"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.NotionAPILoader = exports.isDatabase = exports.isPage = exports.isErrorResponse = exports.isDatabaseResponse = exports.isPageResponse = void 0; const client_1 = require("@notionhq/client"); const notion_to_md_1 = require("notion-to-md"); const notion_js_1 = require("notion-to-md/build/utils/notion.js"); const js_yaml_1 = __importDefault(require("js-yaml")); const documents_1 = require("@langchain/core/documents"); const async_caller_1 = require("@langchain/core/utils/async_caller"); const base_1 = require("@langchain/core/document_loaders/base"); const isPageResponse = (res) => !(0, client_1.isNotionClientError)(res) && res.object === "page"; exports.isPageResponse = isPageResponse; const isDatabaseResponse = (res) => !(0, client_1.isNotionClientError)(res) && res.object === "database"; exports.isDatabaseResponse = isDatabaseResponse; const isErrorResponse = (res) => (0, client_1.isNotionClientError)(res); exports.isErrorResponse = isErrorResponse; const isPage = (res) => (0, exports.isPageResponse)(res) && (0, client_1.isFullPage)(res); exports.isPage = isPage; const isDatabase = (res) => (0, exports.isDatabaseResponse)(res) && (0, client_1.isFullDatabase)(res); exports.isDatabase = isDatabase; /** * A class that extends the BaseDocumentLoader class. It represents a * document loader for loading documents from Notion using the Notion API. * @example * ```typescript * const pageLoader = new NotionAPILoader({ * clientOptions: { auth: "" }, * id: "", * type: "page", * }); * const pageDocs = await pageLoader.loadAndSplit(); * const dbLoader = new NotionAPILoader({ * clientOptions: { auth: "" }, * id: "", * type: "database", * propertiesAsHeader: true, * }); * const dbDocs = await dbLoader.load(); * ``` */ class NotionAPILoader extends base_1.BaseDocumentLoader { constructor(options) { super(); Object.defineProperty(this, "caller", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "notionClient", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "n2mClient", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "id", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "pageQueue", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "pageCompleted", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "pageQueueTotal", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "documents", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "rootTitle", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "onDocumentLoaded", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "propertiesAsHeader", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); this.caller = new async_caller_1.AsyncCaller({ maxConcurrency: 64, ...options.callerOptions, }); this.notionClient = new client_1.Client({ logger: () => { }, ...options.clientOptions, }); this.n2mClient = new notion_to_md_1.NotionToMarkdown({ notionClient: this.notionClient, config: { parseChildPages: false, convertImagesToBase64: false }, }); this.id = options.id; this.pageQueue = []; this.pageCompleted = []; this.pageQueueTotal = 0; this.documents = []; this.rootTitle = ""; this.onDocumentLoaded = options.onDocumentLoaded ?? ((_ti, _cu) => { }); this.propertiesAsHeader = options.propertiesAsHeader || false; } /** * Adds a selection of page ids to the pageQueue and removes duplicates. * @param items An array of string ids */ addToQueue(...items) { const deDuped = items.filter((item) => !this.pageCompleted.concat(this.pageQueue).includes(item)); this.pageQueue.push(...deDuped); this.pageQueueTotal += deDuped.length; } /** * Parses a Notion GetResponse object (page or database) and returns a string of the title. * @param obj The Notion GetResponse object to parse. * @returns The string of the title. */ getTitle(obj) { if ((0, exports.isPage)(obj)) { const titleProp = Object.values(obj.properties).find((prop) => prop.type === "title"); if (titleProp) return this.getPropValue(titleProp); } if ((0, exports.isDatabase)(obj)) return obj.title .map((v) => this.n2mClient.annotatePlainText(v.plain_text, v.annotations)) .join(""); return null; } /** * Parses the property type and returns a string * @param page The Notion page property to parse. * @returns A string of parsed property. */ getPropValue(prop) { switch (prop.type) { case "number": { const propNumber = prop[prop.type]; return propNumber !== null ? propNumber.toString() : ""; } case "url": return prop[prop.type] || ""; case "select": return prop[prop.type]?.name ?? ""; case "multi_select": return `[${prop[prop.type].map((v) => `"${v.name}"`).join(", ")}]`; case "status": return prop[prop.type]?.name ?? ""; case "date": return `${prop[prop.type]?.start ?? ""}${prop[prop.type]?.end ? ` - ${prop[prop.type]?.end}` : ""}`; case "email": return prop[prop.type] || ""; case "phone_number": return prop[prop.type] || ""; case "checkbox": return prop[prop.type].toString(); case "files": return `[${prop[prop.type].map((v) => `"${v.name}"`).join(", ")}]`; case "created_by": return `["${prop[prop.type].object}", "${prop[prop.type].id}"]`; case "created_time": return prop[prop.type]; case "last_edited_by": return `["${prop[prop.type].object}", "${prop[prop.type].id}"]`; case "last_edited_time": return prop[prop.type]; case "title": return prop[prop.type] .map((v) => this.n2mClient.annotatePlainText(v.plain_text, v.annotations)) .join(""); case "rich_text": return prop[prop.type] .map((v) => this.n2mClient.annotatePlainText(v.plain_text, v.annotations)) .join(""); case "people": return `[${prop[prop.type] .map((v) => `["${v.object}", "${v.id}"]`) .join(", ")}]`; case "unique_id": return `${prop[prop.type].prefix || ""}${prop[prop.type].number}`; case "relation": return `[${prop[prop.type].map((v) => `"${v.id}"`).join(", ")}]`; default: return `Unsupported type: ${prop.type}`; } } /** * Parses the properties of a Notion page and returns them as key-value * pairs. * @param page The Notion page to parse. * @returns An object containing the parsed properties as key-value pairs. */ parsePageProperties(page) { return Object.entries(page.properties).reduce((accum, [propName, prop]) => { const value = this.getPropValue(prop); const props = { ...accum, [propName]: value }; return prop.type === "title" ? { ...props, _title: value } : props; }, {}); } /** * Parses the details of a Notion page and returns them as an object. * @param page The Notion page to parse. * @returns An object containing the parsed details of the page. */ parsePageDetails(page) { const { id, ...rest } = page; return { ...rest, notionId: id, properties: this.parsePageProperties(page), }; } /** * Loads a Notion block and returns it as an MdBlock object. * @param block The Notion block to load. * @returns A Promise that resolves to an MdBlock object. */ async loadBlock(block) { const mdBlock = { type: block.type, blockId: block.id, parent: await this.caller.call(() => this.n2mClient.blockToMarkdown(block)), children: [], }; if (block.has_children) { const block_id = block.type === "synced_block" && block.synced_block?.synced_from?.block_id ? block.synced_block.synced_from.block_id : block.id; const childBlocks = await this.loadBlocks(await this.caller.call(() => (0, notion_js_1.getBlockChildren)(this.notionClient, block_id, null))); mdBlock.children = childBlocks; } return mdBlock; } /** * Loads Notion blocks and their children recursively. * @param blocksResponse The response from the Notion API containing the blocks to load. * @returns A Promise that resolves to an array containing the loaded MdBlocks. */ async loadBlocks(blocksResponse) { const blocks = blocksResponse.filter(client_1.isFullBlock); // Add child pages to queue const childPages = blocks .filter((block) => block.type.includes("child_page")) .map((block) => block.id); if (childPages.length > 0) this.addToQueue(...childPages); // Add child database pages to queue const childDatabases = blocks .filter((block) => block.type.includes("child_database")) .map((block) => this.caller.call(() => this.loadDatabase(block.id))); // Load this block and child blocks const loadingMdBlocks = blocks .filter((block) => !["child_page", "child_database"].includes(block.type)) .map((block) => this.loadBlock(block)); const [mdBlocks] = await Promise.all([ Promise.all(loadingMdBlocks), Promise.all(childDatabases), ]); return mdBlocks; } /** * Loads a Notion page and its child documents, then adds it to the completed documents array. * @param page The Notion page or page ID to load. */ async loadPage(page) { // Check page is a page ID or a PageObjectResponse const [pageData, pageId] = typeof page === "string" ? [ this.caller.call(() => this.notionClient.pages.retrieve({ page_id: page })), page, ] : [page, page.id]; const [pageDetails, pageBlocks] = await Promise.all([ pageData, this.caller.call(() => (0, notion_js_1.getBlockChildren)(this.notionClient, pageId, null)), ]); if (!(0, client_1.isFullPage)(pageDetails)) { this.pageCompleted.push(pageId); return; } const mdBlocks = await this.loadBlocks(pageBlocks); const mdStringObject = this.n2mClient.toMarkdownString(mdBlocks); let pageContent = mdStringObject.parent; const metadata = this.parsePageDetails(pageDetails); if (this.propertiesAsHeader) { pageContent = `---\n` + `${js_yaml_1.default.dump(metadata.properties)}` + `---\n\n` + `${pageContent ?? ""}`; } if (!pageContent) { this.pageCompleted.push(pageId); return; } const pageDocument = new documents_1.Document({ pageContent, metadata }); this.documents.push(pageDocument); this.pageCompleted.push(pageId); this.onDocumentLoaded(this.documents.length, this.pageQueueTotal, this.getTitle(pageDetails) || undefined, this.rootTitle); } /** * Loads a Notion database and adds it's pages to the queue. * @param id The ID of the Notion database to load. */ async loadDatabase(id) { try { for await (const page of (0, client_1.iteratePaginatedAPI)(this.notionClient.databases.query, { database_id: id, page_size: 50, })) { this.addToQueue(page.id); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); // TODO: Catch and report api request errors } } /** * Loads the documents from Notion based on the specified options. * @returns A Promise that resolves to an array of Documents. */ async load() { const resPagePromise = this.notionClient.pages .retrieve({ page_id: this.id }) .then((res) => { this.addToQueue(this.id); return res; }) .catch((error) => error); const resDatabasePromise = this.notionClient.databases .retrieve({ database_id: this.id }) .then(async (res) => { await this.loadDatabase(this.id); return res; }) .catch((error) => error); const [resPage, resDatabase] = await Promise.all([ resPagePromise, resDatabasePromise, ]); // Check if both resPage and resDatabase resulted in error responses const errors = [resPage, resDatabase].filter(exports.isErrorResponse); if (errors.length === 2) { if (errors.every((e) => e.code === client_1.APIErrorCode.ObjectNotFound)) { throw new AggregateError([ Error(`Could not find object with ID: ${this.id}. Make sure the relevant pages and databases are shared with your integration.`), ...errors, ]); } throw new AggregateError(errors); } this.rootTitle = this.getTitle(resPage) || this.getTitle(resDatabase) || this.id; let pageId = this.pageQueue.shift(); while (pageId) { await this.loadPage(pageId); pageId = this.pageQueue.shift(); } return this.documents; } } exports.NotionAPILoader = NotionAPILoader;