (const evaluator of evaluators) { try { const options = { reference_example_id: example.id, project_name: "evaluators", metadata: { example_version: example.modified_at ? new Date(example.modified_at).toISOString() : new Date(example.created_at).toISOString(), }, client: fields.client, tracingEnabled: true, }; const evaluatorResponse = await evaluator.evaluateRun(run, example, options); evaluationResults.results.push(...(await fields.client.logEvaluationFeedback(evaluatorResponse, run))); } catch (e) { console.error(`Error running evaluator ${evaluator.evaluateRun.name} on run ${run.id}: ${e}`); (0, error_js_1.printErrorStackTrace)(e); } } return { run, example, evaluationResults, }; } /** * Run the evaluators on the prediction stream. * Expects runs to be available in the manager. * (e.g. from a previous prediction step) * @param {Array} evaluators * @param {number} maxConcurrency */ async *_score(evaluators, options) { const { maxConcurrency = 0 } = options || {}; if (maxConcurrency === 0) { for await (const currentResults of this.getResults()) { yield this._runEvaluators(evaluators, currentResults, { client: this.client, }); } } else { const caller = new async_caller_js_1.AsyncCaller({ maxConcurrency, }); const futures = []; for await (const currentResults of this.getResults()) { futures.push(caller.call(this._runEvaluators, evaluators, currentResults, { client: this.client, })); } for (const result of futures) { yield result; } } } async *_applySummaryEvaluators(summaryEvaluators) { const projectId = this._getExperiment().id; const examples = await this.getExamples(); const options = Array.from({ length: summaryEvaluators.length }).map(() => ({ project_name: "evaluators", experiment: this.experimentName, projectId: projectId, })); const wrappedEvaluators = await wrapSummaryEvaluators(summaryEvaluators, options); yield async function* (runsArray) { const aggregateFeedback = []; for (const evaluator of wrappedEvaluators) { try { const summaryEvalResult = await evaluator(runsArray, examples); const flattenedResults = this.client._selectEvalResults(summaryEvalResult); aggregateFeedback.push(...flattenedResults); for (const result of flattenedResults) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const { targetRunId, key, ...feedback } = result; const evaluatorInfo = feedback.evaluatorInfo; delete feedback.evaluatorInfo; await this.client.createFeedback(null, key, { ...feedback, projectId: projectId, sourceInfo: evaluatorInfo, }); } } catch (e) { console.error(`Error running summary evaluator ${evaluator.name}: ${JSON.stringify(e, null, 2)}`); (0, error_js_1.printErrorStackTrace)(e); } } yield { results: aggregateFeedback, }; }.bind(this); } async _getDatasetVersion() { const examples = await this.getExamples(); const modifiedAt = examples.map((ex) => ex.modified_at); // Python might return microseconds, which we need // to account for when comparing dates. const modifiedAtTime = modifiedAt.map((date) => { function getMiliseconds(isoString) { const time = isoString.split("T").at(1); if (!time) return ""; const regex = /[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}.([0-9]+)/; const strMiliseconds = time.match(regex)?.[1]; return strMiliseconds ?? ""; } const jsDate = new Date(date); let source = getMiliseconds(date); let parsed = getMiliseconds(jsDate.toISOString()); const length = Math.max(source.length, parsed.length); source = source.padEnd(length, "0"); parsed = parsed.padEnd(length, "0"); const microseconds = (Number.parseInt(source, 10) - Number.parseInt(parsed, 10)) / 1000; const time = jsDate.getTime() + microseconds; return { date, time }; }); if (modifiedAtTime.length === 0) return undefined; return modifiedAtTime.reduce((max, current) => (current.time > max.time ? current : max), modifiedAtTime[0]).date; } async _getDatasetSplits() { const examples = await this.getExamples(); const allSplits = examples.reduce((acc, ex) => { if (ex.metadata && ex.metadata.dataset_split) { if (Array.isArray(ex.metadata.dataset_split)) { ex.metadata.dataset_split.forEach((split) => acc.add(split)); } else if (typeof ex.metadata.dataset_split === "string") { acc.add(ex.metadata.dataset_split); } } return acc; }, new Set()); return allSplits.size ? Array.from(allSplits) : undefined; } async _end() { const experiment = this._experiment; if (!experiment) { throw new Error("Experiment not yet started."); } const projectMetadata = await this._getExperimentMetadata(); projectMetadata["dataset_version"] = await this._getDatasetVersion(); projectMetadata["dataset_splits"] = await this._getDatasetSplits(); // Update revision_id if not already set if (!projectMetadata["revision_id"]) { projectMetadata["revision_id"] = await (0, _git_js_1.getDefaultRevisionId)(); } await this.client.updateProject(experiment.id, { endTime: new Date().toISOString(), metadata: projectMetadata, }); } } exports._ExperimentManager = _ExperimentManager; /** * Represents the results of an evaluate() call. * This class provides an iterator interface to iterate over the experiment results * as they become available. It also provides methods to access the experiment name, * the number of results, and to wait for the results to be processed. */ class ExperimentResults { constructor(experimentManager) { Object.defineProperty(this, "manager", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "results", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: [] }); Object.defineProperty(this, "processedCount", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "summaryResults", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); this.manager = experimentManager; } get experimentName() { return this.manager.experimentName; } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; } async next() { if (this.processedCount < this.results.length) { const result = this.results[this.processedCount]; this.processedCount++; return Promise.resolve({ value: result, done: false }); } else { return Promise.resolve({ value: undefined, done: true }); } } async processData(manager) { for await (const item of manager.getResults()) { this.results.push(item); this.processedCount++; } this.summaryResults = await manager.getSummaryScores(); } get length() { return this.results.length; } } async function _evaluate(target, fields) { const client = fields.client ?? new index_js_1.Client(); const runs = _isCallable(target) ? null : target; const [experiment_, newRuns] = await _resolveExperiment(fields.experiment ?? null, runs, client); let manager = await new _ExperimentManager({ data: Array.isArray(fields.data) ? undefined : fields.data, examples: Array.isArray(fields.data) ? fields.data : undefined, client, metadata: fields.metadata, experiment: experiment_ ?? fields.experimentPrefix, runs: newRuns ?? undefined, numRepetitions: fields.numRepetitions ?? 1, }).start(); if (_isCallable(target)) { manager = await manager.withPredictions(target, { maxConcurrency: fields.maxConcurrency, }); } if (fields.evaluators) { manager = await manager.withEvaluators(fields.evaluators, { maxConcurrency: fields.maxConcurrency, }); } if (fields.summaryEvaluators) { manager = await manager.withSummaryEvaluators(fields.summaryEvaluators); } // Start consuming the results. const results = new ExperimentResults(manager); await results.processData(manager); return results; } async function _forward(fn, example, experimentName, metadata, client) { let run = null; const _getRun = (r) => { run = r; }; const options = { reference_example_id: example.id, on_end: _getRun, project_name: experimentName, metadata: { ...metadata, example_version: example.modified_at ? new Date(example.modified_at).toISOString() : new Date(example.created_at).toISOString(), }, client, tracingEnabled: true, }; const wrappedFn = "invoke" in fn ? (0, traceable_js_1.traceable)(async (inputs) => { let langChainCallbacks; try { // TODO: Deprecate this and rely on interop on 0.2 minor bump. const { getLangchainCallbacks } = await import("../langchain.js"); langChainCallbacks = await getLangchainCallbacks(); } catch { // no-op } // Issue with retrieving LangChain callbacks, rely on interop if (langChainCallbacks === undefined) { return await fn.invoke(inputs); } else { return await fn.invoke(inputs, { callbacks: langChainCallbacks }); } }, options) : (0, traceable_js_1.traceable)(fn, options); try { await wrappedFn(example.inputs); } catch (e) { console.error(`Error running target function: ${e}`); (0, error_js_1.printErrorStackTrace)(e); } if (!run) { throw new Error(`Run not created by target function. This is most likely due to tracing not being enabled.\n Try setting "LANGSMITH_TRACING=true" in your environment.`); } return { run, example, }; } function _resolveData(data, options) { let isUUID = false; try { if (typeof data === "string") { (0, _uuid_js_1.assertUuid)(data); isUUID = true; } } catch (_) { isUUID = false; } if (typeof data === "string" && isUUID) { return options.client.listExamples({ datasetId: data, }); } if (typeof data === "string") { return options.client.listExamples({ datasetName: data, }); } return data; } async function wrapSummaryEvaluators(evaluators, optionsArray) { async function _wrap(evaluator) { const evalName = evaluator.name || "BatchEvaluator"; const wrapperInner = (runs, examples) => { const wrapperSuperInner = (0, traceable_js_1.traceable)((_runs_, _examples_) => { return Promise.resolve(evaluator(runs, examples)); }, { ...optionsArray, name: evalName }); return Promise.resolve(wrapperSuperInner(`Runs[] (Length=${runs.length})`, `Examples[] (Length=${examples.length})`)); }; return wrapperInner; } const results = []; for (let i = 0; i < evaluators.length; i++) { results.push(await _wrap(evaluators[i])); } return results; } function _resolveEvaluators(evaluators) { const results = []; for (const evaluator of evaluators) { if ("evaluateRun" in evaluator) { results.push(evaluator); // todo fix this by porting LangChainStringEvaluator to langsmith sdk } else if (evaluator.name === "LangChainStringEvaluator") { throw new Error("Not yet implemented"); } else { results.push((0, evaluator_js_1.runEvaluator)(evaluator)); } } return results; } async function _resolveExperiment(experiment, runs, client) { // TODO: Remove this, handle outside the manager if (experiment !== null) { if (!experiment.name) { throw new Error("Experiment name must be defined if provided."); } return [experiment, undefined]; } // If we have runs, that means the experiment was already started. if (runs !== null) { const results = []; for await (const item of (0, atee_js_1.atee)(runs)) { results.push(item); } const [runsClone, runsOriginal] = results; const runsCloneIterator = runsClone[Symbol.asyncIterator](); // todo: this is `any`. does it work properly? const firstRun = await runsCloneIterator .next() .then((result) => result.value); const retrievedExperiment = await client.readProject(firstRun.sessionId); if (!retrievedExperiment.name) { throw new Error("Experiment name not found for provided runs."); } return [retrievedExperiment, runsOriginal]; } return [undefined, undefined]; } function _isCallable(target) { return Boolean(typeof target === "function" || ("invoke" in target && typeof target.invoke === "function")); }