"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.convertEventStreamToIterableReadableDataStream = exports.getMessages = exports.getLines = exports.getBytes = exports.EventStreamContentType = void 0; const stream_1 = require("@langchain/core/utils/stream"); exports.EventStreamContentType = "text/event-stream"; function isNodeJSReadable(x) { return x != null && typeof x === "object" && "on" in x; } /** * Converts a ReadableStream into a callback pattern. * @param stream The input ReadableStream. * @param onChunk A function that will be called on each new byte chunk in the stream. * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that will be resolved when the stream closes. */ async function getBytes(stream, onChunk) { // stream is a Node.js Readable / PassThrough stream // this can happen if node-fetch is polyfilled if (isNodeJSReadable(stream)) { return new Promise((resolve) => { stream.on("readable", () => { let chunk; // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition while (true) { chunk = stream.read(); if (chunk == null) { onChunk(new Uint8Array(), true); break; } onChunk(chunk); } resolve(); }); }); } const reader = stream.getReader(); // CHANGED: Introduced a "flush" mechanism to process potential pending messages when the stream ends. // This change is essential to ensure that we capture every last piece of information from streams, // such as those from Azure OpenAI, which may not terminate with a blank line. Without this // mechanism, we risk ignoring a possibly significant last message. // See https://github.com/langchain-ai/langchainjs/issues/1299 for details. // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition while (true) { const result = await reader.read(); if (result.done) { onChunk(new Uint8Array(), true); break; } onChunk(result.value); } } exports.getBytes = getBytes; /** * Parses arbitary byte chunks into EventSource line buffers. * Each line should be of the format "field: value" and ends with \r, \n, or \r\n. * @param onLine A function that will be called on each new EventSource line. * @returns A function that should be called for each incoming byte chunk. */ function getLines(onLine) { let buffer; let position; // current read position let fieldLength; // length of the `field` portion of the line let discardTrailingNewline = false; // return a function that can process each incoming byte chunk: return function onChunk(arr, flush) { if (flush) { onLine(arr, 0, true); return; } if (buffer === undefined) { buffer = arr; position = 0; fieldLength = -1; } else { // we're still parsing the old line. Append the new bytes into buffer: buffer = concat(buffer, arr); } const bufLength = buffer.length; let lineStart = 0; // index where the current line starts while (position < bufLength) { if (discardTrailingNewline) { if (buffer[position] === 10 /* ControlChars.NewLine */) { lineStart = ++position; // skip to next char } discardTrailingNewline = false; } // start looking forward till the end of line: let lineEnd = -1; // index of the \r or \n char for (; position < bufLength && lineEnd === -1; ++position) { switch (buffer[position]) { case 58 /* ControlChars.Colon */: if (fieldLength === -1) { // first colon in line fieldLength = position - lineStart; } break; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore:7029 \r case below should fallthrough to \n: case 13 /* ControlChars.CarriageReturn */: discardTrailingNewline = true; // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough case 10 /* ControlChars.NewLine */: lineEnd = position; break; } } if (lineEnd === -1) { // We reached the end of the buffer but the line hasn't ended. // Wait for the next arr and then continue parsing: break; } // we've reached the line end, send it out: onLine(buffer.subarray(lineStart, lineEnd), fieldLength); lineStart = position; // we're now on the next line fieldLength = -1; } if (lineStart === bufLength) { buffer = undefined; // we've finished reading it } else if (lineStart !== 0) { // Create a new view into buffer beginning at lineStart so we don't // need to copy over the previous lines when we get the new arr: buffer = buffer.subarray(lineStart); position -= lineStart; } }; } exports.getLines = getLines; /** * Parses line buffers into EventSourceMessages. * @param onId A function that will be called on each `id` field. * @param onRetry A function that will be called on each `retry` field. * @param onMessage A function that will be called on each message. * @returns A function that should be called for each incoming line buffer. */ function getMessages(onMessage, onId, onRetry) { let message = newMessage(); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); // return a function that can process each incoming line buffer: return function onLine(line, fieldLength, flush) { if (flush) { if (!isEmpty(message)) { onMessage?.(message); message = newMessage(); } return; } if (line.length === 0) { // empty line denotes end of message. Trigger the callback and start a new message: onMessage?.(message); message = newMessage(); } else if (fieldLength > 0) { // exclude comments and lines with no values // line is of format "<field>:<value>" or "<field>: <value>" // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/server-sent-events.html#event-stream-interpretation const field = decoder.decode(line.subarray(0, fieldLength)); const valueOffset = fieldLength + (line[fieldLength + 1] === 32 /* ControlChars.Space */ ? 2 : 1); const value = decoder.decode(line.subarray(valueOffset)); switch (field) { case "data": // if this message already has data, append the new value to the old. // otherwise, just set to the new value: message.data = message.data ? message.data + "\n" + value : value; // otherwise, break; case "event": message.event = value; break; case "id": onId?.((message.id = value)); break; case "retry": { const retry = parseInt(value, 10); if (!Number.isNaN(retry)) { // per spec, ignore non-integers onRetry?.((message.retry = retry)); } break; } } } }; } exports.getMessages = getMessages; function concat(a, b) { const res = new Uint8Array(a.length + b.length); res.set(a); res.set(b, a.length); return res; } function newMessage() { // data, event, and id must be initialized to empty strings: // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/server-sent-events.html#event-stream-interpretation // retry should be initialized to undefined so we return a consistent shape // to the js engine all the time: https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/shapes-ics#takeaways return { data: "", event: "", id: "", retry: undefined, }; } function convertEventStreamToIterableReadableDataStream(stream) { const dataStream = new ReadableStream({ async start(controller) { const enqueueLine = getMessages((msg) => { if (msg.data) controller.enqueue(msg.data); }); const onLine = (line, fieldLength, flush) => { enqueueLine(line, fieldLength, flush); if (flush) controller.close(); }; await getBytes(stream, getLines(onLine)); }, }); return stream_1.IterableReadableStream.fromReadableStream(dataStream); } exports.convertEventStreamToIterableReadableDataStream = convertEventStreamToIterableReadableDataStream; function isEmpty(message) { return (message.data === "" && message.event === "" && message.id === "" && message.retry === undefined); }