"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getPromptTemplateFromDataSource = exports.generateTableInfoFromTables = exports.getTableAndColumnsName = exports.verifyIgnoreTablesExistInDatabase = exports.verifyIncludeTablesExistInDatabase = exports.verifyListTablesExistInDatabase = void 0; const sql_db_prompt_js_1 = require("../chains/sql_db/sql_db_prompt.cjs"); const verifyListTablesExistInDatabase = (tablesFromDatabase, listTables, errorPrefixMsg) => { const onlyTableNames = tablesFromDatabase.map((table) => table.tableName); if (listTables.length > 0) { for (const tableName of listTables) { if (!onlyTableNames.includes(tableName)) { throw new Error(`${errorPrefixMsg} the table ${tableName} was not found in the database`); } } } }; exports.verifyListTablesExistInDatabase = verifyListTablesExistInDatabase; const verifyIncludeTablesExistInDatabase = (tablesFromDatabase, includeTables) => { (0, exports.verifyListTablesExistInDatabase)(tablesFromDatabase, includeTables, "Include tables not found in database:"); }; exports.verifyIncludeTablesExistInDatabase = verifyIncludeTablesExistInDatabase; const verifyIgnoreTablesExistInDatabase = (tablesFromDatabase, ignoreTables) => { (0, exports.verifyListTablesExistInDatabase)(tablesFromDatabase, ignoreTables, "Ignore tables not found in database:"); }; exports.verifyIgnoreTablesExistInDatabase = verifyIgnoreTablesExistInDatabase; const formatToSqlTable = (rawResultsTableAndColumn) => { const sqlTable = []; for (const oneResult of rawResultsTableAndColumn) { const sqlColumn = { columnName: oneResult.column_name, dataType: oneResult.data_type, isNullable: oneResult.is_nullable === "YES", }; const currentTable = sqlTable.find((oneTable) => oneTable.tableName === oneResult.table_name); if (currentTable) { currentTable.columns.push(sqlColumn); } else { const newTable = { tableName: oneResult.table_name, columns: [sqlColumn], }; sqlTable.push(newTable); } } return sqlTable; }; const getTableAndColumnsName = async (appDataSource) => { let sql; if (appDataSource.options.type === "postgres") { const schema = appDataSource.options?.schema ?? "public"; sql = `SELECT t.table_name, c.* FROM information_schema.tables t JOIN information_schema.columns c ON t.table_name = c.table_name WHERE t.table_schema = '${schema}' AND c.table_schema = '${schema}' ORDER BY t.table_name, c.ordinal_position;`; const rep = await appDataSource.query(sql); return formatToSqlTable(rep); } if (appDataSource.options.type === "sqlite" || appDataSource.options.type === "sqljs") { sql = "SELECT \n" + " m.name AS table_name,\n" + " p.name AS column_name,\n" + " p.type AS data_type,\n" + " CASE \n" + " WHEN p.\"notnull\" = 0 THEN 'YES' \n" + " ELSE 'NO' \n" + " END AS is_nullable \n" + "FROM \n" + " sqlite_master m \n" + "JOIN \n" + " pragma_table_info(m.name) p \n" + "WHERE \n" + " m.type = 'table' AND \n" + " m.name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%';\n"; const rep = await appDataSource.query(sql); return formatToSqlTable(rep); } if (appDataSource.options.type === "mysql" || appDataSource.options.type === "aurora-mysql") { sql = "SELECT " + "TABLE_NAME AS table_name, " + "COLUMN_NAME AS column_name, " + "DATA_TYPE AS data_type, " + "IS_NULLABLE AS is_nullable " + "FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS " + `WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '${appDataSource.options.database}';`; const rep = await appDataSource.query(sql); return formatToSqlTable(rep); } if (appDataSource.options.type === "mssql") { const schema = appDataSource.options?.schema; const sql = `SELECT TABLE_NAME AS table_name, COLUMN_NAME AS column_name, DATA_TYPE AS data_type, IS_NULLABLE AS is_nullable FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS ${schema && `WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '${schema}'`} ORDER BY TABLE_NAME, ORDINAL_POSITION;`; const rep = await appDataSource.query(sql); return formatToSqlTable(rep); } if (appDataSource.options.type === "sap") { const schema = appDataSource.options?.schema ?? "public"; sql = `SELECT TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE_NAME AS data_type, CASE WHEN IS_NULLABLE='TRUE' THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END AS is_nullable FROM TABLE_COLUMNS WHERE SCHEMA_NAME='${schema}'`; const rep = await appDataSource.query(sql); const repLowerCase = []; rep.forEach((_rep) => repLowerCase.push({ table_name: _rep.TABLE_NAME, column_name: _rep.COLUMN_NAME, data_type: _rep.DATA_TYPE, is_nullable: _rep.IS_NULLABLE, })); return formatToSqlTable(repLowerCase); } if (appDataSource.options.type === "oracle") { const schemaName = appDataSource.options.schema; const sql = ` SELECT TABLE_NAME AS "table_name", COLUMN_NAME AS "column_name", DATA_TYPE AS "data_type", NULLABLE AS "is_nullable" FROM ALL_TAB_COLS WHERE OWNER = UPPER('${schemaName}')`; const rep = await appDataSource.query(sql); return formatToSqlTable(rep); } throw new Error("Database type not implemented yet"); }; exports.getTableAndColumnsName = getTableAndColumnsName; const formatSqlResponseToSimpleTableString = (rawResult) => { if (!rawResult || !Array.isArray(rawResult) || rawResult.length === 0) { return ""; } let globalString = ""; for (const oneRow of rawResult) { globalString += `${Object.values(oneRow).reduce((completeString, columnValue) => `${completeString} ${columnValue}`, "")}\n`; } return globalString; }; const generateTableInfoFromTables = async (tables, appDataSource, nbSampleRow, customDescription) => { if (!tables) { return ""; } let globalString = ""; for (const currentTable of tables) { // Add the custom info of the table const tableCustomDescription = customDescription && Object.keys(customDescription).includes(currentTable.tableName) ? `${customDescription[currentTable.tableName]}\n` : ""; // Add the creation of the table in SQL let schema = null; if (appDataSource.options.type === "postgres") { schema = appDataSource.options?.schema ?? "public"; } else if (appDataSource.options.type === "mssql") { schema = appDataSource.options?.schema; } else if (appDataSource.options.type === "sap") { schema = appDataSource.options?.schema ?? appDataSource.options?.username ?? "public"; } else if (appDataSource.options.type === "oracle") { schema = appDataSource.options.schema; } let sqlCreateTableQuery = schema ? `CREATE TABLE "${schema}"."${currentTable.tableName}" (\n` : `CREATE TABLE ${currentTable.tableName} (\n`; for (const [key, currentColumn] of currentTable.columns.entries()) { if (key > 0) { sqlCreateTableQuery += ", "; } sqlCreateTableQuery += `${currentColumn.columnName} ${currentColumn.dataType} ${currentColumn.isNullable ? "" : "NOT NULL"}`; } sqlCreateTableQuery += ") \n"; let sqlSelectInfoQuery; if (appDataSource.options.type === "mysql") { // We use backticks to quote the table names and thus allow for example spaces in table names sqlSelectInfoQuery = `SELECT * FROM \`${currentTable.tableName}\` LIMIT ${nbSampleRow};\n`; } else if (appDataSource.options.type === "postgres") { const schema = appDataSource.options?.schema ?? "public"; sqlSelectInfoQuery = `SELECT * FROM "${schema}"."${currentTable.tableName}" LIMIT ${nbSampleRow};\n`; } else if (appDataSource.options.type === "mssql") { const schema = appDataSource.options?.schema; sqlSelectInfoQuery = schema ? `SELECT TOP ${nbSampleRow} * FROM ${schema}.[${currentTable.tableName}];\n` : `SELECT TOP ${nbSampleRow} * FROM [${currentTable.tableName}];\n`; } else if (appDataSource.options.type === "sap") { const schema = appDataSource.options?.schema ?? appDataSource.options?.username ?? "public"; sqlSelectInfoQuery = `SELECT * FROM "${schema}"."${currentTable.tableName}" LIMIT ${nbSampleRow};\n`; } else if (appDataSource.options.type === "oracle") { sqlSelectInfoQuery = `SELECT * FROM "${schema}"."${currentTable.tableName}" WHERE ROWNUM <= '${nbSampleRow}'`; } else { sqlSelectInfoQuery = `SELECT * FROM "${currentTable.tableName}" LIMIT ${nbSampleRow};\n`; } const columnNamesConcatString = `${currentTable.columns.reduce((completeString, column) => `${completeString} ${column.columnName}`, "")}\n`; let sample = ""; try { const infoObjectResult = nbSampleRow ? await appDataSource.query(sqlSelectInfoQuery) : null; sample = formatSqlResponseToSimpleTableString(infoObjectResult); } catch (error) { // If the request fails we catch it and only display a log message console.log(error); } globalString = globalString.concat(tableCustomDescription + sqlCreateTableQuery + sqlSelectInfoQuery + columnNamesConcatString + sample); } return globalString; }; exports.generateTableInfoFromTables = generateTableInfoFromTables; const getPromptTemplateFromDataSource = (appDataSource) => { if (appDataSource.options.type === "postgres") { return sql_db_prompt_js_1.SQL_POSTGRES_PROMPT; } if (appDataSource.options.type === "sqlite") { return sql_db_prompt_js_1.SQL_SQLITE_PROMPT; } if (appDataSource.options.type === "mysql") { return sql_db_prompt_js_1.SQL_MYSQL_PROMPT; } if (appDataSource.options.type === "mssql") { return sql_db_prompt_js_1.SQL_MSSQL_PROMPT; } if (appDataSource.options.type === "sap") { return sql_db_prompt_js_1.SQL_SAP_HANA_PROMPT; } if (appDataSource.options.type === "oracle") { return sql_db_prompt_js_1.SQL_ORACLE_PROMPT; } return sql_db_prompt_js_1.DEFAULT_SQL_DATABASE_PROMPT; }; exports.getPromptTemplateFromDataSource = getPromptTemplateFromDataSource;