"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.AmazonKendraRetriever = void 0; const client_kendra_1 = require("@aws-sdk/client-kendra"); const retrievers_1 = require("@langchain/core/retrievers"); const documents_1 = require("@langchain/core/documents"); /** * @deprecated The AmazonKendraRetriever integration has been moved to the `@langchain/aws` package. Import from `@langchain/aws` instead. * * Class for interacting with Amazon Kendra, an intelligent search service * provided by AWS. Extends the BaseRetriever class. * @example * ```typescript * const retriever = new AmazonKendraRetriever({ * topK: 10, * indexId: "YOUR_INDEX_ID", * region: "us-east-2", * clientOptions: { * credentials: { * accessKeyId: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID", * secretAccessKey: "YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", * }, * }, * }); * * const docs = await retriever.getRelevantDocuments("How are clouds formed?"); * ``` */ class AmazonKendraRetriever extends retrievers_1.BaseRetriever { static lc_name() { return "AmazonKendraRetriever"; } constructor({ indexId, topK = 10, clientOptions, attributeFilter, region, }) { super(); Object.defineProperty(this, "lc_namespace", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: ["langchain", "retrievers", "amazon_kendra"] }); Object.defineProperty(this, "indexId", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "topK", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "kendraClient", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "attributeFilter", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); if (!region) { throw new Error("Please pass regionName field to the constructor!"); } if (!indexId) { throw new Error("Please pass Kendra Index Id to the constructor"); } this.topK = topK; this.kendraClient = new client_kendra_1.KendraClient({ region, ...clientOptions, }); this.attributeFilter = attributeFilter; this.indexId = indexId; } // A method to combine title and excerpt into a single string. /** * Combines title and excerpt into a single string. * @param title The title of the document. * @param excerpt An excerpt from the document. * @returns A single string combining the title and excerpt. */ combineText(title, excerpt) { let text = ""; if (title) { text += `Document Title: ${title}\n`; } if (excerpt) { text += `Document Excerpt: \n${excerpt}\n`; } return text; } // A method to clean the result text by replacing sequences of whitespace with a single space and removing ellipses. /** * Cleans the result text by replacing sequences of whitespace with a * single space and removing ellipses. * @param resText The result text to clean. * @returns The cleaned result text. */ cleanResult(resText) { const res = resText.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/\.\.\./g, ""); return res; } // A method to extract the attribute value from a DocumentAttributeValue object. /** * Extracts the attribute value from a DocumentAttributeValue object. * @param value The DocumentAttributeValue object to extract the value from. * @returns The extracted attribute value. */ getDocAttributeValue(value) { if (value.DateValue) { return value.DateValue; } if (value.LongValue) { return value.LongValue; } if (value.StringListValue) { return value.StringListValue; } if (value.StringValue) { return value.StringValue; } return ""; } // A method to extract the attribute key-value pairs from an array of DocumentAttribute objects. /** * Extracts the attribute key-value pairs from an array of * DocumentAttribute objects. * @param documentAttributes The array of DocumentAttribute objects to extract the key-value pairs from. * @returns An object containing the extracted attribute key-value pairs. */ getDocAttributes(documentAttributes) { const attributes = {}; if (documentAttributes) { for (const attr of documentAttributes) { if (attr.Key && attr.Value) { attributes[attr.Key] = this.getDocAttributeValue(attr.Value); } } } return attributes; } // A method to convert a RetrieveResultItem object into a Document object. /** * Converts a RetrieveResultItem object into a Document object. * @param item The RetrieveResultItem object to convert. * @returns A Document object. */ convertRetrieverItem(item) { const title = item.DocumentTitle || ""; const excerpt = item.Content ? this.cleanResult(item.Content) : ""; const pageContent = this.combineText(title, excerpt); const source = item.DocumentURI; const attributes = this.getDocAttributes(item.DocumentAttributes); const metadata = { source, title, excerpt, document_attributes: attributes, }; return new documents_1.Document({ pageContent, metadata }); } // A method to extract the top-k documents from a RetrieveCommandOutput object. /** * Extracts the top-k documents from a RetrieveCommandOutput object. * @param response The RetrieveCommandOutput object to extract the documents from. * @param pageSize The number of documents to extract. * @returns An array of Document objects. */ getRetrieverDocs(response, pageSize) { if (!response.ResultItems) return []; const { length } = response.ResultItems; const count = length < pageSize ? length : pageSize; return response.ResultItems.slice(0, count).map((item) => this.convertRetrieverItem(item)); } // A method to extract the excerpt text from a QueryResultItem object. /** * Extracts the excerpt text from a QueryResultItem object. * @param item The QueryResultItem object to extract the excerpt text from. * @returns The extracted excerpt text. */ getQueryItemExcerpt(item) { if (item.AdditionalAttributes && item.AdditionalAttributes.length && item.AdditionalAttributes[0].Key === "AnswerText") { if (!item.AdditionalAttributes) { return ""; } if (!item.AdditionalAttributes[0]) { return ""; } return this.cleanResult(item.AdditionalAttributes[0].Value?.TextWithHighlightsValue?.Text || ""); } else if (item.DocumentExcerpt) { return this.cleanResult(item.DocumentExcerpt.Text || ""); } else { return ""; } } // A method to convert a QueryResultItem object into a Document object. /** * Converts a QueryResultItem object into a Document object. * @param item The QueryResultItem object to convert. * @returns A Document object. */ convertQueryItem(item) { const title = item.DocumentTitle?.Text || ""; const excerpt = this.getQueryItemExcerpt(item); const pageContent = this.combineText(title, excerpt); const source = item.DocumentURI; const attributes = this.getDocAttributes(item.DocumentAttributes); const metadata = { source, title, excerpt, document_attributes: attributes, }; return new documents_1.Document({ pageContent, metadata }); } // A method to extract the top-k documents from a QueryCommandOutput object. /** * Extracts the top-k documents from a QueryCommandOutput object. * @param response The QueryCommandOutput object to extract the documents from. * @param pageSize The number of documents to extract. * @returns An array of Document objects. */ getQueryDocs(response, pageSize) { if (!response.ResultItems) return []; const { length } = response.ResultItems; const count = length < pageSize ? length : pageSize; return response.ResultItems.slice(0, count).map((item) => this.convertQueryItem(item)); } // A method to send a retrieve or query request to Kendra and return the top-k documents. /** * Sends a retrieve or query request to Kendra and returns the top-k * documents. * @param query The query to send to Kendra. * @param topK The number of top documents to return. * @param attributeFilter Optional filter to apply when retrieving documents. * @returns A Promise that resolves to an array of Document objects. */ async queryKendra(query, topK, attributeFilter) { const retrieveCommand = new client_kendra_1.RetrieveCommand({ IndexId: this.indexId, QueryText: query, PageSize: topK, AttributeFilter: attributeFilter, }); const retrieveResponse = await this.kendraClient.send(retrieveCommand); const retriveLength = retrieveResponse.ResultItems?.length; if (retriveLength === 0) { // Retrieve API returned 0 results, call query API const queryCommand = new client_kendra_1.QueryCommand({ IndexId: this.indexId, QueryText: query, PageSize: topK, AttributeFilter: attributeFilter, }); const queryResponse = await this.kendraClient.send(queryCommand); return this.getQueryDocs(queryResponse, this.topK); } else { return this.getRetrieverDocs(retrieveResponse, this.topK); } } async _getRelevantDocuments(query) { const docs = await this.queryKendra(query, this.topK, this.attributeFilter); return docs; } } exports.AmazonKendraRetriever = AmazonKendraRetriever;