"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.BedrockLLMInputOutputAdapter = void 0; const messages_1 = require("@langchain/core/messages"); const outputs_1 = require("@langchain/core/outputs"); const anthropic_js_1 = require("./anthropic.cjs"); /** * format messages for Cohere Command-R and CommandR+ via AWS Bedrock. * * @param messages messages The base messages to format as a prompt. * * @returns The formatted prompt for Cohere. * * `system`: user system prompts. Overrides the default preamble for search query generation. Has no effect on tool use generations.\ * `message`: (Required) Text input for the model to respond to.\ * `chatHistory`: A list of previous messages between the user and the model, meant to give the model conversational context for responding to the user's message.\ * The following are required fields. * - `role` - The role for the message. Valid values are USER or CHATBOT.\ * - `message` – Text contents of the message.\ * * The following is example JSON for the chat_history field.\ * "chat_history": [ * {"role": "USER", "message": "Who discovered gravity?"}, * {"role": "CHATBOT", "message": "The man who is widely credited with discovering gravity is Sir Isaac Newton"}]\ * * docs: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/userguide/model-parameters-cohere-command-r-plus.html */ function formatMessagesForCohere(messages) { const systemMessages = messages.filter((system) => system._getType() === "system"); const system = systemMessages .filter((m) => typeof m.content === "string") .map((m) => m.content) .join("\n\n"); const conversationMessages = messages.filter((message) => message._getType() !== "system"); const questionContent = conversationMessages.slice(-1); if (!questionContent.length || questionContent[0]._getType() !== "human") { throw new Error("question message content must be a human message."); } if (typeof questionContent[0].content !== "string") { throw new Error("question message content must be a string."); } const formattedMessage = questionContent[0].content; const formattedChatHistories = conversationMessages .slice(0, -1) .map((message) => { let role; switch (message._getType()) { case "human": role = "USER"; break; case "ai": role = "CHATBOT"; break; case "system": throw new Error("chat_history can not include system prompts."); default: throw new Error(`Message type "${message._getType()}" is not supported.`); } if (typeof message.content !== "string") { throw new Error("message content must be a string."); } return { role, message: message.content, }; }); return { chatHistory: formattedChatHistories, message: formattedMessage, system, }; } /** * A helper class used within the `Bedrock` class. It is responsible for * preparing the input and output for the Bedrock service. It formats the * input prompt based on the provider (e.g., "anthropic", "ai21", * "amazon") and extracts the generated text from the service response. */ class BedrockLLMInputOutputAdapter { /** Adapter class to prepare the inputs from Langchain to a format that LLM model expects. Also, provides a helper function to extract the generated text from the model response. */ static prepareInput(provider, prompt, maxTokens = 50, temperature = 0, stopSequences = undefined, modelKwargs = {}, bedrockMethod = "invoke", guardrailConfig = undefined) { const inputBody = {}; if (provider === "anthropic") { inputBody.prompt = prompt; inputBody.max_tokens_to_sample = maxTokens; inputBody.temperature = temperature; inputBody.stop_sequences = stopSequences; } else if (provider === "ai21") { inputBody.prompt = prompt; inputBody.maxTokens = maxTokens; inputBody.temperature = temperature; inputBody.stopSequences = stopSequences; } else if (provider === "meta") { inputBody.prompt = prompt; inputBody.max_gen_len = maxTokens; inputBody.temperature = temperature; } else if (provider === "amazon") { inputBody.inputText = prompt; inputBody.textGenerationConfig = { maxTokenCount: maxTokens, temperature, }; } else if (provider === "cohere") { inputBody.prompt = prompt; inputBody.max_tokens = maxTokens; inputBody.temperature = temperature; inputBody.stop_sequences = stopSequences; if (bedrockMethod === "invoke-with-response-stream") { inputBody.stream = true; } } else if (provider === "mistral") { inputBody.prompt = prompt; inputBody.max_tokens = maxTokens; inputBody.temperature = temperature; inputBody.stop = stopSequences; } if (guardrailConfig && guardrailConfig.tagSuffix && guardrailConfig.streamProcessingMode) { inputBody["amazon-bedrock-guardrailConfig"] = guardrailConfig; } return { ...inputBody, ...modelKwargs }; } static prepareMessagesInput(provider, messages, maxTokens = 1024, temperature = 0, stopSequences = undefined, modelKwargs = {}, guardrailConfig = undefined, tools = []) { const inputBody = {}; if (provider === "anthropic") { const { system, messages: formattedMessages } = (0, anthropic_js_1.formatMessagesForAnthropic)(messages); if (system !== undefined) { inputBody.system = system; } inputBody.anthropic_version = "bedrock-2023-05-31"; inputBody.messages = formattedMessages; inputBody.max_tokens = maxTokens; inputBody.temperature = temperature; inputBody.stop_sequences = stopSequences; if (tools.length > 0) { inputBody.tools = tools; } return { ...inputBody, ...modelKwargs }; } else if (provider === "cohere") { const { system, message: formattedMessage, chatHistory: formattedChatHistories, } = formatMessagesForCohere(messages); if (system !== undefined && system.length > 0) { inputBody.preamble = system; } inputBody.message = formattedMessage; inputBody.chat_history = formattedChatHistories; inputBody.max_tokens = maxTokens; inputBody.temperature = temperature; inputBody.stop_sequences = stopSequences; } else { throw new Error("The messages API is currently only supported by Anthropic or Cohere"); } if (guardrailConfig && guardrailConfig.tagSuffix && guardrailConfig.streamProcessingMode) { inputBody["amazon-bedrock-guardrailConfig"] = guardrailConfig; } return { ...inputBody, ...modelKwargs }; } /** * Extracts the generated text from the service response. * @param provider The provider name. * @param responseBody The response body from the service. * @returns The generated text. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any static prepareOutput(provider, responseBody) { if (provider === "anthropic") { return responseBody.completion; } else if (provider === "ai21") { return responseBody?.completions?.[0]?.data?.text ?? ""; } else if (provider === "cohere") { return responseBody?.generations?.[0]?.text ?? responseBody?.text ?? ""; } else if (provider === "meta") { return responseBody.generation; } else if (provider === "mistral") { return responseBody?.outputs?.[0]?.text; } // I haven't been able to get a response with more than one result in it. return responseBody.results?.[0]?.outputText; } static prepareMessagesOutput(provider, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any response, fields) { const responseBody = response ?? {}; if (provider === "anthropic") { if (responseBody.type === "message") { return parseMessage(responseBody); } else if (responseBody.type === "message_start") { return parseMessage(responseBody.message, true); } const chunk = (0, anthropic_js_1._makeMessageChunkFromAnthropicEvent)(response, { coerceContentToString: fields?.coerceContentToString, }); if (!chunk) return undefined; const newToolCallChunk = (0, anthropic_js_1.extractToolCallChunk)(chunk); let toolUseContent; const extractedContent = (0, anthropic_js_1.extractToolUseContent)(chunk, undefined); if (extractedContent) { toolUseContent = extractedContent.toolUseContent; } // Filter partial `tool_use` content, and only add `tool_use` chunks if complete JSON available. const chunkContent = Array.isArray(chunk.content) ? chunk.content.filter((c) => c.type !== "tool_use") : chunk.content; if (Array.isArray(chunkContent) && toolUseContent) { chunkContent.push(toolUseContent); } // Extract the text content token for text field and runManager. const token = (0, anthropic_js_1.extractToken)(chunk); return new outputs_1.ChatGenerationChunk({ message: new messages_1.AIMessageChunk({ content: chunkContent, additional_kwargs: chunk.additional_kwargs, tool_call_chunks: newToolCallChunk ? [newToolCallChunk] : undefined, usage_metadata: chunk.usage_metadata, response_metadata: chunk.response_metadata, }), // Backwards compatibility generationInfo: { ...chunk.response_metadata }, text: token ?? "", }); } else if (provider === "cohere") { if (responseBody.event_type === "stream-start") { return parseMessageCohere(responseBody.message, true); } else if (responseBody.event_type === "text-generation" && typeof responseBody?.text === "string") { return new outputs_1.ChatGenerationChunk({ message: new messages_1.AIMessageChunk({ content: responseBody.text, }), text: responseBody.text, }); } else if (responseBody.event_type === "search-queries-generation") { return parseMessageCohere(responseBody); } else if (responseBody.event_type === "stream-end" && responseBody.response !== undefined && responseBody["amazon-bedrock-invocationMetrics"] !== undefined) { return new outputs_1.ChatGenerationChunk({ message: new messages_1.AIMessageChunk({ content: "" }), text: "", generationInfo: { response: responseBody.response, "amazon-bedrock-invocationMetrics": responseBody["amazon-bedrock-invocationMetrics"], }, }); } else { if (responseBody.finish_reason === "COMPLETE" || responseBody.finish_reason === "MAX_TOKENS") { return parseMessageCohere(responseBody); } else { return undefined; } } } else { throw new Error("The messages API is currently only supported by Anthropic or Cohere."); } } } exports.BedrockLLMInputOutputAdapter = BedrockLLMInputOutputAdapter; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any function parseMessage(responseBody, asChunk) { const { content, id, ...generationInfo } = responseBody; let parsedContent; if (Array.isArray(content) && content.length === 1 && content[0].type === "text") { parsedContent = content[0].text; } else if (Array.isArray(content) && content.length === 0) { parsedContent = ""; } else { parsedContent = content; } if (asChunk) { return new outputs_1.ChatGenerationChunk({ message: new messages_1.AIMessageChunk({ content: parsedContent, additional_kwargs: { id }, }), text: typeof parsedContent === "string" ? parsedContent : "", generationInfo, }); } else { // TODO: we are throwing away here the text response, as the interface of this method returns only one const toolCalls = (0, anthropic_js_1.extractToolCalls)(responseBody.content); if (toolCalls.length > 0) { return { message: new messages_1.AIMessage({ content: "", additional_kwargs: { id }, tool_calls: toolCalls, }), text: typeof parsedContent === "string" ? parsedContent : "", generationInfo, }; } return { message: new messages_1.AIMessage({ content: parsedContent, additional_kwargs: { id }, tool_calls: toolCalls, }), text: typeof parsedContent === "string" ? parsedContent : "", generationInfo, }; } } function parseMessageCohere( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any responseBody, asChunk) { const { text, ...generationInfo } = responseBody; let parsedContent = text; if (typeof text !== "string") { parsedContent = ""; } if (asChunk) { return new outputs_1.ChatGenerationChunk({ message: new messages_1.AIMessageChunk({ content: parsedContent, }), text: parsedContent, generationInfo, }); } else { return { message: new messages_1.AIMessage({ content: parsedContent, }), text: parsedContent, generationInfo, }; } }