"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.JinaEmbeddings = void 0; const fs_1 = require("fs"); const url_1 = require("url"); const embeddings_1 = require("@langchain/core/embeddings"); const env_1 = require("@langchain/core/utils/env"); /** * The default Jina API URL for embedding requests. */ const JINA_API_URL = "https://api.jina.ai/v1/embeddings"; /** * Check if a URL is a local file. * @param url - The URL to check. * @returns True if the URL is a local file, False otherwise. */ function isLocal(url) { const urlParsed = (0, url_1.parse)(url); if (urlParsed.protocol === null || urlParsed.protocol === "file:") { return (0, fs_1.existsSync)(urlParsed.pathname || ""); } return false; } /** * Get the bytes string of a file. * @param filePath - The path to the file. * @returns The bytes string of the file. */ function getBytesStr(filePath) { const imageFile = (0, fs_1.readFileSync)(filePath); return Buffer.from(imageFile).toString("base64"); } /** * A class for generating embeddings using the Jina API. * @example * ```typescript * // Embed a query using the JinaEmbeddings class * const model = new JinaEmbeddings(); * const res = await model.embedQuery( * "What would be a good name for a semantic search engine ?", * ); * console.log({ res }); * ``` */ class JinaEmbeddings extends embeddings_1.Embeddings { /** * Constructor for the JinaEmbeddings class. * @param fields - An optional object with properties to configure the instance. */ constructor(fields) { const fieldsWithDefaults = { model: "jina-embeddings-v2-base-en", ...fields, }; super(fieldsWithDefaults); Object.defineProperty(this, "apiKey", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "model", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); const apiKey = fieldsWithDefaults?.apiKey || (0, env_1.getEnvironmentVariable)("JINA_API_KEY") || (0, env_1.getEnvironmentVariable)("JINA_AUTH_TOKEN"); if (!apiKey) { throw new Error("Jina API key not found"); } this.model = fieldsWithDefaults?.model ?? this.model; this.apiKey = apiKey; } /** * Generates embeddings for an array of inputs. * @param input - An array of strings or objects to generate embeddings for. * @returns A Promise that resolves to an array of embeddings. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any async _embed(input) { const response = await fetch(JINA_API_URL, { method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ input, model: this.model }), }); const json = (await response.json()); if (!json.data) { throw new Error(json.detail || "Unknown error from Jina API"); } const sortedEmbeddings = json.data.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index); return sortedEmbeddings.map((item) => item.embedding); } /** * Generates embeddings for an array of texts. * @param texts - An array of strings to generate embeddings for. * @returns A Promise that resolves to an array of embeddings. */ async embedDocuments(texts) { return this._embed(texts); } /** * Generates an embedding for a single text. * @param text - A string to generate an embedding for. * @returns A Promise that resolves to an array of numbers representing the embedding. */ async embedQuery(text) { const embeddings = await this._embed([text]); return embeddings[0]; } /** * Generates embeddings for an array of image URIs. * @param uris - An array of image URIs to generate embeddings for. * @returns A Promise that resolves to an array of embeddings. */ async embedImages(uris) { const input = uris.map((uri) => (isLocal(uri) ? getBytesStr(uri) : uri)); return this._embed(input); } } exports.JinaEmbeddings = JinaEmbeddings;