import { APIResponseError, Client, isFullBlock, isFullPage, isFullDatabase } from "@notionhq/client"; import { Document } from "@langchain/core/documents"; import { AsyncCaller } from "@langchain/core/utils/async_caller"; import { BaseDocumentLoader } from "@langchain/core/document_loaders/base"; type GuardType = T extends (x: any, any) => x is infer U ? U : never; export type GetBlockResponse = Parameters[0]; export type GetPageResponse = Parameters[0]; export type GetDatabaseResponse = Parameters[0]; export type BlockObjectResponse = GuardType; export type PageObjectResponse = GuardType; export type DatabaseObjectResponse = GuardType; export type GetResponse = GetBlockResponse | GetPageResponse | GetDatabaseResponse | APIResponseError; export type PagePropertiesType = PageObjectResponse["properties"]; export type PagePropertiesValue = PagePropertiesType[keyof PagePropertiesType]; export declare const isPageResponse: (res: GetResponse) => res is import("@notionhq/client/build/src/api-endpoints.js").PageObjectResponse | import("@notionhq/client/build/src/api-endpoints.js").PartialPageObjectResponse; export declare const isDatabaseResponse: (res: GetResponse) => res is import("@notionhq/client/build/src/api-endpoints.js").DatabaseObjectResponse | import("@notionhq/client/build/src/api-endpoints.js").PartialDatabaseObjectResponse; export declare const isErrorResponse: (res: GetResponse) => res is APIResponseError; export declare const isPage: (res: GetResponse) => res is import("@notionhq/client/build/src/api-endpoints.js").PageObjectResponse; export declare const isDatabase: (res: GetResponse) => res is import("@notionhq/client/build/src/api-endpoints.js").DatabaseObjectResponse; /** * Represents the type of Notion API to load documents from. The options * are "database" or "page". */ export type NotionAPIType = "database" | "page"; export type OnDocumentLoadedCallback = (current: number, total: number, currentTitle?: string, rootTitle?: string) => void; export type NotionAPILoaderOptions = { clientOptions: ConstructorParameters[0]; id: string; type?: NotionAPIType; callerOptions?: ConstructorParameters[0]; onDocumentLoaded?: OnDocumentLoadedCallback; propertiesAsHeader?: boolean; }; /** * A class that extends the BaseDocumentLoader class. It represents a * document loader for loading documents from Notion using the Notion API. * @example * ```typescript * const pageLoader = new NotionAPILoader({ * clientOptions: { auth: "" }, * id: "", * type: "page", * }); * const pageDocs = await pageLoader.loadAndSplit(); * const dbLoader = new NotionAPILoader({ * clientOptions: { auth: "" }, * id: "", * type: "database", * propertiesAsHeader: true, * }); * const dbDocs = await dbLoader.load(); * ``` */ export declare class NotionAPILoader extends BaseDocumentLoader { private caller; private notionClient; private n2mClient; private id; private pageQueue; private pageCompleted; pageQueueTotal: number; private documents; private rootTitle; private onDocumentLoaded; private propertiesAsHeader; constructor(options: NotionAPILoaderOptions); /** * Adds a selection of page ids to the pageQueue and removes duplicates. * @param items An array of string ids */ private addToQueue; /** * Parses a Notion GetResponse object (page or database) and returns a string of the title. * @param obj The Notion GetResponse object to parse. * @returns The string of the title. */ private getTitle; /** * Parses the property type and returns a string * @param page The Notion page property to parse. * @returns A string of parsed property. */ private getPropValue; /** * Parses the properties of a Notion page and returns them as key-value * pairs. * @param page The Notion page to parse. * @returns An object containing the parsed properties as key-value pairs. */ private parsePageProperties; /** * Parses the details of a Notion page and returns them as an object. * @param page The Notion page to parse. * @returns An object containing the parsed details of the page. */ private parsePageDetails; /** * Loads a Notion block and returns it as an MdBlock object. * @param block The Notion block to load. * @returns A Promise that resolves to an MdBlock object. */ private loadBlock; /** * Loads Notion blocks and their children recursively. * @param blocksResponse The response from the Notion API containing the blocks to load. * @returns A Promise that resolves to an array containing the loaded MdBlocks. */ private loadBlocks; /** * Loads a Notion page and its child documents, then adds it to the completed documents array. * @param page The Notion page or page ID to load. */ private loadPage; /** * Loads a Notion database and adds it's pages to the queue. * @param id The ID of the Notion database to load. */ private loadDatabase; /** * Loads the documents from Notion based on the specified options. * @returns A Promise that resolves to an array of Documents. */ load(): Promise; } export {};