import { BaseLanguageModelCallOptions } from "@langchain/core/language_models/base";
import { AsyncCaller, AsyncCallerCallOptions } from "@langchain/core/utils/async_caller";
import type { GoogleVertexAIBaseLLMInput, GoogleVertexAIBasePrediction, GoogleVertexAIConnectionParams, GoogleVertexAILLMPredictions, GoogleVertexAIModelParams, GoogleResponse, GoogleAbstractedClient, GoogleAbstractedClientOpsMethod } from "../types/googlevertexai-types.js";
export declare abstract class GoogleConnection<CallOptions extends AsyncCallerCallOptions, ResponseType extends GoogleResponse> {
    caller: AsyncCaller;
    client: GoogleAbstractedClient;
    streaming: boolean;
    constructor(caller: AsyncCaller, client: GoogleAbstractedClient, streaming?: boolean);
    abstract buildUrl(): Promise<string>;
    abstract buildMethod(): GoogleAbstractedClientOpsMethod;
    _request(data: unknown | undefined, options: CallOptions): Promise<ResponseType>;
export declare abstract class GoogleVertexAIConnection<CallOptions extends AsyncCallerCallOptions, ResponseType extends GoogleResponse, AuthOptions> extends GoogleConnection<CallOptions, ResponseType> implements GoogleVertexAIConnectionParams<AuthOptions> {
    endpoint: string;
    location: string;
    apiVersion: string;
    constructor(fields: GoogleVertexAIConnectionParams<AuthOptions> | undefined, caller: AsyncCaller, client: GoogleAbstractedClient, streaming?: boolean);
    buildMethod(): GoogleAbstractedClientOpsMethod;
export declare function complexValue(value: unknown): unknown;
export declare function simpleValue(val: unknown): unknown;
export declare class GoogleVertexAILLMConnection<CallOptions extends BaseLanguageModelCallOptions, InstanceType, PredictionType extends GoogleVertexAIBasePrediction, AuthOptions> extends GoogleVertexAIConnection<CallOptions, GoogleVertexAILLMResponse<PredictionType>, AuthOptions> implements GoogleVertexAIBaseLLMInput<AuthOptions> {
    model: string;
    client: GoogleAbstractedClient;
    customModelURL: string;
    constructor(fields: GoogleVertexAIBaseLLMInput<AuthOptions> | undefined, caller: AsyncCaller, client: GoogleAbstractedClient, streaming?: boolean);
    buildUrl(): Promise<string>;
    formatStreamingData(inputs: InstanceType[], parameters: GoogleVertexAIModelParams): unknown;
    formatStandardData(instances: InstanceType[], parameters: GoogleVertexAIModelParams): unknown;
    formatData(instances: InstanceType[], parameters: GoogleVertexAIModelParams): unknown;
    request(instances: InstanceType[], parameters: GoogleVertexAIModelParams, options: CallOptions): Promise<GoogleVertexAILLMResponse<PredictionType>>;
export interface GoogleVertexAILLMResponse<PredictionType extends GoogleVertexAIBasePrediction> extends GoogleResponse {
    data: GoogleVertexAIStream | GoogleVertexAILLMPredictions<PredictionType>;
export declare class GoogleVertexAIStream {
    _buffer: string;
    _bufferOpen: boolean;
    _firstRun: boolean;
     * Add data to the buffer. This may cause chunks to be generated, if available.
     * @param data
    appendBuffer(data: string): void;
     * Indicate there is no more data that will be added to the text buffer.
     * This should be called when all the data has been read and added to indicate
     * that we should process everything remaining in the buffer.
    closeBuffer(): void;
     * Skip characters in the buffer till we get to the start of an object.
     * Then attempt to read a full object.
     * If we do read a full object, turn it into a chunk and send it to the chunk handler.
     * Repeat this for as much as we can.
    _parseBuffer(): void;
     * If the string is present, move the start of the buffer to the first occurrence
     * of that string. This is useful for skipping over elements or parts that we're not
     * really interested in parsing. (ie - the opening characters, comma separators, etc.)
     * @param start The string to start the buffer with
    _skipTo(start: string): void;
     * Given what is in the buffer, parse a single object out of it.
     * If a complete object isn't available, return null.
     * Assumes that we are at the start of an object to parse.
    _getFullObject(): object | null;
    _simplifyObject(obj: unknown): object;
    _chunkResolution: (chunk: any) => void;
    _chunkPending: Promise<any> | null;
    _chunkQueue: any[];
     * Register that we have another chunk available for consumption.
     * If we are waiting for a chunk, resolve the promise waiting for it immediately.
     * If not, then add it to the queue.
     * @param chunk
    _handleChunk(chunk: any): void;
     * Get the next chunk that is coming from the stream.
     * This chunk may be null, usually indicating the last chunk in the stream.
    nextChunk(): Promise<any>;
     * Is the stream done?
     * A stream is only done if all of the following are true:
     * - There is no more data to be added to the text buffer
     * - There is no more data in the text buffer
     * - There are no chunks that are waiting to be consumed
    get streamDone(): boolean;