"use strict"; // File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.VectorStoreFilesPage = exports.FileBatches = void 0; const resource_1 = require("../../../resource.js"); const core_1 = require("../../../core.js"); const core_2 = require("../../../core.js"); const Util_1 = require("../../../lib/Util.js"); const files_1 = require("./files.js"); Object.defineProperty(exports, "VectorStoreFilesPage", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return files_1.VectorStoreFilesPage; } }); class FileBatches extends resource_1.APIResource { /** * Create a vector store file batch. */ create(vectorStoreId, body, options) { return this._client.post(`/vector_stores/${vectorStoreId}/file_batches`, { body, ...options, headers: { 'OpenAI-Beta': 'assistants=v2', ...options?.headers }, }); } /** * Retrieves a vector store file batch. */ retrieve(vectorStoreId, batchId, options) { return this._client.get(`/vector_stores/${vectorStoreId}/file_batches/${batchId}`, { ...options, headers: { 'OpenAI-Beta': 'assistants=v2', ...options?.headers }, }); } /** * Cancel a vector store file batch. This attempts to cancel the processing of * files in this batch as soon as possible. */ cancel(vectorStoreId, batchId, options) { return this._client.post(`/vector_stores/${vectorStoreId}/file_batches/${batchId}/cancel`, { ...options, headers: { 'OpenAI-Beta': 'assistants=v2', ...options?.headers }, }); } /** * Create a vector store batch and poll until all files have been processed. */ async createAndPoll(vectorStoreId, body, options) { const batch = await this.create(vectorStoreId, body); return await this.poll(vectorStoreId, batch.id, options); } listFiles(vectorStoreId, batchId, query = {}, options) { if ((0, core_1.isRequestOptions)(query)) { return this.listFiles(vectorStoreId, batchId, {}, query); } return this._client.getAPIList(`/vector_stores/${vectorStoreId}/file_batches/${batchId}/files`, files_1.VectorStoreFilesPage, { query, ...options, headers: { 'OpenAI-Beta': 'assistants=v2', ...options?.headers } }); } /** * Wait for the given file batch to be processed. * * Note: this will return even if one of the files failed to process, you need to * check batch.file_counts.failed_count to handle this case. */ async poll(vectorStoreId, batchId, options) { const headers = { ...options?.headers, 'X-Stainless-Poll-Helper': 'true' }; if (options?.pollIntervalMs) { headers['X-Stainless-Custom-Poll-Interval'] = options.pollIntervalMs.toString(); } while (true) { const { data: batch, response } = await this.retrieve(vectorStoreId, batchId, { ...options, headers, }).withResponse(); switch (batch.status) { case 'in_progress': let sleepInterval = 5000; if (options?.pollIntervalMs) { sleepInterval = options.pollIntervalMs; } else { const headerInterval = response.headers.get('openai-poll-after-ms'); if (headerInterval) { const headerIntervalMs = parseInt(headerInterval); if (!isNaN(headerIntervalMs)) { sleepInterval = headerIntervalMs; } } } await (0, core_2.sleep)(sleepInterval); break; case 'failed': case 'cancelled': case 'completed': return batch; } } } /** * Uploads the given files concurrently and then creates a vector store file batch. * * The concurrency limit is configurable using the `maxConcurrency` parameter. */ async uploadAndPoll(vectorStoreId, { files, fileIds = [] }, options) { if (files == null || files.length == 0) { throw new Error(`No \`files\` provided to process. If you've already uploaded files you should use \`.createAndPoll()\` instead`); } const configuredConcurrency = options?.maxConcurrency ?? 5; // We cap the number of workers at the number of files (so we don't start any unnecessary workers) const concurrencyLimit = Math.min(configuredConcurrency, files.length); const client = this._client; const fileIterator = files.values(); const allFileIds = [...fileIds]; // This code is based on this design. The libraries don't accommodate our environment limits. // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40639432/what-is-the-best-way-to-limit-concurrency-when-using-es6s-promise-all async function processFiles(iterator) { for (let item of iterator) { const fileObj = await client.files.create({ file: item, purpose: 'assistants' }, options); allFileIds.push(fileObj.id); } } // Start workers to process results const workers = Array(concurrencyLimit).fill(fileIterator).map(processFiles); // Wait for all processing to complete. await (0, Util_1.allSettledWithThrow)(workers); return await this.createAndPoll(vectorStoreId, { file_ids: allFileIds, }); } } exports.FileBatches = FileBatches; (function (FileBatches) { })(FileBatches = exports.FileBatches || (exports.FileBatches = {})); //# sourceMappingURL=file-batches.js.map