"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.ConversationalRetrievalQAChain = void 0; const prompts_1 = require("@langchain/core/prompts"); const messages_1 = require("@langchain/core/messages"); const base_js_1 = require("./base.cjs"); const llm_chain_js_1 = require("./llm_chain.cjs"); const load_js_1 = require("./question_answering/load.cjs"); const question_generator_template = `Given the following conversation and a follow up question, rephrase the follow up question to be a standalone question. Chat History: {chat_history} Follow Up Input: {question} Standalone question:`; /** * @deprecated This class will be removed in 1.0.0. See below for an example implementation using * `createRetrievalChain`. * * Class for conducting conversational question-answering tasks with a * retrieval component. Extends the BaseChain class and implements the * ConversationalRetrievalQAChainInput interface. * @example * ```typescript * import { ChatAnthropic } from "@langchain/anthropic"; * import { * ChatPromptTemplate, * MessagesPlaceholder, * } from "@langchain/core/prompts"; * import { BaseMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages"; * import { createStuffDocumentsChain } from "langchain/chains/combine_documents"; * import { createHistoryAwareRetriever } from "langchain/chains/history_aware_retriever"; * import { createRetrievalChain } from "langchain/chains/retrieval"; * * const retriever = ...your retriever; * const llm = new ChatAnthropic(); * * // Contextualize question * const contextualizeQSystemPrompt = ` * Given a chat history and the latest user question * which might reference context in the chat history, * formulate a standalone question which can be understood * without the chat history. Do NOT answer the question, just * reformulate it if needed and otherwise return it as is.`; * const contextualizeQPrompt = ChatPromptTemplate.fromMessages([ * ["system", contextualizeQSystemPrompt], * new MessagesPlaceholder("chat_history"), * ["human", "{input}"], * ]); * const historyAwareRetriever = await createHistoryAwareRetriever({ * llm, * retriever, * rephrasePrompt: contextualizeQPrompt, * }); * * // Answer question * const qaSystemPrompt = ` * You are an assistant for question-answering tasks. Use * the following pieces of retrieved context to answer the * question. If you don't know the answer, just say that you * don't know. Use three sentences maximum and keep the answer * concise. * \n\n * {context}`; * const qaPrompt = ChatPromptTemplate.fromMessages([ * ["system", qaSystemPrompt], * new MessagesPlaceholder("chat_history"), * ["human", "{input}"], * ]); * * // Below we use createStuffDocuments_chain to feed all retrieved context * // into the LLM. Note that we can also use StuffDocumentsChain and other * // instances of BaseCombineDocumentsChain. * const questionAnswerChain = await createStuffDocumentsChain({ * llm, * prompt: qaPrompt, * }); * * const ragChain = await createRetrievalChain({ * retriever: historyAwareRetriever, * combineDocsChain: questionAnswerChain, * }); * * // Usage: * const chat_history: BaseMessage[] = []; * const response = await ragChain.invoke({ * chat_history, * input: "...", * }); * ``` */ class ConversationalRetrievalQAChain extends base_js_1.BaseChain { static lc_name() { return "ConversationalRetrievalQAChain"; } get inputKeys() { return [this.inputKey, this.chatHistoryKey]; } get outputKeys() { return this.combineDocumentsChain.outputKeys.concat(this.returnSourceDocuments ? ["sourceDocuments"] : []); } constructor(fields) { super(fields); Object.defineProperty(this, "inputKey", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: "question" }); Object.defineProperty(this, "chatHistoryKey", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: "chat_history" }); Object.defineProperty(this, "retriever", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "combineDocumentsChain", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "questionGeneratorChain", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "returnSourceDocuments", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: false }); Object.defineProperty(this, "returnGeneratedQuestion", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: false }); this.retriever = fields.retriever; this.combineDocumentsChain = fields.combineDocumentsChain; this.questionGeneratorChain = fields.questionGeneratorChain; this.inputKey = fields.inputKey ?? this.inputKey; this.returnSourceDocuments = fields.returnSourceDocuments ?? this.returnSourceDocuments; this.returnGeneratedQuestion = fields.returnGeneratedQuestion ?? this.returnGeneratedQuestion; } /** * Static method to convert the chat history input into a formatted * string. * @param chatHistory Chat history input which can be a string, an array of BaseMessage instances, or an array of string arrays. * @returns A formatted string representing the chat history. */ static getChatHistoryString(chatHistory) { let historyMessages; if (Array.isArray(chatHistory)) { // TODO: Deprecate on a breaking release if (Array.isArray(chatHistory[0]) && typeof chatHistory[0][0] === "string") { console.warn("Passing chat history as an array of strings is deprecated.\nPlease see https://js.langchain.com/docs/modules/chains/popular/chat_vector_db#externally-managed-memory for more information."); historyMessages = chatHistory.flat().map((stringMessage, i) => { if (i % 2 === 0) { return new messages_1.HumanMessage(stringMessage); } else { return new messages_1.AIMessage(stringMessage); } }); } else { historyMessages = chatHistory; } return historyMessages .map((chatMessage) => { if (chatMessage._getType() === "human") { return `Human: ${chatMessage.content}`; } else if (chatMessage._getType() === "ai") { return `Assistant: ${chatMessage.content}`; } else { return `${chatMessage.content}`; } }) .join("\n"); } return chatHistory; } /** @ignore */ async _call(values, runManager) { if (!(this.inputKey in values)) { throw new Error(`Question key ${this.inputKey} not found.`); } if (!(this.chatHistoryKey in values)) { throw new Error(`Chat history key ${this.chatHistoryKey} not found.`); } const question = values[this.inputKey]; const chatHistory = ConversationalRetrievalQAChain.getChatHistoryString(values[this.chatHistoryKey]); let newQuestion = question; if (chatHistory.length > 0) { const result = await this.questionGeneratorChain.call({ question, chat_history: chatHistory, }, runManager?.getChild("question_generator")); const keys = Object.keys(result); if (keys.length === 1) { newQuestion = result[keys[0]]; } else { throw new Error("Return from llm chain has multiple values, only single values supported."); } } const docs = await this.retriever.getRelevantDocuments(newQuestion, runManager?.getChild("retriever")); const inputs = { question: newQuestion, input_documents: docs, chat_history: chatHistory, }; let result = await this.combineDocumentsChain.call(inputs, runManager?.getChild("combine_documents")); if (this.returnSourceDocuments) { result = { ...result, sourceDocuments: docs, }; } if (this.returnGeneratedQuestion) { result = { ...result, generatedQuestion: newQuestion, }; } return result; } _chainType() { return "conversational_retrieval_chain"; } static async deserialize(_data, _values) { throw new Error("Not implemented."); } serialize() { throw new Error("Not implemented."); } /** * Static method to create a new ConversationalRetrievalQAChain from a * BaseLanguageModel and a BaseRetriever. * @param llm {@link BaseLanguageModelInterface} instance used to generate a new question. * @param retriever {@link BaseRetrieverInterface} instance used to retrieve relevant documents. * @param options.returnSourceDocuments Whether to return source documents in the final output * @param options.questionGeneratorChainOptions Options to initialize the standalone question generation chain used as the first internal step * @param options.qaChainOptions {@link QAChainParams} used to initialize the QA chain used as the second internal step * @returns A new instance of ConversationalRetrievalQAChain. */ static fromLLM(llm, retriever, options = {}) { const { questionGeneratorTemplate, qaTemplate, qaChainOptions = { type: "stuff", prompt: qaTemplate ? prompts_1.PromptTemplate.fromTemplate(qaTemplate) : undefined, }, questionGeneratorChainOptions, verbose, ...rest } = options; const qaChain = (0, load_js_1.loadQAChain)(llm, qaChainOptions); const questionGeneratorChainPrompt = prompts_1.PromptTemplate.fromTemplate(questionGeneratorChainOptions?.template ?? questionGeneratorTemplate ?? question_generator_template); const questionGeneratorChain = new llm_chain_js_1.LLMChain({ prompt: questionGeneratorChainPrompt, llm: questionGeneratorChainOptions?.llm ?? llm, verbose, }); const instance = new this({ retriever, combineDocumentsChain: qaChain, questionGeneratorChain, verbose, ...rest, }); return instance; } } exports.ConversationalRetrievalQAChain = ConversationalRetrievalQAChain;