import { StructuredTool } from "@langchain/core/tools"; import { z } from "zod"; /** * Interface for parameter s required by GoogleRoutesAPI class. */ export interface GoogleRoutesAPIParams { apiKey?: string; } /** * Class for interacting with the Google Routes API * It extends the StructuredTool class to perform retrieval. */ export declare class GoogleRoutesAPI extends StructuredTool { static lc_name(): string; get lc_secrets(): { [key: string]: string; } | undefined; name: string; description: string; protected apiKey: string; schema: z.ZodObject<{ origin: z.ZodString; destination: z.ZodString; travel_mode: z.ZodEnum<[ "DRIVE", "WALK", "BICYCLE", "TRANSIT", "TWO_WHEELER" ]>; computeAlternativeRoutes: z.ZodBoolean; departureTime: z.ZodOptional; arrivalTime: z.ZodOptional; transitPreferences: z.ZodOptional; }>>; extraComputations: z.ZodOptional>>; }>; constructor(fields?: GoogleRoutesAPIParams); _call(input: z.infer): Promise; }